
Creative Corner

Share your own art and stories, or ask for critique.
TOPIC | Free Tiny Identity Buttons
[center][size=4][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [size=4][url=]Gender[/url] | [url=]Pronouns[/url] | [url=]Orientations[/url] | [url=]Other Identities[/url] [url=]Fandoms/Aesthetics[/url] | [url=]FR Specific[/url] | [url=]Link Buttons[/url] ----- [columns][size=4]The old post surpassed the character limit, so here's a new thread to break up the masterlist! The original thread can still be found [url=]here[/url]. I made these for my dragon bios, but feel free to use them any way you want, on or off site! Credit is nice but not required. They're always free to use and request, but since I've been asked, I do have a [url=]ko-fi[/url] and am open to treasure/gem tips. If someone other than me fills a request for you, please consider tipping them! ♥ [nextcol][size=4][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [nextcol][center][size=4][b]Buttons Database[/b][/size] [url=][size=4]Gender[/size][/url] [url=][size=4]Pronouns[/size][/url] [url=][size=4]Orientations[/size][/url] [size=4][b]Button Spreadsheets[/b][/size] [url=][size=4]FR Specific & Links[/size][/url] [url=][size=4]Subspecies/Lineage[/size][/url] [url=][size=4]Fandoms/Aesthetics/Hobbies[/size][/url] [url=][size=4]Everything else[/size][/url] [/columns] ----- [size=4][url=]Unfilled Requests Doc + Button Maker Pinglist[/url][/size] [b]Please CTRL+F in the spreadsheets before adding a request[/b] to check if it's already been done! If it doesn't already exist, make a post or add it to the list linked above. Include your username to be pinged when it's done. There's also a pinglist at the top of the doc for people who can be pinged in request posts! Add/remove yourself at any time. [columns][center][pinglist=4936][/center] [nextcol][size=4][color=transparent]__[/color][/size] [nextcol][size=4]Want to keep up with what's new, but don't want to be pinged every time someone makes a post? This list will ping with any new buttons every 2 weeks or less to avoid being overwhelming.[/size][/center][/columns] ----- [center][size=4][b]Making Your Own[/b][/size] Edits are encouraged, if you make any you want to share please post them or send them to me privately so I can add them to the masterlist. [size=4][url=]In-Browser Button Editor[/url][/size] [columns][size=4][color=transparent]_____[/color][/size] [nextcol][center][size=4][b]Downloadable Resources:[/b] [url=][size=4]PSD File Download[/size][/url] [url=][size=4]PNG Bases[/size][/url] [url=][size=4]Pixel Font Download[/size][/url] [url=][size=4]Font PNG Sample[/size][/url] [nextcol][size=4][color=transparent]__[/color][/size] [nextcol][center][size=4][b]Font Instructions:[/b] Install the .tff file on your computer Select the font in your art program Set size so all pixels are solid (usually 8px) Use all caps for the standard lettering Lowercase letters are the condensed form[/columns] ----- [center][size=4][b]Credit[/b][/size] If you would like to link back to this post, feel free to use this! [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] This would not have been possible without the contributions from so many of you! Special thanks to the following users who have done an exceptional amount of work for this thread: [center][url=]chorderaos[/url] | [url=]naughtnilus[/url] | [url=]woodlands[/url] | [url=]LovecoreBats[/url] [url=]ElectricBorealis[/url] | [url=]Oakhearted[/url] | [url=]pocketbrows[/url] | [url=]crytype[/url] | [url=]DreaminqHeart[/url] [url=]Notabilia[/url] | [url=]Fractee[/url] | [url=]SakraKaine[/url][/center] The bbcode spreadsheet base was made by [url=]idlewildly[/url] ----- [center][size=4][b]Disclaimer[/b][/size] The inclusion or lack of inclusion of any specific button on the masterlist, or the way they are categorized, [b]should not be viewed as any kind of statement on my part.[/b] Anything without hateful intent will generally be allowed. The idea is that people can make their own choices and do their own research on how they wish to identify, regardless of my opinions or understanding of something. My goal is to create a useful community resource, not to pass any kind of judgement on what people should do. Some buttons may not be added to the list by accident or because of character limits and load times (though anything missing here is probably in the [url=]database[/url]!) If you have any specific concerns, please contact me privately to discuss it! Even if your intentions are good, public posting on this type of thing can quickly overwhelm the thread. ----- [center][size=4][b]Religion Policy[/b][/size] Based on staff feedback, I will not be personally posting or creating ANY real-world religion buttons in the FR forums. If you would like to look for them in the offsite [url=]database[/url] you are free to do so, but please exercise caution to avoid violating FR rules. Other artists posting religion buttons here may be [url=]personally liable[/url] for any discrimination reports they receive. Additionally, if you do choose to create religious buttons, please avoid [url=]religious symbols[/url] and [url=]Flight Rising IP[/url]. I don't speak for staff, please read the official rules and the links below before using your best judgement. All staff posts on the topic here: [url=]1[/url] / [url=]2[/url] / [url=]3[/url] / [url=]4[/url] / [url=]5[/url]
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

The old post surpassed the character limit, so here's a new thread to break up the masterlist! The original thread can still be found here.

I made these for my dragon bios, but feel free to use them any way you want, on or off site! Credit is nice but not required. They're always free to use and request, but since I've been asked, I do have a ko-fi and am open to treasure/gem tips. If someone other than me fills a request for you, please consider tipping them! ♥

Unfilled Requests Doc + Button Maker Pinglist

Please CTRL+F in the spreadsheets before adding a request to check if it's already been done! If it doesn't already exist, make a post or add it to the list linked above. Include your username to be pinged when it's done.

There's also a pinglist at the top of the doc for people who can be pinged in request posts! Add/remove yourself at any time.
__ Want to keep up with what's new, but don't want to be pinged every time someone makes a post? This list will ping with any new buttons every 2 weeks or less to avoid being overwhelming.

Making Your Own
Edits are encouraged, if you make any you want to share please post them or send them to me privately so I can add them to the masterlist.

In-Browser Button Editor
_____ __
Font Instructions:
Install the .tff file on your computer
Select the font in your art program
Set size so all pixels are solid (usually 8px)
Use all caps for the standard lettering
Lowercase letters are the condensed form

If you would like to link back to this post, feel free to use this!


This would not have been possible without the contributions from so many of you! Special thanks to the following users who have done an exceptional amount of work for this thread: The bbcode spreadsheet base was made by idlewildly
The inclusion or lack of inclusion of any specific button on the masterlist, or the way they are categorized, should not be viewed as any kind of statement on my part. Anything without hateful intent will generally be allowed. The idea is that people can make their own choices and do their own research on how they wish to identify, regardless of my opinions or understanding of something. My goal is to create a useful community resource, not to pass any kind of judgement on what people should do. Some buttons may not be added to the list by accident or because of character limits and load times (though anything missing here is probably in the database!)

If you have any specific concerns, please contact me privately to discuss it! Even if your intentions are good, public posting on this type of thing can quickly overwhelm the thread.
Religion Policy
Based on staff feedback, I will not be personally posting or creating ANY real-world religion buttons in the FR forums. If you would like to look for them in the offsite database you are free to do so, but please exercise caution to avoid violating FR rules. Other artists posting religion buttons here may be personally liable for any discrimination reports they receive. Additionally, if you do choose to create religious buttons, please avoid religious symbols and Flight Rising IP. I don't speak for staff, please read the official rules and the links below before using your best judgement.
All staff posts on the topic here: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
Autistic (Neurodiversity infinity)

Free Buttons
Nature festival familiars banner (click for art credit)
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

Buttons Database - Gender
searchable database, includes additional identities, flags, and text options!
Trans (Trans flag) Transgender (Trans flag) Cisn't (Cisn't flag)
Transfem (Transfem flag) Transmasc (Transmasc flag) Trans Boy (Trans flag)
Trans Guy (Trans flag) Trans Male (Trans flag) Trans Man (Trans flag)
Trans Female (Trans flag) Trans Girl (Trans flag) Trans Woman (Trans flag)
Transhet (Transhet flag)

Cisgender (Blue/pink) Cis Ally (Cis Ally flag) Cis Boy (Blue/pink)
Cis Male (Blue/pink) Cis Man (Blue/pink) Cis Female (Blue/pink)
Cis Girl (Blue/pink) Cis Woman (Blue/pink)

Male (Blue) Mingender (Mingender flag) Miaspec (Miaspec flag)
Femboy (Femboy flag) Intramasculine (Intramasculine flag) Melle (Melle flag)
NB Man (NB Man flag) Rosboy (Rosboy flag) Turian (Turian flag)
Twink (Twink flag) Xoy (Xoy flag) Beauboy (Beauboy flag)
Neoboy (Neoboy flag) Neomasc (Neomasc flag) Nonpuer (Nonpuer flag)

Female (Pink) Fingender (Fingender flag) Fiaspec (Fiaspec flag)
Azurgirl (Azurgirl flag) Butch (Butch flag) Butch (Lesbian flag)
Femil (Femil flag) Femme (Femme flag) Femme (Lesbian flag)
Intrafeminine (Intrafeminine flag) Mascgirl (Mascgirl flag) NB Girl (NB Girl flag)
NB Woman (NB Woman flag) Tomboy (Mascgirl flag) Tomboy (Tomboy flag)
Xirl (Xirl flag) Beaugirl (Beaugirl flag) Neofem (Neofem flag)
Neogirl (Neogirl flag) Nonpuella (Nonpuella flag)

nonbinary, neutral & androgynous
Nonbinary (Nonbinary flag) Abinary (Abinary flag) Maverique (Maverique flag)
Nontrinary (Nontrinary flag) Cenrell (Cenrell flag) Censari (Censari flag)
Epicene (Epicene flag) Faesari (Faesari flag) Finingender (Finingender flag)
Lunarset (Lunarset flag) Miningender (Miningender flag) Neutrois (Neutrois flag)
Ningender (Ningender flag) Solarset (Solarset flag) Transneufem (Transneufem flag)
Transneumasc (Transneumasc flag) Transneutral (Transneutral flag) Androgynous (Androgyne flag)
Androgyne (Androgyne flag) Liaspec (Liaspec flag) Lingender (Lingender flag)
Nonpuerella (Nonpuerella flag)

nonbinary alignments
Fem Aligned (Nonbinary flag) Fem NB (Nonbinary flag) Fem Nonbinary (Nonbinary flag)
Female Aligned (Nonbinary flag) Male Aligned (Nonbinary flag) Man Aligned (Nonbinary flag)
Masc Aligned (Nonbinary flag) Masc NB (Nonbinary flag) Masc Nonbinary (Nonbinary flag)
Woman Aligned (Nonbinary flag)

Agender (Agender flag) A-Faunic (A-Faunic flag) A-Floric (A-Floric flag)
Agender Man (Agender Man flag) Agender Woman (Agender Woman flag) Agiaspec (Agiaspec flag)
Ungender (Ungender flag) Genderless (Genderless flag) Airgender (Airgender flag)
Gendervoid (Gendervoid flag) Ghostboy (Ghostboy flag) Ghostgender (Ghostgender flag)
Ghostgirl (Ghostgirl flag)

queer & non-conforming
Queer (Chevron flag) Queer (Queer flag) Genderqueer (Genderqueer flag)
Queer Villain Pride (Queer Villain Pride flag) Queerpunk (Queerpunk flag) GNC (GNC flag)
Genderpunk (Genderpunk flag)

fluid/flux genders
Genderfluid (Genderfluid flag) Demifluid (Demifluid flag) Magifluid (Magifluid flag)
Marfluid (Marfluid flag) Venufluid (Venufluid flag) Genderflux (Genderflux flag)
Agenderflux (Agenderflux flag) Azurgirlflux (Azurgirlflux flag) Boyflux (Boyflux flag)
Bxyflux (Bxyflux flag) Cassflux (Cassflux flag) Demiboyflux (Demiboyflux flag)
Demiflux (Demiflux flag) Demigenderflux (Demigenderflux flag) Demigirlflux (Demigirlflux flag)
Enbyflux (Enbyflux flag) Girlfaeflux (Girlfaeflux flag) Girlflux (Girlflux flag)
Gxrlflux (Gxrlflux flag) Phoenixgender (Phoenixgender flag) Rosboyflux (Rosboyflux flag)
Fluidflux (Fluidflux flag) Demifluix (Demifluix flag) Gxnderfluix (Gxnderfluix flag)

demi & hyper genders
Demigender (Demigender flag) Demi-Nonbinary (Demi-Nonbinary flag) Demi-Nonbinary (Nonbinary flag)
Demiagender (Demiagender flag) Demiandrogyne (Demiandrogyne flag) Demiboy (Demiboy flag)
Demiepicene (Demiepicene flag) Demifeminine (Demifeminine flag) Demigendervoid (Demigendervoid flag)
Demigirl (Demigirl flag) Demimasculine (Demimasculine flag) Demineoboy (Demineoboy flag)
Demineogirl (Demineogirl flag) Demineutrois (Demineutrois flag) Librafem (Librafem flag)
Librafeminine (Librafeminine flag) Libramasc (Libramasc flag) Libramasculine (Libramasculine flag)
LibraNB (LibraNB flag) Libranonbinary (Libranonbinary flag) Magiboy (Magiboy flag)
Magigender (Magigender flag) Magigirl (Magigirl flag) Maginonbinary (Maginonbinary flag)
Paraboy (Paraboy flag) Paragender (Paragender flag) Paragirl (Paragirl flag)
Hypergender (Hypergender flag) Hyperboy (Hyperboy flag) Hypergirl (Hypergirl flag)

Polygender (Polygender flag) Abigender (Abigender flag) Bigender (Bigender flag)
Bigenderflux (Bigenderflux flag) Bxy (Bxy flag) Gxrl (Gxrl flag)
Multiflux (Multiflux flag) Nonbxnary (Nonbxnary flag) Oiaspec (Oiaspec flag)
Oingender (Oingender flag) Omnigender (Omnigender flag) Panagender (Panagender flag)
Pangender (Pangender flag) Pangenderflux (Pangenderflux flag) Polyfluid (Polyfluid flag)
Polyflux (Polyflux flag) Trigender (Trigender flag) Trigenderflux (Trigenderflux flag)

label collectors
Genderhoarder (Genderhoarder flag) Gendervast (Gendervast flag) Jackdawhoarder (Jackdawhoarder flag)
Mulosian (Mulosian flag) Ravenhoarder (Ravenhoarder flag) Termcollector

unclear, unknown, & unlabeled
Uingender (Uingender flag) Ambigue (Ambigue flag) Apagender (Apagender flag)
Cassgender (Cassgender flag) Deminull (Deminull flag) Enigmagender (Enigmagender flag)
Gendernull (Gendernull flag) Greygender (Greygender flag) $name LGBT
$name LGBT $name LGBT Questioning Gender (Questioning Gender flag)
Questioning Transgender Quoiby (Quoiby flag) Quoifem (Quoifem flag)
Quoifemflux (Quoifemflux flag) Quoigender (Quoigender flag) Quoimasc (Quoimasc flag)
Quoimascflux (Quoimascflux flag) Transnull (Transnull flag) Unlabeled (Unlabeled flag)
Voidfem (Voidfem flag) Voidmasc (Voidmasc flag)

unsorted gender buttons
Aingender (Aingender flag) Anonbinary (Anonbinary flag) Anontrinary (Anontrinary flag)
Arogender (Arogender flag) Meliusgender (Meliusgender flag)
intersex genders (exclusive)
Intergender (Intergender flag) Internon (Internon alt flag) Internon (Internon flag)

cultural genders (exclusive)
Androgynos (Androgynos flag) Ay'lonit (Ay'lonit flag) Saris (Saris flag)
Tumtum (Tumtum flag) Two Spirit (Two Spirit flag)

neurogenders (exclusive)
Neurogender (Neurogender flag) Angelgender (Angelgender flag) Autigender (Autigender alt flag 2)
Autigender (Autigender alt flag 1) Autigender (Autigender flag) Desertgender (Desertgender flag)
Exagender (Exagender flag) Genderrot (Genderrot flag) Genderwhat (Genderwhat flag)
Technogender (Technogender flag (neurogender))
circa-binary genders
Axera (Axera flag) Axvir (Axvir flag) Epinixene (Epinixene flag)
Juxera (Juxera flag) Nixera (Nixera flag) Nixvir (Nixvir flag)
Proxangi (Proxangi flag) Proxvir (Proxvir flag)

genderfluid fragment system
(agender/demi variants in the database)
Genderfae (Genderfae flag) Genderfaer (Genderfaer flag) Genderfaun (Genderfaun flag)
Genderfaunet (Genderfaunet flag) Genderflor (Genderflor flag) Genderfloren (Genderfloren flag)
Genderflorer (Genderflorer flag) Genderfloret (Genderfloret flag) Genderfrith (Genderfrith flag)
Gendersatyr (Gendersatyr flag) Genderselkie (Genderselkie flag) Gendersylph (Gendersylph flag)
Gendersylphen (Gendersylphen flag)

galactian alignments
Annulian (Annulian flag) Artemian (Artemian flag) Atmosian (Atmosian flag)
Aurorian (Aurorian flag) Calypsian (Calypsian flag) Celestian (Celestian flag)
Cometian (Cometian flag) Constellian (Constellian flag) Daenixian (Daenixian flag)
Dawnian (Dawnian flag) Duenixian (Duenixian flag) Duskian (Duskian flag)
Eclipsian (Eclipsian flag) Equinoxian (Equinoxian flag) Galaxian (Galaxian flag)
Hafian (Hafian flag) Helian (Helian flag) Lunarian (Lunarian flag)
Meteorian (Meteorian flag) Nebularian (Nebularian flag) Neularian (Neularian flag)
Neusarian (Neusarian flag) Novarian (Novarian flag) Penumbrian (Penumbrian flag)
Phoebian (Phoebian flag) Phoenixian (Phoenixian flag) Pistolian (Pistolian flag)
Selenian (Selenian flag) Siderealian (Siderealian flag) Singularian (Singularian flag)
Solarian (Solarian flag) Solstian (Solstian flag) Stellarian (Stellarian flag)
Twilightian (Twilightian flag)

