
Crystals, crystals everywhere.
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Prickly Treasure Hoarder
Prickly Treasure Hoarder
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Energy: 48
out of
Earth icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Earth.
Male Pearlcatcher
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Iron Steampunk Tail Bauble
Gemologist's Discovery
Iron Steampunk Vest
Resplendent Pants
Gold Renaissance Shirt
Gold Amulet of Alchemy
Dark Harvest Sandals
Sanguine Rose Thorn Stockings
Resplendent Top Hat


Accent: Spellbound Golem


Scene: Crystal Shop


7.51 m
4.62 m
712.24 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 04, 2021
(4 years)


Pearlcatcher icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 25 Pearlcatcher
Max Level


A horizontal vine, muted brown with long and thin leaves and brown and reddish brown flowers in shape of an earth rune. In the center the vine wraps around gemstones in shape of an earth rune.

A horizontal vine, muted brown with long and thin leaves and brown flower puds.


Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, muted brown with long and thin leaves and brown and reddish brown flowers in shape of an earth rune.


Lief hatched as fae after Night of the Nocturne in a clan that lived near the Pillar of the World. Because of its proximity he was able to study in the heart of the Dragonhome with his siblings. They were still learning the basics of the diversity of what earth had to offer and they spent a lot of time in same places. Their parents were very alike and Lief's sibling he included even more so they being constantly mixed with each others.

Lief was first to get annoyed by that and wanted to change that as soon as possible. He was still a student and didn't have much money to spend. He took what he had and went to check breed scroll sales in hopes of finding anything he could purchase. It took some time but eventually he found something bellow its base price that being a pearlcatcher scroll. He bought it before someone else could and when he returned home he said goodbye to his fae body and changed it to a body of a pearlcatcher. For the base of his pearl he chose a rose quartz from a small collection he had been making since starting to study.

Out of all of the earth's subbranches Lief found gems and crystals most interesting and after having had his breed changed he decided to start studying gemology. Lief had taken some gemology courses before deciding his profession and thanks to that he did great with his studies. By June he was pretty much ready to start working with his thesis but that had to wait when interesting news spread across the dragon world. The Dragonhome Preservation Guild was doing an expedition and they had asked for volunteers. Lief saw that as a valuable opportunity to gain some experience and joined in putting his thesis on hold.

The expedition known as Dustcarve Dig had attracted a lot of dragons across the continent some having decided to stay near the expedition site while others traveled back and forth between the site and their resting place. Though Lief didn't had that long of a journey to his home he had decided to stay near the site and got to live in one of the tents assigned for the arriving helpers. Due to the amount of volunteers all the tents were overbooked and to deal with that the tents all had both diurnal and nocturnal dragons.

In his tent Lief belonged to the diurnal group with few others while there were only two nocturnal dragons. When not working Lief made an attempt to get to know his fellow volunteers in hopes of forming future work opportunities. The tent didn't happen to house dragons that would need gemologist in the future, the ones that were interested in hiring him were in different tents, but the nocturnal couple did offer an interesting work, indirectly. Pernis the earth spiral and Kolari the wind ridgeback were from arcane domain where Kolari's primary job, along with maintaining tunnels, was to dig up crystals that grew like mushrooms in there. Lief was pretty sure crystals didn't do that which was why he was slightly curious and made a mental note to go study arcane crystals if he didn't get work in Dragonhome.

After days of work the dragonkind finally found what they had been looking for, a new dragon breed called obelisk. Lief was slightly let down as he had hoped to find the magical core of the earth which would have been a crystal most likely. Still, he didn't complain and after getting to meet few of the new dragons he decided to return home to finish his thesis. He was slightly tired after the Dustcarve event but after a little bit of rest he was able to get back to his work and after weeks of working with the thesis he got it done being followed by the graduation.

Small pile of brown petals.

After graduating Lief left his home for good in order to find work. He was still a junior gemologist in the region where gemologists weren't that rare and finding something to do was a bit challenging though not impossible. For a short time he did work for a jewelry maker using his skills to verify the gems they received were in fact real and not fake. The work did pay nicely but soon Lief started to feel it was stale. He kept doing it until he managed to find a replacement job after which he left thanking the jewelry maker as he left.

Lief's new job was at the research site near the border between Dragonhome and Starfall Isles. They studied how the crystals formed when they were being affected both by earth's and arcane's magic and Lief was excited to study that as well. He was good when it came to natural minerals but unnatural arcane crystals were new thing for him and he was excited to find out how the arcane magic caused the mineral transformation and how the peaks around the Isles formed.

