
Dev Tracker

A chronological record of developer forum posts and site updates.
Look at that, it's a hat...
Jun 06, 2024, 09:37:32
Hawkfeather wrote on 2024-06-06 09:29:53:
Hawkfeather wrote on 2024-06-05 13:53:41:
Staff, I think you need to ask your seagull supplier for your money back, because those are definitely crows /lh
Your seagull supplier continues to scam you xD Still crows

I'll report it to Adobe! The track itself is labeled 'Seagulls in Distant Wind'

Status Update
Jun 06, 2024, 08:54:06
Site Status | By Aequorin
We will be performing a scheduled maintenance on Saturday June 8 from 04:00 to 06:00 server time to prepare for our 11th Anniversary event. The Flight Rising website will be unavailable to players during this time.
Status Update
Jun 06, 2024, 08:53:49
Site Status | By Aequorin
It's getting a bit breezy...
Jun 05, 2024, 09:27:29
Sinnabelle wrote on 2024-06-05 09:21:53:
Well heck, I have no idea where these hints are heading now. LOL

A storm is brewing as we near the land... according to the alt text description. lightning modern??

Look I'm just grasping straws at this point. But I'm appropriately hyped!

No hints, just teasers. Trust the process. We're going somewhere with this, I promise.
Status Update
Jun 05, 2024, 09:17:49
Site Status | By Aequorin
Huh. What could that be?
Jun 05, 2024, 06:30:14
XShadowStrikerX wrote on 2024-06-04 19:22:48:
Probably a dumb observation but since compasses always point North, the compass needle is pointing north, not west, so if we’re following it then we’re just going north. Or if you look at the notches aligned with the map and rotate the compass accordingly then we’re facing north east.

Again it’s probably nothing and we are just going west. But who knows it could be a super incredibly obscure clue.

Honestly, no, that's just me mixing up which is which (red arrow and the actual needle) in the art. Thank you for the heads up on the compass error! @XShadowStrikerX

As for the descriptions...the image/video descriptions are just that—image descriptions. We're not hiding clues in the image/video descriptions.
Dragon Search on userpages
Jun 05, 2024, 00:09:06
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
@winterprism - This bug should now be fixed next time you refresh the page. Thanks again!
Dragon Search on userpages
Jun 04, 2024, 23:59:48
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thank you for the report @winterprism and the additional tests by @Siamesetiger and @Ralzakark .

I've been able to replicate the issue. I'll report back when there's a fix.
Anniversary Speculation Memes
Jun 04, 2024, 15:18:18
Hi there, @PalusHiemalis! Real quick, your title was edited so it's in line with our Forum Etiquette.

As far as keeping up goes, we have two tools available for players so you can quickly reference/check developer replies in the forums. The first one is our Dev Tracker, which is found in the sidebar! The second are the little speech bubble emojis you may have noticed on the index page for each forum, in the Staff Column:
A white speech bubble with the initials FR on it.

When you see this button next to a thread or at the top of a thread, it means a staff member has replied. You can click it or (when in a thread) the red arrows on either side, and you'll be taken right to the developer's reply!
Status Update
Jun 04, 2024, 13:58:12
Site Status | By Mutron
We have posted an update regarding the Nesting Grounds parent selection bug.
Dragons on nest changed
Jun 04, 2024, 13:39:19
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Mutron
Hello all, I want to provide an update on this issue, including what was happening, and what we have done to fix it.