alloy alignments
Alum (Alum flag) Aren (Aren flag) Aur (Aur flag)
Coer (Coer flag) Cro (Cro flag) Fera (Fera flag)
Hydragea (Hydragea flag) Koba (Koba flag) Lan (Lan flag)
Lanum (Lanum flag) Manese (Manese flag) Mona (Mona flag)
Nial (Nial flag) Sana (Sana flag) Tian (Tian flag)
Zin (Zin flag)

celestial system
Asteroidean (Asteroidean flag) Celestarian (Celestarian flag) Ceresian (Ceresian flag)
Eresian (Eresian flag) Juparettian (Juparettian flag) Juparian (Juparian flag)
Kuiperian (Kuiperian flag) Lunettian (Lunettian flag) Marsean (Marsean flag)
Mercurian (Mercurian flag) Neptunian (Neptunian flag) Ouranian (Ouranian flag)
Plutoian (Plutoian flag) Saturnian (Saturnian flag) Sonnian (Sonnian flag)
Starfluid (Starfluid flag) Terraean (Terraean flag) Venusian (Venusian flag)

sylvian system
Aivirian (Aivirian flag) Amanian (Amanian flag) Arvorean (Arvorean flag)
Borean (Borean flag) Brethrian (Brethrian flag) Crispenian (Crispenian flag)
Dewian (Dewian flag) Ederaean (Ederaean flag) Eilumescian (Eilumescian flag)
Emeraldian (Emeraldian flag) Fiumean (Fiumean flag) Foraoisian (Foraoisian flag)
Freian (Freian flag) Giliaian (Giliaian flag) Ihlathian (Ihlathian flag)
Imbalian (Imbalian flag) Ipinean (Ipinean flag) Irelean (Irelean flag)
Iuniperian (Iuniperian flag) Ivyan (Ivyan flag) Lehinian (Lehinian flag)
Lumian (Lumian flag) Misthrian (Misthrian flag) Mistian (Mistian flag)
Misturian (Misturian flag) Myrkurian (Myrkurian flag) Nebbian (Nebbian flag)
Osimirian (Osimirian flag) Rivierean (Rivierean flag) Selvaean (Selvaean flag)
Uxolian (Uxolian flag)

mystian system
Asirian (Asirian flag) Brennean (Brennean flag) Drygonian (Drygonian flag)
Etherelian (Etherelian flag) Meilian (Meilian flag) Paxean (Paxean flag)
Sagacean (Sagacean flag) Ventusian (Ventusian flag) Vevesian (Vevesian flag)
Xhobisaean (Xhobisaean flag)

singender system
Envian (Envian flag) Gluttonian (Gluttonian flag) Greedian (Greedian flag)
Luxurian (Luxurian flag) Pridian (Pridian flag) Slothian (Slothian flag)
Wrathian (Wrathian flag)
animal xenogenders
Faunagender (Faunagender flag) Alligender (Alligender flag) Amargagender (Amargagender flag)
Batgender (Batgender flag) Beegender (Beegender flag) Birdgender (Birdgender flag)
Buggender (Buggender flag) Bungender (Bungender flag) Catboy (Catboy flag)
Catgender (Catgender flag) Corgigender (Corgigender flag) Crowgender (Crowgender flag)
Dinogender (Dinogender flag) Dogboy (Doggender flag) Doggender (Doggender flag)
Doggirl (Doggender flag) Felumbric (Felumbric flag) Gatorgender (Gatorgender flag)
Mothgender (Mothgender flag) Mousegender (Mousegender flag) Octopusgender (Octopusgender flag)
Owlgender (Owlgender flag) Pupgender (Pupgender flag) Raptorgender (Raptorgender flag)
Ratgender (Ratgender flag) Sabertoothgender (Sabertoothgender flag) Sharkgender (Sharkgender flag)
Snakegender (Snakegender flag) Squirrelgender (Squirrelgender flag) Wolfgender (Wolfgender flag)

fantasy/mythological xenogenders
Alicorngender (Alicorngender flag) Dragonboy (Dragongender flag) Dragongender (Dragongender flag)
Dragongirl (Dragongender flag) Drenby (Dragongender flag) Elvengender (Elvengender flag)
Fairyboy (Fairygender flag) Fairyenby (Fairygender flag) Fairygender (Fairygender flag)
Fairygirl (Fairygender flag) Faungender (Faungender flag) Mermaidgender (Mermaidgender flag)
Pegasusgender (Pegasusgender flag) Phoenixic (Phoenixic flag) Shadowelvengender (Shadowelvengender flag)

FR dragon breed xenogenders
Aberrgender (Aberration icon) Banescalegender (Banescale icon) Bogsneakgender (Bogsneak icon)
Coatlgender (Coatl icon) Faegender (Fae icon) Gaolergender (Gaoler icon)
Guardiangender (Guardian icon) Imperialgender (Imperial icon) Mirrorgender (Mirror icon)
Nocturnegender (Nocturne icon) Obeliskgender (Obelisk icon) Pearlcatchergender (Pearlcatcher icon)
Ridgebackgender (Ridgeback icon) Skydancergender (Skydancer icon) Snappergender (Snapper icon)
Spiralgender (Spiral icon) Tundragender (Tundra icon) Veilspungender (Veilspun icon)
Wildclawgender (Wildclaw icon)

other fiction-based xenogenders
Cinnagender (Cinnagender flag) Electrodeic (Electrodeic flag) Ketergender (Ketergender flag)
Mymelodygender (Mymelodygender flag) Nyakuzametric (Nyakuzametric flag) Pompomgender (Pompomgender flag)
Pricryo (Pricryo flag) Prielectro (Prielectro flag) Prigenshin (Prigenshin flag)
Sanriogender (Sanriogender flag)

space/alien xenogenders
Aliengender (Aliengender flag) Alienbunnygender (Alienbunnygender flag) Externusgender (Externusgender flag)
Nyaliengender (Nyaliengender flag) Stargender (Stargender flag) Astergender (Astergender flag)
Astralgender (Astralgender flag) Astralgendervoid (Astralgendervoid flag) Astrumgender (Astrumgender flag)
Caelgender (Caelgender flag) Celestae (Celestae flag) Celestialgendervoid (Celestialgendervoid flag)
Moongender (Moongender flag) Spacegendervoid (Spacegendervoid flag)

nature xenogenders
Cielgender (Cielgender flag) Cirragender (Cirragender flag) Cirrogender (Cirrogender flag)
Cirrugender (Cirrugender flag) Earthgender (Earthgender flag) Oceangender (Oceangender flag)
Thundergender (Thundergender flag) Velvetgender (Velvetgender flag) Vulturecorian (Vulturecorian flag)
Floragender (Floragender flag) Bamboogender (Bamboogender flag) Flowergender (Flowergender flag)
Mushgender (Mushgender flag) Mushroomgender (Mushroomgender flag) Pinkmushgender (Pinkmushgender flag)
Plantgender (Plantgender flag) Treegender (Treegender flag) Seasonalgender (Seasonalgender flag)
Autumngender (Autumngender flag) Springgender (Springgender flag) Summergender (Summergender flag)
Wintertidegender (Wintertidegender flag)

food xenogenders
Cakegender (Cakegender flag) Chocogender (Chocogender flag) Cookiegender (Cookiegender flag)
Cottcangender (Cottcangender flag) Creamic (Creamic flag) Gendersmoothie (Gendersmoothie flag)
Icecreamgender (Icecreamgender flag) Milkian (Milkian flag) Orangegummygender (Orangegummygender flag)
Somniteaic (Somniteaic flag) Teagender (Teagender flag) Vanillagender (Vanillagender flag)

technology xenogenders
Bsodgender (Bsodgender flag) Deplegender (Deplegender flag) Exploigender (Exploigender flag)
Glitchgender (Glitchgender flag) Midvitagender (Midvitagender flag) Vitagender (Vitagender flag)
Technogender (Technogender flag (technology)) Codecgender (Codecgender flag) Digiboy (Digiboy flag)
Digigender (Digigender flag) Digigirl (Digigirl flag) Malwaregender (Malwaregender flag)
OwOgender (OwOgender flag) Staticgender (Staticgender flag) Techgender (Techgender flag)
UwUgender (UwUgender flag) Webcoric (Webcoric flag)

Colorgender (Colorgender flag) Huegender (Huegender flag) Neongender (Neongender flag)
Neonic (Neonic flag) Pastelgender (Pastelgender flag) Rainbowgender (Rainbowgender alt flag)
Bluegender (Bluegender flag) Greengender (Greengender flag) Indigogender (Indigogender flag)
Orangegender (Orangegender flag) Pinkgender (Pinkgender flag) Purplegender (Purplegender flag)
Redgender (Redgender flag) Tealgender (Tealgender flag) Yellowgender (Yellowgender flag)

soft xenogenders
Kitlettered (Kitlettered flag) Frillygender (Frillygender flag) Gentlewhic (Gentlewhic flag)
Pilwegender (Pilwegender flag) Sweetiegender (Sweetiegender flag) Gendercute (Gendercute flag)
Plushgender (Plushgender flag) Snugglegender (Snugglegender flag)

Mutogender (Mutogender flag) Dreamgender (Dreamgender flag) Cadensgender (Cadensgender flag)
Interpretarian (Interpretarian flag) Technogender (Technogender flag (cadensgender))

Aesthetigender (Aesthetigender flag) Amethyaestic (Amethyaestic flag) Analogender (Analogender flag)
Arcadecoric (Arcadecoric flag) Arcadegender (Arcadegender flag) Bloodgender (Bloodgender flag)
Brisceneic (Brisceneic flag) Cryptidcoric (Cryptidcoric flag) Genderheart (Genderheart flag)
Ghostgender (Ghostgender flag (no symbol)) Lovergender (Lovergender flag) Medianic (Medianic flag)
Medicesse (Medicesse flag) Medigender (Medigender flag) Menheracoric (Menheracoric flag)
Oddcoric (Oddcoric flag) Pastelbandaidgender (Pastelbandaidgender flag) Pastelgothgender (Pastelgothgender flag)
Plaguecoric (Plaguegender flag) Sciencecoric (Sciencecoric flag) Steampunkic (Steampunkic flag)
Synthgender (Synthgender flag) Valengender (Valengender flag) Vaporwavic (Vaporwavic flag)
Werewolfcorian (Werewolfcorian flag)

other xenogenders
Xenogender (Xenogender flag) Demix (Demix flag) Demixenogender (Demixenogender flag)
Genderspirit (Genderspirit flag) Transxenine (Transxenine flag) Xenine (Xenine flag)
Xiaspec (Xiaspec flag) Xingender (Xingender flag) Almandinecrysgender (Almandinecrysgender flag)
Amethyscardic (Amethyscardic flag) Boyfreak (Boyfreak flag) Boyprincess (Boyprincess flag)
Circgender (Circgender flag) Deadthing (Deadthing flag) Demongender (Demongender flag (kingender version))
Dollgender (Dollgender flag) Firegender (Firegender flag) Horrorcosmic (Horrorcosmic flag)
Kenochoric (Kenochoric flag) Kingender (Kingender flag) Kingenderfluid (Kingenderfluid flag)
Magicgender (Magicgender flag) Morninggender (Morninggender flag) Musifluid (Musifluid flag)
Paperboy (Paperboy flag) Paperenby (Paperenby flag) Papergirl (Papergirl flag)
Pirategender (Pirategender flag) Plaguegender (Plaguegender flag) Sleepygender (Sleepygender flag)
Sparklefurgender (Sparklefurgender flag) Steampunkgender (Steampunkgender flag) Sweetdreamgender (Sweetdreamgender flag)
Synthogender (Synthogender flag) VHShorric (VHShorric flag) Watergender (Watergender flag)
Wondergender (Wondergender flag)
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

Buttons Database - Gender
searchable database, includes additional identities, flags, and text options!
Trans (Trans flag) Transgender (Trans flag) Cisn't (Cisn't flag)
Transfem (Transfem flag) Transmasc (Transmasc flag) Trans Boy (Trans flag)
Trans Guy (Trans flag) Trans Male (Trans flag) Trans Man (Trans flag)
Trans Female (Trans flag) Trans Girl (Trans flag) Trans Woman (Trans flag)
Transhet (Transhet flag)

Cisgender (Blue/pink) Cis Ally (Cis Ally flag) Cis Boy (Blue/pink)
Cis Male (Blue/pink) Cis Man (Blue/pink) Cis Female (Blue/pink)
Cis Girl (Blue/pink) Cis Woman (Blue/pink)

Male (Blue) Mingender (Mingender flag) Miaspec (Miaspec flag)
Femboy (Femboy flag) Intramasculine (Intramasculine flag) Melle (Melle flag)
NB Man (NB Man flag) Rosboy (Rosboy flag) Turian (Turian flag)
Twink (Twink flag) Xoy (Xoy flag) Beauboy (Beauboy flag)
Neoboy (Neoboy flag) Neomasc (Neomasc flag) Nonpuer (Nonpuer flag)

Female (Pink) Fingender (Fingender flag) Fiaspec (Fiaspec flag)
Azurgirl (Azurgirl flag) Butch (Butch flag) Butch (Lesbian flag)
Femil (Femil flag) Femme (Femme flag) Femme (Lesbian flag)
Intrafeminine (Intrafeminine flag) Mascgirl (Mascgirl flag) NB Girl (NB Girl flag)
NB Woman (NB Woman flag) Tomboy (Mascgirl flag) Tomboy (Tomboy flag)
Xirl (Xirl flag) Beaugirl (Beaugirl flag) Neofem (Neofem flag)
Neogirl (Neogirl flag) Nonpuella (Nonpuella flag)

nonbinary, neutral & androgynous
Nonbinary (Nonbinary flag) Abinary (Abinary flag) Maverique (Maverique flag)
Nontrinary (Nontrinary flag) Cenrell (Cenrell flag) Censari (Censari flag)
Epicene (Epicene flag) Faesari (Faesari flag) Finingender (Finingender flag)
Lunarset (Lunarset flag) Miningender (Miningender flag) Neutrois (Neutrois flag)
Ningender (Ningender flag) Solarset (Solarset flag) Transneufem (Transneufem flag)
Transneumasc (Transneumasc flag) Transneutral (Transneutral flag) Androgynous (Androgyne flag)
Androgyne (Androgyne flag) Liaspec (Liaspec flag) Lingender (Lingender flag)
Nonpuerella (Nonpuerella flag)

nonbinary alignments
Fem Aligned (Nonbinary flag) Fem NB (Nonbinary flag) Fem Nonbinary (Nonbinary flag)
Female Aligned (Nonbinary flag) Male Aligned (Nonbinary flag) Man Aligned (Nonbinary flag)
Masc Aligned (Nonbinary flag) Masc NB (Nonbinary flag) Masc Nonbinary (Nonbinary flag)
Woman Aligned (Nonbinary flag)

Agender (Agender flag) A-Faunic (A-Faunic flag) A-Floric (A-Floric flag)
Agender Man (Agender Man flag) Agender Woman (Agender Woman flag) Agiaspec (Agiaspec flag)
Ungender (Ungender flag) Genderless (Genderless flag) Airgender (Airgender flag)
Gendervoid (Gendervoid flag) Ghostboy (Ghostboy flag) Ghostgender (Ghostgender flag)
Ghostgirl (Ghostgirl flag)

queer & non-conforming
Queer (Chevron flag) Queer (Queer flag) Genderqueer (Genderqueer flag)
Queer Villain Pride (Queer Villain Pride flag) Queerpunk (Queerpunk flag) GNC (GNC flag)
Genderpunk (Genderpunk flag)

fluid/flux genders
Genderfluid (Genderfluid flag) Demifluid (Demifluid flag) Magifluid (Magifluid flag)
Marfluid (Marfluid flag) Venufluid (Venufluid flag) Genderflux (Genderflux flag)
Agenderflux (Agenderflux flag) Azurgirlflux (Azurgirlflux flag) Boyflux (Boyflux flag)
Bxyflux (Bxyflux flag) Cassflux (Cassflux flag) Demiboyflux (Demiboyflux flag)
Demiflux (Demiflux flag) Demigenderflux (Demigenderflux flag) Demigirlflux (Demigirlflux flag)
Enbyflux (Enbyflux flag) Girlfaeflux (Girlfaeflux flag) Girlflux (Girlflux flag)
Gxrlflux (Gxrlflux flag) Phoenixgender (Phoenixgender flag) Rosboyflux (Rosboyflux flag)
Fluidflux (Fluidflux flag) Demifluix (Demifluix flag) Gxnderfluix (Gxnderfluix flag)

demi & hyper genders
Demigender (Demigender flag) Demi-Nonbinary (Demi-Nonbinary flag) Demi-Nonbinary (Nonbinary flag)
Demiagender (Demiagender flag) Demiandrogyne (Demiandrogyne flag) Demiboy (Demiboy flag)
Demiepicene (Demiepicene flag) Demifeminine (Demifeminine flag) Demigendervoid (Demigendervoid flag)
Demigirl (Demigirl flag) Demimasculine (Demimasculine flag) Demineoboy (Demineoboy flag)
Demineogirl (Demineogirl flag) Demineutrois (Demineutrois flag) Librafem (Librafem flag)
Librafeminine (Librafeminine flag) Libramasc (Libramasc flag) Libramasculine (Libramasculine flag)
LibraNB (LibraNB flag) Libranonbinary (Libranonbinary flag) Magiboy (Magiboy flag)
Magigender (Magigender flag) Magigirl (Magigirl flag) Maginonbinary (Maginonbinary flag)
Paraboy (Paraboy flag) Paragender (Paragender flag) Paragirl (Paragirl flag)
Hypergender (Hypergender flag) Hyperboy (Hyperboy flag) Hypergirl (Hypergirl flag)

