Moving Makeovers: Introducing 'Effects'!

Canisa's Clan
Elemental Gems: Where Magic, Myth and Madness Mix!
Clan Info
Between the Tourmaline Archives and the Astrolodome, in an outcropping of rocks south of the river (but with caves on both sides, providing easy access to both locations), lies a very special Clan...

Welcome to Canisa's Clan of Curiosities: Elemental Gems!
We live in Arcane lands, enjoying dreaming and stargazing...and reading. (What can I say, some of the dragons read some fantasy scrolls, and became hooked: So many new and fascinating worlds!)
Here you will find dragons devoted to magic, the stars, "between times" and fantasy. They consider their names to be a reflection of themselves, so do not acquire a name until they are ready, sometimes waiting months after maturing before they settle on what they will be called.
They are all very proud of themselves, and love to show off! Stop by their ID pages to learn more about each of them...

(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
2020 Sornieth
Winter Games:
8 Events Entered
2020 Crystalline Gala

Whimsical Windows
(hosted by Valyrie;
Header Template by RetroJackal)
Event Hopping and Lore Game

(Nebula, Eveningrose, Nightsedge, Xyzzy,
Lughnasadh, Anguis, Duskshadow,
Moondust, Seaspray)
2019 Greenskeeper Gathering

All Seven Days
Ember Toss at the Ancient Forge
(hosted by Falconair)
Character Role Play with Prizes
(Prize Shown: 7 Days Participation)
(Quadrangla, Athena, Equinox,
Solstice, Anguis, Vesuvia, Imbolc,
Lughnasadh, Beltane, Samhain)
2019 Flameforger’s Festival

Participation: Greenskeeper Gathering Badge
Events Attended:
Black Chess Pieces hosted by Valyrie
Guessing Game hosted by EurasianLynx
Trivial Pursuit hosted by Sorrowspark
Viridian CYOA hosted by Loreka
Whimsical Windows hosted by Valyrie
2020 Greenskeeper Gathering

Black Chess Pieces
(hosted by Valyrie)
Games and Lore
(Wednesday: Titania and Oberon
Friday: Xyzzy)
2020 Greenskeeper Gathering

Whimsical Windows
(hosted by Valyrie)
Event Hopping and Lore Game

(Beeblebrox x2, Lughnasadh, Xyzzy x2, Spellreader,
Duskfire, Spellweaver, Runemaster)
2020 Greenskeeper Gathering

Sornieth Winter Games
Uniform Showcase
(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
Costume Contest and Roleplay
(Esoterica, Emerald, Meteor,
Imbri, Bombarda, Moondust)
2021 Crystalline Gala

How's the Harvest?
(hosted by EurasianLynx)
Jar Guessing Game

(Images by Teewie)
Day 5: Seafood
Day 6: Plants
2019 Greenskeeper Gathering

Trivial Pursuit
(hosted by Sorrowspark,
originally DarknessReborn)
Riddle Guessing Game

