
Level 1 Aberration
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Energy: 0
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Nature icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Aberration
Male Aberration
Ancient breed icon
This dragon is an ancient breed.
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Personal Style

Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: we have it all




5.57 m
6.66 m
572.59 kg


Primary Gene
Flaunt (Aberration)
Flaunt (Aberration)
Secondary Gene
Flair (Aberration)
Flair (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene
Sparkle (Aberration)
Sparkle (Aberration)


Jan 16, 2023
(2 years)


Aberration icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Aberration
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



Trajan ★
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sit amet lectus vitae ex finibus congue nec sed ipsum. Cras at augue luctus, tempus quam vel, sodales risus. Pellentesque pellentesque mollis ex, molestie bibendum ex porta sed. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque tincidunt erat hendrerit, lacinia quam at, luctus tellus. Nullam laoreet scelerisque leo. Vestibulum eget sapien pellentesque, tempor augue eget, aliquam felis.










Lawful Neutral






Jan 16


voice here

Viridian Labyrinth

mbti type here


The clan had many warnings about the surrounding forest. They were meant to keep curious youngsters from wandering too far, and Trajan and Rupa were wishing these words had worked on them.

“Can you see...?”

“Hang on, I’m not high enough—OH!”

A branch snapped beneath Trajan’s foot. He tumbled to the ground, landing flat on his back. Rupa hauled him to his feet, and the two of them scowled at each other: two pairs of brightly-patterned heads, four emerald-green eyes. Twigs and leaves clung to their bedraggled manes. Rupa snorted dismissively. “Face it, Trajan, we’re lost!"

“We never shoulda gone into this crummy forest,” her other head groaned. Opposite her, Trajan’s left head griped, “Well, whose idea was this stupid trip, any—”
They both heard the rustle at the same time. All four heads turned, and the Aberration twins cringed backwards when they saw the brush swaying: something was there. In the dim light of dusk, they couldn’t make out any features, but whatever it was seemed fairly large.

“Big enough to eat us?” —the question loomed in their minds as they traded fearful sideways looks. Eventually, the rustling faded away. Trajan whispered, “What d’you think it was?”

“Some kinda monster. Whatever it is, it’s gone now.”

Trajan’s hackles rose. Now that the danger was past, the fear was draining away, replaced by annoyance. “We nearly got eaten by some...some thing!!”

“Pfft, but we didn’t, did we?”

“Yeah, but we could’ve! Then it woulda been your fault—”

“YOUR FAULT!” The screech split the air as the thing came bursting through the bushes. The Aberrations glimpsed outstretched claws, shining eyes—and they screamed, tails twining together in terror as the creature crashed down upon them.

It was heavy— “But soft?” they realized in surprise. The creature brushed against them, its wings flapping noisily. Trajan yelped as it tugged on his mane with a blunt beak.

“It’s...friendly?” Rupa gasped.

“Your fault!” the hippojay echoed again. Rupa’s faces darkened. “Guess not.”

The creature leaped back into the trees. Trajan peered up at it, squinting through the rain of twigs and leaves that pattered down from above. The hippojay was flitting above them, its inquisitive face barely visible through the branches.


“What’re you doing?” Rupa asked. Her brother blinked at her. “I was thinking: Maybe it’s bonded to a dragon, and they’re nearby?

“Hello?” his other head repeated. Rupa perked up. “Hey, yeah, maybe they can help us find our way back home!”

At the word “home”, the hippojay’s ears rose. It bounded away, cawing excitedly. The siblings paused, unsure if it’d left for good this time—until it turned, blinking quizzically at them.

“It wants us to follow it?”

“Worth a shot!” Rupa decided. She galumphed after the creature, and Trajan quickly caught up to her.

