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TOPIC | Killers in the Clan (waitlist open!)
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[center][img][/img] [b][color=darkred]Camelia she/her Interacting with: Corpse Crew(But specifically Pitch(@Ozeatetsor), Xari(@Storia) and Keiran(@pandakitty1))[/color][/b][/center] "Can't afford to fight? Is that how you're going to phrase it?" Camelia glared at Xari. Volcano was not paying attention so he was surprised at the wildclaw's sudden shouting. "For all we know, he could be the killer! He's strong enough to push the boulder, after all. So," she turned her head towards the guardian, "Where were you at the time of the murder?" Then Camelia stared at the coatl. He may or may not be the murderer but his response struck Camelia as defensive, almost like he was hiding something. "I was just asking questions. After all, the killer could be any one of us, except that doll." She used her wing to point to the sentient doll nearby. "But I don't think a little help could hurt. So, who do you think it could be if it wasn't you?"
Interacting with: Corpse Crew(But specifically Pitch(@Ozeatetsor), Xari(@Storia) and Keiran(@pandakitty1))
"Can't afford to fight? Is that how you're going to phrase it?" Camelia glared at Xari. Volcano was not paying attention so he was surprised at the wildclaw's sudden shouting. "For all we know, he could be the killer! He's strong enough to push the boulder, after all. So," she turned her head towards the guardian, "Where were you at the time of the murder?"

Then Camelia stared at the coatl. He may or may not be the murderer but his response struck Camelia as defensive, almost like he was hiding something. "I was just asking questions. After all, the killer could be any one of us, except that doll." She used her wing to point to the sentient doll nearby. "But I don't think a little help could hurt. So, who do you think it could be if it wasn't you?"
[center][img][/img] [b]Sabre[/b] / [b]Foo[/b] He/him / She/it [i]Interacting: [u] Burying the body, Camelia (@Slairsk) and defending Xari (@Storia)[/u][/i][/center] Sabre and Foo assisted in buying the body, then Foo followed Selkirk. It was obvious that he needed to be alone for right now, so she curled up in the shade of the rock, calm calculating clarity instilled in her for her job battling with the pain of a creature watching their kitten go through such pain. Sabre stayed back to offer emotional support to Xari, in the form of standing between her and Camelia and growling violently at Camelia. He might just attack her if she continues speaking to Xari this way. Xari, who was trying to keep calm in a situation that was clearly causing her intense emotional turmoil. Xari, the only other creature here whom he and Foo trust with Selkirk's life. Sabre would not let her treat Xari this way. [center][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Selkirk[/b] / [b]Jonathan [/b] He/him / He/Him [i]Interacting: [u] Xari (@Storia), Magenta (@WyvernTales), dead body / Staying in the room[/u][/i] [/center] [i]Spoiler for slight after-effects of throwing up.[/i] [spoiler] After spitting out any residual bile and wiping his mouth,[/spoiler] Selkirk stood and turned to Xari on extremely shaky legs. He could hardly stand straight but did his best to hold his head high, all four strange bluish eyes looking haunted yet strangely absent. "N-no... I'm ok-kay, Xari, I need to help... Help..." He couldn't bring himself to say the word 'bury' or look directly at Summer's corpse. "He was grouchily nice, even when I was annoying, heh.." He chuckled slightly and started hiccupping, a tear or two sliding down his face without his notice. Maybe it was sudden strength that flowed into him, maybe it was the onset of shock, but Selkirk's shaking lessened and he was able to help Xari and the others dig the grave for Summer. He felt like his entire body was just a hollow shell, the emptiness inside trying to escape through his chest. After the grave was dug, Selkirk walked away from the group, walking and walking until he ended up in what seemed to be a peaceful flower patch with a lovely sunning rock in the middle of it. Mindlessly he climbed to it's smooth, flat surface and pulled out his diary slash communication tool with his dad's and began to write. [Indent][I] Dear Dads, Remember the attempted murder I told you about last night? And how Momdad said it could have been an accident and how Father told me to watch out for light dragons? Well, today there was a real murder, and there aren't any light dragons in the clan. It was Mr. Summer, the grumpy plant dragon who was nice to me, he was my friend. We buried him. I feel... Broken inside? I don't know if my chest is still in one piece. I wanna go home, but I can't leave my friends here with a murderer around... I miss you... I can't believe I thought his would be fun, like in momdad's mystery books. If I die, I love both of you so so so so so so so SO MUCH and I'm sorry for lying about the broken pot and I want all of my stuff to go to Jonathan (except for my toys, those go to Foo because she takes good care of them) and I'll miss your hugs and stories and food and cuddles. Please respond.. I really need your advice... - Selkirk (Jonathan is still in bed) [/I][/Indent] Now crying so hard that his tears wrinkled the page and hiccups kept him from catching his breath, he closed the book and slit it into it's pouch connected to his spear strap before curling into a ball. At least it was a beautiful, warm, sunny day out. ---- Selkirk and Sabre vote [b]Camelia.[/b]
Sabre / Foo
He/him / She/it
Interacting: Burying the body, Camelia (@Slairsk) and defending Xari (@Storia)