Special Prize:
Six-Point Theme Badge
24/30 Riddles Correct on First Try
(6/30 needed 2 tries)
Day 5 Prize:
Apparel: Ball Python
2020 Greenskeeper Gathering
Located close to the river that separates the Tourmaline Archives from the Astrolodome, the Lair is a series of caves sprawling over a large underground area on both sides of the river. Somewhat circular, its many small caves loosely surround a central Main Cave, connected to the Main Cave and each other by branching tunnels and shielded doorways. Many tunnels and larger areas have spells to separate each section from the others, and to protect dragons in the more volatile caves from their own experiments. Even in the quietest places, however, sounds of distress, or certain key words, will pierce any shield, ensuring that no one anywhere in the cave system is rendered vulnerable and unaware of trouble.
The quieter caves are on the south side of the river, while the “Magical Phenomenon Cave Circle”, containing all caves dedicated to studying magic, is on the north side, close to the Astrolodome. It is reached by those who cannot fly that well (or at all) by a long, underwater tunnel shielded by magic…or by the friendly assistance of an airborne Clanmate.
Bogsneaks: True Alchemists, named for the Alchemical materials they like to work with. They find the Wildclaw's efforts in this science amusing, if a bit odd. Although these dragon are generally friendly, they tend to be so focused on their work in the Potions Cave that it is often hard to engage them in conversation for more than a few minutes--unless, of course, you happen to be as interested in Alchemy as they are....
Coatls: The proud "gems" of the lair. They believe they are special, and do not like being told otherwise. Their names are a reflection of that proud personality, and of their interests in the often less studied areas of magic and philosophy, the study of focusing magical energy through gemstones. Most, though not all, of the Clan’s Coatls reside and work together in a single cave, which the Clan simply calls the “Focus Stones” Cave.
Faes: A bit different from the rest of the clan, these dragons devote themselves to exploring the legends of “other worlds”…but not in the astronomical sense. They are fascinated with the stories of the “Fair Folk,” and every single one of them takes their name from parchment scrolls that address this topic. They are scattered throughout the Lair, but most hang out in the Main Cave or the Potions Cave.
Guardians: The "between times" dragons of the lair. Named for those magical, otherworldly times of the day and year when it's neither day nor night, light nor dark, but somewhere in-between, they are all mages focused on odd forms of magic, and some are fighters as well. They have migrated all over the cave system of the Lair, with many of the Clan’s Guardians taking a particular cave in the Lair as their personal Charge. This is a very good thing, as sometimes a firm hand is needed to keep the more interesting experiments--and experimenters--under control…
Imperials: Like the Coatls, they consider themselves special. Unlike the Coatls, they are not haughty about it. After all, they have no need to flaunt what is so obvious, right? And if lesser dragons cannot tell the truth...well, it's their loss they won't have such a special friend! In the meantime, there are plenty of magical and arcane interests to explore...
In addition, these dragons are the teachers of the lair, imparting their "wisdom" to all other members of the clan--whether the dragons want to hear it or not. But they always give it in such a gentle way that no one can really get offended. Much. They tend to hang out in the Planetarium and the Controlled / Channeled Magic Cave the most, though they often wander into areas, if they think there is a dragon in need of their guidance.
Mirrors: The mysterious entities of the lair, who indulge in the more secret areas of the Arcane. Their names hardly ever reveal anything about themselves, and their interests are as varied as their places in the Lair. Most are Fighters, but each has other, more uncommon, hobbies, as well. They can be found most often in the Training Grounds or the Gaming Caves, but they are not always there for the obvious reasons…
Nocturnes: "Night Mages," and students of the Moon. Some use magic in the Experimental / Instinctive Magics Cave, others study the Moon's astronomical significance in the Planetarium, while still others use the resources in the Clan’s Library to look at legends and myths linked to the smaller orb. They are all named for the "Seas" of the planetary body known as the Moon that they have encountered in their reading, or for something else with Lunar or Astronomical Influence
Pearlcatchers: As fascinated with magic and the universe as their Tundra "lair siblings," these dragons of the Clan like to focus more on the Elemental side of the magical divide, rather than the straight astronomical phenomena. Their names are somewhat complicated, reflecting their love of magical philosophy. Usually, part of the name refers to the physical aspect of their chosen elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) and part to the mystical (Spirit, Body, Mind, Soul). There are, however, some exceptions to this rule. Almost all Pearlcatchers can be found in the Elemental Magics or Experimental / Instinctive Magics Caves, studying their chosen pursuits. At the moment, Eastern magic fascinates the females more, while Western intrigues the males, though there is some overlap from time to time.