Polygender (Polygender flag) Abigender (Abigender flag) Bigender (Bigender flag)
Bigenderflux (Bigenderflux flag) Bxy (Bxy flag) Gxrl (Gxrl flag)
Multiflux (Multiflux flag) Nonbxnary (Nonbxnary flag) Oiaspec (Oiaspec flag)
Oingender (Oingender flag) Omnigender (Omnigender flag) Panagender (Panagender flag)
Pangender (Pangender flag) Pangenderflux (Pangenderflux flag) Polyfluid (Polyfluid flag)
Polyflux (Polyflux flag) Trigender (Trigender flag) Trigenderflux (Trigenderflux flag)

label collectors
Genderhoarder (Genderhoarder flag) Gendervast (Gendervast flag) Jackdawhoarder (Jackdawhoarder flag)
Mulosian (Mulosian flag) Ravenhoarder (Ravenhoarder flag) Termcollector

unclear, unknown, & unlabeled
Uingender (Uingender flag) Ambigue (Ambigue flag) Apagender (Apagender flag)
Cassgender (Cassgender flag) Deminull (Deminull flag) Enigmagender (Enigmagender flag)
Gendernull (Gendernull flag) Greygender (Greygender flag) $name LGBT
$name LGBT $name LGBT Questioning Gender (Questioning Gender flag)
Questioning Transgender Quoiby (Quoiby flag) Quoifem (Quoifem flag)
Quoifemflux (Quoifemflux flag) Quoigender (Quoigender flag) Quoimasc (Quoimasc flag)
Quoimascflux (Quoimascflux flag) Transnull (Transnull flag) Unlabeled (Unlabeled flag)
Voidfem (Voidfem flag) Voidmasc (Voidmasc flag)

unsorted gender buttons
Aingender (Aingender flag) Anonbinary (Anonbinary flag) Anontrinary (Anontrinary flag)
Arogender (Arogender flag) Meliusgender (Meliusgender flag)
intersex genders (exclusive)
Intergender (Intergender flag) Internon (Internon alt flag) Internon (Internon flag)

cultural genders (exclusive)
Androgynos (Androgynos flag) Ay'lonit (Ay'lonit flag) Saris (Saris flag)
Tumtum (Tumtum flag) Two Spirit (Two Spirit flag)

neurogenders (exclusive)
Neurogender (Neurogender flag) Angelgender (Angelgender flag) Autigender (Autigender alt flag 2)
Autigender (Autigender alt flag 1) Autigender (Autigender flag) Desertgender (Desertgender flag)
Exagender (Exagender flag) Genderrot (Genderrot flag) Genderwhat (Genderwhat flag)
Technogender (Technogender flag (neurogender))
circa-binary genders
Axera (Axera flag) Axvir (Axvir flag) Epinixene (Epinixene flag)
Juxera (Juxera flag) Nixera (Nixera flag) Nixvir (Nixvir flag)
Proxangi (Proxangi flag) Proxvir (Proxvir flag)

genderfluid fragment system
(agender/demi variants in the database)
Genderfae (Genderfae flag) Genderfaer (Genderfaer flag) Genderfaun (Genderfaun flag)
Genderfaunet (Genderfaunet flag) Genderflor (Genderflor flag) Genderfloren (Genderfloren flag)
Genderflorer (Genderflorer flag) Genderfloret (Genderfloret flag) Genderfrith (Genderfrith flag)
Gendersatyr (Gendersatyr flag) Genderselkie (Genderselkie flag) Gendersylph (Gendersylph flag)
Gendersylphen (Gendersylphen flag)

galactian alignments
Annulian (Annulian flag) Artemian (Artemian flag) Atmosian (Atmosian flag)
Aurorian (Aurorian flag) Calypsian (Calypsian flag) Celestian (Celestian flag)
Cometian (Cometian flag) Constellian (Constellian flag) Daenixian (Daenixian flag)
Dawnian (Dawnian flag) Duenixian (Duenixian flag) Duskian (Duskian flag)
Eclipsian (Eclipsian flag) Equinoxian (Equinoxian flag) Galaxian (Galaxian flag)
Hafian (Hafian flag) Helian (Helian flag) Lunarian (Lunarian flag)
Meteorian (Meteorian flag) Nebularian (Nebularian flag) Neularian (Neularian flag)
Neusarian (Neusarian flag) Novarian (Novarian flag) Penumbrian (Penumbrian flag)
Phoebian (Phoebian flag) Phoenixian (Phoenixian flag) Pistolian (Pistolian flag)
Selenian (Selenian flag) Siderealian (Siderealian flag) Singularian (Singularian flag)
Solarian (Solarian flag) Solstian (Solstian flag) Stellarian (Stellarian flag)
Twilightian (Twilightian flag)

alloy alignments
Alum (Alum flag) Aren (Aren flag) Aur (Aur flag)
Coer (Coer flag) Cro (Cro flag) Fera (Fera flag)
Hydragea (Hydragea flag) Koba (Koba flag) Lan (Lan flag)
Lanum (Lanum flag) Manese (Manese flag) Mona (Mona flag)
Nial (Nial flag) Sana (Sana flag) Tian (Tian flag)
Zin (Zin flag)

celestial system
Asteroidean (Asteroidean flag) Celestarian (Celestarian flag) Ceresian (Ceresian flag)
Eresian (Eresian flag) Juparettian (Juparettian flag) Juparian (Juparian flag)
Kuiperian (Kuiperian flag) Lunettian (Lunettian flag) Marsean (Marsean flag)
Mercurian (Mercurian flag) Neptunian (Neptunian flag) Ouranian (Ouranian flag)
Plutoian (Plutoian flag) Saturnian (Saturnian flag) Sonnian (Sonnian flag)
Starfluid (Starfluid flag) Terraean (Terraean flag) Venusian (Venusian flag)

sylvian system
Aivirian (Aivirian flag) Amanian (Amanian flag) Arvorean (Arvorean flag)
Borean (Borean flag) Brethrian (Brethrian flag) Crispenian (Crispenian flag)
Dewian (Dewian flag) Ederaean (Ederaean flag) Eilumescian (Eilumescian flag)
Emeraldian (Emeraldian flag) Fiumean (Fiumean flag) Foraoisian (Foraoisian flag)
Freian (Freian flag) Giliaian (Giliaian flag) Ihlathian (Ihlathian flag)
Imbalian (Imbalian flag) Ipinean (Ipinean flag) Irelean (Irelean flag)
Iuniperian (Iuniperian flag) Ivyan (Ivyan flag) Lehinian (Lehinian flag)
Lumian (Lumian flag) Misthrian (Misthrian flag) Mistian (Mistian flag)
Misturian (Misturian flag) Myrkurian (Myrkurian flag) Nebbian (Nebbian flag)
Osimirian (Osimirian flag) Rivierean (Rivierean flag) Selvaean (Selvaean flag)
Uxolian (Uxolian flag)

mystian system
Asirian (Asirian flag) Brennean (Brennean flag) Drygonian (Drygonian flag)
Etherelian (Etherelian flag) Meilian (Meilian flag) Paxean (Paxean flag)
Sagacean (Sagacean flag) Ventusian (Ventusian flag) Vevesian (Vevesian flag)
Xhobisaean (Xhobisaean flag)

singender system
Envian (Envian flag) Gluttonian (Gluttonian flag) Greedian (Greedian flag)
Luxurian (Luxurian flag) Pridian (Pridian flag) Slothian (Slothian flag)
Wrathian (Wrathian flag)
animal xenogenders
Faunagender (Faunagender flag) Alligender (Alligender flag) Amargagender (Amargagender flag)
Batgender (Batgender flag) Beegender (Beegender flag) Birdgender (Birdgender flag)
Buggender (Buggender flag) Bungender (Bungender flag) Catboy (Catboy flag)
Catgender (Catgender flag) Corgigender (Corgigender flag) Crowgender (Crowgender flag)
Dinogender (Dinogender flag) Dogboy (Doggender flag) Doggender (Doggender flag)
Doggirl (Doggender flag) Felumbric (Felumbric flag) Gatorgender (Gatorgender flag)
Mothgender (Mothgender flag) Mousegender (Mousegender flag) Octopusgender (Octopusgender flag)
Owlgender (Owlgender flag) Pupgender (Pupgender flag) Raptorgender (Raptorgender flag)
Ratgender (Ratgender flag) Sabertoothgender (Sabertoothgender flag) Sharkgender (Sharkgender flag)
Snakegender (Snakegender flag) Squirrelgender (Squirrelgender flag) Wolfgender (Wolfgender flag)

fantasy/mythological xenogenders
Alicorngender (Alicorngender flag) Dragonboy (Dragongender flag) Dragongender (Dragongender flag)
Dragongirl (Dragongender flag) Drenby (Dragongender flag) Elvengender (Elvengender flag)
Fairyboy (Fairygender flag) Fairyenby (Fairygender flag) Fairygender (Fairygender flag)
Fairygirl (Fairygender flag) Faungender (Faungender flag) Mermaidgender (Mermaidgender flag)
Pegasusgender (Pegasusgender flag) Phoenixic (Phoenixic flag) Shadowelvengender (Shadowelvengender flag)

FR dragon breed xenogenders
Aberrgender (Aberration icon) Banescalegender (Banescale icon) Bogsneakgender (Bogsneak icon)
Coatlgender (Coatl icon) Faegender (Fae icon) Gaolergender (Gaoler icon)
Guardiangender (Guardian icon) Imperialgender (Imperial icon) Mirrorgender (Mirror icon)
Nocturnegender (Nocturne icon) Obeliskgender (Obelisk icon) Pearlcatchergender (Pearlcatcher icon)
Ridgebackgender (Ridgeback icon) Skydancergender (Skydancer icon) Snappergender (Snapper icon)
Spiralgender (Spiral icon) Tundragender (Tundra icon) Veilspungender (Veilspun icon)
Wildclawgender (Wildclaw icon)

other fiction-based xenogenders
Cinnagender (Cinnagender flag) Electrodeic (Electrodeic flag) Ketergender (Ketergender flag)
Mymelodygender (Mymelodygender flag) Nyakuzametric (Nyakuzametric flag) Pompomgender (Pompomgender flag)
Pricryo (Pricryo flag) Prielectro (Prielectro flag) Prigenshin (Prigenshin flag)
Sanriogender (Sanriogender flag)

space/alien xenogenders
Aliengender (Aliengender flag) Alienbunnygender (Alienbunnygender flag) Externusgender (Externusgender flag)
Nyaliengender (Nyaliengender flag) Stargender (Stargender flag) Astergender (Astergender flag)
Astralgender (Astralgender flag) Astralgendervoid (Astralgendervoid flag) Astrumgender (Astrumgender flag)
Caelgender (Caelgender flag) Celestae (Celestae flag) Celestialgendervoid (Celestialgendervoid flag)
Moongender (Moongender flag) Spacegendervoid (Spacegendervoid flag)

nature xenogenders
Cielgender (Cielgender flag) Cirragender (Cirragender flag) Cirrogender (Cirrogender flag)
Cirrugender (Cirrugender flag) Earthgender (Earthgender flag) Oceangender (Oceangender flag)
Thundergender (Thundergender flag) Velvetgender (Velvetgender flag) Vulturecorian (Vulturecorian flag)
Floragender (Floragender flag) Bamboogender (Bamboogender flag) Flowergender (Flowergender flag)
Mushgender (Mushgender flag) Mushroomgender (Mushroomgender flag) Pinkmushgender (Pinkmushgender flag)
Plantgender (Plantgender flag) Treegender (Treegender flag) Seasonalgender (Seasonalgender flag)
Autumngender (Autumngender flag) Springgender (Springgender flag) Summergender (Summergender flag)
Wintertidegender (Wintertidegender flag)

food xenogenders
Cakegender (Cakegender flag) Chocogender (Chocogender flag) Cookiegender (Cookiegender flag)
Cottcangender (Cottcangender flag) Creamic (Creamic flag) Gendersmoothie (Gendersmoothie flag)
Icecreamgender (Icecreamgender flag) Milkian (Milkian flag) Orangegummygender (Orangegummygender flag)
Somniteaic (Somniteaic flag) Teagender (Teagender flag) Vanillagender (Vanillagender flag)

technology xenogenders
Bsodgender (Bsodgender flag) Deplegender (Deplegender flag) Exploigender (Exploigender flag)
Glitchgender (Glitchgender flag) Midvitagender (Midvitagender flag) Vitagender (Vitagender flag)
Technogender (Technogender flag (technology)) Codecgender (Codecgender flag) Digiboy (Digiboy flag)
Digigender (Digigender flag) Digigirl (Digigirl flag) Malwaregender (Malwaregender flag)
OwOgender (OwOgender flag) Staticgender (Staticgender flag) Techgender (Techgender flag)
UwUgender (UwUgender flag) Webcoric (Webcoric flag)

Colorgender (Colorgender flag) Huegender (Huegender flag) Neongender (Neongender flag)
Neonic (Neonic flag) Pastelgender (Pastelgender flag) Rainbowgender (Rainbowgender alt flag)
Bluegender (Bluegender flag) Greengender (Greengender flag) Indigogender (Indigogender flag)
Orangegender (Orangegender flag) Pinkgender (Pinkgender flag) Purplegender (Purplegender flag)
Redgender (Redgender flag) Tealgender (Tealgender flag) Yellowgender (Yellowgender flag)

soft xenogenders
Kitlettered (Kitlettered flag) Frillygender (Frillygender flag) Gentlewhic (Gentlewhic flag)
Pilwegender (Pilwegender flag) Sweetiegender (Sweetiegender flag) Gendercute (Gendercute flag)
Plushgender (Plushgender flag) Snugglegender (Snugglegender flag)

Mutogender (Mutogender flag) Dreamgender (Dreamgender flag) Cadensgender (Cadensgender flag)
Interpretarian (Interpretarian flag) Technogender (Technogender flag (cadensgender))

Aesthetigender (Aesthetigender flag) Amethyaestic (Amethyaestic flag) Analogender (Analogender flag)
Arcadecoric (Arcadecoric flag) Arcadegender (Arcadegender flag) Bloodgender (Bloodgender flag)
Brisceneic (Brisceneic flag) Cryptidcoric (Cryptidcoric flag) Genderheart (Genderheart flag)
Ghostgender (Ghostgender flag (no symbol)) Lovergender (Lovergender flag) Medianic (Medianic flag)
Medicesse (Medicesse flag) Medigender (Medigender flag) Menheracoric (Menheracoric flag)
Oddcoric (Oddcoric flag) Pastelbandaidgender (Pastelbandaidgender flag) Pastelgothgender (Pastelgothgender flag)
Plaguecoric (Plaguegender flag) Sciencecoric (Sciencecoric flag) Steampunkic (Steampunkic flag)
Synthgender (Synthgender flag) Valengender (Valengender flag) Vaporwavic (Vaporwavic flag)
Werewolfcorian (Werewolfcorian flag)

other xenogenders
Xenogender (Xenogender flag) Demix (Demix flag) Demixenogender (Demixenogender flag)
Genderspirit (Genderspirit flag) Transxenine (Transxenine flag) Xenine (Xenine flag)
Xiaspec (Xiaspec flag) Xingender (Xingender flag) Almandinecrysgender (Almandinecrysgender flag)
Amethyscardic (Amethyscardic flag) Boyfreak (Boyfreak flag) Boyprincess (Boyprincess flag)
Circgender (Circgender flag) Deadthing (Deadthing flag) Demongender (Demongender flag (kingender version))
Dollgender (Dollgender flag) Firegender (Firegender flag) Horrorcosmic (Horrorcosmic flag)
Kenochoric (Kenochoric flag) Kingender (Kingender flag) Kingenderfluid (Kingenderfluid flag)
Magicgender (Magicgender flag) Morninggender (Morninggender flag) Musifluid (Musifluid flag)
Paperboy (Paperboy flag) Paperenby (Paperenby flag) Papergirl (Papergirl flag)
Pirategender (Pirategender flag) Plaguegender (Plaguegender flag) Sleepygender (Sleepygender flag)
Sparklefurgender (Sparklefurgender flag) Steampunkgender (Steampunkgender flag) Sweetdreamgender (Sweetdreamgender flag)
Synthogender (Synthogender flag) VHShorric (VHShorric flag) Watergender (Watergender flag)
Wondergender (Wondergender flag)
They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
Autistic (Neurodiversity infinity)

Free Buttons
Nature festival familiars banner (click for art credit)
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

