
Level 1 Fae
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Energy: 0/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Fae
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0.77 m
1.47 m
1.89 kg


Primary Gene
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Tertiary Gene


Jun 11, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Fae
EXP: 0 / 245



A Curse Upon Your Bloodline - Gen.8
Curse -> Daisy -> Vanilla -> Varicose -> Worse -> Sidhara -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

A curse you say? Is that a curse on them, or a curse to others?

Congratulations on adopting a Descendent of Curse! Oh no! Curse has invaded this bloodline and claims it as her own. You're stuck with it now too, which is your curse to bear. If you'd like to know more about The Curse Upon Your Bloodline Lineage Project, just click the button!

A Midsummer's Night - Gen.11
Puck -> Aethel -> Liuva -> Naxra -> Dalinar -> Opalite -> Arnaurd -> Starburst -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!
"I am the merry wanderer of the night..."

Puck is a joker, a prankster, a prince of the fae - and his children share his wily spirit! They are always playing tricks and causing havoc, speaking in riddles and talking in rhymes. Having more than one of his ilk in a single lair is usually too much for a clan to handle, which is why Puck is sending his youngsters off to plague other lairs with their innocent antics and merrymaking mirth.

Alziel Lineage - Gen.13
Betelgeuse & Pleiades -> Centauri -> Zanda -> Chiss -> Aristo -> Hinata -> Arietis -> Andromeda -> Banshee -> Lorette -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

I am a part of the Alzieal lineage! This means that somewhere back in my ancestry are Betelgeuse and Pleiades- aliens from a far away planet named Alizieala, who just so happen to resemble our wildclaws here on Sornieth. Learn more about my lineage by clicking the alien badge!

Animal Whisperers - Gen.7
Bow -> Jay -> Arkay -> Palom -> Frost -> Sidhara -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

In every corner of Sornieth, there are tales of those who are more beast than dragon, who have forgone Draconic in favor of the language of the animals that populate the land. These tales are mere whispers now, drifting along the wind and being lost to time. The ones the tales speak of have shared in the same fate. Once plentiful, only a select few now have this strange ability to speak to creatures unlike themselves. No one knew where they had come from, and no one will know where they went. One of the remaining few, however, wishes for his kind to return to their former glory...

Blessing or a Curse - Gen.8
Surge x WindGuide -> Vignette -> Magma -> Lorette -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

The Shade is a hivemind that will try to absorb more living creatures into it to grow stronger. If a creature ingests part of the shade or is temporarily stuck within the shade they become half-corrupted. In time their corruption - if not treated - will grow to fully control their mind like a parasite.

Children of Surge and Windguide, however, are like someone who is immune to zombie bites. They can still be killed by other means, such as poison or drowning, but they cannot be harmed by shade.

Child of Luck - Gen.14
Luck -> Felicitas -> Dion -> Rigel -> Arular -> Felix -> Arietis -> Andromeda -> Banshee -> Lorette -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

The Two lived long and ancient lives, their spirits timeless, ephemeral, immortal -- or at least seemingly so, but time takes its toll on all beings, and even the Two were no exception. As their corporeal forms faded away, they breathed life into their successors with their dying breaths, and through magic and stardust, the Two gave life and purpose to Three. The first-born, Luck, was a curious and mischievous god, tipping the scales of fate in and out of favor of mortals and gods alike. His descendants are each imbued with the gift of immortality and a sway over other's and their own fates.

Descendant of Elysian - Gen.13
Elysian -> Silence -> Lavender -> Minerva -> Hinata -> Arietis -> Andromeda -> Banshee -> Lorette -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

I am descended from Elysian! She is the oldest original primal eyed dragon. Before eyes were sold in marketplace vials, around ~12kg went into scattersight spamming for her eyes. She's also the 1000th dragon born on the site and a pure gen.2 imperial! This lineage counts from 1.

Forest Wight - Gen.7
Duvain x Idsi -> Balan -> Magma -> Lorette -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

An unfortunate lineage that is both touched by Shade and bound to protect others from it. These dragons are ill-suited for crowded clans and tend to wander the desolate landscapes — forests, mires, vast stretches of featureless deserts, and frigid mountains. Perhaps it is the Shade in their blood that helps them sense darkness in the world and endeavor to change it, even if the darkness itself cannot be dispelled or destroyed.

Glitched Imperial Descendant - Gen.13
Talos -> Silence -> Lavender -> Minerva -> Hinata -> Arietis -> Andromeda -> Banshee -> Lorette -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

Talos, Zinovia, and Ausra are three generation two imperials that never should have existed. Back when there were duplicated imperial breed change scrolls still on the site, the owner who hatched the three had accidentally bought one of these scrolls and used it. While the parent was reverted back to his original breed from from a generation one imperial, the three children were allowed to remain imperials instead of being reverted themselves. So they are referred to as glitched dragons, and ones who should not exist. Talos is the firstborn of these three.

Heralds - Gen.12
Circinus & Andromeda -> Vega -> Cenue -> Felix ->
Arietis -> Andromeda -> Banshee -> Lorette -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

A skydancer and wildclaw with twilight-hued wings sat close together, their eyes focused on one singular thing, a mist-color orb. The blood of another dragon dripped down their claws, and an overwhelming air of approval radiated from the orb. They heard the whispers of power, riches, and grandeur.

