
Dev Tracker

A chronological record of developer forum posts and site updates.
Oct 21, 2024, 17:41:47
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Romion
Hellooooo! It's time for another round of fixes. Far from all of them, of course, but here are the latest changes:

October wrote on 2023-11-15 07:26:08:
Boggripe Bulemoth
"Bulemoth's" should be "Bulemoths"

FoggyDownpour wrote on 2023-11-12 19:54:57:
Just like this post, I just tried to use the name Demented that was randomly generated and it said it wasn't allowed. This has been reported for the last 9 years and is still an issue
I took a look to be sure, and this has already been removed from the random name generator, so should no longer be an issue.

CrackedSouls wrote on 2023-11-11 16:59:23:
Friend Sugar Glider

In the description box for Friend Sugar Glider, it says: My best friend is sugar glider. Just don't tell my other best friends.

It should probably say this (so it makes sense grammatically): My best friend is a sugar glider. Just don't tell my other best friends.

Friend Hedgehog

In the description box for Friend Hedgehog, it says: My best friend is hedgehog. Just don't tell my other best friends.

It should probably say this (so it makes sense grammatically): My best friend is a hedgehog. Just don't tell my other best friends.

Same concept for the rest, either missing a or an:
Friend Anole
Friend Gecko
Friend Iguana
All relevant "Friend" attire descriptions have been fixed. Go forth and enjoy your friends!

PixelSpiral wrote on 2023-11-05 06:25:07:
Dusk Jadevine
This species of Jadevine appeared shriveled during the day, and opens during the evening to absorb moisture.
should be appears
Fixed, and also removed an unnecessary comma.

CrackedSouls wrote on 2023-10-27 18:05:38:
In the description box for Sand, it reads: Some dragons ingest sand to soothe upset stomach, others build castles with it.

It should say: Some dragons ingest sand to soothe an upset stomach, others build castles with it.

Vaixation wrote on 2023-10-24 18:14:44:
There's a typo in Tomo's Trivia:
"The toxins found in this familiar are used to combat several strains of Wyrmwood plague"

Should be Wyrmwound, not Wyrmwood. The answer is Driftwood Baron and its description says Wyrmwound. Should also maybe have some punctuation at the end of the sentence...?
Oops, it's so tough to keep track of all these strains coming out of the Scarred Wasteland... This has been corrected!

Vendrus wrote on 2023-10-23 11:21:05:
Gaoler article has been broken in multiple places by the move to www1. Spotted the following so far:
- (pronounced jail·er)
- responsibilities—or
These have both been fixed!

Ichorous wrote on 2023-10-12 17:55:13:

In the Tactics section of the Aberration lore in the Encyclopedia, there’s a word ‘an’ that should be ‘on’.

Then, to tackle the list from @Limanya -
should be "ladybugs"
Both instances fixed.

what with this sentence being phrased as it is, i don't think the hyphens in 'on-the-go' are necessary

should probably be "larva" considering there's only one in the picture

'fire grub' needs to be capitalized here too

getting ridiculously nitpicky here, but these matching item descriptions are inconsistent re: usage of hyphen (which should've been an em dash regardless) versus comma
Not nitpicky, I'm always happy to keep things consistent! I changed the hyphen out to the comma for simplicity's sake.

breed names missing capitalization
Fixed all instances (well, the ones reported here, I'm still chasing around various capitalization errors with a hammer).

should have a comma between "that" and "are"

grammar's wrong here
Fixed, changed up the description here to be cleaner overall.

should be "myctophids"
Fixed, also removed an unnecessary comma.

the description isn't incorrect per se, but given the repetition in it i'm just checking - is there a third "being" missing here?
Changed to keep it consistent for the flow of the description.

should be 'conductive'

shouldn't be capitalized here

pluralization seems off here

should be 'in' (also maybe change "an imposing silhouette" to "its imposing silhouette")
Fixed, I shifted the sentence around to be clearer.

since some variants of these questions have answers such as 'joxar' and 'galore', these should either be rephrased (e.g. "which of the following is not [an enemy] found in the golem workshop?") or we should get the lore on why tomo considers them enemies ;p
also, the wording could stand to be made consistent on these questions as well ('are not' vs. 'cannot')
All of these questions have been updated for consistency and to remove the implication that Tomo has a weird grudge against merchants.

hyphen placed incorrectly (also should be em dash rather than hyphen)
The hyphen's all right in this case, but the em dashes have been fixed!