Ridgebacks: Unlike their brethern in the lair, these dragons are far more fascinated with the "fantasy" aspect of the Arcane than anything else. They are readers, and enjoy speculating endlessly on the worlds they have found in their scrolls and books in the Library...and trying to see if they can recreate those worlds here, creatures and all...
Skydancers: The ethereal members of the lair, who do not have a set magical area, but dabble in everything. Perhaps they will study ley lines in the Controlled / Channeled Magics Cave? Or maybe take a look at the energy in the air, or explore transformative powers in the Experimental / Instinctive Magics Cave.... or just look at bringing spells in books and scrolls to life...
Snappers: Writers, researchers, and lovers of "Fantasy". Like the Ridgebacks, they enjoy reading various scrolls and the Clan's few--and subsequently extremely valuable--books. However, the Snappers of the Clan are far more interested in how the scrolls and books are written then in the story, and they explore their own creativity liberally in the Clan’s Library. Taking full advantage of the fact that Snappers never sleep, these dragons can be seen in their chosen nooks at all hours of the day and night, working on their next masterpiece. Each one has borrowed their name from an author's name or nickname, and they are all justifiably proud of their writing talents.
Spirals: The true "magic-users" of the Clan, they can be found all over the “Magical Phenomena Cave Circle,” indulging in all sorts of experiments and pursuits. They are constantly in motion, and their various sinuous moves make them look almost like a living spell themselves. The Spirals of the Clan enjoy playing with the arcane energies surrounding the caves, with some very interesting results…
Tundras: The mages and stargazers of the lair, who choose names reflecting the Astral Phenomena they witness. Almost all Tundras spend their time in the Planetarium, following various astral projects, but they can be seen elsewhere, as well.
Wildclaws: Alchemists and Enchanters...but primarily they are Warriors, and take their names from the ancient heroes of legend they have found referenced in various odd scrolls and books. The rest of the Clan is rather surprised by some of their choices in this regard, but the Wildclaws never mind explaining (in excruciating detail) why they chose their name, if a dragon wants to spend an entire afternoon (or day) at the Training Grounds hearing the story…
All Ancient Breeds of the Clan are obsessed with Time, History, and the Past, in some form or another. Each Breed's particular interest is tempered (or in some cases encouraged) by their own natural instincts, however, leading to some very odd additions to the Clan...
Gaolers: Originally arriving in the Clan unexpectedly, through a strange magical surge that Changed the first two Gaolers of the lair from something else minutes after they were born--and in the case of the second, AS she was being born--these dragons are obsessed with guarding and warding in various ways...and also fascinated with Time Travel. The combination of these two interests has led to some very interesting name choices, and hobbies, though like all Gaolers, they do not actually choose their names until they come of age and choose their profession, whatever that may be. They reside and work almost exclusively in a cave they carved out of the rock themselves, which the Clan has taken to referring to as the cave of the Temporal Fighters, in honor of what the Gaolers have stated that they are trying to do.
Banescale: Warriors and Fire Magicians, these odd dragons have shown the Clan an instinctive ability to teleport, as well as a rare proficiency in telepathy, and a rather frightening talent for breathing fire hot enough to disintegrate living creatures. In addition, they have been known to jump periods in time as well. Though not all of these traits are exactly natural for their species, all Banescale of the Clan have exhibited them, since the very first two were found as abandoned eggs near the Clan’s entrance.
Therefore, as well as being the Fire Mage Protectors of the Clan, many of these dragons have become Clan Historians, as well. Though they consider the Temporal Researchers Cave their “Home Base,” they will send themselves all over Sornieth--and all through time--to ensure that the stories they record are absolutely, one hundred percent accurate, from all sides of the conflict. Interestingly enough, regardless of other pursuits, all Clan Banescale have three things in common: a morbid fascination with the records of lopsided battles of one sort or another, an intense dislike for all Gaolers in the Clan, and an insatiable need to flame any worm or “thread-like” creature they see…
Feel free to stop by anytime! We love the company, particularly if you have some new arcane power, runestone, or scroll to show us...

