
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Ylli's Star Quests Returns for FF 2023
[center][b][size=7]Looking for Ylli's Star Quests & Raffle?[/size][/b][/center] We've decided to have a new thread for each festival event. The thread you are in now only contains what ended up being a messy organization for Thundercrack Carnivale with an archived Brightshine Jubilee before that. [url=]The Spreadsheet[/url] remains the same and updates with each new festival. [b]You can find the new event at this thread:[/b] [center][url=][size=7][b][emoji=fire rune size=1] Flameforger's 2023 [emoji=fire rune size=1] Event Thread[/b][/size][/url][/center] The pinglist will be activated over there when it's ready for viewing and sign up <3 -------- Ylli loves stars and wants to share that joy. The more stars you give out, the more likely we are to discover special, even legendary stars. I'm sure we'll discover them by the end! Regardless, we’ll all spread love to many deserving dragons along the way! [center][b]Event ends August 3rd; late arrivals welcome anytime before then.[/b][/center] [center][img alt="Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background"][/img][/center] [center][b]Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale[/b][/center] [center][b][size=5]* N a v i g a t i o n *[/size][/b] [b][url=][u]Event Info[/u][/url] * [url=]Participant List[/url] * [url=]Prizes [/url]* [url=]Badges [/url]* [url=]Spreadsheet [/url][/b] [size=4][b]Quests: [b][/size][url=]Spotlights +[/url][/b] [b]*[/b] [url=]Superstars [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Games [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Art Studio[/url] [b]*[/b] [url=]Themes (RP)[/url][/b][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][emoji=lightning rune size=1] [size=5][b]I n t r o[/b][/size] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]Upon spotting all the arrivals to his event, a fluffy and hyper aether bounds around in excited celebration and eager delight. However, it is the life-like AI replica of a Stardust Scholar wound around his tail that is the first to speak. The words are at odds with the tranquil, feminine tones. "They're here! They're here Jai - and there's new faces too! I'm so excited!" It takes new arrivals a moment, but they do eventually realize those words, if not the tone, match the aether's entire vibe as he attempts to sit still now in his excitement. "Hello friends!" The scholar repeats and Ylli glances down at it as well, then back at one of the newcomers. The Stardust Scholar continues, "Do you like my Chael? It's supposed to stand for something but I never remember what - I love her soothing voice! She's a fun little bit of arcanotech that telepathically picks up and relays everything I want to say when I can't speak for myself. Neat, huh?"[/columns] [columns][img alt="Lightning Aura Sidebar"][/img] [nextcol]If anyone's confused, Ylli doesn't seem to realize it as he rushes to introduce himself and the colourful, multi-eyed Lightning spiral beside him. "I'm Ylli and [i]this[/i] is my friend Jaisudha" The Stardust scholar says for him as Ylli makes an introductory gesture toward the spiral. Chael's voice doesn't really match the eager dragon in front of you, but he's all smiles and most find the serene voice [i]is[/i] rather soothing. This time Ylli attempts to look professional, but he’s sporting a blep and doesn’t seem to realize it. That’s okay, it’s kind of adorable, isn’t it? “You must be here because you heard about my quest to find [i]more [/i]special stars during Thundercrack Carnivale and you want to help, right? I love stars! They are my favourite thing to collect and this month, I have help from Jai! Ze's from the Lightning flight and helped me organize things a little better this month." [columns][url=][img alt="Jaisudha: Nectar and busy bee-themed spiral of Lightning Flight"][/img][/url] [nextcol]"Pleasure to make your acquaintance," the spiral says after zir introduction, voice a soothing hum of its own. "I noticed Ylli needed help organizing and together we've hopefully made this event run more smoothly with a little less confusion this month. "Instead of calling any task a daily, for example, they are now simply quests and each type of quest is headed by a different dragon we've brought in to give more details. Along with lighting stars you come across in hopes of generating a legendary star for the Lightning Sprite or Stormcatcher, you will need to complete 5 quests before our little event ends. [/columns] "The Stormcatcher star only appears to those who've done all five of their quests before the event ends, but both reappear every year for Thundercrack Carnivale. You will have until August third just before the night turns to August fourth. You may stick with just one quest giver and complete their task 5 times, or include more of a variety." [columns]Ylli hops around again in excitement. "And before I forget, if you like collecting stars as much as I do, you’re welcome to [url=]take a look at the collection[/url] I’ve uncovered among some of my friends. Sometimes when you light up a dragon’s personal star enough times, it starts generating copies of a special star linked to that dragon for everyone who gave it a little light to take home.” [nextcol][img alt="Ylli portrait to signify a change in speaker."][/img][/columns] There have been plenty of dragons with many [i]many[/i] lit up stars who never generate [i]special[/i] stars linked to them, as far as you know. That being said, helping Ylli with his quest does seem to be an [i]official[/i] event, so there’s got to be something to it, right? At the very least, maybe you’ll meet some amazing new dragons along the way and give them a little something to smile about.[/columns] [center][img alt="How to Enter banner with a Lightning Aura background."][/img] [b]How to Enter[/b][/center] [b][size=5]Important: Please do not delete your posts, it will make me have to redo all the participation links. Thank you [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/size][/b] [b]Event ends August 3rd; late arrivals welcome.[/b] If you love looking at dragons and handing out stars while receiving some yourself, you're in the right event! [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] [size=5][b]Returning participants:[/b][/size] Please locate your original participation card from the [url=]spreadsheet[/url] (BSJ Participants tab), or the linked list [url=]here[/url]. You will be keeping and editing this card for each month. [b]Please do not create a new card[/b]. [br] [indent][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] Ping me in the thread on your card or with your first quest to let me know you're participating again. Only after I receive that notice will your name and original card be copy-pasted into the new round of participants for TCC. [emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] Please do make use of the bottom of your card if you wish to record badges previously earned, how many stars lit for BSJ, or whatever information from the BSJ 2023 event you wish to include. And of course, please feel free to update which dragons you're showcasing. My updated example is [url=]here[/url].[/indent] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] If you lit so many stars last month, you're having trouble finding enough stars to light this month, you may begin to count some previously lit stars on the condition you take a moment to revisit each dragon counted. [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] [b]There are 5 different types of quests that follow this post (and are linked in navigation). For each quest completed (and/or repeated) you get a ticket toward the raffle (max of 5 tickets). You may complete these quests at any time during the event which ends before rollover on August 3rd (you get an extra five days to complete them!).[/b] [br] [indent][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] You can do the same quest type 5 times or do one of each, or any combo between.[/indent] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] [b]Each quest response should go in a new post. Details will be provided for each quest type in the five posts that follow.[/b] [br] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1][size=5] [b]NEW participants:[/size] First, copy and paste the form below this sentence[/b]. This is your participation card. [b]You will edit this card throughout the course of the event[/b] if you wish to change any information on it. Amount of [b]participants is unlimited[/b]. Also, if you feel your lair is not ready for visitors, you can still play, just say so on your sign up card. None of the dailies will require your own dragons be open for visits. [code][center][size=5][b]I'm Ready to Light Up the Stars![/b][/size][/center] [b] Name:[/b] User Name Here [b]ID#:[/b] User ID# Here [b]Participating Dragon:[/b] Widget here [b]TCC Stars Lit:[/b] Edit your post to keep the stars you've lit up to date. [b]Notes:[/b] This is where you list which tabs to ignore or which ones to focus on. You may also list up to 5 of your dragons you'd love more attention for from your fellow participants. Please do so with thumbnail images (instructions below). [/code] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] You can view [url=]my participation card at this post[/url] as an [b]example [/b](I'm also playing along with you!) [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] If you don't plan to respond in character (perfectly fine!), then you can either leave your participating dragon field blank or post the full-sized dragon widget for the dragon you most want stars for. [br] [indent][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] Not sure what a widget is? [url=]See this post[/url].[/indent] -------- [size=5][b]All participants:[/b][/size] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] [b]Please count only newly lit stars for other participants' dragons.[/b] You can start keeping track of how many stars you lit immediately upon signing up. [br] [indent][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] The point of this is to encourage lighting stars you see on dragons you like, you may guesstimate approximately how many if you lost count, just don't falsely inflate your numbers. [emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] [b]Star-lighting requirements for each quest may only be claimed for that one quest.[/b] In other words, if you complete 5 rounds of the Spotlights + quest, you must have lit at least 250 stars among other participants' collections for the event. The other quests should add up to at least 100 stars for the event. [emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] Handing out stars to my dragons counts as well, though for obvious reasons I'm not participating in the raffle portions of this event [emoji=aether laughing size=1][/indent] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] You may list up to 5 additional dragons you'd love extra stars for as linked thumbnails in the notes section (not required). [br] [indent][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] Not sure how to make a linked thumbnail dragon? [url=]See this post[/url].[/indent] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] You may change your RP/spotlight dragon and 5 additional dragon thumbnails at any time, just edit your post. [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] [b]Remember that all permadragons for each participant count, not just the ones that might be pictured in each sign up post.[/b] So look in the notes to see which tabs you might find each participants' permadragons in. [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] [b]You may keep track of other things on your participation card if you like[/b], such as if you want to know how many stars certain dragons of yours get, or whether or not you have your own set of badges people can earn by giving certain dragons a star, etc. Please keep these extras at the bottom of your participation card under the notes section. [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] [b]There are 5 different types of quests that follow this post (and are linked in navigation). For each quest completed (and/or repeated) you get a ticket toward the raffle (max of 5 tickets). You may complete these quests at any time during the event which ends before rollover on August 3rd (you get an extra five days to complete them!).[/b] [br] [indent][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] You can do the same quest type all 5 times or do one of each type, or any combo between.[/indent] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] [b]Each quest response should go in a new post. Details will be provided for each quest type in the five posts that follow.[/b] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1][size=5] [b]NEW Addition:[/size] All participants are allowed to post one brand new or under-appreciated dragon from their own collection in a brand new post every day.[/b] Please use the full-sized dragon widget in these posts. [br] [indent][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] This addition is ideal for sharing dragons that weren't around in previous events, as well as dragons added during an active event when other participants are less likely to check a card update. It's also hear to encourage more of all those lovely interactions participants have been giving each other <3. [br][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] Please prioritize new dragons. Under-appreciated dragons should only be used in the event you haven't added any new dragons (because everyone deserves a little spotlight attention, not just those of us who really shouldn't be adding their 43678th permadragon lol). [br][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] Sharing your daily dragon can be done regardless of whether or not you post a quest that day. [/indent] [br] [center][img alt="Superstars Banner"][/img] [b]Superstars[/b][/center] This section tells you how to get superstar status. This allows you to be [b]eligible to win 1 of 3 custom star badges[/b] based on a dragon of your choice. [i]Note: By popular vote, our BSJ star badge winners will not be eligible to win a TCC star badge.[/i] [b] [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] Complete 5 quests from any category (repeat quests count). [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] Newly light at least 300 stars in other participants' lairs throughout the TCC event (ending on August 3rd).[/b] [br] [indent][emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] You may guesstimate this number, especially if you lose count. All I really care about is that you don't falsely inflate the number. [emoji=shockswitch yellow size=1] If you're having a hard time finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may start counting previously lit stars so long as you revisit the dragon involved. Please give it an honest try though.[/indent] [b]Every superstar will also be able to claim a unique star badge based on the Stormcatcher and be showcased in next month's Superstars quest![/b] [br] [center][img alt="Rules Banner with a Lightning Aura background"][/img] [b]Rules[/b][/center] [br] [b][emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] Play nice and all the other obvious rules [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] No cheating. The only stars that count for Ylli's BSJ Star Quest are the ones you click on participating dragons during the event. [emoji=shockswitch blue size=1] Do not pester or guilt other players into giving you or your dragons more attention. [br][/b] [center][url=][img alt="Spreadsheet banner with Lightning Aura background. Linked to the spreadsheet."][/img] [b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/center] The spreadsheet is mainly for me to fill in, but it makes a handy way to look at the alphabetized participant list, the link to their event cards and lairs (their names link to their lairs), [b]and for participants to reference all the possible badges and their codes for easy copy-paste of correctly linked badges.[/b] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center]
Looking for Ylli's Star
Quests & Raffle?