Buttons Database - Pronouns
searchable database, includes additional identities, flags, and text options!
he/him - gender flags
He/Him (Agender flag) He/Him (Demiboy flag) He/Him (Genderfaun flag)
He/Him (Genderfluid flag) He/Him (Genderflux flag) He/Him (Genderqueer flag)
He/Him (Nonbinary flag) He/Him (Trans flag) He/Him (Xiaspec flag)

he/him - orientation flags
He/Him (Aromantic flag) He/Him (Asexual flag) He/Him (Bear flag)
He/Him (Bisexual flag) He/Him (Gay male flag) He/Him (He/him lesbian flag)
He/Him (Lesbian flag) He/Him (Pansexual flag) He/Him (Rainbow flag)

he/him - other
He/Him (Blue) He/Him (Brown) He/Him (Black)
He/Him (Pastel yellow) He/Him (Pastel purple) He/Him (Pastel pink)
He/Him (Pastel green) He/Him (Pastel blue) He/Him (Yellow)
He/Him (White) He/Him (Teal) He/Him (Red)
He/Him (Darker green) He/Him (Purple) He/Him (Pink)
He/Him (Orange) He/Him (Magenta) He/Him (Green)
He/Him (Nature green star) He/Him (Plague red star) He/Him (Water blue star)
she/her - gender flags
She/Her (Agender flag) She/Her (Demiboy flag) She/Her (Demigirl flag)
She/Her (Genderfae flag) She/Her (Genderfluid flag) She/Her (Genderflux flag)
She/Her (Genderqueer flag) She/Her (Malwaregender flag) She/Her (Nonbinary flag)
She/Her (Trans flag) She/Her (Xiaspec flag)

she/her - orientation flags
She/Her (Aroace flag) She/Her (Aromantic flag) She/Her (Asexual flag)
She/Her (Bisexual flag) She/Her (Gay flag) She/Her (Gay male flag)
She/Her (Lesbian flag) She/Her (Pansexual/romantic flag) She/Her (Rainbow gay flag)

she/her - other
She/Her (Black) She/Her (Blue) She/Her (Brown)
She/Her (Pastel yellow) She/Her (Pastel purple) She/Her (Pastel pink)
She/Her (Pastel green) She/Her (Pastel blue) She/Her (Yellow)
She/Her (White) She/Her (Teal) She/Her (Red)
She/Her (Darker green) She/Her (Purple) She/Her (Pink)
She/Her (Orange) She/Her (Magenta) She/Her (Green)
She/Her (Wind green star) She/Her (Nature green star) She/Her (Light yellow star)
they/them - gender flags
They/Them (Agender flag) They/Them (Demiboy flag) They/Them (Demifluid flag)
They/Them (Demigender flag) They/Them (Genderfae flag) They/Them (Genderfaun flag)
They/Them (Genderfluid flag) They/Them (Genderflux flag) They/Them (Genderqueer flag)
They/Them (Gendervoid flag) They/Them (Malwaregender flag) They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
They/Them (Trans flag) They/Them (Xiaspec flag)

they/them - orientation flags
They/Them (Asexual flag) They/Them (Bi flag) They/Them (Gay flag)
They/Them (Gay male flag) They/Them (Lesbian flag) They/Them (Pan flag)
They/Them (Rainbow flag) $name Lesbian

they/them - other
They/Them (Black) They/Them (Blue) They/Them (Brown)
They/Them (Pastel yellow) They/Them (Pastel purple) They/Them (Pastel pink)
They/Them (Pastel green) They/Them (Pastel blue) They/Them (Yellow)
They/Them (White) They/Them (Teal) They/Them (Red)
They/Them (Darker green) They/Them (Purple) They/Them (Pink)
They/Them (Orange) They/Them (Magenta) They/Them (Green)
it/its - gender flags
It/Its (Agender flag) It/Its (Astralgender flag) It/Its (Demigender flag)
It/Its (Genderfluid flag) It/Its (Gendervoid flag) It/Its (Malwaregender flag)
It/Its (Nonbinary flag) It/Its (Trans flag) It/Its (Xenogender flag)
It/Its (Xiaspec flag)

it/its - colors
It/Its (Black and red) It/Its (Black) It/Its (Blue)
It/Its (Pastel yellow) It/Its (Pastel purple) It/Its (Pastel pink)
It/Its (Pastel green) It/Its (Pastel blue) It/Its (Darker green)
It/Its (Yellow) It/Its (Teal) It/Its (Red)
It/Its (Purple) It/Its (Pink) It/Its (Orange)
It/Its (Magenta) It/Its (Green)
ask, none, any, & nameself
Ask Pronouns (Genderfluid flag) Ask Pronouns (Nonbinary flag) Ask Pronouns (Trans flag)
No Pronouns (Agender flag) No Pronouns (Nonbinary flag) No Pronouns (Trans flag)
Any Pronoun (Genderfluid flag) Any Pronoun (Nonbinary flag) Any Pronoun (Trans flag)
Nameself (Nonbinary flag) Nameself (Trans flag) Nameself (Xenogender flag)
Any Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag) Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag) Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag)
Ae/Aer (Agender flag) Ae/Aer (Nonbinary flag) Ae/Aer (Trans flag)
Cae/Caer (Xenogender flag) Co/Cos (Agender flag) Co/Cos (Nonbinary flag)
Co/Cos (Trans flag) Co/Cos (Xenogender flag) Cor/Corv (Trans flag)
Dei/Deir (Nonbinary flag) Fie/Fem (Neopronoun flag) Fie/Fem (Nonbinary flag)
Fie/Fem (Trans flag) Fla/Flas (Genderfluid flag) Ip/Ips (Ip/Ips flag)
Ip/Ips (Nonbinary flag) Ip/Ips (Trans flag) Ix/Ixs (Xenogender flag)
Mae/Mim (Nonbinary flag) Per/Pers (Agender flag) Per/Pers (Nonbinary flag)
Per/Pers (Trans flag) Per/Pers (Xenogender flag) Pronoun Non-Conforming
Prox/Proxself (Xenogender flag) Shey/Shem (Neopronoun flag) Shey/Shem (Nonbinary flag)
Shy/Hyr (Neopronoun flag) Shy/Hyr (Nonbinary flag) Shy/Hyr (Trans flag)
Sie/Hir (Agender flag) Sie/Hir (Neopronoun flag) Sie/Hir (Nonbinary flag)
Sie/Hir (Trans flag) Sie/Hir (Xenogender flag) Sie/Mer (Nonbinary flag)
That/That's (Xiaspec flag) This One/That One (Xiaspec flag) Ve/Vem (Xiaspec flag)
Ve/Vers (Agender flag) Ve/Vers (Nonbinary flag) Ve/Vers (Trans flag)
Ve/Vers (Xenogender flag) Wy/Wym (Neopronoun flag) Wy/Wym (Nonbinary flag)
Xe/Xem (Agender flag) Xe/Xem (Neopronoun flag) Xe/Xem (Nonbinary flag)
Xe/Xir (Black) Xey/Xem (Agender flag) Xey/Xem (Nonbinary flag)
Xey/Xem (Trans flag) Xy/Xem/Xyr (Agender flag) Xy/Xem/Xyr (Nonbinary flag)
Zae/Zem (Nonbinary flag) Ze/Hir (Agender flag) Ze/Hir (Nonbinary flag)
Ze/Zim (Trans flag) Zhey/Zhem (Neopronoun flag) Zhey/Zhem (Nonbinary flag)
Zhey/Zhem (Trans flag) Zie/Hir (Nonbinary flag) Zy/Zys (Nonbinary flag)

spivak pronouns
E/Eir (Nonbinary flag) E/Em (Nonbinary flag) Ey/Em (Agender flag)
Ey/Em (Genderqueer flag) Ey/Em (Neopronoun flag) Ey/Em (Nonbinary flag)
Ey/Em (Trans flag) Ey/Em/Eir (Girlflux flag)

historical neopronouns
Ne/Nem (Neopronoun flag) Ne/Nem (Nonbinary flag) Ne/Nem (Trans flag)
Ou/Ous (Neopronoun flag) Ou/Ous (Nonbinary flag) Ou/Ous (Trans flag)
Thon/Thons (Neopronoun flag) Thon/Thons (Nonbinary flag) Thon/Thons (Trans flag)
Thon/Thonself (Neopronoun flag) Thon/Thonself (Nonbinary flag) Thon/Thonself (Trans flag)

fae pronouns
Fey/Feyr (Nonbinary flag) Fey/Feyr (Trans flag) Fey/Feyr (Xenogender flag)
Fae/Faer (Fae/Faer flag) Fae/Faer (Nonbinary flag) Fae/Faer (Trans flag)
Fae/Faer (Xenogender flag) Fae/Fem (Neopronoun flag) Fae/Fem (Nonbinary flag)
Fae/Fem (Trans flag)

feline neopronouns
Cat/Catself (Catgender flag) Cat/Catself (Transgender flag) Cat/Catself (Xenogender flag)
Meow/Meows (Catgender flag) Meow/Meows (Trans flag) Meow/Meows (Xenogender flag)
Mew/Mews (Catgender flag) Mew/Mews (Trans flag) Mew/Mews (Xenogender flag)
Nya/Nyan (Catgender flag) Nya/Nyan (Trans flag) Nya/Nyan (Trans flag)
Purr/Purrs (Catgender flag) Purr/Purrs (Trans flag) Purr/Purrs (Xenogender flag)

canine neopronouns
Bark/Barks (Trans flag) Fox/Foxself (Xenogender flag) Howl/Howls (Xenogender flag)
Pup/Pups (Nonbinary flag) Pup/Pups (Trans flag) Pup/Pups (Xenogender flag)
Wan/Wans (Doggender flag) Wolf/Wolfs (Xenogender flag)

other nounself pronouns
Bone/Bones (White) Boo/Booself (Purple) Bun/Bunself (Trans flag)
Bun/Bunself (Xenogender flag) Creeper/Creepers (Minecraft creeper face) Dei/Deiself (Nonbinary flag)
Dei/Deiself (Xenogender flag) Deity/Deitys (Sepia and black) Dino/Dinoself (Xenogender flag)
Doll/Dollself (Agender flag) El/Elks (Nonbinary flag) El/Elks (Trans flag)
El/Elks (Xenogender flag) Eld/Ritch (Horrorcosmic flag) Electroself (Pastel purple)
Faun/Faunself (Xenogender flag) Fern/Fernself (Xenogender flag) Fluff/Fluffself (Xenogender flag)
Glo/Gloself (Blue) God/Godself (Xenogender flag) Gor/Gores (Red)
Gut/Guts (Red) Lo/Loveself (Nonbinary flag) Lo/Loveself (Xenogender flag)
Lore/Lores (Lore pronoun flag) Moon/Moons (Xenogender flag) Moss/Moss's (Moss pronoun flag)
Moth/Mothself (Xenogender flag) Pan/Pans (Pan pronoun flag) Pig/Pigs (Xenogender flag)
Poison/Poisons (Poison pronoun flag) Ro/Rose (Xenogender flag) Roo/Roos (Genderfluid flag)
Rot/Rots (Plaguegender flag) Skit/Skittles (Nonbinary flag) Skit/Skittles (Trans flag)
Sloth/Sloths (Red) Sol/Sun (Sun wheel) Sprout/Sprouts (Leaf sprout)
Star/Starself (Xenogender flag) Stell/Stellium (Horrorcosmic flag) Swag/Swags (Swag pronouns flag)
Sweet/Sweetself (Neopronoun flag) Sweet/Sweetself (Xenogender flag) Vam/Vamps (Vamp pronoun flag)
Void/Voids (Trans flag) Void/Voids (Xenogender flag) Yarr/Arrs (Pirategender flag)
he/they - gender flags
He/They (Agender flag) He/They (Bigender flag) He/They (Boyflux flag)
He/They (Demiboy flag) He/They (Genderfaun flag) He/They (Genderfluid flag)
He/They (Genderqueer flag) He/They (Malwaregender flag) He/They (Nonbinary flag)
He/They (Nonbinary flag) He/They (Trans flag)

he/they - orientation flags
He/They (Achillean flag) He/They (Asexual flag) He/They (Bi flag)
He/They (Gay man flag) He/They (Gay rainbow flag) He/They (Lesbian flag)
He/They (Pansexual flag)

he/they - colors
He/They (Black) He/They (Blue) He/They (Pink)
He/They (Pastel yellow) He/They (Pastel purple) He/They (Pastel pink)
He/They (Pastel green) He/They (Pastel blue)
she/they - gender flags
She/They (Agender flag) She/They (Demigirl flag) She/They (Genderfae flag)
She/They (Genderfluid flag) She/They (Genderqueer flag) She/They (Malwaregender flag)
She/They (Nonbinary flag) She/They (Nonbinary flag) She/They (Queer flag)
She/They (Trans flag) She/They (Transfem flag)

she/they - orientation flags
She/They (Asexual flag) She/They (Bi flag) She/They (Gay rainbow flag)
She/They (Lesbian flag) She/They (Pan flag)

she/they - colors
She/They (Black) She/They (Blue) She/They (Pink)
She/They (Pastel yellow) She/They (Pastel purple) She/They (Pastel pink)
She/They (Pastel green) She/They (Pastel blue)
He/She (Agender flag) He/She (Arogender flag) He/She (Bigender flag)
He/She (Genderfluid flag) He/She (Genderqueer flag) He/She (Malwaregender flag)
He/She (Nonbinary flag) He/She (Trans flag) She/He (Agender flag)
She/He (Arogender flag) She/He (Bigender flag) She/He (Genderfluid flag)
She/He (Genderqueer flag) She/He (Nonbinary flag) She/He (Trans flag)
She/He (Transfem flag) She/He (Transmasc flag) She/Him (Demigirl flag)
She/Him (Lesbian flag)

He/She/They (Genderfluid flag) He/She/They (Genderqueer flag) He/She/They (Malwaregender flag)
He/She/They (Nonbinary flag) He/She/They (Trans flag) She/He/They (Demigirl flag)
He/She/They (Black) He/She/They (Blue) He/She/They (Yellow)
He/She/They (Red) He/She/They (Purple) He/She/They (Pink)
He/She/They (Orange) He/She/They (Green)

It/They (Agender flag) They/It (Demigender flag) They/It (Genderfluid flag)
They/It (Genderqueer flag) They/It (Gendervoid flag) They/It (Nonbinary flag)
It/They (Black) They/It (Teal) They/It (Darker green)
They/It (Magenta)

pronounfluid & pronoun collectors
Pronounfluid (Genderfluid flag) Pronounfluid (Pronounfluid flag) Pronounflux (Pronounflux flag)
Falconhoarder (Falconhoarder flag) Ravenhoarder (Ravenhoarder flag) Termcollector
Turkeyhoarder (Turkeyhoarder flag)

mixed pronouns with xe/ze
He/Him + Ze/Zim (Sonnian flag) He/Him + Ze/Zim (Trans flag) He/They/Xe (Agender flag)
He/Xe (Agender flag) He/Xe (Boyflux flag) He/Xe (Genderfaun flag)
He/Xe/They (Trans flag) She/They/Ze (Nonbinary flag) She/Xe (Demigirl flag)
They/It/Xe (Agender flag) They/Xe (Agender flag) Xe/He (Trans flag)
Xe/They (Malwaregender flag)

nounself mixed pronouns
He/Fruit (Xenogender flag) He/Pup (Trans flag) He/She/Pup (Lesbian flag)
He/She/Sol (Starfluid flag) She/Melon (Xenogender flag) They/Elks (Genderfaun flag)

other mixed/multi pronouns
Ey/She/He (Agender flag) He/Ey/They (Demiboy flag) He/It (Agender flag)
He/It (Yellow) He/It (Green) He/It/They (Catgender flag)
He/It/They (Demiboy flag) He/It/They (Transgender flag) He/She/It (Arogender flag)
He/She/It (Genderfluid flag) He/She/It (Genderqueer flag) He/They/Ey (Genderqueer flag)
He/They/It (Agender flag) He/They/It (Bigender flag) He/They/It (Demiboy flag)
He/They/It (Voidmasc flag) He/They/Vae (Genderfaun flag) She/Fae/It (Doeflux flag)
She/He/It (Arogender flag) She/He/It (Genderqueer flag) She/He/They/It (Nonbinary flag)
She/They/It (Demigirl flag) She/They/It (Genderfluid flag) She/They/It (Nonbinary flag)
She/They/It (Transfem flag) She/They/It (Voidfem flag) She/Zie (Demigirl flag)
She/Zie/Cii (Demigirl flag) She/Zie/Fey (Girlflux flag) She/Zie/Xie (Demigirl flag)
They/He (Agender flag) They/He (Trans flag) They/He/It (Genderqueer flag)
spanish pronouns
El (Speech bubble) El o Ella (Speech bubble) El o Elle (Speech bubble)
El/Lo (Speech bubble) Ell_/L_ (Speech bubble) Ell*/L* (Speech bubble)
Ella (Speech bubble) Ella o Elle (Speech bubble) Ella/La (Speech bubble)
Ellae/Lae (Speech bubble) Elle/Le (Speech bubble) Elli/Li (Speech bubble)
Elloa/Loa (Speech bubble) Ellu/Lu (Speech bubble) Ellx/Lx (Speech bubble)
Il/Li (Speech bubble) Ol/Ol (Speech bubble) Xelle/Le (Speech bubble)

conlang pronouns
Kaysh/Kaysh (Mandalorian helmet) Kaysh/Kaysh (Neopronoun flag) Kaysh/Kaysh (Trans flag)
Nust/Niin (Agender flag) Nust/Niin (Neopronoun flag) Nust/Niin (Nonbinary flag)
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

Buttons Database - Pronouns
searchable database, includes additional identities, flags, and text options!
he/him - gender flags
He/Him (Agender flag) He/Him (Demiboy flag) He/Him (Genderfaun flag)
He/Him (Genderfluid flag) He/Him (Genderflux flag) He/Him (Genderqueer flag)
He/Him (Nonbinary flag) He/Him (Trans flag) He/Him (Xiaspec flag)

he/him - orientation flags
He/Him (Aromantic flag) He/Him (Asexual flag) He/Him (Bear flag)
He/Him (Bisexual flag) He/Him (Gay male flag) He/Him (He/him lesbian flag)
He/Him (Lesbian flag) He/Him (Pansexual flag) He/Him (Rainbow flag)

he/him - other
He/Him (Blue) He/Him (Brown) He/Him (Black)
He/Him (Pastel yellow) He/Him (Pastel purple) He/Him (Pastel pink)
He/Him (Pastel green) He/Him (Pastel blue) He/Him (Yellow)
He/Him (White) He/Him (Teal) He/Him (Red)
He/Him (Darker green) He/Him (Purple) He/Him (Pink)
He/Him (Orange) He/Him (Magenta) He/Him (Green)
He/Him (Nature green star) He/Him (Plague red star) He/Him (Water blue star)
she/her - gender flags
She/Her (Agender flag) She/Her (Demiboy flag) She/Her (Demigirl flag)
She/Her (Genderfae flag) She/Her (Genderfluid flag) She/Her (Genderflux flag)
She/Her (Genderqueer flag) She/Her (Malwaregender flag) She/Her (Nonbinary flag)
She/Her (Trans flag) She/Her (Xiaspec flag)

she/her - orientation flags
She/Her (Aroace flag) She/Her (Aromantic flag) She/Her (Asexual flag)
She/Her (Bisexual flag) She/Her (Gay flag) She/Her (Gay male flag)
She/Her (Lesbian flag) She/Her (Pansexual/romantic flag) She/Her (Rainbow gay flag)

she/her - other
She/Her (Black) She/Her (Blue) She/Her (Brown)
She/Her (Pastel yellow) She/Her (Pastel purple) She/Her (Pastel pink)
She/Her (Pastel green) She/Her (Pastel blue) She/Her (Yellow)
She/Her (White) She/Her (Teal) She/Her (Red)
She/Her (Darker green) She/Her (Purple) She/Her (Pink)
She/Her (Orange) She/Her (Magenta) She/Her (Green)
She/Her (Wind green star) She/Her (Nature green star) She/Her (Light yellow star)
they/them - gender flags
They/Them (Agender flag) They/Them (Demiboy flag) They/Them (Demifluid flag)
They/Them (Demigender flag) They/Them (Genderfae flag) They/Them (Genderfaun flag)
They/Them (Genderfluid flag) They/Them (Genderflux flag) They/Them (Genderqueer flag)
They/Them (Gendervoid flag) They/Them (Malwaregender flag) They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
They/Them (Trans flag) They/Them (Xiaspec flag)