The hippojay soon disappeared from view, but they could tell where it was by all the squawks and caws. At the same time, the Aberrations heard distant voices, the sounds of a small but bustling community.
They traded disappointed looks even before they saw it: the sounds, the smells, were too different—it wasn’t their clan. But still they pushed on, following the hippojay into a large clearing. Brightly painted tents and carts had been arranged around it; and dragons, equally colorful, moved about busily.
The twins peered at posters pasted onto the carts. Some of them depicted a grinning Aberration, claws beckoning to the viewer. Ornate pronouncements looped around his head.

Come one, come all! Cyrus’ Traveling Circus—spectacular sights for the whole clan!

The hippojay pranced up to them again, looking very pleased with itself. Behind it was the same Aberration—a lot less smiley and rakish-looking than he appeared on the posters, but it was him.

“Brook, what’ve I told you about exploring? The jungle isn’t safe at night!” The ringmaster frowned at the twins, seemingly unsurprised to see them. In polite but stiff tones, he added, “Sorry, we’re closed right now. You can catch our next show in Everbloom Gardens.”

The children stared back at him. Suddenly they felt incredibly drained: They’d been out here long? Hours? And home was nowhere nearby but they were being told by some stranger to get lost again...

Cyrus’ brow furrowed. “Look, I’m sorry, but we don’t allow folks to watch us practice—”

“We’re lost,” one of the children choked out, their voice cracking. Cyrus blinked, one of his heads rose, peering past them into the forest. The other head looked more closely at the hatchlings, noting the scratches on their limbs, the twigs stuck to their manes. How long had they been blundering among the trees?

“Well, it wouldn’t do to send them back in there.,” Cyrus decided with an inward sigh. Out loud, he said, “I see. So, ahem, I suppose it’s a good thing Brook found you and led you here. Come and have something to eat, and then we’ll see about getting you home.”

~ ~ ~
Two hours later, the twins had eaten, but still seemed no closer to getting home. They slouched together in Cyrus’ tent, watching as the ringmaster talked with some of his workers. As the harpies flew away, Cyrus sighed and shaded in an area of the map he was holding. It was already marked with many such patches, places where the circus folks had searched for—and failed to find—the twins’ clan.

Their vague description of it didn’t help, either: “Some leafy huts under the trees” described virtually every settlement in the Viridian Labyrinth. “Still can’t recall your clan name?” Cyrus asked Trajan and Rupa. “Some symbol, anything at all?”

“We toldja, we don’t remember,” Rupa growled. She glared sullenly up at Cyrus; her other head, however, remained downcast. Trajan looked much the same way.

Cyrus was rather more optimistic than his serious expression suggested. “Well, just think about it. Anything you can remember—landmarks, more clanmates’ names—would help.

“For now, I’d rather not send more people out to search. I’m sure you know the jungle’s a dangerous place at night.” He arched one set of eyeridges, and Trajan and Rupa managed wan smiles. “In the meantime, you’re welcome to stay.”

The next day, more of Cyrus’ workers went to search for the children’s clan. They returned empty-handed, almost as discouraged as their guests were.

“Met a peddler earlier, and I rattled off that list of clanmates’ names the kids gave me. She said she ain’t heard of any of those people.”

“Well...if she’s new to these parts, she might be as unfamiliar with the locals as we are,” Cyrus suggested. The Imperial followed his sideways gaze to the children, who were now looking absolutely despondent, and mumbled, “Uh, yeah. Guess you could be right...”

“We could go and help search,” Trajan offered. Cyrus shook his head. “No. It’s getting dark again; it wouldn’t be safe for you.” He added silently, “And you’d probably just get lost again.”

“But it’s just...we don’t wanna stay here! All alone...”

“Alone?” Cyrus’ mane bristled. “Now, who mentioned that? We’ll be pulling up stakes soon, but we certainly can’t leave you here. We’ll be making several stops on our way to Everbloom Gardens; we’ll keep asking about your clan as we go along.”

Rupa’s eyes widened. “But don’t we have to do things to be in a circus? Like trapezius and stuff.”

“You mean trapeze. And no—you are welcome to help with chores, but it isn’t necessary. You are our guests.”

