
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Disillusionist's Lore & More [CLOSED]
[center][img alt='Disillusionist’s Lore & More. Lore, coding, proofreading, breeding cards, graphics.'][/img][/center] [center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] ----- [center][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][size=5][b]Rules & Order List[/b][/size][/font][/center] ----- [columns][center][font=century gothic][size=5][b]N E W S[/b][/font] » [color=teal][b]Closed[/b] --[/color] » Looking for new [url=][b]affiliates[/b][/url]! Please see [url=][color=#6394DD][b][u]this post[/u][/b][/color][/url] for more info. [color=transparent]________________________________________[/color] [nextcol][center][font=century gothic][size=5][b]Taken Slots[/b][/font][/center] [size=3][b]Lore:[/b] 2/2 | [b]Other:[/b] 2/2 slots [color=#0086CE][b]FREE-FOR-ALL[/b] | Status:[/color] [color=black][i]Closed[/i][/color] [color=#0086CE][b]Priority:[/b] [/color] [color=#61AB89][b]QUEUE[/b] | Status:[/color] [color=black][i]Closed[/i][/color][/size] [color=transparent]________________________________________ | |[/color][/center][/columns] [color=#2B768F][b]UPDATES[/b][/color] [color=#2B768F]2.5.25[/color][list] [*] [url=][b]New Affiliate![/b][/url] [color=#2B768F][url=]Asta's Lore Commissions[/url] has been added to the Affiliates list.[/color][/list] [color=#2B768F]2.2.25[/color][list] [*] [color=#2B768F][url=][b]Breeding Cards:[/b][/url] The following rule has been edited. [i]Breeding cards can be edited multiple times after the order is completed. When requesting edits, please post the image you'd like me to edit, as well as a list of changes required. I charge payment for edits. Exceptions: If I made an error, corrections are free. [/i][/color][/list] [color=#003584]12.30.24[/color][list] [*] [color=#003584] [b]The queue/pinglist is being updated for 2025.[/b] Please see [url=]this post[/url] for more info and a link to the pinglist signup form.[/color] [*] [color=#003584]Coding is no longer available as a service. This is addressed in the above post and the [url=]FAQ[/url] ([i]Why was coding removed?[/i]).[/color][/list] [font=Century Gothic][size=5][b]General[/b][/size][/font][list] [*] [b]All FR rules apply.[/b] Please do not post my work on pages that violate the FR ToS and Code of Conduct. [*] The rules in this post apply to all the services I offer. Make sure to read the specific set of rules for each service as well. [*] [color=red][b]I am not subscribed to this thread. PLEASE PING ME[/b][/color] if you want me to see your post. (And don't forget to check the spelling of my username.) [*] Please don't order if the shop says "Closed". [*] Post all your orders here. [i]I do not accept orders by PM.[/i] (Sending additional ideas/requests is fine, though. I can also make exceptions for customers having site issues -- just let me know.) [*] I have a full-time job, so [b]orders may take up to 20 days[/b] to complete (from "started" date, not "rec." date). [*] I reserve these rights: A) to refuse service without explanation, and B) to post your commissions as examples of my work. [*] Please do not claim my work as your own. A link back to this shop or my profile is appreciated, but not required. [*] If you lose your commission and can no longer access the link, you can ask me to resend it with no additional edits and payment. (Please note that if it's been over 2 years, your commission may no longer be available.) [*] Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. =)[/list] [font=Century Gothic][size=5][b]Pinglist/Reservations[/b][/size][/font] [b]FREE-FOR-ALL[/b] lasts until all slots are filled or until all orders are completed.[list] [*] One slot per person per session. You can claim another vacant slot once your order is completed. (EDITS, such as for breeding cards and lore, are not considered separate orders. They can be requested when the shop is closed and don't take up slots on the list.) [*] Pinglists:[list] [*] When asking to be added, please specify which services you want to be notified for. [*] Normal: No special priority. [*] Priority: For customers who narrowly missed a slot or submitted their orders after their reservations expired (~5 mins.). This list will be pinged first, followed by "Normal" if there are still slots left to fill.[/list] [*] If there are slots available, you can reserve one.[list] [*] Reservations are valid for 24 hours after your posting time. You can request an extension only [i]once[/i], for up to 6 hours, before your reservation expires. Requests received afterwards won't be accepted. [*] Reservations are cleared after 24 hours. If you make an order afterwards and there are no more slots, your order will not be accepted. You will be placed on "Priority" and given a slot (if available) at the next reopening. When the shop reopens, you will be asked to confirm your order. If you fail to respond again within 24 hours, your slot will be reopened. [*] [color=red]When reserving a slot, please state what service it's for: lore, coding, graphics, etc. [b]Categorized reservations will be prioritized[/b][/color] over uncategorized ones. [*] When making your order after reserving, [i]please make a new post instead of editing the old one[/i] so that I don't miss your order.[/list][/list] [b]QUEUE[/b] -- a limited number of customers are pinged, in the order that they're listed[list] [*] One slot/order per customer. Please wait to be pinged before ordering. [*] If 24 hours goes by without a response from you, you will be moved to the bottom of the queue. [*] If you're sure you don't want to order, you can let me know. Please note that you'll still be moved to the end of the queue. [*] New customers will be added to the bottom of the queue.[/list] [font=Century Gothic][size=5][b]Payment[/b][/size][/font][list] [*] [i]Prices are subject to change without prior notice.[/i] If I change prices in the middle of a commission for you, you will still pay the price we agreed on beforehand, not the changed one. But if the new price is lower, you may pay that one instead. [*] My current gem:treasure ratio is [b]1:1000[/b]. (updated 1/16/18) [*] I will accept fest currency [i]only for the next festival[/i]. (For example, during March, I'll only accept MistJam fest currency.) My fest:treasure ratio is [b]1:500[/b]. (updated 2/28/17) [*] [b]Accepted payments:[/b] treasure, gems, wishlist items ([url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] [url=]3[/url]). [*] [b]Ask first:[/b] other skins and accents, other apparel, all other items, dragons, art/lore (I am very picky -- please provide examples). [*] Item offers will be compared to the lowest [i]overall[/i] AH price. The price agreed on at this time will be the one accepted, even if LAH changes later. Exceptions: Items found in Specialty, Genes, Scenes & Vistas, Skins, and Bundles tabs (Treasure MP) -- priced according to 1st-place dom discount. Gem MP items will be priced at 1g:1000t. [*] Clanbound items are not accepted atm, sorry! [*] I don't take bribes, but tips are appreciated. Please consider sending them after the commission is completed, not before. [*] I reserve the right to reject any payment offers I think are unsuitable. [*] I accept payment plans (variable). [*] [b]How to pay:[/b] All payments are to be sent by [i]1-way CR[/i].[LIST=1] [*] If you cancel your order before I start working on it, you won't need to pay me anything. [*] I'll ping you when I'm ready to receive payment. Please send [b][i]10% of the total cost[/i][/b]. It will be accepted right away as "time and effort" payment, and if you cancel or go inactive, it will not be returned to you (unless the cancellation happens on my end). You can pay more than 10% if you'd like, but please put it in a [i]separate[/i] 1-way CR. It will be accepted after the commission is complete. [*] If you have sent partial payment, I will request the rest of it once the order is finished. Your commission will be posted or sent immediately after the CR goes through. [*] If you have gone inactive, the commission will be halted. I will notify you about this, and if you come back, you can cancel your order (no additional fee needed) or ask me to continue it (prices may change). [b]* Exceptions:[/b] "Additional edits" payments for lore, graphics, and cards -- due immediately after you request any changes. See each section for prices.[/list] [*] [b][color=red]I do not give refunds.[/color][/b] The exception to this is the 10% starting fee -- if the cancellation happens on [i]my[/i] end, your deposit will be returned to you.[/list] [font=Century Gothic][size=5][b]Discounts[/b][/size][/font][list] [*] [b]10% off[/b] for fellow Acolights. [*] [b]15% off[/b] if your account is three months old or younger. [*] [b]15% off[/b] for every 5th order. Track your progress [url=]here[/url]. [*] [b]Affiliates' discount:[/b] 15% off for the first order, 10% off for all orders after. [*] [b]15% off[/b] if it's your birthday! ^_^ (also 7 days before or 7 days after) [*] Discounts don't stack. If you're eligible for more than one discount, I will give you the highest one. [*] If I forget to give you a discount, [i]please let me know[/i]. I will gladly reduce the price or send the discounted amount to you if you've paid already. =)[/list] [quote=Current Orders] [b]Lore:[/b] [color=red]FULL, no longer accepting orders[/color] 1. [url=]SylverFyre2003[/url] -- ~3,000 (rec. 2/3) -- 450,000t NP/NS 2. [url=]Farallon[/url] [url=]2[/url] -- ~3,000 (rec. 2/2) -- 405g NP/NS [b]Other Commissions:[/b] [color=red]FULL, no longer accepting orders[/color] 1. [url=]Fujiko18[/url] -- 1x each large, small (rec. 2/2) -- worth 25,500t P/S 2/3; DONE 2. [url=]cle[/url] -- 2x medium (rec. 2/3) -- 30g NP/NS [size=1]NP = not yet paid / P = paid / NS = not started / S = started[/size] [/quote] [size=1][b]Pinglist:[/b] Polyhymnia Farallon felistopaz Tues alyblaith MistyGold IraBell Jaypaw SylverFyre2003 LaughingMagician Cantertothewinds EmpressSectonia Petall Salazia cinderrain Holidaze HalfDragon02 cle Fujiko18 Rowan00 Okidogi Fuwatori * No free-for-all pings [b]Priority:[/b] [/size] [center][font=Century Gothic][size=4][url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] -----
Disillusionist’s Lore & More. Lore, coding, proofreading, breeding cards, graphics.

Rules & Order List


» Closed

» Looking for new affiliates! Please
see this post for more info.
Taken Slots
Lore: 2/2 | Other: 2/2 slots

FREE-FOR-ALL | Status: Closed
QUEUE | Status: Closed

2.5.25 2.2.25
  • Breeding Cards: The following rule has been edited.
    Breeding cards can be edited multiple times after the order is completed. When requesting edits, please post the image you'd like me to edit, as well as a list of changes required.
    I charge payment for edits. Exceptions: If I made an error, corrections are free.
  • The queue/pinglist is being updated for 2025. Please see this post for more info and a link to the pinglist signup form.
  • Coding is no longer available as a service. This is addressed in the above post and the FAQ (Why was coding removed?).

  • All FR rules apply. Please do not post my work on pages that violate the FR ToS and Code of Conduct.
  • The rules in this post apply to all the services I offer. Make sure to read the specific set of rules for each service as well.
  • I am not subscribed to this thread. PLEASE PING ME if you want me to see your post. (And don't forget to check the spelling of my username.)
  • Please don't order if the shop says "Closed".
  • Post all your orders here. I do not accept orders by PM. (Sending additional ideas/requests is fine, though. I can also make exceptions for customers having site issues -- just let me know.)
  • I have a full-time job, so orders may take up to 20 days to complete (from "started" date, not "rec." date).
  • I reserve these rights: A) to refuse service without explanation, and B) to post your commissions as examples of my work.
  • Please do not claim my work as your own. A link back to this shop or my profile is appreciated, but not required.
  • If you lose your commission and can no longer access the link, you can ask me to resend it with no additional edits and payment. (Please note that if it's been over 2 years, your commission may no longer be available.)
  • Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. =)

FREE-FOR-ALL lasts until all slots are filled or until all orders are completed.
  • One slot per person per session. You can claim another vacant slot once your order is completed. (EDITS, such as for breeding cards and lore, are not considered separate orders. They can be requested when the shop is closed and don't take up slots on the list.)
  • Pinglists:
    • When asking to be added, please specify which services you want to be notified for.
    • Normal: No special priority.
    • Priority: For customers who narrowly missed a slot or submitted their orders after their reservations expired (~5 mins.). This list will be pinged first, followed by "Normal" if there are still slots left to fill.
  • If there are slots available, you can reserve one.
    • Reservations are valid for 24 hours after your posting time. You can request an extension only once, for up to 6 hours, before your reservation expires. Requests received afterwards won't be accepted.
    • Reservations are cleared after 24 hours. If you make an order afterwards and there are no more slots, your order will not be accepted. You will be placed on "Priority" and given a slot (if available) at the next reopening. When the shop reopens, you will be asked to confirm your order. If you fail to respond again within 24 hours, your slot will be reopened.
    • When reserving a slot, please state what service it's for: lore, coding, graphics, etc. Categorized reservations will be prioritized over uncategorized ones.
    • When making your order after reserving, please make a new post instead of editing the old one so that I don't miss your order.

QUEUE -- a limited number of customers are pinged, in the order that they're listed
  • One slot/order per customer. Please wait to be pinged before ordering.
  • If 24 hours goes by without a response from you, you will be moved to the bottom of the queue.
  • If you're sure you don't want to order, you can let me know. Please note that you'll still be moved to the end of the queue.
  • New customers will be added to the bottom of the queue.