Sabre and Foo assisted in buying the body, then Foo followed Selkirk. It was obvious that he needed to be alone for right now, so she curled up in the shade of the rock, calm calculating clarity instilled in her for her job battling with the pain of a creature watching their kitten go through such pain.

Sabre stayed back to offer emotional support to Xari, in the form of standing between her and Camelia and growling violently at Camelia. He might just attack her if she continues speaking to Xari this way. Xari, who was trying to keep calm in a situation that was clearly causing her intense emotional turmoil. Xari, the only other creature here whom he and Foo trust with Selkirk's life. Sabre would not let her treat Xari this way.

Selkirk / Jonathan
He/him / He/Him
Interacting: Xari (@Storia), Magenta (@WyvernTales), dead body / Staying in the room

Spoiler for slight after-effects of throwing up.
After spitting out any residual bile and wiping his mouth, Selkirk stood and turned to Xari on extremely shaky legs. He could hardly stand straight but did his best to hold his head high, all four strange bluish eyes looking haunted yet strangely absent.

"N-no... I'm ok-kay, Xari, I need to help... Help..." He couldn't bring himself to say the word 'bury' or look directly at Summer's corpse. "He was grouchily nice, even when I was annoying, heh.." He chuckled slightly and started hiccupping, a tear or two sliding down his face without his notice. Maybe it was sudden strength that flowed into him, maybe it was the onset of shock, but Selkirk's shaking lessened and he was able to help Xari and the others dig the grave for Summer. He felt like his entire body was just a hollow shell, the emptiness inside trying to escape through his chest.

After the grave was dug, Selkirk walked away from the group, walking and walking until he ended up in what seemed to be a peaceful flower patch with a lovely sunning rock in the middle of it. Mindlessly he climbed to it's smooth, flat surface and pulled out his diary slash communication tool with his dad's and began to write.

Dear Dads,

Remember the attempted murder I told you about last night? And how Momdad said it could have been an accident and how Father told me to watch out for light dragons?

Well, today there was a real murder, and there aren't any light dragons in the clan. It was Mr. Summer, the grumpy plant dragon who was nice to me, he was my friend. We buried him. I feel... Broken inside? I don't know if my chest is still in one piece. I wanna go home, but I can't leave my friends here with a murderer around... I miss you... I can't believe I thought his would be fun, like in momdad's mystery books.

If I die, I love both of you so so so so so so so SO MUCH and I'm sorry for lying about the broken pot and I want all of my stuff to go to Jonathan (except for my toys, those go to Foo because she takes good care of them) and I'll miss your hugs and stories and food and cuddles.

Please respond.. I really need your advice...
- Selkirk (Jonathan is still in bed)

Now crying so hard that his tears wrinkled the page and hiccups kept him from catching his breath, he closed the book and slit it into it's pouch connected to his spear strap before curling into a ball.

At least it was a beautiful, warm, sunny day out.

