Welcome to Effervescent Feathers!

We are Closed- I need to refigure prices after a LONG absence and get my lair cleared out. Mostly throwing babies on the AH at guesses- if you want something, reach out with a fair offer! I am happy to negotiate.
The hatchery is currently under construction, and I am currently waiting on several breeding card orders. I am hoping to have them up soon!
Current Stock: 39 cards up, out of over 70 pairs with more being made when time/funding allows!
I breed a wide variety of feather noodles- you know them as coatl dragons- and have some set pairs and some I am moving around and testing, or working on to get the exact babies I want. I do occasionally show off some Wildclaw or Imperial dragons as well from partner clutches with friends.
Genes I focus on: Python, Morph, Filigree, Pinstripe, Trail, Wasp, Bee, Crystal, Facet, Shimmer, Iridescent, Runes, Capsule, Metallic, and Alloy. Some others may crop in from time to time, but those are the main! I am also working on getting more XXX pairs added into the rotation.
I will typically have one nest hatching per day; unless someone has rented a nest from me.
Gems to Treasure Ratio: Currently 1:1000
At this time, I post the hatchling dragons on the AH for treasure. However, I am also happy to pull them down on request for mixed payments, gems, OR, take items for up to 1/2 the price at LAH. Just post here for that!
I will also trade them for items on my wishlists- posted on my progens, Nedus and Vidal.
Pinglists: Please request away!
Names: All hatchlings will be named to avoid unnamed exalts.
Prices: I am open to negotiation and mixed prices.
-All hatchling coatls cost 25kt standard.
---Double gened {XYY, XXY, XYX} will cost 30kt.
---Triple gened {XXX} will cost 40kt.
---Bee/Wasp/Opal/Filligree genes will cost 5kt extra.
---Python/Morph babies are set at 350kt standard, 400kt for XXX right now.
Prices will drop 5kt after 5 days.
At 1 week if not bought, prices will drop 2.5kt more.
At 2 weeks, dragons will be exalted.
Affiliation: I am more than happy to affiliate with other hatcheries (or shops potentially). Just ask and provide a banner.
Holds: I will hold a dragon for 3 days upon request.
--Note Bene: If you reserve a dragon as a hatchling, and it matures during the hold period, you must still pay the hatchling price.
Reservations: I am now accepting reservations for specific genders, colors, or genes, from any of my pairs. Reservations will have first pick of the clutches up for sale, in the order they are received. There is no cost to reserve a specific dragon, and I will hold any matching that for up to 48 hours for you to decide before listing them as for sale.
Eyes: While I have access to nests in all flights, unless otherwise requested before the pair nests all babies will have wind eyes.
Discounts: One discount per dragon. Please ASK ME for these!
Newbies: {Within the last month} 20%
Wind Flight: 15%
Birthdays: 15%
Affiliates: 10%
Reservations: 10%
Pinglists: 5%