'the' shouldn't be capitalized

A vilevenom barb shares its coloration with the much more dangerous vilevenom kelpie. Neither is venomous though.
Names capitalized.

An ink ant pupae is a messy snack that stains the fangs.
Name capitalized and plural corrected.

Mimicking the plumage of redtail gryphons ensures that river predators will steer clear of this trickster.
Name capitalized.

A smaller cousin of the common podid, these little fellas taste best roasted in the shell.
Name capitalized.

While these tasty beetles make an excellent snack on their own, they are better used to fish for waterway noggle.
Fixed the capitalization for "Waterway", but I've left "noggle" for now as it's a general species term.

Stonewatch harpies may have evolved their plumage to better camouflage with the native plant life.
Name capitalized.

That's all I've got for now! Many thanks to all who've called out errors here, we appreciate it. Keep those reports coming, I'll keep digging through as I am able!
Chorus, Choir, + Parallels Error Thread
Oct 21, 2024, 12:33:35
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
The following corrections went in today:
  • Primary: Chorus (Bogsneak F) - The pattern offset was corrected.
  • Primary: Chorus (Mirror M) - The base color of the body was using standard basic base color rather than the unique base colors of this gene pair.
  • Secondary: Choir (All Nocturne) - The neck frill shadow were restored.
  • Secondary: Choir (Obelisk H) - A missing mane fade was added in to match the adults.
  • Tertiary: Thorns (Dusthide) - The edge accent color of each spine was added in to be consistent with thorns on other breeds. The belly thorn placements were adjusted.
  • Chorus | Choir Edges - When viewed against a dark background, some of the colors had a pixel halo. This halo has been removed.
  • Chorus | Choir Colors - Generally speaking, the unique colors and dark accents of Chorus and Choir were cnsidered working as intended. However, we adjusted some of the exceptionally dark blacks to still be very dark, but backed off of that extreme by a small amount. This should result in keeping the high contrast. Here is a visual example of the changes that occured to the outline colors. The adjustment affected these colors only, only to the outline, and did not affect any of the gradients or accent colors.
    a visual example of the differences that will be applied to the gene. This is a chart showing extremely dark colors next to still-very-dark-colors that are slightly lighter.
Chorus/Choir is really cool, but...
Oct 18, 2024, 14:56:00
Hello everyone! First, thank you to everyone who took the time to share your thoughts constructively about the topic of the thread.

Second, as this thread is technically about the gene fix process, and we've asked folks to please send us their feedback on that through Contact Us, we're going to go ahead and lock this thread now. Thanks again!
Chorus and Choir
Oct 17, 2024, 09:52:45
TacoTequila wrote on 2024-10-17 09:27:02:
@Aequorin Choir is still in the "Clan & Lair" achievements tab.

@TacoTequila, one was in the right place and the other was being a bit stubborn about moving over. Both are now where they should be now. Thank you for letting us know!
Status Update
Oct 17, 2024, 09:20:57
Site Status | By Aequorin
The achievements for Chorus & Choir are now correctly listed under the Breeding tab!
Fathom tert gene error
Oct 16, 2024, 14:50:07
Thank you, @Hazekid, for the redirect to the Backlog - Modern Gene Errors thread! Locking the thread now as this is an error report. Thank you!
Chorus and Choir
Oct 16, 2024, 12:52:43
Yokudl wrote on 2024-10-16 11:59:25:
Feedback about the gene corrections process should be sent directly to us through Contact Us.
The site is inaccessible in certain countries/for certain IPs (including mine).

Hi @Yokudl, from what we've been able to verify, Zendesk does not and is not blocking users by region or country. They're a company that provides customer support related software and services for businesses. If your country is blocking its citizens from accessing Zendesk, that's outside of our control. Contact Us is and remains our official avenue for support and feedback.
Chorus and Choir
Oct 16, 2024, 12:22:05
Replies bringing up Fathom F Secondary have removed. Player feedback on the fixes is still under discussion and review. Thank you.
Chorus and Choir
Oct 16, 2024, 11:37:26
Forum Post | Announcements & News | By Undel
The overlaid text reads Chorus and Choir, A primary and secondary gene pair! The banner image features a male pose coatl with a flat, round head, feathered head crest, and arced, feathered wings. They are displaying the bold stripes, smooth gradients, and teardrop patterning of Chorus and Choir in vibrant teals, purples, and reds. The environment behind the dragon depicts a rocky landscape with reddish ground and purple rock formations

A new gene begins displaying on modern dragons. New achievements, den slots, and Ancient parallels appear!

