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Personal Style


Ethereal Flame Candles
Illuminated Runescroll
Brightshine Raiments
Gilded Rose Thorn Crown
Bone Antlers
Gilded Rose Thorn Tail Tangle
Golden Seraph Tail Bangle
Golden Seraph Anklets
Golden Seraph Headpiece
Golden Seraph Necklace
Golden Seraph Wing Ornament
Gilded Rose Thorn Arm Tangle




7.46 m
8.09 m
431.07 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 03, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Wildclaw
Max Level
Blazing Slash


A horizontal vine, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune. In the center the vine wraps around a golden symbol in shape of a fire rune.

A horizontal vine, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flower puds.


Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune.


Kupari’s egg was brought to the clan by Tina as gift for her and her coworker Tapio. However, when the egg was originally brought Tapio had not been willing to hatch it and the event was pushed back a little. The clan though had found a lightning egg during Thundercrack Carnivale and it already waiting to be hatched the clan didn't want to push back hatching the eggs too much. Few nights later the eggs were hatched and Kupari was able to see her new parents. Tapio named her after someone called Koppar and left as soon as having given the name Tina taking Kupari on her and carrying her to the smithy.

Tapio was not willing to let Kupari anywhere near the smithy while Tina tried to get her in it being their home. Kupari was able to sense the anger both of her new parents felt and was confused why they were like that Tina explaining she was just tired with Tapio he having not been working in ages. She asked why Tapio was so angry she saying she wasn’t really sure but Kupari was able to sense she knew something. She tried to ask Tapio what was bothering him he not hearing her, just telling to stay away from him and the smithy.

Not being allowed to enter the smithy, if Tapio was in there, Kupari spend a lot of time walking across the lair she sensing its residents whispering about her. Among the whispering dragons she saw blurry figures moving back and forth no one seemingly seeing them. Kupari tried to come closer to see the figures better but they disappeared before she could reach them. As she was chasing the figures she noticed more dragons whispering about her and she returned to Tina not feeling safe.

She asked what was wrong with her Tina saying there was nothing wrong with her but Kupari felt she was leaving something unsaid. She was busy with her ambassador work and asked Kupari to go hang out with Tapio telling her to not get bothered by his rude behavior. Kupari went to Tapio’s side of the smithy noticing the bogsneak be absent. She went to look for him the residents telling he was near the old smithy where she found him looking sad.

She didn’t want to bother her father when he looked like that and after he left she went to see what he had been doing. At the smithy Kupari found dozens of flowers being left next to the empty building and as she was wondering why Tapio had left them there she saw a blurry figure sitting on the roof. This one didn’t run away and Kupari asked for her attention the figure being confused by the fact that she saw her. Kupari asked why that was confusing the fae figure explaining that she was dead and no one could see her because of that. Kupari found that weird, that others didn’t see her while she saw her clearly, but assuming starting to argue over that wouldn’t lead anywhere she asked about the ghost. She said being Koppar and she, along with her daughter, had died when the previous smithy had collapsed and Tapio, unable to accept that she had given her life to save him, kept bothering her rest. She asked Kupari, as she was able to see her, to tell Tapio to stop and move on. Kupari promised to do so.

Getting the message to Tapio though was hard he not letting her come anywhere near him, and if she managed to sneak near he did not listen he just telling her to go away. He kept visiting Koppar who asked, sarcastically, if Kupari was able to actually deliver the message she saying she was trying. The dead fae told to try harder and she tried that it not really making difference. Kupari tried to say that Tapio was preventing spirits from resting and she said that he was bothering Tina’s work but it was all like talking to a deaf dragon. She even tried to stand in front of him getting almost hit by a helmet because of that. Tapio used that as excuse for her to stay away but Kupari was able to tell he had thrown the helmet by accident and regretted it. She sensed he having feared hurting her. Tapio didn’t want to hurt her and knowing that she dared to keep pressuring him to either listen or work, preferably both.

Tapio though was a stubborn dragon always sneaking to the old smithy to bring some flowers. He either pushed Kupari away if she stood in the way or sneaked out when she was not looking Kupari having taken Tina’s job to keep an eye on the bogsneak when the coatl was not in the clan. One night Kupari had made her way to the smithy despite Tapio’s objection and she was in the corner watching the stuff he was supposed to fix when he sneaked out yet again. Kupari followed him he making his way to the old smithy leaving once again flowers on the ground acting like Kupari wasn’t even there. She tried to remind him that there was a cleaver that needed to be sharpened Tapio being like he did not hear her. After waiting for response that never came Kupari said that mourning did not help anyone but made spirits annoyed.

That caught Tapio’s attention he turning to ask if he had heard right. Kupari repeated what she said seeing Koppar watching from the roof she being disappointed with Tapio. He was offended by what Kupari said saying she had never met the dragons he had accidentally killed while Kupari was offended that he had not heard her say she can hear dead for months. She had been frustrated with Tapio for almost all the time and it having built up over time her anger exploded and Kupari felt like her energy had just washed away.

Kupari was not sure what just happened she having not meant to do what she did, whatever it was. She felt her energy depleting as if she was pushed it away, and upon taking a look at Tapio his scared eyes staring at Koppar were enough to tell her that she had somehow made spirits visible. Realizing that Kupari’s legs gave in and she fell to the ground she remaining awake to hear Koppar ask what the burst was about. When they heard Tina rushing towards them Kupari had recovered enough to lift her head and told she was alright being sure she was just tired while Tapio looked like he had frozen. Scared residents came to help her and Tapio to the smithy and while they were carried there Kupari heard them talk about her giving Tina suspicious looks.

