

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | Comprehensive Coli Builds List
[center][size=7][emoji=scroll 2 size=2] Coli Builds List [emoji=scroll 2 size=2][/size][/center] [center][size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Introduction [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size][/center] Hello! The [url=]old thread of coli builds[/url] seems to have died, so here's a more detailed and up-to-date version. It includes info on stats, some keywords, and a little blurb about each build to give you an idea of what they're for. Please click on the links to find out how to fully use each build and correct turn order. If your guide is not added and you would like it to be or you see any incorrect information, [color=red][b]please ping @[i][/i]K0L0[/b][/color] and I'll will add it for you ASAP. This compilation assumes you already have some knowledge of the coli/some terminology associated with it. If enough people are getting confused I'll add a section about that/stones, although Culex's guide is very comprehensive about that. [center][size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] What build to use? [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size][/center] [b]General grinding[/b]: look for 133 STR / 38 QCK / rest into VIT, scratch + elim. you can scratch + elim any enemy (besides bosses) anywhere, no rally needed. The Culex 129 STR is fine but you'll need to keep an eye on Rally or scratch twice in the higher venues (Golem Workshop, Forgotten Portal). [b]Two-fodder training[/b]: Anticitank or Mire Monk (I use a Ghire Gorer, the lovechild of these). If you do not have your own level 25s yet, see if your Flight has an in-flight renting service or sales thread. Otherwise, Culex and Kiena's guide also include information about how to set up your first team. [center][size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] What build is my dragon? [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size][/center] This guide includes some information on general stats. You can try to use Ctrl + F/Command + F to find out. If your dragon has, say, 126 STR, you should search that in the thread and try to match it up to one of those builds. Generally the information is for tinctured dragons with stones (Berserker, Scholar, etc) applied. [center][size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] I'd like to add a build! [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size][/center] Sounds good, ping me with the following code snippet for each build you'd like :> [code][b]I'm adding a build for (VENUE NAME)![/b] [code] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=LINK TO GUIDE HERE][b]GUIDE NAME[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: [b]Info[/b]: (1-2 sentences) [b]Keywords[/b]: [/indent] [/code] (remember to close the /code tag!) -----
Coli Builds List

Hello! The old thread of coli builds seems to have died, so here's a more detailed and up-to-date version. It includes info on stats, some keywords, and a little blurb about each build to give you an idea of what they're for. Please click on the links to find out how to fully use each build and correct turn order.

If your guide is not added and you would like it to be or you see any incorrect information, please ping @K0L0 and I'll will add it for you ASAP.

This compilation assumes you already have some knowledge of the coli/some terminology associated with it. If enough people are getting confused I'll add a section about that/stones, although Culex's guide is very comprehensive about that.

What build to use?
General grinding: look for 133 STR / 38 QCK / rest into VIT, scratch + elim. you can scratch + elim any enemy (besides bosses) anywhere, no rally needed. The Culex 129 STR is fine but you'll need to keep an eye on Rally or scratch twice in the higher venues (Golem Workshop, Forgotten Portal).
Two-fodder training: Anticitank or Mire Monk (I use a Ghire Gorer, the lovechild of these).

If you do not have your own level 25s yet, see if your Flight has an in-flight renting service or sales thread. Otherwise, Culex and Kiena's guide also include information about how to set up your first team.

What build is my dragon?
This guide includes some information on general stats. You can try to use Ctrl + F/Command + F to find out. If your dragon has, say, 126 STR, you should search that in the thread and try to match it up to one of those builds. Generally the information is for tinctured dragons with stones (Berserker, Scholar, etc) applied.

I'd like to add a build!
Sounds good, ping me with the following code snippet for each build you'd like :>
[b]I'm adding a build for (VENUE NAME)![/b] [code] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=LINK TO GUIDE HERE][b]GUIDE NAME[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: [b]Info[/b]: (1-2 sentences) [b]Keywords[/b]: [/indent]
(remember to close the /code tag!)