We discovered a few major things going on on the Nesting Grounds parent selection page:
  • Most prominently, on Safari/iOS (and possibly other iOS browsers since they are all Safari based), the browser was behaving strangely when updating a dropdown element while it was still in the process of doing its post-selection "disappearing" animation. The browser was causing the dropdown's options popup to return to full size and become interactable very briefly, causing a "bounce" or "twang" visual effect and allowing the player to potentially catch a stray finger tap. This could cause a different dragon to be selected than was originally intended.
  • In the process of investigating, we also found some timing sensitive issues related to the asynchronous page updates that occur after a parent selection is made. The page updates in question change the dragon images above the dropdown and update the dropdown contents to account for breeding compatibility. This normally occurs very rapidly. However, if you made an additional parent selection faster than the page could update, or if one of the update requests took an unusually long time, or if one of the update requests failed, the code could step on its own toes and produce strange results. In most cases the result would be the dropdown and the dragon image coming out of sync, which we have been specifically detecting and showing an error message for since January 29th. However, in extremely convoluted scenarios, the dropdown and image could load in with a dragon you had selected moments previously, but later changed your mind about.
  • Finally, some browsers were filling in the dropdowns automatically when returning to a previously visited page using the browser's forward/back buttons, or reloading the page. Because the auto fill does not trigger a dropdown change event it would not kick off the relevant page updates, resulting in a page where a dragon was selected in the dropdown but no dragon images were displayed. This would have been more of a nuisance as it would trip the error detection we added on January 29th and often require you to navigate to a fresh page to get things working.
In order to address the above issues, we have made these changes to parent selection:
  • After selecting a parent, all page update requests must successfully complete before you can continue to interact with the dropdowns or the "Preview Offspring" or "Confirm Breeding Pair" buttons. This additionally fixes the "bounce" issue on iOS.
  • We have added markup to indicate that the dropdown fields should never be autofilled by the browser.
  • We have expanded the error detection implemented on January 29th to display an error message when the dragon selected in a dropdown does not match the page's record of the dragon that was most recently selected by the player.
  • We have added dragon images to the "Do you wish to continue?" dialog in order to provide additional visual feedback to the player about which dragons they are about to breed.
  • We have added comprehensive logging to this page so that if any issues occur in the future we will have far more data to work with.
I want to personally express my gratitude to all of the players who have reported this issue and patiently waited for updates. We are now having internal discussions about how we are going to address the existing impacts of this bug.

On that note, if you have a nest that was affected, we request that you please do not incubate or hatch the nest for the time being. Once dragons are hatched, their parentage is permanently set in stone.

Finally, I want to mention that based on the reports we have received, occurrences of this issue have been exceedingly rare, and predominantly limited to mobile. With this update we hope we have eliminated further occurrences entirely.
Huh. What could that be?
Jun 04, 2024, 13:37:19
NefariousKing wrote on 2024-06-04 10:17:12:
Also, staff drop the OST, I need a full version of the music in the second teaser.

@NefariousKing, @LittleParade, the audio is from Lush Lo-Fi by Origin Sound, specifically Lofi Pop Breeze, available to us through our Adobe license.

As a general reminder: These teasers aren't hints about nor are they teasers of Tidelord's return. The resolution of Tidelord's disappearance is linked with our planned adventure/campaign feature. These teasers also aren't random, our anniversary is on Saturday, and it's only Tuesday. We know everyone is excited (we are too!), so please enjoy the upcoming week and anticipation!

Status Update
Jun 04, 2024, 08:56:52
Site Status | By Aequorin
Nest maint
Jun 03, 2024, 14:46:19
Seraitsukara wrote on 2024-06-03 14:37:19:
I don't think they'd need a curtains down maintenence for the breeding glitch, but maybe I'm wrong on that.

I REALLY hope it's a discard nest function. Aeq did warn people not to hatch or incubate nests affected by that glitch, so maybe the one upside to it is that it'll get us a discarding nest function.

That's a whole feature that would need to be scoped out properly. If all goes well tomorrow, there will be some backend and some minor player-facing changes in an attempt to further block this bug as we investigate the cause. We're still trying to reproduce this internally and until we do, it's going to be an uphill kind of situation.
Backlog - Ancient Gene Errors
Jun 03, 2024, 14:15:41
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
The following fixes went in today:
  • Eye Multigaze: Undertide H - There was pixel bleed present on the right side of the canvas. Fixed.
  • P Mosaic: Aether F - The shadow layer on the horns was missing. Fixed.
  • P Piebald: Dusthide M - Some of the added spots had doubled up shadows. Fixed.
  • T Branches: Undertide M - The incorrect branch color was used compared to other Undertides and all other instances of the branches gene. Fixed.
What a lovely day!
Jun 03, 2024, 13:07:49
KnightNight wrote on 2024-06-03 12:45:19:
Wait… He’s finally coming home! Tidelord is coming home!