Kupari recovered well and was like nothing had happened by morning. The following night the clan held a conference they wanting to know what the event the night before had been. They asked Kupari first she telling that she had been able to see ghosts since hatching but did not know why that, which seemed to be unnatural, was the case. The clan then turned to Tina asking her about where she had gotten the egg she telling that she was not sure it having been gifted to her on a hallway. She though was told that the egg could have been from Flamecaller’s private hatchery that making the clan nervous while Kupari herself was neutral about the news.

After the conference was over Tapio, having sat next to her, asked to have a word with Kupari the two going to a peaceful place to talk. He apologized his behavior still saying that the smithy was dangerous Kupari understanding that to be the case. He then asked if she had really been able to hear Koppar’s ghost Kupari telling what she had talked with the dead fae. After that Tapio paid her a last visit and returned to work as blacksmith Kupari no longer needing to push him to do so. Feeling like having her everyday activity made obsolete she decided to take work as priestess guiding dead dragons to the afterlife and communicating with their spirits she having gift for that.

Small pile of orange petals.

After moving away from her parents Kupari practiced to get better hang of her gifts they becoming useful when Silence came to report about a spirit gaoler having attacked her in the wood. Kupari was able to sense the spirit of Mustamalva, now called Monsoon, but she was unable to contact it his brother managing to calm him down before Kupari could. She later encountered the spirit but it said nothing to Kupari despite of her best efforts and just walked away as soon as it had appeared.

Later a group of dragons barely survived an attack from an angry spirit it having appeared when they had been in the open watching the night sky. After that the spirit's screams were heard almost every night being accompanied by unnatural thunder and though Kupari tried she was unable to contact the spirit. As she was trying to contact the thunder spirit having taken form of a banescale Kupari met with Retsbiert, an old spirit that appeared kind but who Kupari had hard time reading she feeling wicked aura from Them. They offered to help her contact the thunder spirit Ninya but Kupari, smelling ulterior motives, declined the offer.

After almost a month of trying to contact Ninya the spirit finally answered Kupari's callings she making it very clear she should feel honored. Kupari was unable to get answer to why she had attacked the group and she was unable to gather much of any information about the spirit. She though was able to make it stop terrorizing the clan the spirit doing so unwillingly saying the clan had doomed itself. Back in the lair Kupari tried to make assumptions of the two banescale spirits. The ruins that were found soon after Nova discovered a new constellation gave her some hints but no clear answers.

Following Nova's discovery Pernis and Rosalin started to design a new temple for the clan Kupari giving them feedback on what kind of sanctuary would best serve her and the spirits she herded. She was happy to get one made for her needs. However, as the clan changed its name in the same conference in which they accepted architects' plan she had feeling of something being wrong, as if spirits were scared of something.

Soon enough clan's familiars, every single one, started to act hostile those including the two living with Kupari one of them being ethereal wisp while another was almost divine being. Kupari wanted to figure out what had happened to them and thought about asking the spirits but she could not find them they having hidden somewhere. To make matters worse Monsoon was corrupted by some kind of dark magic. He attacked his gentle brother Purukumi and Kupari got some bruises as she tried to get him and Vaapukka away from the hostile spirit.

Akakabuto, though not a spirit in Kupari's books, also turned out to be much more hostile than what it usually was making finding Lumi all the more difficult. The female spirit was strong-minded and easy to talk to, and Kupari was desperate trying to find her she being her last hope of getting answers. The female gaoler though remained hidden Kupari hoping that was a sign she was still free-minded and not tainted like the other two gaolers.

Life in the lair was hard with the hostile familiars and the threat of the war that was luckily avoided. Kupari tried to figure out who had taken control over the spirits feeling it had to be the same person who had made Silence attack the plague clan. She assumed it having been Retsbiert the spirit denying Their role through telepathy which made Kupari all the more suspicious. She felt like running out of time when clan's leaders with their guardians were reported missing being followed by good chunk of ambassadors, among those Kupari's foster parents.

Things only got worse from there an earthquake hitting the lair it being caused by rising earth that formed walls around the lair the ceiling being sealed by lush trees. Panic started to spread fast when the ones behind the wall, Shadow, Sapny and Glade Megabrain being their extra sidekick declared they would summon the Shade in few days. Kupari too was scared but she knew someone had to maintain order she taking that job with Karmiini and Julius as they tried to survive till the summoning day, and preferable after that too.

Kupari was unsure of what to do and just focused on keeping the residents calm. The tree in the old smithy, where Kupari had first released her spirit revealing power, interested her and after making sure none of the four summoners was near she made her way there. The smithy was now very high up and it was clear they were seen easily as they made their way to the old building but Kupari wanted to take the risk. In the smithy she saw Halloween and Breeze tied to the tree and assuming Ayla, their shadow ambassador having her shop under the floor, was also trapped by it Kupari decided to burn the tree. Fearing Glade might have felt that she gave the trio only a short summary of what was going before leaving as fast as they had arrived with the dragons that followed her.