Chorus & Choir
Chorus and Choir genes are now appearing on Modern breeds and Veilspun dragons! These primary and secondary genes can be purchased in the Treasure Marketplace, and apply a vibrant stripe and teardrop pattern across the body of your dragon
Primary Gene: Chorus Primary Veilspun Gene: Chorus Secondary Gene: Choir Secondary Veilspun Gene: Choir
A selection of dragons displaying the Chorus and Choir genes. From top to bottom: A Wildclaw female pose dragon in shades of rust and forest green, a Fae male pose dragon in shades of desaturated blue and teal, a Nocturne female pose dragon, in sahdes of green, teal, and ivory, and a Snapper male pose dragon, in shades of red, purple, and light yellow.

If you encounter any errors with Chorus & Choir and other genes released in this udpate, please report them in this thread and we will address them in a timely manner. This thread is for the genes that were released in this update only.

New Achievement
Today the Acclaimed Achievements Association has updated its records to include achievements for hatchling modern dragons with Chorus and Choir.

Mosaic & Breakup
The primary and secondary gene pair, Mosaic and Breakup, are now appearing on Aberration, Banescale, Dusthide, and Veilspun dragons! These primary and secondary genes can be purchased in the Treasure Marketplace
Primary Aberration Gene: Mosaic Primary Banescale Gene: Mosaic Primary Dusthide Gene: Mosaic Primary Veilspun Gene: Mosaic
Secondary Aberration Gene: Breakup Secondary Banescale Gene: Breakup Secondary Dusthide Gene: Breakup Secondary Veilspun Gene: Breakup

Cherub & Seraph
The primary and secondary gene pair, Cherub and Seraph, are now appearing on Dusthide and Veilspun dragons! These primary and secondary genes can be purchased in the Treasure Marketplace
Primary Dusthide Gene: Cherub Primary Veilspun Gene: Cherub Secondary Dusthide Gene: Seraph Secondary Veilspun Gene: Seraph

The Ancient-exclusive tertiary gene, Thorns, is now appearing on Banescale, Dusthide, Gaoler, and Sandsurge dragons! This tertiary gene can be purchased in the Treasure Marketplace
Tertiary Banescale Gene: Thorns Tertiary Dusthide Gene: Thorns Tertiary Gaoler Gene: Thorns Tertiary Sandsurge Gene: Thorns

Hibernal Den Tasks
Dragons have found new ways to use new resources found in Boneyard to renovate and expand their dens. 5 new Den Tasks are now available.

Riot of Rot
The twelth annual Riot of Rot will begin on October 27, 2024, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!
Riot of Rot text logo and bones on a parchment background.

Additional Updates
We are continuing to review feedback from the Fathom gene corrections and gene correction communication and threads overall. Feedback about the gene corrections process should be sent directly to us through Contact Us.

In the meantime, if you're interested in keeping up with gene fix updates, be sure to enable alerts for the tracking thread and/or bookmark the URL for the Undel-specific filter in the Dev Tracker, which will show you every update Undel posts and when.

Status Update
Oct 16, 2024, 08:07:41
Site Status | By Aequorin
The issue that caused yesterday's log-in modal (or pop-up) is resolved. Please see our post in the Bug Reports forum for more information.
Odd popup when loading pages sometimes
Oct 16, 2024, 08:04:53
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Aequorin
Hiveworks and Venatus were able to identify the source of the ad with the help of your direct reports and HAR files. They deactivated the source of the ad yesterday and let the advertiser know there are fixes that need to happen on their side with respect to their configuration.

Your browser cache should have cleared any cached versions of the ad by now. If it hasn't and you're served this ad with the pop-up again, please clear your browser's cache and cookies.

Generally speaking, you shouldn't enter information into a random log-in window or pop-up/modal. Close out the browser and report the incident to the site operator, which is what you've done. They will determine if it's a malicious issue or a configuration error that, let's say for example, presents the advertiser's own network log-in window to their advertising audience.