We've decided to have a new thread for each festival event. The thread you are in now only contains what ended up being a messy organization for Thundercrack Carnivale with an archived Brightshine Jubilee before that. The Spreadsheet remains the same and updates with each new festival.

You can find the new event at this thread:

The pinglist will be activated over there when it's ready for viewing and sign up <3

Ylli loves stars and wants to share that joy. The more stars you give out, the more likely we are to discover special, even legendary stars. I'm sure we'll discover them by the end! Regardless, we’ll all spread love to many deserving dragons along the way!
Event ends August 3rd; late arrivals welcome anytime before then.
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Lightning Aura Divider
I n t r o
Ylli_and_Stardust_Scholar_Flipped.png Upon spotting all the arrivals to his event, a fluffy and hyper aether bounds around in excited celebration and eager delight.

However, it is the life-like AI replica of a Stardust Scholar wound around his tail that is the first to speak. The words are at odds with the tranquil, feminine tones. "They're here! They're here Jai - and there's new faces too! I'm so excited!"

It takes new arrivals a moment, but they do eventually realize those words, if not the tone, match the aether's entire vibe as he attempts to sit still now in his excitement.

"Hello friends!" The scholar repeats and Ylli glances down at it as well, then back at one of the newcomers. The Stardust Scholar continues, "Do you like my Chael? It's supposed to stand for something but I never remember what - I love her soothing voice! She's a fun little bit of arcanotech that telepathically picks up and relays everything I want to say when I can't speak for myself. Neat, huh?"
Lightning Aura Sidebar If anyone's confused, Ylli doesn't seem to realize it as he rushes to introduce himself and the colourful, multi-eyed Lightning spiral beside him. "I'm Ylli and this is my friend Jaisudha" The Stardust scholar says for him as Ylli makes an introductory gesture toward the spiral. Chael's voice doesn't really match the eager dragon in front of you, but he's all smiles and most find the serene voice is rather soothing.

This time Ylli attempts to look professional, but he’s sporting a blep and doesn’t seem to realize it. That’s okay, it’s kind of adorable, isn’t it?

“You must be here because you heard about my quest to find more special stars during Thundercrack Carnivale and you want to help, right? I love stars! They are my favourite thing to collect and this month, I have help from Jai! Ze's from the Lightning flight and helped me organize things a little better this month."
Jaisudha: Nectar and busy bee-themed spiral of Lightning Flight "Pleasure to make your acquaintance," the spiral says after zir introduction, voice a soothing hum of its own. "I noticed Ylli needed help organizing and together we've hopefully made this event run more smoothly with a little less confusion this month.

"Instead of calling any task a daily, for example, they are now simply quests and each type of quest is headed by a different dragon we've brought in to give more details. Along with lighting stars you come across in hopes of generating a legendary star for the Lightning Sprite or Stormcatcher, you will need to complete 5 quests before our little event ends.

"The Stormcatcher star only appears to those who've done all five of their quests before the event ends, but both reappear every year for Thundercrack Carnivale. You will have until August third just before the night turns to August fourth. You may stick with just one quest giver and complete their task 5 times, or include more of a variety."
Ylli hops around again in excitement. "And before I forget, if you like collecting stars as much as I do, you’re welcome to take a look at the collection I’ve uncovered among some of my friends. Sometimes when you light up a dragon’s personal star enough times, it starts generating copies of a special star linked to that dragon for everyone who gave it a little light to take home.” Ylli portrait to signify a change in speaker.

There have been plenty of dragons with many many lit up stars who never generate special stars linked to them, as far as you know. That being said, helping Ylli with his quest does seem to be an official event, so there’s got to be something to it, right? At the very least, maybe you’ll meet some amazing new dragons along the way and give them a little something to smile about.
How to Enter banner with a Lightning Aura background.
How to Enter

Important: Please do not delete your posts, it will make me have to redo all the participation links. Thank you

Event ends August 3rd; late arrivals welcome.

If you love looking at dragons and handing out stars while receiving some yourself, you're in the right event!

Returning participants: Please locate your original participation card from the spreadsheet (BSJ Participants tab), or the linked list here. You will be keeping and editing this card for each month. Please do not create a new card.

Ping me in the thread on your card or with your first quest to let me know you're participating again. Only after I receive that notice will your name and original card be copy-pasted into the new round of participants for TCC.

Please do make use of the bottom of your card if you wish to record badges previously earned, how many stars lit for BSJ, or whatever information from the BSJ 2023 event you wish to include. And of course, please feel free to update which dragons you're showcasing. My updated example is here.

If you lit so many stars last month, you're having trouble finding enough stars to light this month, you may begin to count some previously lit stars on the condition you take a moment to revisit each dragon counted.

There are 5 different types of quests that follow this post (and are linked in navigation). For each quest completed (and/or repeated) you get a ticket toward the raffle (max of 5 tickets). You may complete these quests at any time during the event which ends before rollover on August 3rd (you get an extra five days to complete them!).