Days went by and though Glade signed he knew what Kupari had done he did not approach her she assuming he had other things to do with the summoning day approaching. The summoning day eventually arrived Kupari being with others to see what would happen. The leaders brought reinforcement a bit too late the eclipse hitting its peak and Restbiert appearing as the world went dark Kupari feeling Their power take control over her skeleton forcing her to bow. They asked her to submit to Them which Kupari denied like she had denied the first offer weeks ago Retsbiert forcing her to battle nearby dragons They promising to make it stop once They got the answer They wanted.

They could not make the living dragons battle for long Lumi appearing from the wood attacking the Bone Lord hindering Their focus. The living dragons were fully freed when Ninya joined the battle attacking from above. With being freed the dragons started their attack to capture the summoners Retsbiert fighting with the two female spirits before being sealed away by Nemo. Kupari stayed on the sidelines throughout the battles seeing the souls of the unlucky ones' leave their bodies staying there confused by their sudden end. She helped the healers to gather wounded and no longer living to where they belonged helping healers to get the wounded back to their feet before preparing to send the lost ones to their last journey.

All the deceased had been clan residents and Kupari felt bad seeing so many of them, most of them being rather young, leave like that. After having sent the lost ones to their last journey Kupari decided to check how the spirits in the wood were doing most of the lesser ones having returned but being scared. Ninya was alright though showed clear disappointment towards the clan, Akakabuto was its normally hostile self while Monsoon remained tainted by the magic cast on him. He attacked Kupari deliberately and Lumi needed to save her the white spirit being like she had always been. Kupari assumed that Monsoon had attacked due to strong magic she had feeling threatened by it Kupari having felt a bit of fear and bitterness from the spirit when he had attacked.

Back in the lair most of the lost souls had gone on except for one. Dragons started to report seeing a ghost near Hattara's nest she having lost her sister Kanerva in the battles. Kupari visited the spirit she telling to not tell Hattara why she stayed there she needing to figure that out on her own. She though told what she wanted from her still living sister and feeling like it wasn't too much Kupari started to push Hattara to deal with the ghost. She took her time but she eventually did and Kanerva left after her sister said her goodbyes having missed them during the actual memorial event. With that done Kupari continued her job making sure the spirits had everything alright eventually moving to her new sanctuary.

Small pile of orange petals.

Kupari enjoyed her time in the sanctuary it being peaceful and cozy to her. Her work was also very peaceful the clan having not lost any more dragons since summer only Monsoon worrying Kupari. There though was next to nothing she could do and just wished the spell would just fade away, or that his brother Purukumi would find something though apparently he was not able to find the spirit at all.

It was middle of the ice holiday when Vaapukka came to ask how to contact Monsoon that being a bit confusing. She had heard news about Purukumi having gone missing, news like those had spread like wildfire in dry Viridian Labyrinth since summer, but why Vaapukka wanted to contact the spirit he feared was her biggest question. He told he wanted to ask if it knew anything about Purukumi and Kupari felt bad for not being able to help much. She would have gone ask herself but she would not walk, or fly for that matter, back home if she did that assuming she came back home in the first place. She told the snapper to try call the spirit being sure it didn't work if it didn't work with Purukumi, and turn to Ayla after that. She could probably make an amulet that tricked Monsoon into thinking Vaapukka was a powerful mage those having no difficulties with finding the spirit.

Vaapukka didn't visit Kupari after that and she visited her clan mates to hear rumors about how he was doing. It had been about a week since Purukumi had gone missing and a little less since Vaapukka had visited Kupari. Rumors had started to sound rather wild they claiming Vaapukka having been seen riding Monsoon. Kupari had hard time believing that but eventually one night she was asked to come see Monsoon having dragged some kind of mind controlling spirit to the lair it having been behind Purukumi's disappearance. Monsoon had no reason to bring the spirit to the lair if he had not been working with Vaapukka and Tahna told having found the two in same place.

Monsoon clearly showed distrust when Kupari arrived the spirit staying just outside the lair having clearly dragged his foot on the ground all the way the trail being clearly visible. He was reluctant to lift the leg under which was a small spirit dragon having form of a veilspun. Though being dragged for who knew how long the spirit was not hurt though they were very annoyed. Realizing it being veilspun Kupari asked Kaiku to come support her she being blind and thus immune to veilspun's hypnosis powers though this spirit seemed like being able to mind control with spells.

The spirit told he was Nagabaro having once been leader of a mage clan. He said he had nothing against Purukumi, which was unsurprising, and had just wanted to test the clan that sounding a bit of a stretch. Kupari asked why the spirit had felt need to test the clan she feeling nervous with leaders coming to see what was the matter. Nagabaro told he knew what had happened last July and wanted to know if the clan knew what to do if the wood decided to take one of them, and he had fixed the ruins a little bit. Nagabaro said being rather impressed that a lesser dragon, Kupari being sure he referred to Vaapukka he not being a mage, was able to find him and that the clan actually kept an eye on the wood. Kupari let Nagabaro leave and went to inform Vaapukka after giving leaders a short summary.

Small pile of orange petals.

After Nagabaro’s appearance fairies took Oberon and Astor as their puppet king and guard after they had angered a gem guardian during shadow holiday. After that small incident Kupari’s life was mostly peaceful. Since the clan had discovered the ruins and old constellations, she had tried to contact the spirits the stars depicted. She felt their presence and they had gotten stronger as clan had started to adapt them as part of their culture but she was unable to get any response from when she tried to reach out for them no matter how many times she tried.