they/them - orientation flags
They/Them (Asexual flag) They/Them (Bi flag) They/Them (Gay flag)
They/Them (Gay male flag) They/Them (Lesbian flag) They/Them (Pan flag)
They/Them (Rainbow flag) $name Lesbian

they/them - other
They/Them (Black) They/Them (Blue) They/Them (Brown)
They/Them (Pastel yellow) They/Them (Pastel purple) They/Them (Pastel pink)
They/Them (Pastel green) They/Them (Pastel blue) They/Them (Yellow)
They/Them (White) They/Them (Teal) They/Them (Red)
They/Them (Darker green) They/Them (Purple) They/Them (Pink)
They/Them (Orange) They/Them (Magenta) They/Them (Green)
it/its - gender flags
It/Its (Agender flag) It/Its (Astralgender flag) It/Its (Demigender flag)
It/Its (Genderfluid flag) It/Its (Gendervoid flag) It/Its (Malwaregender flag)
It/Its (Nonbinary flag) It/Its (Trans flag) It/Its (Xenogender flag)
It/Its (Xiaspec flag)

it/its - colors
It/Its (Black and red) It/Its (Black) It/Its (Blue)
It/Its (Pastel yellow) It/Its (Pastel purple) It/Its (Pastel pink)
It/Its (Pastel green) It/Its (Pastel blue) It/Its (Darker green)
It/Its (Yellow) It/Its (Teal) It/Its (Red)
It/Its (Purple) It/Its (Pink) It/Its (Orange)
It/Its (Magenta) It/Its (Green)
ask, none, any, & nameself
Ask Pronouns (Genderfluid flag) Ask Pronouns (Nonbinary flag) Ask Pronouns (Trans flag)
No Pronouns (Agender flag) No Pronouns (Nonbinary flag) No Pronouns (Trans flag)
Any Pronoun (Genderfluid flag) Any Pronoun (Nonbinary flag) Any Pronoun (Trans flag)
Nameself (Nonbinary flag) Nameself (Trans flag) Nameself (Xenogender flag)
Any Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag) Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag) Neopronouns (Neopronoun flag)
Ae/Aer (Agender flag) Ae/Aer (Nonbinary flag) Ae/Aer (Trans flag)
Cae/Caer (Xenogender flag) Co/Cos (Agender flag) Co/Cos (Nonbinary flag)
Co/Cos (Trans flag) Co/Cos (Xenogender flag) Cor/Corv (Trans flag)
Dei/Deir (Nonbinary flag) Fie/Fem (Neopronoun flag) Fie/Fem (Nonbinary flag)
Fie/Fem (Trans flag) Fla/Flas (Genderfluid flag) Ip/Ips (Ip/Ips flag)
Ip/Ips (Nonbinary flag) Ip/Ips (Trans flag) Ix/Ixs (Xenogender flag)
Mae/Mim (Nonbinary flag) Per/Pers (Agender flag) Per/Pers (Nonbinary flag)
Per/Pers (Trans flag) Per/Pers (Xenogender flag) Pronoun Non-Conforming
Prox/Proxself (Xenogender flag) Shey/Shem (Neopronoun flag) Shey/Shem (Nonbinary flag)
Shy/Hyr (Neopronoun flag) Shy/Hyr (Nonbinary flag) Shy/Hyr (Trans flag)
Sie/Hir (Agender flag) Sie/Hir (Neopronoun flag) Sie/Hir (Nonbinary flag)
Sie/Hir (Trans flag) Sie/Hir (Xenogender flag) Sie/Mer (Nonbinary flag)
That/That's (Xiaspec flag) This One/That One (Xiaspec flag) Ve/Vem (Xiaspec flag)
Ve/Vers (Agender flag) Ve/Vers (Nonbinary flag) Ve/Vers (Trans flag)
Ve/Vers (Xenogender flag) Wy/Wym (Neopronoun flag) Wy/Wym (Nonbinary flag)
Xe/Xem (Agender flag) Xe/Xem (Neopronoun flag) Xe/Xem (Nonbinary flag)
Xe/Xir (Black) Xey/Xem (Agender flag) Xey/Xem (Nonbinary flag)
Xey/Xem (Trans flag) Xy/Xem/Xyr (Agender flag) Xy/Xem/Xyr (Nonbinary flag)
Zae/Zem (Nonbinary flag) Ze/Hir (Agender flag) Ze/Hir (Nonbinary flag)
Ze/Zim (Trans flag) Zhey/Zhem (Neopronoun flag) Zhey/Zhem (Nonbinary flag)
Zhey/Zhem (Trans flag) Zie/Hir (Nonbinary flag) Zy/Zys (Nonbinary flag)

spivak pronouns
E/Eir (Nonbinary flag) E/Em (Nonbinary flag) Ey/Em (Agender flag)
Ey/Em (Genderqueer flag) Ey/Em (Neopronoun flag) Ey/Em (Nonbinary flag)
Ey/Em (Trans flag) Ey/Em/Eir (Girlflux flag)

historical neopronouns
Ne/Nem (Neopronoun flag) Ne/Nem (Nonbinary flag) Ne/Nem (Trans flag)
Ou/Ous (Neopronoun flag) Ou/Ous (Nonbinary flag) Ou/Ous (Trans flag)
Thon/Thons (Neopronoun flag) Thon/Thons (Nonbinary flag) Thon/Thons (Trans flag)
Thon/Thonself (Neopronoun flag) Thon/Thonself (Nonbinary flag) Thon/Thonself (Trans flag)

fae pronouns
Fey/Feyr (Nonbinary flag) Fey/Feyr (Trans flag) Fey/Feyr (Xenogender flag)
Fae/Faer (Fae/Faer flag) Fae/Faer (Nonbinary flag) Fae/Faer (Trans flag)
Fae/Faer (Xenogender flag) Fae/Fem (Neopronoun flag) Fae/Fem (Nonbinary flag)
Fae/Fem (Trans flag)

feline neopronouns
Cat/Catself (Catgender flag) Cat/Catself (Transgender flag) Cat/Catself (Xenogender flag)
Meow/Meows (Catgender flag) Meow/Meows (Trans flag) Meow/Meows (Xenogender flag)
Mew/Mews (Catgender flag) Mew/Mews (Trans flag) Mew/Mews (Xenogender flag)
Nya/Nyan (Catgender flag) Nya/Nyan (Trans flag) Nya/Nyan (Trans flag)
Purr/Purrs (Catgender flag) Purr/Purrs (Trans flag) Purr/Purrs (Xenogender flag)

canine neopronouns
Bark/Barks (Trans flag) Fox/Foxself (Xenogender flag) Howl/Howls (Xenogender flag)
Pup/Pups (Nonbinary flag) Pup/Pups (Trans flag) Pup/Pups (Xenogender flag)
Wan/Wans (Doggender flag) Wolf/Wolfs (Xenogender flag)

other nounself pronouns
Bone/Bones (White) Boo/Booself (Purple) Bun/Bunself (Trans flag)
Bun/Bunself (Xenogender flag) Creeper/Creepers (Minecraft creeper face) Dei/Deiself (Nonbinary flag)
Dei/Deiself (Xenogender flag) Deity/Deitys (Sepia and black) Dino/Dinoself (Xenogender flag)
Doll/Dollself (Agender flag) El/Elks (Nonbinary flag) El/Elks (Trans flag)
El/Elks (Xenogender flag) Eld/Ritch (Horrorcosmic flag) Electroself (Pastel purple)
Faun/Faunself (Xenogender flag) Fern/Fernself (Xenogender flag) Fluff/Fluffself (Xenogender flag)
Glo/Gloself (Blue) God/Godself (Xenogender flag) Gor/Gores (Red)
Gut/Guts (Red) Lo/Loveself (Nonbinary flag) Lo/Loveself (Xenogender flag)
Lore/Lores (Lore pronoun flag) Moon/Moons (Xenogender flag) Moss/Moss's (Moss pronoun flag)
Moth/Mothself (Xenogender flag) Pan/Pans (Pan pronoun flag) Pig/Pigs (Xenogender flag)
Poison/Poisons (Poison pronoun flag) Ro/Rose (Xenogender flag) Roo/Roos (Genderfluid flag)
Rot/Rots (Plaguegender flag) Skit/Skittles (Nonbinary flag) Skit/Skittles (Trans flag)
Sloth/Sloths (Red) Sol/Sun (Sun wheel) Sprout/Sprouts (Leaf sprout)
Star/Starself (Xenogender flag) Stell/Stellium (Horrorcosmic flag) Swag/Swags (Swag pronouns flag)
Sweet/Sweetself (Neopronoun flag) Sweet/Sweetself (Xenogender flag) Vam/Vamps (Vamp pronoun flag)
Void/Voids (Trans flag) Void/Voids (Xenogender flag) Yarr/Arrs (Pirategender flag)
he/they - gender flags
He/They (Agender flag) He/They (Bigender flag) He/They (Boyflux flag)
He/They (Demiboy flag) He/They (Genderfaun flag) He/They (Genderfluid flag)
He/They (Genderqueer flag) He/They (Malwaregender flag) He/They (Nonbinary flag)
He/They (Nonbinary flag) He/They (Trans flag)

he/they - orientation flags
He/They (Achillean flag) He/They (Asexual flag) He/They (Bi flag)
He/They (Gay man flag) He/They (Gay rainbow flag) He/They (Lesbian flag)
He/They (Pansexual flag)

he/they - colors
He/They (Black) He/They (Blue) He/They (Pink)
He/They (Pastel yellow) He/They (Pastel purple) He/They (Pastel pink)
He/They (Pastel green) He/They (Pastel blue)
she/they - gender flags
She/They (Agender flag) She/They (Demigirl flag) She/They (Genderfae flag)
She/They (Genderfluid flag) She/They (Genderqueer flag) She/They (Malwaregender flag)
She/They (Nonbinary flag) She/They (Nonbinary flag) She/They (Queer flag)
She/They (Trans flag) She/They (Transfem flag)

she/they - orientation flags
She/They (Asexual flag) She/They (Bi flag) She/They (Gay rainbow flag)
She/They (Lesbian flag) She/They (Pan flag)

she/they - colors
She/They (Black) She/They (Blue) She/They (Pink)
She/They (Pastel yellow) She/They (Pastel purple) She/They (Pastel pink)
She/They (Pastel green) She/They (Pastel blue)
He/She (Agender flag) He/She (Arogender flag) He/She (Bigender flag)
He/She (Genderfluid flag) He/She (Genderqueer flag) He/She (Malwaregender flag)
He/She (Nonbinary flag) He/She (Trans flag) She/He (Agender flag)
She/He (Arogender flag) She/He (Bigender flag) She/He (Genderfluid flag)
She/He (Genderqueer flag) She/He (Nonbinary flag) She/He (Trans flag)
She/He (Transfem flag) She/He (Transmasc flag) She/Him (Demigirl flag)
She/Him (Lesbian flag)

He/She/They (Genderfluid flag) He/She/They (Genderqueer flag) He/She/They (Malwaregender flag)
He/She/They (Nonbinary flag) He/She/They (Trans flag) She/He/They (Demigirl flag)
He/She/They (Black) He/She/They (Blue) He/She/They (Yellow)
He/She/They (Red) He/She/They (Purple) He/She/They (Pink)
He/She/They (Orange) He/She/They (Green)

It/They (Agender flag) They/It (Demigender flag) They/It (Genderfluid flag)
They/It (Genderqueer flag) They/It (Gendervoid flag) They/It (Nonbinary flag)
It/They (Black) They/It (Teal) They/It (Darker green)
They/It (Magenta)

pronounfluid & pronoun collectors
Pronounfluid (Genderfluid flag) Pronounfluid (Pronounfluid flag) Pronounflux (Pronounflux flag)
Falconhoarder (Falconhoarder flag) Ravenhoarder (Ravenhoarder flag) Termcollector
Turkeyhoarder (Turkeyhoarder flag)

mixed pronouns with xe/ze
He/Him + Ze/Zim (Sonnian flag) He/Him + Ze/Zim (Trans flag) He/They/Xe (Agender flag)
He/Xe (Agender flag) He/Xe (Boyflux flag) He/Xe (Genderfaun flag)
He/Xe/They (Trans flag) She/They/Ze (Nonbinary flag) She/Xe (Demigirl flag)
They/It/Xe (Agender flag) They/Xe (Agender flag) Xe/He (Trans flag)
Xe/They (Malwaregender flag)

nounself mixed pronouns
He/Fruit (Xenogender flag) He/Pup (Trans flag) He/She/Pup (Lesbian flag)
He/She/Sol (Starfluid flag) She/Melon (Xenogender flag) They/Elks (Genderfaun flag)

other mixed/multi pronouns
Ey/She/He (Agender flag) He/Ey/They (Demiboy flag) He/It (Agender flag)
He/It (Yellow) He/It (Green) He/It/They (Catgender flag)
He/It/They (Demiboy flag) He/It/They (Transgender flag) He/She/It (Arogender flag)
He/She/It (Genderfluid flag) He/She/It (Genderqueer flag) He/They/Ey (Genderqueer flag)
He/They/It (Agender flag) He/They/It (Bigender flag) He/They/It (Demiboy flag)
He/They/It (Voidmasc flag) He/They/Vae (Genderfaun flag) She/Fae/It (Doeflux flag)
She/He/It (Arogender flag) She/He/It (Genderqueer flag) She/He/They/It (Nonbinary flag)
She/They/It (Demigirl flag) She/They/It (Genderfluid flag) She/They/It (Nonbinary flag)
She/They/It (Transfem flag) She/They/It (Voidfem flag) She/Zie (Demigirl flag)
She/Zie/Cii (Demigirl flag) She/Zie/Fey (Girlflux flag) She/Zie/Xie (Demigirl flag)
They/He (Agender flag) They/He (Trans flag) They/He/It (Genderqueer flag)
spanish pronouns
El (Speech bubble) El o Ella (Speech bubble) El o Elle (Speech bubble)
El/Lo (Speech bubble) Ell_/L_ (Speech bubble) Ell*/L* (Speech bubble)
Ella (Speech bubble) Ella o Elle (Speech bubble) Ella/La (Speech bubble)
Ellae/Lae (Speech bubble) Elle/Le (Speech bubble) Elli/Li (Speech bubble)
Elloa/Loa (Speech bubble) Ellu/Lu (Speech bubble) Ellx/Lx (Speech bubble)
Il/Li (Speech bubble) Ol/Ol (Speech bubble) Xelle/Le (Speech bubble)

conlang pronouns
Kaysh/Kaysh (Mandalorian helmet) Kaysh/Kaysh (Neopronoun flag) Kaysh/Kaysh (Trans flag)
Nust/Niin (Agender flag) Nust/Niin (Neopronoun flag) Nust/Niin (Nonbinary flag)
They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
Autistic (Neurodiversity infinity)

Free Buttons
Nature festival familiars banner (click for art credit)
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

Buttons Database - Orientations
searchable database, includes additional identities, flags, and text options!
unsorted orientations
Gay (Gay flag (lightened)) Gay (Gay flag) Homoflexible (Homoflexible flag)
Queer (Chevron flag) Queer (Queer flag) Queer Villain Pride (Queer Villain Pride flag)
Queerpunk (Queerpunk flag) T4T (T4T flag (by polyamaesthetic)) TLT (TLT flag (by polyamaesthetic))
Diamoric (Diamoric flag) Gai (Gai flag) Allorose (Allo flag)
Allosexual (Allo flag) $name LGBT $name LGBT
$name LGBT Two Spirit (Two Spirit flag) Unlabeled (Unlabeled flag)

Straight (Pink heart) Heterosexual (Pink heart) Hetero (Pink heart)
Heteroflexible (Heteroflexible flag) Transhet (Transhet flag) Straight Ally
Straight Ally (Straight Ally flag)

Bisexual (Bisexual flag) Pansexual Bi/Pan (Bi/Pan flags (split))
$name Bi $name Bi $name Bi
Bi-Gay (Bi-Gay flag) Bi-Lesbian (Bi-Lesbian flag) Squirrel Bi (Squirrel Bi flag)
Fox Pan (Fox Pan flag) Omnisexual (Omnisexual flag) Omni/Bi (Omni/Bi flags (split))
Polysexual (Polysexual flag) Pluralian (Pluralian flag) Mercuric (Mercuric flag)
Neptunic (Neptunic flag) Uranic (Uranic flag) M-Spec (M-Spec flag)
Aventurian (Aventurian flag) Brownitian (Brownitian flag) Callistian (Callistian flag)
Carnelian (Carnelian flag) Courscatian (Courscatian flag) Iridian (Iridian flag)
Jaspian (Jaspian flag) Lapian (Lapian flag) Luminian (Luminian flag)
Nomasexual (Nomasexual flag) Nowomasexual (Nowomasexual flag) Opalian (Opalian flag)
Spinelian (Spinelian flag) Versian (Versian flag) Vespian (Vespian flag)

Abromantic (Abro flag) Abrosexual (Abrosexual flag) Shiftsexual (Shiftsexual flag)
Aceflux (Aceflux flag) Aroaceflux (Aroaceflux flag) Aroflux (Aroflux flag)
Biflux (Biflux flag) Heteroflux (Heteroflux flag) Omniflux (Omniflux flag)
Panflux (Panflux flag) Shiftflux (Shiftflux flag)

FIN attraction
Likes Women (Pink) Likes Girls (Pink) Likes Females (Pink)
Lesbian (Lesbian flag) Femme (Lesbian flag) Butch (Lesbian flag)
Femme (Femme flag) Butch (Butch flag) WLW (Sapphic flag)
Bambi Lesbian (Bambi Lesbian flag) NB Lesbian (Lesbian flag) NB Sapphic (Nonbinary Sapphic flag)
NBLW (Juvelic Sapphic flag) Trixic (Trixic flag) Orbisian (Trixic flag)
NBLW (Trixic flag) Axinitian (Axinitian flag) Feminamoric (Feminamoric flag)
NB WLW (Nonbinary Sapphic flag) Sapphic (Lesbian flag) Sapphic (Nonbinary Sapphic flag)
Sapphic (Sapphic flag) Umbalian (Umbalian flag) Lunaric (Lunaric flag)
Venusic (Venusic flag) Gynosexual (Gynosexual flag)