  • Prices are subject to change without prior notice. If I change prices in the middle of a commission for you, you will still pay the price we agreed on beforehand, not the changed one. But if the new price is lower, you may pay that one instead.
  • My current gem:treasure ratio is 1:1000. (updated 1/16/18)
  • I will accept fest currency only for the next festival. (For example, during March, I'll only accept MistJam fest currency.) My fest:treasure ratio is 1:500. (updated 2/28/17)
  • Accepted payments: treasure, gems, wishlist items (1 2 3).
  • Ask first: other skins and accents, other apparel, all other items, dragons, art/lore (I am very picky -- please provide examples).
  • Item offers will be compared to the lowest overall AH price. The price agreed on at this time will be the one accepted, even if LAH changes later.
    Exceptions: Items found in Specialty, Genes, Scenes & Vistas, Skins, and Bundles tabs (Treasure MP) -- priced according to 1st-place dom discount. Gem MP items will be priced at 1g:1000t.
  • Clanbound items are not accepted atm, sorry!
  • I don't take bribes, but tips are appreciated. Please consider sending them after the commission is completed, not before.
  • I reserve the right to reject any payment offers I think are unsuitable.
  • I accept payment plans (variable).
  • How to pay: All payments are to be sent by 1-way CR.
    1. If you cancel your order before I start working on it, you won't need to pay me anything.
    2. I'll ping you when I'm ready to receive payment. Please send 10% of the total cost. It will be accepted right away as "time and effort" payment, and if you cancel or go inactive, it will not be returned to you (unless the cancellation happens on my end).
      You can pay more than 10% if you'd like, but please put it in a separate 1-way CR. It will be accepted after the commission is complete.
    3. If you have sent partial payment, I will request the rest of it once the order is finished. Your commission will be posted or sent immediately after the CR goes through.
    4. If you have gone inactive, the commission will be halted. I will notify you about this, and if you come back, you can cancel your order (no additional fee needed) or ask me to continue it (prices may change).
      * Exceptions: "Additional edits" payments for lore, graphics, and cards -- due immediately after you request any changes. See each section for prices.
  • I do not give refunds. The exception to this is the 10% starting fee -- if the cancellation happens on my end, your deposit will be returned to you.

  • 10% off for fellow Acolights.
  • 15% off if your account is three months old or younger.
  • 15% off for every 5th order. Track your progress here.
  • Affiliates' discount: 15% off for the first order, 10% off for all orders after.
  • 15% off if it's your birthday! ^_^ (also 7 days before or 7 days after)
  • Discounts don't stack. If you're eligible for more than one discount, I will give you the highest one.
  • If I forget to give you a discount, please let me know. I will gladly reduce the price or send the discounted amount to you if you've paid already. =)

Current Orders wrote:
Lore: FULL, no longer accepting orders
1. SylverFyre2003 -- ~3,000 (rec. 2/3) -- 450,000t NP/NS
2. Farallon 2 -- ~3,000 (rec. 2/2) -- 405g NP/NS

Other Commissions: FULL, no longer accepting orders
1. Fujiko18 -- 1x each large, small (rec. 2/2) -- worth 25,500t P/S 2/3; DONE
2. cle -- 2x medium (rec. 2/3) -- 30g NP/NS

NP = not yet paid / P = paid / NS = not started / S = started

Polyhymnia Farallon felistopaz Tues alyblaith MistyGold IraBell Jaypaw SylverFyre2003 LaughingMagician Cantertothewinds EmpressSectonia Petall Salazia cinderrain Holidaze HalfDragon02 cle Fujiko18 Rowan00 Okidogi Fuwatori
* No free-for-all pings


Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
[center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] ----- [center][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][size=6][b]Lore[/b][/size][/font][/center] ----- [list][*] Please credit me in your dragon's bio or on the page the lore is used on. [*] All stories will take place in Sornieth or should at least be connected to Flight Rising. I can write about fandragons in Sornieth, but I will not write stories that take place outside the game. [*] [i]Please be as descriptive and specific as possible with your order.[/i] I will edit a finished piece up to 3 times for free. Afterwards, each new batch of edits will be charged [i]15,000t[/i] (due immediately, separate from base price). Requests to [i]continue[/i] the story will be considered a new order and will be charged accordingly. [*] Exception to the above: Is there an error in the lore I sent you? Incorrect grammar, spelled a character's name wrong, and so on? I can fix that for you for free. =) [*] You are allowed to edit the lore, provided you credit me as the [i]writer[/i] and yourself as the [i]editor[/i]. [*] Please have at least [i]some[/i] headcanon ready when you make your order. A brief outline or some ideas (like events you want to include and a brief description of your character's personality) is already very helpful. [i]I do not write from scratch and reserve the right to reject or halt a commission if I'm not given enough details to build a story on.[/i] [*] [b]All lore is hosted on Google Drive.[/b] A link to the doc will be PM'd to you after payment is received. Please make your own copy of the lore, as the link will be taken down after a week or so. If you're having trouble copying from Google, just let me know. I can PM you the lore or a Pastebin link instead. [*] [b]Max per order:[/b][list] [*] Prose: 3x 100-500 words OR 2x ~1000 words OR 1 each 1,001+ words [*] Gothic: 3x 2-5 bullet points OR 2x 6-10 bullet points OR 1 each 11+ bullet points [*] (updated 1/14/21) Your order shouldn't exceed 3,000 words (Prose) or 30 bullet points (Gothic).[/list] [*] [color=teal][b]PRICES[/b][list] [*] [color=teal]Prose: 15,000t for every 100 words.[/color] Please submit your order in multiples of 100 (1,800 words, 2,500 words, etc. but not 250 words, 1,555 words, etc.). Lore will be written within 100 words of your order. For example, if you order lore with up to 1000 words, the piece will have anywhere from 901-1000 words. Minimum 100 words per order. [*] [color=teal]Gothic: 15,000t per bullet point.[/color] Number of words per point will vary. Minimum 2 bullet points per order.[/list] [*] [b]Add code?:[/b][list] [*] ~1,500 words / 2-5 bullet points: +5kt [*] 1,501 to 3,000 words / 6-10 bullet points: +10kt [*] 3,001~ words / 11+ bullet points: starts at +20kt[/list] [size=2][i]Services and examples last updated on [u]1/2/23[/u].[/i][/size][/list] [b]EXAMPLES[/b] [size=2]Looking for more? You can visit my [url=]Lore Thread[/url] or view my [url=]Completed Commissions.[/url] I can also [url=]proofread[/url] or [url=]code[/url] any lore you already have. [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=black][b][i]The Dim Reapers[/i] -- 5,631 words[/b] [i]“Look,” he sighed, ignoring their invectives (“Unhand me, knave!”—“Burn in hell, [/i]witch[i]!”), “it’s been a terrible day, and I’m very confused. Why are you after me specifically?” “Well, is this not your army?” The raven waved a wing at the field of chopped-up body parts. Voidwalker took a moment to keep from hurling, and then he managed to squeak out, “Y...[/i]es[i]?”[/color][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=black][b][i]Ramifications[/i] -- 3,723 words[/b] [i]...the Spiral cleared his throat and held out a paw again. From the shadows of his cloak, he produced a pair of scales. Mesarthim tossed him her coin purse, and a wealth of gold flowed out and onto the pans. Remarkably—or perhaps not—none of the coins spilled onto the floor. And then once the scales had apparently measured fifty thousand gold pieces, the treasure stopped flowing out.[/i][/color][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=black][b][i]Flight of the Machinator[/i] -- 2,952 words[/b] [i]Generations ago, two of the clan's wizards had fought each other in a fierce battle. The spells they’d used had been devastating: Many homes had been destroyed, many clanmates killed in the crossfire, before they’d slain each other. It was for this reason that magic had since been banned in the clan, prohibited to all but the leading elders, and then only for the direst situations. But as a child, Kemuel did not know this, and even if she had, it is probable that she would not have cared.[/i][/color][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=black][b][i]The Eyes of the Necromancer[/i] -- 2,646 words[/b] [i]The necromancer scowled, and the fortress trembled. Deep in the shadows, his wretched creations gibbered and howled as they felt his rage building. "I have stripped the knowledge from Beasts and the builders who lived in the Second Age. All those whom I managed to raise...They knew nothing useful. Is there no creature on Sornieth that has witnessed firsthand the deeds of the Eleven?"[/color][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=black][b][i]The Executioner's Blade[/i] -- 1,707 words[/b] [i]The cleaver was still buried in her breastbone, where her killer had left it. It had been embedded too deeply. But she wrenched it out with a single tug, and once again the world trembled beneath the force of her roar. Once again, love had not been enough. But perhaps this time, grief...and [/i]rage[i]...would sustain her.[/i][/color][/columns] [quote="LORE ORDER FORM"] [size=2]@Disillusionist [cen[i][/i]ter][b[i][/i]][u[i][/i]]Order form: LORE[/[i][/i]u][/[i][/i]b][/cen[i][/i]ter] [b[i][/i]]Lore type:[/[i][/i]b] (PROSE or GOTHIC) [b[i][/i]]Lore length:[/[i][/i]b] (If PROSE) -- # of words (If GOTHIC) -- # of bullet points [b[i][/i]]Link to dragon/s:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Personality of dragon/s:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Lore info:[/[i][/i]b] (headcanon, special requests, characters or familiars, etc. to include Please be clear and descriptive in what you want to see in your lore. Too much information is better than a little. I may still contact you for more info or clarifications.) [b[i][/i]]Payment offer:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Discount?[/[i][/i]b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders[/size][/color][/quote] [b][color=red]If you are ordering coded lore[/color], please choose one of these styles and fill out the form [i]as well[/i].[/b] You can just paste it beneath your Lore Order Form. [url=]Code 1 Preview[/url] | [url=]Code 2 Preview[/url] Please note that graphics shown in previews are not included in the templates. Alternatively, you can give me another code (make sure it's free to use!) or describe how you want the layout to look. I can code the lore to your specifications after writing it. [quote="CODED Style 1"][size=2][cen[i][/i]ter][b[i][/i]][u[i][/i]]Coded Lore: STYLE 1[/[i][/i]u][/[i][/i]b][/cen[i][/i]ter] [b[i][/i]]Special items:[/[i][/i]b] (Choose 2-6 FR items to include, or you can describe what kind of items your dragon likes, e.g. shiny things, plants, horror-related things, etc.) [b[i][/i]]Optional info:[/[i][/i]b] (Please write N/A if you don't want these to be included.)[li[i][/i]st] [*[i][/i]] [b[i][/i]]Name pronunciation:[/[i][/i]b] [*[i][/i]] [b[i][/i]]Nickname/s:[/[i][/i]b] [*[i][/i]] [b[i][/i]]Origin:[/[i][/i]b] (can be on the site or in lore) [*[i][/i]] [b[i][/i]]Clan role:[/[i][/i]b] [*[i][/i]] [b[i][/i]]Theme song:[/[i][/i]b] (If YES, please submit the artist name, song title, and link if you have one. I will not find your dragon's theme song for you or make suggestions.)[/[i][/i]list] [b[i][/i]]Other info:[/[i][/i]b] (font colors, font styles, etc.)[/size][/quote] For CODED Style 2, please choose stat bars from [url=]here[/url]. [quote="CODED Style 2"][size=2][cen[i][/i]ter][b[i][/i]][u[i][/i]]Coded Lore: STYLE 2[/u][/[i][/i]b][/[i][/i]center] (If you don't want some sections included, please write N/A. If you leave them blank, I'll use placeholders.) [b[i][/i]]Clan Role/Title:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Name pronunciation:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Name Meaning:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Nickname/s:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Theme song:[/[i][/i]b] (If YES, please submit the artist name, song title, and link if you have one. I will not find your dragon's theme song for you or make suggestions.) [b[i][/i]]Origin:[/[i][/i]b] (can be on the site or in lore) [b[i][/i]]STATS[/[i][/i]b] -- You can choose up to 6. Please give me the STAT NAME and a number from 0 to 10 (lowest to highest).[li[i][/i]st] [*[i][/i]] [*[i][/i]] [*[i][/i]] [*[i][/i]] [*[i][/i]] [*[i][/i]] [/[i][/i]list] [b[i][/i]]RELATIONSHIPS[/[i][/i]b] (Max of 3. Short descriptions are not included.)[li[i][/i]st] [*[i][/i]] Link to 1st dragon Name Relation [*[i][/i]] Link to 2nd dragon Name Relation [*[i][/i]] Link to 3rd dragon Name Relation [/[i][/i]list] [b[i][/i]]INVENTORY[/[i][/i]b] (Choose 2-6 FR items to include, or you can describe what kind of items your dragon likes, e.g. shiny things, plants, horror-related things, etc.) [b[i][/i]]Other info:[/[i][/i]b] (font colors, font styles, etc.)[/size][/quote] [center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] -----


  • Please credit me in your dragon's bio or on the page the lore is used on.
  • All stories will take place in Sornieth or should at least be connected to Flight Rising. I can write about fandragons in Sornieth, but I will not write stories that take place outside the game.
  • Please be as descriptive and specific as possible with your order. I will edit a finished piece up to 3 times for free. Afterwards, each new batch of edits will be charged 15,000t (due immediately, separate from base price). Requests to continue the story will be considered a new order and will be charged accordingly.
  • Exception to the above: Is there an error in the lore I sent you? Incorrect grammar, spelled a character's name wrong, and so on? I can fix that for you for free. =)
  • You are allowed to edit the lore, provided you credit me as the writer and yourself as the editor.
  • Please have at least some headcanon ready when you make your order. A brief outline or some ideas (like events you want to include and a brief description of your character's personality) is already very helpful. I do not write from scratch and reserve the right to reject or halt a commission if I'm not given enough details to build a story on.
  • All lore is hosted on Google Drive. A link to the doc will be PM'd to you after payment is received. Please make your own copy of the lore, as the link will be taken down after a week or so.
    If you're having trouble copying from Google, just let me know. I can PM you the lore or a Pastebin link instead.
  • Max per order:
    • Prose: 3x 100-500 words OR 2x ~1000 words OR 1 each 1,001+ words
    • Gothic: 3x 2-5 bullet points OR 2x 6-10 bullet points OR 1 each 11+ bullet points
    • (updated 1/14/21) Your order shouldn't exceed 3,000 words (Prose) or 30 bullet points (Gothic).
    • Prose: 15,000t for every 100 words. Please submit your order in multiples of 100 (1,800 words, 2,500 words, etc. but not 250 words, 1,555 words, etc.).
      Lore will be written within 100 words of your order. For example, if you order lore with up to 1000 words, the piece will have anywhere from 901-1000 words. Minimum 100 words per order.
    • Gothic: 15,000t per bullet point. Number of words per point will vary. Minimum 2 bullet points per order.
  • Add code?:
    • ~1,500 words / 2-5 bullet points: +5kt
    • 1,501 to 3,000 words / 6-10 bullet points: +10kt
    • 3,001~ words / 11+ bullet points: starts at +20kt
    Services and examples last updated on 1/2/23.

