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The overlaid text reads - Fiona's Friends - New feats and familiars arrive on an unusual scene! The image depicts a gryphon with reddish brown feathers and a spot pattern looking over its shoulder. In the background is a dark deep sea scene with red underlighting from fissures in the cracked ground.

Fiona has found and sheltered new familiars for you to adopt and befriend. Dragons who prefer to avoid creature companionship and desire a moment of deep thought will do best to avoid Fiona, and travel instead to the solitude of the abyssal depths!

The overlaid text reads Crystalline Gala - Ice festival familiar, apparel, scenes, and genes. The banner features the Ice gryphon, a mix of snowy owl and bear. On its back are ice crystals, and in the background is the towering Fortress of Ends, covered in chains.

This month, all of dragonkind come together to participate in the Crystalline Gala. This festival celebrates the Ice Flight.

The overlaid text reads - Eclipse - A tertiary gene, now available for Modern and Ancient dragons! The image depicts a Fathom hatchling with finned ears and large eyes and wings. It is reddish, but has the deep purple eclipsed circles and golden rays of the eclipse gene present on its body. In the background there is a crescent moon high in the sky.

The Eclipse gene is now available for Modern and select Ancients!

The overlaid text reads - Scenes of Transformation - More monster hunters arrive on scene. A brown weremouse howls in front of an erupting volcano. Its eye reflects the light in a spectacular way.

The squeaks of the weremouse strike terror into the hearts of dragonkind!

The overlaid text reads - Gecko - A tertiary gene, now available for all Modern and Ancient dragons! The image depicts a Pearlcatcher dragon with a single horn and a mane running down its back. It has a greyish body and blue and red faded wings. The Gecko spots run across its body and wings, and there's trailing accent lines around its eyes and tail. In the background is a dark forest with will 'o the wisps glowing with teal fire.

The Gecko gene is now available for all dragon breeds!