Selkirk and Sabre vote Camelia.
DD-left-20240209193054.pngAbout-me-Lmid-20240209193045.pngWishlist-Rmid-20240209193036.pngSornieth Sagas
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Aeon - He/Him[/b] Interacting with: No one in particular, but he's in the area with most other dragons[/center] ----- Aeon had slunk over to the scene, having being alerted of the commotion and the death by Eien. The little burrower was huddled in his claws again, held close to his chest, with the rest of his wings tucked towards his body. He'd carefully avoided the conflict that was undoubtedly brewing in the corner, unwilling to get himself caught up in another petty exchange, and instead scanned the gathered dragons. [i]He[/i] was definitely not the killer, because all he'd done was sleep both nights, unless he somehow sleepwalked his way around and somehow manifested murderous intent. Eien would have called their burrower friends to throw pebbles at his head till he woke up, anyway. Hm... ----- [center]Aeon votes for [b]Camelia[/b].[/center]
Aeon - He/Him
Interacting with: No one in particular, but he's in the area with most other dragons

Aeon had slunk over to the scene, having being alerted of the commotion and the death by Eien. The little burrower was huddled in his claws again, held close to his chest, with the rest of his wings tucked towards his body. He'd carefully avoided the conflict that was undoubtedly brewing in the corner, unwilling to get himself caught up in another petty exchange, and instead scanned the gathered dragons.

He was definitely not the killer, because all he'd done was sleep both nights, unless he somehow sleepwalked his way around and somehow manifested murderous intent. Eien would have called their burrower friends to throw pebbles at his head till he woke up, anyway. Hm...
Aeon votes for Camelia.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=book antiqua][size=5] [b][color=#cd327d]X[/color][color=#d93769]a[/color][color=#e63b54]r[/color][color=#f24040]i[/color][/b] [emoji=brown gem size=1] [b][color=#cd327d]s[/color][color=#d33473]h[/color][color=#d93769]e[/color][color=#e0395f]/[/color][color=#e63b54]h[/color][color=#ec3e4a]e[/color][color=#f24040]r[/color][/b][/size] [size=4]interacting with: [b]Diadem[/b] (@AmethystGrove), [b]Beanbag[/b] (@KungFuCutBug), [b]Selkirk (more so his cats)[/b] (@AutumnFall123), [b]Camellia[/b] (@Slairisk), everyone else in the garden party[/center] ----- [font=book antiqua][size=4][color=blue]"NO MORE VIOLENCE!"[/color] Polly flew in front of the Wildclaw with a loud squawk, right beside one of Selkirk's large felines that was also starting to growl at the rather aggressive guest. Xari bit back any petty remarks she had brewing up in her head - her time with Hazel had shown that customers could be rude, but she had never personally had to deal with them - that was her wife's specialty. Regardless, she couldn't afford to have beef over little things. "You're right, he could. And so could you. So could anyone, really." She sighed before steeling her gaze into a cold, stern one. "I appreciate the effort, I know you're trying to help. We all want to catch this killer. Just tone it down with the accusations before the interrogations are finished." Xari turned and continued focusing on the task at hand - with her size and a few other dab talons working alongside her, Summer was laid to rest in a timely manner. A profound sadness crept onto her face as she laid her eyes on the spot where her friend now rested, gently placing a flower on his grave. It brought her a tiny bit of comfort to know that he probably appreciated this gesture. "We'll avenge you," she whispered to the deceased Guardian, before she stood up high once more, facing her guests gathered in the garden with determination. "Thank you, Beanbag, and everyone else who helped me lay him to rest." She gave the Spiral who did a lot of the digging beside her a nod. "We cannot afford to slow down - if anyone has seen, heard or even just felt anything suspicious, [i]please speak up[/i]. We need all the evidence we can get." Xari noticed that Selkirk was no longer around, presumably wanting some time to himself, but Magenta was still there, radiating her own signature warmth. It gave her the courage to continue on. "We can start with alibis - everyone here, tell me where were you last night and what were you doing?" She hated to pry into what her guests did, but a dire situation called for desperate measures. She could only hope this time, they would succeed. ----- [center][font=book antiqua][size=5]Xari votes for [b]Pitch[/b]

Xari she/her
interacting with: Diadem (@AmethystGrove), Beanbag (@KungFuCutBug), Selkirk (more so his cats) (@AutumnFall123), Camellia (@Slairisk), everyone else in the garden party


Polly flew in front of the Wildclaw with a loud squawk, right beside one of Selkirk's large felines that was also starting to growl at the rather aggressive guest. Xari bit back any petty remarks she had brewing up in her head - her time with Hazel had shown that customers could be rude, but she had never personally had to deal with them - that was her wife's specialty. Regardless, she couldn't afford to have beef over little things.