EXAMPLES Looking for more? You can visit my Lore Thread or view my Completed Commissions. I can also proofread or code any lore you already have.

58905408.png The Dim Reapers -- 5,631 words
“Look,” he sighed, ignoring their invectives (“Unhand me, knave!”—“Burn in hell, witch!”), “it’s been a terrible day, and I’m very confused. Why are you after me specifically?”
“Well, is this not your army?” The raven waved a wing at the field of chopped-up body parts. Voidwalker took a moment to keep from hurling, and then he managed to squeak out, “Y...
52199388.png Ramifications -- 3,723 words
...the Spiral cleared his throat and held out a paw again. From the shadows of his cloak, he produced a pair of scales. Mesarthim tossed him her coin purse, and a wealth of gold flowed out and onto the pans. Remarkably—or perhaps not—none of the coins spilled onto the floor. And then once the scales had apparently measured fifty thousand gold pieces, the treasure stopped flowing out.
48106590.png Flight of the Machinator -- 2,952 words
Generations ago, two of the clan's wizards had fought each other in a fierce battle. The spells they’d used had been devastating: Many homes had been destroyed, many clanmates killed in the crossfire, before they’d slain each other.
It was for this reason that magic had since been banned in the clan, prohibited to all but the leading elders, and then only for the direst situations. But as a child, Kemuel did not know this, and even if she had, it is probable that she would not have cared.
64326372.png The Eyes of the Necromancer -- 2,646 words
The necromancer scowled, and the fortress trembled. Deep in the shadows, his wretched creations gibbered and howled as they felt his rage building.
"I have stripped the knowledge from Beasts and the builders who lived in the Second Age. All those whom I managed to raise...They knew nothing useful. Is there no creature on Sornieth that has witnessed firsthand the deeds of the Eleven?"
79404572.png The Executioner's Blade -- 1,707 words
The cleaver was still buried in her breastbone, where her killer had left it. It had been embedded too deeply. But she wrenched it out with a single tug, and once again the world trembled beneath the force of her roar. Once again, love had not been enough. But perhaps this time, grief...and rage...would sustain her.
[center][b][u]Order form: LORE[/u][/b][/center]
[b]Lore type:[/b] (PROSE or GOTHIC)

[b]Lore length:[/b]
(If PROSE) -- # of words
(If GOTHIC) -- # of bullet points

[b]Link to dragon/s:[/b]

[b]Personality of dragon/s:[/b]

[b]Lore info:[/b] (headcanon, special requests, characters or familiars, etc. to include Please be clear and descriptive in what you want to see in your lore. Too much information is better than a little. I may still contact you for more info or clarifications.)

[b]Payment offer:[/b]

[b]Discount?[/b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders

If you are ordering coded lore, please choose one of these styles and fill out the form as well. You can just paste it beneath your Lore Order Form. Code 1 Preview | Code 2 Preview
Please note that graphics shown in previews are not included in the templates. Alternatively, you can give me another code (make sure it's free to use!) or describe how you want the layout to look. I can code the lore to your specifications after writing it.
CODED Style 1 wrote:
[center][b][u]Coded Lore: STYLE 1[/u][/b][/center]
[b]Special items:[/b] (Choose 2-6 FR items to include, or you can describe what kind of items your dragon likes, e.g. shiny things, plants, horror-related things, etc.)

[b]Optional info:[/b] (Please write N/A if you don't want these to be included.)[list]
[*] [b]Name pronunciation:[/b]
[*] [b]Nickname/s:[/b]
[*] [b]Origin:[/b] (can be on the site or in lore)
[*] [b]Clan role:[/b]
[*] [b]Theme song:[/b] (If YES, please submit the artist name, song title, and link if you have one. I will not find your dragon's theme song for you or make suggestions.)[/list]

[b]Other info:[/b] (font colors, font styles, etc.)

For CODED Style 2, please choose stat bars from here.
CODED Style 2 wrote:
[center][b][u]Coded Lore: STYLE 2[/u][/b][/center]
(If you don't want some sections included, please write N/A. If you leave them blank, I'll use placeholders.)

[b]Clan Role/Title:[/b]
[b]Name pronunciation:[/b]
[b]Name Meaning:[/b]

[b]Theme song:[/b] (If YES, please submit the artist name, song title, and link if you have one. I will not find your dragon's theme song for you or make suggestions.)

[b]Origin:[/b] (can be on the site or in lore)

[b]STATS[/b] -- You can choose up to 6. Please give me the STAT NAME and a number from 0 to 10 (lowest to highest).[list]

[b]RELATIONSHIPS[/b] (Max of 3. Short descriptions are not included.)[list]
[*] Link to 1st dragon
[*] Link to 2nd dragon
[*] Link to 3rd dragon

[b]INVENTORY[/b] (Choose 2-6 FR items to include, or you can describe what kind of items your dragon likes, e.g. shiny things, plants, horror-related things, etc.)

[b]Other info:[/b] (font colors, font styles, etc.)

Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
[center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] ----- [center][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][size=5][b]PWYW Proofreading[/b][/size][/font][/center] ----- [list][*] [url=]Old thread[/url] (no longer used) [*] [b]Price: PWYW.[/b] You can pay me with whatever you like: money, gems, apparel, random items, or art. There is currently a minimum fee of [b]500t[/b]. [size=2][i](last updated 12/29/19)[/i][/size] [*] Offering dragons as payment: Please ask me first. I have limited lair space, and your dragon may also not suit my preferences. And please note that I may train and exalt your dragon later on. [*] Max: 3 pieces per person. [*] [b]How to order:[/b] Please ping me on the thread to let me know if you'd like me to proofread something. After I confirm your order, you can either post the pieces on the thread or PM them to me. By default, finished pieces are posted here. Please let me know if you want me to PM them to you instead. [*] Crediting is appreciated, but not required. If you do so, please remember to credit me as the [i]proofreader[/i], not as the writer![/list] [b]What you'll get:[/b][list] [*] I'll proofread for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. For spelling, I usually go with US English -- I will ignore words in UK or Canadian English if I see that the spelling is already correct, but if I need to change a misspelled word, it will most likely be changed to US English (ex. "amror" to "armor", not "armour"). [*] I will also correct writing styles, but only in cases where a sentence is awkwardly worded or difficult to understand (for example, if a point of view suddenly switches from one character to another without warning). [*] Depending on how long an order is, I might be able to finish one client's order in one week (at most).[/list] [b]What you will not get:[/b][list] [*] I will not proofread anything that will be used for school, work, or research. [*] I won't write lore or make up headcanon. Basically, you write first, and I'll fix the errors (if there are any). [*] No bio layouts and coding either, sorry. [*] If need be, I can explain why I made some changes, but I won't be critiquing writing styles, plots, or characters. I will also not give reviews of your lore. This is because some styles I dislike may actually be good for other readers, and vice-versa. If you need additional input, please consider posting in Creative Corner or Dragon Share. =)[/list] [center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] -----

PWYW Proofreading

  • Old thread (no longer used)
  • Price: PWYW. You can pay me with whatever you like: money, gems, apparel, random items, or art. There is currently a minimum fee of 500t. (last updated 12/29/19)
  • Offering dragons as payment: Please ask me first. I have limited lair space, and your dragon may also not suit my preferences. And please note that I may train and exalt your dragon later on.
  • Max: 3 pieces per person.
  • How to order: Please ping me on the thread to let me know if you'd like me to proofread something. After I confirm your order, you can either post the pieces on the thread or PM them to me.
    By default, finished pieces are posted here. Please let me know if you want me to PM them to you instead.
  • Crediting is appreciated, but not required. If you do so, please remember to credit me as the proofreader, not as the writer!

What you'll get:
  • I'll proofread for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. For spelling, I usually go with US English -- I will ignore words in UK or Canadian English if I see that the spelling is already correct, but if I need to change a misspelled word, it will most likely be changed to US English (ex. "amror" to "armor", not "armour").
  • I will also correct writing styles, but only in cases where a sentence is awkwardly worded or difficult to understand (for example, if a point of view suddenly switches from one character to another without warning).
  • Depending on how long an order is, I might be able to finish one client's order in one week (at most).

What you will not get:
  • I will not proofread anything that will be used for school, work, or research.
  • I won't write lore or make up headcanon. Basically, you write first, and I'll fix the errors (if there are any).
  • No bio layouts and coding either, sorry.
  • If need be, I can explain why I made some changes, but I won't be critiquing writing styles, plots, or characters. I will also not give reviews of your lore. This is because some styles I dislike may actually be good for other readers, and vice-versa. If you need additional input, please consider posting in Creative Corner or Dragon Share. =)

Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
[center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] ----- [center][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][size=5][b]Breeding Cards[/b][/size][/font][/center] ----- [list][*] [b]Custom sizes:[/b] not more than 1000px wide or tall, not less than 250px wide or tall. [*] [b]Number of possible offspring:[/b] The first 3 kids are FREE. Each image after that will cost 1000t (500t if [i]you[/i] provide the scries). [*] [b]Not from Light flight?[/b] If you order a card with offspring, I will scry them for you, but the hatchlings will have Light eyes. If you'd like them to have the same color as your Flight, you can scry them yourself. Right-click the image you like and put it between IMG tags. You can post the images here or PM them to me. [*] Please do not remove the user ID# credit or edit my work. (Editing links for the code is OK, though.) [*] I recommend that you save and back up your cards once the order is complete. Files will be saved as PNGs by request or if they require transparency; otherwise I'll save them as JPGs. [*] [b]Max 3 cards per order.[/b] [*] [b]Breeding cards can be edited multiple times after the order is completed.[/b] When requesting edits, please post the image you'd like me to edit, as well as a list of changes required. I charge payment for edits. Exceptions: If I made an error, corrections are free.[list] [*] 200 treasure for each element to be edited: dragon image, dragon info, offspring (per image), color ranges, genes [*] 500 treasure for each element to be edited: fonts, background image [*] "No offspring" to "with offspring": starts at 2000 treasure [*] "With offspring" to "no offspring": 1000 treasure [*] "Clickable" to "non-clickable": 1000 treasure [*] Change size: difference in pixels times 10. For example, If you want to convert your 500x400 card to 300x200, the total difference is 400 pixels. Multiply that by 10 for a fee of 4,000 treasure.[/list] [size=2]For more examples, see my list of [url=]completed projects[/url]. Special thanks to [url=]Straif[/url] for allowing their [url=]card generator[/url] to be used. <3[/size][/list] ----- [b][size=4]Bar:[/size] 10k treasure • clickable: 11k treasure[/b] [img][/img][img][/img] ----- [b]Card TYPE A[/b][list] [*] No "possible offspring" ([url=]sample[/url] | default size 525x275): 12,000t [*] With "possible offspring" (max 6 images | default size 525x400): starts at 15,000t [*] Clickable: add 1,000t [size=2]Sample shown: Clickable w/ 5 possible offspring, 525x400, rectangle shape[/size][/list] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [b]Card TYPE B[/b] starts at 14,000t [list][*] This card will [i]always[/i] have possible offspring. [i]Max of 4 images only.[/i] [*] Default size: 525x275 [*] Clickable: add 1,000t [*] Headshot shapes: rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle [*] Headshots on: left, right [size=2]Sample shown: Clickable w/ 4 possible offspring, 500x275, circle headshot on left, rounded rectangle shape[/size][/list] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [b]Card TYPE C[/b] starts at 14,000t [list][*] This card will [i]always[/i] have possible offspring. [i]Max of 4 images only.[/i] [*] Default size: 525x275 [*] Clickable: add 1,000t [*] Headshot shape: rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle [*] Headshots on: left, right [size=2]Sample shown: Clickable w/ 4 possible offspring, 500x275, circle headshots on right, rectangle shape[/size][/list] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [quote="Card: BAR Order Form"][size=2]@Disillusionist [cen[i][/i]ter][b[i][/i]][u[i][/i]]Breeding Card: BAR[/[i][/i]u] Please fill out one form per pair.[/[i][/i]b][/[i][/i]center] [b[i][/i]]Name of pair:[/[i][/i]b] (if any) [b[i][/i]]Links to dragons:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Include current apparel and skincents?[/[i][/i]b] YES / NO (default = YES) [b[i][/i]]Clickable:[/[i][/i]b] YES / NO [b[i][/i]]How do you want this card to look?[/[i][/i]b] (For example, do you want it to look cold? fiery? futuristic? simple? etc. You can include ideas for font styles, reference images, etc.) [b[i][/i]]Card shape:[/[i][/i]b] (rectangle, rounded rectangle) [b[i][/i]]Payment offer:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Discount?:[/[i][/i]b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders[/size][/quote] [quote="Card: TYPE A Order Form"][size=2]@Disillusionist [cen[i][/i]ter][b[i][/i]][u[i][/i]]TYPE A Breeding Card[/[i][/i]u] Please fill out one form per pair.[/[i][/i]b][/[i][/i]center] [b[i][/i]]Name of pair:[/[i][/i]b] (if any) [b[i][/i]]Links to dragons:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Include current apparel and skincents?[/[i][/i]b] YES / NO (default = YES) [b[i][/i]]With or without offspring?[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]If WITH offspring -- How many?[/[i][/i]b] (If you want to use your own scries, please post them here. Max of 6 images.) [b[i][/i]]Clickable:[/[i][/i]b] YES / NO [b[i][/i]]Size:[/[i][/i]b] (In pixels. Leave blank for default: 525x400 for offspring, 525x275 without.) [b[i][/i]]How do you want this card to look?[/[i][/i]b] (For example, do you want it to look cold? fiery? futuristic? simple? etc. You can include ideas for font styles, reference images, etc.) [b[i][/i]]Card shape:[/[i][/i]b] (rectangle, rounded rectangle) [b[i][/i]]Payment offer:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Discount:[/[i][/i]b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders[/size][/quote] [quote="Card: TYPE B or C Order Form"][size=2]@Disillusionist [cen[i][/i]ter][b[i][/i]][u[i][/i]]TYPE B/C Breeding Card[/[i][/i]u] Please fill out one form per pair.[/[i][/i]b][/[i][/i]center] [b[i][/i]]Type:[/[i][/i]b] B / C [b[i][/i]]Name of pair:[/[i][/i]b] (if any) [b[i][/i]]Links to dragons:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Include current apparel and skincents?[/[i][/i]b] YES / NO (default = YES) [b[i][/i]]Headshot shape:[/[i][/i]b] (rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle) [b[i][/i]]Headshot on:[/[i][/i]b] LEFT / RIGHT [b[i][/i]]Number of offspring:[/[i][/i]b] (If you want to use your own scries, please post them here. Max of 4 images.) [b[i][/i]]Clickable:[/[i][/i]b] YES / NO [b[i][/i]]Size:[/[i][/i]b] (In pixels. Leave blank for default: 525x275 pixels.) [b[i][/i]]How do you want this card to look?[/[i][/i]b](For example, do you want it to look cold? fiery? futuristic? simple? etc. You can include ideas for font styles, reference images, etc.) [b[i][/i]]Card shape:[/[i][/i]b] (rectangle, rounded rectangle) [b[i][/i]]Payment offer:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Discount:[/[i][/i]b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders[/size][/quote] [center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] -----