Rotating image of my OCs drawn as tiny porcelain kittens drinking porcelain milk
[center][font=century gothic][size=7][emoji=scroll 2 size=2] The Builds [emoji=scroll 2 size=2][/size][/font][/center] [size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] General Builds [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Culex Builds[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 129 STR / 50 QCK / 13 VIT [b]Info[/b]: One of the most popular builds, typically used with three dragons. Also includes a comprehensive guide to starting out with Coli. [b]Keywords[/b]: General Farming, Glass Cannon, Plague[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Kiena Builds[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 126 STR / 58 QCK / 11 VIT [b]Info[/b]: One of the oldest and most well-known builds. [b]Keywords[/b]: General Farming, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Sedona Tanks[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 103 STR / 80 QCK / 35 VIT / 25 DEF [b]Info[/b]: Can be used for farming/levelling without an Eliminate. [b]Keywords[/b]: General Farming, No Eliminate, Tank[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Budget Build[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: Requires two dragons, see guide. [b]Info[/b]: No Elim needed, 2-dragon team. Good for newbies. Is slow, however. [b]Keywords[/b]: General Farming, No Eliminate, Tank, Fire & Wind[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Maki's Builds[/b][/url] [indent][b]Info[/b]: Various builds suggested by Maki; please see link for more information.[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Redfoot's Farmers[/b][/url] [indent][b]Info[/b]: An 122-STR variant of Culex's build. See link for more info. Good up to Rainsong Jungle.[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]General Mage Builds[/b] [indent][b]Info:[/b] A selection of mage builds that are available to the Coli.[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Ghire Gorer[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 119 STR / 70 QCK / 16 VIT [b]Info[/b]: 2-Fodder build meant for taking on both the Mire and GLR. Gets extra turns in both venues. Meditate build. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Any Element[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Itonus Build[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 115 Int, 65 Qck, 23 Vit, 30 Def [b]Info[/b]: Mage build able to take on many lower venues. [b]Keywords[/b]: General Farming, Mage, No Eliminate[/indent] [center][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][/center] [size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Crystal Pools [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Crystal Flyer[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 105 STR / 68 QCK / 55 VIT / + AGI [b]Info[/b]: Built for vitality. This guide also includes a potential Crystal Pools/Roost double trainer. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Plague/Wind[/indent] [center][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][/center] [size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Harpy's Roost [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Redfoot's Rooster[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 105 STR / 84 QCK / 31 VIT / + AGI [b]Info[/b]: Built for quick. This guide also includes a potential Crystal Pools/Roost double trainer. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Shadow/Wind[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Achi's Rooster[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 108 STR / 85 QCK / 18 VIT [b]Info[/b]: Alternative build; can rally/elim every enemy in the Roost save for bosses. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Wind[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Sylvandyr Solo Harpy[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 108 STR / 75 QCK / 38 VIT / 15 DEF [b]Info[/b]: Optimized, specifically, for Harpy's Roost, by damage intake vs. recovery time. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Shadow/Wind[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Roost Rustler[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 108 STR / 87 QCK / 8 VIT [b]Info[/b]: Can 1-shot all enemies except bosses, but takes glass cannon to a whole new level. Meditate build. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Any Element[/indent] [center][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][/center] [size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Ghostlight Ruins [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Ghostbuster/Ruins Raider[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 115 STR / 76 QCK / 17 VIT [b]Info[/b]: A standard way to take two fodder into the Ruins and level quickly. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Water/Nature[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Meditate Monk[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 115 STR / 75 QCK / 20 VIT [b]Info[/b]: Takes only four turns before it can eliminate; one turn faster than the Mire Flyer. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Water/Nature[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Anticitank[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 115 STR / 76 QCK / + VIT / + DEF [b]Info[/b]: An incredibly fast build for levelling to 4; can build up breath in only two rounds. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Water/Nature[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]2-Team Ghostbusters[/b][/url] [indent][b]Info[/b]: Two dragons are needed, please see clickthrough guide for more information.[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Vanadium Ghostlight Build[/b][/url] [indent][b]Info[/b]: Another two-team build for Ghostlight, please see link for more info.[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Ruin Wrecker[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 115 STR / 70 QCK / 31 VIT / 8 AGI / 8 DEF [b]Info[/b]: A two-fodder build with less QCK than the Monk and is a bit tankier. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Water/Nature[/indent] [center][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][/center] [size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Mire [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size] [emoji=scratch size=1][b][url=]119 Mire Flyer[/url][/b] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 119 STR/ 70 QCK / 16 VIT [b]Info[/b]: This variant can rally+elim everything except the bosses. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]117 Mire Flyer[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 117 STR / 70 QCK / 25 VIT [b]Info[/b]: A popular 2-fodder build. (You'll have to Ctrl+F Mire Flyer on the guide's link.) [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][b]115 Mire Flyer[/b] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 115 STR / 72 QCK / 27 VIT / + AGI [b]Info[/b]: Older Mire Flyer variant; can Scratch x4 every enemy except Brilliant Psywurms and Mossy Cerdae. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Mire Mauler[/b][/url] (also known as [url=]Mire Monk[/url]) [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 119 STR / 62 QCK / 33 VIT / + DEF [b]Info[/b]: Can 1-shot all enemies except bosses, optimized for more health than the Flier variants while still fast enough to go before most enemies. Meditate build. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][b][url=]Mire Millionaire[/url][/b] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 119 STR / 64 QCK / 30 VIT [b]Info[/b]: Fast variant meant for grinding. [b]Keywords[/b]: General Farming, Glass Cannon[/indent] [center][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][/center] [size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Kelp Beds [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Kelp Beds Trainers[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 126 STR / 59 QCK / 6 VIT [b]Info[/b]: Culex's Kelp Beds farmers, good for levelling/farming. [b]Keywords[/b]: Glass Cannon[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][b]Kelp Beds Variant[/b] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 126 STR / 58 QCK / 11 VIT [b]Info[/b]: Recommended by Kiena, good for both levelling/farming. [b]Keywords[/b]: Glass Cannon[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Kelp Beds Kraken[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 125 STR / 60 QCK / 11 VIT / 9 AGI [b]Info[/b]: A 2-fodder Kelp Beds trainer! Not good for bosses, but great for fodder. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Water, Glass Cannon[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Leviathan Leveller[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 133 STR / 32 QCK / 20 VIT / 10 AGI | 5 DEF | 5 INT | 5 MND [b]Info[/b]: Another two-fodder Kelp Beds trainer; can rally+elim everything but bosses. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-Fodder, Water, Glass Cannon[/indent] [center][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][emoji=prismatic meditate size=1][/center] [size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Golem Workshop [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Workshop Workers[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 105 STR / 60 QCK / 33 VIT / 52 DEF / 13 AGI [b]Info[/b]: This is the attacking dragon. Golem Workshop requires at least 2 dragons. [b]Keywords[/b]: Glass Cannon, Fire/Arcane/Earth/Nature [b]Stats[/b]: 122 INT / 60 QCK / 16 VIT / 24 AGI [b]Info[/b]: This is the battle cleric dragon. Golem Workshop requires at least 2 dragons. [b]Keywords[/b]: Mage, Healer, Wind[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][b][url=]Healbot Guide[/url][/b] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 125 STR / 59 QCK / 11 VIT [b]Info[/b]: This is the trainer dragon. [b]Keywords[/b]: Glass Cannon [b]Stats[/b]: 100 INT / 94 QCK / 15 VIT [b]Info[/b]: This is the healer dragon. [b]Keywords[/b]: Healer, Mage[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Hayum's Workers[/b][/url] [indent][b]Info[/b]: Three dragons are required; please see linked guide post for information. Also works for Kelp Beds.[/indent] [emoji=scratch size=1][url=][b]Caster Crasher[/b][/url] [indent][b]Stats[/b]: 120 INT / 57 QCK / 37 VIT / 10 AGI [b]Info[/b]: A mage build that can take two fodder with it into the Workshop; only good against bosses & casters. [b]Keywords[/b]: 2-fodder, Mage, No Eliminate[/indent] -----
The Builds