Alas...he is not, at least not for the anniversary. The mystery of Tidelord's disappearance is linked with our upcoming adventure/campaign feature.
Status Update
Jun 03, 2024, 12:58:38
Site Status | By Mutron
Today's maintenance has concluded. Some pages may load slowly as players return to the site.
Status Update
Jun 03, 2024, 12:43:07
Site Status | By Aequorin
New anniversity teaser got dropped!
Jun 03, 2024, 12:35:08
Seraitsukara wrote on 2024-06-03 12:19:09:
Why is the teaser only on tumblr? I'm surprised it's nowhere on the front page.

The forums don't support embedded MP4s. We're working on a gif for you
New anniversity teaser got dropped!
Jun 03, 2024, 12:34:33
Aequorin wrote on 2024-06-03 11:45:43:
arawoods wrote on 2024-06-03 11:33:28:
tbh I don't really care about the Tidelord or adventure made, but I feel like they should have expected a water-related teaser would make everyone think that was coming haha

We did. That's why I said something

Literally the first thing Aequorin brought up when we were mentioning that we wanted to incorporate some fun lead-in stuff -- the mouse knows what she's doing!
New anniversity teaser got dropped!
Jun 03, 2024, 11:45:43
arawoods wrote on 2024-06-03 11:33:28:
tbh I don't really care about the Tidelord or adventure made, but I feel like they should have expected a water-related teaser would make everyone think that was coming haha

We did. That's why I said something
New anniversity teaser got dropped!
Jun 03, 2024, 10:44:44
IrradiatedRisk wrote on 2024-06-03 10:35:30:
Sinnabelle wrote on 2024-06-03 09:45:03:
Dragon2NEO wrote on 2024-06-03 09:37:19:
We're getting a sitewide event about fishing. Yep. Just fishing.
Stardew Valley style fishing game.
Nooooo not the stardew fishing… *Cries in terrible at stardew valley fishing mechanics*

@IrradiatedRisk, I've had better luck with a controller and using small taps to control the fishing bar, but that early game bar size is brutal. If it helps, fishing up trash in your farm's pond and from crab pots help to level your fishing, which then increases the size of your fishing bar. Good luck!
New anniversity teaser got dropped!
Jun 03, 2024, 09:26:19
EclipseDragon wrote on 2024-06-03 09:18:25:
I can't bring myself to believe that it's adventure mode.
Maybe staff has decided to bring tidelord back early.

I'm going to gently deflate this particular hype bubble now—don't hype yourselves up for the Tidelord's return for this year's anniversary. The mystery of Tidelord's disappearance is tied to our adventure/campaign feature. I'm sorry to disappoint anyone hoping for this.

That being said, there's still plenty to be excited about for this anniversary! Hype away; we're just encouraging you to hype responsibly.
Status Update
Jun 02, 2024, 20:53:56
Site Status | By Undel
The twelfth annual Brightshine Jubilee will begin on June 23, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration!
Status Update
Jun 02, 2024, 20:47:20
Site Status | By Undel
The Boulder and Myrid and Dusthide Gene error threads have been brought up to date and are now closed for consistency issues. Technical issues for these genes may still be reported in the universal stickies in the bugs forum.
Dusthide Dragon Release Gene Errors
Jun 02, 2024, 20:44:58
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
This thread is now closed for consistency issues. If you run into technical issues with the Dusthide breed release slate of genes, please report them to the Backlog - Ancient Gene Errors thread.
Dusthide Dragon Release Gene Errors
Jun 02, 2024, 20:43:58
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
The following corrections were applied over the weekend:
  • Eye Primal: (Lightning) Dusthide H - The outer cyan color was missing from the lightning. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • P Harlequin: Dusthide M - The markings on the belly near the tail received additional offset to avoid pattern tangents with the overlap. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • P Piebald: all Dusthide - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • P Sailfish: Dusthide F - The highlights on this gene overlaid the gradient in such a way that it looked like a hard edged cutout on the tail cutting into the pattern. Technical issue (sorta. More like an optical illusion, but one that it's better to just remove.) Corrected.
  • P Strike: Dusthide F - The gradient in the stomach hard hard edges in places where it should not. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • P Varnish: Dusthide F - Additional markings were added to the back of the head to better match the other Dusthides with Varnish. Technical Issue. Corrected.
  • S Butterfly: Dusthide F, H - The second accent color was overlapping the primary accent color on the wings. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • S Loop: all Dusthide - Additional accent color was added to the wings. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • S Paint: all Dusthide - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • T Angler: all Dusthide - The gradient transition within the bulb was given more contrast to be closer to existing Angler genes. Consistency issue. Corrected.
  • T Carnivore: Dusthide F - The mist color closest to the mouth had incorrect colors applied. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • T Polkadot: Dusthide H, M - The H pose was missing the some of the belly markings on the tail. The M pose had a stray pixel near the tip of the tail. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • T Spores: Dusthide H - The H pose was missing the cheek spike present in the adults. Technical issue. Corrected.
Boulder and Myrid Errors
Jun 02, 2024, 13:20:57
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
This thread is now closed for consistency issues. If you run into technical issues with the Boulder and Myrid genes, please report them to the Backlog - Modern Gene Errors or the Backlog - Ancient Gene Errors thread depending on the dragon type effected by a technical issue.
got hit with a glitch
May 30, 2024, 12:37:40
Tzinoka wrote on 2024-05-30 11:34:32:
Maybe continue to send in support tickets to try to get it rolled back