Breeding Cards

  • Custom sizes: not more than 1000px wide or tall, not less than 250px wide or tall.
  • Number of possible offspring: The first 3 kids are FREE. Each image after that will cost 1000t (500t if you provide the scries).
  • Not from Light flight? If you order a card with offspring, I will scry them for you, but the hatchlings will have Light eyes. If you'd like them to have the same color as your Flight, you can scry them yourself. Right-click the image you like and put it between IMG tags. You can post the images here or PM them to me.
  • Please do not remove the user ID# credit or edit my work. (Editing links for the code is OK, though.)
  • I recommend that you save and back up your cards once the order is complete. Files will be saved as PNGs by request or if they require transparency; otherwise I'll save them as JPGs.
  • Max 3 cards per order.
  • Breeding cards can be edited multiple times after the order is completed. When requesting edits, please post the image you'd like me to edit, as well as a list of changes required.
    I charge payment for edits. Exceptions: If I made an error, corrections are free.
    • 200 treasure for each element to be edited: dragon image, dragon info, offspring (per image), color ranges, genes
    • 500 treasure for each element to be edited: fonts, background image
    • "No offspring" to "with offspring": starts at 2000 treasure
    • "With offspring" to "no offspring": 1000 treasure
    • "Clickable" to "non-clickable": 1000 treasure
    • Change size: difference in pixels times 10. For example, If you want to convert your 500x400 card to 300x200, the total difference is 400 pixels. Multiply that by 10 for a fee of 4,000 treasure.
    For more examples, see my list of completed projects.
    Special thanks to Straif for allowing their card generator to be used. <3

Bar: 10k treasure
• clickable: 11k treasure


  • No "possible offspring" (sample | default size 525x275): 12,000t
  • With "possible offspring" (max 6 images | default size 525x400): starts at 15,000t
  • Clickable: add 1,000t
    Sample shown: Clickable w/ 5 possible offspring, 525x400, rectangle shape

Card TYPE B starts at 14,000t
  • This card will always have possible offspring. Max of 4 images only.
  • Default size: 525x275
  • Clickable: add 1,000t
  • Headshot shapes: rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle
  • Headshots on: left, right
    Sample shown: Clickable w/ 4 possible offspring, 500x275, circle headshot on left, rounded rectangle shape

Card TYPE C starts at 14,000t
  • This card will always have possible offspring. Max of 4 images only.
  • Default size: 525x275
  • Clickable: add 1,000t
  • Headshot shape: rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle
  • Headshots on: left, right
    Sample shown: Clickable w/ 4 possible offspring, 500x275, circle headshots on right, rectangle shape

Card: BAR Order Form wrote:
[center][b][u]Breeding Card: BAR[/u]
Please fill out one form per pair.[/b][/center]
[b]Name of pair:[/b] (if any)

[b]Links to dragons:[/b]

[b]Include current apparel and skincents?[/b] YES / NO (default = YES)

[b]Clickable:[/b] YES / NO

[b]How do you want this card to look?[/b] (For example, do you want it to look cold? fiery? futuristic? simple? etc. You can include ideas for font styles, reference images, etc.)

[b]Card shape:[/b] (rectangle, rounded rectangle)

[b]Payment offer:[/b]

[b]Discount?:[/b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders
Card: TYPE A Order Form wrote:
[center][b][u]TYPE A Breeding Card[/u]
Please fill out one form per pair.[/b][/center]
[b]Name of pair:[/b] (if any)

[b]Links to dragons:[/b]

[b]Include current apparel and skincents?[/b] YES / NO (default = YES)

[b]With or without offspring?[/b]

[b]If WITH offspring -- How many?[/b] (If you want to use your own scries, please post them here. Max of 6 images.)

[b]Clickable:[/b] YES / NO

[b]Size:[/b] (In pixels. Leave blank for default: 525x400 for offspring, 525x275 without.)

[b]How do you want this card to look?[/b] (For example, do you want it to look cold? fiery? futuristic? simple? etc. You can include ideas for font styles, reference images, etc.)

[b]Card shape:[/b] (rectangle, rounded rectangle)

[b]Payment offer:[/b]

[b]Discount:[/b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders
Card: TYPE B or C Order Form wrote:
[center][b][u]TYPE B/C Breeding Card[/u]
Please fill out one form per pair.[/b][/center]
[b]Type:[/b] B / C

[b]Name of pair:[/b] (if any)
[b]Links to dragons:[/b]

[b]Include current apparel and skincents?[/b] YES / NO (default = YES)

[b]Headshot shape:[/b] (rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle)

[b]Headshot on:[/b] LEFT / RIGHT

[b]Number of offspring:[/b] (If you want to use your own scries, please post them here. Max of 4 images.)

[b]Clickable:[/b] YES / NO

[b]Size:[/b] (In pixels. Leave blank for default: 525x275 pixels.)

[b]How do you want this card to look?[/b](For example, do you want it to look cold? fiery? futuristic? simple? etc. You can include ideas for font styles, reference images, etc.)

[b]Card shape:[/b] (rectangle, rounded rectangle)

[b]Payment offer:[/b]

[b]Discount:[/b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders

Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
[center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] ----- [center][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][size=5][b]Other Graphics[/b][/size][/font][/center] ----- [list][*] Please do not edit my work without permission. (Flipping and resizing is OK, though.) [*] Make sure to save and upload these to your own image host. [*] I use stock images for my graphics. It's great if you provide reference images, but I will not edit copyrighted/watermarked ones. [*] I will edit a completed sample or graphic up to 5 times for free. Additional batches of edits will be charged 1000t per batch (payment due immediately, separate from main cost). [i]Please be as descriptive and specific as possible with your order.[/i] (I define a "completed sample" as a graphic that already includes everything the customer requested in their order form, and is ready for use except for the "Sample" watermark. Error corrections and unfinished samples, such as those including placeholder text, don't fall under this definition.) [*] Max 3 graphics per order. [*] [b]Links can be added[/b] to a graphic. First one is free, others after that (multi-link images) are 500t per link. [i][size=2]Prices and examples last updated on 6/30/17. The following images are here only as examples of my work (last updated 12/29/19). Please don't use them without the original commissioner's permission.[/size][/i][/list] ----- [b]Small graphics (badges, buttons, etc.):[/b] up to 200px wide or high, 10k each [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] ----- [b]Medium graphics:[/b] up to 400px wide or high, 15k each [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] ----- [b]Large graphics:[/b] up to 600px wide or high, 20k each [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [b]Extra-large:[/b] starts from 601px wide or high; starts from 21k, add 5k for every 100 pixels [i](no samples yet)[/i] ----- [quote="OTHER GRAPHICS ORDER FORM"][size=2]@Disillusionist [cen[i][/i]ter][b[i][/i]][u[i][/i]]Order form: GRAPHICS[/[i][/i]u][/[i][/i]b][/[i][/i]center] [b[i][/i]]Image size:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]What is it for?[/[i][/i]b] (Is it for a raffle? shop? hatchery? etc. Please include a link to the thread, if any.) [b[i][/i]]What look do you want for this image?:[/[i][/i]b] (For example, do you want it to look cold? fiery? futuristic? simple? etc. You can include ideas for background images and font styles. Reference images are welcome. Please be as descriptive as possible, particularly if you have a detailed image in mind already.) [b[i][/i]]Payment offer:[/[i][/i]b] [b[i][/i]]Discount:[/[i][/i]b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders[/size][/quote] [center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] -----

Other Graphics

  • Please do not edit my work without permission. (Flipping and resizing is OK, though.)
  • Make sure to save and upload these to your own image host.
  • I use stock images for my graphics. It's great if you provide reference images, but I will not edit copyrighted/watermarked ones.
  • I will edit a completed sample or graphic up to 5 times for free. Additional batches of edits will be charged 1000t per batch (payment due immediately, separate from main cost). Please be as descriptive and specific as possible with your order.
    (I define a "completed sample" as a graphic that already includes everything the customer requested in their order form, and is ready for use except for the "Sample" watermark. Error corrections and unfinished samples, such as those including placeholder text, don't fall under this definition.)
  • Max 3 graphics per order.
  • Links can be added to a graphic. First one is free, others after that (multi-link images) are 500t per link.
    Prices and examples last updated on 6/30/17.
    The following images are here only as examples of my work (last updated 12/29/19). Please don't use them without the original commissioner's permission.

Small graphics (badges, buttons, etc.): up to 200px wide or high, 10k each
aNoEpUE.png gmZOxkd.png VNFPcNQ.png

Medium graphics: up to 400px wide or high, 15k each

Large graphics: up to 600px wide or high, 20k each

Extra-large: starts from 601px wide or high; starts from 21k, add 5k for every 100 pixels
(no samples yet)

[center][b][u]Order form: GRAPHICS[/u][/b][/center]
[b]Image size:[/b]

[b]What is it for?[/b] (Is it for a raffle? shop? hatchery? etc. Please include a link to the thread, if any.)

[b]What look do you want for this image?:[/b] (For example, do you want it to look cold? fiery? futuristic? simple? etc. You can include ideas for background images and font styles. Reference images are welcome. Please be as descriptive as possible, particularly if you have a detailed image in mind already.)

[b]Payment offer:[/b]

[b]Discount:[/b] none / 10% for Acolights / 15% for newbies (3 mos. and younger) / 15% for birthdays / Affiliates -- 15% first, 10% for all succeeding orders

Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
[center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] ----- [center][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][size=5][b]Finished Projects[/b][/size][/font] [size=2]includes projects done for free[/size][/center] ----- [size=2][b]All finished commissions[/b] are added here, even if they are not used. Projects without links are not being used by the commissioner or I might have been asked to take them down. Some commissions might also no longer be available despite still being linked (e.g. exalted dragons, deleted codes, etc.). Some lore may have been edited by other players and may not reflect my current writing style.[/size] [list][*][url=][b][i]free-to-use bio resources[/i][/b][/url] [*][i][b]lair purges[/b][/i]: Gothic ([url=]Jacaranda[/url], [url=]Jacquard[/url], [url=]Salem[/url], [url=]Valkia[/url]), prose ([url=]Blumenkranz[/url], [url=]Cassiopeia[/url], Cleo, [url=]Cylfaun[/url], [url=]Flux[/url], [url=]Fulgur[/url], [url=]Isindarl[/url], [url=]Kari[/url], [url=]Lahamu[/url], [url=]Malus[/url], [url=]Orxata[/url], [url=]Parvaiz[/url], [url=]Roald[/url], Shantung, [url=]Smaragdyn[/url], [url=]Vulpecula[/url], [url=]Wavestrike[/url], Xavior, [url=]Yuniver[/url], [url=]Zimraphel[/url]) [size=2]* Some lore may have been moved to other dragons' bios, or the dragons may have been renamed.[/size] [*] [b]Aetherstorm:[/b] [url=]lorelocke graphics[/url] [*] [b][i]Afflicted Coatls[/i] subspecies:[/b] [url=]some banners and badges[/url] [*] [b]After:[/b] ~500 ([url=]Koa[/url], [url=]Sevetrin[/url]), 501-1,000 ([url=]Basilius[/url], [url=]Inverse[/url], [url=]Lore[/url], [url=]Orestes[/url], [url=]Tianlong[/url], [url=]Vinethorn[/url]), ~2,000 ([url=]Forges District[/url], [url=]Mikado[/url]), 2,001-2,500 ([url=]Shadow[/url], [url=]Takara[/url]), ~3,000 (Katsura, [url=]Yellowfeather[/url]), ~4,500 ([url=]Baine[/url]), ~6,100 (various), multiple ([url=]Legato[/url]), Gothic ([url=]Angelbane[/url], [url=]Haze[/url], [url=]Inkosi[/url], [url=]Valkyrie[/url]), [url=]thread graphics[/url] [*] [b]Alliud:[/b] [url=]gijinka[/url] [*] [b]Altair:[/b] proofreading [*] [b]alyblaith:[/b] ~400 ([url=]Maeya[/url]) [*] [b]Amehime:[/b] ~1,000 ([url=]Lorelei[/url]), 3pts Gothic (Evryali, Rhys), [url=]art shop headers[/url] [*] [b]Anda:[/b] clan logos [*] [b]Andraya:[/b] Gothic (Anshul, [url=]Osiris[/url]), ~1,500 (Ashkari), ~3,000 (Arcturus & Magnetar, Nightingale) [*] [b]Aquellla:[/b] ~300 ([url=]Maya[/url], [url=]Nico[/url]) [*] [b]ArcaneShadows:[/b] [url=]raffle banner[/url] [*] [b]Aryana:[/b] [url=]small and medium clan logos[/url] [*] [b]Astronomic:[/b] [url=]hatchery graphics[/url] [*] [b]Azkhar:[/b] Gothic [*] [b]Beheaded:[/b] ~2,000 ([url=]Cackilina[/url]), [url=]breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]BlackWing88:[/b] ~3,500 ([url=]Ariazar[/url], [url=]Sarz[/url], Thalissi) [*] [b]Blightwyrm:[/b] ~2,000 ([url=]Maw[/url]), ~2,500 ([url=]Adelrim[/url]) [*] [b]BrainWaves:[/b] [url=]hatchery graphics[/url] [*] [b]Buffykiev:[/b] proofreading [*] [b]bunlux:[/b] [url=]breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]Cacogen:[/b] 1,001-1,500 ([url=]Colchicine[/url]) [*] [b]Cantertothewinds:[/b] ~500 ([url=]clan lore[/url], [url=]Brilliant - coded[/url], [url=]Frost - coded[/url], [url=]Malachite - coded[/url], [url=]Merlin - coded[/url], [url=]Riley - coded[/url], [url=]Scarlett - coded[/url], [url=]Willow - coded[/url]), ~900 [url=]Gale[/url]), some lair tabs lore, [url=]bio graphics[/url] [*] [b]cartographic:[/b] Gothic ([url=]Kylara[/url]), ~3,000 ([url=]Hyperion & Erebus[/url]), [url=]raffle banners[/url] [*] [b]catcatamelia:[/b] [url=]proofreading[/url] [*] [b]CatkinStarchild:[/b] ~500 ([url=]Angelus: coded[/url], [url=]Arzhur[/url], [url=]Callista[/url], [url=]Chaia: coded[/url], -Cinder-, [url=]Ketara[/url], [url=]Mephisto[/url], [url=]Mahariel: coded[/url], [url=]Paladin[/url], [url=]Pan[/url], [url=]Rowan[/url], -Sly-, [url=]Tara[/url], [url=]Tenjin[/url]), long bios ([url=]James[/url], [url=]Portobello[/url], [url=]Rhiannon x2[/url], [url=]Sooty[/url]), ~1,000 (Schalla, [url=]Zephyr[/url]), Gothic (Portobello), format bio ([url=]Katya[/url]), [url=]large header image[/url], [url=]small clan badges[/url], [url=]breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]Chocoli:[/b] ~4,000 (Ryujin: [url=]Visions[/url]) [*] [b]cinderrain:[/b] ~500 ([url=]Knave[/url], [url=]Lacuna[/url], [url=]Marlaisos[/url], [url=]Pyracantha[/url], [url=]Temerity[/url], [url=]Winnow[/url]), Gothic ([url=]Apini[/url], [url=]Brynna[/url], [url=]Calliope[/url], [url=]Cawline[/url], [url=]Cordelia[/url], [url=]Corroff[/url], [url=]Jitter[/url], [url=]Marlaisos[/url], [url=]Misdirection[/url], [url=]Mitzi[/url], [url=]Poene[/url], [url=]Pyracantha[/url], [url=]Rinceau[/url], [url=]Saron[/url], [url=]Temerity[/url]) [*] [b]cle:[/b] ~3,000 (Octaime, Vaidia) [*] [b]ClearNoiz:[/b] 1,501-2,000 ([url=]Hokuto Seikun[/url]) [*] [b]CrossedUnversed:[/b] [url=]clan logo[/url] [*] [b]Danger:[/b] [url=]hatchery graphics[/url] [*] [b]DarkCoatl:[/b] 501-1,000 ([url=]Murasakino[/url]) [*] [b]Dawnn:[/b] 501-1,000 ([url=]Lurker[/url]), ~3,500 ([url=]Nebu + code[/url]) [*] [b]Drachenschwinge:[/b] short story ([url=]Wabbajack[/url]) [*] [b]Dragongirl00100:[/b] proofreading, [url=]hatchery graphics[/url] [*] [b]Dragonwyspr:[/b] Gothic ([url=]Velkurpeni[/url]) [*] [b]EmpressSectonia:[/b] 501-1,000 (Azazel, Griseous, [url=]November[/url]), 1,200 (Moondance), 1,500 ([url=]Aspharr[/url], [url=]Taleth[/url]), 1,501-2,000 ([url=]Ember[/url], Illusion, Nightstorm), 2,001-2,500 (Cronus, Elizabeth, [url=]Enyo[/url], Shadowus), 2,501-3,000 ([url=]Alraune[/url], Blackheart, Daincie, [url=]Dorephan[/url], [url=]Dundrasil[/url], [url=]Jeanne[/url], [url=]Kynareth[/url], Mirage, [url=]Overdrive[/url], [url=]Stefan[/url], [url=]Tovva[/url], [url=]Urbane[/url]), ~4,000 ([url=]Akatosh[/url]), ~5,000 ([url=]Thyra[/url]), ~6,000 ([url=]Balder[/url], [url=]Himiko[/url]), ~7,000 ([url=]Bellatrix[/url], [url=]Charlotte[/url]) [*] [b]Equive:[/b] ~400 ([url=]Aviv[/url], [url=]Codie[/url], Glitch, [url=]Rinzler[/url], Selen) [*] [b]Eulogy:[/b] Gothic ([url=]Ein[/url], [url=]Hercoz[/url], Julieta, Justiciar, King, [url=]Lightshine[/url], Queen, [url=]Scorched[/url], [url=]Sheildscale[/url], [url=]Solace[/url], [url=]Starling[/url], [url=]Starshine[/url], [url=]Thana[/url], [url=]unnamed[/url], [url=]Varia[/url], various, [url=]Wythra[/url]), coded Gothic ([url=]Oone[/url], [url=]Otwo[/url], [url=]Othree[/url], [url=]Ofour[/url], [url=]Ofive[/url], [url=]Osix[/url], [url=]Oseven[/url], [url=]Oeight[/url], [url=]Onine[/url], [url=]Oten[/url], [url=]Oeleven[/url], [url=]Otwelve[/url]), coded prose (~1,000: [url=]Hoardkeeper[/url], [url=]Lawseer[/url], [url=]Lifegiver[/url], [url=]Storyteller[/url]), proofreading [*] [b]EvilPol:[/b] [url=]breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]ExoticBacoe:[/b] Golden Punk, Royal Kiss, and Sophisticated Scribbles [url=]breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]Fantelle:[/b] [url=]proofreading[/url] [*] [b]Farallon:[/b] long lore ([url=]Quark[/url], [url=]Warfarin: coded[/url]), ~800 ([url=]Alex[/url]), ~1,000 ([url=]Plover[/url]), ~1,200 ([url=]Agape[/url]), ~1,500 ([url=]Dhanvi[/url], [url=]Fabliau[/url]), 2,000 ([url=]Albatross[/url]), 2,001-2,500 ([url=]Jareth[/url], [url=]Mobius[/url], [url=]Phantom[/url], [url=]Solenoid[/url], [url=]Vergil[/url]), 2,501-3,000 ([url=]Absaroka[/url], [url=]Aristotle[/url], [url=]Bakar[/url], [url=]Corona[/url], [url=]Dabi[/url], [url=]Daphnia[/url], [url=]Denebola[/url], [url=]Ereshkigal[/url], [url=]Frankenstein[/url], [url=]Godmother[/url], [url=]Hafwen[/url], [url=]Hannibal[/url], [url=]Hawks[/url], [url=]Herald[/url], [url=]Hirondelle[/url], [url=]Jasmine[/url], [url=]Lilith[/url], [url=]Linh[/url], [url=]Miasma[/url], [url=]Mizar[/url], [url=]Morpheus[/url], [url=]Oberon[/url], [url=]Oneiric[/url], [url=]Pieskos[/url], [url=]Sahiba[/url], [url=]Sebastian[/url], [url=]Sidereal[/url], [url=]Suloma[/url], [url=]Teska[/url], [url=]Toby[/url], [url=]Vendetta[/url]), ~3,500 ([url=]Simon[/url]), gijinka ([url=]Hafwen[/url], [url=]Icarus[/url]) [*] [b]FeistyDragon:[/b] [url=]breeding cards, banners[/url] [*] [b]felistopaz:[/b] ~2,500 ([url=]Null[/url]), ~2,600 ([url=]Entropy & Chaos[/url]), ~3,000 (Fosco and co., Stigma and co.), ~3,500 ([url=]Carmin[/url]), ~3,700 ([url=]Ashen[/url], [url=]Stigma[/url]) [*] [b]fenshae:[/b] 1 draconic [url=]gijinka[/url] (c/o Nerilka) [*] [b]Fletcher:[/b] signature banner w/ links [*] [b]Fujiko18:[/b] [url=]bio graphics[/url], [url=]dividers[/url], ~2,000 ([url=]Kuwabara[/url], [url=]Shuen[/url]) [*] [b]Fuwatori:[/b] ~1,500 ([url=]Lichen[/url], [url=]Mincho[/url]) [*] [b]GirlFriday:[/b] some headers [*] [b]Goblincat:[/b] Gothic ([url=]Pentamerone[/url], [url=]Shalash[/url], [url=]Ventricle[/url]) [*] [b]HalfDragon02:[/b] [url=]hatchery header[/url], [url=]sig button[/url] [*] [b]Harana:[/b] [url=]clan logo[/url], [url=]art shop header[/url] [*] [b]Hideki:[/b] ~1,000 ([url=]Cadimir[/url]), ~1,100 ([url=]Efterar[/url]), ~1,500 (Nozomi) [*] [b]Hinumi:[/b] coded statistics ([url=]genders, elements, breeds[/url]) [*] [b]HorrorFiend:[/b] ~2,500 ([url=]Aku[/url], [url=]Alriune[/url], [url=]Banggai[/url], [url=]the Beast[/url], [url=]Bendy[/url], [url=]Biological[/url], [url=]Bloodbath[/url], [url=]Blue Star[/url], [url=]Boris Habit[/url], [url=]Cartoon Dog[/url], [url=]Cherry Blossoms[/url], [url=]Child of Galaxy[/url], [url=]Genen[/url], [url=]Ghost Person[/url], [url=]Good Boy[/url], [url=]Inugami[/url], [url=]Jack-o'-Lantern[/url], [url=]Jersey[/url], [url=]Little Prince[/url], [url=]the Marionette[/url], [url=]the Marker[/url], [url=]Namira[/url], [url=]Paimon[/url], [url=]Pesanta[/url], [url=]Raca[/url], [url=]Red[/url], [url=]Shodan[/url], [url=]Skin-Taker[/url], [url=]Someone's Portrait[/url], [url=]Umbrella[/url], [url=]Undying[/url], [url=]Wander[/url]), ~4,000 ([url=]Scout[/url]) [*] [b]Hyperrectangle:[/b] proofreading ([url=]Cebren[/url], [url=]Dionysus[/url], [url=]Galen[/url], [url=]Zeno[/url]) [*] [b][i]Impulse Buyers Club[/i]:[/b] [url=]banner and buttons[/url] [*] [b]IraBell:[/b] [url=]headers, some breeding cards[/url], [url=]shop graphics[/url], bio graphics [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url], ~1,800 ([url=]Amate[/url], [url=]Ira[/url], [url=]Ira Bell[/url]) [*] [b]Irarina:[/b] long bios (Claire, Leino) [*] [b]IronPen:[/b] breeding cards [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] [url=]3[/url] [url=]4[/url] [url=]5[/url] [*] [b]Janru:[/b] ~1,000 ([url=]Janru[/url]) [*] [b]Jaypaw:[/b] ~1,500 ([url=]Boreas[/url], [url=]Cabal[/url], [url=]Frost[/url], [url=]Vulture[/url]), ~2,500 ([url=]Vulkanos[/url]), ~3,000 ([url=]Creation[/url] & [url=]Destruction[/url], [url=]Dread[/url], [url=]Grootslang[/url], [url=]Oberon[/url], [url=]OneTwoThree[/url], [url=]PearlToo[/url] & [url=]Zipper[/url], [url=]Tidus[/url]) [*] [b]Jeana:[/b] Gothic (Aether, Seraphim) [*] [b]jotunn:[/b] [url=]lineage buttons[/url] [*] [b]KallyPaige:[/b] [url=]shop header[/url], ~700 words ([url=]Caelyn[/url], [url=]Yetora: coded[/url]), ~900 ([url=]Shaven[/url]), ~1,000 ([url=]Artimus: coded[/url], [url=]Lectra[/url], [url=]Mythos[/url]), ~1,500 ([url=]Domino[/url]) [*] [b]Kano3Shuuya:[/b] [url=]breeding card[/url] [*] [b]khe:[/b] [url=]large graphic[/url], Gothic ([url=]Haligan[/url]) [*] [b]Kipuka:[/b] ~1,000 (Kajatie & Clytemnestra) [*] [b]Kuroda:[/b] Gothic ([url=]Alke[/url], [url=]Miu[/url]), ~500 ([url=]Glakila[/url]) [*] [b]LaughingMagician:[/b] [url=]breeding cards[/url] [url=]2[/url], [url=]hatchery graphics[/url] [url=]2[/url] [url=]3[/url] [url=]4[/url], [url=]bio dividers[/url], ~2,000 ([url=]Alder[/url], [url=]Arahathan[/url], [url=]Decayed[/url], [url=]Elias[/url], [url=]Ithiel[/url], [url=]Tejat[/url]), ~3,000 ([url=]Azazel[/url], [url=]Azrael[/url]) [*] [b]Leopardmask:[/b] [url=]large graphic[/url] [*] [b]LightsKamAction:[/b] [url=]signature banners[/url], ~1,000 ([url=]Ingrid[/url] - offsite link), ~1,500 (Cataclysm and Paroxysm, [url=]Forsaken[/url]), ~2,000 ([url=]Rupa[/url] & [url=]Trajan[/url]), ~2,500 (various), ~3,000 (Kryz) [*] [b]Lirissea:[/b] [url=]some breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]littletoes101:[/b] ~300 ([url=]Maja[/url]) [*] [b]LostGirl:[/b] [url=]buttons[/url] [*] [b]LucarioLand:[/b] [url=]proofreading[/url] [*] [b]MahuruRaji:[/b] 1,001-1,500 ([url=]Ciceron[/url]), 1,501-2,000 ([url=]Asphodelle[/url]) [*] [b]Maike:[/b] long bio (Axius, Maike, Maroux, Milano) [*] [b]Malachai:[/b] thread banner [*] [b]MistyGold:[/b] ~900 ([url=]Gale[/url]), ~1,000 ([url=]Aura[/url]), ~1,500 ([url=]Breeze[/url], various), ~2,000 (Midnight), ~2,500 ([url=]Prehnite[/url]), ~3,000 ([url=]Goldleaf[/url]) [*] [b]MxFeral:[/b] [url=]subspecies buttons[/url], [url=]faction button[/url] [*] [b]Myndris:[/b] ~2,000 (various), ~2,400 ([url=]various[/url]), ~3,000 (Disarray) [*] [b]Nerilka:[/b] short bio ([url=]Aegis: coded[/url]), long bio ([url=]Melek: coded[/url]) [*] [b]NickelDragons:[/b] ~1,000 ([url=]Otieno[/url], [url=]Persephone[/url]), ~2,000 ([url=]Jarna[/url]), 2,001-2,500 ([url=]Abaddon[/url], [url=]Avanindra[/url], [url=]Diarmuid[/url], [url=]Svadilfaris[/url], [url=]Uranus[/url]), subspecies badges, clan badges, [url=]some breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]nightwolf95:[/b] [url=]subspecies headers and badges[/url], [url=]hatchery graphics, breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]Noonchi:[/b] [url=]shop banner[/url] [*] [b]NyxHeart:[/b] 1,001-1,500 ([url=]Alicia[/url]) [*] [b]OzziePhobia:[/b] breeding card, bio graphics [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] [url=]3[/url], [url=]hatchery button[/url] [*] [b]Perseverance:[/b] ~3,000 ([url=]Hel[/url]) [*] [b]Petall:[/b] [url=]Pinkerlocke button[/url], bio graphics [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] [url=]3[/url] [url=]4[/url] [url=]5[/url] [url=]6[/url] [url=]7[/url] [url=]8[/url] [url=]9[url] [url=]10[/url] [url=]11[/url] [url=]12[/url] [url=]13[/url] [url=]14[/url] [*] [b]Plumberry:[/b] ~200 ([url=]Nova[/url]) [*] [b]Polyhymnia:[/b] ~1,000 ([url=]Achalendra[/url], [url=]Ainedan[/url], [url=]Aldorix[/url], [url=]Cypress[/url], [url=]Dohm[/url], [url=]Forest[/url], [url=]Gimoedi[/url], [url=]Griibus[/url], [url=]Iorama[/url], [url=]Itaynth[/url], [url=]Itzai[/url], [url=]Maude[/url], [url=]Meinir[/url], [url=]Neuman[/url], [url=]Offonail[/url], [url=]Quidlin[/url], [url=]Quindillian[/url] & [url=]Zantindur[/url], [url=]Rainulfus[/url], [url=]Richemanus[/url], [url=]Sailamon[/url], [url=]Sveirifa[/url], [url=]Wenett[/url]), ~1,500 ([url=]Aerglou[/url]), ~3,500 ([url=]Kaasni[/url], [url=]Xedrex[/url]) [*] [b]Popla42:[/b] [url=]"Black Plague" breeding card[/url] [*] [b]Quintillion:[/b] Gothic ([url=]Merle[/url]), ~700 ([url=]Nina[/url]), ~1,000 ([url=]Drake & Artemis[/url]), ~1,500 ([url=]Dreena & Mythal[/url], [url=]Tsade[/url]), ~3,000 ([url=]Coa & Kornephoros[/url], [url=]Lovelace & Podzol[/url]), ~5,000 ([url=]various[/url]) [*] [b]Razzmatazz1:[/b] [url=]hatchery header[/url] [*] [b]Reiyn:[/b] [url=]sig banner[/url] [*] [b]Returu:[/b] coding [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] [url=]3[/url] [*] [b]Riasann1:[/b] [url=]"Fruity Smoothie" breeding card[/url] [*] [b]Rottedmind:[/b] [url=]breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]Rowan00:[/b] ~1,000 ([url=]Kithan[/url]) [*] [b]RugaQwarrcall:[/b] [url=]breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]Sacnite:[/b] ~3,500 ([url=]Naraku - offsite link[/url]) [*] [b]Salazia:[/b] breeding cards [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url] [*] [b]Saeldryn (Saeliras):[/b] ~500 ([url=]Amara[/url], [url=]Ianthe[/url], [url=]Keening[/url]), ~1,000 ([url=]Aquilia[/url], [url=]Belle[/url], [url=]Hawke[/url], [url=]Yngole[/url]) [*] [b]Sebaschan:[/b] long bio ([url=]Brando[/url]), code clan page [*] [b]SerenityHart:[/b] [url=]sig image[/url] [*] [b]Sherina:[/b] [url=]lore headers[/url] [*] [b]SocialBookworm:[/b] proofreading (starts [url=]here[/url]) [*] [b]Solaleon:[/b] long lore ([url=]Quarus[/url]) [*] [b]Solanceae:[/b] [url=]proofreading[/url] [*] [b]Solcie:[/b] [url=]breeding card[/url] [*] [b]StarCookies:[/b] short story ([url=]Wistwing[/url]), medium lore ([url=]Crystalwing[/url], [url=]Haimona[/url], [url=]Nightwing[/url]), 1,501-2,000 ([url=]Glitchwing[/url]) [*] [b]starsnflowers:[/b] [url=]hatchery graphics[/url], [url=]bio graphics[/url] [*] [b]Straka:[/b] [url=]breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]Subdued:[/b] ~100 (Calaf) [*] [b]Sumatra:[/b] ~2,000 ([url=]Maya & Bakuto[/url] - offsite link) [*] [b]SuzyChi:[/b] Gothic ([url=]Chai[/url]) [*] [b]SylverFyre2003:[/b] [url=]headers and breeding cards[/url], ~2,500 ([url=]Faramond[/url] - offsite link), ~3,000 (Drear & Pearlple, Vibes; offsite links - [url=]Echo[/url], [url=]Luneiro[/url] and [url=]Vordana[/url], [url=]Ranunculus[/url]), [url=]skin shop headers[/url], [url=]dividers[/url], [url=]hatchery bump[/url] [*] [b]Taishiro:[/b] [url=]some hatchery banners/breeding cards[/url], shop banners [url=]1[/url] [url=]2[/url], [url=]bio headers[/url], [url=]Coli team graphics[/url], [url=]Night Warrior & leveled up buttons[/url], ~800 ([url=]Iolana[/url]) [*] [b]TheHawkArisen:[/b] [url=]some breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]Thieves:[/b] "Vicious Vanadinites" breeding card [*] [b]Tues:[/b] [url=]breeding cards[/url], hatchery bump ([url=]old[/url]/[url=]new[/url]) and [url=]headers[/url], [url=]lore thread headers[/url], [url=]shop headers[/url], ~1,500 (Pyrrhic Vale, Ge & Hiareth), ~2,000 (Damhan, Pamina & Piera, Twila), ~2,800 (Araila & Mahavi) [*] [b]Tyeth:[/b] long bio ([url=]Haruven[/url]) [*] [b]Tynethyne:[/b] breeding cards [*] [b]Whisperingstream:[/b] lore thread image [*] [b]whiteraven90:[/b] [url=]proofreading[/url] [*] [b]WillowThorn:[/b] long bios ([url=]Asher[/url], [url=]Emily[/url], [url=]Sonnae[/url]) [*] [b]Wolfkimmie:[/b] [url=]breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]Wystaria:[/b] [url=]breeding cards[/url], coding (clan directory), long coded lore ([url=]Andromeda[/url]), ~2,000 ([url=]Gloaming[/url]), gijinka ([url=]Hyacinth[/url], [url=]Mabon[/url], [url=]Phadynos[/url], [url=]Vesta[/url]) [*] [b]Xephyrus:[/b] ~2,500 ([url=]Cullak[/url]) [*] [b]Ximena:[/b] [url=]gijinka[/url], regional Gothic ([url=]Asclepias[/url], [url=]Faenamide[/url], [url=]Tairialis[/url]), short bio ([url=]Xen[/url]), long bios ([url=]Anpiel[/url], [url=]Corvus[/url], [url=]Deregh[/url], [url=]Norzaren[/url]), short stories ([url=]Gwyndolin[/url], [url=]Procel[/url]), medium lore ([url=]Acolight[/url], [url=]Gizelle[/url]), long lore (Asnaitiote: [url=][i]How many deaths...?[/i][/url], [url=]Dulcamara[/url]), extensive lore (Xen: [url=][i]We Are Here[/i][/url]), 1501-2,000 ([url=][i]Arrival of[/i] Sarin[/url], [url=]Suphlatus[/url]), 2,001-2,500 ([url=]Necrosis[/url], [url=]Nhainnse[/url]), 2501-3000 ([url=]Bhikhu[/url], [url=]Jace[/url], [url=]Lull[/url], [url=]Oleander[/url]), multiple ([url=]Marsious[/url], [url=]Mismar[/url], [url=]Onoind[/url]) [*] [b]xlauren:[/b] long bio + short story (Mila, Pei) [*] [b]xSourGrapesx:[/b] [url=]some breeding cards[/url] [*] [b]XxCalypsoxX:[/b] [url=]dividers[/url], [url=]hatchery header[/url], [url=]additional graphics[/url] [*] [b]xxDoxxie:[/b] new "Bright Eco" card [/list] [center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] -----

