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TOPIC | Poetry Lovers Mafia Game Thread
[center][img][/img] [size=6]Poetry Lovers Mafia Game[/size][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol] [b]Links[/b] [url=]Voting Thread[/url] [url=]Signup Thread[/url] [url=]Interflight Mafia Hub[/url] [/columns] This is the discussion thread for the Poetry Lovers Mafia Game! Please do not post here unless you signed up for the game as a player in the signup thread linked above. If you would like to be a substitute player or a spectator, just post in the signup thread! [size=5]Game Information[/size] Mods: dandelionfires and polybius0147 [u]Phase lengths:[/u] [b]24 hrs/24 hrs[/b] [b]The discussion thread is closed during night phases[/b] but private chats will remain open. Lovers chats and Mafia Chat all count as private chats. [u]Start of day/End of day time:[/u][b] 18:00 FR time[/b] [u]Action Submission Deadline:[/u] [b]16:00 FR time (two hours before SoD/EoD)[/b] [u]Activity Requirement:[/u] [b]At least 2 posts per day phase[/b] in the discussion thread This is a [b]non-RP[/b] game. Please refrain from roleplaying. This is a closed, role madness setup. Everyone will have a lover as well as some kind of power role. [b]Unless stated otherwise on your rolecard, players are not informed of the alignment of their lover. [/b] Claiming or hinting at your role and your poem is allowed, but be aware that there may be consequences for doing so. All roleflips, if successful, will be fully accurate and include the whole rolecard. [quote][size=4]Public Win Conditions[/size] [b]Town:[/b] Town wins when all threats to town are killed. [b]Mafia:[/b] Mafia wins when they reach parity, or when nothing can prevent this, and they must be the only anti-town faction remaining. There may exist third party alignment(s) that are aligned with neither the Town nor the Mafia and have their own non-public wincon(s). [/quote] The mafia factional kill is mandatory and is carried out by a single player each night. Because we have an odd number of players, one player has a mod (dandelionfires) as their lover. [b]The mod dandelionfires may be targeted with player abilities and may be voted.[/b] I do not have an alignment or wincon in the game. And finally... This is a semi-b*stard game. The mod will not directly lie to you, but it is possible that certain information may be withheld from you or that aspects of your role may be altered by other player’s abilities. Additionally, because of the nature of the setup, there is a lot of “swing” involved. An honest attempt at balance has been made, but balance is not guaranteed. [center][img][/img][/center]
Poetry Lovers Mafia Game
cxbFZBI.png Links
Voting Thread
Signup Thread
Interflight Mafia Hub

This is the discussion thread for the Poetry Lovers Mafia Game! Please do not post here unless you signed up for the game as a player in the signup thread linked above. If you would like to be a substitute player or a spectator, just post in the signup thread!

Game Information

Mods: dandelionfires and polybius0147

Phase lengths: 24 hrs/24 hrs
The discussion thread is closed during night phases but private chats will remain open. Lovers chats and Mafia Chat all count as private chats.

Start of day/End of day time: 18:00 FR time
Action Submission Deadline: 16:00 FR time (two hours before SoD/EoD)

Activity Requirement: At least 2 posts per day phase in the discussion thread

This is a non-RP game. Please refrain from roleplaying.

This is a closed, role madness setup. Everyone will have a lover as well as some kind of power role.

Unless stated otherwise on your rolecard, players are not informed of the alignment of their lover.

Claiming or hinting at your role and your poem is allowed, but be aware that there may be consequences for doing so.

All roleflips, if successful, will be fully accurate and include the whole rolecard.
Public Win Conditions

Town: Town wins when all threats to town are killed.

Mafia: Mafia wins when they reach parity, or when nothing can prevent this, and they must be the only anti-town faction remaining.

There may exist third party alignment(s) that are aligned with neither the Town nor the Mafia and have their own non-public wincon(s).

The mafia factional kill is mandatory and is carried out by a single player each night.

Because we have an odd number of players, one player has a mod (dandelionfires) as their lover.

The mod dandelionfires may be targeted with player abilities and may be voted. I do not have an alignment or wincon in the game.

