
Level 20 Ridgeback
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Energy: 0
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Female Ridgeback
Female Ridgeback
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Personal Style






15.39 m
18.04 m
6652.9 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 07, 2022
(2 years)


Ridgeback icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 20 Ridgeback
EXP: 9301 / 111687




Generation 4

I am a Descendant of Sash! You might be asking -- who is Sash? Well, she's the dragon on-site with the ID #420, which is what makes her oh so notable. This lineage counts from 1.

Sash lineage:

Sash >> Liminal >> Romulus >> Me!
Generation 10

I am a Leviathan Hunter! These dragons (and their descendants) are recruited by the monster hunter Tohil to track and hunt epic legendary beasts all across Sornieth's seas! They can come in any color, but are most commonly found in the blue range-- all the better to hide from their quarry. To learn more, click the button!

Leviathan Hunter lineage:

Tohil >> Talahi >> Script >> Dara >> Mauve >> Pluto >> Murdoch >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!
Generation 11

I am a part of the Archangel lineage! This family of dragons descends from Faith and Omen, an angel and a fallen angel who were cast out onto Sornieth and cursed to live as dragons for their crime of becoming romantically involved. This family tends to have few offspring-- the more greyscale they are, the less the curse seems to affect them! Click the wings to learn more!

Archangel lineage:

Faith & Omen >> Castiel >> Yuiel >> Micah >> Dara >> Mauve >> Pluto >> Murdoch >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!

Generation 13

I am Tree-Borne! Avalon and Aspen knew their genes were potent, all of their children were cursed the same as they. The curse ran strong, but as their hatchlings grew up and had their own hatchlings with non-tree cursed dragons, it was obvious to them; some of them were still cursed. Out of nowhere a dragon of their lineage would begin to sprout up leaves and vines and ivy. They both worried about their children, how they would deal with this malady and overcome what they all inevitably feared to be death by this curse's hand. Click the ruins to learn more!


Cursed Lineage:

Aspen & Avalon >> Sycamore >> Marshwater >> Willowsong >> Jacaranda >> Huxley >> Mauve >> Pluto >> Murdoch >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!

Generation 9

I am a member of the Mars lineage! These dragons are descended from the alien oblisk, Mars, named after the planet he hails from. His goal is to create as many Martians as possible to repopulate his home planet. Click the badge to learn more!

Mars Lineage:

Mars >> Olympus >> Saturn >> Neptune >> Pluto >> Murdoch >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!

Generation 9

I am part of the Paul Family! Paul, Pauler, and Paulest are the best of friends and love their shared Paul connection. Now they live together and raise all their hatchlings as a family. To find out more information on the Paul Lineage, click the button!
Paul Lineage:

Paulest >> Yugure >> Saturn >> Neptune >> Pluto >> Murdoch >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!
Generation 10

I am an Explorer of the Sky! This family of dragons has been tasked by the Windsinger himself to gather information all over Sornieth, acting as His eyes and ears in places He can't investigate before they change again. While daring and determined, these dragons are known for being cartographers and archaeologists, rather than any sort of fighters. Click the badge to learn more!

Explorer Lineage:

Mariya & Thayn >> Ginkgo >> Balboa >> Ailani >> Neptune >> Pluto >> Murdoch >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!
Generation 8

I’m part of the Mechanical Wants lineage! H.O.B.B.I.T.-PRESS was a breeding machine, a pseudo-mechanical creature built to birth hatchlings with the sole purpose of war. But as it traveled from place to place, fathering pointless children, it began to develop a mind. It began to develop a voice and a soul. It couldn’t stand to see its children go off to die in the eternal wars. No, they would live good lives, the best that a decaying thing like itself could offer. It would spread its bloodline, making sure that the horrors of the breeding machine were stopped for good. Please click the gear to learn more!

Mechanical Wants Lineage:

HobbitPress >> Akasuki >> Extremophile >> Rampage >> Murdoch >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!
Generation 10

I am a member of the Keeper Lineage! This lineage project is dedicated to remembering the love @raptorix and all Flight Rising members have for their dragons throughout the generations. If you'd like to learn more, click the button!