Lief spent weeks with the research group taking small specimen every now and then and comparing how the peaks differed between night and day. Lief noticed that during days the peaks didn't differ much from natural minerals but they clearly changed during nights. The peaks started to glow that glow getting brighter the closer to the Observatory the peaks were and even the peaks near and even part of the Dragonhome seemed to emit light, though very dimly. The glow seemed to be caused by the star empowered arcane magic and Lief wondered what would happen if he affected a brightly glowing peak with earth magic.

After the sunset Lief and few of his fellow scholars flew to a somewhat bright but small peak, As it started to glow Lief started to channel earth magic to it keeping an eye on what happened to the peak. He saw that the magic from the stars tried to infuse with the peak but the earth magic channeled into it hindered it causing it to squeeze to the part of the peak that was not affected by the earth magic. That part grew brighter than what it had been naturally the pressured magic eventually erupting Lief passing out as it passed through him.

Lief woke up days later in some kind of healing facility. As he turned to take a look at the damage the blast had done he noticed he had metallic supporting on his face, chest, legs and arms and his tail glowed, all parts that were directly been hit by the blast. On his sides he had holes that released pink magic in beat of his breathing. Lief's long time familiar was the first to notice him awake and they informed one to research pals in the room about it. The research coworker was happy to see Lief alive saying he had almost drowned when the blast knocked him out. They explained that the arcane magic had partly fused with him similarly to the peaks they had studied. The metallic plating was implemented to channel the arcane magic in and out in a controlled manner and keep the badly hurt parts from melting. Lief was slightly confused of what he was supposed to think about his new situation but more than that he was curious. He made a mental note to keep an eye on his body and write down the notes once he got the chance.

After having recovered enough Lief returned to the research site to meet his fellow researchers. They had been compiling the finds they had done before that accident and added what they had thought the blast had done to Lief. The ones supervising the research had asked them to finish the research and Lief joined others in order to get down their final founds including what Lief had noticed about himself. After that was done the research leader went to deliver the results while the rest went wherever. Some stayed with the group, few hired ones went to look for new job. Lief wondered what he should do but that was soon clear for him. The accident had shown him that arcane crystals were still full of mysteries and he decided to find that clan Pernis and Kolari had been from.

Lief moved to opposite direction to everyone else. It was time for the annual Rockbreaker's Ceremony. Dragons were joining the earth flight during their holiday while Lief made his way out of the Dragonhome. He stopped in a small clan as he figured out where his destination was and how to get there. After figuring out where to go and how he left the small clan and made the final part of his journey without company beyond his trusty familiar.

Lief remembered the clan he was looking for was nocturnal and he had timed his journey so that he would arrive near sunset. He had done small miscalculation the journey through the wood, which indeed seemed to grow crystals like they were plants, taking a bit longer than what he had expected. The Sun had set long ago when he finally reached the clan he feeling extremely tired. He made his way to the inn first and foremost in order to rest planning to get a house of his own once he stopped seeing everything double.

Lief had planned to wake up before sunrise in order to get his tasks done but when he finally woke up it was almost midday and the clan was mostly asleep. Very few were awake Fiona serving Lief breakfast while the actually cafeteria owner was asleep. Lief did not had much to do while he waited the clan to wake up and just chatted with the young obelisk to who he suggested daytime work as she didn't seem to care about nocturnal lifestyle but couldn't figure out what to do as diurnal either.

After the clan started to wake up Fiona took Lief to see clan leaders to who he told what his plans were. They were happy to welcome a new scholar and after getting his own nest Azul took the job to introduce the residents to Lief. The two Lief knew beforehand were not in the clan at the moment they being in Dragonhome, like few other residents, but they returned soon enough it having been the last they of the holiday. Pernis, as clan's earth ambassador, welcomed Lief to the clan and seemed happy to actually be able to do his work properly again now that the spiral was no longer the only earth dragon the clan had. Lief was happy to be there as well feeling a bit special as one of very few earth dragons. He got to work as soon as he could working to adapt clan's nocturnal life style. It was quite easy with the crystals he studied keeping him awake at nights.

Small pile of brown petals.

A frame made out of gemstones. Inside it mountains in the distance, dark brown on a light brown, cracked background.

A tan curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is a light brown glass earth rune.
Name origin:
Named by previous owner.

A tan curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, muted brown with long and thin leaves and brown and reddish brown flowers in shape of an earth rune.