Welcome to Canisa's Clan of Curiosities: Elemental Gems!
We live in Arcane lands, enjoying dreaming and stargazing...and reading. (What can I say, some of the dragons read some fantasy scrolls, and became hooked: So many new and fascinating worlds!)
Here you will find dragons devoted to magic, the stars, "between times" and fantasy. They consider their names to be a reflection of themselves, so do not acquire a name until they are ready, sometimes waiting months after maturing before they settle on what they will be called.
They are all very proud of themselves, and love to show off! Stop by their ID pages to learn more about each of them...
(3) Starmap Genes (Cosmos, Sunfire) (1500 Gems x3) |
(2) Constellation Genes (Moondust, Fal) (1500 Gems x2) |
Female Dragon:
XXX Obsidian Ridgeback
XXX Obsidian Imperial
[with Starmap and Constellation Genes]
(To have Void Effect added and be named Xandramas)
XXX Obsidian Ridgeback
XXX Obsidian Imperial
[with Starmap and Constellation Genes]
(To have Void Effect added and be named Xandramas)
(2) Ancient Broadswords (BrianJacques, Tolkien) (225 Gems x2) |
Wish: All Sprites 2013-2014 Festival Items /Skins/Chests |
Wish: 2018-2019, 2019-2020 Festival Items /Haloes/Chests (Especially Light, Lightning, Fire) |
Wish: Any Familiar Not Already in Hoard (Especially... Coli Bosses Golem Workshop Familiars, Forbidden Portal Familiars, 2021 Mire Familiars) |
Wish: Plain Gold Ring Not yet available on FR(?) (Tolkien) |
Wish: Badger, Lion, Eagle, Snake (JKR) |
Lair Espansion
1125000 Treasure
1125000 Treasure