Keeper Lineage:

FabPomegranate >> TunaTarp >> HobbitPress >> Akasuiki >> Extremophile >> Rampage >> Murdoch >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!
Generation 10

Polvoron > Tritos > Bellu > Extremophile > Rampage > Murdoch > Crystal > Slatterbomb > Adra > Me!

Generation 13 (Explorer)

I am a Cave-Dweller! Cave-Dwellers live in deep caves connected through maze-like tunnels. No one knows exactly where they lead, but some have managed to map out the most essential routes. The labyrinth lays below Sornieth and reaches far into many of the elemental lands. If you'd like to know more, click the button!

Cave-Dweller Lineage:

Fatel >> Rivin >> Veiled >> Noisur >> Trageon >> Meirion >> Skyla >> River >> Locksteel >> Bluesteel >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!

Generation 10

I'm an Ocean Breeze! As the son of as the son of Deathseer Prismscale, Diamond founded the Diamond Project to spread royal Windflight Clan members throughout Sornieth with his mate, Tsunami. Now he has found joy in the simpler aspects of life: namely traveling, storytelling and meeting others. He raises his children and grandchildren with the hopes that they too will feel these joys as well as tell the story of Windflight Clan, and even discover things Diamond never dreamed of existing! If you're interested in knowing more about the project, please click the button!
Ocean Breeze Lineage:

Diamond >> Adira >> Triton >> Skyla >> River >> Locksteel >> Bluesteel >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!

Generation 10

I am a Moon Oracle! The Moon Oracles are the descendants of Artemis and Eyes. Two sides of the same coin; one beautiful and divine, who can see bright futures, and the other mysterious and dark, who's visions often foretell catastrophes. Together, the pair can balance out the dark and light of their visions to find broader outcomes and possibilities. Much like them, their descendants have gained some of their powers. If you're interested in knowing more about the generations project that is my heritage, please click the moon button!
Moon Oracle Lineage:

Eyes & Artemis >> Metis >> Helene >> Skathi >> River >> Locksteel >> Bluesteel >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!

Generation 10

I am Blursed! Blessed and Cursed are two generation 1 dragons who decided to have a blursed lineage. For the giggles! Please click the badge to learn more!


Blursed Lineage:

Cursed & Blessed >> Cantaloupe
>> Violet >> HersheyKisses >> Locksteel >> Bluesteel >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!
Generation 13

I am a Child of the Garden! A line project descended from two progenitors. Conch left her home with nothing, driven to undertake a journey she didn't fully understand. She found Basic in the little paradise of the Everbloom Gardens, and began to make a home with him there. Now she cares for hatchlings all across Sornieth and has a large loving family. Please click the badge to learn more!


Garden Lineage:

Conch & Basic >> Asche >> Oxi >> Duchess >> Charlotte >> Violet >> HersheyKisses >> Locksteel >> Bluesteel >> Crystal >> Slatterbomb >> Adra >> Me!
Generation 10

I am part of the Soup Lineage! CarneGuisada is a ghoul with an unusually positive attitude. Despite being riddled with plague, he remains high energy and pursues what he is passionate about! What is he passionate about, you ask? Food! Despite not being able to leave his quarantine, CarneGuisada is a hardcore family man and he makes sure to share his love of cooking with all his children! Please click the badge to learn more!


Generation 8

I am part of the Chaos Reigns lineage! With a couple notable exceptions, these dragons are descended from one of two pairs: Eris (Goddess of Chaos) and Havoc (Spirit of Mischief), or Mayhem (Spirit of Pranks) and Entropy (Embodiment of Disorder and Comedy). Where this family goes, discord and mischief follow-- Eris' mission is to spread as much confusion and bedlam as possible. Every one of them is capable of whipping up their own personal pandemonium at the drop of a hat, but this family is full of dragons with their own free will. Will they fulfill Eris' life mission as one of the Legion of Chaos, or will they eschew their gifts in favor of restoring order? Most of the time, there's no way to tell!
Chaos lineage:

Mayhem & Entropy >> Dismay >> Moratorium >> Havoc >> Gale >> Rosalina >> Strawberry >> Adra >> Me!
Generation 6

I’m part of the Specular Spells lineage. These mages are extremely powerful, so powerful their auras are often mistaken for spells. These spells are the descendants of Latte and Chocolate. The shiny kids are those with earth magics, a knack for pulling treasures from the earth, while the plague dragons have acidic powers. Their runes and circuits are sigils that bind them to their secondary elemental powers inherited by their family’s founders.