General Builds

Culex Builds
Stats: 129 STR / 50 QCK / 13 VIT
Info: One of the most popular builds, typically used with three dragons. Also includes a comprehensive guide to starting out with Coli.
Keywords: General Farming, Glass Cannon, Plague
Kiena Builds
Stats: 126 STR / 58 QCK / 11 VIT
Info: One of the oldest and most well-known builds.
Keywords: General Farming, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth
Sedona Tanks
Stats: 103 STR / 80 QCK / 35 VIT / 25 DEF
Info: Can be used for farming/levelling without an Eliminate.
Keywords: General Farming, No Eliminate, Tank
Budget Build
Stats: Requires two dragons, see guide.
Info: No Elim needed, 2-dragon team. Good for newbies. Is slow, however.
Keywords: General Farming, No Eliminate, Tank, Fire & Wind
Maki's Builds
Info: Various builds suggested by Maki; please see link for more information.
Redfoot's Farmers
Info: An 122-STR variant of Culex's build. See link for more info. Good up to Rainsong Jungle.
General Mage Builds
Info: A selection of mage builds that are available to the Coli.
Ghire Gorer
Stats: 119 STR / 70 QCK / 16 VIT
Info: 2-Fodder build meant for taking on both the Mire and GLR. Gets extra turns in both venues. Meditate build.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Any Element
Itonus Build
Stats: 115 Int, 65 Qck, 23 Vit, 30 Def
Info: Mage build able to take on many lower venues.
Keywords: General Farming, Mage, No Eliminate