(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
Clan Achievement:
5 Years Participating at Games
Awarded at
2021 Sornieth Winter Games
2021 Crystalline Gala

(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
2016 Sornieth Winter Games:
2 Events Won
2016 Crystalline Gala

(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
2018 Sornieth
Winter Games:
5 Events Entered
2018 Crystalline Gala

(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
Clan Achievement:
5 Years Participating at Games
Awarded at
2021 Sornieth Winter Games
2021 Crystalline Gala

(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
2016 Sornieth Winter Games:
2 Events Won
2016 Crystalline Gala
![]() Gold Medal 1-27-16 2016 Sornieth Winter Games: Ice Skating Event (Spellweaver and Runemaster) 2016 Crystalline Gala |
![]() Silver Medal 1-28-16 2016 Sornieth Winter Games: Hockey (Whole Clan, Wildclaw Captain) 2016 Crystalline Gala |
![]() (hosted by JinxMoonstone) Participation 2017 Sornieth Winter Games: 1 Event Won 2017 Crystalline Gala |
![]() Bronze Medal Awarded 2-1-17 2017 Sornieth Winter Games: Cross-Country Skiing (Citrine; Entered 1-25-17) 2017 Crystalline Gala |

(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
2018 Sornieth
Winter Games:
5 Events Entered
2018 Crystalline Gala
![]() (hosted by JinxMoonstone) Participation 2019 Sornieth Winter Games: 8 Events Entered, 1 Event Won 2019 Crystalline Gala |
![]() Bronze Medal Awarded 2-8-19 2019 Sornieth Winter Games: Curling (Team: Bombarda (Captain), Alakazam, Jasper, Nebula; Entered 1-28-19) 2019 Crystalline Gala |

(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
2020 Sornieth
Winter Games:
8 Events Entered
2020 Crystalline Gala
![]() (hosted by JinxMoonstone) Participation 2021 Sornieth Winter Games: 8 Events Entered, 1 Event Won 2021 Crystalline Gala |
![]() Silver Medal Awarded 2-5-21 2021 Sornieth Winter Games: Curling (Team: Bombarda (Captain), Alakazam, Jasper, Nebula; Entered 1-29-21) 2021 Crystalline Gala |
![]() (hosted by LilacDreams) THIRD PLACE 9-30-14 Constellation Creation: “The Wise Birds” Story (Cosmos) 2014 Starfall Celebration |
![]() (hosted by Nighttyger) GRAND PRIZE Awarded 10-18-17 Constellation Connection: “The First Unicorn” Story (Submitted by PM: 9-27-17) 2017 Starfall Celebration |
Badges/Events Dragons Attended
![]() Participation 4-23-17--4-29-17 Levitos Tours (hosted by Krycelli) RP Role Play (Cadmia and AquaRegia) 2017 Wavecrest Saturnalia |
![]() Participation 1-28-18--2-3-18 2018 Winter Carnival Lore Writing (hosted by JoyLayne) Character Driven Stories (Emerald, Saturnalia, Moondust, Meteor, Beeblebrox, Duskshadow, Twilight, GeorgeRRMartin) 2018 Crystalline Gala |

Whimsical Windows
(hosted by Valyrie;
Header Template by RetroJackal)
Event Hopping and Lore Game

(Nebula, Eveningrose, Nightsedge, Xyzzy,
Lughnasadh, Anguis, Duskshadow,
Moondust, Seaspray)
2019 Greenskeeper Gathering

All Seven Days
Ember Toss at the Ancient Forge
(hosted by Falconair)
Character Role Play with Prizes
(Prize Shown: 7 Days Participation)
(Quadrangla, Athena, Equinox,
Solstice, Anguis, Vesuvia, Imbolc,
Lughnasadh, Beltane, Samhain)
2019 Flameforger’s Festival
![]() Participation: All Eight Days 3-22-20--3-29-20 Cloudsong Celebration (hosted by eeeeel; Artwork by Giu) Character Role Play with Prizes (Capheira, Blue-Green Banescale, Tunespinner, Balladweaver, Duskcloud, Oberon, Titania, Seaspray, Verdigris, AurumFulminans, Evenfall, Moldavite, Ruby) 2020 Mistral Jamboree |
![]() Participation 4-26-20--4-30-20 Bottled Boat Badges (hosted by SeaDuchess) Badge Buying and Gotcha (Seapray, Wavedancer, Tranquillitatis, Neptunia, Humorum) 2020 Wavecrest Saturnalia |

