Pirate day is back, and the scallywags of Sornieth continue their plunder!
Autumn has returned to Sornieth and dragons everywhere are reaping the benefits of a bountiful harvest season! Drakeharvest runs from September 5-9, and brings with it a bounty of rewards!
Once relegated to a personal hoard, the dragons have found a new way to make their collections more portable!
This month, all of dragonkind come together to participate in the Flameforger's Festival. This festival celebrates the Fire Flight.
Site Status
Dragon Lair has been updated for improved screen reader support.
Dragon Share Theme Week: Pirate Dragons!
We have an update for our community regarding the false positives flagging the site as a risk earlier this morning in our Bug Reports forum.
We are aware of and investigating reports about some anti-virus programs that flagged the site as a phishing risk early this morning. We'll have an update for everyone soon!
Tomo's Trivia Tablet has been updated with 44 new questions!
Exalt Bonuses
For today only, exalting dragons that meet this criteria will net bonus riches!
Periwinkle Primary+ 2500 treasure
Skydancer Breed + 1250 treasure
Peacock Gene + 1250
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