You can do the same quest type 5 times or do one of each, or any combo between.

Each quest response should go in a new post. Details will be provided for each quest type in the five posts that follow.

NEW participants: First, copy and paste the form below this sentence. This is your participation card. You will edit this card throughout the course of the event if you wish to change any information on it. Amount of participants is unlimited.

Also, if you feel your lair is not ready for visitors, you can still play, just say so on your sign up card. None of the dailies will require your own dragons be open for visits.
[center][size=5][b]I'm Ready to Light Up the Stars![/b][/size][/center] [b] Name:[/b] User Name Here [b]ID#:[/b] User ID# Here [b]Participating Dragon:[/b] Widget here [b]TCC Stars Lit:[/b] Edit your post to keep the stars you've lit up to date. [b]Notes:[/b] This is where you list which tabs to ignore or which ones to focus on. You may also list up to 5 of your dragons you'd love more attention for from your fellow participants. Please do so with thumbnail images (instructions below).

You can view my participation card at this post as an example (I'm also playing along with you!)

If you don't plan to respond in character (perfectly fine!), then you can either leave your participating dragon field blank or post the full-sized dragon widget for the dragon you most want stars for.

Not sure what a widget is? See this post.

All participants:

Please count only newly lit stars for other participants' dragons. You can start keeping track of how many stars you lit immediately upon signing up.

The point of this is to encourage lighting stars you see on dragons you like, you may guesstimate approximately how many if you lost count, just don't falsely inflate your numbers.

Star-lighting requirements for each quest may only be claimed for that one quest. In other words, if you complete 5 rounds of the Spotlights + quest, you must have lit at least 250 stars among other participants' collections for the event. The other quests should add up to at least 100 stars for the event.

Handing out stars to my dragons counts as well, though for obvious reasons I'm not participating in the raffle portions of this event

You may list up to 5 additional dragons you'd love extra stars for as linked thumbnails in the notes section (not required).

Not sure how to make a linked thumbnail dragon? See this post.

You may change your RP/spotlight dragon and 5 additional dragon thumbnails at any time, just edit your post.

Remember that all permadragons for each participant count, not just the ones that might be pictured in each sign up post. So look in the notes to see which tabs you might find each participants' permadragons in.

You may keep track of other things on your participation card if you like, such as if you want to know how many stars certain dragons of yours get, or whether or not you have your own set of badges people can earn by giving certain dragons a star, etc. Please keep these extras at the bottom of your participation card under the notes section.

There are 5 different types of quests that follow this post (and are linked in navigation). For each quest completed (and/or repeated) you get a ticket toward the raffle (max of 5 tickets). You may complete these quests at any time during the event which ends before rollover on August 3rd (you get an extra five days to complete them!).

You can do the same quest type all 5 times or do one of each type, or any combo between.

Each quest response should go in a new post. Details will be provided for each quest type in the five posts that follow.

NEW Addition: All participants are allowed to post one brand new or under-appreciated dragon from their own collection in a brand new post every day. Please use the full-sized dragon widget in these posts.

This addition is ideal for sharing dragons that weren't around in previous events, as well as dragons added during an active event when other participants are less likely to check a card update. It's also hear to encourage more of all those lovely interactions participants have been giving each other <3.

Please prioritize new dragons. Under-appreciated dragons should only be used in the event you haven't added any new dragons (because everyone deserves a little spotlight attention, not just those of us who really shouldn't be adding their 43678th permadragon lol).

Sharing your daily dragon can be done regardless of whether or not you post a quest that day.

Superstars Banner

This section tells you how to get superstar status. This allows you to be eligible to win 1 of 3 custom star badges based on a dragon of your choice.
Note: By popular vote, our BSJ star badge winners will not be eligible to win a TCC star badge.

Complete 5 quests from any category (repeat quests count).

Newly light at least 300 stars in other participants' lairs throughout the TCC event (ending on August 3rd).

You may guesstimate this number, especially if you lose count. All I really care about is that you don't falsely inflate the number.

If you're having a hard time finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may start counting previously lit stars so long as you revisit the dragon involved. Please give it an honest try though.

Every superstar will also be able to claim a unique star badge based on the Stormcatcher and be showcased in next month's Superstars quest!

Rules Banner with a Lightning Aura background

Play nice and all the other obvious rules

No cheating. The only stars that count for Ylli's BSJ Star Quest are the ones you click on participating dragons during the event.

Do not pester or guilt other players into giving you or your dragons more attention.

The spreadsheet is mainly for me to fill in, but it makes a handy way to look at the alphabetized participant list, the link to their event cards and lairs (their names link to their lairs), and for participants to reference all the possible badges and their codes for easy copy-paste of correctly linked badges.
Lightning Aura Divider
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][img alt="Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background"][/img][/center] [center][b]Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale[/b][/center] [center][b][size=5]* N a v i g a t i o n *[/size][/b] [b][url=]Event Info[/url] * [url=]Participant List[/url] * [url=]Prizes [/url]* [url=]Badges [/url]* [url=]Spreadsheet [/url][/b] [size=4][b]Quests: [b][/size][url=][u]Spotlights+[/u][/url][/b] [b]*[/b] [url=]Superstars [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Games [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Art Studio[/url] [b]*[/b] [url=]Themes (RP)[/url][/b][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=7][b]Spotlights +[/b][/size][/center] The first dragon you’re introduced to for questing areas is a pearlcatcher who looks like they [i]know[/i] how to put on a good show. "Diem," Jaisudha had called them before getting called away to continue organizing lists and paperwork in the background. Ylli remained behind to continue greeting the newcomers. [columns][url=][img alt="Diem: A purple and blue pearlcatcher wearing a black tuxedo jacket and magical purple and pink apparel. They have a little grey cat on their tail."][/img][/url] [nextcol]"Hello! Lovely to meet you. Normally I adore telling and listening to stories, but today I'm here to set you on a task for something I love almost as much - encouraging people and helping them feel visible and appreciated! "To be completely honest with you, I'm considering it a bit of a test for something I have planned in the future, picking at least one dragon a day to compliment from the huge amount of dragons I see around Sornieth who strike me as extra gorgeous and interesting. Not related to this event." [br] [columns][url=][img alt="Ceo, the little silver faecat with green eyes and collar gem. She's playing with some magic bubbles."][/img][/url] [nextcol]The little silver cat with eyes in several shades of green makes a cute little mew as she winds around your ankles. [/columns][/columns] Meanwhile, Diem gestures toward their questing booth which appears to be made of boards for posting photos and compliments. "This event, the quest I'm handing out for anyone interested is to light the star on at least fifty dragons you like, empower each other a little more than the other quests, and take a picture of two dragons you think deserve way more attention than they're getting. Pair each photo with a compliment at least three sentences long. So, lets get to making some under-appreciated dragons feel seen!" [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Out of character info[/b][/size][/center] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Light the star on at least 50 more dragons through the event.[/b] You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count some dragons you revisited during the event, but please give newly lit stars an honest try. [emoji=lightning rune size=1][b] Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:[/b] [code][center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 50 to count> [b]Total Stars Lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Other Participants Visited:[/b] <This is optional, delete it if you don’t want to list your random visits.> [b]1st favourite under-appreciated dragon today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [b]2nd favourite under-appreciated dragon today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment>[/code] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Pick your two favourite dragons with less than 25 stars visited[/b] among those 50 [b]and post their [url=]widget[/url][/b] in the quest form with your star count for the quest. [br] [indent][emoji=lightning rune size=1] If you're having a hard time finding a dragon with less than 25 stars, you may instead choose one you personally feel is under-appreciated, regardless of how many stars the dragon has.[/indent] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Compliment both dragons you picked with at least three sentences[/b] each. Not sure where to start? Pick three things you like most about the dragon and write a nice sentence about each thing. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 50 dragons and compliment two different dragons from your other quests.[/b] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Link to TCC 2023 Participants List"][/img] [b]Link to TCC 2023 Participants[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Spreadsheet banner with Lightning Aura background. Linked to the spreadsheet."][/img] [b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center]
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Lightning Aura Divider
Spotlights +

The first dragon you’re introduced to for questing areas is a pearlcatcher who looks like they know how to put on a good show. "Diem," Jaisudha had called them before getting called away to continue organizing lists and paperwork in the background. Ylli remained behind to continue greeting the newcomers.
Diem: A purple and blue pearlcatcher wearing a black tuxedo jacket and magical purple and pink apparel. They have a little grey cat on their tail.
"Hello! Lovely to meet you. Normally I adore telling and listening to stories, but today I'm here to set you on a task for something I love almost as much - encouraging people and helping them feel visible and appreciated!