Participation: Greenskeeper Gathering Badge
Events Attended:
Black Chess Pieces hosted by Valyrie
Guessing Game hosted by EurasianLynx
Trivial Pursuit hosted by Sorrowspark
Viridian CYOA hosted by Loreka
Whimsical Windows hosted by Valyrie
2020 Greenskeeper Gathering

Black Chess Pieces
(hosted by Valyrie)
Games and Lore
(Wednesday: Titania and Oberon
Friday: Xyzzy)
2020 Greenskeeper Gathering

Whimsical Windows
(hosted by Valyrie)
Event Hopping and Lore Game

(Beeblebrox x2, Lughnasadh, Xyzzy x2, Spellreader,
Duskfire, Spellweaver, Runemaster)
2020 Greenskeeper Gathering

Sornieth Winter Games
Uniform Showcase
(hosted by JinxMoonstone)
Costume Contest and Roleplay
(Esoterica, Emerald, Meteor,
Imbri, Bombarda, Moondust)
2021 Crystalline Gala
Badges/Events Attended
(No Specific Dragon)
(No Specific Dragon)
![]() Participation 1-22-17--1-28-17 Ice Mines (hosted by Amyatzu) Counting Game 2017 Crystalline Gala |
![]() Participation 5-28-17--6-4-17 Beastclan Studies (hosted by glitterdusted) Various Quizzes 2017 Greenskeeper Gathering |
![]() Participation 3-25-18--3-31-18 Clouded Images (hosted by Selah) Guessing Fuzzy Pictures 2018 Mistral Jamboree |
![]() Participation 5-27-18--6-2-18 The Explorer's Query (hosted by DarknessReborn, became Sorrowspark in 2020; Image by Sanfflewyrm) Riddle Game 2018 Greenskeeper Gathering |
![]() Participation 3-24-19--3-30-19 Clouded Images (hosted by Selah) Guessing Fuzzy Pictures 2019 Mistral Jamboree |
![]() Participation 5-26-19--6-1-19 Between the Riddles Three (hosted by DarknessReborn, became Sorrowspark in 2020) Riddle Game Winner: Riddle 14, 5-30-19 2019 Greenskeeper Gathering |

How's the Harvest?
(hosted by EurasianLynx)
Jar Guessing Game

(Images by Teewie)
Day 5: Seafood
Day 6: Plants
2019 Greenskeeper Gathering
![]() Participation 2-23-20--2-29-20 Trickmurk Tri-Riddle (hosted by emberglo) Riddle Guessing Game 20/21 Riddles Correct on First Try (1/21 needed two tries) 7/7 Cave Riddles Correct Day 6 Prize: Deepvine Aardvark 2020 Trickmurk Circus |
![]() Participation 3-22-20--3-28-20 Clouded Images hosted by Selah (with the help of pacificautumn) Guessing Fuzzy Pictures All Images Correct 2020 Mistral Jamboree |

Trivial Pursuit
(hosted by Sorrowspark,
originally DarknessReborn)
Riddle Guessing Game

Special Prize:
Six-Point Theme Badge
24/30 Riddles Correct on First Try
(6/30 needed 2 tries)
Day 5 Prize:
Apparel: Ball Python
2020 Greenskeeper Gathering
20/21 Riddles Correct
on First Try
(Riddle #7 needed 2 tries)
6/7 Truck Riddles Correct
(Truck Riddle #6 needed 2 tries)
Day 2 Prize:
Food: (99) Sunshine Stinger
2020 Trickmurk Circus
on First Try
(Riddle #7 needed 2 tries)
6/7 Truck Riddles Correct
(Truck Riddle #6 needed 2 tries)
Day 2 Prize:
Food: (99) Sunshine Stinger
2020 Trickmurk Circus
![]() Participation 3-28-21--4-3-21 Clouded Images: Magic (hosted by pacificautumn) Guessing Fuzzy Pictures 7 Images Correct 2021 Mistral Jamboree |
![]() Participation 5-23-21--5-29-21 The Second Explorer’s Query (hosted by Sorrowspark) Riddle Guessing Game ![]() Special Prize: Six-Point Theme Badge ALL 30 Riddles Correct on First Try Day 6 Prize: Tertiary Gene: Underbelly (Veilspun) 2021 Greenskeeper Gathering |