"You're right, he could. And so could you. So could anyone, really." She sighed before steeling her gaze into a cold, stern one. "I appreciate the effort, I know you're trying to help. We all want to catch this killer. Just tone it down with the accusations before the interrogations are finished."

Xari turned and continued focusing on the task at hand - with her size and a few other dab talons working alongside her, Summer was laid to rest in a timely manner. A profound sadness crept onto her face as she laid her eyes on the spot where her friend now rested, gently placing a flower on his grave. It brought her a tiny bit of comfort to know that he probably appreciated this gesture.

"We'll avenge you," she whispered to the deceased Guardian, before she stood up high once more, facing her guests gathered in the garden with determination.

"Thank you, Beanbag, and everyone else who helped me lay him to rest." She gave the Spiral who did a lot of the digging beside her a nod. "We cannot afford to slow down - if anyone has seen, heard or even just felt anything suspicious, please speak up. We need all the evidence we can get."

Xari noticed that Selkirk was no longer around, presumably wanting some time to himself, but Magenta was still there, radiating her own signature warmth. It gave her the courage to continue on. "We can start with alibis - everyone here, tell me where were you last night and what were you doing?" She hated to pry into what her guests did, but a dire situation called for desperate measures. She could only hope this time, they would succeed.

Xari votes for Pitch
my name is essence, your local gay unicorn!
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b][color=magenta][size=4]Magenta[/size][/color][/b][/center] [center][b]Interacting with:[/b] Xari (@Storia), the rest of the corpse party[/center] ------------------------- Magenta blinked for a moment. She'd zoned out after Xari had hugged her, completely missing everything that happened afterwards- It was strange, feeling warmth that wasn't her own. She couldn't remember the last time someone willingly touched her. Most dragons just assumed she'd be burning hot to the touch, or delicate and susceptible to cracks and scratches. It was.. such an odd sensation. Odd, but in a good way. "Hm?" She hummed, the fog slowly clearing from her mind. "Alibis? Mm... I believe the last night... mmm, I did a full perimeter of the sanctuary an hour or so after everyone went to bed... then I started feeling, mmm, sluggish, so I ate some more dried plants and went to sleep. I suppose... hmmm, the killer acted shortly before sunrise..." Magenta looked over the body... what was that guardian's name? He was an old soul, loved his garden, but for the life of her, she could not recall. Probably because she never talked to him. "Mmm... my alibi is not very strong, I suppose. I haven't been a very good patrol here... mmm, I think because I was not made to patrol outside my home clan. This is new territory for me... and for that, hm, I apologize." -------------------------------- [center]Magenta votes for [b]Pitch[/b][/center]
Interacting with: Xari (@Storia), the rest of the corpse party

Magenta blinked for a moment. She'd zoned out after Xari had hugged her, completely missing everything that happened afterwards- It was strange, feeling warmth that wasn't her own. She couldn't remember the last time someone willingly touched her. Most dragons just assumed she'd be burning hot to the touch, or delicate and susceptible to cracks and scratches. It was.. such an odd sensation. Odd, but in a good way.

"Hm?" She hummed, the fog slowly clearing from her mind. "Alibis? Mm... I believe the last night... mmm, I did a full perimeter of the sanctuary an hour or so after everyone went to bed... then I started feeling, mmm, sluggish, so I ate some more dried plants and went to sleep. I suppose... hmmm, the killer acted shortly before sunrise..."

Magenta looked over the body... what was that guardian's name? He was an old soul, loved his garden, but for the life of her, she could not recall. Probably because she never talked to him.

"Mmm... my alibi is not very strong, I suppose. I haven't been a very good patrol here... mmm, I think because I was not made to patrol outside my home clan. This is new territory for me... and for that, hm, I apologize."