Spectacular Spells Lineage:

Latte & Chocolate >> Nightdaze >> Skyla >> Rosalina >> Strawberry >> Adra >> Me!

Generation 5

Cainwen & Genna > Asher > Rosalina > Strawberry > Adra > Me!

Generation 5

Bow & Taiga > Archipelago > Canopy > Slatterbomb > Adra > Me!

Generation 6 Breed out the Ugly Lineage

Mudlock & Evaa > Podge > Popsiclestick > Creamsickle > Strawberry > Adra > Me!

For Her Offspring's Bios:
[center][size=6][b]Name here![/b][/size] [emoji=firework size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=brown gem size=1][emoji=pink gem 2 size=1][emoji=sun size=1][emoji=arcane rune size=1][emoji=sun size=1][emoji=pink gem 2 size=1][emoji=brown gem size=1][emoji=crystal ball size=1][emoji=firework size=1] [img][/img][/center] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Sash[/b] [img][/img] I am a [b]Descendant of Sash[/b]! You might be asking -- who is Sash? Well, she's the dragon on-site with the ID #420, which is what makes her oh so notable. [b]Generation 5[/b] [url=]Sash[/url] > [url=]Liminal[/url] > [url=]Romulus[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Tohil[/b] [img][/img] I am a [b]Leviathan Hunter[/b]! These dragons (and their descendants) are recruited by the monster hunter, Tohil, to track and hunt epic legendary beasts all across Sornieth's seas! They can come in any color, but are most commonly found in the blue range-- all the better to hide from their quarry. To learn more, click the button! [b]Generation 11[/b] [url=]Tohil[/url] > [url=]Talahi[/url] > [url=]Script[/url] > [url=]Dara[/url] > [url=]Mauve[/url] > [url=]Pluto[/url] > [url=]Murdoch[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][nextcol][columns][url=][img][/img][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Faith and Omen[/b] [img][/img] I am a part of the [b]Archangel lineage[/b]! This family of dragons descends from Faith and Omen, an angel and a fallen angel who were cast out onto Sornieth and cursed to live as dragons for their crime of becoming romantically involved. This family tends to have few offspring-- the more greyscale they are, the less the curse seems to affect them! Click the wings to learn more! [b]Generation 12[/b] [url=]Faith[/url] + [url=]Omen[/url] > [url=]Castiel[/url] > [url=]Yuiel[/url] > [url=]Micah[/url] > [url=]Dara[/url] > [url=]Mauve[/url] > [url=]Pluto[/url] > [url=]Murdoch[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Avalon and Aspen[/b] [img][/img] I am [b]Tree-Borne[/b]! Avalon and Aspen knew their genes were potent, all of their children were cursed the same as they. The curse ran strong, but as their hatchlings grew up and had their own hatchlings with non-tree cursed dragons, it was obvious to them that some of their descendants were still cursed. Out of nowhere, a dragon of their lineage would begin to sprout up leaves and vines and ivy. They both worried about their children. How would they would deal with this malady and overcome what they all inevitably feared to be death by this curse's hand? Click the ruins to learn more! [b]Generation 14[/b] [url=]Aspen[/url] + [url=]Avalon[/url] > [url=]Sycamore[/url] > [url=]Marshwater[/url] > [url=]Willowsong[/url] > [url=]Jacaranda[/url] > [url=]Huxley[/url] > [url=]Mauve[/url] > [url=]Pluto[/url] > [url=]Murdoch[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=] [img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Mars[/b] [img][/img] I am a member of the [b]Mars Lineage[/b]! These dragons are descended from the alien obelisk, Mars, named after the planet he hails from. His goal is to create as many Martians as possible to repopulate his home planet. Click the badge to learn more! [center][b]Generation 10[/b] [url=]Mars[/url] > [url=]Olympus[/url] > [url=]Saturn[/url] > [url=]Neptune[/url] > [url=]Pluto[/url] > [url=]Murdoch[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Paulest[/b] [img][/img] I am part of the [b]Paul Family[/b]! Paul, Pauler, and Paulest are the best of friends and love their shared Paul connection. Now they live together and raise all their hatchlings as a family. To find out more information on the Paul