Seaspray's Companion
(Captured 1-27-17)
2017 Crystalline Gala
![]() "Bibarel" Meteor's Companion (Captured 1-24-16) 2016 Crystalline Gala |
![]() "Bouffalant" Not Yet Chosen By A Dragon (Captured 1-28-16) 2016 Crystalline Gala |
![]() "Electrode" Spellweaver's Companion (Captured 1-29-16) 2016 Crystalline Gala |
![]() "Loudred" "Mischief"'s Companion (Captured 1-27-16) 2016 Crystalline Gala |
![]() "Makuhita" Amara's Companion (Captured 1-29-16) 2016 Crystalline Gala |
![]() "Pidove" Polgara's Companion (Captured 1-29-16) 2016 Crystalline Gala |
![]() "Unown O" Runemaster's Companion (Captured 1-23-17) 2017 Crystalline Gala |
![]() "Arthur Dent" ("Shelmet") Beeblebrox's Companion (Captured 1-26-17) 2017 Crystalline Gala |

Seaspray's Companion
(Captured 1-27-17)
2017 Crystalline Gala
Located close to the river that separates the Tourmaline Archives from the Astrolodome, the Lair is a series of caves sprawling over a large underground area on both sides of the river. Somewhat circular, its many small caves loosely surround a central Main Cave, connected to the Main Cave and each other by branching tunnels and shielded doorways. Many tunnels and larger areas have spells to separate each section from the others, and to protect dragons in the more volatile caves from their own experiments. Even in the quietest places, however, sounds of distress, or certain key words, will pierce any shield, ensuring that no one anywhere in the cave system is rendered vulnerable and unaware of trouble.
The quieter caves are on the south side of the river, while the “Magical Phenomenon Cave Circle”, containing all caves dedicated to studying magic, is on the north side, close to the Astrolodome. It is reached by those who cannot fly that well (or at all) by a long, underwater tunnel shielded by magic…or by the friendly assistance of an airborne Clanmate.
Bogsneaks: True Alchemists, named for the Alchemical materials they like to work with. They find the Wildclaw's efforts in this science amusing, if a bit odd. Although these dragon are generally friendly, they tend to be so focused on their work in the Potions Cave that it is often hard to engage them in conversation for more than a few minutes--unless, of course, you happen to be as interested in Alchemy as they are....
Coatls: The proud "gems" of the lair. They believe they are special, and do not like being told otherwise. Their names are a reflection of that proud personality, and of their interests in the often less studied areas of magic and philosophy, the study of focusing magical energy through gemstones. Most, though not all, of the Clan’s Coatls reside and work together in a single cave, which the Clan simply calls the “Focus Stones” Cave.
![]() Amber |
![]() Amethyst |
![]() Aquamarine |
![]() Carnelian |
![]() Citrine |
![]() Emerald |
![]() Fireopal |
![]() Garnet |
![]() Jasper |
![]() Lapislazuli |
![]() Moldavite |
![]() Onyx |
![]() Quartz |
![]() Ruby |
![]() Sapphire |
![]() Spinel |
![]() Tanzanite |
![]() "Explorer Dragon" |
Faes: A bit different from the rest of the clan, these dragons devote themselves to exploring the legends of “other worlds”…but not in the astronomical sense. They are fascinated with the stories of the “Fair Folk,” and every single one of them takes their name from parchment scrolls that address this topic. They are scattered throughout the Lair, but most hang out in the Main Cave or the Potions Cave.
Guardians: The "between times" dragons of the lair. Named for those magical, otherworldly times of the day and year when it's neither day nor night, light nor dark, but somewhere in-between, they are all mages focused on odd forms of magic, and some are fighters as well. They have migrated all over the cave system of the Lair, with many of the Clan’s Guardians taking a particular cave in the Lair as their personal Charge. This is a very good thing, as sometimes a firm hand is needed to keep the more interesting experiments--and experimenters--under control…
![]() Beltane Charge: Mating Cave |
![]() Duskcloud Charge: Her Mate, Beeblebrox |
![]() Duskfire Charge: Clan’s Weapons and All Who Use Them |
![]() Duskshadow Clan Mother Charge: Whole Clan and Main Cave |
![]() Equinox Charge: Her Twin, Solstice(?) |
![]() Evenfall Charge: Armory and Training Grounds |
![]() Eveningrose Charge: Library |
![]() Imbolc Charge: Nursery |
![]() Lughnasadh Charge: Gaming Cave |
![]() MidnightMoon (”Midnight”) Charge: Planetarium |
![]() Nightsedge Charge: His Daughter, Samhain |
![]() Samhain Charge: Controlled / Channeled Magics Cave |
![]() Saturnalia Charge: Undiscovered |
![]() Solstice Charge: His Twin, Equinox(?) |
![]() Twilight Charge: Training Grounds |
![]() Charge: Magical Phenomena Cave Circle and Experimental / Instinctive Magics Cave |
![]() Charge: Healerie |
![]() Charge: Undecided |
![]() Charge: Time Watch Circle |
Imperials: Like the Coatls, they consider themselves special. Unlike the Coatls, they are not haughty about it. After all, they have no need to flaunt what is so obvious, right? And if lesser dragons cannot tell the truth...well, it's their loss they won't have such a special friend! In the meantime, there are plenty of magical and arcane interests to explore...
In addition, these dragons are the teachers of the lair, imparting their "wisdom" to all other members of the clan--whether the dragons want to hear it or not. But they always give it in such a gentle way that no one can really get offended. Much. They tend to hang out in the Planetarium and the Controlled / Channeled Magic Cave the most, though they often wander into areas, if they think there is a dragon in need of their guidance.
Mirrors: The mysterious entities of the lair, who indulge in the more secret areas of the Arcane. Their names hardly ever reveal anything about themselves, and their interests are as varied as their places in the Lair. Most are Fighters, but each has other, more uncommon, hobbies, as well. They can be found most often in the Training Grounds or the Gaming Caves, but they are not always there for the obvious reasons…
Nocturnes: "Night Mages," and students of the Moon. Some use magic in the Experimental / Instinctive Magics Cave, others study the Moon's astronomical significance in the Planetarium, while still others use the resources in the Clan’s Library to look at legends and myths linked to the smaller orb. They are all named for the "Seas" of the planetary body known as the Moon that they have encountered in their reading, or for something else with Lunar or Astronomical Influence
![]() Anguis |
![]() Fal (“Fallona,” “Falling Star”) |
![]() Humboldtianum |
![]() Humorum |
![]() Imbri |
![]() Ingenii |
![]() Spumans |
![]() Tranquillitatis |
![]() Considering "Fecundatatis" |
![]() |
![]() |