Finished Projects
includes projects done for free

All finished commissions are added here, even if they are not used. Projects without links are not being used by the commissioner or I might have been asked to take them down. Some commissions might also no longer be available despite still being linked (e.g. exalted dragons, deleted codes, etc.).
Some lore may have been edited by other players and may not reflect my current writing style.

Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
[center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] ----- [center][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][size=5][b]Affiliates[/b][/size][/font] [size=2]scroll down for rules and banners[/size][/center] ----- [center][url=][font=gabriola][size=7][size=4]Asta's Lore Commissions[/size][/size][/font][/url][/center] [columns][color=transparent]_________[url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]..[/color][nextcol][center][url=][font=Courier][size=7]TETRA'S TYPEWRITER[/size] [size=6]~ Lore Shop ~[/size][/font][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]__________________[url=][img alt="Link to Windfell's Loreshop"][/img][/url][nextcol][color=transparent]__________[/color][nextcol][center][url=][font=gabriola][size=7][b]HopeLostMusica's Poetry and Painting[/b][/size][/font][/url][/center][/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- [center][color=red][b]I'm looking for more affiliates![/b][/color][/center] If you'd like to be affiliates, just ask me, and we can exchange links. [i]I reserve the right to remove affiliates without prior notice and at my own discretion.[/i] [b]Affiliates must:[/b][list] [*] be shops in Art Sales or Adoptables (Not sure if your shop qualifies? Feel free to PM or ping me with a link.) [*] [b]be shops that are ACTIVE[/b] (not on indefinite hiatus, not solely doing price/interest checks, not WIP, etc.)[list] [*] A shop that hasn't completed any orders in the past 6 months is assumed to be inactive. It is removed from this list and becomes ineligible for customer discounts. [*] If your banner is no longer on this post, please feel free to remove my banner from your shop as well.[/list] [*] be shops that are [i]at least[/i] 2 weeks old (for first-time affiliates -- past affiliates are exempted from this) [*] belong to accounts that are [i]at least[/i] 3 months old [*] be willing to display a banner and a link back to my shop on the front page of their own shops. Bumping my thread is not required.[/list] [b]What’s in it for you?[/b][list] [*] Affiliates get a 15% discount on their first order with me AND 10% off [i]all[/i] orders after that. [*] I will refer customers to you, particularly when I close for festivals or when my own slots are full. [*] Let me know if you’d like me to bump your thread and how often. I’ll be glad to help out. [*] Your banner/link will be displayed in this post.[/list] [b]To claim your discount,[/b] you don't need to bump my thread, though I do ask that you keep my banner in your own affiliates section. [b]If you were removed but would like a discount,[/b] please send me a link to your active shop, and we can reestablish affiliation. Thank you! [b]How to use:[/b] Right-click the image you want and then "Copy Image Link" (or similar). Put it in the middle of the code shown here: [code][url=][img]PASTE HERE[/img][/url][/code] [center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]FAQ[/url][/size][/font][/center] -----

scroll down for rules and banners

_________79245327.png ..
__________________Link to Windfell's Loreshop __________








I'm looking for more affiliates!
If you'd like to be affiliates, just ask me, and we can exchange links. I reserve the right to remove affiliates without prior notice and at my own discretion.
Affiliates must:
  • be shops in Art Sales or Adoptables (Not sure if your shop qualifies? Feel free to PM or ping me with a link.)
  • be shops that are ACTIVE (not on indefinite hiatus, not solely doing price/interest checks, not WIP, etc.)
    • A shop that hasn't completed any orders in the past 6 months is assumed to be inactive. It is removed from this list and becomes ineligible for customer discounts.
    • If your banner is no longer on this post, please feel free to remove my banner from your shop as well.
  • be shops that are at least 2 weeks old (for first-time affiliates -- past affiliates are exempted from this)
  • belong to accounts that are at least 3 months old
  • be willing to display a banner and a link back to my shop on the front page of their own shops. Bumping my thread is not required.