Lineage, click the button![br] [b]Generation 10[/b] [url=]Paulest[/url] > [url=]Yugure[/url] > [url=]Saturn[/url] > [url=]Neptune[/url] > [url=]Pluto[/url] > [url=]Murdoch[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Mariya and Thayn[/b] [img][/img] I am an [b]Explorer of the Sky[/b]! This family of dragons has been tasked by the Windsinger himself to gather information all over Sornieth, acting as His eyes and ears in places he can't investigate before they change again. While daring and determined, these dragons are known for being cartographers and archaeologists, rather than any sort of fighters. Click the badge to learn more! [b]Generation 11[/b] [url=]Mariya[/url] + [url=]Thayn[/url] > [url=]Ginkgo[/url] > [url=]Balboa[/url] > [url=]Ailani[/url] > [url=]Neptune[/url] > [url=]Pluto[/url] > [url=]Murdoch[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of H.O.B.B.I.T.-PRESS[/b] [img][/img] I’m part of the [b]Mechanical Wants Lineage[/b]! H.O.B.B.I.T.-PRESS was a breeding machine, a pseudo-mechanical creature built to birth hatchlings with the sole purpose of war. However, as the machine traveled from place to place, fathering pointless children, it began to develop a mind, a voice and a soul. It couldn’t stand to see its children go off to die in the eternal wars. No, they would live good lives, the best that a decaying thing like itself could offer. It would spread its bloodline, making sure that the horrors of the breeding machine were stopped for good. Please click the gear to learn more! [b]Generation 9[/b] [url=]HobbitPress[/url] > [url=]Akasuki[/url] > [url=]Extremophile[/url] > [url=]Rampage[/url] > [url=]Murdoch[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][img][/img] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of FabPomegranate[/b] [img][/img] I am a member of the [b]Keeper Lineage[/b], which was founded by a player on this site known as Raptorix. If you adopt one of the children from the Keeper Lineage and you breed them, Raptorix will buy back one of their children and continue on the great breeding project. It's difficult to track everyone in this lineage, but if you look for dragons with two random nouns in their name, it's possible. [b]Generation 11[/b] [url=]FabPomegranate[/url] > [url=]TunaTarp[/url] > [url=]HobbitPress[/url] > [url=]Akasuiki[/url] > [url=]Extremophile[/url] > [url=]Rampage[/url] > [url=]Murdoch[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] I am part of the [b]Phantasmagoric Apotheosis Lineage[/b], which means I am a descendant of dragon, Polvorón. The imperial Polvorón was born from to normal dragons, yet he received extraordinary powers that are greater than Sornieth's elemental deities from a mysterious place known as the Other. Polvorón also is known to have the ID 69696969, which makes him a very rare and notable dragon. However, even though Polvorón is rare, notable and extremely powerful, he is always humble and kind to anyone he meets. [b]Generation 11[/b] [url=]Polvoron[/url] > [url=]Tritos[/url] > [url=]Bellu[/url] > [url=]Extremophile[/url] > [url=]Rampage[/url] > [url=]Murdoch[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me! [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Fatel[/b] [img][/img] I am a [b]Cave-Dweller[/b]! Cave-Dwellers live in deep caves connected through maze-like tunnels. No one knows exactly where they lead, but some have managed to map out the most essential routes. The labyrinth lays below Sornieth and reaches far into many of the elemental lands. If you'd like to know more, click the button! [b]Generation 14 (Explorer)[/b] [url=]Fatel[/url] > [url=]Rivin[/url] > [url=]Veiled[/url] > [url=]Noisur[/url] > [url=]Trageon[/url] > [url=]Meirion[/url] > [url=]Skyla[/url] > [url=]River[/url] > [url=]Locksteel[/url] > [url=]Bluesteel[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/columns][/center] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Diamond[/b] [img][/img] I'm an [b]Ocean Breeze[/b]! As the son of Deathseer Prismscale, Diamond founded the Diamond Project to spread royal Windflight Clan members throughout Sornieth with his