~ ~ ~
Cyrus was as good as his word. The traveling circus passed through several clans, and at each place, the circus workers asked about Trajan’s and Rupa’s home. But the sparse descriptions remained unhelpful, and no one could offer any helpful answers.

“It’s been months—is anybody even looking for them?” Cyrus wondered one evening. The circus had stopped for the night, and he was idly observing the bustle around him. Not far away, the acrobats limbered up while Trajan and Rupa shouted words of encouragement. Occasionally, they tumbled together, giggling as they clumsily imitated the acrobats’ stunts.

They had adjusted well to life on the road and frequently helped with the chores. A less scrupulous ringmaster would have tried enticing them to stay, but they still talked about going home, and so Cyrus remained committed to helping them find it.

Finally, on a pleasant golden afternoon, their search came to an end. As the carts rolled along a sunlit trail, Rupa turned to look at a huge, moss-covered boulder.

“Are we...?”

Trajan’s breathless expression mirrored hers. “I think we are!”

The two of them barreled into the trees, clamoring excitedly. Behind them, Brook let out a surprised squawk. Cyrus’ eyeridges rose, but he turned and motioned to the other carts, telling his circus to follow the twins.

Hours later, the circus stopped for the night again, but not in some unknown clearing in the wilderness. Instead, it found lodgings among several leafy huts under the trees, where the dragons celebrated the return of their children.

“We owe you so much!” the clan matron declared for what seemed to be the hundredth time. She couldn’t seem to stop beaming, either at Cyrus or where the twins were being enthusiastically cuddled by their relatives.

The ringmaster smiled back. “I’m just glad Brook found them when she did. It was a pleasure to have them with us.”

“You have our thanks, friend. Stay as long as you like, and if you return in the future, do visit us. You gave our youngsters a home—you and your circus will always have one with us, too.”

Cyrus’ Traveling Circus stayed for several days, and then it was time to move on. Many fond goodbyes and thanks were exchanged, and Trajan and Rupa waved the carts off, glad that their search was over.

~ ~ ~
It took them some months to realize it, but their home didn’t feel like their home anymore, not after the adventure they’d had. They’d glimpsed the barest edges of a wide, wide world—they hadn’t even made it to Everbloom Gardens!—and now they realized that they wanted to see more.

“Are we crazy?” Rupa whispered one night, just as the stars were coming out. She and Trajan couldn’t help thinking: At this hour, they would be helping the circus with the chores or eating together with them. Telling stories by the fire, roughhousing with Brook, watching the acrobats...

“No. It feels...We’re just...”

“Stuck,” both Aberrations said at the same time. They let out sighs.

Eventually, they went to their parents and matron and presented their plan. The adults exchanged looks, and the matron stroked her chin with a massive paw. “I suppose we could ask around,” she muttered. “You’ve got their names, and we know they’re around here somewhere...”

Something about those ideas was familiar. Trajan and Rupa exchanged hopeful looks.

It was a traveling peddler who pointed them the rest of the way. She listened as they rattled off a list of names, and then she nodded down the grassy trail. “Not met any dragons named ‘Brook’, but they’ve got a hippojay who answers to that. Maybe they’re the clan you’re looking for?”

And when Cyrus saw the twins come barreling out of the brush again, covered in twigs and leaves, he did a double-take. For a brief, irrational instant, he thought time had somehow repeated itself—until he realized the youngsters were beaming.

“Found you!” they chorused, all but hurling themselves at him. He straightened his jacket and gruffly answered, “Well, I never thought I’d see you two here! Gotten yourselves lost again, have you?”

Despite his gruff tone, he was trying not to smile. Trajan and Rupa were practically aglow with excitement. They’d obviously been searching for the circus for a while, and the ringmaster thought he could guess why.

He and the twins talked extensively as the day went on. And by the time the sun set, Cyrus’ Traveling Circus had two new members. Trajan and Rupa were home at last.

~ written by Disillusionist (254672)
all edits by other users

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