What’s in it for you?
  • Affiliates get a 15% discount on their first order with me AND 10% off all orders after that.
  • I will refer customers to you, particularly when I close for festivals or when my own slots are full.
  • Let me know if you’d like me to bump your thread and how often. I’ll be glad to help out.
  • Your banner/link will be displayed in this post.

To claim your discount, you don't need to bump my thread, though I do ask that you keep my banner in your own affiliates section. If you were removed but would like a discount, please send me a link to your active shop, and we can reestablish affiliation. Thank you!

How to use: Right-click the image you want and then "Copy Image Link" (or similar). Put it in the middle of the code shown here:
[url=][img]PASTE HERE[/img][/url]

Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!
[center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url][/size][/font][/center] ----- [center][font=Copperplate Gothic Light][size=5][b]Frequently Asked Questions[/b][/size][/font][/center] ----- [size=2]Questions that have been asked before, or that I've seen asked on other threads. If you have a question about the shop or how I run things, please check here first. The answer you're looking for may already be here, but feel free to ask for further info or clarifications if needed![/size] [b]I don't know how many words my lore order should be.[/b] There are plenty of examples on [url=]p.1[/url], including my [url=]Finished Projects[/url] post, which has word counts to help you visualize how long or short a certain number of words can be. My [url=]lore thread[/url] also has many examples with more precise word counts. If you're still not sure, you can give me your maximum budget instead, and I'll write within those limits. [b]Will there be an option to order more than 3,000 words/30 bullet points of lore from you?[/b] Not for the foreseeable future. This is due largely to real-life time constraints (meaning I will still decline even if offered more payment). If you would like a longer story, you can try breaking it up into parts of up to 3,000 words/30 points each. [b]I want to order lore from you, but I don't know what should be in the story.[/b] I will accept orders that include a little bit of headcanon about the characters or events, but this will also depend on the word count. For example, if the customer requests a 3,000-word story but offers only a 10-word character description in return, I may have to decline that order because there isn't enough information I can use to complete it. On the other hand, I might agree to write for the same dragon, with the same description, if the customer requests 500 words. If you have no headcanon for your character or story at all, you may want to refrain from ordering for now. Instead, why not post your dragon in Dragon Share or Creative Corner? You can ask other players to give headcanon or lore ideas, and then send me a more fleshed-out order form later on. [b]Can you write my dragons as humans/other species?[/b] Yup, just let me know, and please provide descriptions or reference images. Please note that stories should still take place in Sornieth or at least be connected to FR lore. [b]What do you mean by "stories should at least be connected to FR lore"?[/b] I prefer to write lore set specifically in the world of Flight Rising, or lore that is tied to Flight Rising's canon. These are [i]examples[/i] of acceptable lore orders:[list] [*] The story takes place in Sornieth and revolves around FR beings, such as dragons, Beastclans, familiars, the Shade, etc. [*] The story starts in a world outside of Sornieth and revolves around a non-dragon character, but the character is transported to Sornieth, and the rest of the story takes place there. [*] The story takes place in a world that isn't Sornieth, but the characters are Sornieth dragons and exhibit characteristics of the breeds. [*] The story takes place in a world that isn't Sornieth. Characters aren't Sornieth dragons, but exhibit some traits of the breeds (think gijinka with draconic features such as horns, wings, and tails). There are also heavy references to other aspects of FR lore, such as the gods, the Shade, elements, magic, and items.[/list] If you are unsure whether or not your lore order is acceptable, feel free to ask! [b]Can you write lore about/including another player's characters?[/b] I may agree to this if the characters in question will just be mentioned or referenced. If you would like them to play a larger part in the lore (e.g. dialogue, long scenes), please get permission from the owner beforehand. If the owner declines, please consider substituting one of your own characters or letting me create NPCs, or you can just submit a different order that doesn't include other players' dragons. [b]I've lost the commission I ordered from you. It was a very long time ago, but do you still have it? And if so, can you resend it?[/b] Most likely, yes! I don't delete completed commissions and will most likely have backups I can send over. It's not a guarantee if it was from more than 2 years ago, but you can definitely ask. [i]Please note that this service is provided only to the original commissioner (because they were the ones who paid for it).[/i] So for example, if you buy a dragon that has lore by me, and if you accidentally delete that lore, I will not be able to help you. You can contact the original commissioner instead. If they give their permission, I can resend the lore to you. [b]I purchased a dragon with pre-made lore/art from you, but accidentally deleted it. Is there any way to recover it?[/b] I keep records of all dragons sold with pre-made art/lore. If you accidentally delete these, I can send you a copy. Please note that this service is only available if A) you are the original buyer, and B) if the dragon was purchased from 2020 onwards. [b]I purchased a dragon with pre-made lore/art from you. What am I allowed/not allowed to do with it?[/b] You may...[list] [*] move art/lore to another dragon's bio, as long as credit to me is kept visible. [*] make changes to lore, as long as you keep the credits to me [i]and[/i] add "edited by (your username)". [*] flip or resize any art by me. If my signature becomes unreadable or flipped, you can just type "art by Disillusionist".[/list] You may not...[list] [*] remove my username from the credits or obscure my signature. [*] make changes to the lore/art that are against FR rules. [*] make edits to the art (beyond flipping and resizing).[/list] If you're not sure about any of these, feel free to PM me and ask! [b]There's an error in my commission, but it was completed a very long time ago. Can you still fix it?[/b] Absolutely! Just let me know which commission it is and what you need me to do. Error corrections are free, so you can ask for this service even if you aren't the original commissioner. [b]Why do you always take down lore links?[/b] The lore I send to you is made to be shown on FR, not on Google. Google links can be viewed by [i]anybody[/i], so taking down the link prevents the raw text from being widely shared without the commissioner's (and my) consent. If you are the commissioner and would like to share the lore outside FR, you can always copy the text to somewhere else, like your own PC or to your blog. Please remember not to post my work on pages that break FR's rules, and to always credit me for them. (A link is not necessary, but my username needs to be visible.) If you're the original commissioner and accidentally lose the lore, you can contact me, and I'll put the link up again. It'll be available for a limited time before being taken down. I always give a heads-up before this happens, so if the link suddenly vanishes, please let me know. [b]Why was coding removed?[/b] As of Dec. 30, 2024, I no longer offer coding services. I'm not as interested in it as I once was, and it was never a popular service to begin with. Coded lore, using the styles at the bottom of [url=]the lore post[/url], is still available. [b]I want to order a graphic/card, but don't know how large it should be.[/b] The [url=]breeding cards post[/url] has some examples with the sizes listed, but for graphics or if you want something different, a placeholder image generator might help you visualize how large or small an image should be. I often use [url=]this dummy image generator[/url]. [b]Ordering graphics and cards: Can I provide my own reference images?[/b] Yes, reference images are welcome. If there's a particular aesthetic, color palette, etc. you'd like me to take note of, you can post the images with your order form or link me to them. If you would like me to actually [i]incorporate[/i] these images into your graphics, please note that I will not accept images that are (including but not limited to) watermarked, AI-generated, or fanart (unless it was made by you and/or you have permission from the artist). [b]I ordered only one image, but like two or more of the samples. Can I use them too?[/b] Sure! Just let me know. They're each priced separately. For example, if you order 1 small image, that's 10kt. If you like three of the samples I made, instead of picking just one and paying 10kt for it, you can get all three for 30kt. [b]I like the unused graphics/card samples you created for another customer. Can I purchase and use them?[/b] I'll typically say yes if the design is based on a very general or vague request by the customer (e.g., "nature-themed", "mostly pink", "dark and spooky"). If the design is based on more specific/detailed requests from the customer, and/or if it incorporates concepts they own (e.g., a dragon they own, artwork they made, references to their lore/characters), I will request permission from them first. Please note that this is a case-by-case basis: customers or I may decline, or edits may be permitted or refused, etc. depending on the image. [b]Do you make animated images/add animations to existing images?[/b] No to both, sorry! Please view my [url=]Affiliates[/url] list -- other artists may be able to help you with that. [b]I think a graphic/card/etc. you made for me includes an AI-generated image.[/b] [i]Please let me know.[/i] I do not use AI to generate images. Instead, I download stock images from a variety of websites. I do my best to filter out AI-generated files, but they may not have been tagged by the uploader or I may have accidentally overlooked a tag. If a graphic I made for you looks as though it has AI elements (such as the background), I can recheck the image source for you. [i]I will gladly redo a graphic [u]for free[/u] if it looks as though the stock elements were made with AI.[/i] Please note that these free edits only include swapping out the offending element. Other edits, such as changing fonts or resizing the image, may cost a fee. [b]I forgot to include some information in my order form. Can you still incorporate it into the commission?[/b] If you submit the extra info shortly after the order form, sure! But if you submit it, say, a week after you originally posted the order form, it will take me longer to finish your commission. I am open to editing or redoing a commission if you submit the extra info [i]after[/i] the order is complete. However, please be aware that you may be charged extra (see each service post for details), and if you request what I think is an unreasonable amount of do-overs, I may cancel your order. Your payment will be returned to you, but you will not be allowed to use any of the earlier versions of the commission. [i]Please note that the customer is always responsible for explaining what they want to see in a completed piece. I am not a mind-reader, and in the absence of specific requests/info from you, I will do what I think is best for your commission.[/i] [b]I want to avail of the birthday discount, but the shop is closed during this time.[/b] Unfortunately, this will be inevitable for some people: I cannot open the shop and do commissions for every single week of the year. If you would like discounts, please be reminded that I still offer 15% off for fifth orders and for first-time affiliates. There are also smaller discounts available for Light members and returning affiliates. [b]Why don't you accept order forms or payments by PM?[/b] I receive many PMs each week, and order info tends to get quickly buried after a while. Thread posts and CR receipts are easier to find and refer to. If you are having site issues, I can make an exception for you. Just let me know. Posting a brief order form on the thread and then sending additional info by PM (for example, if you're not comfortable with publicly sharing more detailed headcanon) is also OK. [b]Are you open to doing art trades?[/b] That depends! If you have an art shop and I'm already on your pinglist, then the answer is [i]yes[/i]. If you can grab a slot and would like to pay with art, just put "art trade" in the payment offer, and we'll hash out the details. If I'm not on your pinglist yet or if you don't have a shop, I'll need you to provide examples of your art first. [i]I am very picky about art styles,[/i] so please don't be offended if I decline -- it doesn't mean your art is bad; it's just not what I'm looking for right now. [b]Are you open to doing art for me?[/b] This is a case-by-case basis (which is also why I don't offer it as a regular service). Please PM me about this, as this is largely dependent on my RL schedule. Although I currently don't have any set prices, I believe my art is worth at least 600kt ([url=]with color and shading[/url], no background). [b]Why was my reservation/order skipped over?[/b] You might not have pinged me correctly, pinged me at all, or given a category for your reservation. Please double-check before posting. If you pinged me correctly and if your reservation was properly categorized, I may simply have missed it in the shuffle. Just call my attention to it, and if slots are already full, I will either insert you into the queue or give you priority next time the shop opens. [b]It's my turn to order, but I'm unable to claim a reservation or fill out the order form right now. Can I be reinserted further down the queue?[/b] I'm sorry, but in this case, I don't do queue inserts. You can remain on the pinglist, though, and will continue getting pinged for free-for-all slots (unless you request otherwise). The queue will also cycle around, so you're guaranteed another chance in the future. If you're unsure about your current place on the queue and would like to know, feel free to ask! I can't always estimate how many queue customers I can work on in a month, but you can certainly prepare an order form in advance. [b]I keep missing slots. Is there anything I can do to fix this?[/b] Yes, you can ask to be put on the queue. This guarantees you at least one slot. Once you're on the queue, just be patient, and I will get to you eventually. [i]Please, please remember: Repeated complaints about missing slots will not get you anywhere. I don't take bribes and will not insert you into the queue even if you repeatedly ask -- not even if you do so politely. [b]Do not ping me just to complain about missing slots.[/b][/i] You can and will be blocked instead. [b]Can you open the shop/ping me/accept orders at (specific time)?[/b] No. Please do not ask me to do this. I have a life outside of FR that includes a full-time job, and I will always prioritize real life over this game. I will open the shop when it is convenient for me. [b]Why are the affiliate requirements so strict?[/b] I have affiliates for two reasons:[list=1] 1. To provide services my customers are interested in 2. To help advertise my own shop[/list] The requirements are designed so that hopefully when my shop's closed or full, customers will be able to find other shops that are offering the services they need. There's also an "age limit" for threads since I would prefer to refer customers to shopkeepers who already have a good grasp of business etiquette, FR rules, and how to run their thread. It doesn't make sense for me to advertise shops that offer services my customers aren't interested in, or that are inactive and unable to take any orders. Similarly, it doesn't make sense business-wise if I give discounts to an inactive affiliate -- a shop that's inactive will not be frequented by other players, which means it won't be able to advertise my own thread effectively. So this is why, in addition to the strict requirements, inactive affiliates are purged every few months. [b]You've been running your shop for a long time. How do you do it?[/b] The short answer is [i]time management[/i]. I try to work within a certain time limit (not more than 20 days for one commission) and do the bulk of my work during days off. To keep from burning out, I close the shop during festivals or real-life holidays. [b]Can I copy your shop rules for my own shop?[/b] I'm glad my rules could help you get set up. Crediting, linking back to, or referring other players to my own shop is appreciated, but not required or even remotely expected. I don't mind if your layout or rules are derived or paraphrased from mine. With regard to copy-pasting rules [i]exactly[/i] -- I think it's fine for shops that sell art, adopts, graphics, etc. But if you're opening a writing/lore shop, you may first want to consider how copy-pasting others' writing (even if it's only just rules and guidelines) will reflect upon your own work. [b]From where do you get your resources?[/b] I use resources -- including stock images, fonts, and gradients -- from a wide variety of sites and creators. If you'd like to know where I got a specific element, feel free to ping/PM me and ask. In the case of stock images, I might not have the original photographers/artists on file, but will most likely be able to direct you to the sites I got them from. [b]I need an answer that's not listed here or in any of the rules.[/b] You can ping or PM me, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. [center][font=Century Gothic][size=2][url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Lore[/url] • [url=]Proofreading[/url] • [url=]Breeding Cards[/url] • [url=]Other Graphics[/url] | [url=]Finished Projects[/url] • [url=]Affiliates[/url][/size][/font][/center] -----

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions that have been asked before, or that I've seen asked on other threads. If you have a question about the shop or how I run things, please check here first. The answer you're looking for may already be here, but feel free to ask for further info or clarifications if needed!