Thank you to everyone who brought this to our and to Hiveworks' attention!
Backlog - Modern Gene Errors
Oct 15, 2024, 20:16:47
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
The following fixes went in today
  • Primary: Lionfish (All Skydancer) The antennae had a space in the file name, resulting in them not being recolored and having all grey antennae on the f pose, all orange antennae on the m pose, and all dark blue antennae on the h pose regardless of the color of the gene. They are now appropriately recolored per the primary.
  • Primary: Poison (Snapper F) a stray line of accent color that was present on the nose was corrected.
  • Secondary: Foam (Fae M) The edge of the father wing silhouetted through the closer wing's translucency had hard, sharp edges. The edges were softened to keep the lower-depths underwater effect.
  • Secondary: Striation (Fathom F) had the offset correction uploaded. The last correction didn't overwrite the existing files correctly.
  • Tertiary: Filigree (Pearlcatcher H) had missing lineart around the side of the stomach area added in.
  • Tertiary: Glimmer (Ridgeback F) The shadow color is the same greyish tan no matter the tertiary color.
  • Tertiary: Smirch (Spiral M) had a pattern bleed in the wings went go beyond the silhouette of the dragon. This was cleaned up.
It has been 14 days...
Oct 15, 2024, 16:10:31
We're aiming for mid-week now, I'm sorry. Trust me, we're not thrilled with this delay either, but I promise you we're working on it and it's on the way!
Oct 15, 2024, 09:05:16
Forum Post | Help Center | By Aequorin
Hi @hypnotheque and @EmberArcane! Mutton took a look at the reported issue and responded to Bug Reports forum thread:
Mutron wrote on 2024-10-15 08:31:30:
Hello all,

It appears that there is an advertiser that has misconfigured their servers, so when an ad tries to load a resource from their server (probably an image or a script) it returns an HTTP 401 and makes your browser ask for a username/password. You should be able to safely cancel out of the login popup. I am sorry for the annoyance and potentially alarming nature of this issue.

If you are able to reproduce the issue reliably, and are comfortable using the developer tools in your browser, there are instructions in the Advertising Report Thread on how to capture a HAR and send it to Hiveworks to help them track this one down.

Hiveworks has an instruction page here on how to capture HAR files and report rogue ads. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!
Status Update
Oct 15, 2024, 08:52:05
Site Status | By Aequorin
Odd popup when loading pages sometimes
Oct 15, 2024, 08:31:30
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Mutron
Hello all,

It appears that there is an advertiser that has misconfigured their servers, so when an ad tries to load a resource from their server (probably an image or a script) it returns an HTTP 401 and makes your browser ask for a username/password. You should be able to safely cancel out of the login popup. I am sorry for the annoyance and potentially alarming nature of this issue.

If you are able to reproduce the issue reliably, and are comfortable using the developer tools in your browser, there are instructions in the Advertising Report Thread on how to capture a HAR and send it to Hiveworks to help them track this one down.

Chorus, Choir, + Parallels Error Thread
Oct 14, 2024, 11:21:09
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
Please check the known issues and working-as-intended sections before making a report!

This thread is to track any gene errors that occur with the new Chorus and Choir genes for modern and veilspun dragons.

In this thread, players may report any errors they encounter with the new genes. These can be technical errors, or consistency issues. This thread is intended to focus on these potential errors so that they can be addressed swiftly.

We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.

We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.

Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on November 29, 2024. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Modern Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.

Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.

Corrected Issues
  • Primary: Chorus (Bogsneak M, Veilspun H) - one of the gradient fades was not dynamically recoloring.
  • Primary: Chorus (Bogsneak F) - The pattern offset was corrected.
  • Primary: Chorus (Mirror M) - The base color of the body was using standard basic base color rather than the unique base colors of this gene pair.
  • Secondary: Choir (All Nocturne) - The neck frill shadow were restored.
  • Secondary: Choir (Bogsneak M, Veilspun H) - one of the gradient fades was not dynamically recoloring.
  • Secondary: Choir (Obelisk H) - A missing mane fade was added in to match the adults.
  • Tertiary: Thorns (Dusthide) - The edge accent color of each spine was added in to be consistent with thorns on other breeds. The belly thorn placements were adjusted.
  • Chorus | Choir Edges - When viewed against a dark background, some of the colors had a pixel halo. This halo has been removed.
  • Chorus | Choir Colors - Generally speaking, the unique colors and dark accents of Chorus and Choir were considered working as intended. However, we adjusted some of the exceptionally dark blacks to still be very dark, but backed off of that extreme by a small amount. This should result in keeping the high contrast. Here is a visual example of the changes that occured to the outline colors. The adjustment affected these colors only, only to the outline, and did not affect any of the gradients or accent colors.
    a visual example of the differences that will be applied to the gene. This is a chart showing extremely dark colors next to still-very-dark-colors that are slightly lighter.