The clan had no archaeologist so the rangers had occasionally scouted the ruins in case they found something useful and Kupari had hoped they had eventually found something to connect her with the spirits. Sadly, the summoners ended up ruining that Shadow and Sapny returning late summer. The two wanted to atone which the clan did not allow and the two had moved to live in the ruins. The clan was unable to drive them out and let them be Kupari hiding the fact she was very annoyed by the turn of events. The clan thought she had managed to connect with the five guardian spirits which she had not despite feeling all five of them clearly.

It was year and half, nearing two, since the ruins had been discovered. New spirits had appeared in the wood they appearing similar to aberration dragons that had been discovered in the Scarred Wasteland. Angevil was the first one to appear. It had attacked Richard but didn’t seem hostile like Akakabuto, who seemed closest comparison to the new one due to not technically being a spirit. Tahna had managed to meet with the union of two individuals and helped Kupari to come in contact with the two heads. They were very different one loving torturing others while the other was not that into that. After a short conversation the two heads promised to not hurt clan residents or their pets, assuming they didn’t provoke them.

The second spirit to appear was Demoni who was similar to Retsbiert. It had been sealed away and during the first encounter with modern dragons it had killed one making the death count three since the return of the summoners. Tahna and Vatta came to share what they had learned of the being with total of five heads and Kupari went to have a word with it. Demoni was summonable and despite of the initial assumption Kupari was able to talk with it peacefully. The thing said it had been made ages ago to wipe world clean so it could bloom again without stains. It though had noticed that there was too much opposition for it to see its mission completed and said it would wait for better moment. Kupari didn’t like what she heard.

At the moment Demoni didn’t plan attacking but it could in the future. It didn’t seem like being related to the Shade and Kupari didn’t expect the deities to help if it was to attack because of that. Slightly worried Kupari tried to contact with the five god like spirits seeing them as their defense and grew frustrated when she still could not reach them. That was when Shadow contacted her through telepathy Kupari being outright offended by that. The summoner offered to help Kupari with her problem but the priestess didn’t trust her and asked her to get out of her head. The skydancer fell silent Kupari assuming she had cut off the connection and after letting herself relax for a moment she stepped outside of the sanctuary. After spotting Azul she asked the spiral to get the leaders to her as soon as possible and walked back in as the messenger went to get the dragons she had asked for.

Kupari was walking in circles when Tinker arrived with Alfa following soon after. They were able to tell something bothered Kupari and she stopped walking as they asked what the matter was. Kupari was direct with the two leaders and said what Shadow had just done. They were both worried to hear that, either because it meant the summoners were active or because they had assumed Kupari already had connection to the spirits. They both agreed the offer was some kind of trap and suggested Kupari to not accept it. Kupari had not even thought about accepting it and her main concern was something else; both summoners were able to manipulate minds and she feared she might fall for that kind of spell. Both leaders understood the concern, and the fact there was next to nothing they could do to prevent that. Kupari could obtain an amulet to protect her but it was not guaranteed it was able to protect her. All they really could do was hope the summoners didn’t end up using mind spells on Kupari.

Kupari was very nervous during the nights that followed and Shadow contacting her about her offer didn’t make her feel any better. Because of her fear of being mind controlled Kupari struggled to sleep and that cause her to nap during nights. She had dozed off when preparing to attempt contacting the spirits again when she forced herself to wake up and woke up easily when she noticed she was no longer in sanctuary. Sapny was fast to greet Kupari who backed against a wall in attempt to get away from the two summoners. Shadow looked at Kupari quietly asking her to calm down when the priestess asked where she was and how she had ended up there. Sapny was the one to answer she saying they were in the ruins of Sarvva in an underground room and they had teleported her there. Kupari had no way out as they had all been filled by collapsed ground.

Kupari had backed to a corner and as she realized she was basically trapped she asked what the summoners wanted. They said they wanted to help her connect with the spirits like they had told for few times already. Kupari claimed she didn’t need their help Sapny being very snarky with her reply. Shadow asked Kupari to follow and started to walk down the only hallway that wasn’t blocked Sapny saying she would come after Kupari. Kupari didn’t really see other options than to obey.

Kupari was grateful that her candles had been teleported with her as the underground hallway would have been very dark otherwise. Eventually they reached a place with natural light that came from a hole in the ceiling. By the looks of it the place was very old worship altar which had been dedicated to Ruoigu. From the ceiling Kupari was able to see the corresponding constellation looking down to them. After reaching the altar Shadow stopped and started to share what they had learned about the five spirits. Apparently they were older than the youngest gods and they had been worshiped by Second Age people which was why Kupari struggled to connect with them. Sapny gave Kupari a stone tablet which had text on it. It was Dragonian yet it seemed total nonsense. Sapny explained it was a mantra that let Kupari connect with Ruoigu, they had just turned it into something Kupari was able to read.

Kupari looked at the two summoners trying to figure out if they expected her to read the mantra in there but their unblinking eyes were hard to read. Kupari did not trust the summoners or the mantra they had given for her. For all she knew it would open a gate to demon realm or something. Shadow seemed to notice Kupari’s thoughts and told they didn’t need Kupari’s help to release demons even if they were planning to do that. That did made sense and after reading through the mantra few times Kupari asked if she needed to do anything else; sing, play drum or dance. Sapny said they had not needed to do any of that and Kupari decided to try contacting Ruoigu with the mantra.