Crystal Pools

Crystal Flyer
Stats: 105 STR / 68 QCK / 55 VIT / + AGI
Info: Built for vitality. This guide also includes a potential Crystal Pools/Roost double trainer.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Plague/Wind

Harpy's Roost

Redfoot's Rooster
Stats: 105 STR / 84 QCK / 31 VIT / + AGI
Info: Built for quick. This guide also includes a potential Crystal Pools/Roost double trainer.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Shadow/Wind
Achi's Rooster
Stats: 108 STR / 85 QCK / 18 VIT
Info: Alternative build; can rally/elim every enemy in the Roost save for bosses.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Wind
Sylvandyr Solo Harpy
Stats: 108 STR / 75 QCK / 38 VIT / 15 DEF
Info: Optimized, specifically, for Harpy's Roost, by damage intake vs. recovery time.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Shadow/Wind
Roost Rustler
Stats: 108 STR / 87 QCK / 8 VIT
Info: Can 1-shot all enemies except bosses, but takes glass cannon to a whole new level. Meditate build.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Any Element

Ghostlight Ruins

Ghostbuster/Ruins Raider
Stats: 115 STR / 76 QCK / 17 VIT
Info: A standard way to take two fodder into the Ruins and level quickly.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Water/Nature
Meditate Monk
Stats: 115 STR / 75 QCK / 20 VIT
Info: Takes only four turns before it can eliminate; one turn faster than the Mire Flyer.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Water/Nature
Stats: 115 STR / 76 QCK / + VIT / + DEF
Info: An incredibly fast build for levelling to 4; can build up breath in only two rounds.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Water/Nature
2-Team Ghostbusters
Info: Two dragons are needed, please see clickthrough guide for more information.
Vanadium Ghostlight Build
Info: Another two-team build for Ghostlight, please see link for more info.
Ruin Wrecker
Stats: 115 STR / 70 QCK / 31 VIT / 8 AGI / 8 DEF
Info: A two-fodder build with less QCK than the Monk and is a bit tankier.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Water/Nature


119 Mire Flyer
Stats: 119 STR/ 70 QCK / 16 VIT
Info: This variant can rally+elim everything except the bosses.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth
117 Mire Flyer
Stats: 117 STR / 70 QCK / 25 VIT
Info: A popular 2-fodder build. (You'll have to Ctrl+F Mire Flyer on the guide's link.)
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth
115 Mire Flyer
Stats: 115 STR / 72 QCK / 27 VIT / + AGI
Info: Older Mire Flyer variant; can Scratch x4 every enemy except Brilliant Psywurms and Mossy Cerdae.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth
Mire Mauler (also known as Mire Monk)
Stats: 119 STR / 62 QCK / 33 VIT / + DEF
Info: Can 1-shot all enemies except bosses, optimized for more health than the Flier variants while still fast enough to go before most enemies. Meditate build.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Glass Cannon, Arcane/Earth
Mire Millionaire
Stats: 119 STR / 64 QCK / 30 VIT
Info: Fast variant meant for grinding.
Keywords: General Farming, Glass Cannon

Kelp Beds

Kelp Beds Trainers
Stats: 126 STR / 59 QCK / 6 VIT
Info: Culex's Kelp Beds farmers, good for levelling/farming.
Keywords: Glass Cannon
Kelp Beds Variant
Stats: 126 STR / 58 QCK / 11 VIT
Info: Recommended by Kiena, good for both levelling/farming.
Keywords: Glass Cannon
Kelp Beds Kraken
Stats: 125 STR / 60 QCK / 11 VIT / 9 AGI
Info: A 2-fodder Kelp Beds trainer! Not good for bosses, but great for fodder.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Water, Glass Cannon
Leviathan Leveller
Stats: 133 STR / 32 QCK / 20 VIT / 10 AGI | 5 DEF | 5 INT | 5 MND
Info: Another two-fodder Kelp Beds trainer; can rally+elim everything but bosses.
Keywords: 2-Fodder, Water, Glass Cannon