Please don't do this. Support currently does not have a way to roll back a nest once it's set.

This is a bug we're actively investigating. We've added logging and are adding even more logging to try and get the data we need to reproduce this bug internally. There is also a blocker in place that should prevent the breeding of dragons that weren't selected by the player in the drop down menus. If that's not working, we also need to identify what's going on there. In the meantime, don't hatch or incubate any nest impacted by this bug.
www page custom skin link goes to rules
May 30, 2024, 12:06:19
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thanks for the report @windowsXP! The link has been updated.
Hatchling Custom Skins are Finally Here!
May 30, 2024, 11:28:40
SamuelMaybird wrote on 2024-05-30 10:45:57:
Uh I can't equip skins on my ancients they don't exist even if they're in my hoard. Anyone else dealing with that? I just bought a skin which is how I found out

Sorry about that. The bug should now be squashed, as reported in the bug forum.

None of my Pearlcatchers can equip skins
May 30, 2024, 11:16:21
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thanks everyone! We have found the cause of the bug and pushed a fix live. Please refresh the apparel page (if you're still on it) and try again.
None of my Pearlcatchers can equip skins
May 30, 2024, 10:55:55
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thank you @Raidye @Dkberry - It may just not be updating your list of available skins.

If you have a valid skin in your hoard, please re-open the "Customize Apparel & Skin" page from scratch to see if the item now shows up on the list. We're looking into why that list isn't reloading automatically.
None of my Pearlcatchers can equip skins
May 30, 2024, 10:45:53
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
@foliage @1st

Additional details on any error messages you're seeing would also help. Can you describe in what way it's failing?

I also suggest clearing your browser cache, since it might be an issue with running an older version of the page.

Thank you!
None of my Pearlcatchers can equip skins
May 30, 2024, 10:41:02
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thank you for the report @1st

Please reply with the specific dragons you've tested along with the skins you tried applying. I assume you were able to add/remove skins on other breeds?

I've tested on my own pearlcatcher and was able to add and remove a skin, so there might be something more complicated going on.
scroll of eternal youth
May 30, 2024, 10:00:57
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thanks @Tsukimayu

The permanent solution is now live that should prevent this exact bug from hitting again.
Hatchling Custom Skins are Finally Here!
May 30, 2024, 09:35:15
A quick general reminder for everyone!

Suggestions for improvements to the Custom Skin and Accent system? Be sure to post them in the Suggestions Forum!

Any feedback, comments, or questions on rules or policies should be sent directly to us through Contact Us. Comments made to this thread about rules or policies will be removed as a matter of forum moderation.

Thank you!
Hatchling Custom Skins are Finally Here!
May 30, 2024, 09:12:55
The overlaid text reads - Hatchling Skins - skin system improvements and new friends. There is a scaled dusthide hatchling dragon with antique scales and jade wings. It has an accent depicting lily of the valley flowers applied. A hatchling skin icon is in the upper left.
The day is finally here—the Custom Skin & Accent system now supports hatchlings affected by Scroll of Eternal Youth! Get ready to flex those creative muscles to decorate over 20 adorable new templates.