Innocent Prince of Glacies - Gen.3
Fazed × Jubilee -> Maizey -> Socrates -> Me!

Fazed has been given a difficult task. Run a kingdom. With almost no experience, no mate, and no one he can trust he is pressured into decisions that will cause the fall of the Kingdom of Glacies. Blackmailed and trapped Fazed must rely on his allies, and ensure that his children escape. Something is brewing as Jubilee Fazes mate starts to tear everything down. Fazed has to survive and undo the damage. But for now, he must focus on his children.

Labyrinthians - Inelligible - Gen.9
Nasiba -> Artenius -> Raspberry -> Pluot -> Banshee -> Lorette -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

At any given time, hundreds of rumors circulate Sornieth. All are interesting. Few are believable, and fewer are true.
But all stories grow their roots in truth, no matter how embellished they become. Rynar would never guess just how close to it the rambling traveler came.

Living Dolls - Haunted - Gen.9
Noche & Woe -> Apathy -> Joy -> Asylum -> Ihruun -> Worse -> Sidhara -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

The Living Dolls Lineage Project traces the descendants of Noche and Woe: two mysterious cloth Veilspuns possessed by ancient, malicious souls. Each member of their cursed lineage carries a replication of one of their founders’ sinister hearts. However, none of these are perfect copies. Each hatchling is unique from their parents and each other, and each successive generation creates a greater chance of soul mutations that may cause their actions, ideals, and desires to diverge from other lineage members.

Royal Knights - Gen.7
Agion -> Themis -> Arnaud -> Starburst -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

I am a Royal Knight! This lineage project is dedicated to growing the frightful family tree of the warrior-princess Agion of the Crystalline Shadows clan, in order to bolster their numbers against the Beastclan menace! If you'd like to learn more, click the button!

Level 15 is required for official registry as a Knight, or 20 if the RK parent before this dragon is not leveled.

Seraph - Gen.6
Seraph -> Everlasting -> Supernova -> Pegasi -> Reinhardt -> Me!
Descendent of Dragon 130!

Spectacular Spells - Depleted Spells - Gen.10
Latte x Chocolate -> Spellshadow -> Slump -> Daisy -> Vanilla -> Varicose -> Worse -> Sidhara -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

I’m part of the Spectacular Spells lineage. These mages are extremely powerful, so powerful their auras are often mistaken for spells. These spells are the descendants of Latte and Chocolate. The shiny kids are those with earth magics, a knack for pulling treasures from the earth, while the plague dragons have acidic powers. Their runes and circuits are sigils that bind them to their secondary elemental powers inherited by their family’s founders.

Stars' Rebirth - Gen.4
Antares x Phoebe -> Yvaine -> Supernova -> Pegasi -> Reinhardt -> Me!

Legend speaks of two dragons from a far off planet. One, Solaris, was affiliated with the sun, and grew up rich and spoiled, with an ego larger than his wingspan, and the other, Lunaris, was affiliated with the moon. She grew up poor on the streets, and had to steal to survive. Both, who seemed set in their ways, had their fates intertwined.

Temporal Rifters - Gen.9
Allison -> Autumnal ->Ichigo -> Vanilla -> Varicose -> Worse -> Sidhara -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

Some believe there's an invisible force tugging at the fabrics of our reality, shaping our world and pulling the strings of our very existence. They're almost right, though this force is by no means a god. No, not a god, but something very close.

Twin Pearls - Gen.7
Aquaris x Spectra -> Sicaria -> Ontario -> Starburst -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

Aquaris was born with one pearl. That is the secret only one dragon ever knew. Aquaria, his twin sister. His second pearl was obtained from his first kill, a Pearlcatcher hatchling only a bit younger than him. He carried it as a trophy, and later when others assumed he was special because he was apparently born with two pearls, he changed his story.
He was special. He had two pearls.

Wardens of the Lost - Inelligible - Gen.9
Raksaka & Devaduta -> Selvisk -> Eisheth -> Amity -> Harmony -> Frost -> Sidhara -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

I am a Warden of the Lost! Wardens are dragons gifted with the unique ability to sense and manipulate emotions. This magic manifests in many different ways in their heirs, from being able to read emotions to seeking vengeance on those who have caused others a great deal of pain. While Raksaka and Devaduta paved the way, it is ultimately up to their descendants whether this gift will go down in history as something to be feared and hated or as a beacon of hope in dark times.


Witch's Heart - Gen.7
Sybil -> Augar -> Harmony -> Frost -> Sidhara -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

A young dragon, wishing to bring happiness into the world, made a pact with a demon. The demon would grant them a very powerful treasure: the Witch's Heart. You may be asking yourself: what is the Witch's Heart?

A Witch's Heart is a blood-red gemstone, said to be able to grant any single wish without fail, and it is searched for and coveted by many. However, demons are sneaky, fickle beings, and rarely state the truth of the matter.

Witchborne - Inellegible - Gen.8
Hanzjel & Greteel -> Dahlia -> Umbra -> Andromeda -> Banshee -> Lorette -> Vaughn -> Mephisto -> Reinhardt -> Me!

It began when the children started disappearing.

Of course the dragons blamed the weather, the war of the beastclans that have worn them down through the centuries. They blamed mishap, accidents happening at the wrong time. They even deigned to blame their neighbors, friends ... family, their mates for the loss of their children.

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