And finally... This is a semi-b*stard game. The mod will not directly lie to you, but it is possible that certain information may be withheld from you or that aspects of your role may be altered by other player’s abilities. Additionally, because of the nature of the setup, there is a lot of “swing” involved. An honest attempt at balance has been made, but balance is not guaranteed.
[center][img][/img] [size=5]Rules[/size] [size=4][i]All players are responsible for knowing and following the rules![/i][/size][/center] 1. You must follow Flight Rising forum rules and code of conduct. 2.[b] Do not talk about this game outside of the game.[/b] This includes PMs with anyone in or outside of the game, the IMH discord, other ongoing games, or any other form of communication. Players may only communicate about the game in the official discussion thread or in private communication channels provided by the mod (mafia chat and lovers chats.) Spectators and dead players may only communicate about the game in the spectator Discord chat. 3a. [b] Do not copy & paste, screenshot, or otherwise record or share any private communication with the mod or your lover chats.[/b] This includes your rolecard. You may summarize or paraphrase. 3b. You may share screenshots of the main thread in your private lover chats, but you must crop out the rest of your screen so that only game-relevant content is shown. You [b]cannot [/b]ever share any screenshots of your chats on discord either on discord or in the game thread. 4. Only currently living players may post in the discussion thread/private chats. 5. [b]Do not edit or delete posts.[/b] You may ask for permission to do so in the case of accidental double posts or to fix pronouns etc. 6. Do not post in the discussion thread during lockdown or during night phases. 7. [b]The word “lynch” will not be allowed in this game.[/b] I will be using the term “eliminate” or “elim,” but feel free to use any alternative of your choice (lim, vote out, yeet, etc). 8. Votes must be posted in the official elimination thread to be counted. 9. [b]Players must post a minimum of 2 times during each day phase [/b]in the discussion thread. Please ask the mod if you need a temporary exception. 10.[b] I am requesting that players only sub out for non-game related reasons.[/b] (For example, health reasons, stress, changes in schedule, other life circumstances, etc. Game related reasons would be, for example, not liking your rolecard/alignment, feeling that you are playing poorly, etc.) This will work on the honor system. [b]Substitution requests must be made privately to the mod.[/b] Do not request a sub in the discussion thread. 11. Once a player has requested a sub, they will be considered to have left the game and they may not post in the discussion thread or in private chats. They will be welcome to participate in the spectator chat if they wish. 12. Please do not speculate in the thread about a player’s reason for subbing out. 13.[b]Night actions will be due two hours before start of day, to allow me to process everything.[/b] Actions submitted after this time will not be counted. 14. Mafia is a game of deception that involves making accusations against other players, and discussion can become heated at times. [b]Please remember to be respectful of your fellow players at all times[/b], and step back from the game when you need to. I will step in if needed. We are all here to have fun! 15. [b]The mod’s word is final.[/b] 16. Rule breaking may result in a private warning, replacement, or modkill depending on the severity of the incident/availability of subs. Attempting to find loopholes in the game, or the appearance of breaking the rules, will be treated the same as actually breaking the rules. 17.As always, [b]play to win[/b]. Gamethrowing is strictly against the rules. Please respect the time and effort that your fellow players are investing in the game! [center][img][/img][/center]
All players are responsible for knowing and following the rules!

1. You must follow Flight Rising forum rules and code of conduct.

2. Do not talk about this game outside of the game. This includes PMs with anyone in or outside of the game, the IMH discord, other ongoing games, or any other form of communication. Players may only communicate about the game in the official discussion thread or in private communication channels provided by the mod (mafia chat and lovers chats.) Spectators and dead players may only communicate about the game in the spectator Discord chat.

3a. Do not copy & paste, screenshot, or otherwise record or share any private communication with the mod or your lover chats. This includes your rolecard. You may summarize or paraphrase.

3b. You may share screenshots of the main thread in your private lover chats, but you must crop out the rest of your screen so that only game-relevant content is shown. You cannot ever share any screenshots of your chats on discord either on discord or in the game thread.

4. Only currently living players may post in the discussion thread/private chats.

5. Do not edit or delete posts. You may ask for permission to do so in the case of accidental double posts or to fix pronouns etc.