Known Issues
  • Primary: Chorus (Coatl H) - The head fluff is missing an accent color present on the adults.
  • Secondary: Choir (Skydancer F) - The mane gradient is a bit heavy in comparison to the other poses.

Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)

Working as intended
  • Chorus Mirror and Fae horns/crests having a pattern and not the horn color was an intentional design choice. Dragons with horns that behave more like horns do have the natural horn color intact in this gene.
  • Chorus | Choir There is a belly accent fade present in chorus and choir. This not showing up in the wing is considered intentional.
  • Chorus | Choir Colors Aside from the colors called out in the "Known issues" section, the wild accent colors and unique bases of this gene are considered working as intended.
  • Chorus | Choir The nails of the dragons and whether or not they are colored follows the primary version of dragon genes. Many original breeds do not have dynamic nails.
  • Chorus The tear drops on the fae wings follow the arc of the markings. So there are no teardrops in the final fae female digit because we felt it looks better to have the arc where it currently is.

I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the genes released in the Chorus and Choir update, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.

This thread is accepting reports on the following genes only:

We are continuing to review feedback from the Fathom gene corrections and gene correction communication and threads overall. Feedback about the gene corrections process should be sent directly to us through Contact Us.

In the meantime, if you're interested in keeping up with gene fix updates, be sure to enable alerts for the tracking thread and/or bookmark the URL for the Undel-specific filter in the Dev Tracker, which will show you every update Undel posts and when.
Some of these ads are too much man
Oct 14, 2024, 09:42:46
Grapiesoo wrote on 2024-10-14 08:25:55:

You'd think that Hiveworks would screen the ads that they service or something...
I don't mean this in a snarky way or anything- it just seems like that would fix the problem entirely, and make it so they have to deal with less instances of this happening?

Also glad there's a space to report it, but man have ads like this been rough this week.

Hiveworks is actively working on tracking down the bad ad source. They've received multiple reports with the HAR files as requested which have been very helpful. As of right now, they've had to escalate to Venatus for assistance on the bad ad hunt. This particular ad appears to have multiple sources. But! every time a player emails in their report with the bad ad's HAR file, it's a solid lead both on a source and on how widespread the issue is.

If you're still experiencing this ad, definitely follow the instructions laid out on Hiveworks ad reporting page. Your reports are making a difference!
It has been 14 days...
Oct 14, 2024, 07:49:20
We've removed some comments that were unrelated to the topic of this thread as cross-posting about an issue being discussed in one thread (Thread A) in other, unrelated threads can lead to the current thread (Thread B) being derailed. It can also be considered trolling if review shows the individual posting in Thread B is an active participant in Thread A.

As of this post, the replies removed were done so under forum moderation and Support will not issue any actions or penalties. Thank you.
Re: 45 day window and threads
Oct 14, 2024, 07:40:41
Hello and good morning! This thread is now locked, under forum moderation.

We are locking the threads regarding the Fathom F Secondary fixes for several reasons. The discussions are slipping out of established threads and into multiple threads on the topic. Not all of the replies being made are constructive and can lead to inflammatory rhetoric and escalation. Comments on the issue are being posted in unrelated threads.

Players had the weekend to post their thoughts publicly in our forums and discuss them with each other. Now it's time for the team to review, confer, and respond, which may take some time. Not because we don't take your concerns and feedback seriously — we have to coordinate around different workflows and schedules while balancing multiple internal and external priorities and needs.

Going forward, we ask that any feedback on the Fathom F Secondary fix or the process for gene releases or fixes in general be submitted directly to us through Contact Us. Your feedback will be documented and reviewed, even if you don't receive a personalized reply.

This means that any additional threads posted about this topic will be locked, and any replies in unrelated threads will be removed, either by Flight Rising Support, myself, or our volunteer moderators.

To everyone who took time to share their feedback constructively, thank you. We appreciate you.
It has been 14 days...
Oct 11, 2024, 15:57:22
JavaMP wrote on 2024-10-10 09:24:17:
Seeing as the last update was a dev update and not a content update, something in me tells me that they are working on something big behind the scenes. Profile banner update? Gathering refactor? New breed? Who knows! We usually also see 2 updates between fests, sometimes 3, so I do think we get something before RoR.


It is I, the bearer of dull news and deflated hype bubbles.