mate, Tsunami. Now, he has found joy in the simpler aspects of life: namely traveling, storytelling and meeting others. He raises his children and grandchildren with the hopes that they too will feel these joys as well as tell the story of Windflight Clan, and even discover things Diamond never dreamed of existing! If you're interested in knowing more about the project, please click the button! [b]Generation 11[/b] [url=]Diamond[/url] > [url=]Adira[/url] > [url=]Triton[/url] > [url=]Skyla[/url] > [url=]River[/url] > [url=]Locksteel[/url] > [url=]Bluesteel[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/columns][/center] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Eyes and Artemis[/b] [img][/img] I am a [b]Moon Oracle[/b]! The Moon Oracles are the descendants of Artemis and Eyes. Two sides of the same coin; one beautiful and divine, who can see bright futures, and the other mysterious and dark, who's visions often foretell catastrophes. Together, the pair can balance out the dark and light of their visions to find broader outcomes and possibilities. Much like them, their descendants have gained some of their powers. If you're interested in knowing more about these oracles, please click the moon button! [b]Generation 11[/b] [url=]Eyes[/url] + [url=]Artemis[/url] > [url=]Metis[/url] > [url=]Helene[/url] > [url=]Skathi[/url] > [url=]River[/url] > [url=]Locksteel[/url] > [url=]Bluesteel[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/columns][/center] [img][/img] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Blessed and Cursed[/b] [img][/img] I am [b]Blursed[/b]! Blessed and Cursed are two gen 1 dragons who decided to create a blursed lineage. For the giggles! Please click the badge to learn more! [b]Generation 11[/b] [url=]Cursed[/url] + [url=]Blessed[/url] > [url=]Cantaloupe [/url] > [url=]Violet[/url] > [url=]HersheyKisses[/url] > [url=]Locksteel[/url] > [url=]Bluesteel[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me! [/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Generation 14[/b] [img][/img] I am a [b]Child of the Garden[/b]! I come from a lineage descended from two progenitors named Conch and Basic. Conch left her home with nothing and was driven to undertake a journey she didn't fully understand. She found Basic in the little paradise within the Everbloom Gardens, and began to make a home with him there. Now she cares for her hatchlings all across Sornieth and has a large, loving family. Please click the badge to learn more! [b]Generation 14[/b] [url=]Conch[/url] + [url=]Basic[/url] > [url=]Asche[/url] > [url=]Oxi[/url] > [url=]Duchess[/url] > [url=]Charlotte[/url] > [url=]Violet[/url] > [url=]HersheyKisses[/url] > [url=]Locksteel[/url] > [url=]Bluesteel[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me! [/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of CarneGuisada[/b] [img][/img] I am part of the [b]Soup Lineage[/b]! CarneGuisada is a ghoul with an unusually positive attitude. Despite being riddled with plague, he remains high energy and pursues what he is passionate about! What is he passionate about, you ask? Food! Despite not being able to leave his quarantine, CarneGuisada is a hardcore family man and he makes sure to share his love of cooking with all his children! Please click the badge to learn more! [b]Generation 11[/b] [url=]CarneGuisada[/url] > [url=]Melty[/url] > [url=]PoppedBlister[/url] > [url=]HersheyKisses[/url] > [url=]Locksteel[/url] > [url=]Bluesteel[/url] > [url=]Crystal[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me! [/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Mayhem and Entropy[/b] [img][/img] I am part of the [b]Chaos Reigns Lineage[/b]! With a couple notable exceptions, these dragons are descended from one of two pairs: Eris (Goddess of Chaos) and Havoc (Spirit of Mischief), or Mayhem (Spirit of Pranks) and Entropy (Embodiment of Disorder and Comedy). Where this family goes, discord and mischief follow-- Eris' mission is to spread as much confusion and bedlam as possible. Every one of them is capable of whipping up their own personal pandemonium at the drop of a hat, but