6. Do not post in the discussion thread during lockdown or during night phases.

7. The word “lynch” will not be allowed in this game. I will be using the term “eliminate” or “elim,” but feel free to use any alternative of your choice (lim, vote out, yeet, etc).

8. Votes must be posted in the official elimination thread to be counted.

9. Players must post a minimum of 2 times during each day phase in the discussion thread. Please ask the mod if you need a temporary exception.

10. I am requesting that players only sub out for non-game related reasons. (For example, health reasons, stress, changes in schedule, other life circumstances, etc. Game related reasons would be, for example, not liking your rolecard/alignment, feeling that you are playing poorly, etc.) This will work on the honor system. Substitution requests must be made privately to the mod. Do not request a sub in the discussion thread.

11. Once a player has requested a sub, they will be considered to have left the game and they may not post in the discussion thread or in private chats. They will be welcome to participate in the spectator chat if they wish.

12. Please do not speculate in the thread about a player’s reason for subbing out.

13.Night actions will be due two hours before start of day, to allow me to process everything. Actions submitted after this time will not be counted.

14. Mafia is a game of deception that involves making accusations against other players, and discussion can become heated at times. Please remember to be respectful of your fellow players at all times, and step back from the game when you need to. I will step in if needed. We are all here to have fun!

15. The mod’s word is final.

16. Rule breaking may result in a private warning, replacement, or modkill depending on the severity of the incident/availability of subs. Attempting to find loopholes in the game, or the appearance of breaking the rules, will be treated the same as actually breaking the rules.

17.As always, play to win. Gamethrowing is strictly against the rules. Please respect the time and effort that your fellow players are investing in the game!

  1. Ainsell - Died N1, Town
  2. ArtMajor
  3. Astaraela Lukeh - Died of lovesickness D2, Town
  4. autumnseas - Died of lovesickness D3, Town
  5. B00KW0RM - Died of lovesickness N2, Town
  6. CaptainTsundere - Died of lovesickness D1, Mafia
  7. ChaoticPotato - Died of lovesickness N1, Town
  8. EmbertheSkywing
  9. fearfax TheSilverScepter - Died N2, Third Party
  10. Hiii - Died N1, Town
  11. hotpants - Died N2, Mafia
  12. Leremis
  13. LostLuminary
  14. natsinabucket - Died of lovesickness N1, Town
  15. RaccoonusDoodus - Died of lovesickness N2, Third Party
  16. ShinyDecidueye - Eliminated D1, Town
  17. Slairisk
  18. softsylveon
  19. SpiderQueen8 - Eliminated D3, Town
  20. Starwindrider
  21. Storia
  22. StormDreamer - Eliminated d2, Mafia
  23. Tanglefire

  1. Cognitive
  2. Marketplace

  1. Luftschloss
  2. AwkwardTrash
  3. terrify
  4. willowlight

Day 1 Start
Day 1 Elimination
Day 2 Start
Day 2 Elimination
Day 3 Start
Day 3 Elimination
Game End: Mafia Win
Racon's Epic Readlist Wallpost

  1. Ainsell - Died N1, Town
  2. ArtMajor
  3. Astaraela Lukeh - Died of lovesickness D2, Town
  4. autumnseas - Died of lovesickness D3, Town
  5. B00KW0RM - Died of lovesickness N2, Town
  6. CaptainTsundere - Died of lovesickness D1, Mafia
  7. ChaoticPotato - Died of lovesickness N1, Town
  8. EmbertheSkywing
  9. fearfax TheSilverScepter - Died N2, Third Party
  10. Hiii - Died N1, Town
  11. hotpants - Died N2, Mafia
  12. Leremis
  13. LostLuminary
  14. natsinabucket - Died of lovesickness N1, Town
  15. RaccoonusDoodus - Died of lovesickness N2, Third Party
  16. ShinyDecidueye - Eliminated D1, Town
  17. Slairisk
  18. softsylveon
  19. SpiderQueen8 - Eliminated D3, Town
  20. Starwindrider
  21. Storia
  22. StormDreamer - Eliminated d2, Mafia
  23. Tanglefire