Before we jump into the update's more exciting details, we wanted to share a few awesome stats about the Skin System Revamp itself:
  • Since launch, 1761 skin orders have been processed.
  • Over 800 of those orders were for reprints, a transaction that is virtually instantaneous.
This wouldn't be possible without the tireless effort of our engineering team, who really knocked it out of the park in upgrading this system from top to bottom. Not only do our skin moderation team members benefit from huge workflow improvements, they also put more agency into the hands of skin creators, who can now immediately get automated feedback on whether their artwork is eligible, design their own icons, and keep tabs on the status of their orders.

We're absolutely thrilled with the engagement with the system so far!

Hatchling Skins are Here!
In today's exciting update, we've finally rolled out official support for custom skins and accents for hatchlings! Almost since Flight Rising's launch over 10 years ago, the concept of hatchling skins has been a popular suggestion and topic of discussion.

Last month, we made available the hatchling PSD templates, and to date they have been collectively downloaded over 550 times. It sounds like you were eager to get started on those designs!

We're glad to finally make that a reality.

Accompanying this update, we did want to focus attention on a few important bits of information:
  • As a reminder, only hatchlings that are under the effects of Scroll of Eternal Youth are eligible to equip skins. This choice was made both to make the requirements of the system easier to understand, and to reduce development complexity. After discussion and review, we determined there wasn't much value in spending development time on allowing skins and accents for dragons who would age out of their skins in five days or less.
  • There have been a few elaborations to the rules for submitting skins and accents for hatchlings that we thought it might be good to reiterate here before players begin submitting hatchling skins to the system.

An image of the dragon interface showing a hatchling with the scroll of eternal youth applied. The scroll of eternal youth icon is highlighted.

Other System Updates & Improvements
In addition to supporting hatchling skins, we took the opportunity to include a few updates and fixes, including:

Icon Background Swatches
On the icon creation section of the skin order flow, you can now choose from a number of different background colors. These range from black to gray/beige to white.

An image of the interface for creating skin thumbnails. To the left is the existing skin icon interface, showing the movement and placement options. To the lower right are the new updates being featured, which include, black, white, and shades of grey in between that may now be used as background colors.

Better Contextual Feedback on Coverage
During coverage evaluation, if you have started an order for a skin, and the system finds that the skin covers 30% or less of the dragon sprite, it will now notify you that the submission is eligible to be an accent instead - saving you a handful of shiny gems!

An image of the new coverage check in action, showing that the skin is applicable for being an acccent!

A Bundle of Youth!
With the release of hatchling skins, we've added a new bundle for Scroll of Eternal Youth. This bundle contains three copies of the scroll for a discounted cost per individual item. This bundle will also be available on the Purchase Blueprints page because they are important to hatchling skin orders.
3 Eternal Youth Bundle

Fiona's Friends
Fiona has managed to acquire more familiars that she could use a hand in caring for. Those who manage to accomplish her feats may be worthy candidates!
Skykin Planesrunner Flounced Greattusk

Skin Contest Changes
For the Brightshine 2024 - Greenskeeper 2025 festival cycle, the number of potential winning entries is being expanded to 20 slots. The the following changes will take effect for the skin contest:
  • 2 additional slots will be added for exclusively for hatchling skins.
    • These skins will be purchased through festive favors, and will not appear in the gathering or coliseum chests, ensuring that players who don’t want a hatchling skin will not receive one in lieu of a dragon skin.
  • 2 additional slots will be added for dragon skins, bringing the total slots for dragon skins to 18 adult winners (up from 16).
    • One of these slots will go to an additional chest that drops from gathering/coliseum, bringing the total amount of chests per festival to 8 (up from 7)
  • Artists may submit up to 2 dragon entries (same) and one hatchling entry for a maximum allowed total of 3 entries. We increased the cap so that submitting an entry for a hatchling skin slot doesn't interfere with your ability to enter the usual two dragon skin entries.

The above changes will take effect beginning with Brightshine Jubilee 2024.

Additional Updates
  • Due to its complexity, Dressing Room support specifically for hatchlings & skins has been postponed until a later date. Our intention is for this functionality to behave similarly to ancient breed dragons.
  • For skin rejections, the link provided in the accompanying private message has been changed from text to a large button to better accommodate mobile platforms or smaller screen sizes.
  • We're on the lookout for a talented Reliability Engineer to join us in supporting the development of Flight Rising. Check out the full details on our Employment Opportunities page.
  • The Game Database now supports filtering familiars by up to three colors.