Lief is a monochromatic earth dragon with overall dark purple body. His had originally soft satin like pelt and glass like wings but he decided to change it later making it hard and cracked like earth to both make his look more fitting to his job and element and to make cleaning the fur less tedious. Despite of his hard shell he can move without issues and his hair has remained surprisingly soft. His cheek fur is long due to his past as a fae. Across his body he has purple opal markings that are cold and hard while being flexible allowing him to move without problems. His tail is short. Lief's body experienced some changes after the accident. His tail tip tuft included glows brightly while his horns glow dimmer. His face, chest, hands, arms and legs have been covered with golden plates as those parts were hit badly during the blast and without the plating they would melt. Everywhere except on the face he has pink crystals they channeling the arcane magic, which the parts naturally absorbs, to the holes on the sides from which it is released in beat of his breathing. The amount of magic released correlates with the amount of arcane magic around him and in arcane domain the amount of released magic is somewhat high. The magic absorbing and releasing is fully painless for Lief and he rarely pays attention to it. Lief's pearl is bright pink and as an unnatural pearlcatcher it is made out of rose quartz and is ever so slightly oval. His eyes are naturally pale in color.

Lief wears a lot of yellow to contrast with his monotone purple colors and because they stand out better in the dark in case he is underground. As a Pillar certificated he sees himself a bit better than most and wears his golden graduation necklace, fancy yellow hat, silk shirt, pants, tail cover and yellow and dark grey boots. On his shirt he has a yellow vest with holes through which to release the magic which sometimes causes crystals to float around him. As a gemologist he carries his tools on his satchel and on his eye he sometimes has lenses for detailed work. They can be placed on the metallic plating he has on his face on both sides and if he doesn't need them he can place them near his ears or to his satchel. Near his tail tip he has a yellow lantern which he uses to light his workplace. The tail isn't long enough for that and the released magic only helps when he breaths out.

Lief is confident, clear and direct talker. He may occasionally have a bit proud tone but he is generally polite and respectful though he may occasionally flex by using jargon. He has dark Turkish accent.

Small pile of brown petals.

Lief is confident and curious dragon who keeps his eyes in the future and doesn't let setbacks get to him. He is opportunist and if he sees chance of getting well-paying work he tries to get it without being too upset if he doesn't succeed. He has a bit of pride due to from where he got his verification and doesn't see it suitable for his status to get upset over small setbacks. He likes to feel a little bit of special and because of that he isn't really bothered by his unnatural look or the looks it may draw to him. Though an accident Lief doesn't see need to feel sorry about it. It might have been because he was a bit careless but at least it was for possibly valuable scientific information.

Lief isn't a party dragon but he is a social dragon. He is always trying to form new connections especially when knowing the other party could benefit him in the future. He is very "eyes in the future" and is generally more interested in forming work relationships than emotional and supporting. Because of that he may come across a bit dry and boring but if one is in same wave length as he the interaction with him can be quite interesting. Lief isn't that interested in hanging out or lending hand if he is busy with his work but if he is asked he does help, if he isn't in the middle of something important.

Lief has a growing jeweler called Antique as his company. The jeweler has been with Lief since he started to get interested in gems and the two have close relationship. Antique is Lief's coworker but also a good friend who cares for their dragon companion. They aren't as serious of the work as Lief is but they still take it very seriously. Though calm and collected with their dragon friend Antique has a bit of mischievous side which is best seen when they interact with everyone else except Lief. They like to tease and make the other know that they have a special bond with Lief which the other dragon or familiar doesn't have and probably never will. They though are aware enough to not tease a dragon who is feeling down and may actually attempt to help it they just can.

Small pile of brown petals.

Lief is a powerful earth dragon with the knowledge to boost that. As gemologist he has great knowledge of all kinds of gems, crystals and other minerals, how they form and what attributes they have. He can pick them afar with magic and he can break them like bread without creating hundreds of small shards that would hurt legs. He can likewise partly fuse two shards of different crystals together creating a multicolored crystal that way but he can't outright fuse crystals or gems and make totally new crystals. He can also encase things in crystal assuming the ground holds enough minerals to create such a thing though he can pull the needed minerals from wide area around him. Due to his gem knowledge he is able to create many kinds of crystal to trap his target. He can also shoot earth magic in crystal projectile form preferring many small ones over one large.
A horizontal vine, muted brown with long and thin leaves and brown and reddish brown flowers in shape of an earth rune.

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