
[OC] Pearl of the Abyss (he/him)
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Shale Thresher
Shale Thresher
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Energy: 50
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Water icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Water.
Male Pearlcatcher
Male Pearlcatcher
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Personal Style


Water's Charm
Diver Emblem
Fin Jewels
Unearthly Onyx Pendants
Aqua Deepsea Bulb
Glowing Blue Clawtips
Moondust Starsilk Earrings
Fathomsearch Halo
Grove Sylvan Twist
Simple Iron Wing Bangles
Twilight Sylvan Twist
Unearthly Onyx Clawrings
Posh Ring
Lavish Cane
Indigo Harvest Bracelet
Onyx Seraph Armpiece
Simple Darksteel Bracelets


Accent: Thunderstomp


Effect: Glitz


Scene: Tidelord's Domain


6.29 m
5.43 m
675.89 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 19, 2017
(7 years)


Pearlcatcher icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 7 Pearlcatcher
EXP: 1122 / 11881



N e r i t e s


Pearl of the Abyss

moon-jewel-tiny-dark-blue.png Adventurous moon-jewel-tiny-dark-blue.png Assiduous moon-jewel-tiny-dark-blue.png Loyal

I once swam too deep in the Leviathan Trench, lured in by secrets and hidden mysteries.
An ancient monstrosity staked its claim with one inky tendril, and out of desperation, I fused with The Abyss.

Oh the stories I could tell you now...



A former Storycatcher, variant of Enriana’s wonderful Runecatcher subspecies, Nerites delayed the invocation of his runes, knowing the effects were not always positive and afraid of how he might change.

When he sought an oracle about them, she only reinforced his decision. The ritual-induced visions held no sensory perceptions, just despair and a panic-inducing darkness that dragged deeper and pressed in on all sides, pulling him under, snuffing out all hope.

The invocation must never be spoken, lest that terror, that unnatural, choking darkness be unleashed and consume him. Ultimately fitting for all its cursed nature - he’d always enjoyed the quiet, dark embrace of the sea’s deepest places. Fate singing some kind of siren song to his runes?

Easy enough to never invoke them.

It was in pressing his ever-deeper exploration of the Leviathan Trench that this fate played out regardless. Something snatched him - the inky-black tendril of some giant sea monster, or some hidden Shade monstrosity. His bioluminscent mage-lights flickered out with each passing fathom, dragged without mercy into unrecorded depths, pressure nearly unbearable.

Convinced he was lost and with no other recourse, he invoked his runes.

The Abyss poured in.

Every mote of his being fused with it, the raw power of bottomless depths. That old vision had been of only the inciting incident. The catalyst for unlocking his full potential as an elementalist of the endless black water. He flared with a new bioluminescence, as if his runes were bindings shattered into a new pattern.

It lit up the surrounding, alien seascape, along with the monstrosity who still gripped him, dragging him ever deeper. Not a malevolent Shade beast at all. A guardian. One fully bonded as host to some ancient, eldritch being. With proper light Nerites easily discerned a thorough mix of pearlescent dragon hide visible in patches amidst the shadowy, tentacled form.

A smitten and lonely eldritch monstrosity, as it turned out, captivated by the first sight of Nerites' mage-light-illuminated beauty.

After some lessons in modern manners, Nerites agreed to stay, with the freedom to occasionally surface whenever he wishes. The two have settled into a weird, eldritch horror version of domestic bliss deep in The Leviathan Trench.

A storyteller from the depths...
In some ways, Nerites remains unchanged, though occasionally more cryptic and secretive in mischievous fashion. He may tell you a tale or two of the darkest depths - he still has a great love for storytelling. But he knows far more than he tells these days. For some secrets and some stories belong only to The Abyss, never to surface. 1BAJH0u.png

Nerites' star badge by Saronai. Liked the dragon? Collect the badge! Please keep it linked.
Pretty boy with many sisters, beloved to an eldritch horror. Maybe gay (or bi - probably inclined more toward masculine personalities), probably has no IC children. This is a retelling of sorts for Nerites from Greek mythology, aged up and substituting the role of Poseidon with an Eldritch Horror. Nerites' Addams' Family AU?

Lore heavily inspired by Enriana's Runecatcher idea where certain pearlcatchers with runes have latent magic hidden in those runes. Each runecatcher can choose to invoke their own runes, but the results are a wild magic shrouded in mystery, nearly impossible to predict and can seem more like an irreversible curse in some cases. While it runs in families who tend to have similar gifts there's still a lot of room for variation in both magnitude and fortune.
Character design collab with the awesome findingpears, who made the art.