Magenta votes for Pitch
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=FF321B][size=4][b]Keiran[/b][/size][/color] [color=770C00][size=2]He/They[/size][/color] Interacting with: The Corpse Crew -----[/center] Keiran flicked his tail in frustration. "I was asleep", he said simply to the dragon whose attention was clearly split between several dragons. The way she spun between dragons, arguing and throwing out accusations made his head hurt. He turned away from her and watched solemnly as Xari (he finally had learned her name) and a few others buried the body of the gardener. He watched as they scooped dirt over his bright blue scales, still shining in the sun before the soil dimmed them. He watched as the gardener disappeared beneath the earth and, when they were finished, all that was left was a shallow divot in the ground. The garden, all except for the torn-up plant, was lively and fresh, not knowing that their caretaker now lay under their soil. Could the plants know of a caretaker? Could plants mourn? Keiran sniffled and realized that he had been crying, silent tears streaming down his snout. And while thinking of mourning vegetables of all things. He surreptitiously wiped his tears away with his scarf. He swallowed, his voice wavering. [i]You weak fool. It's dangerous.[/i] "Did he have a family... someone to contact?" He asked this to no one in particular as a new stream burst from his eyes. So much for practicing stoicism... Keiran votes for [b]Camelia[/b]


Interacting with: The Corpse Crew

Keiran flicked his tail in frustration.

"I was asleep", he said simply to the dragon whose attention was clearly split between several dragons. The way she spun between dragons, arguing and throwing out accusations made his head hurt.

He turned away from her and watched solemnly as Xari (he finally had learned her name) and a few others buried the body of the gardener. He watched as they scooped dirt over his bright blue scales, still shining in the sun before the soil dimmed them. He watched as the gardener disappeared beneath the earth and, when they were finished, all that was left was a shallow divot in the ground.

The garden, all except for the torn-up plant, was lively and fresh, not knowing that their caretaker now lay under their soil. Could the plants know of a caretaker? Could plants mourn?

Keiran sniffled and realized that he had been crying, silent tears streaming down his snout. And while thinking of mourning vegetables of all things. He surreptitiously wiped his tears away with his scarf.

He swallowed, his voice wavering. You weak fool. It's dangerous. "Did he have a family... someone to contact?"

He asked this to no one in particular as a new stream burst from his eyes. So much for practicing stoicism...

Keiran votes for Camelia
LGBT+  Progress Queer

Nonbinary They/She
xx4VlncxY.png xx uPOLOvt.png
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][color=red][font=courier new] Alison[/color][/size] [color=red][font=courier new]she/her interacting with: Corpse crew (mainly Beanbag @KungFuCutBug and Xari @Storia) ------- Alison didn't care about the plants, but tried not to step on them as not to upset her friend. She saw two dragons fighting like children, she didn't know to think this stupid or suspicious, but either way she knew a creature like her would not let pointless emotions get the better of her. "Glad we're given' him a proper burial." Alison said to both Beanbag and the leader. "hope we can sort this thing out sooner then later." ------- [b]Alison votes for Camelia[/b]



interacting with: Corpse crew (mainly Beanbag @KungFuCutBug and Xari @Storia)

Alison didn't care about the plants, but tried not to step on them as not to upset her friend. She saw two dragons fighting like children, she didn't know to think this stupid or suspicious, but either way she knew a creature like her would not let pointless emotions get the better of her.

"Glad we're given' him a proper burial." Alison said to both Beanbag and the leader. "hope we can sort this thing out sooner then later."

Alison votes for Camelia
>friendly/open to chat! I love pings and messages
>About me
[center][img][/img] [b][color=darkred]Camelia she/her Interacting with: Corpse Crew(But specifically Pitch(@Ozeatetsor), Xari(@Storia) and Keiran(@pandakitty1))[/color][/b][/center] Camelia watched the other dragons bury the corpse. Shame she wanted to investigate it further. Then she heard the blue imperial dragon. "No violence? There wasn't any ma'am." Camelia calmed down enough that she was able to try to make herself look more rational. "And I think you're mistaken." Her wing pointed to the butler-looking dragon. While some things pointed to him being the killer, her gut told otherwise. Camelia's head slowly turned towards the guardian. "Not anything else?" Camelia said. Her head angled back to the coatl, "I believe that you seem innocent. If you value this place, I'd suggest voting together." ------- [b]Camelia votes Keiran[/b]
Interacting with: Corpse Crew(But specifically Pitch(@Ozeatetsor), Xari(@Storia) and Keiran(@pandakitty1))
Camelia watched the other dragons bury the corpse. Shame she wanted to investigate it further. Then she heard the blue imperial dragon. "No violence? There wasn't any ma'am." Camelia calmed down enough that she was able to try to make herself look more rational. "And I think you're mistaken." Her wing pointed to the butler-looking dragon. While some things pointed to him being the killer, her gut told otherwise.