MIN attraction
Likes Men (Blue) Likes Boys (Blue) Likes Males (Blue)
Gay (Gay man flag) Gay Man (Gay Man flag) Vincian (Gay man flag)
Twink (Twink flag) Bear (Bear flag) Achillean (Achillean flag)
MLM (Achillean flag) Diamondian (Diamondian flag) Turian (Turian flag)
Toric (Toric flag) NBLM (Toric/quadrisian flag) Quadrisian (Quadrisian flag)
NBLM (Juvelic Achillean flag) NB Achillean (NB Achillean flag) NB MLM (NB MLM flag)
NBLM (MLM/NBLM flag) Azurian (Azurian flag) Bambi Gay (Bambi Gay flag)
Cinthean (Cinthean flag) Rubian (Rubian flag) Viramoric (Viramoric flag)
Marsic (Marsic flag) Solaric (Solaric flag) Androsexual (Androsexual flag)

NIN attraction
Likes NBs (Nonbinary flag) Ceterosexual (Ceterosexual flag) Skoliosexual (Skoliosexual flag)
Saturnic (Saturnic flag) Singularic (Singularic flag) Stellaric (Stellaric flag)
Terraric (Terraric flag) Enbian (Enbian flag) Hecatolic (Hecatolic flag)
NBLNB (Enbian flag) Topazian (Topazian flag) Triasexual (Triasexual flag)
Turquoian (Turquoian flag) WLNB (Maedic flag) MLNB (Astroidian flag)

ace spectrum
Asexual (Asexual flag) Demisexual (Demisexual flag) Gray Ace (Gray Ace flag)
Acespec (Acespec flag) Aegosexual (Aegosexual flag) Autosexual (Autosexual flag)
Caedsexual (Caedsexual flag) Cupiosexual (Cupiosexual flag) Enciesexual (Enciesexual flag)
Fictosexual (Fictosexual flag) Fraysexual (Fraysexual flag) Lithosexual (Lithosexual flag)
Non-SAM Ace (Non-SAM Ace flag) Orchidsexual (Orchidsexual flag) Post Rubor (Post Rubor flag)
$name Asexual Rat Ace (Rat Ace flag) Reciprosexual (Reciprosexual flag)
Requisexual (Requisexual flag) Aceallo (Aceallo flag) Bi Ace (Bi Ace flags (split))
Demipan (Demipan flag) Pan Ace (Pan Ace flags (split))

aro spectrum
Aromantic (Aromantic flag) Demiromantic (Demiromantic flag) Gray Aro (Aromantic flag)
Arospec (Arospec flag) Bellusromantic Cupioromantic (Cupioromantic flag)
Fictoromantic (Fictoromantic flag) Frayromantic (Frayromantic flag) Idemromantic (Idemromantic flag)
Lithromantic (Lithromantic flag) Nebularo (Nebularo flag) Non-SAM Aro (Non-SAM Aro flag)
Orchidromantic (Orchidromantic flag) Quoiromantic (Quoiromantic flag) Recipromantic (Recipromantic flag)
Requisromantic (Requisromantic flag) Alloaro (Alloaro flag) Aro Pan (Aro Pan flags (split))

Aroace (Aroace flag) Aroace Aroace Spectrum
Demian (Demian flag) Demiaroace (Demian flag) Gray Aroace (Gray Aroace flag)
Angled Aroace (Angled Aroace flag) Oriented Aroace (Oriented Aroace flag)

other romantic orientations
Homoromantic (Gay man flag) Homoromantic (Homoromantic flag) Homoromantic (Lesbian flag)
Biromantic (Biromantic flag) Panromantic Omniromantic (Omniromantic flag)
Polyromantic (Polyromantic flag) Nomaromantic (Nomaromantic flag) Nowomaromantic (Nowomaromantic flag)
Achilromantic (Achilromantic flag) Alloromantic (Allo flag) Ceteroromantic (Ceteroromantic flag)
Heteromantic (Heteromantic flag) Triaromantic (Triaromantic flag)

label collectors
Kiwihoarder (Kiwihoarder flag) Lycheehoarder (Lycheehoarder flag) Magpiehoarder (Magpiehoarder flag)
Ravenhoarder (Ravenhoarder flag) Termcollector

tertiary attraction
Aemotional (Aemotional flag) Anattractional (Anattractional flag) Aphysical (Aphysical flag)
Aplatonic (Aplatonic flag) Asensual (Asensual flag) Asocial (Asocial flag)
Atertiary (Atertiary flag) Nonaesthetic (Nonaesthetic flag) Nonalterous (Nonalterous flag)
Objectum (Objectum flag) Panalterous (Panalterous flag) Panqueerplatonic
Queerplatonic (Queerplatonic flag)
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

Buttons Database - Orientations
searchable database, includes additional identities, flags, and text options!
unsorted orientations
Gay (Gay flag (lightened)) Gay (Gay flag) Homoflexible (Homoflexible flag)
Queer (Chevron flag) Queer (Queer flag) Queer Villain Pride (Queer Villain Pride flag)
Queerpunk (Queerpunk flag) T4T (T4T flag (by polyamaesthetic)) TLT (TLT flag (by polyamaesthetic))
Diamoric (Diamoric flag) Gai (Gai flag) Allorose (Allo flag)
Allosexual (Allo flag) $name LGBT $name LGBT
$name LGBT Two Spirit (Two Spirit flag) Unlabeled (Unlabeled flag)

Straight (Pink heart) Heterosexual (Pink heart) Hetero (Pink heart)
Heteroflexible (Heteroflexible flag) Transhet (Transhet flag) Straight Ally
Straight Ally (Straight Ally flag)

Bisexual (Bisexual flag) Pansexual Bi/Pan (Bi/Pan flags (split))
$name Bi $name Bi $name Bi
Bi-Gay (Bi-Gay flag) Bi-Lesbian (Bi-Lesbian flag) Squirrel Bi (Squirrel Bi flag)
Fox Pan (Fox Pan flag) Omnisexual (Omnisexual flag) Omni/Bi (Omni/Bi flags (split))
Polysexual (Polysexual flag) Pluralian (Pluralian flag) Mercuric (Mercuric flag)
Neptunic (Neptunic flag) Uranic (Uranic flag) M-Spec (M-Spec flag)
Aventurian (Aventurian flag) Brownitian (Brownitian flag) Callistian (Callistian flag)
Carnelian (Carnelian flag) Courscatian (Courscatian flag) Iridian (Iridian flag)
Jaspian (Jaspian flag) Lapian (Lapian flag) Luminian (Luminian flag)
Nomasexual (Nomasexual flag) Nowomasexual (Nowomasexual flag) Opalian (Opalian flag)
Spinelian (Spinelian flag) Versian (Versian flag) Vespian (Vespian flag)

Abromantic (Abro flag) Abrosexual (Abrosexual flag) Shiftsexual (Shiftsexual flag)
Aceflux (Aceflux flag) Aroaceflux (Aroaceflux flag) Aroflux (Aroflux flag)
Biflux (Biflux flag) Heteroflux (Heteroflux flag) Omniflux (Omniflux flag)
Panflux (Panflux flag) Shiftflux (Shiftflux flag)

FIN attraction
Likes Women (Pink) Likes Girls (Pink) Likes Females (Pink)
Lesbian (Lesbian flag) Femme (Lesbian flag) Butch (Lesbian flag)
Femme (Femme flag) Butch (Butch flag) WLW (Sapphic flag)
Bambi Lesbian (Bambi Lesbian flag) NB Lesbian (Lesbian flag) NB Sapphic (Nonbinary Sapphic flag)
NBLW (Juvelic Sapphic flag) Trixic (Trixic flag) Orbisian (Trixic flag)
NBLW (Trixic flag) Axinitian (Axinitian flag) Feminamoric (Feminamoric flag)
NB WLW (Nonbinary Sapphic flag) Sapphic (Lesbian flag) Sapphic (Nonbinary Sapphic flag)
Sapphic (Sapphic flag) Umbalian (Umbalian flag) Lunaric (Lunaric flag)
Venusic (Venusic flag) Gynosexual (Gynosexual flag)

MIN attraction
Likes Men (Blue) Likes Boys (Blue) Likes Males (Blue)
Gay (Gay man flag) Gay Man (Gay Man flag) Vincian (Gay man flag)
Twink (Twink flag) Bear (Bear flag) Achillean (Achillean flag)
MLM (Achillean flag) Diamondian (Diamondian flag) Turian (Turian flag)
Toric (Toric flag) NBLM (Toric/quadrisian flag) Quadrisian (Quadrisian flag)
NBLM (Juvelic Achillean flag) NB Achillean (NB Achillean flag) NB MLM (NB MLM flag)
NBLM (MLM/NBLM flag) Azurian (Azurian flag) Bambi Gay (Bambi Gay flag)
Cinthean (Cinthean flag) Rubian (Rubian flag) Viramoric (Viramoric flag)
Marsic (Marsic flag) Solaric (Solaric flag) Androsexual (Androsexual flag)

NIN attraction
Likes NBs (Nonbinary flag) Ceterosexual (Ceterosexual flag) Skoliosexual (Skoliosexual flag)
Saturnic (Saturnic flag) Singularic (Singularic flag) Stellaric (Stellaric flag)
Terraric (Terraric flag) Enbian (Enbian flag) Hecatolic (Hecatolic flag)
NBLNB (Enbian flag) Topazian (Topazian flag) Triasexual (Triasexual flag)
Turquoian (Turquoian flag) WLNB (Maedic flag) MLNB (Astroidian flag)

ace spectrum
Asexual (Asexual flag) Demisexual (Demisexual flag) Gray Ace (Gray Ace flag)
Acespec (Acespec flag) Aegosexual (Aegosexual flag) Autosexual (Autosexual flag)
Caedsexual (Caedsexual flag) Cupiosexual (Cupiosexual flag) Enciesexual (Enciesexual flag)
Fictosexual (Fictosexual flag) Fraysexual (Fraysexual flag) Lithosexual (Lithosexual flag)
Non-SAM Ace (Non-SAM Ace flag) Orchidsexual (Orchidsexual flag) Post Rubor (Post Rubor flag)
$name Asexual Rat Ace (Rat Ace flag) Reciprosexual (Reciprosexual flag)
Requisexual (Requisexual flag) Aceallo (Aceallo flag) Bi Ace (Bi Ace flags (split))
Demipan (Demipan flag) Pan Ace (Pan Ace flags (split))

aro spectrum
Aromantic (Aromantic flag) Demiromantic (Demiromantic flag) Gray Aro (Aromantic flag)
Arospec (Arospec flag) Bellusromantic Cupioromantic (Cupioromantic flag)
Fictoromantic (Fictoromantic flag) Frayromantic (Frayromantic flag) Idemromantic (Idemromantic flag)
Lithromantic (Lithromantic flag) Nebularo (Nebularo flag) Non-SAM Aro (Non-SAM Aro flag)
Orchidromantic (Orchidromantic flag) Quoiromantic (Quoiromantic flag) Recipromantic (Recipromantic flag)
Requisromantic (Requisromantic flag) Alloaro (Alloaro flag) Aro Pan (Aro Pan flags (split))

Aroace (Aroace flag) Aroace Aroace Spectrum
Demian (Demian flag) Demiaroace (Demian flag) Gray Aroace (Gray Aroace flag)
Angled Aroace (Angled Aroace flag) Oriented Aroace (Oriented Aroace flag)

other romantic orientations
Homoromantic (Gay man flag) Homoromantic (Homoromantic flag) Homoromantic (Lesbian flag)
Biromantic (Biromantic flag) Panromantic Omniromantic (Omniromantic flag)
Polyromantic (Polyromantic flag) Nomaromantic (Nomaromantic flag) Nowomaromantic (Nowomaromantic flag)
Achilromantic (Achilromantic flag) Alloromantic (Allo flag) Ceteroromantic (Ceteroromantic flag)
Heteromantic (Heteromantic flag) Triaromantic (Triaromantic flag)

label collectors
Kiwihoarder (Kiwihoarder flag) Lycheehoarder (Lycheehoarder flag) Magpiehoarder (Magpiehoarder flag)
Ravenhoarder (Ravenhoarder flag) Termcollector

tertiary attraction
Aemotional (Aemotional flag) Anattractional (Anattractional flag) Aphysical (Aphysical flag)
Aplatonic (Aplatonic flag) Asensual (Asensual flag) Asocial (Asocial flag)
Atertiary (Atertiary flag) Nonaesthetic (Nonaesthetic flag) Nonalterous (Nonalterous flag)
Objectum (Objectum flag) Panalterous (Panalterous flag) Panqueerplatonic
Queerplatonic (Queerplatonic flag)
They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
Autistic (Neurodiversity infinity)

Free Buttons
Nature festival familiars banner (click for art credit)
[center][size=4][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [size=4][url=]Gender[/url] | [url=]Pronouns[/url] | [url=]Orientations[/url] | [url=]Other Identities[/url] [url=]Fandoms/Aesthetics[/url] | [url=]FR Specific[/url] | [url=]Link Buttons[/url] ----- [size=4][b]Buttons Database - Other LGBTQ+[/b][/size] [url=]intersex[/url] / [url=]allies[/url] [i]includes additional flags![/i] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] ----- [size=4][url=][b]Other Buttons Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/size] [i]includes additional icons, text options, etc![/i] [size=4][b]relationship styles & structures[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]relationship status[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]disability & disorders (unsorted)[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]assistive devices[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]vision[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]hearing[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]speech[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]mental health & neurodivergence[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]addiction[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]dissociation & systems[/b][/size] (more flags in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]otherkin & therians[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]western zodiac[/b][/size] (moon/rising in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]chinese zodiac[/b][/size] (elements in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]celtic zodiac[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]mbti types[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]enneagram types[/b][/size] (wing variants in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]nationalities & cultures[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]languages[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]pets[/b][/size] (dad/mom/parent variants in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]special dates/holidays[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]jobs/roles[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] 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Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

Buttons Database - Other LGBTQ+
intersex / allies
includes additional flags!

hI3aYZo.png vGvmHFZ.png hk61JyX.png
CkBx3mf.png JmFVBrq.png H7MtzMo.png

Other Buttons Spreadsheet
includes additional icons, text options, etc!

relationship styles & structures
nupGNag.png UeSE1vI.png SKeDIUd.png
3t59aaV.png 7de9hyf.png 2yaFbjT.png
fyJBLoI.png PdwOB0w.png RahCRXY.png
pAONOEc.png 40kx151.png

relationship status
N16btBO.png nnBylsC.png bTZ6LgC.png
7DcAca6.png Q1dw5cZ.png sYNCJaa.png
PRICTGJ.png Jwhqlwr.png FCMrXlr.png
10Weczj.png fdUVIfW.png sHV5hf8.png
zm4A1gT.png kI850Ts.png FYtngEy.png
tDLyYLQ.png qa67smW.png 3Fro3Vn.png
oIq57Wd.png rLSiosd.png v4LRrJu.png
65uhJDf.png alq8Gx4.png

disability & disorders (unsorted)
AaYNmEX.png bWeLCqf.png ed1cxgE.png
D9xaprH.png JNaCTSP.png LHioCBR.png
oczO35g.png 75JySJB.png MHHKqsF.png
As1p8GY.png 6Ef6hwD.png tpO5vQI.png
LvXESEm.png lsvYQnp.png 9PstSFT.png
IvQaIre.png mRmIDl9.png hgMy2e2.png
uVi0BlM.png dOFzJJj.png 3z1ctUT.png
tPteOrx.png k7p86mU.png 4bCo5Hl.png
UdYC8mK.png BRTppdT.png C93BkRv.png
JiM3F0R.png Zz525dk.png b9kiMNi.png
zzQ8oI1.png PeIaJVR.png XHzjiUj.png
5bCmnnb.png FAA7LEH.png o7CqYdD.png
LXGwj90.png uiiU27c.png ZCtHkwl.png
h5GQzIi.png dd3NYvJ.png NeV4KUN.png

assistive devices
2Dp2REm.png W0Y9c9y.png 5ouR6ge.png
9OfYE7K.png lPVSA0N.png Dmf0ocA.png
TzxU10s.png zDhXfK8.png UEn8QZ4.png
QBHEQiq.png z6J8rNu.png euKkELX.png

OqxZyS4.png V9DHGWo.png RI1dQsH.png
6FJhDyy.png AXT77Lg.png mxUC1MR.png
pq6ayIA.png bBk4n9x.png 0VQ9IJY.png
EjgMmz7.png 5814DsG.png 6pP3BWE.png

