
Level 1 Coatl
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Tricky Telescope
Tricky Telescope
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Energy: 42
out of
Shadow icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Coatl
Male Coatl
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Personal Style


Nebula Starsilk Circlet
Nebula Starsilk Sleeves
Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon
Ghost Flame Cloak
Nebula Starsilk Socks


Accent: Ember Plumes



Scene: Moonbeam Aqueduct


7.26 m
9.91 m
919.1 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 07, 2021
(3 years)


Coatl icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Coatl
EXP: 0 / 245




STyyp8L.png ★★★ BIO

He firmly believes that there are far too many stars in the night sky, and that anything more than the number of stars upon his body is too many of them.

Cosmos is deluded but it's made him into a sort of conditional genius. He's an expert on tracking the stars across the sky, recording and cataloguing the progress of heavenly bodies. Purely for the purposes of proving they're not real, but still.




Doozie wrote on 2024-09-21 20:47:28:

Part 1: Preparations

This is it, its finally his big chance. Cosmos has always known there was something wrong with the stars, and now everyone else can see it too. Not only have there always been too many of them up there, but they're just made of arts and crafts supplies?! He knew it! His mother always told him his markings were a map of the sky, that the heavens could be seen in his eyes etc, and now he has physical proof that all those plentiful stars up there are extraneous.

He's packed his pocket sized conspiracy board self portrait starmap, some stationary supplies, and a wallet of stamps so he can mail off his "findings" to all his doubters.

Part 2: Discovery

Cosmos clutches the chunk of star he's discovered, lifting it into the air triumphantly. "Hah! You can't hold stars in your hands!" he waves it about and then holds it up to his snout for closer examination. Mushy weird thing... the edges are kind of fuzzy, like they're not really there... is it... is it absorbing into his flesh?! "EWWww get it off get it OFF!!"

Part 3: Return

Cosmos drags along after the rest of the star hunters, exhausted, shell shocked, and slightly traumatized. So many stars, so many of them trying to meld with his own starry body... He's done his best, left no stone unturned, and kept immaculate records of his findings but his eyes are sparking with starlight and he's seeing spots. Spots, not stars. He's going to need some time to recuperate for sure.

Oh, a star to take home? That's not suspicious at all... He eyes the hatchlings and then the shining souvenir they've handed him. Well, that's one less imposter running wild at least. He'll add it to his collection.
[VAL 2025] Saturday - A mischievous magnifier telescope. Keep an eye on it as it keeps an eye on you.

Light some stars win some badges and prizes!

Ylli_Stained_Glass_Star_100x100.png BSJ 2023 star badge recolour for lighting at least 25 stars during Ylli's BSJ Star Quests. TCC 2023 star badge recolour for lighting at least 25 stars during Ylli's TCC Star Quests. FF 2023 star badge recolour for lighting at least 25 stars during Ylli's FF Star Quests. SFC 2023 star badge recolour for lighting at least 25 stars during Ylli's SFC Star Quests.

June 2023 Participation Badge (small) for Ylli's Star Quests. Lit at least 100 stars during June for Ylli's Star Quests. Lit at least 300 stars and completed 5 quests during June for Ylli's Star Quests. July 2023 Participation Badge for Ylli's Star Quests. Lit at least 100 stars during July for Ylli's Star Quests. Lit at least 300 stars and completed 5 quests during July for Ylli's Star Quests. August 2023 Participation Badge for Ylli's Star Quests. Lit at least 100 stars during August for Ylli's Star Quests. Lit at least 300 stars and completed 5 quests during August for Ylli's Star Quests. September 2023 Participation Badge for Ylli's Star Quests. Lit at least 100 stars during September for Ylli's Star Quests.

aef6ae8530b3674d60f00f1dbf7e734beadafe59.pngSFC 2023 Participation Badge for Ylli's Star Quests, designed by Spookery.