"To be completely honest with you, I'm considering it a bit of a test for something I have planned in the future, picking at least one dragon a day to compliment from the huge amount of dragons I see around Sornieth who strike me as extra gorgeous and interesting. Not related to this event."

Ceo, the little silver faecat with green eyes and collar gem. She's playing with some magic bubbles. The little silver cat with eyes in several shades of green makes a cute little mew as she winds around your ankles.

Meanwhile, Diem gestures toward their questing booth which appears to be made of boards for posting photos and compliments. "This event, the quest I'm handing out for anyone interested is to light the star on at least fifty dragons you like, empower each other a little more than the other quests, and take a picture of two dragons you think deserve way more attention than they're getting. Pair each photo with a compliment at least three sentences long. So, lets get to making some under-appreciated dragons feel seen!"
Lightning Aura Divider
Out of character info

Light the star on at least 50 more dragons through the event. You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count some dragons you revisited during the event, but please give newly lit stars an honest try.

Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:
[center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 50 to count> [b]Total Stars Lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Other Participants Visited:[/b] <This is optional, delete it if you don’t want to list your random visits.> [b]1st favourite under-appreciated dragon today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [b]2nd favourite under-appreciated dragon today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment>

Pick your two favourite dragons with less than 25 stars visited among those 50 and post their widget in the quest form with your star count for the quest.

If you're having a hard time finding a dragon with less than 25 stars, you may instead choose one you personally feel is under-appreciated, regardless of how many stars the dragon has.

Compliment both dragons you picked with at least three sentences each. Not sure where to start? Pick three things you like most about the dragon and write a nice sentence about each thing.

Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 50 dragons and compliment two different dragons from your other quests.
Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][img alt="Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background"][/img][/center] [center][b]Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale[/b][/center] [center][b][size=5]* N a v i g a t i o n *[/size][/b] [b][url=]Event Info[/url] * [url=]Participant List[/url] * [url=]Prizes [/url]* [url=]Badges [/url]* [url=]Spreadsheet [/url][/b] [size=4][b]Quests: [b][/size][url=]Spotlights +[/url][/b] [b]*[/b] [url=][u]Superstars[/u] [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Games [/url]*[b][/b] [url=]Art Studio[/url] [b]* [/b][url=]Themes (RP)[/url][/b][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=7][b]Superstars[/b][/size][/center] As you move on you come upon a fae clearly from the Lightning flight, frost delver on stand by near them. There’s a sign over their questing booth labeled “Superstars.” [br] [columns][url=][img alt="Joules: A purple and blue and silver Lightning-hatched fae with glowing eyes. Wearing silver metals and lightning bolt apparel."][/img][/url] [nextcol]"Hello and happy Thundercrack Carnivale to you," they say in robotic fae monotone, crest up and alert with excitement. Lightning crackles around them, but doesn’t seem to hurt them or anyone nearby. “I am handing out a quest to visit three superstars from last month’s festival, here’s the list.” They hand you a gadget with a list of names linked to pictures of various dragons. “Light at least 20 stars among them and, then pick a dragon you love from each of your chosen three superstars, shine this spotlight on them, and tell us at least three things you like about them.[/columns] “Oh.” Their crest punctuates that flat sound. “For an extra challenge, maybe find one that makes you think of Lightning flight and our core values. Let’s get to work showing the superstars how much we appreciated their going above and beyond last month.” [br] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Out of character info[/b][/size][/center] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][b] Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:[/b] [code][center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 20 to count> [b]Total stars lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Other Participants Visited:[/b] <This is optional, delete it if you don’t want to list your random visits.> [b]Favourite dragon from 1st Superstar:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [b]Favourite dragon from 2nd Superstar:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [b]Favourite dragon from 3rd Superstar:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment>[/code] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Pick three superstars from the list at the end of this post.[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Light the star on at least 20 more dragons through the event in their collections.[/b] You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count some dragons you revisited during the event, but please give newly lit stars an honest try. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Pick a dragon from each of your chosen superstars and spotlight them with their [url=]widget[/url].[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Name at least three things you like about each spotlighted dragon.[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 20 dragons, pick three different superstars, and compliment three different dragons from your other quests.[/b] [b]Side Note:[/b] I hope to have the new star badges for last month's winners completed before TCC is over. Each will be shared in its own post, pinging everyone who's signed up for Ylli's events and added to the spreadsheet in the left-most column of "Year Round Badges." [center][img alt="Superstars Banner"][/img] [b]Superstars[/b][/center] [br] The following people received credit for completing all 6 dailies and gave out at least 300 stars over the course of the BSJ 2023 event. Their names are linked to their participation card. [br] [columns][color=transparent]* * * * * * * *[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]* * * * * *[/color] [nextcol][url=]Ackie [/url] [url=]Beezarre[/url] [url=]CaityJay[/url] [url=]cinderrain [/url] [url=]CosmicHurricane[/url] [url=]Deladria[/url] [url=]Dessy[/url] [url=]Doozie[/url] [url=]FireBattle [/url] [url=]Golden[/url] [url=]hawketh [/url] [url=]hyddenchyld [/url] [url=]Jeevas[/url] [url=]kilorechoy [/url] [url=]Kothra [/url] [url=]Kuroda [/url] [url=]Lovelock [/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]* * * * * * * *[/color] [nextcol][url=]Lundlaeva[/url] [url=]Luunai [/url] [url=]Marmite[/url] [url=]Mercedeschan[/url] [url=]mgcltwo [/url] [url=]Nightsmaiden [/url] [url=]NotAtAllNight [/url] [url=]PAlbatross[/url] [url=]Potatoad[/url] [url=]Saronai[/url] [url=]sbslink [/url] [url=]SilentWanderer [/url] [url=]skittlepup1[/url] [url=]Spookery [/url] [url=]TETRAHEDR0N [/url] [url=]vampyremoth [/url] [url=]wildewinged [/url] [url=]ymjules[/url] [/columns] [b][/b] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Link to TCC 2023 Participants List"][/img] [b]Link to TCC 2023 Participants[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Spreadsheet banner with Lightning Aura background. Linked to the spreadsheet."][/img] [b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center]
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Lightning Aura Divider

As you move on you come upon a fae clearly from the Lightning flight, frost delver on stand by near them. There’s a sign over their questing booth labeled “Superstars.”

Joules: A purple and blue and silver Lightning-hatched fae with glowing eyes. Wearing silver metals and lightning bolt apparel.
"Hello and happy Thundercrack Carnivale to you," they say in robotic fae monotone, crest up and alert with excitement. Lightning crackles around them, but doesn’t seem to hurt them or anyone nearby.

“I am handing out a quest to visit three superstars from last month’s festival, here’s the list.” They hand you a gadget with a list of names linked to pictures of various dragons. “Light at least 20 stars among them and, then pick a dragon you love from each of your chosen three superstars, shine this spotlight on them, and tell us at least three things you like about them.

“Oh.” Their crest punctuates that flat sound. “For an extra challenge, maybe find one that makes you think of Lightning flight and our core values. Let’s get to work showing the superstars how much we appreciated their going above and beyond last month.”

Lightning Aura Divider
Out of character info

Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:
[center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 20 to count> [b]Total stars lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Other Participants Visited:[/b] <This is optional, delete it if you don’t want to list your random visits.> [b]Favourite dragon from 1st Superstar:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [b]Favourite dragon from 2nd Superstar:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [b]Favourite dragon from 3rd Superstar:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment>

Pick three superstars from the list at the end of this post.

Light the star on at least 20 more dragons through the event in their collections. You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count some dragons you revisited during the event, but please give newly lit stars an honest try.

Pick a dragon from each of your chosen superstars and spotlight them with their widget.

Name at least three things you like about each spotlighted dragon.

Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 20 dragons, pick three different superstars, and compliment three different dragons from your other quests.