  1. Cognitive
  2. Marketplace

  1. Luftschloss
  2. AwkwardTrash
  3. terrify
  4. willowlight

Day 1 Start
Day 1 Elimination
Day 2 Start
Day 2 Elimination
Day 3 Start
Day 3 Elimination
Game End: Mafia Win
Racon's Epic Readlist Wallpost
[columns][item=forgotten poet's tools][nextcol][size=5]Image Credits[/size][/columns] [url=]Free Festival Familiar Adoptables and Signatures[/url] [url=]imginate’s F2U Bio Assets & Codes[/url]
Forgotten Poet's Tools Image Credits

Free Festival Familiar Adoptables and Signatures

imginate’s F2U Bio Assets & Codes
Day 1 will begin at 18:00 FR time on the 17th. Please do not post until you are pinged in the thread!
Day 1 will begin at 18:00 FR time on the 17th. Please do not post until you are pinged in the thread!
[center][img][/img] [size=5]Day 1 has begun![/size][/center] Your lover chats are now open. Day 1 will end at 18:00 FR time on Thursday, April 18th (that's tomorrow!) Any day actions are due two hours before EoD, at 16:00 FR time. Submit all actions in your private channel on discord. Please remember to post at least 2 times in the thread during day phases. Votes must be cast in the [url=]Voting Thread[/url] to be counted. @dandelionfires @Polybius0147 Players @Ainsell @ArtMajor @Astaraela @autumnseas @B00KW0RM @CaptainTsundere @ChaoticPotato @EmbertheSkywing @fearfax @Hiii @hotpants @Leremis @LostLuminary @natsinabucket @RaccoonusDoodus @ShinyDecidueye @Slairisk @softsylveon @SpiderQueen8 @Starwindrider @Storia @StormDreamer @Tanglefire Subs @Cognitive @Marketplace @TheSilverScepter Specs @Luftschloss @AwkwardTrash @terrify @willowlight
Day 1 has begun!

Your lover chats are now open.

Day 1 will end at 18:00 FR time on Thursday, April 18th (that's tomorrow!)

Any day actions are due two hours before EoD, at 16:00 FR time. Submit all actions in your private channel on discord.

Please remember to post at least 2 times in the thread during day phases.

Votes must be cast in the Voting Thread to be counted.

@dandelionfires @Polybius0147

@Ainsell @ArtMajor @Astaraela @autumnseas @B00KW0RM @CaptainTsundere @ChaoticPotato @EmbertheSkywing @fearfax @Hiii @hotpants @Leremis @LostLuminary @natsinabucket @RaccoonusDoodus @ShinyDecidueye @Slairisk @softsylveon @SpiderQueen8 @Starwindrider @Storia @StormDreamer @Tanglefire

@Cognitive @Marketplace @TheSilverScepter

@Luftschloss @AwkwardTrash @terrify @willowlight
AHAHAHAHAHA im not paired with dandelion mod elim mod elim mod elim
AHAHAHAHAHA im not paired with dandelion mod elim mod elim mod elim
Lets gooooo!!!

Hi hello everyone I'm Art She/Her, and im big vibin to be playin this game :D :D :D

I'm kinda chronically in class or at work, but like rollover is at a GREAT time for me this time around so I should be able to be on a lot at sod/eod with varying mid times
Lets gooooo!!!

Hi hello everyone I'm Art She/Her, and im big vibin to be playin this game :D :D :D

I'm kinda chronically in class or at work, but like rollover is at a GREAT time for me this time around so I should be able to be on a lot at sod/eod with varying mid times
artmajor - she/her
comms open!
0WcOw2E.pngLApYAIi.gif p8qgXPn.gif
Popping in real quick. Qonr be active for a couple of hours. I have church tonight :3
Popping in real quick. Qonr be active for a couple of hours. I have church tonight :3
[quote name="StormDreamer" date="2024-04-17 18:01:28" ] AHAHAHAHAHA im not paired with dandelion mod elim mod elim mod elim [/quote] i can very much get behind this yes lets yeeteth (love u dande)
StormDreamer wrote on 2024-04-17 18:01:28:
AHAHAHAHAHA im not paired with dandelion mod elim mod elim mod elim

i can very much get behind this yes lets yeeteth (love u dande)
artmajor - she/her
comms open!
0WcOw2E.pngLApYAIi.gif p8qgXPn.gif