Golem Workshop

Workshop Workers
Stats: 105 STR / 60 QCK / 33 VIT / 52 DEF / 13 AGI
Info: This is the attacking dragon. Golem Workshop requires at least 2 dragons.
Keywords: Glass Cannon, Fire/Arcane/Earth/Nature
Stats: 122 INT / 60 QCK / 16 VIT / 24 AGI
Info: This is the battle cleric dragon. Golem Workshop requires at least 2 dragons.
Keywords: Mage, Healer, Wind
Healbot Guide
Stats: 125 STR / 59 QCK / 11 VIT
Info: This is the trainer dragon.
Keywords: Glass Cannon
Stats: 100 INT / 94 QCK / 15 VIT
Info: This is the healer dragon.
Keywords: Healer, Mage
Hayum's Workers
Info: Three dragons are required; please see linked guide post for information. Also works for Kelp Beds.
Caster Crasher
Stats: 120 INT / 57 QCK / 37 VIT / 10 AGI
Info: A mage build that can take two fodder with it into the Workshop; only good against bosses & casters.
Keywords: 2-fodder, Mage, No Eliminate

Rotating image of my OCs drawn as tiny porcelain kittens drinking porcelain milk
[center][font=century gothic][size=7][emoji=scroll 2 size=2] Helpful Tools [emoji=scroll 2 size=2][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Other Guides [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size][/center] • [url=](Updated!) Best Element per Venue Guide[/url] by @[b][/b]Amayai • [url=]Coliseum Loot and Monsters[/url] by @[i][/i]Maki (image-heavy) • [url=]Coliseum Drops (Text Only)[/url] by @[i][/i]Maki • [url=]Battle Stones Guide[/url] by @[i][/i]Maki • [url=]Coliseum Monster Experience[/url] by @[i][/i]Sylvandyr • [url=]Elemental Charts[/url] by @[i][/i]SpookyClockwork • [url=]Exalting Payout Chart[/url] by @[b][/b]isozyme • [url=]Exalting Information[/url] by @[b][/b]Cynictis • [url=]Coli Skills List/Monster Info[/url] by @[b][/b]Sylvandyr • [url=]Text-Only Elemental Weakness/Advantages[/url] by @[b][/b]Clawtooth [i](old but still useful)[/i] • [url=]A Newbie's Basic Intro to the Coli[/url] by @[b][/b]EeveeDream [center][size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Calculators [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size] [/center] • [url=]Skills/Stats Calculator[/url] by @[i][/i]Sylvandyr • [url=]Dragon Stat Calculator[/url] by @[i][/i]Sylvandyr • [url=]Dragon Damage Calculator[/url] by @[i][/i]Culex • [url=]Team Element Creator[/url] by @[i][/i]??? -----
Helpful Tools

Other Guides
(Updated!) Best Element per Venue Guide by @Amayai
Coliseum Loot and Monsters by @Maki (image-heavy)
Coliseum Drops (Text Only) by @Maki
Battle Stones Guide by @Maki
Coliseum Monster Experience by @Sylvandyr
Elemental Charts by @SpookyClockwork
Exalting Payout Chart by @isozyme
Exalting Information by @Cynictis
Coli Skills List/Monster Info by @Sylvandyr
Text-Only Elemental Weakness/Advantages by @Clawtooth (old but still useful)
A Newbie's Basic Intro to the Coli by @EeveeDream

Skills/Stats Calculator by @Sylvandyr
Dragon Stat Calculator by @Sylvandyr
Dragon Damage Calculator by @Culex
Team Element Creator by @???

Rotating image of my OCs drawn as tiny porcelain kittens drinking porcelain milk
[center][font=century gothic][size=7][emoji=scroll 2 size=2] Conclusion [emoji=scroll 2 size=2][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Thanks [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size][/center] Shoutout to @[b][/b]Zonemod for helping compile the original iterations! And a big thank-you to everyone who's been hard at work unravelling the Coli so compilations like this can exist. c: [center][size=5][b][emoji=eliminate size=1] Changelog [emoji=eliminate size=1][/b][/size][/center] [indent][b]02/21/20[/b] - Wow I'm actually like back and updating this again, wow [b]06/16/18[/b] - Some new builds have been added! [b]03/12/18[/b] - Updated with some other builds and a few links to other tools. Happy coli revamp day! [b]12/25/17[/b] - Added a few more guides, corrected some mistakes. [b]11/03/17[/b] - Guide is open! I tried to compile as many guides as I could find that still seemed relevant, but feel free to link me to more![/indent]


Shoutout to @Zonemod for helping compile the original iterations!
And a big thank-you to everyone who's been hard at work unravelling the Coli so compilations like this can exist. c:

02/21/20 - Wow I'm actually like back and updating this again, wow

06/16/18 - Some new builds have been added!