The delay between content updates is due to life lifeing and software being a bit finicky about how it wants to run. Is it ideal, is it what we want? Nope. But sometimes it happens, and then suddenly it's Friday night. We try not to push updates on Fridays and weekends because that's the tech equivalent of saying the 'q' word in healthcare or retail

But! There's a regular content update in the works that we hope to have out to everyone early next week.

Our apologies for the delay in content updates!

Status Update
Oct 11, 2024, 14:29:30
Site Status | By Undel
We have an update and additional information about the now-completed Fathom F Secondary technical fixes.
Fathom Release Gene Error Thread
Oct 11, 2024, 14:26:04
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback and making your voices heard, especially to those that helped keep the direction of the threads in Flight Rising Discussion and the Suggestions forum constructive. We know your Fathoms and their aesthetics are important to you and that you're feeling concerned or upset over the seeming lack of communication regarding the technical fix we rolled out for Fathom F secondary genes. This was concerning for us, as the fixes were notated and documented in the Fathom Gene Error thread in real time. We've gone over previous gene fixes, what went well, and what happened with the Fathom fixes. We have an update for everyone and information to share on what to expect going forward with gene fixes.

The change:
This was a technical correction, an inconsistency within the same breed. We have defined inconsistencies within the same breed as technical errors since the implementation of the 45 day style consistency window and system we now use for style corrections vs technical corrections. The hatchling pose and the M pose both had the "wrist" of the outside of the wing be the secondary color, and the inside of the wing be the primary color. The F pose originally had the primary showing across the back/outside of the wing, which was inconsistent with how both the hatchling and the m pose coverage presented. Technical errors may be addressed at any time, and as an inconsistency within the same breed, this was one of those fixes.

We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixelation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.

We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.

This issue was noted while the Fathom gene error thread and consistency window was open, with notations that it would be addressed after thread closure so that the coverage change was applied on top of any other fixes or changes that were reported within the thread, to avoid duplicating work.

Undel wrote on 2024-07-29 23:17:43:
This thread is now closed for consistency issues. If you run into technical issues with the Fathom breed release slate of genes, please report them to the Backlog - Modern Gene Errors thread.

Post-Thread Issues

Secondaries on Fathom F - Fathom F pose does not have the outside "wrist/hand" of the wing colored in the secondary colored and faded like the M and H pose do.

This issue is considered a technical issue as it is an inconsistency within the same breed, and will be actioned on shortly after this thread closes. This will be corrected last, after all consistency issues are closed out, as being able to batch action the templates to a new secondary base after all pattern issues have been corrected would be the most efficient way to handle this.

Updates were provided within the thread itself as to the progress of the fixes. The bulk of the Fathom F secondary corrections went in on August 21, 2024, with Clouded, Constellation, Current, and Shimmer outstanding. Clouded, constellation, current, and a fix for an offset on striation went in on October 6th, and Shimmer went in today. These changes were noted within the thread as they were applied.

Going Forward:
Though the thread was being updated, players may not have known to continue to check it for information once the consistency/style fixes were applied and closed out. We should have created a new thread for this fix or moved the updates to it to the modern technical errors thread, as these would have been more logical choices to keep players up-to-date on what was happening.

This was a case of us using a closed release thread past its expiration date. In the future, any technical errors that are corrected past the closure of an initial gene/breed release technical/consistency combo thread will receive their own reply in the stickied, long-term technical errors thread rather than an edit to a closed thread. These new replies will ensure that they show up in the dev tracker and should provide more visibility to the updates that are occurring around the site.
general fr knowledge
Oct 10, 2024, 08:43:51
Hey folks, references and links to the account Naomi have been removed. The overall tl;dr for what happened is that a team member mistyped an integer during data entry and it resulted in everything displaying as a single player/dragon.

The reason for the links/reference removal is because this is still a player account and it's a form of call-out that can place unwanted community attention (aka, harassment) on a single account. Thank you for understanding.
so the auraboa lore update is here
Oct 09, 2024, 07:43:18
Good morning everyone! A quick forum moderation note: A rule-violating reply was removed from the thread. We removed any quotes or replies to removed content under standard issue forum moderation. Thank you!
Dev Update: Accessibility Update # 2
Oct 08, 2024, 10:38:31
@clockworkMoose, thank you for your feedback! This is already being discussed and will be given the full attention it deserves.
Fathom F Secondary...
Oct 08, 2024, 09:06:54
Hello everyone. Going over the last page of this thread, it's time for a time-out. This action is standard forum moderation and should not be read into as a staff commentary on the thread's topic.