Getting in contact with Ruoigu was like getting in contact with any other spirit except the power of the spirit was closer to the deities. Kupari felt Ruoigu ask if the young clan had been responsible of bringing back the other spirits and Kupari told that was the case, probably. She asked if the five could look after the young clan Ruoigu promising to help Kupari contact the other four spirits. After that they ended the connection and Kupari almost fainted due to strong relief and tiredness she felt. The two summoners seemed to know the connection had been established and remained silent.

After having had time to process what just happened Kupari asked if she could take the tablet with her so she could contact Ruoigu again. Neither summoner had anything against that. Kupari picked up the tablet and asked if the summoners could teleport her back to where she had been. She had her fears but she was too tired to walk on her own, and she didn’t want to risk being caught that close to the ruins. Shadow didn’t reply and Kupari turned her head to see her face only to notice she was back in the sanctuary. Kupari put the tablet into the shelf and checked how the lair was doing. No one was panicking and Kupari took that as sign that no one had noticed her being missing. She was too tired to contact Ruoigu again but after few nights of rest she started to work to form connections with the five guardians. With the help of Ruoigu it was rather easy.

Small pile of orange petals.

Kupari spent her nights building a relationship with clan’s guardian spirits and as she learned more about them, she taught about them to the rest of the clan. Since the eleven, especially the Arcanist, looked after the clan already some residents didn’t really care about the five old ones, something which the spirits understood quite well. Meanwhile some residents saw the spirits as something that made the clan unique and they were more than happy to learn more about them. The most enthusiastic residents had already tried to incorporate the five to clan’s culture and with the connection created even more started to do that.

Months passed by and Undreg, a young wind dragon brough to the clan by Pascal, had started to spend time in the sanctuary after finding his calling as summoner and exorcist. Because of his profession Kupari had thought about delegating issues with wood’s spirits to him. He often seemed bored, he had spent time trying to figure out what had happened to Tilia which had ended with Naru being created, and Kupari rather didn’t risk dealing with spirits in the wood as clan’s main connection to its guardian spirits. The wood could be quite dangerous and Kupari was not that experienced with dealing with the wilderness. Undreg on the other hand, as ex-mercenary, seemed to be fine with more risky missions.

Things in the clan had remained peaceful for basically the entire year. However, during the annual earth holiday the leaders suddenly decided to increase clan’s defense and they also ordered every and all bounty hunters to be reported to guards if one managed to sneak in. No details were given, not even for Kupari despite of her high position in the clan. The priestess though eventually got her information from an unexpected source.

Sisi had arrived out of the blue and she had led her adopted half-sister to meet Fyinser and Fidneisera who had message from Kohtalotar, a spirit who lived in a building Pahatar had taken as her own after her failed takeover attempt. It was a warning that became more real after Finlande was kidnapped and while Kupari had had a talk with Komuso the spirits had felt need to interfere. What followed was a conference that ended with large revelations and Naru running away with a dangerous artifact and a hostage. The clan tried to catch the fresh criminal but ended up being unsuccessful. The spirits helped as well but they were not able to do much. Kupari thanked the five and apologized for what had happened.

It had been few nights since the conference and Kupari had recovered from it, and the clan seemed to have figured out something to deal with the bounty hunters. That was when Richard, one of the wanted dragons, came to talk with her. He needed to talk with someone in Pahatar’s manor and his source had told him to ask Kupari’s help. Kupari asked for more details and the spiral told that he and Finlande had gotten help from a spirit called Finibe when they had robbed the building, the reason for the bounties, and he really needed to contact Her. Kupari knew Fyinser had telepathic powers and he was in contact with the manor but she feared the distance might be too much for him, though frankly she did not know the extent of his powers. Richard was about to give up when he remembered clan’s first lair which was closer to the manor. Maybe they could go there and he could stay there for few night in order to attract bounty hunters away. That sounded like a plan and the two decided to go inform Tinker, Kupari didn’t want another lecture from her.

Since it was dangerous for Richard to use paths Kupari had asked Svecica to tell Mosaic to come pick them up from an unexpected place and the sailor did just that. He took the two the Peak, clan’s first now abandoned lair, and Kupari called for Fyinser hoping he would hear her call. The spirit eventually answered and Kupari explained there was someone who needed his help. The spirit asked for more information and after getting that he said he was coming. Kupari called Richard closer and once the spirit arrived she introduced the two to each other. After that the two talked telepathically without Kupari and she just waited Richard to say they were done. After that the priestess left the spiral on the Peak and flew towards the lair. On the way she landed on Mosaic’s ship and the sailor escorted the priestess back to the lair where she went to her nest to rest.

Small pile of orange petals.

The excitement towards the guardians grew following the conference they had demanded, what they had done and Finlande’s sword were the only topics Kupari heard being discussed when she walked outside the sanctuary after that meeting. She couldn’t blame the clan, even she had new found appreciation towards them after they proved they cared. She had even decorated her headdress to include antlers to show her gratitude and devotion to them. The guardians themselves were either modest about the sudden surge of faith or they were feeling a little awkward. Considering how dedicated to the eleven the clan was the last part was understandable.

It was some time after aethers had fallen back to Sornieth and with that Renigra and Weirdsa had appeared to the wood. Renigra wasn’t really a spirit, just an angry space moth residing far away from the lair, and such both Kupari and Undreg were happy they didn’t need to interact with them. They had been quite toxic to rangers who had met with them, in more ways than one. Weirdsa on the other hand was a spirit and curious one at that. He was friendly but like Nagabaro and Fidneisera he had psychic powers and he was looking for Finlande. Thus far he though had not appeared to have malicious intend but Kupari asked Undreg to be careful when dealing with the spirit, just in case.