X4sD3Je.png BMCrAie.png KsM0wY2.png
BsnXCRp.png qQCMQhg.png WtQy0hm.png

qvKefWx.png 9to284R.png Me0ym0s.png
F4ym4H9.png QMcoNbc.png TlnTk4D.png

mental health & neurodivergence
Y7MOfeL.png Z33buiu.png G8AyR6r.png
L7gVlEK.png OPlf76y.png DoQJ9XF.png
gUe2de3.png bCuiqGR.png ypcKWM0.png
smOaI1V.png SoP3O9q.png 7FieAqK.png
aswleyP.png Ie6USnq.png d7mJF4W.png
zl2Iz35.png 0X2Yk2A.png c0MyJPk.png
IrrC5OJ.png Ixog88i.png AQPJNOh.png
t7CcZoC.png OBrKa68.png 2VtxnMX.png
XnaLQeW.png QUIpVFE.png hSzgn50.png
RToaAa6.png rt9iww1.png qHTXGlk.png
xXVzXvp.png Oyt2uL6.png BY33eAv.png
YrzvPOH.png ipXQ8Fw.png Da1cz0f.png
wLurwzJ.png 1dbVtvH.png gjCXpmC.png
3mQpu6m.png Z9e8RKu.png w0wBhk1.png
aRGVXBA.png r672tOr.png FgDegTh.png
xzh6SmF.png HyCW0z4.png wbvK3HZ.png

kkX9BAR.png xCcxExW.png wZfnewE.png
M5Aalhy.png hv72R25.png G1bs4hU.png

dissociation & systems
(more flags in spreadsheet)
BZnhUNi.png 5srIc0i.png oRkijoy.png
ElKYM7J.png mmecCrR.png 4xqaZpf.png
faKBo3F.png HslJD2N.png JiVZDdG.png
pBi4xQl.png lPnwl0z.png CLFJF6a.png

otherkin & therians
yvMj9jM.png yZFrBUC.png GdVZ87H.png
QetF0Qf.png QQYyU47.png HxL61bT.png
CmsiHgQ.png jbMLSIO.png CTYXJyV.png
8STEjG7.png 1hvdLZg.png TcOTVrO.png
6vdG6Yx.png 25smifN.png FcZN6Sf.png
IGz7Blb.png tZQ0VBu.png Cwyq23B.png
5UC1qMd.png Csaj7Fi.png 05lHsUM.png
mxZJBlR.png xhI8XJV.png sg0ki88.png

western zodiac
(moon/rising in spreadsheet)
gTTW2gA.png jA5A7gu.png zl1ZGZ2.png
RDt6LqI.png BT1N47G.png Wn6vGC1.png
OPFWPxg.png 1YB0OjO.png HJLIYn4.png
sNuSVZA.png 3adgzZD.png pyAp3dI.png

chinese zodiac
(elements in spreadsheet)
6Dq3jOp.png MsqRUgo.png gE96VFA.png
G7sE7RO.png EB9jVcQ.png mYEe9VI.png
yT1iDlD.png vmrO2yN.png LhssI0m.png
IclPr1q.png SNW8oUf.png HjfaxvA.png
msNXKHF.png i2laZa3.png ykhFm7u.png
9UL9aXL.png Oxwmib1.png 011n3zo.png
hJKiG0A.png deucGtF.png fqaiLqt.png
QRR8DHz.png tuclmOI.png 7FPB55S.png

celtic zodiac
oX4KFyP.png aTiQQEa.png b0bOmXn.png
GzACOHw.png amjweU8.png ciKJAru.png
EXrojba.png 0y9OzlC.png XkWaxZr.png
4ebFZlp.png 7euwiNO.png 5Km2boY.png

yyqsEIT.png r5ZH9ZI.png BV8hN2L.png
3UdhORf.png 4XRlTbW.png CjazofY.png
DNbiiVl.png Gca360Z.png lafK3Rf.png
AruFxxK.png hQIVDjX.png DUT0Kmp.png

mbti types
l3R7Ulc.png 6YousWl.png ZzlTOGO.png
ZbbUWnK.png Vs2WmBF.png rI18gRz.png
GIQnAA5.png cutkr0S.png JkqGYr7.png
IUweZNB.png 8WSTOZ5.png qbcQfC0.png
bYSdYyu.png H2jRHgT.png vQaNIuq.png

enneagram types
(wing variants in spreadsheet)
7Q76Rhf.png AMyO6Hf.png 58K1Fdk.png
KM1zzLu.png XuRl5B2.png BYpRNso.png
FuPDlw0.png JCRVbNU.png r5dlFMW.png

nationalities & cultures
NlmYDAS.png xP3lF1a.png Bb9XFYa.png
lWHeF6j.png FE9pJK1.png BS4vqBB.png
lOlFoVm.png wh3Tiip.png GIJjY9o.png
125nq1m.png 2KvS9Gb.png ay4nb7T.png
n3XdSHq.png ckAgcPc.png JrEJc4j.png
ISyTGXM.png 8VNo9V1.png oeFk1xC.png
gMDuKVs.png HouhGS9.png ExZ9JCk.png
TB6EYwU.png Da5UPof.png fqRBC9C.png
HkP1Kx1.png Y86p3P3.png xmScPts.png
C3gPKb3.png wqvfdXO.png qUqfT2I.png
EWVsPvW.png SwZxaYv.png Zu0IqFy.png
JDcLBdb.png 5xsrc8Y.png bX96R21.png
y4u2WRD.png UMevL3r.png uzcwnDd.png
koJv3g8.png leo4ZYP.png BjBTiLS.png
0sk2hls.png eqbW1c0.png qJwhW1t.png
WAkWK5y.png 86RPjSi.png tEDMGJE.png
GWWPmmF.png MYYd1km.png zaehd5u.png
ydEuw5M.png VMtzuuy.png BWs5gMJ.png
6J1ej7V.png IYppbad.png ejVN1wW.png
XbjATWE.png N6nHS6s.png 9NDeDIH.png
kJQHPGV.png SetYGtL.png ydpZVzg.png
EtsWlfZ.png WwInvLz.png B9LRNuA.png
JDlFtpY.png HymO0Fu.png tTOMNqT.png
ei98Nk2.png G1Q7oI8.png

jgeciGJ.png Q2neNXt.png 4NRiJOg.png
HGcfKyy.png mWCEbQu.png qhK4FYS.png
PxVdyDW.png a4xjBu0.png BPYwrtz.png
GgsJQUx.png SRsfBYm.png 5OBxblq.png
9QQcg1Z.png zEL0yRI.png 0hGmY2c.png

(dad/mom/parent variants in spreadsheet)
0HBKL8H.png NQ1Ze0S.png Ozaagon.png
oL4Hv6N.png lSkSEUZ.png 8O67LBq.png
qivITIX.png CFC3MoA.png NGpMkRl.png
w6vHQhK.png XAx6hs9.png m0OgmQP.png
626Zq4h.png k0aGFMU.png HqlrZVv.png
MNWGkVr.png 0cDbzXB.png joLBcy0.png
J1vcVni.png TKLIpyZ.png

special dates/holidays
sD2XqhJ.png xEP0n8R.png yyLPAvX.png
EsNvQkQ.png 0XbDptC.png LNxPJlA.png
Ms8zPwX.png 8PVSWJo.png nNNlBBj.png
diWsWKn.png 0U081Gs.png QmlHLoT.png
k5f62dz.png xIRalON.png UNSnXOI.png
aMYABhX.png nQcWMte.png BZkDsjD.png
7fGHHSg.png JcwdRcW.png kI4ogyG.png
MU9PpYN.png lSdUZBo.png xfL7YPZ.png
b6KpBM0.png hGL1BPM.png XjnrLat.png
zWsrdhI.png 5wlg1G4.png QQBmqS8.png
ftRdk0T.png NvPsomg.png g4vRukJ.png
wBrS2Cv.png vtJpliM.png 0RhHXvN.png
dVlbIeX.png vdXwm4J.png COyGWl7.png
AmWtsbY.png CXSyKLX.png

l5YOFzS.png OcktuHh.png Fm2N223.png
ueA9g1t.png WFpPzZn.png 4w8OesX.png
zdLzBk1.png 8pyPQxz.png Al1BEGR.png
UMP81D0.png Q7ojkhG.png UuKod4C.png
oaolHwW.png WsDpMfq.png SxUmkUP.png
UZdf2Gr.png 5jetcuR.png AK9FlBy.png
WJbzBXW.png X4LMBYa.png T3xrR54.png
K5RByhr.png 4f3LKqL.png cnnkUMY.png
haWjScm.png l2Qy5uf.png xfAmQ6T.png
cQXum5H.png Rjzdv2i.png KIfhRPx.png
uot0Qtb.png SAoqaHQ.png 2rRW3do.png
4NWZzfi.png JObC3G8.png KwKOh0W.png
ciHRXsA.png Oxnpspr.png UfoB6Gg.png
kzkXtCa.png Kw9RNSr.png tkZKVa5.png
OOsyaxq.png nT8SfAl.png 1tQF9FM.png
PTVshHp.png fYzU2Ry.png 8Uxed6I.png
VTHvOjd.png fbuw4XG.png zKKqk8v.png
ebjDWAS.png Lvsm6NG.png 7G6uVsn.png
zrbcqFR.png rksoZfW.png 5s0HosF.png
N0bc3FU.png rJnV0R0.png DjSVvqK.png
84R3xNJ.png y32Ya88.png uuO2u2N.png
WWWolfs.png FSru0nk.png PDi3b6a.png
0YBQw7l.png EL8P38X.png CdeOu8S.png
bqI0ApO.png JJ7TQKA.png XoMgKQb.png
YnELOsZ.png VOowzno.png 7BBtMIn.png
ydv0bKr.png Gnf5VgH.png D59sJi1.png
1yxZ2ly.png 2nkYPWq.png 1qID49v.png
7n6R4HQ.png UY1qlNt.png srdyYMb.png
dSdj6K2.png 1AKTlm5.png pM8AKxR.png
LXpVAyV.png wwOiGGF.png BPzUHdW.png
jAz0ElX.png HmE2FOU.png 0lyo3OL.png

lPVV6Y0.png LzpEebF.png I4vALed.png
pJQ72Sv.png pwOmBX0.png c9T9ial.png
ZP25iVV.png CScZZ6Q.png 5W1H6Vh.png
sRwFeD2.png 9NhU6vZ.png KxVutGR.png

hfdvCvg.png vfvF2Nu.png F10c885.png
kcbWnDp.png KMlmzQi.png kHBaXec.png
They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
Autistic (Neurodiversity infinity)

Free Buttons
Nature festival familiars banner (click for art credit)
[center][size=4][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [size=4][url=]Gender[/url] | [url=]Pronouns[/url] | [url=]Orientations[/url] | [url=]Other Identities[/url] [url=]Fandoms/Aesthetics[/url] | [url=]FR Specific[/url] | [url=]Link Buttons[/url] ----- [size=4][url=][b]Fandoms/Aesthetics/Hobbies Buttons Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/size] [i]includes additional text and icon options[/i] [size=4][b]hobbies/general interests[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img alt="Poetry (Quill)"][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img alt="Rocks"][/img] [img alt="Fossils"][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]aesthetics/subcultures/etc[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]games[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]music - genres[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]music - artists[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]music - instruments[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]animation/anime & manga[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]other fandoms/media[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img alt="The Magnus Archives"][/img] [img alt="The Magnus Protocol"][/img] [size=4][b]scp foundation[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]dnd classes, alignments, etc[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]homestuck blood/aspects[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]FFXIV[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]transformers[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

Fandoms/Aesthetics/Hobbies Buttons Spreadsheet
includes additional text and icon options

hobbies/general interests
5vnsOgE.png lB92wkt.png Poetry (Quill)
tw5SNNe.png vgcaRWy.png 3mp8TrJ.png
LGvol4P.png 9DLZbIu.png WKH2C9p.png
Rocks Fossils gVI5OAO.png
FOkQn80.png 6uThYLh.png TWSJTng.png
vK3lNF1.png y41plqc.png hjYY1g1.png
DaRKClX.png jv7C6g3.png 31mYbGr.gif
PlxuTTv.gif 6wfZbcY.gif

co3WWXY.png qGabqd5.png weia2aX.png
Qq78qBr.png GpIVvm1.png iDdef0R.png
B1biG2b.png z91vYLJ.png Wg1Qxoe.png
TILWDJ2.png O1BLMLJ.png lHX3YIL.png
echRchh.png pkY2oAO.png BjO3CiL.png
YE53boy.png 4MTkm8J.png SR34Csd.png
ZqTATLu.png CJhLgXY.png 9TCvzie.png
fsKmPCy.png LDkMPPP.png nW9hUMw.png
aN1sCfX.png 3HtkeUW.png 2sdjCmT.png
40lq9We.png aBzXjY8.png eHNakxX.png
O58IfTZ.png zvxwZrP.png LTm7UbO.png
YeJCScR.png NCdrhXR.png y3yhMwX.png
FvfV2kD.png oNrZjs5.png sDZrx9M.png
PngxIP9.png pPbISNY.png 3UId8ud.png
FlRDlOF.png nJpYdaN.png u1wgsSN.png
0HSuCTF.png GaCMO9X.png EXU3vSt.png
ExfcDGa.png W11sAlw.png GW180jv.png
KLFk3KG.png TfeviN2.png LRJK4Dh.png
uVEyOnT.png LCAWWbJ.png 5x3AjhK.png
GaGm1K6.png tmrS2fP.png 2cnuW2C.png
JvvMvDo.png bx7nz65.png

cdqdRxL.png SYiQlxK.png PE0vV8U.png
KGrwaQg.png tCsqc24.png N1LwiB6.png
Sj6j121.png aUzL2Bv.png hBzaYAj.png
3Kueyts.png EE2umbT.png 6vXRkBW.png
MwkWoMQ.png tTe9se4.png r8v91MH.png
GFDtkDf.png RtSltil.png 8GgdVkW.png
JR7ZBLT.png rtbhGZ5.png sxmoj5E.png
II1EzaW.png AXC0Xwr.png r4HasMu.png
DINn7NS.png 5UOgzI3.png wthFnM3.png
4SVfFPD.png bc5yuzO.png 4gXJPei.png
k3PfQGk.png Ut9RRot.png tVqnDgA.png
zKTvGe0.png h3pYUy6.png iR2WNmx.png
m5Uo4qh.png v50Ipgt.png uOsoNEC.png
hUchsi0.png 5Tw56Ex.png zpmUYjD.png
425WuJb.png PnAMpIx.png NaRpy2m.png
zE3edrX.png hCo9rA5.png EvuXlIm.png
gn3taZc.png W1CZ2Nr.png 8v87W4g.png
W2pwiXX.png gBns0Su.png G4EWBZB.png
tE0IdPc.png D8l0Stb.png FVp37B5.png
YzsnMVk.png QiBUfoO.png jIVnPcX.png
d3uTqtL.png Nl7xQPH.png YIgeGTo.png
plaitf1.png J7vIDjy.png eMPFsUR.png
DshAKj6.png ECaZUZY.png qr5YvYb.png
cjVsXOX.png I8HOEiR.png

music - genres
jo4fU6U.png iTC51rT.png ZhnO9yr.png
NaGfCgq.png xRQQ7rT.png 3U79VnS.png
BbPx2ym.png SZfmfRv.png mmoRz30.png
jdiT3bZ.png Ab8SxQk.png k19P7h1.png
QDBz03v.png PjhDNyG.png

music - artists
1kHiKOB.png U5FwfXV.png hNpGoBq.png
0L6Cwis.png BBUUC7b.png Tug9vXl.png
UFNuPA7.png EGcT98K.png o1H8UmF.png
cfJOr5b.png Nkk0jLq.png hmlE0W8.png
ZxGbXMY.png euawcWv.png

music - instruments
MQadkUW.png IVQtZ3Z.png SRgBmST.png
4DlYPIa.png QUBFnZD.png DV6vIvt.png

animation/anime & manga
qeWy3Ik.png iJL1j5x.png r4U8s9c.png
UYXZLyE.png BXvcePR.png 40QQWBU.png
TkuqFdJ.png Pz5TpSN.png KV5d5h7.png
V2HpuWw.png Fj9DUQD.png 6R7AJ1z.png
C5cYiOn.png opVnnIs.png 08webEG.png
0XDrwG8.png B771gaJ.png XHmVFxW.png
aQSXl7L.png ZorymKT.png UGfQoi6.png

other fandoms/media
gYW0j5f.png 66wxnCy.png 6Qp4CCJ.png
1llHbd9.png 6GgJTy2.png frZBBsR.png
O6cEDNG.png Za35UMn.png cEq7B1S.png
0DYiJ8Z.png iJZWqi6.png sQECp2x.png
omKpPgG.png wBaHyU5.png cKcMzkf.png
jlA5frr.png U64G5xl.png UPLTMAL.png
Pl6YAjt.png FRfJxsw.png xpHQ2VI.png
nCYeMP7.png PFwX6IH.png njCJq66.png
xcMDLWZ.png Jvp3reH.png 7YPLAoA.png
K9W8Tym.png ZkgdON0.png joJXsVi.png
bkPzSyW.png lhq70vA.png rfcUmeK.png
fGAMFvP.png UhnDhXp.png KKzMUe2.png
The Magnus Archives The Magnus Protocol

scp foundation
FBhgews.png O2v228l.png fd9z4HN.png
ar6gtVv.png 9qLrp5W.png y07thi6.png
4p4MfOZ.png HbzLVL2.png i1mkTPx.png
08P5HoQ.png Th91p1M.png BDPM8Vp.png
gkxJjUo.png ItB52mh.png BXY1J8c.png

dnd classes, alignments, etc
NcJZJ06.png Bt9KLea.png gziv3Ja.png
7Iu4Ec0.png G976jQG.png bhdEs05.png
yZ46GGS.png AzPI8Cv.png BJZhFXG.png
qJFAY9h.png eRwbrSc.png gzlHZ53.png
Kw2A1Ig.png 2rdo1pL.png Q3DBDMQ.png
RCu4DKw.png optH9Kd.png fP0089X.png
uzfcR2K.png wSk9XnK.png kdxdYDq.png
47OyeGK.png 8B7LZd5.png tHMlMJF.png
jccRWgS.png GW8C4N1.png

homestuck blood/aspects
90Bne4Q.png XNuIOb4.png Pgza6CV.png
yS4smQr.png LjIBUyK.png 3xhNojt.png
YSzj7vC.png k9Rf9aq.png D3b79hf.png
eQVo1Rp.png u7IX0uo.png 3MHdy60.png
vRnpizo.png JNIF9rv.png P7zD5OX.png
57xpUjn.png cGHtCEF.png V0AB2zV.png
0d3QBVM.png rUxTdhn.png PvUqAA2.png
mHG2UNd.png ToHUQpz.png Cb8mVjw.png
a3KveD8.png Q984qU5.png sENlW4s.png
1TOg7xy.png 8w07QtP.png KdJtVsv.png
1fpzX0w.png UOO8oB4.png

pC8HeSU.png dbCSOCi.png 53DGnsH.png
q4PNdjw.png VP2q7rm.png RwPwJw9.png
hEE2Ga6.png NvpVneg.png 5EuAK0T.png
QUz4Fql.png Ply2oNi.png ZTPpQYU.png
QGvYKGE.png AUKdSXs.png qXg2Wmd.png
vEBUH8S.png tbmy8B0.png 1IrVBCT.png
tLCn0d0.png NqLnmmj.png vLm0Wsv.png
rbqiEGB.png 3nFPpYa.png 9ETRMYl.png
nuDdgOy.png NoP6JQW.png R5Nbt0x.png
MduqrBc.png R6mhNGq.png 6JTiqfF.png
PKx825G.png ctbarwv.png 0JvGqUu.png
hZOsS7O.png oS7CAWi.png

adbiRan.png gg8Ii1Q.png xNVgUXb.png
F8AZfBf.png xvljyuW.png Hjlwa1m.png
OVw9Piu.png yulH5o6.png EIzyege.png
They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
Autistic (Neurodiversity infinity)