Pearlcatchers: As fascinated with magic and the universe as their Tundra "lair siblings," these dragons of the Clan like to focus more on the Elemental side of the magical divide, rather than the straight astronomical phenomena. Their names are somewhat complicated, reflecting their love of magical philosophy. Usually, part of the name refers to the physical aspect of their chosen elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) and part to the mystical (Spirit, Body, Mind, Soul). There are, however, some exceptions to this rule. Almost all Pearlcatchers can be found in the Elemental Magics or Experimental / Instinctive Magics Caves, studying their chosen pursuits. At the moment, Eastern magic fascinates the females more, while Western intrigues the males, though there is some overlap from time to time.
Ridgebacks: Unlike their brethern in the lair, these dragons are far more fascinated with the "fantasy" aspect of the Arcane than anything else. They are readers, and enjoy speculating endlessly on the worlds they have found in their scrolls and books in the Library...and trying to see if they can recreate those worlds here, creatures and all...
Skydancers: The ethereal members of the lair, who do not have a set magical area, but dabble in everything. Perhaps they will study ley lines in the Controlled / Channeled Magics Cave? Or maybe take a look at the energy in the air, or explore transformative powers in the Experimental / Instinctive Magics Cave.... or just look at bringing spells in books and scrolls to life...
Snappers: Writers, researchers, and lovers of "Fantasy". Like the Ridgebacks, they enjoy reading various scrolls and the Clan's few--and subsequently extremely valuable--books. However, the Snappers of the Clan are far more interested in how the scrolls and books are written then in the story, and they explore their own creativity liberally in the Clan’s Library. Taking full advantage of the fact that Snappers never sleep, these dragons can be seen in their chosen nooks at all hours of the day and night, working on their next masterpiece. Each one has borrowed their name from an author's name or nickname, and they are all justifiably proud of their writing talents.
Spirals: The true "magic-users" of the Clan, they can be found all over the “Magical Phenomena Cave Circle,” indulging in all sorts of experiments and pursuits. They are constantly in motion, and their various sinuous moves make them look almost like a living spell themselves. The Spirals of the Clan enjoy playing with the arcane energies surrounding the caves, with some very interesting results…
![]() Balladweaver |
![]() Dreamweaver |
![]() Flamecaster |
![]() Runemaster |
![]() Spellreader |
![]() Spellweaver |
![]() Tunespinner |
![]() Wavedancer |
![]() "Sparkmage" |
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Tundras: The mages and stargazers of the lair, who choose names reflecting the Astral Phenomena they witness. Almost all Tundras spend their time in the Planetarium, following various astral projects, but they can be seen elsewhere, as well.
![]() Centauri |
![]() Corona |
![]() Cosmos |
![]() Meteor |
![]() Moondust |
![]() Moonshadow |
![]() Nebula |
![]() Neptunia |
![]() Quasar |
![]() Sornietha |
![]() Stargazer |
![]() Sunfire |
![]() Sunspot |
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Wildclaws: Alchemists and Enchanters...but primarily they are Warriors, and take their names from the ancient heroes of legend they have found referenced in various odd scrolls and books. The rest of the Clan is rather surprised by some of their choices in this regard, but the Wildclaws never mind explaining (in excruciating detail) why they chose their name, if a dragon wants to spend an entire afternoon (or day) at the Training Grounds hearing the story…
All Ancient Breeds of the Clan are obsessed with Time, History, and the Past, in some form or another. Each Breed's particular interest is tempered (or in some cases encouraged) by their own natural instincts, however, leading to some very odd additions to the Clan...
Gaolers: Originally arriving in the Clan unexpectedly, through a strange magical surge that Changed the first two Gaolers of the lair from something else minutes after they were born--and in the case of the second, AS she was being born--these dragons are obsessed with guarding and warding in various ways...and also fascinated with Time Travel. The combination of these two interests has led to some very interesting name choices, and hobbies, though like all Gaolers, they do not actually choose their names until they come of age and choose their profession, whatever that may be. They reside and work almost exclusively in a cave they carved out of the rock themselves, which the Clan has taken to referring to as the cave of the Temporal Fighters, in honor of what the Gaolers have stated that they are trying to do.
Banescale: Warriors and Fire Magicians, these odd dragons have shown the Clan an instinctive ability to teleport, as well as a rare proficiency in telepathy, and a rather frightening talent for breathing fire hot enough to disintegrate living creatures. In addition, they have been known to jump periods in time as well. Though not all of these traits are exactly natural for their species, all Banescale of the Clan have exhibited them, since the very first two were found as abandoned eggs near the Clan’s entrance.
Therefore, as well as being the Fire Mage Protectors of the Clan, many of these dragons have become Clan Historians, as well. Though they consider the Temporal Researchers Cave their “Home Base,” they will send themselves all over Sornieth--and all through time--to ensure that the stories they record are absolutely, one hundred percent accurate, from all sides of the conflict. Interestingly enough, regardless of other pursuits, all Clan Banescale have three things in common: a morbid fascination with the records of lopsided battles of one sort or another, an intense dislike for all Gaolers in the Clan, and an insatiable need to flame any worm or “thread-like” creature they see…
Feel free to stop by anytime! We love the company, particularly if you have some new arcane power, runestone, or scroll to show us...
Recent Comments

i like object shows

Hey thanks for buying Sublime! I hope he serves you well!

Nimby was on the front page looking awesome in that skin!


I hope Tolkien is able to end his visit to the Cloudsong safely! (Go, Soulfire!)

Hey, I just wanted to say... honestly I think it's pretty messed up for site staff to accuse you of using "dirty" "coded" language for essentially just giving an eyeroll to their update. Anyone who responded to that thread with anything less than "omg thank you!" seems to have been given that kind of disproportionately harsh response and idk I just wanted to make sure you know you're not the only one out there who didn't see the original lore as "promoting roleplaying colonialism" or whatever other nonsense you were accused of.

It's a snail shell (I googled it) and the other is an Italian folk song with a brisk tempo!

I like your dragons and lore!

Duskshadow is on the front page!

Your Polgara dragon is really cool! I'm reading the first book at the moment and I love it!

Like your dragons!

Xlotrin was out gathering and wanted to stop by and say a quick hello to one of his Viridian CYOA teammates.
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