The clan was holding a conference one night, Kupari and Undreg had guessed it was just a standard update on clan topics. They had arrived to the door at the same time as Tinker and the leader had asked the two if they knew what the topic was supposed to be, meaning it was not an update meeting. Kupari did not know and neither did most of the clan though she noticed a group who seemed to be cognizant near the front of the courtroom, dragons who rarely were there. Spiral sisters, and daughters of Karmiini, Aspen and June were event organizers which hinted that they were probably going to suggest some kind of big event for the clan, Tropi and Feeniks were their friends and there for support most likely but Sagwa confused Kupari. The young tundra didn’t really interact with the older dragons and she was especially spiritual, she had told Kupari that if she ever needed help with any ritual she was more than willing to assist. The priestess couldn’t think of any reason why she was part of the event organizing group.

After everyone was present Karmiini started the conference Kupari especially paying attention to how she called forth all five guardians. The chairdragon’s tone was quite casual when she explained that Aspen wanted to propose something for the clan. The spiral moved to the front and though social dragon used to having eyes on her she seemed quite nervous. The spiral made sure everyone remembered the conference the guardians had demanded to be held before she got to the meat of the topic; the clan already celebrated all of the eleven deities and their flights but they did not celebrate their own guardians. She and her group had been brainstorming a little holiday to do just that. Five nights without gatherings, each night dedicated to one of the guardians and each night would have their own theme, activities and menu.

The spiral detailed in what order the guardians would celebrated, what the themes and activities would be and what kind of buffet each of them would have. It would take place in May and the end date would be the anniversary of discovering Ruoigu. After that there was silence and Kupari turned her head to see clan evaluate the suggestion, many seemed to nod. Karmiini then proceeded to ask opinions of the residents who had most say about the whole thing. Tinker and Alfa were the first after which Kupari’s opinion was asked. She was unsure but not against the idea and she promised to ask what the guardians thought about it, mainly what they thought about the activities thought for them as Kupari was sure they would be fine with the basic idea. After that Trooper was asked if he spotted any security problems with the idea and Pix’s opinion was asked as she already had busy May without needing to make food for special occasions. In the end the clan was positive about the idea and Kupari went to the sanctuary to ask guardians’ opinion.

The guardians seemed quite surprised to hear what the clan had planned for them and they seemed a bit worried the eleven would see that as them stepping over boundaries. The festival would not overlap with any national holidays, it was nicely between water’s and nature’s holidays, and Kupari explained that to the old spirits who seemed carefully optimistic about a holiday celebrating them. Eahket was first to give a little must for its night, which happened to be the one celebrated first, and that was to have fun and share experiences. Following the dolphin spirit the other four also gave their takes and Kupari shared them with the event organizers.

Despite of festival’s spiritual aspects Kupari didn’t really participate in preparing it, closest she got was sharing her takes with Sagwa if she happened to come ask for something. The preparation window was quite short, about a month, but despite of that the first ever Festival of the Five went well from start to finish, Kupari guessed spirals’ experience with organizing events with short notice helped with that. The priestess herself joined the activities, procession and story sessions during the first night, thanking healing experts during the second night, remembering the dead during the third, thanking the protectors during the fourth and thanking the leaders and visiting her adopted parents during the last night.

One of the activities for the last night was to thank important residents who were not thanked during the previous nights, and though it should have been obvious Kupari was surprised to receive gifts herself. She was feeling a little awkward and it didn’t really help that the five, Ruoigu especially, were quite amused by her confusion. They were quite happy that the clan had accepted them as part of their culture and they appreciated being remembered when their original people were no longer walking on the earth. The clan likewise enjoyed the little festival, which still included some working because Tinker and Morgana required it, and they agreed it would be part of clan’s year from here on out. Many were excited to see if it could improve with longer preparation window Kupari and the guardians included.

Small pile of orange petals.

Following the festival the clan life was peaceful; nights passed by and eventually the clan had hatchery full of hatchlings, quite rare for clan’s standards. Kupari taught the young ones of clan’s guardians who continued to protect the clan the best they could, nothing new on that front. If something was new, it was that Kaamos was not taking care of the hatchlings alone, Dogoda was helping him with that. The old wind spiral though was not planning on becoming a hatchling-sitter, she had arrived to enjoy peaceful retirement life in the clan and was merely helping the tundra to take care of the hatching three of which were hers. Kupari had not interacted with Dogoda that much, not that she interacted with many of the older residents either, but from the short meeting the spiral had seemed nice enough. The guardian spirits though were wary of her, Ealga especially.

As a priestess Kupari’s work involved both communicating with the spirits as well as sending the deceased to the afterlife. Like having hatchery be full of hatchlings the latter was quite rare, and when it did happen there was too much. First Ooze was killed by his older brothers Hougen and Genba, and soon after that Dustin was found dead in the wood. What was especially sad about the two deaths was the fact that the two had been very young still. There was no telling what the two could have done if given more time but the fate had decided to not give them that and so Kupari had freed the souls for Idja to take care of.