Runecatcher Subspecies
Storycatcher variant (Sea)
Previous Appearance (not cannon)
Offered Headcanons wrote:
I may or may not use the following for inspiration when I create official lore:

"How does one catch stories? Nerites won't tell you his secret, but give you a mischievous wink instead, before starting another story he freshly caught. He is a wonderful storyteller, able to paint vivid scenes with his words and voice. But there are some stories he caught, that he will never tell anyone. Some things are better left untold. And anyways, there are so many awesome ones he has in store!
(From Headcanon a Dragon Above You!)
- desmodium

Paternal gen1 ancestor: Jareth #6724
Maternal gen1 ancestor: Sigma #117512
Compliments Received wrote:
"wow, all three of your dragons are gorgeous! I think my favourite is Nerites by far though. He's just so glowy has such wonderful deep sea vibes to him."
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- SequinRobeRaist

"Oooohh, all your Water babies are fantastic! Boops for everyone, I love how their bios are constructed! Nerites has to be my favorite, though. The way his story was constructed was amazing: It was so dramatic and serious at first...and then I imagined "Take My Breath Away" by Berlin suddenly playing at full blast. "
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- Disillusionist

"your entries are stunning as always. i adore all their special eye types. Nerites is especially handsome in those fin jewels. his flaunt reminds me of the rushing currents!"
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- Vergil

"Wow, what stunning shares this week! [omit] Nerites is beautiful too - I love the way his onyx jewelry mirrors the darkness of sarcophagus on his wings, especially the swirly bits of smoke around his pearl that give him that flowing water feel."
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- wildewinged

"Sometimes the bug just bites you, and Nerites has a fun start! When you write more, feel free to ping me! He's also GORGEOUS with the new genes."
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- HuntingAlpha

"I really love Nerites, he is definitely a very pretty boy!"
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- TheRookGryphon

"Boops given to all three but Nerites is my favourite, I love what you've written in his bio and Loctxhi also got a well-deserved boop <3"
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- InTheDarke

"As always, all of your dragons are freaking gorgeous, and that’s really awesome that this week’s theme saved Nerites and his Eldritch horror from being yeeted. [omit] Nerites is definitely my favorite of your three, and I also gave his SO a boop *^^*"
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- Shatapatrika

"oh man, all your dragons this week are so pretty! i love how elegant all of them are, but if i had to pick a favorite, id go with nerites! splash flaunt is such a good color, and the apparel you chose for him makes him look rather regal! as always, ive liked all your dragons as well"
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- mynnthia

"Dang, your dragons really float my boat this week! (haha) I love these colors. and your apparel choices really enhance them all!
Nerites, otoh, I've visited before and Liked already. I couldn't tell you if it was before or after his makeover (guessing before?) but wow, if ever I were to gush it would be here. Not only for his good looks, either, I love the lore you wrote - it's riveting! - and have to throw in a bonus star for his eldritch keeper, too!"
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- Deladria

"I think Nerites is my favorite of them, the way that flaunt and how it peeks out from under his apparel is just gorgeous. Also the way it makes his belly such a vibrant, glittery blue to the point that I thought his tert was capsule or glimmer first."
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- Kaimon

"Gonna agree with many others this week - all gorgeous dragons, but Nerites is my favourite. I mean, he screams ocean with those genes and colours (Splash Flaunt is incredible??) The Onyx Clawrings are a nice spooky touch, really nails the "inky tendril"."
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- Skycloud

"Ooo OOOOO Nerites!! I thoroughly enjoyed his lore - the idea of him rejecting his runes only to invoke them at a moment of great peril, and then domestic bliss (?) with an eldritch horror after?! YES. Also he's beautiful but I really enjoyed his lore and concept. I love FR reinterpretations of stories a lot. :) My favourite for this week I think, though it's hard to pick. (Couldn't resist booping Loctxhi too.)"
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- Lundlaeva

"Nerites caught my attention the most. The black mixed with the brighter blue makes me so happy to look at. I could stare at him all day and never get bored. His personality has also caught my attention. To be able to coax stories out of someone so mischievous would make for quite a fun day. It makes me wish I could sit there and listen to the tales he is willing to tell."
(From Saro's Weekly Theme & Star Exchange <3)
- Icystorm

Part One: "holy cow he is gorgeous and that lore is awesome!!! Love his vibes, and I am such a sucker for merfolk so very excited to start working on it! As usual I will send sketches via PM for you to okay, and I can get you a lineart + transparent ver as well ^^ So glad you picked this boy tbh! And there's always next time for your other lovely dergs :>"

Part Two accidentally got deleted.

Part Three: "And if I can add to what I already said, Nerites is just stunning, and such a glowy boi. Sarcophagus still seems new enough that I get excited when I see it, but he takes it to the next level with the gorgeous blue and matching filigree. Splash is one of my favourite colours in the flaunt gene, and it matches his lore perfectly too! A 10/10 dragon for sure, I can certainly see why Loctxhi was smitten at first meeting <3"

Part Four: "I'm so glad you picked Nerites, he was so much fun to draw :D"
(From ArcanArt Art for Fodder and PMs)
- findingpears
2 unrecorded compliments
Layout by Saronai* * * * *All images link to their sources* * * * *Story Pinglist: @HuntingAlpha
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