Free Buttons
Nature festival familiars banner (click for art credit)
[center][size=4][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [size=4][url=]Gender[/url] | [url=]Pronouns[/url] | [url=]Orientations[/url] | [url=]Other Identities[/url] [url=]Fandoms/Aesthetics[/url] | [url=]FR Specific[/url] | [url=]Link Buttons[/url] ----- [size=4][url=][b]FR Specific Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/size] [i]includes additional text and icon options![/i] [size=4][b]flight rising specific[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]buying/selling[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]exalting[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]dragon colors & genes[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]dragon ages[/b][/size] [url=]spreadsheet by user pocketbrows[/url] includes over 100 age-related descriptors! [size=4][b]eye types[/b][/size] (hatched type and flight primal variants in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]flights[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]flight nicknames[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]mixed flights[/b][/size] (beastclan and shade variants in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]FR holidays[/b][/size] (alt abbreviations in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]id digits[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]diet[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]gathering tasks[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]coliseum stats[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]dragon breeds[/b][/size] ("fan" + monolair variants in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]heritage/sources/breeding[/b][/size] (additional generations in spreadsheet) [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]time zones[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]player years[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] ----- [size=4][url=][b]Subspecies & Lineage Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/size] [i]includes additional variants and generations![/i] [size=4][b]lineage projects[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=4][b]subspecies[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=4][b]nonspecific "subspecies"[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

FR Specific Spreadsheet
includes additional text and icon options!

flight rising specific
FObX7rS.png apUeZZ4.png z3FSuck.png
BTRr72z.png GJDuKee.png 2c1fHl6.png
1WgaLgV.png OPS7bfK.png SYYY2E5.png
1BvAGFb.png 0uVMYap.png ARMd23g.png
OvWlB0T.png UIuKM01.png ZpKPKqH.png
dk74Ydt.png tNdq8a4.png DXTcInl.png
51H0umY.png 5klLPDf.png irlzakv.png
rihYiKd.png T4ipSGa.png XlHqN6d.png
xBNYQVB.png w7JsyRl.png B0O8ino.png
1U4ItGh.png 2iJMHKQ.png 3hKoziR.png
mjtJ868.png dgZqX5Q.png rgen7rI.png
eN2VepA.png O38lA4U.png pC3Xn6k.png
ekux78o.png 11efmKl.png Gf9Ba59.png
lAvpyOQ.png ll0CfnD.png KQc0wHq.png
7gibfJe.png p6CYc1v.png 6meUms1.png
l8NOdbs.png 73vKFNE.png uWro6ua.png
Tra5J1M.png eDNmaHk.png CbnK2Ej.png
Zhobqpf.gif U0bFCPN.png ZwbGqUa.png

UqlBGwo.png BzjAkuF.png Rn7Kb9H.png
SpaeO0x.png hEqarBM.png 57CCJAG.png
GiVmkAQ.png d9YLPfe.png yFfhX28.png
KSufXGB.png lfYPqpD.png kUuO5Bc.png
HobCe98.png QTSheHD.png TkzEwO4.png
m75an0x.png yJm3F1H.png akAKtNW.png
mlr9stk.png Up5C8mZ.png 7PpGICd.png

LXYkIHM.png Q0NFuJR.png Yw8EvNQ.png
gAJtKYm.png HhpzPA3.png mAiCJNJ.png
oxDm2Un.png xuKF4fL.png zF6zw52.png
WjJZ2Rn.png 2rWR3yh.png KXqgAVm.png
woVoZAh.png bVV6yhw.png BMbHYAh.png
JuaytuP.png BjMvLeY.png Eahi7Sk.png
VhvpbOg.png EBelcIh.png TmP97bI.png
eTTRxv6.png EHXIkb0.png cNJO9da.png
7hEY6pF.png 1pTYKsK.png kCg59Z2.png

dragon colors & genes
Q5fDwjn.png xGZ2vEk.png s7w1KiL.png
ei8Oa6s.png 7ZR2Tu1.png aJRfmuo.png
rwAuYZR.png r4RVZWB.png GLBk0WT.png
TVHy8Pj.png 6GjPq7Q.png akxlnW4.png
bBruP9d.png djVsGUf.png pORzuMf.png
oz9lvXP.png IKCwlmF.png mCNEMIK.png
cdJ8akW.png L7aQfSh.png lJYz6YI.png
Y3tHz6g.png zwkSD6b.png

dragon ages
spreadsheet by user pocketbrows
includes over 100 age-related descriptors!

eye types
(hatched type and flight primal variants in spreadsheet)
I7G2KXm.png W8J5s6p.png T3cKRbK.png
g3Cdh1p.png 1rrGYlF.png mka0Dyr.png
koZVINS.png tAztpqB.png 63QkpYN.png
ITyBQ3Y.png GtRjjok.png YsiPVrX.png
7CXFkqK.png 08NDr9h.png GJVtuPg.png
VCMolGg.png w24GKVY.png SpTbQEM.png

OP663nl.png feXtM27.png x8bDWFu.png
jgjSqNp.png TsZSlfa.png ARAxlYW.png
BjpzyBr.png MfWCEzN.png 6mVFIuV.png
EpWxZgO.png k1dKQyg.png Xub4k1J.png
7ewyNmz.png Xdm2YwF.png a69iToJ.png
tRoOFgY.png cNlQITm.png FlMK7kZ.png
iRvAqwy.png yPlj8ew.png xCVbB5p.png
qLsXWsx.png Mesq6uj.png UwlzUwS.png
Wgzj2pK.png nJT9A3U.png mlSrRbK.png
P6XJEHx.png cZONpfv.png TdTJOrw.png
7QPP3Mi.png p3Lr8aR.png IrmwTXC.png
ss5qKdV.png rPiwH1l.png E1YbLDe.png
0BCaMaf.png ena1qut.png 3oHdsR0.png
EooSUCZ.png EBtTZaa.png aviduBG.png

flight nicknames
4UVxmC7.png fHKOi67.png U2hd79H.png
wcqXUTe.png zKZ0QoB.png MOagWqY.png
CB1A5LI.png gzA3rmv.png uikWOqb.png
LnZG5ty.png 36oBoG2.png TyRkFfy.png
UawspVz.png GeMS5jP.png L8D4fXg.png
0ZGGXxK.png Nc5z4k4.png 4MbPoqE.png
bVWdtvK.png JiRHw6i.png Juuqz4I.png
P9xkISo.png V9BoEMC.png Sl91TZD.png
fjFZWJt.png yMszDi7.png 56yqAPu.png
1mHo60x.png EhmP10Z.png RXzUVtr.png
WQqmlDB.png EIzJIWx.png bgGXGPE.png

mixed flights
(beastclan and shade variants in spreadsheet)
uFDFMsv.png iQCcUaN.png gQQaM8W.png
QRhtO3W.png 2im6fIC.png gK1vuIh.png
zsrYZlq.png MavzSGh.png pNIrBvK.png
5MwwHq2.png Q2if6VF.png DDONF8x.png
AjBbKjT.png g898uvO.png VvgJdjI.png
Rzbj5kF.png bGrE02c.png k7IyPaF.png
GT3a4pV.png Stqwmyx.png dgUrrMv.png
tnZJjsi.png Ca6EHIb.png K5Pw9b3.png
YUEtAn1.png jAixdLE.png MdxDEU8.png
Hz90rhm.png OQ0IP8v.png ij3tYjh.png
YbKpooC.png BuWeslJ.png nzmLdJ8.png
MI3wJO8.png v8N7alH.png yOpENgY.png
suFrgfl.png 75OS6st.png q5M254J.png
xL3pnYi.png CHNE2tI.png 6O6zh1S.png
nN1WWUH.png 1zZlm83.png Mk7mYiJ.png
Syf535Y.png 6KR6XVp.png VvJOIns.png
AlV1Xm3.png uN17MNu.png ykMZ9ER.png
i3N40Sv.png FkdyTie.png cH2929P.png

FR holidays
(alt abbreviations in spreadsheet)
Iqe8jTX.png zJETz1V.png 154nWoW.png
MWH4EQd.png ca2AOT9.png p8thQZF.png
RuC8yii.png sblMryw.png bDOOJG0.png
Od1usQW.png KVMY4jW.png aCdZaDF.png

id digits
l1L2uDK.png hqUz6Z6.png JIRPZyd.png
JzgWrJ0.png gYa6PUh.png 3GvbHKa.png
0B5Za06.png k3OX7vM.png Rf1C7Bf.png

8XzULGg.png cZOnhJ9.png rTSYOCb.png
vRWPuxd.png UYmuTaM.png ifVkkqf.png
NgoWFLG.png IMnBi2a.png WXBzxw1.gif

gathering tasks
fhi34C1.png D1jZCI1.png D3gGkRn.png
TDFxfae.png sj4yYXH.png opN7VrM.png
ssVBuAV.png GDdqOkO.png GjWZyVM.png
HtdOFjK.png aU6p7gV.png hJHxCjg.png

coliseum stats
2dQktJZ.png PFQgmBl.png QRHn8g4.png
g5aAiU8.png YogXRMW.png

dragon breeds
("fan" + monolair variants in spreadsheet)
e8ui075.png pVrKniy.png fD64ZUR.png
I9phJiK.png aaiUix2.png hrSE73S.png
MQ4VcK7.png QyoBFxn.png O2ifxsk.png
rR3twgq.png J0VJtXh.png 22evmnb.png
GHiDarO.png B83SgEH.png 2eDtvZS.png
xlJfgCt.png lvNmyEi.png 3BQENe8.png
c7EfJg9.png C7DYKcx.png

(additional generations in spreadsheet)
QM8NdoT.png SM9WJh6.png Q52mqth.png
aLfu5UL.png IEAdiPZ.png eGkgyfP.png
a8RV1ks.png qtY61bc.png c5kAHxt.png
B8AvMTz.png zEmVXF3.png BRODrm6.png
1oU8eD9.png GtAuNYX.png ZG3wKtF.png
irgle7Z.png z1lFJVR.png 6A5UC7Y.png
dppx4fO.png W94exuj.png likNFvv.png
yEGYv2M.png V8HscPh.png wESzrzU.png
Cmvknyf.png dulAc3E.png LA31JVx.png
4Lmbtkh.png L8nRQQZ.png C7pOZ7P.png

time zones
04PIMth.png xbsbPqT.png ikTPgzn.png
2VCdrqz.png fVc0Lih.png JvUa9ma.png
q9EEy5M.png J7D1quC.png mlHpBMC.png
hZipXGO.png nefzg1V.png mx6elfM.png
J2GQubK.png rUoKR6y.png dEe2UrM.png
4SzSxLW.png inXE8B9.png X4p2jRx.png
Mffvbz0.png Dmyubyt.png JHqnR5C.png
hWPjBUy.png 7A7cEAI.png VHmdVcB.png
WNKiucd.png 3Sx6zgy.png NjaYK36.png
ueartQJ.png uFMfy5S.png jy4N1pw.png
BAYHRHf.png k7mTvIf.png IUpHlGo.png

player years
x8YqlBy.gif Q5PUVtn.gif kncGB4g.gif
s7kOTpJ.gif rdG7v08.gif 3ySlLWp.gif
qBnqRYJ.gif Z31VSeW.gif OBsfnxE.gif
DbdZkt6.gif YpCnlHX.gif

Subspecies & Lineage Spreadsheet
includes additional variants and generations!

lineage projects
06gqZjV.png Qz6ytdL.png E8Ipcnv.png
1btJuFs.png 4f3vuky.png ryNMW7k.png
b8Pl4lY.png 4FGrZ2S.png

Vx1HobZ.png FOaYD4C.png hBF45Xp.png
wIXjcq3.png cP83fW5.png pnKlH0X.png
eib8cIY.png L4AxxvS.png rPzyHXl.png
BsG2iVi.png IQwT8aE.png WDak2jk.png
GTzlc1k.png XfaldJf.png aEoMdJ8.png
asHR6ZX.png kJTNexV.png mv2apHX.png
6BP8M8y.png e5dhSTI.png L0TRtiN.png
X0vZoW6.png PscmJNo.png MZbXR5c.png
R16Hvgu.png uOEEpbu.png 68ef6wA.png
aLOFmbz.png 4VUSlsn.png 44mkmoN.png

nonspecific "subspecies"
QM4KCv8.png UcTvo43.png 94SLaCO.png
hEXkWLl.png aaleJ25.png pYPzgCp.png
wangwOA.png Mo8dJyA.png CQecq8l.png
02jpMGs.png AvrTsSC.png JsimIF3.png
ibzwkqb.png SUZnIi2.png vtskW3i.png
6M37GtV.png 7gG7GtN.png TjuNXO1.png
rXfMawG.png EvKPwXj.png aOXaMoK.png
They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
Autistic (Neurodiversity infinity)

Free Buttons
Nature festival familiars banner (click for art credit)
[center][size=4][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [size=4][url=]Gender[/url] | [url=]Pronouns[/url] | [url=]Orientations[/url] | [url=]Other Identities[/url] [url=]Fandoms/Aesthetics[/url] | [url=]FR Specific[/url] | [url=]Link Buttons[/url] ----- [size=4][url=][b]Link Buttons Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/size] [i]links are at the bottom! includes additional text and icon options[/i] [size=4][b]general & FR-related links[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]pet site links[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=4][b]other site links[/b][/size] [size=1][color=transparent]_[/color][/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Gender | Pronouns | Orientations | Other Identities
Fandoms/Aesthetics | FR Specific | Link Buttons

Link Buttons Spreadsheet
links are at the bottom! includes additional text and icon options

general & FR-related links
oouioVf.png Jd88XNq.png voyURL5.png
5hF3FGk.png tUQCJMT.png rix3ppo.png
nmHdjnM.png uPOLOvt.png fg6G1CJ.png
WI7lnRZ.png xj6Mn2e.png lUxoo8T.png
dK50jmI.png 7c8ZUEs.png uiHr2Y9.png
jFZJEcu.png fkWjutW.png dEo6ta2.png
xYQkuHQ.png ugUahiN.png EhlmcQh.png
753hxVX.png Np4NxIR.png 6OezIjj.png
aaUHYLp.png HZSRMw5.png S3J5uo7.png
P4eo1Gw.png P2OauAq.png L74Jfbv.png
792e5Wm.png HNkuTzE.png vRWiQKM.png
yGbxkXV.png WQA384m.png nWiQNX9.png
LardsEd.png NOP5viO.png UU9vIu2.png
tIb6bke.png MFxuEZc.png P1rk5do.png
mqW8lnj.png BFVZRH3.png 05qhES2.png
1GGo8wd.png xzbco3l.png PqlicQP.png

pet site links
gSK9g1T.png xHrOFYy.png zuF1kAm.png
E7BMyx7.png 4kekx4D.png yUgY90m.png
12ilQ62.png hOwQuFI.png EMyhP16.png
XD376rC.png YP3Ypal.png bRMhELZ.png
r8H7Y6f.png M58DdPQ.png YUzmw5z.png
Q0Bai3e.png lxJ7HVC.png CnMSNyK.png
71VlaMk.png SbjC1hQ.png AkSGmT9.png
JEtmhoV.png zSO6kPw.png kCTrfom.png
VNbxcmm.png 50eK3fF.png dQw9cEN.png
2SxeZ07.png 9Wis07O.png SZwTK40.png
3CzZFT6.png vRai6Lo.png Zm3if5x.png

other site links
HdJx60d.png loimysO.png 6KQB58c.png
o6n8ZXM.png R1dejfm.png HSWqWgZ.png
o4KdtaP.png duYBWO2.png pOYJTvr.png
3B15OeM.png j1sdwpq.png SK9eeYM.png
dmCwmBq.png uPNWHgD.png KRcB6uC.png
LfhMWQi.png HEQiqTK.png u4jArHO.png
yCFapqr.png de2gZWV.png WuVzv1r.png
P3eBQTj.png LIsmQsQ.png xgrjPS4.png
dMidRjm.png PkrZYX8.png IyOjAWV.png
9EVAZpp.png 4sgA0es.png znZOjbP.png
gh09ybh.png EqNXchu.png jylZHUm.png
sGKQjiI.png v4Kf9R6.png CvMQlQk.png
QvuXPSf.png 4FNpOz3.png cm7m9xw.png
dN2BNAK.png dZmjc94.png 9gQbEv9.png
vXF1FGt.png 3KfaUkE.png 0OBB0Wo.png
oP3x6hO.png 4ogWlJU.png qMM2S5Q.png
ELWEhez.png OOBVcLs.png cCDlMNJ.png
Rl71vuP.png mbQnM8K.png Pnl2U5E.png
bh3Qnm4.png 5ABWfcZ.png K2jP12e.png
Gaq8bW1.png DdyF2jv.png t6zNkmJ.png
sYwyR7q.png ThAY0F3.png yI8DMou.png
mk2bmrp.png W19OlvP.png oClJnAg.png
2dbf28a.png k0caYmA.png lwvRdFe.png
They/Them (Nonbinary flag)
Autistic (Neurodiversity infinity)

Free Buttons
Nature festival familiars banner (click for art credit)
Since it's been moved to a new thread, I just wanted to throw in my own thank you for this! Not only have I been using these uhhhhh everywhere. But also I've made a few of my own thanks to this thread! I've not dropped them all in the thread, but I did use a spreadsheet to start keeping the one's I've made in order so I thought I'd go ahead and drop that here before I continue on my way with using these lovely little buttons into oblivion lol
Since it's been moved to a new thread, I just wanted to throw in my own thank you for this! Not only have I been using these uhhhhh everywhere. But also I've made a few of my own thanks to this thread! I've not dropped them all in the thread, but I did use a spreadsheet to start keeping the one's I've made in order so I thought I'd go ahead and drop that here before I continue on my way with using these lovely little buttons into oblivion lol
9gKIxtS.png xxx CPf7rYK.png
we contributed so much we needed a new thread haha [emoji=skydancer laughing size=1] also will be doing new requests here or will that be back in the old thread?
we contributed so much we needed a new thread haha

also will be doing new requests here or will that be back in the old thread?
butterflygeneeggrose.png Jd88XNq.png