Hougen and Genba had been exiled after what they had done; along with killing their brother they had planned on kidnapping Richard in order to sell him to Pahatar. During the day that followed Dustin’s funeral the two sneaked back into the lair in order to try again. They had managed to bypass clan’s defense sectors by using the gate in clan’s starwood lair and while going through it they had hurt two of its three residents, one of them being Dogoda. She was not that badly hurt but she still decided to reside in the healing offices, just in case. No one had any issues with that, but Kupari could feel Ealga did not like the situation.

Later that night Sleight, Dustin’s younger brother and one of Dogoda’s sons, was found dead in the wood. The body was delivered to Kupari and she spent the rest of the night preparing it for the funeral which would be held the next night. The young spiral was found partly mutated; he had grown a mane as well as feathers on his wings, it was clear he had come in contact with a wood whisper, a weird alien plant thing that altered living being with its spores. It was not known if the spores could sprout a new wood whisper but no one wanted to find out, not even the curious ones, and so it was deemed reasonable to burn the body as soon as possible. It was almost morning when Kupari was finally done with the preparations, she wished the guardians good day and went to sleep.

The guardians woke Kupari up in the middle of the day. She was still too woozy to make out what they tried to say assuming they tried to say something and by the time her head had cleared up they had fallen silent. She though was able to feel their anger. In the sanctuary sound of lyre could be heard and Kupari got up to see who was playing the instrument and why. The music had stopped when she entered the main area and there was no one extra in there, just Sleight. Something though was very amiss and that was the fact that the spiral was moving and he was making his way towards the entrance.

Kupari had not gotten enough sleep to process what she saw properly and she just stood near the altars stunned. She glanced to the guardian statues behind the altars and saw Ealga’s eyes glow brightly, she even felt its anger. Sleight had reached the entrance of the sanctuary where Lifeblood’s familiar attacked it. The rumor had it that the unicorn was sent by Ealga itself and Kupari had always felt like the little one was no ordinary unicorn. It kept attacking the young spiral who tried to defend himself. Kupari rushed to the entrance in order to interfere even though she had no idea what she was supposed to do. Stopping the unicorn would probably anger Ealga even more but re-killing Sleight was not any better option in her eyes.

Once Kupari reached the entrance she just about spotted Lief move towards the healing offices and she assumed he would get her some help. In the meantime she tried to solve the situation right in front of her. Sleight tried to say something though the strike that had killed him originally had hurt his throat and he struggled to speak. Kupari asked the unicorn to cease the attack so she could hear the spiral and she could feel it give her a cold glare. Kupari watched back unsure how to react and the two kept eye contact in total silence until Sleight moved and the unicorn continued its assault.

The healers rushed to the scene and Kupari let them deal with the situation. The unicorn kept attacking Sleight as the healers carried him away while Kupari herself stayed at the sanctuary entrance trying to make sense of what had just happened. She had heard a lyre when she had woken up, she knew exactly two dragons who owned that instrument and only one of them had any reason to bring Sleight back to life; Dogoda. If the wind dragon had an instrument that could revive dead, it would make sense why Ealga didn’t particularly like her. The spirit seemed extraordinary angry at the moment and Kupari decided to try connect with it a little later. Right now she needed some distance from it and she decided to go see what the rest of the clan had decided to do with Sleight.

Next few nights were busy for Kupari as she discussed with the clan what had happened and what they should do with Sleight. The clan seemed to believe Shadow and Sapny had been behind the resurrection and Kupari decided to let the clan believe that, she didn’t want to cause any drama until she had had chat with both the spirits and Dogoda herself. The clan eventually decided to let Sleight be, he was confused and aggressive but there didn’t seem to be much anyone could do to change that. He was left to wander the wood and the spirits didn’t openly oppose the decision.

After that situation was solved Kupari was finally able to contact the spirits properly. Ealga was clearly still little mad that the priestess had stepped on its way but a simple “I am sorry” seemed to calm it down, at least a little. The guardian of life and death was not happy that a mortal had decided to step into its domain in a sense and it was not happy of what was done to Sleight. He was now partly dead but partly alive and Ealga could not kill something that was already dead nor could it revive something that was already alive. In other words, Sleight was stuck in the state he was in, no one could really help him. To make matters worse having come in contact with the wood whisper kept the body from rotting any time soon, or any time later, and that meant the spiral would be stuck in half-alive half-dead state for a long time.

After that Kupari asked if the spirit wanted to do something with Dogoda. Ealga remained silent as it thought for its answer. The wind dragon was a creation of another deity and didn’t really live in the spirits’ area, she lived in starwood and the spirits had no power in there. The starwood was important area for Arcanist and they didn’t want to cross any lines. Kupari was not entirely sure if the arcane deity knew of the five spirits but it seemed He was aware of their existence and allowed them be. Same though could not be said about the Windsinger. The wind deity probably was not aware of the spirits that resided in the arcane domain far away from the border, and while He could be accepting of the five they themselves seemed unwilling to test their luck. Exiling the wind dragon could make the wind deity aware of the five and if He didn’t appreciate their decision the spirits would need to beg Arcanist was on their side as they could not compete with the elemental god. Ealga wanted to punish Dogoda for what she had done but it deemed the risks too high. It told that it would let the thing go for now, but she should not do what she did ever again. Kupari understood and decided to call the wind dragon for a lecture.