Now, regarding the topic (the Fathom F technical error and corrections), we don't have an update for our players voicing their concerns at this time. That being said, please know that your feedback has been documented and brought to the art team's attention.
Chest Icon Not Working?
Oct 08, 2024, 00:52:02
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thank you for the report @CoastalSystem

The item name in the database was a little goofy, but it has now been fixed.

Future forum posts/dragon profiles/clan bios/etc. should show the icon as expected. You can also edit existing posts to force them to grab the updated icon.
Dev Update: Accessibility Update # 2
Oct 07, 2024, 15:08:38
clockworkMoose wrote on 2024-10-07 14:50:09:
Because I'd argue that having information repeated wherever relevant instead of expecting people to comb through multiple years worth of staff posts to piece together the info is itself also an accessibility feature.

That would be why I linked and fully quoted the July 2023 comment here. Now it's definitely in the Dev Tracker and it's in the relevant announcement post, as a quick bandage for the time being. Regardless, thank you for the feedback, @clockworkMoose!
Dev Update: Accessibility Update # 2
Oct 07, 2024, 12:50:07
KaijuTamer wrote on 2024-10-05 16:18:35:
Its been years being promised a dark mode... an still nothing? From what i am also seeing its not listed in this update either? That or im blind an somehow missed it

@KaijuTamer, our apologies for the confusion — dark mode is definitely on our list to tackle, but it is a significant undertaking for an art-heavy site like ours. I'm going to quote myself from July of 2023 which lays out some of our process on the subject of accessibility and dark modes. (bolding emphasis mine)

Aequorin wrote on 2023-07-10 10:29:26:
Hello everyone! Reading through the thread, it's become apparent to us that there's been a fundamental misunderstanding about dark mode, the website, and where we are in the process. The background art/dark mode incompatibility is a very large project that we haven't yet scoped or defined. In other words, dark mode is a significant task in and of itself.

That being said, something we're excited about is that with the refactor nearly complete, there is far more bandwidth for our team to tackle several accessibility improvements that we've been wanting to do. A dark theme—and maybe even other themes as well—is part of those initiatives, and will ultimately benefit from us taking time to address critical accessibility updates (ex: screenreader access) first, followed by thoughtful implementation of themes or dark modes.

To expand a bit on the above, I can share with you that creating a dark mode version of the site involves not just art compatibility but going through the site page by page, through every single style tag, and scoping out how far into future-proofing we go. And this process then brings up the question if we'd be better off working on themes overall, which is in and of itself a complete engineering feature project that requires scoping and balancing with other feature work, Support needs, etc.

Whatever players need to do to make the site accessible through stylesheets (see note below) is what they need to do, and we understand that—so long as all you're doing is making the site readable for you on the client-side and not making changes that play the game for you or otherwise circumvent site or gameplay design or our Terms of Use.

Plugins and extensions are used at the player's own risk. We cannot and will not suggest, sanction, or authorize/approve of specific third-party plugins or extensions.

A dark theme is something we want to do, but we don't have an ETA at this time. Screenreader accessibility is a critical accessibility issue and one we must address before we can scope out and tackle dark mode and more. I hope this information helps!
so the auraboa lore update is here
Oct 07, 2024, 08:13:47
spxcesoul wrote on 2024-10-07 07:07:56:
okay theres no way thats not a flat out lie because how can no one out of all the fr staff who read it- a bunch of randoms who checked it over not atleast know of someone who smokes that, has been on social media and heard that phrase, or anything else
there is no physical way thats even possible and is just.

yeah no
u def can say yeah alright its not souLY attached to that but. trying to spin it like theres no way a 'normal' person would know that association is insane

Hi @spxcesoul, my response was given in good faith, providing transparency and clarifications for concerns raised by players. There's no benefit in a Community Manager lying to (ie, having intent to deceive) their community.

A concern was raised and that concern was addressed. 'Zaza' is a word and title with multiple valid uses and meanings, and any association to a niche definition in a specific community is wholly unintentional. With this concern addressed, we expect the discussion to return to the overall topic of this thread, the update to Ancient Arboriculture Observations.