I don't know how many words my lore order should be.
There are plenty of examples on p.1, including my Finished Projects post, which has word counts to help you visualize how long or short a certain number of words can be. My lore thread also has many examples with more precise word counts.
If you're still not sure, you can give me your maximum budget instead, and I'll write within those limits.

Will there be an option to order more than 3,000 words/30 bullet points of lore from you?
Not for the foreseeable future. This is due largely to real-life time constraints (meaning I will still decline even if offered more payment). If you would like a longer story, you can try breaking it up into parts of up to 3,000 words/30 points each.

I want to order lore from you, but I don't know what should be in the story.
I will accept orders that include a little bit of headcanon about the characters or events, but this will also depend on the word count. For example, if the customer requests a 3,000-word story but offers only a 10-word character description in return, I may have to decline that order because there isn't enough information I can use to complete it. On the other hand, I might agree to write for the same dragon, with the same description, if the customer requests 500 words.
If you have no headcanon for your character or story at all, you may want to refrain from ordering for now. Instead, why not post your dragon in Dragon Share or Creative Corner? You can ask other players to give headcanon or lore ideas, and then send me a more fleshed-out order form later on.

Can you write my dragons as humans/other species?
Yup, just let me know, and please provide descriptions or reference images. Please note that stories should still take place in Sornieth or at least be connected to FR lore.

What do you mean by "stories should at least be connected to FR lore"?
I prefer to write lore set specifically in the world of Flight Rising, or lore that is tied to Flight Rising's canon. These are examples of acceptable lore orders:
  • The story takes place in Sornieth and revolves around FR beings, such as dragons, Beastclans, familiars, the Shade, etc.
  • The story starts in a world outside of Sornieth and revolves around a non-dragon character, but the character is transported to Sornieth, and the rest of the story takes place there.
  • The story takes place in a world that isn't Sornieth, but the characters are Sornieth dragons and exhibit characteristics of the breeds.
  • The story takes place in a world that isn't Sornieth. Characters aren't Sornieth dragons, but exhibit some traits of the breeds (think gijinka with draconic features such as horns, wings, and tails). There are also heavy references to other aspects of FR lore, such as the gods, the Shade, elements, magic, and items.
If you are unsure whether or not your lore order is acceptable, feel free to ask!

Can you write lore about/including another player's characters?
I may agree to this if the characters in question will just be mentioned or referenced. If you would like them to play a larger part in the lore (e.g. dialogue, long scenes), please get permission from the owner beforehand. If the owner declines, please consider substituting one of your own characters or letting me create NPCs, or you can just submit a different order that doesn't include other players' dragons.

I've lost the commission I ordered from you. It was a very long time ago, but do you still have it? And if so, can you resend it?
Most likely, yes! I don't delete completed commissions and will most likely have backups I can send over. It's not a guarantee if it was from more than 2 years ago, but you can definitely ask.
Please note that this service is provided only to the original commissioner (because they were the ones who paid for it). So for example, if you buy a dragon that has lore by me, and if you accidentally delete that lore, I will not be able to help you. You can contact the original commissioner instead. If they give their permission, I can resend the lore to you.

I purchased a dragon with pre-made lore/art from you, but accidentally deleted it. Is there any way to recover it?
I keep records of all dragons sold with pre-made art/lore. If you accidentally delete these, I can send you a copy. Please note that this service is only available if A) you are the original buyer, and B) if the dragon was purchased from 2020 onwards.

I purchased a dragon with pre-made lore/art from you. What am I allowed/not allowed to do with it?
You may...
  • move art/lore to another dragon's bio, as long as credit to me is kept visible.
  • make changes to lore, as long as you keep the credits to me and add "edited by (your username)".
  • flip or resize any art by me. If my signature becomes unreadable or flipped, you can just type "art by Disillusionist".
You may not...
  • remove my username from the credits or obscure my signature.
  • make changes to the lore/art that are against FR rules.
  • make edits to the art (beyond flipping and resizing).
If you're not sure about any of these, feel free to PM me and ask!

There's an error in my commission, but it was completed a very long time ago. Can you still fix it?
Absolutely! Just let me know which commission it is and what you need me to do. Error corrections are free, so you can ask for this service even if you aren't the original commissioner.

Why do you always take down lore links?
The lore I send to you is made to be shown on FR, not on Google. Google links can be viewed by anybody, so taking down the link prevents the raw text from being widely shared without the commissioner's (and my) consent.
If you are the commissioner and would like to share the lore outside FR, you can always copy the text to somewhere else, like your own PC or to your blog. Please remember not to post my work on pages that break FR's rules, and to always credit me for them. (A link is not necessary, but my username needs to be visible.)
If you're the original commissioner and accidentally lose the lore, you can contact me, and I'll put the link up again. It'll be available for a limited time before being taken down. I always give a heads-up before this happens, so if the link suddenly vanishes, please let me know.

Why was coding removed?
As of Dec. 30, 2024, I no longer offer coding services. I'm not as interested in it as I once was, and it was never a popular service to begin with.
Coded lore, using the styles at the bottom of the lore post, is still available.

I want to order a graphic/card, but don't know how large it should be.
The breeding cards post has some examples with the sizes listed, but for graphics or if you want something different, a placeholder image generator might help you visualize how large or small an image should be. I often use this dummy image generator.

Ordering graphics and cards: Can I provide my own reference images?
Yes, reference images are welcome. If there's a particular aesthetic, color palette, etc. you'd like me to take note of, you can post the images with your order form or link me to them.
If you would like me to actually incorporate these images into your graphics, please note that I will not accept images that are (including but not limited to) watermarked, AI-generated, or fanart (unless it was made by you and/or you have permission from the artist).

I ordered only one image, but like two or more of the samples. Can I use them too?
Sure! Just let me know.
They're each priced separately. For example, if you order 1 small image, that's 10kt. If you like three of the samples I made, instead of picking just one and paying 10kt for it, you can get all three for 30kt.

I like the unused graphics/card samples you created for another customer. Can I purchase and use them?
I'll typically say yes if the design is based on a very general or vague request by the customer (e.g., "nature-themed", "mostly pink", "dark and spooky").
If the design is based on more specific/detailed requests from the customer, and/or if it incorporates concepts they own (e.g., a dragon they own, artwork they made, references to their lore/characters), I will request permission from them first. Please note that this is a case-by-case basis: customers or I may decline, or edits may be permitted or refused, etc. depending on the image.

Do you make animated images/add animations to existing images?
No to both, sorry! Please view my Affiliates list -- other artists may be able to help you with that.

I think a graphic/card/etc. you made for me includes an AI-generated image.
Please let me know.
I do not use AI to generate images. Instead, I download stock images from a variety of websites. I do my best to filter out AI-generated files, but they may not have been tagged by the uploader or I may have accidentally overlooked a tag.
If a graphic I made for you looks as though it has AI elements (such as the background), I can recheck the image source for you. I will gladly redo a graphic for free if it looks as though the stock elements were made with AI.
Please note that these free edits only include swapping out the offending element. Other edits, such as changing fonts or resizing the image, may cost a fee.

I forgot to include some information in my order form. Can you still incorporate it into the commission?
If you submit the extra info shortly after the order form, sure! But if you submit it, say, a week after you originally posted the order form, it will take me longer to finish your commission.
I am open to editing or redoing a commission if you submit the extra info after the order is complete. However, please be aware that you may be charged extra (see each service post for details), and if you request what I think is an unreasonable amount of do-overs, I may cancel your order. Your payment will be returned to you, but you will not be allowed to use any of the earlier versions of the commission.
Please note that the customer is always responsible for explaining what they want to see in a completed piece. I am not a mind-reader, and in the absence of specific requests/info from you, I will do what I think is best for your commission.

I want to avail of the birthday discount, but the shop is closed during this time.
Unfortunately, this will be inevitable for some people: I cannot open the shop and do commissions for every single week of the year. If you would like discounts, please be reminded that I still offer 15% off for fifth orders and for first-time affiliates. There are also smaller discounts available for Light members and returning affiliates.

Why don't you accept order forms or payments by PM?
I receive many PMs each week, and order info tends to get quickly buried after a while. Thread posts and CR receipts are easier to find and refer to.
If you are having site issues, I can make an exception for you. Just let me know. Posting a brief order form on the thread and then sending additional info by PM (for example, if you're not comfortable with publicly sharing more detailed headcanon) is also OK.

Are you open to doing art trades?
That depends! If you have an art shop and I'm already on your pinglist, then the answer is yes. If you can grab a slot and would like to pay with art, just put "art trade" in the payment offer, and we'll hash out the details.
If I'm not on your pinglist yet or if you don't have a shop, I'll need you to provide examples of your art first. I am very picky about art styles, so please don't be offended if I decline -- it doesn't mean your art is bad; it's just not what I'm looking for right now.

Are you open to doing art for me?
This is a case-by-case basis (which is also why I don't offer it as a regular service). Please PM me about this, as this is largely dependent on my RL schedule. Although I currently don't have any set prices, I believe my art is worth at least 600kt (with color and shading, no background).

Why was my reservation/order skipped over?
You might not have pinged me correctly, pinged me at all, or given a category for your reservation. Please double-check before posting.
If you pinged me correctly and if your reservation was properly categorized, I may simply have missed it in the shuffle. Just call my attention to it, and if slots are already full, I will either insert you into the queue or give you priority next time the shop opens.

It's my turn to order, but I'm unable to claim a reservation or fill out the order form right now. Can I be reinserted further down the queue?
I'm sorry, but in this case, I don't do queue inserts. You can remain on the pinglist, though, and will continue getting pinged for free-for-all slots (unless you request otherwise). The queue will also cycle around, so you're guaranteed another chance in the future.
If you're unsure about your current place on the queue and would like to know, feel free to ask! I can't always estimate how many queue customers I can work on in a month, but you can certainly prepare an order form in advance.

I keep missing slots. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Yes, you can ask to be put on the queue. This guarantees you at least one slot. Once you're on the queue, just be patient, and I will get to you eventually.
Please, please remember: Repeated complaints about missing slots will not get you anywhere. I don't take bribes and will not insert you into the queue even if you repeatedly ask -- not even if you do so politely. Do not ping me just to complain about missing slots. You can and will be blocked instead.

Can you open the shop/ping me/accept orders at (specific time)?
No. Please do not ask me to do this. I have a life outside of FR that includes a full-time job, and I will always prioritize real life over this game. I will open the shop when it is convenient for me.

Why are the affiliate requirements so strict?
I have affiliates for two reasons:
    1. To provide services my customers are interested in
    2. To help advertise my own shop
The requirements are designed so that hopefully when my shop's closed or full, customers will be able to find other shops that are offering the services they need. There's also an "age limit" for threads since I would prefer to refer customers to shopkeepers who already have a good grasp of business etiquette, FR rules, and how to run their thread.
It doesn't make sense for me to advertise shops that offer services my customers aren't interested in, or that are inactive and unable to take any orders. Similarly, it doesn't make sense business-wise if I give discounts to an inactive affiliate -- a shop that's inactive will not be frequented by other players, which means it won't be able to advertise my own thread effectively. So this is why, in addition to the strict requirements, inactive affiliates are purged every few months.

You've been running your shop for a long time. How do you do it?
The short answer is time management. I try to work within a certain time limit (not more than 20 days for one commission) and do the bulk of my work during days off. To keep from burning out, I close the shop during festivals or real-life holidays.

Can I copy your shop rules for my own shop?
I'm glad my rules could help you get set up. Crediting, linking back to, or referring other players to my own shop is appreciated, but not required or even remotely expected. I don't mind if your layout or rules are derived or paraphrased from mine.
With regard to copy-pasting rules exactly -- I think it's fine for shops that sell art, adopts, graphics, etc. But if you're opening a writing/lore shop, you may first want to consider how copy-pasting others' writing (even if it's only just rules and guidelines) will reflect upon your own work.

From where do you get your resources?
I use resources -- including stock images, fonts, and gradients -- from a wide variety of sites and creators. If you'd like to know where I got a specific element, feel free to ping/PM me and ask. In the case of stock images, I might not have the original photographers/artists on file, but will most likely be able to direct you to the sites I got them from.

I need an answer that's not listed here or in any of the rules.
You can ping or PM me, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!

- reserved -

- reserved -

Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!

- reserved -

- reserved -

Disillusionist's Lore & More .. {Free} bio resourcesLF Affiliates
female | INTJ | Capricorn | +15/16 FR time
Clan: FAQ | Stats | Lore Thread | Directory | Avatar
Wishlists: outfits & genes | general | familiars
Please check the spelling of my name when pinging me: @Disillusionist. Thanks!