VF9ubp2.png QvB5HFG.png

XxizixX's star badge for Lundlaeva by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Atziluth's star badge for Lovelock by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. BlackBerth's star badge for Deladria by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Purled's star badge for Ackie by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Kuiper's star badge for TETRAHEDR0N by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Milkyway's star badge for SilentWanderer by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Anastasia's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Azucre's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Septius' star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Vaati's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Antonia's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Merlot's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked.

Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.
Saronai's Stars

Eydis's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Airesa's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Aethyra's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Diem's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Andradite's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Saronai's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Nerites' star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Loctxhi's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Seanchaidh's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Wisteria's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Yulania's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Zaniah's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Celestiana's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Astaroth's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Parthenia's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Yavie's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Zarya's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Ujvari's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Andromeda's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Ulaigh's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Autumn's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Alasgida's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Auriellis' star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Kaijonai's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Joules' star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Solvi's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Nova's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Reaper's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Sylvadrien's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked.Exu's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Mistral's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Hope's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Zaida's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Padparadscha's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Tecza's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Nikola's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Theophania's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Belenos' star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Niamh's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Perseus' star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Ravin's star badge kandi by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Lehau's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Veasna's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Eudicot's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Idalia's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Virentis' star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Khelek's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Shiva's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Sateenkaari's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Ywen's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Ilex's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Eltheya's star badge. Light her star to collect it. Taibhse's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Dhanya's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Abhaya's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Luminesque's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Firaja's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Renawyn's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Ehrendil's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Tulosa's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Star's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Solarius' star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Nyxaria's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Cariad's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Rhozaria's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Aria's star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked.

Eydis' finished lore butterfly by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the butterfly! Please keep it linked. Lehua's lore butterfly badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Veasna's lore butterfly by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked.

Players' Stars
Quartz's lavender and white star. Want a copy? Follow the link and give Quartz a like. Make sure you keep it linked for others to find wherever you use it. Ismu's blue star, which looks somewhat like a vortex. Follow the link and give Ismu a like to obtain it. Make sure you keep it linked for others to find wherever you use it. Lesbia's pink, brown, gold, and rose star. Want a copy? Follow the link and give Lesbia a like. Make sure you keep it linked for others to find wherever you use it. M2ogUtl.png ymo7Srh.png Larch's star badge for Regxlia by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked.Belial's star badge for ClockworkEclipse by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Aikidoka's star badge for HawkMartian by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Jazana's star badge for Wolfspeaker by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Vaermina's star badge for Veneno by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Nocturna's star badge for GlasOwO by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Kyoten's star badge for LittleParade by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. Zelamar's star badge for Disillusionist  by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked.

Ackie's Stars
LpyAXeD.png 17kX4F1.png Purled's star badge for Ackie by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked. 07hcl0y.png KiQdUlO.png

Wildewinged's Stars
03r2sMj.png drjAz03.png cirnYgi.png 2T1VLPv.png G93mdIZ.png

Golden's Stars
LpmrGgw.png EZlOmoc.png i0ZrJ3f.png wUC3kc2.png T4AT3vG.png FvLW7ar.png CTQBOMF.png Pkdp064.png paLBxRs.png TBoZH6s.png tSJd5Kx.png M2ogUtl.png c5mBHxm.png b6XeCF9.png MVAhV6d.png PuUk3FR.png kS437l0.png kpbGHdr.png Tfiz4bD.png xNtiokN.png FhMG61g.gif rua2U7R.png Gp7NvuV.png 9qmI1hh.png 4oby9Pk.png mftkkfG.png HgomL2K.png zjFL7u0.png


jjUy9Yl.png DYiAp1B.png 0riJzl7.png
pBwSpQq.png f8kIqCn.png iiCb40g.png iNM4q4T.png
ftIl5Ta.png 5Swwqk8.png EMSKw0e.png quODK88.png
YWOPai4.png MEYPt4e.png DaBDaNi.png


Moonlit Stars


bio template by anxiousghost graphics by hazeledpoppy and Poisonedpaper



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Exalting Cosmos to the service of the Gladekeeper will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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