Side Note: I hope to have the new star badges for last month's winners completed before TCC is over. Each will be shared in its own post, pinging everyone who's signed up for Ylli's events and added to the spreadsheet in the left-most column of "Year Round Badges."
Superstars Banner

The following people received credit for completing all 6 dailies and gave out at least 300 stars over the course of the BSJ 2023 event. Their names are linked to their participation card.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ackie
















* * * * * * * * Lundlaeva


















Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][img alt="Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background"][/img][/center] [center][b]Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale[/b][/center] [center][b][size=5]* N a v i g a t i o n *[/size][/b] [b][url=]Event Info[/url] * [url=]Participant List[/url] * [url=]Prizes [/url]* [url=]Badges [/url]* [url=]Spreadsheet [/url][/b] [size=4][b]Quests: [b][/size][url=]Spotlights +[/url][/b] [b]*[/b] [url=]Superstars [/url][b]*[/b] [url=][u]Games[/u] [/url]*[b][/b] [url=]Art Studio[/url] [b]* [/b][url=]Themes (RP)[/url][/b][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=7][b]Games[/b][/size][/center] As you move on you come upon an aberration also clearly from the Lightning flight, blinking many eyes at you and playing with lightning portal hoops. There’s a sign over their questing booth labeled "Games." [br] [columns][url=][img alt="Gigajoule: A purple, blue and black Lightning-hatched aberration with many eyes."][/img][/url] [nextcol]"Welcome to the games booth!" The two heads of the dragon at this booth say in unison, their voices a somewhat masculine rumble. "We are Gigajoule and we’ll be guiding you to a joint quest of both advertising this star lighting event [i]and[/i] playing some games that exist year round in Sornieth. "Starlighting will be involved, of course, and the standard spotlight and compliment to a participant’s dragon." Gigajoule hands you a gadget that has a screen of links listing several games you can play interacting with other dragons. "Here are a list of games we play from time to time, but any game you find in the forum is…[i]game.[/i]" They grin over their pun.[/columns] [br] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Out of character info[/b][/size][/center] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][b] Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:[/b] [code][center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 20 to count> [b]Total stars lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Location of ad:[/b] <signature? Clan page?> [b]First Game Participated in:[/b] <Linked name of a forum game you participated in.> [b]Second Game Participated in:[/b] <Linked name of a forum game you participated in.> [b]Favourite dragon starred today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping the owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [/code] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Advertise the event using this button or some linked text, preferably in your signature,[/b] but somewhere near the top of your clan page works too. The more people you bring in to this event, the more stars there are to go around <3 [center][url=][img alt="Light some stars win some badges and prizes!"][/img][/url][/center] [code][url=][img alt="Light some stars win some badges and prizes!"][/img][/url][/code] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Play at least two games in the dragon share forums. [/b]In your post in this thread, link the name of the forum game you played to your post in that game. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Light the star on at least 20 more dragons through the event.[/b] You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count dragons visited in each game owned by non-participants. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Pick a dragon from one of those starred and spotlight them with their [url=]widget[/url].[/b] Ping the owner of that dragon. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Name at least three things you like about the spotlighted dragon.[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 20 dragons, pick two different forum games, and compliment a different dragon from your other quests.[/b] [center][size=5][b]A List of Example Games I Play[/size][/b][/center] [br] [center][url=]Color Uno[/url] [url=]Dragon Uno[/url] [url=]Eyes/Flight Uno[/url] [url=]Dragon Wing Uno[/url] [url=]Tertiary Uno[/url] [url=] Gene Uno[/url] [url=]Apparel Uno[/url] [url=]Familiar Uno[/url] [url=]Gender Uno[/url] [url=]Permababy Uno[/url] [url=]Let's Make a Dragon Rainbow[/url] [url=]Official Theme Week Share[/url] [br] [b]The more involved ones:[/b] [url=]Choose Hibernal Dragons[/url] [url=]I Starred This Dragon! (Pick a Dragon)[/url] [url=]Favourite Dragon From Page _![/url] [url=]Best Outfit Above You![/url] [url=]Steal a Gen One[/url] [url=]Steal a Pearl[/url] [url=]Abduct a Wildclaw[/url] [url=]Snatch a Fae[/url] [url=]Nip a Noc[/url] [url=]Abscond With an Obelisk[/url] [url=]Nap a Noodle[/url] [url=]Grab a Guardian[/url] [url=]Grab an Imperial[/url] [url=]Plunder a Skydancer![/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Link to TCC 2023 Participants List"][/img] [b]Link to TCC 2023 Participants[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Spreadsheet banner with Lightning Aura background. Linked to the spreadsheet."][/img] [b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center]
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Lightning Aura Divider

As you move on you come upon an aberration also clearly from the Lightning flight, blinking many eyes at you and playing with lightning portal hoops. There’s a sign over their questing booth labeled "Games."

Gigajoule: A purple, blue and black Lightning-hatched aberration with many eyes.
"Welcome to the games booth!" The two heads of the dragon at this booth say in unison, their voices a somewhat masculine rumble. "We are Gigajoule and we’ll be guiding you to a joint quest of both advertising this star lighting event and playing some games that exist year round in Sornieth.

"Starlighting will be involved, of course, and the standard spotlight and compliment to a participant’s dragon." Gigajoule hands you a gadget that has a screen of links listing several games you can play interacting with other dragons. "Here are a list of games we play from time to time, but any game you find in the forum is…game."

They grin over their pun.

Lightning Aura Divider
Out of character info

Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:
[center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 20 to count> [b]Total stars lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Location of ad:[/b] <signature? Clan page?> [b]First Game Participated in:[/b] <Linked name of a forum game you participated in.> [b]Second Game Participated in:[/b] <Linked name of a forum game you participated in.> [b]Favourite dragon starred today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping the owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment>

Advertise the event using this button or some linked text, preferably in your signature, but somewhere near the top of your clan page works too. The more people you bring in to this event, the more stars there are to go around <3
Light some stars win some badges and prizes!
[url=][img alt="Light some stars win some badges and prizes!"][/img][/url]

Play at least two games in the dragon share forums. In your post in this thread, link the name of the forum game you played to your post in that game.

Light the star on at least 20 more dragons through the event. You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count dragons visited in each game owned by non-participants.

Pick a dragon from one of those starred and spotlight them with their widget. Ping the owner of that dragon.

Name at least three things you like about the spotlighted dragon.

Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 20 dragons, pick two different forum games, and compliment a different dragon from your other quests.
A List of Example Games I Play

Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][img alt="Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background"][/img][/center] [center][b]Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale[/b][/center] [center][b][size=5]* N a v i g a t i o n *[/size][/b] [b][url=]Event Info[/url] * [url=]Participant List[/url] * [url=]Prizes [/url]* [url=]Badges [/url]* [url=]Spreadsheet [/url][/b] [size=4][b]Quests: [b][/size][url=]Spotlights +[/url][/b] [b]*[/b] [url=]Superstars [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Games [/url]*[b][/b] [url=][u]Art Studio[/u][/url] [b]* [/b][url=]Themes (RP)[/url][/b][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=7][b]Art Studio[/b][/size][/center] As you move on you come upon a colourful obelisk with an entire booth of various art supplies. One who would have fit right in with last month’s Brightshine theme. [br] [columns][url=][img alt="Theophania: A purple and green Nature-hatched obelisk with shades of gold in her eyes. She wears a colourful stained glass accent and apparel."][/img][/url] [nextcol]"Hey there! Hope you’re having an [i]awesome[/i] Thundercrack Carnivale," The colourful obelisk says. Her voice is husky and warm. "I’m Theo. Some of you may have seen [url=]my kaleidoscopes[/url] around. I’m giving another out as a prize this month! For my quests you’ll still be picking a dragon from among your fellow participants to compliment and lighting at least 20 more stars. However, you’ll also be dabbling in some art." Theo rearranges some of the supplies and shows you a few samples of stars. "As you know there are special stars involved in this event every month. There’s even three more on the way that will be announced before the Thundercrack edition of this event ends, winners from last month’s superstars. What we don’t have is a participation badge for Thundercrack Carnivale 2023.[/columns] [br] "How about you try your hand at making a star badge or two? You can use any medium you like, but make sure it’s your own original work and that you avoid using the sorts of AI programs that steal from other artists en masse. I’ll pick my favourite to become the participation badge this month and credit you accordingly." [br] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Out of character info[/b][/size][/center] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][b] Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:[/b] [code][center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 20 to count> [b]Total stars lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Favourite dragon starred today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping the owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [b]Participation Badge Entry: <post your image(s) for the TCC 2023 participation badge contest> [b]Other badges/art: <post your art and badges that aren't for the participation badge contest here. Be sure to clearly label whether or not each one is a collectible badge and how you intend for people to collect it if it is.> [/code] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Light the star on at least 20 more dragons through the event.[/b] You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count some dragons you revisited during the event, but please give newly lit stars an honest try. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Pick a dragon from one of those starred and spotlight them with their [url=]widget[/url].[/b] Ping the owner of that dragon. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Write a compliment for the spotlighted dragon that is at least three sentences long. If you don’t know where to start, identify three things you like about the dragon and then write a sentence about each thing.[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 20 dragons and compliment a different dragon from your other quests.[/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Submit at least one star-themed badge for the TCC event.[/b] Standard size is 100x100 pixels. You may include a larger example, but please also include a 100x100 pixel version as well. [br] [indent][emoji=lightning rune size=1] By submitting this badge you agree to allow other participants to collect it should you win. Your badge will be available again every year during TCC. You will be credited in the img alt text and in the TCC 2023 archive.[/indent] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Alternatively, you may submit additional star badges or art you made for your dragons or other participants’ dragons[/b] instead (or as well). [b]Make sure they are clearly labeled if you don’t intend them as a participation badge entry.[/b] They must be your own original work. You may also share other types of star-themed or TCC-themed arts and crafts made for this event. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] My stars are made in gimp (not required) using the kaleidoscope function under the "Filters" drop down, then selecting "Distorts." Locate kaleidoscope within and set the mirrors to 5 for a traditional star shape. Then toy with all the sliders until you get something you like. Erase all the excess, layer and play with colours and other filters as desired, shrink to 100x100. Of course, if they’re badges you made for yourself or others, feel free to make them any size you like. [br] [indent][emoji=lightning rune size=1] I encourage you to share your creations on your participation card, especially if you’ve made your own collectible badges. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] Only official stars (made by me) will be added to Ylli’s companion thread and the Year Round Badges tab.[/indent] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]You may enter the participation badge contest up to five times.[/b] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Link to TCC 2023 Participants List"][/img] [b]Link to TCC 2023 Participants[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Spreadsheet banner with Lightning Aura background. Linked to the spreadsheet."][/img] [b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center]
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Lightning Aura Divider
Art Studio