Camelia's head slowly turned towards the guardian. "Not anything else?" Camelia said. Her head angled back to the coatl, "I believe that you seem innocent. If you value this place, I'd suggest voting together."
Camelia votes Keiran
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [font=century][color=#eb7997][size=5]MELO [emoji=scroll 2 size=1] He/Him[/size][/color] [font=century][color=#62963f][size=4]Interacting With: The Corpse Crew[/size][/color][/center] ----- [font=century][size=3]With a gentle green glow, thanks to Melo's magic, a small shoot emerged from the soil and quickly grew into a flowering plant. He plucked it and laid it on the Guardian's grave so it could join the one that the other Imperial had placed. He didn't know the Guardian, but such loss of life was truly tragic- Oh. She was asking for alibis. Okay. That, he could do. He had been asleep in his room, in the inn, the whole time, anyway. As he was about to vocalise this, the orange Wildclaw looked like she was about to start yet another verbal fight again and the black Guardian had burst into tears (?!). Wow. Um. Now that he had had some closure with the Guardian's death, he idly wondered whether the killer would [i]actually[/i] admit that they had killed the Guardian (it would make everyone else's life easier, for sure, but the answer was most likely no unless the killer was the narcissistic type). [i]Something[/i] about the orange Wildclaw pinged him as off, though. Maybe it was just because he didn't like those who started picking fights with everyone in the vicinity, but... he trusted his gut. For now. ----- Melo votes for [b]Camelia[/b]
Interacting With: The Corpse Crew

With a gentle green glow, thanks to Melo's magic, a small shoot emerged from the soil and quickly grew into a flowering plant. He plucked it and laid it on the Guardian's grave so it could join the one that the other Imperial had placed. He didn't know the Guardian, but such loss of life was truly tragic-

Oh. She was asking for alibis. Okay. That, he could do. He had been asleep in his room, in the inn, the whole time, anyway. As he was about to vocalise this, the orange Wildclaw looked like she was about to start yet another verbal fight again and the black Guardian had burst into tears (?!). Wow. Um.

Now that he had had some closure with the Guardian's death, he idly wondered whether the killer would actually admit that they had killed the Guardian (it would make everyone else's life easier, for sure, but the answer was most likely no unless the killer was the narcissistic type).

Something about the orange Wildclaw pinged him as off, though. Maybe it was just because he didn't like those who started picking fights with everyone in the vicinity, but... he trusted his gut. For now.

Melo votes for Camelia
mire hates me:(
FR +15, +16 during DST
Gray Aroace
English 1st Language
Mandarin Chinese 2nd Language
French 3rd Language
AR60, 100% all released regions
It's... quite a disproportionate number
zia my beloved
I spent 2.4mil t on her, I think she counts
it hasn't been updated in a while but STILL
sweet holds the clan directory
kobi holds the lore directory
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#324BA9][size=4][b]Y U L A[/b][/size][/color] [color=#324BA9][size=2][i]He / Him / She / Her[/i][/color] [color=#324BA9][b]Interacting with:[/b] No one[/color][/size][/center] [rule] Yula had spent the better part of the past two days just minding his own business. After some of his items had been damaged in the storm, he'd left the little clan he'd landed in to find a traveling merchant and stock up. She'd heard that there was one such traveler within the clan itself, but supposedly, someone had tried to murder him, so maybe he wasn't open for business. When she returned, Kar informed her that someone actually [i]had [/i]been killed. Careful not to interact with anybody, she quickly skirted by the scene to make sure that Diadem was still alive, but then she returned to her room. Whatever was going on really wasn't her business. [rule] Yula votes for [b]Pitch[/b]
He / Him / She / Her
Interacting with: No one

Yula had spent the better part of the past two days just minding his own business. After some of his items had been damaged in the storm, he'd left the little clan he'd landed in to find a traveling merchant and stock up. She'd heard that there was one such traveler within the clan itself, but supposedly, someone had tried to murder him, so maybe he wasn't open for business. When she returned, Kar informed her that someone actually had been killed. Careful not to interact with anybody, she quickly skirted by the scene to make sure that Diadem was still alive, but then she returned to her room. Whatever was going on really wasn't her business.

Yula votes for Pitch
Live today. Don’t wait for tomorrow.
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