this family is full of dragons with their own free will. Will they fulfill Eris' life mission as one of the Legion of Chaos, or will they eschew their gifts in favor of restoring order? Most of the time, there's no way to tell! [b]Generation 9[/b] [url=]Mayhem[/url] + [url=]Entropy[/url] > [url=]Dismay[/url] > [url=]Moratorium[/url] > [url=]Havoc[/url] > [url=]Gale[/url] > [url=]Rosalina[/url] > [url=]Strawberry[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Latte and Chocolate[/b] [img][/img] I’m part of the [b]Spectualar Spells lineage[/b]! This lineage was founded by two powerful mages that fell in love. The mages originally had hatchlings because they thought starting a family business would be cute. However, they soon discovered that their children were unexpectedly much more powerful than them, so much so that their children became spells themselves. In order to project their children, the mages have had to spread their children far across Sornieth so that they will not be found by creatures who wish to use their abnormal powers for their own selfish desires. I specifically am a [b]Depleted Spell[/b], which means I do not have the magical touch possessed by Pure and Diluted Spells in my lineage. I can still cast magic, but it requires great effort. To learn more amount the type of Spell that I am and my lineage as a whole, click the plaque nest! [b]Generation 7 (Depleted Spells)[/b] [url=]Latte[/url] + [url=]Chocolate[/url] > [url=]Nightdaze[/url] > [url=]Skyla[/url] > [url=]Rosalina[/url] > [url=]Strawberry[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [center][b]Descendant of Cainwen and Genna[/b] [img][/img] I belong to the [b]Supernatural Investigators Lineage[/b]! This lineage was started by Cainwen and Genna. Cainwen became involved with the paranormal because his own mother had an inner struggle against a demon, which has caused him to hold a personal grudge against demon-kind and Shade-touched things. He's been followed by shade-figures most of his life and had quickly learned to deal with them. Meanwhile, Genna had been dragged into the world of cryptids and other such supernatural creatures due to her own detrimental curiosity. Since then, the two imperials have spent many years tracking, researching, and hunting down all sorts of supernatural entities together. Cainwen and Genna have hidden their children across Sornieth so the many extramundane enemies they have made won't be able to find them. However, the imperials have made sure to teach their children and descendants all of the knowledge they have acquired about the paranormal, in case the paranormal finds them... [b]Generation 6 (Supernatural Tracker)[/b] [url=]Cainwen[/url] + [url=]Genna[/url] > [url=]Asher[/url] > [url=]Rosalina[/url] > [url=]Strawberry[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Descendant of Bow and Taiga[/b] [img][/img] I am an [b]Animal Whisperer[/b]! In every corner of Sornieth, there are tales of those who are more beast than dragon, who have forgone Draconic in favor of the language of the animals that populate the land. My ancestor, Taiga, thought he was the last living remnant of those tales until he found Bow. Now, Taiga and Bow have made it their mission to create a lineage that will return their kind to return to their former glory. [b]Generation 6[/b] [url=]Bow[/url] + [url=]Taiga[/url] > [url=]Archipelago[/url] > [url=]Canopy[/url] > [url=]Slatterbomb[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] I belong to the [b]Breed Out the Ugly Lineage[/b]! Mudlock and Evaa are objectively ugly obelisks and founded this lineage in hopes that their descendants would find a way the make their family tree beautiful. Note, if you change my genes or gene colors, that is considered cheating and I will be disqualified from this lineage challenge. [b]Generation 7 [/b] [url=]Mudlock[/url] + [url=]Evaa[/url] > [url=]Podge[/url] > [url=]Popsiclestick[/url] > [url=]Creamsickle[/url] > [url=]Strawberry[/url] > [url=]Adra[/url] > [url=]Unorthodox[/url] > Me![/center] [center][img][/img] [/center]
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