As you move on you come upon a colourful obelisk with an entire booth of various art supplies. One who would have fit right in with last month’s Brightshine theme.

Theophania: A purple and green Nature-hatched obelisk with shades of gold in her eyes. She wears a colourful stained glass accent and apparel.
"Hey there! Hope you’re having an awesome Thundercrack Carnivale," The colourful obelisk says. Her voice is husky and warm. "I’m Theo. Some of you may have seen my kaleidoscopes around. I’m giving another out as a prize this month! For my quests you’ll still be picking a dragon from among your fellow participants to compliment and lighting at least 20 more stars. However, you’ll also be dabbling in some art."

Theo rearranges some of the supplies and shows you a few samples of stars. "As you know there are special stars involved in this event every month. There’s even three more on the way that will be announced before the Thundercrack edition of this event ends, winners from last month’s superstars. What we don’t have is a participation badge for Thundercrack Carnivale 2023.

"How about you try your hand at making a star badge or two? You can use any medium you like, but make sure it’s your own original work and that you avoid using the sorts of AI programs that steal from other artists en masse. I’ll pick my favourite to become the participation badge this month and credit you accordingly."

Lightning Aura Divider
Out of character info

Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:
[center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 20 to count> [b]Total stars lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Favourite dragon starred today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping the owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [b]Participation Badge Entry: <post your image(s) for the TCC 2023 participation badge contest> [b]Other badges/art: <post your art and badges that aren't for the participation badge contest here. Be sure to clearly label whether or not each one is a collectible badge and how you intend for people to collect it if it is.>

Light the star on at least 20 more dragons through the event. You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count some dragons you revisited during the event, but please give newly lit stars an honest try.

Pick a dragon from one of those starred and spotlight them with their widget. Ping the owner of that dragon.

Write a compliment for the spotlighted dragon that is at least three sentences long. If you don’t know where to start, identify three things you like about the dragon and then write a sentence about each thing.

Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 20 dragons and compliment a different dragon from your other quests.

Submit at least one star-themed badge for the TCC event. Standard size is 100x100 pixels. You may include a larger example, but please also include a 100x100 pixel version as well.

By submitting this badge you agree to allow other participants to collect it should you win. Your badge will be available again every year during TCC. You will be credited in the img alt text and in the TCC 2023 archive.

Alternatively, you may submit additional star badges or art you made for your dragons or other participants’ dragons instead (or as well). Make sure they are clearly labeled if you don’t intend them as a participation badge entry. They must be your own original work. You may also share other types of star-themed or TCC-themed arts and crafts made for this event.

My stars are made in gimp (not required) using the kaleidoscope function under the "Filters" drop down, then selecting "Distorts." Locate kaleidoscope within and set the mirrors to 5 for a traditional star shape. Then toy with all the sliders until you get something you like. Erase all the excess, layer and play with colours and other filters as desired, shrink to 100x100.

Of course, if they’re badges you made for yourself or others, feel free to make them any size you like.

I encourage you to share your creations on your participation card, especially if you’ve made your own collectible badges.

Only official stars (made by me) will be added to Ylli’s companion thread and the Year Round Badges tab.

You may enter the participation badge contest up to five times.
Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][img alt="Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background"][/img][/center] [center][b]Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale[/b][/center] [center][b][size=5]* N a v i g a t i o n *[/size][/b] [b][url=]Event Info[/url] * [url=]Participant List[/url] * [url=]Prizes [/url]* [url=]Badges [/url]* [url=]Spreadsheet [/url][/b] [size=4][b]Quests: [b][/size][url=]Spotlights+[/url][/b] [b]*[/b] [url=]Superstars [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Games [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Art Studio[/url] [b]*[/b] [url=]Themes (RP)[/url][/b][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=7][b]Themes (RP)[/b][/size][/center] And finally you circle back around to Ylli, who is an excited ball of fluff, still sporting that blep. [columns][url=][img alt="Ylli: A purple and pink aether wearing an arcane-themed accent with sparkles and silver jewelry, sporting a blep. He has unusual arcane eyes. Pictured with his C.H.A.E.L."][/img][/url] [nextcol]Chael’s serene voice chimes as you approach, always in contrast to Ylli’s hyper excitement. "I’m running a questing booth too! As with the others, you have to light the star for at least 20 more dragons and spotlight one with a compliment. "The key difference in my quest, however, is that we have another mystery dragon to find along the way! Last week I received a note from an anonymous source telling me that our event and love of the stars has helped give them the courage to live their truest self. They’re [i]made of stars[/i], or…I think the note said - you know what? I’ll just read it!"[/columns] [br] [indent]"Hello Ylli! Like you I love the stars and call them home, admiring them every night. I admired Sornieth from afar as well - your magic here shines like a jewel in the cosmos. That’s right, I’m not a dragon, I’ve only been masquerading as one. What I truly am is a slice of sentient nighttime sky with nebulae hidden in the pattern of my wings and stardust sparkling in my horns and body, cleverly (or so I thought) disguised as dragon genes not quite as suspicious as starmap and constellation. "Through your event, I’ve recently come to discover that there is perhaps no longer any reason I need to remain hidden. Not-dragons like me appear to be welcome (so long as we’re not tainted by the Shade, of course). I thought I’d have a bit of fun with it though and see if any of your participants can find me with no other hints. "However, it won’t do for you to approach random dragons asking if they are secretly something else. Instead, I’d love to propose a quest for you and your participants to merely find and compliment dragons that remind you of stars and the nighttime sky, interact with them, be welcoming and kind. Even if you don’t find [i]me[/i] it will make other dragons feel good. Do your thing, light up their stars and empower them. Meanwhile, far from being sad if I am overlooked, I will delight in remaining hidden in plain sight awhile longer. I do take [i]some[/i] pride in my draconic disguise, after all."[/indent] "That’s it for my quest! Let’s see if we can find some dragons that might be made of stars! Don’t forget to really interact with everyone you meet. Good luck!" [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Out of character info[/b][/size][/center] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Visit some of your fellow participants and look for a dragon who looks like they might be made of stars. Spotlight and compliment your favourite[/b] star-and-astral-themed dragon with at least three sentences. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Light the star on at least 20 more dragons through the event.[/b] You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count some dragons you revisited during the event, but please give newly lit stars an honest try. [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Write at least 250 words of story/roleplay from your dragon’s point of view[/b] as they interact with the quest givers and/or all the dragons who remind them of the stars. Alternatively, if they are also secretly not-a-dragon, you may write a story of the same length where they contemplate revealing themself as well, or think about why they never would. [b]Link the POV dragon using their [url=]widget.[/url][/b] [emoji=lightning rune size=1][b] Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:[/b] [code][center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 20 more to count> [b]Total Stars Lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Other Participants Visited:[/b] <This is optional, delete it if you don’t want to list your random visits.> [b]Favourite star-like dragon today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [br] [center]<pov dragon’s widget>[/center] [b]Story/RP:[/b] At least 250 words of story relating to the quest in some way.[/code] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 20 dragons and compliment two different dragons from your other quests.[/b] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Link to TCC 2023 Participants List"][/img] [b]Link to TCC 2023 Participants[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Spreadsheet banner with Lightning Aura background. Linked to the spreadsheet."][/img] [b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center]
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Lightning Aura Divider
Themes (RP)

And finally you circle back around to Ylli, who is an excited ball of fluff, still sporting that blep.
Ylli: A purple and pink aether wearing an arcane-themed accent with sparkles and silver jewelry, sporting a blep. He has unusual arcane eyes. Pictured with his C.H.A.E.L.
Chael’s serene voice chimes as you approach, always in contrast to Ylli’s hyper excitement. "I’m running a questing booth too! As with the others, you have to light the star for at least 20 more dragons and spotlight one with a compliment.