03/12/18 - Updated with some other builds and a few links to other tools. Happy coli revamp day!

12/25/17 - Added a few more guides, corrected some mistakes.

11/03/17 - Guide is open! I tried to compile as many guides as I could find that still seemed relevant, but feel free to link me to more!
Rotating image of my OCs drawn as tiny porcelain kittens drinking porcelain milk
And we're done!
And we're done!
Rotating image of my OCs drawn as tiny porcelain kittens drinking porcelain milk

Great guide; thanks for making it! Are you including slight stat variants to the various coli builds?

I use 126 STR / 58 QCK / 11 VIT for training in Kelp Beds (rather than 59 QCK / 6 VIT) for slightly more durability. Basically what's recommended in Kiena's guide. Her multipurpose glass cannon farms + can do Kelp Beds training.

I use 117 STR / 72 QCK / 20 VIT for my Mire Flyer. It's the variant recommended by Kiena (again ^^"). I haven't heard of a 115 STR variant before? I'm fairly sure you need at least 117 STR to KO everything in the Mire with 4 Scratches. Maybe you're mistaking it with the 119 STR variant? Some people prefer 119 STR on their Mire Flyers to be able to one-shot Rally+Eliminate everything.

Great guide; thanks for making it! Are you including slight stat variants to the various coli builds?

I use 126 STR / 58 QCK / 11 VIT for training in Kelp Beds (rather than 59 QCK / 6 VIT) for slightly more durability. Basically what's recommended in Kiena's guide. Her multipurpose glass cannon farms + can do Kelp Beds training.

I use 117 STR / 72 QCK / 20 VIT for my Mire Flyer. It's the variant recommended by Kiena (again ^^"). I haven't heard of a 115 STR variant before? I'm fairly sure you need at least 117 STR to KO everything in the Mire with 4 Scratches. Maybe you're mistaking it with the 119 STR variant? Some people prefer 119 STR on their Mire Flyers to be able to one-shot Rally+Eliminate everything.

We considered adding variants if they're popular enough, but adding every single variant might make the thread stupidly long, y'know?

And... yeah, 119 sounds a lot more correct OTL. We got mixed up a few times and that's probably what happened. Do you know the other base stats for that build (vit/qck)? We can replace the 115 info real fast.

EDIT: We checked it out and... oops, 115 is OUR Mire Flyer's stats! We double-checked Sylv's tool and he can scratch x4 every enemy except Brilliant Psywurms and Mossy Cerdae, which actually sounds about right from what we remember using. He was statted before the Mire rework, which we think is what brought around the 117/119 builds.

We considered adding variants if they're popular enough, but adding every single variant might make the thread stupidly long, y'know?

And... yeah, 119 sounds a lot more correct OTL. We got mixed up a few times and that's probably what happened. Do you know the other base stats for that build (vit/qck)? We can replace the 115 info real fast.

EDIT: We checked it out and... oops, 115 is OUR Mire Flyer's stats! We double-checked Sylv's tool and he can scratch x4 every enemy except Brilliant Psywurms and Mossy Cerdae, which actually sounds about right from what we remember using. He was statted before the Mire rework, which we think is what brought around the 117/119 builds.
Rotating image of my OCs drawn as tiny porcelain kittens drinking porcelain milk

It's 70 QCK / 16 VIT for the 119 STR Mire Flyer variant. I get where the 115 STR variant came from now, thanks. I forgot about the Mire rework ^^"

It's 70 QCK / 16 VIT for the 119 STR Mire Flyer variant. I get where the 115 STR variant came from now, thanks. I forgot about the Mire rework ^^"

NP at all! We will edit in that 119 variant!

NP at all! We will edit in that 119 variant!
Rotating image of my OCs drawn as tiny porcelain kittens drinking porcelain milk
Oh my gosh, instant sub! I spent so long searching the forums for the guide posts last night :')
Oh my gosh, instant sub! I spent so long searching the forums for the guide posts last night :')

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