Dogoda arrived as soon as Azul had delivered the invitation. Kupari was waiting for her near the altars back towards the entrance. Ealga was not happy to have Dogoda in the sanctuary and its anger didn’t really make Kupari feel any better, even without the spirit she would have wanted to unload on the wind dragon for the mess she had caused. Dogoda flew closer and asked if the priestess had wanted to talk. Kupari avoided eye contact and took a deep breath before she accused the wind dragon for being the necromancer. Dogoda remained silent and Kupari presented her evidence; she had heard a lyre when the spirits had woken her up, there were only two dragons who used that instrument and only Dogoda had any reason to visit Sleight.

Kupari turned to face the wind spiral who admitted having been the one to bring her son back. The priestess took a deep breath as she evaluated the older dragon, it didn’t seem like she had done it out of will to play god, more likely she had just processed her grief the wrong way. The two stood there silently until Dogoda asked if she was being exiled. Kupari turned to face the altar statues again as she explained the wind dragon just about avoided that. She didn’t live in the main lair and the spirits didn’t want to take risks with the wind deity. Kupari though made it clear that while Dogoda got away with what she had done this time she should not play god a second time. After that she let the spiral leave and she flied away as fast as she could. After Dogoda was gone Ealga decided to focus its attention elsewhere and being left alone Kupari decided to go relax. Ealga’s anger and the mess of a situation had made her feel very drained.

Small pile of orange petals.

Iron frame that is melting hot at the bottom. Inside it a flame, orange on a dark orange and brown background.

A light orange curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is an orange glass fire rune.
Name origin:
Name means "copper" in Finnish,
named after Koppar whose name
meant same in Swedish.

A light orange curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune.


Kupari is a fire wildclaw with light blue body having skink pattern with a little bit of yellow on throat and near tail tip. Her wings are golden having grey edges being same shade as her tail tuft and head feathers, and the wings have white stripes on them. On her face, neck, sides and tips of her wings she has like metallic yet flexible filigree being decorated by orange bead like things they making her look like she has more eyes when given a quick glance. She has small downwards pointing head feathers and horns and her claws are small. Her eyes are common orange in color.

Kupari is a priestess and thus somewhat high-ranking dragon, and to show that she wears golden apparels including a crown having blue rose, golden filigree anklets, bracelets, tail and wind decorations, black raiment with golden markings and a golden filigree necklace. After the first demand from the guardian spirits she added pale front-turning antlers to her crown they being decorated with golden hanging ornaments. They are meant to show her dedication to the five. She has black candles floating around her she being able to control them as she pleases them being her way of telling that she deals with spirits of the dead. Around her neck she also floats a black runescroll with golden text that changes depending if she is letting souls to afterlife or communicating with long dead ones. No one except she understands the text on it.

Kupari’s voice is clear and soft, almost creamy, and it oozes with great knowledge and understanding as well as support to those who need it. Though being near spiritual dragon her speech is very down-to-earth and easy to understand. She has Korean accent.

Small pile of orange petals.

Kupari is kind and understanding dragon but being a fire dragon grown up by fire dragons she can be a bit fierce if pushed to her limit. That though is rather rare she not being easy to anger thanks to her ability to sense others’ emotions, and she is able to tell when someone is just acting out. She, however, can sense when others are actively being mean and selfish and she is not afraid to make that clear. However, it will take a lot of ignorance from others to make her actually ”explode”. She is often calm and is able to keep her cool in both stressful and depressing situations.

Kupari, due to her skill and special connection to the spirits, tends to feel a bit different from other dragons and instead of spending time with other dragons she is most commonly found by herself speaking with ghosts. She doesn’t discard living dragons and is willing to give support if someone needs it but she tends to priorities dead dragons as they have no one else to talk to. She is caring dragon putting others’, dead or alive, well-being before herself and could burn herself up if she isn’t careful. An issue is that even if she was in weak state she doesn’t really feel like being that she being able to let her body behind and be with spirits like she was with living dragon if she was in better state. Knowing she could accidentally kill herself that way she avoids conflicts where she could end up in weakened state knowing what the risk would be.

Though not having that much dragon company Kupari has two companions, Phe the phoenix and Soul the lux spectre both having similar gifts to Kupari and helping her with herding spirits. Phe is the one able to communicate with Kupari through telepathy and is the one to prevent deaths from depressing Kupari too much if that ever was to happen They being the incarnation of rebirth. Phe is not Their name but it is often used to avoid Them being confused with Karmiini's pet strangler called Phoenix. Soul on the other hand hangs in spirit world updating what is going on there to Kupari through high chirps it not being able to speak. Both of them were drawn to her due to her connection to death and afterlife and for her are important companies when her dragon company is either lacking or dangerous.

Small pile of orange petals.

As fire dragon Kupari is able to use fire though she can’t breath it. She specializes in small fires she usually using her magic to ignite hundreds of candles at once it having very wide range she being able to do that three times her body length radius. She can also create bigger and hotter fires using them to burn bodies its range being way smaller being about ten meter in front of her. She can also survive being burnt and being thrown to lava with next to no severe effects except maybe her increased body temperature.

Kupari is known for her skill of seeing and communicating with ghosts she being able to do that without really trying. She can see them in wavy form a bit like hot air in desert and hear them clearly despite the small echo. She can call spirits towards her with her magic her warm presence being often calming to them, and using the similar spell that expanses her aura she can also make spirits visible to others too. Expanding the aura though is extremely tiring and she avoids doing that if not needed. She can sense where spirits are and can walk to them to talk with them if she so wants. She can also use summoning spells.
A horizontal vine, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune.

Wishlist/Notes to self:

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