"The key difference in my quest, however, is that we have another mystery dragon to find along the way! Last week I received a note from an anonymous source telling me that our event and love of the stars has helped give them the courage to live their truest self. They’re made of stars, or…I think the note said - you know what? I’ll just read it!"

"Hello Ylli! Like you I love the stars and call them home, admiring them every night. I admired Sornieth from afar as well - your magic here shines like a jewel in the cosmos. That’s right, I’m not a dragon, I’ve only been masquerading as one. What I truly am is a slice of sentient nighttime sky with nebulae hidden in the pattern of my wings and stardust sparkling in my horns and body, cleverly (or so I thought) disguised as dragon genes not quite as suspicious as starmap and constellation.

"Through your event, I’ve recently come to discover that there is perhaps no longer any reason I need to remain hidden. Not-dragons like me appear to be welcome (so long as we’re not tainted by the Shade, of course). I thought I’d have a bit of fun with it though and see if any of your participants can find me with no other hints.

"However, it won’t do for you to approach random dragons asking if they are secretly something else. Instead, I’d love to propose a quest for you and your participants to merely find and compliment dragons that remind you of stars and the nighttime sky, interact with them, be welcoming and kind. Even if you don’t find me it will make other dragons feel good. Do your thing, light up their stars and empower them. Meanwhile, far from being sad if I am overlooked, I will delight in remaining hidden in plain sight awhile longer. I do take some pride in my draconic disguise, after all."

"That’s it for my quest! Let’s see if we can find some dragons that might be made of stars! Don’t forget to really interact with everyone you meet. Good luck!"
Lightning Aura Divider
Out of character info

Visit some of your fellow participants and look for a dragon who looks like they might be made of stars. Spotlight and compliment your favourite star-and-astral-themed dragon with at least three sentences.

Light the star on at least 20 more dragons through the event. You may guesstimate, but please do not falsely inflate your numbers. If you've starred so many dragons you’re having trouble finding unlit stars among your fellow participants, you may count some dragons you revisited during the event, but please give newly lit stars an honest try.

Write at least 250 words of story/roleplay from your dragon’s point of view as they interact with the quest givers and/or all the dragons who remind them of the stars. Alternatively, if they are also secretly not-a-dragon, you may write a story of the same length where they contemplate revealing themself as well, or think about why they never would.

Link the POV dragon using their widget.

Copy, fill in, and post the following code for your quest:
[center][size=7]First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth Quest[/size] (delete whichever numbers that don't apply for this specific quest)[/center] [b]Stars Lit for this quest:[/b] <must be at least 20 more to count> [b]Total Stars Lit for TCC:[/b] [b]Other Participants Visited:[/b] <This is optional, delete it if you don’t want to list your random visits.> [b]Favourite star-like dragon today:[/b] <add dragon widget> (ping owner) [b]Compliment:[/b] <add compliment> [br] [center]<pov dragon’s widget>[/center] [b]Story/RP:[/b] At least 250 words of story relating to the quest in some way.

Each time you do this quest, you must light the star on another 20 dragons and compliment two different dragons from your other quests.
Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Participants Banner with a Lightning Aura background.
TCC 2023 Participants

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@Potatoad made us a randomized generator of participants on for those of you who would like to easily randomize your visits for each quest. (Please check their card above for most recent update timestamps)

Lightning Aura Divider
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Participants Banner with a Lightning Aura background.
TCC 2023 Participants

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@Potatoad made us a randomized generator of participants on for those of you who would like to easily randomize your visits for each quest. (Please check their card above for most recent update timestamps)

Lightning Aura Divider
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][img alt="Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background"][/img][/center] [center][b]Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale[/b][/center] [center][b][size=5]* N a v i g a t i o n *[/size][/b] [b][url=]Event Info[/url] * [url=]Participant List[/url] * [url=][u]Prizes[/u] [/url]* [url=]Badges [/url]* [url=]Spreadsheet [/url][/b] [size=4][b]Quests: [b][/size][url=]Spotlights +[/url][/b] [b]*[/b] [url=]Superstars [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Games [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Art Studio[/url] [b]*[/b] [url=]Themes (RP)[/url][/b][/center] [center][img alt="Prizes Banner with Lightning Aura background."][/img] [b]Prizes[/b][/center] Again, the debut was always meant to be way bigger than monthly festivals, if only because I definitely cannot maintain LOTS of prizes every month. [quote=Spark of New Life][center][item=Unhatched Lightning Egg][/center] [size=2]Won by Kuroda[/size][/quote] [br] [quote=Kaleidoscope Ornament] I will turn any dragon of your choice, apparel, skin/accent, and all into a kaleidoscope ornament. Finished Kaleidoscope Prize: [center][img alt="Runekeeper's Kaleidoscope emblem by Saronai 310639"][/img][/center] Custom requested for: [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] More examples and details in [url=]my kaleidoscope shop[/url]. [size=2]Won by NotAtAllNight[/size] [/quote] [br] [quote=Steampunk Aura][center][item=Lightning Aura][item=Silver Steampunk Attire][item=Gold Steampunk Attire][item=Ceramic Steampunk Attire][/center] [size=2]Won by Marmite[/size][/quote] [center] [br][/center] [i]Whatever prize you choose is yours afterwards to do with whatever you like, sell, keep, give away, etc., yours if you win it![/i] [center][img alt=Superstars Banner][/img][/center] [b]Those who achieve super star rank (details at the end of the [url=]first post[/url]) will be eligible to win one of three custom star badges based on a dragon of their choice.[/b] They can choose to hoard this badge for themselves only, or let other people claim it as a badge for liking their attached dragon (if given out as a badge, the star must be linked to the winning post in this thread for others to find your dragon and the related codes). I will give you those codes to copy and paste should you win. If you choose to use it as a badge, it will be permanently added to the Non-event badges list on the [url=]spreadsheet[/url]. [quote=Example stars][center][img][/img][/center] TCC Winners: TETRAHEDR0N, Ackie, SilentWanderer[/quote] [b]This last is a separate raffle, super stars have a chance to win both a custom badge AND a regular prize.[/b] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center]
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Prizes Banner with Lightning Aura background.

Again, the debut was always meant to be way bigger than monthly festivals, if only because I definitely cannot maintain LOTS of prizes every month.
Spark of New Life wrote:
Unhatched Lightning Egg

Won by Kuroda

Kaleidoscope Ornament wrote:

I will turn any dragon of your choice, apparel, skin/accent, and all into a kaleidoscope ornament.

Finished Kaleidoscope Prize:

Runekeeper's Kaleidoscope emblem by Saronai 310639

Custom requested for:

More examples and details in my kaleidoscope shop.

Won by NotAtAllNight

Steampunk Aura wrote:
Lightning Aura Silver Steampunk Attire Gold Steampunk Attire Ceramic Steampunk Attire

Won by Marmite

Whatever prize you choose is yours afterwards to do with whatever you like, sell, keep, give away, etc., yours if you win it!


Those who achieve super star rank (details at the end of the first post) will be eligible to win one of three custom star badges based on a dragon of their choice.

They can choose to hoard this badge for themselves only, or let other people claim it as a badge for liking their attached dragon (if given out as a badge, the star must be linked to the winning post in this thread for others to find your dragon and the related codes). I will give you those codes to copy and paste should you win.

If you choose to use it as a badge, it will be permanently added to the Non-event badges list on the spreadsheet.
Example stars wrote:

TCC Winners: TETRAHEDR0N, Ackie, SilentWanderer

This last is a separate raffle, super stars have a chance to win both a custom badge AND a regular prize.