Status Update
Oct 06, 2024, 23:14:45
Site Status | By Undel
The twelfth annual Riot of Rot will begin on October 27th, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration!
Aether Gene Expansion Errors
Oct 05, 2024, 22:01:20
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
The following changes went in tonight:
  • Primary: Fern (Aether M) - The belly highlights were extended to the tail.
  • Primary: Ground (All Aether) - The horn and claw accent colors were inconsistent with every other instance of this gene, and have been corrected.
  • Primary: Python (All Aether) - The accent gradient coverage was brought in line with modern dragons displaying this gene.
  • Primary: Tapir (All Aether) - The markings on this gene were thicker than in the modern version of the gene. They have been corrected.
  • Primary: Wasp (All Aether) - Additional highlights were added to the furred areas of this gene.
  • Secondary: Chess (Aether F, M) - The edge markings have been adjusted again to better flow with the wing.
  • Secondary: Striation (All Aether) - The markings on this gene were thicker than in the modern version of the gene. They have been corrected.
  • Tertiary: Capsule (All Aether) - The doubled up shadow layer was corrected.
  • Tertiary: Firefly (All Aether) - The firefly on the nose was clipping into the standard-eye placement, independent of special eye effects.
  • Tertiary: Flameforger (Aether M) - The flames at the end of the wing near the edge of the canvas had their shaping adjusted. Note that this was not a part of the Aether gene expansion, but it was released within a similar timeframe and was still within its 45 day window for consistency changes.
  • Tertiary: Koi (Aether F, M) - The gene now applies over the toe pads/beans and is consistent with other breeds that have this gene.
  • Tertiary: Veined (All Aether) - The corners on this gene were sharper than on previous breeds. Shaping adjusted.
And you are dead [Aura Lore Update]
Oct 03, 2024, 12:53:23
TheBirdandtheBow wrote on 2024-10-03 10:18:37:
The older Auraboas read not unlike a unique neurotype (autism, ADHD allegory) from the start, and the plot as an inverted "my kid is weird, are they okay?" experience (where the characters with a different neurotype than the readers are concerned about their offspring sharing the readers' perspective, which is a very thoughtful way to write that kind of story).

Based on some of the replies we've seen both here in our forums and on social media, it's important for everyone to note that two things can be true at the same time.

First, that players were right to raise concerns and call our attention to where our story fell into or made space for harmful and racist stereotypes and/or tropes. The concerns raised were/are valid and we had work to do.

Second, that the story and the Auraboa were — in both iterations — informed by lived experience with communication differences. Specifically, living in a world where how you process, interact, and engage with your surroundings is significantly different from those around you and all the misunderstandings, confusion, and pain that can come with those differences. Thank you for seeing them and for the opportunity to address this overall issue, @TheBirdandtheBow.

Neither truth invalidates the other. Discussion of the story, what you liked, what you didn't like, that's all okay. Encouraged, even! What we don't want to see is our community re-litigating the circumstances that lead to the update of Ancient Arboriculture Observations. That will make space for and invite bad faith takes and bigotry. The community brought valid concerns to our attention. We updated the story in response to those concerns and provided insight to our process. And now we're moving forward.
so the auraboa lore update is here
Oct 03, 2024, 08:56:24
Farglow wrote on 2024-10-03 08:31:23:
Aequorin wrote on 2024-10-03 07:47:10:
StarrySunrise wrote on 2024-10-03 07:35:10:
I really wanted to like it but the unironic use of “zaza” as a gender-neutral mama/papa completely took me out of the story…. And it’s the leaf dragons too

(Don’t know if that was in the original or not tho)

Hi @/StarrySunrise! Aspen was referred to with they/them/their pronouns in the original. These were only references as Aspen was not present as a full character in the truncated/original version, and it's totally understandable if one missed that.

As for 'zaza', a gender-neutral parental diminutive or nickname is appropriate for a non-binary parent.

Is this the best term for it though? I only ask because the only zaza I am aware of refers to reefer/cannabis so I can see why people would be a bit shocked by its inclusion here and why the leaf dragons too. Not sure if you were aware of the slang, my apologies if this was already considered.

Hi @Farglow! I appreciate your point! The story underwent review by >10 professionals over the past 10 months, and this particular association never came up. In all reviews, it was recognized as a gender neutral parental nickname. Any association as described is wholly unintentional.

After reading your reply, I performed several searches — due diligence, abundance of caution, etc. As you've described it, it appears to be a specific usage based on a product provided by a brand in a specific community. Further searches of just 'Zaza' show that this is also the name of several restaurants, given and surnames of multiple public figures, the name of multiple geographical places, and going by some of our feedback, is a parental reference some our players use for themselves.

All in all, it appears 'Zaza' a widely used name and term with multiple, valid meanings.

(edited to correct the length of time, I miscounted!)