Lightning Aura Divider
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][img alt="Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background"][/img][/center] [center][b]Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale[/b][/center] [center][b][size=5]* N a v i g a t i o n *[/size][/b] [b][url=]Event Info[/url] * [url=]Participant List[/url] * [url=]Prizes [/url]* [url=][u]Badges[/u] [/url]* [url=]Spreadsheet [/url][/b] [size=5][b]Quests: [b][/size][url=]Spotlights +[/url][/b] [b]* [/b][url=]Superstars [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Games [/url][b]*[/b] [url=]Art Studio[/url][b] *[/b] [url=]Themes (RP)[/url][/b][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][img alt="Badges banner with Lightning Aura background"][/img][/center] [size=5][b]Love for [url=]Ylli[/url]:[/b][/size] [b]For those who lit up Ylli's star,[/b] a special stained-glass Ylli star! It was gonna unlock at 50 stars, which you all hit within a few days of sign ups lol. [center][img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [size=5][b]Even MORE Love for [url=]Ylli[/url]:[/b][/size] [b]All my dragons get a special star created from them when they hit 100 stars lit (eventually). It serves as a badge to collect for all those who light Ylli's star, no matter when they lit it up. [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/center] [i]All of my dragons get turned into a special star badge when they hit 100 likes. Ylli will be no different (he just also got a stained glass one at 50 lol).[/i] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [size=5][b] The Legendary Stars:[/b][/size] [size=2][i](Only available during BSJ, if you miss them, you have to wait for next year!)[/i][/size] The Lightning Sprites have joined in the fun with their own star! [b]To earn this badge, you must light up at least 100 stars for other people's dragons during Thundercrack Carnivale.[/b] Spread the love! [center][img alt="A star badge based on the Lightning Sprite"][/img][/center] [center][code][url=][img alt="A star badge based on the Lightning Sprite"][/img][/url][/code][/center] Stormcatcher also has a star [b]for everyone who lit over 300 stars during Thundercrack Carnivale and completed five quests (repeated quests count).[/b] If you miss it this year, don't worry, it'll be back next year. [center][img alt="A star badge based on Stormcatcher."][/img] [code][url=][img alt="A star badge based on Stormcatcher."][/img][/url][/code][/center] I have chosen our official participation badge! Everyone who starred at least one dragon and/or completed at least one quest during TCC gets to collect this recolour of the lovely [url=]badge submitted[/url] by @ymjules : [center][url=][img alt="TCC 2023 Badge design by ymjules, recoloured with permission for Ylli's Star Quests."][/img][/url] [code][url=][img alt="TCC 2023 Badge design by ymjules, recoloured with permission for Ylli's Star Quests."][/img][/url][/code][/center] With her permission, I plan to recolour it for each new 2023-2024 festival to match the flight in focus. [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [size=5][b]Non-Event Badges (can be earned any time*):[/b][/size] [size=2]*Light the relevant dragon's star and link their badge to this thread wherever you use it.[/size] There are currently 31 Non-event badges linked to liking specific dragons in my collection the codes and individual images are in the [url=]spreadsheet[/url]. New ones are added as I have time for my permadragons that reached at least 100 stars. I still have like 41 more stars to catch up on, will probably release them in batches tied to non-festival quests. [b] [u]PREVIEW GIF ONLY[/u] (not meant as a badge):[/b] [size=2][i]Please see the spreadsheet to collect specific badges. There are too many to list them with codes in the thread[/i][/size] [center][img][/img][/center] The spreadsheet includes butterfly badges for dragons who have a polished, filled in bio. [size=2][i]All star badges are 5 mirror kaleidoscopes of the actual dragons (or familiar image) I edited into star shapes. Ylli's stained glass star was edited with mosaic first, then put through my normal starification process. When BSJ rolls back around, I plan to have new event badges to collect with this year's being easier to obtain.[/i][/size] If any of my stars matches a dragon of yours, or a theme in the bio, by all means feel free to use it as a bio asset instead of just a badge. So long as you lit the relevant dragon's star and link the star image to them or this thread, it's all good (you can directly link the image if you don't want text cluttering your bio design). [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center] [center][url=][img alt="Spreadsheet banner with Lightning Aura background. Linked to the spreadsheet."][/img] [b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/center] [center][img alt="Lightning Aura Divider"][/img][/center]
Title banner for Ylli's Star Quests Thundercrack Carnivale in teal with Lightning aura in the background
Ylli's Star Quests: Thundercrack Carnivale
Lightning Aura Divider
Badges banner with Lightning Aura background

Love for Ylli:

For those who lit up Ylli's star, a special stained-glass Ylli star! It was gonna unlock at 50 stars, which you all hit within a few days of sign ups lol.
Lightning Aura Divider

Even MORE Love for Ylli:

All my dragons get a special star created from them when they hit 100 stars lit (eventually). It serves as a badge to collect for all those who light Ylli's star, no matter when they lit it up.


All of my dragons get turned into a special star badge when they hit 100 likes. Ylli will be no different (he just also got a stained glass one at 50 lol).
Lightning Aura Divider

The Legendary Stars:

(Only available during BSJ, if you miss them, you have to wait for next year!)

The Lightning Sprites have joined in the fun with their own star! To earn this badge, you must light up at least 100 stars for other people's dragons during Thundercrack Carnivale. Spread the love!
A star badge based on the Lightning Sprite
[url=][img alt="A star badge based on the Lightning Sprite"][/img][/url]

Stormcatcher also has a star for everyone who lit over 300 stars during Thundercrack Carnivale and completed five quests (repeated quests count). If you miss it this year, don't worry, it'll be back next year.
A star badge based on Stormcatcher.
[url=][img alt="A star badge based on Stormcatcher."][/img][/url]

I have chosen our official participation badge! Everyone who starred at least one dragon and/or completed at least one quest during TCC gets to collect this recolour of the lovely badge submitted by @ymjules :
TCC 2023 Badge design by ymjules, recoloured with permission for Ylli's Star Quests.
[url=][img alt="TCC 2023 Badge design by ymjules, recoloured with permission for Ylli's Star Quests."][/img][/url]

With her permission, I plan to recolour it for each new 2023-2024 festival to match the flight in focus.
Lightning Aura Divider

Non-Event Badges (can be earned any time*):
*Light the relevant dragon's star and link their badge to this thread wherever you use it.

There are currently 31 Non-event badges linked to liking specific dragons in my collection the codes and individual images are in the spreadsheet. New ones are added as I have time for my permadragons that reached at least 100 stars. I still have like 41 more stars to catch up on, will probably release them in batches tied to non-festival quests.

PREVIEW GIF ONLY (not meant as a badge):

Please see the spreadsheet to collect specific badges.
There are too many to list them with codes in the thread


The spreadsheet includes butterfly badges for dragons who have a polished, filled in bio.

All star badges are 5 mirror kaleidoscopes of the actual dragons (or familiar image) I edited into star shapes. Ylli's stained glass star was edited with mosaic first, then put through my normal starification process. When BSJ rolls back around, I plan to have new event badges to collect with this year's being easier to obtain.

If any of my stars matches a dragon of yours, or a theme in the bio, by all means feel free to use it as a bio asset instead of just a badge. So long as you lit the relevant dragon's star and link the star image to them or this thread, it's all good (you can directly link the image if you don't want text cluttering your bio design).
Lightning Aura Divider
Lightning Aura Divider
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
How to get a linked, full-size image of your dragon (AKA "[b]widget[/b]"): [center][img][/img][/center] Click the icon that looks like a dotted < (circled in brighter teal) You'll get a pop-up as pictured, you click what's circled there in dark teal and it is now on your clipboard to paste wherever you want to use it. -------- [b]How to make a linked thumbnail image of your dragon:[/b] Remove what is in red below, add what is in green. [quote=Jeevas]Just copy-paste the "widget" option on your dragon's profile, then delete the _350 next to the .png and delete the "350" after the rendern/ and replace it with "avatars"[color=red]350[/color]/69599/6959860[color=red]_350[/color].png[color=green]avatars[/color]/69599/6959860.png This is just a segment of the [img][/img] section of the widget code (for a dragon whose ID is 6959860) [/quote]
How to get a linked, full-size image of your dragon (AKA "widget"):

Click the icon that looks like a dotted < (circled in brighter teal)

You'll get a pop-up as pictured, you click what's circled there in dark teal and it is now on your clipboard to paste wherever you want to use it.

How to make a linked thumbnail image of your dragon:

Remove what is in red below, add what is in green.
Jeevas wrote:
Just copy-paste the "widget" option on your dragon's profile, then delete the _350 next to the .png and delete the "350" after the rendern/ and replace it with "avatars"

This is just a segment of the [img][/img] section of the widget code (for a dragon whose ID is 6959860)

pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons