
Dev Tracker

A chronological record of developer forum posts and site updates.
Asterisk censor breaks image BBC +links
May 01, 2024, 13:16:39
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Aequorin
Hi @Lupik! Please refresh and see if it works now.
If you could ask Staff any question...
May 01, 2024, 01:36:05
You guys are sweet. It was mostly tongue-in-cheek, though, so please don't be worried! I'm a parent of several lifeforms and it's just par for the course. :P
Reprint Past Orders skin missing
Apr 30, 2024, 13:06:20
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thanks for the report @TinyGryphon

The item was not linked to a player account. I've verified your original submission and updated the item accordingly. It should now show up on the list for you.
If you could ask Staff any question...
Apr 29, 2024, 18:10:17
MilkshakeTrex wrote on 2024-04-28 13:51:28:
You guys getting enough rest?

no not really
Please, stop asking for free stuff
Apr 29, 2024, 15:43:31
Orochimaru wrote on 2024-04-29 15:33:18:
Secondly, begging isn't explicitly against the rules. I think opening a thread up specifically to ask for treasure and items to be donated should be against the rules.
Like I said earlier, most items can be acquired by playing the game. There are lots of ways to make treasure, and treasure can be exchanged for gems with other players.

Hello @Orochimaru! Our apologies for the confusion. Our Spam Policy covers this issue:

What do we consider spam?

Soliciting free items, dragons, or currency (in-game or real world). The Flight Rising community is very generous to new or returning players. If you find you are in need of food for your dragons, please check your Flight's discussion forum for threads offering food items.

If someone is posting spam threads to specifically solicit free items, dragons, or currency, please be sure to report them to us as spam using the Report button found on the top of every post.

This is the Report button: A hazard sign emoji

Thank you!
Found out why my laptop fights so hard
Apr 29, 2024, 14:20:24
If you are using Dev Console, there's a good chance that it's set to disable image cache - in other words, your browser is intentionally re-loading the images instead of pulling them from memory.

Please make sure that the "Disable Cache" button is unchecked. This is for Google Chrome, other browsers will have similar (but not necessarily identical) settings. That should help things :)
Missing skin in Reprint Past Order
Apr 29, 2024, 14:09:01
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thank you for the report @Karanja . Please check if it's available now.
re: hatchling festival skins
Apr 29, 2024, 14:06:56
We are still working out the specifics. In the meantime, I can assure you that:
  • Any changes or additions to the skins and festivals will happen with a new festival cycle. Ie: Brightshine Jubilee 2024 kicks off a new cycle of festivals. No changes or additions will be in effect for Greenskeeper Gathering 2024.
  • Our approach here is that any hatchling skins that are festival skins and a part of gameplay, will be that they are in addition to, not in replacement of adult skins. Everyone can use adult dragon skins. Hatchling skins, however, require an eternal youth scroll to apply, something not everyone has access to.

And to reiterate what @Aequorin said, the suggestions forum is a great place to offer up ideas on hatchling skins and festivals.
Recent skin can't be instantly reprinted
Apr 29, 2024, 10:06:08
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thank you @akesi

I've confirmed that particular accent WAS recently approved and so it should have been eligible for instant reprints. I've manually corrected this.

Please confirm that when you look at your reprints list the item is flagged as eligible.
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 09:37:12
akesi wrote on 2024-04-29 09:28:23:
i assumed that if a skin was allowed to be reprinted it was good too, but my skin that i last reprinted two weeks ago says it need to be reviewed again

@akesi In theory, any skin that you had reprinted recently (within the last 4 months) should also be eligible for an instant reprint.

If you see a skin that you reordered that is not eligible, let us know as a bug report and we can look into it. Please keep in mind that you might have multiple old skins with the same (or similar) name and it's easy to mistake a recently reordered skin with one that still needs to be reevaluated.
Already approved???
Apr 29, 2024, 09:35:53
Hello @AlchemistG! The 2 hour turnaround has more to do with the queue having been zeroed out last week in anticipation of today's launch than anything else. Generally speaking, 2 to 3 days should be a reasonable expectation for content moderation reviews and approvals.
re: hatchling festival skins
Apr 29, 2024, 09:30:54
Hello everyone! Thank you for sharing your feedback and your concerns about Eternal Youth skins and accents in relation to the festival contests.

Today's announcement was to let you know this functionality was on its way, what you can expect with it (Eternal Youth hatchlings only), and give our community of artists access to the hatchling PSDs in advance.

The issue of festival contests is an issue we are still discussing internally. Once a decision has been made, we'll communicate that to you—probably closer to the launch of the Eternal Youth skin and accent function. If you have suggestions on this topic, please feel free to share your suggestions in the Suggestions forum.

Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 09:21:32
AkaneChaan wrote on 2024-04-29 09:17:50:
Wait so I don't need to have the art files to reprint past orders? [...]

@AkaneChaan Correct! Reprints will use the artwork from the skin item itself. You do not need to find and re-upload old artwork.
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 09:07:46
Hazeledpoppy wrote on 2024-04-29 08:50:32:
Would it be possible to be able to request evaluation without submitting for reprint copies? [...]

Good question @Hazeledpoppy

There are thousands of legacy skins that could be sent for evaluation. So we decided it was best to only add to the Skin Moderation Team's workload when an actual order is requested.

If the new system works as well as we hope, you will not have to wait long for an evaluation when you do decide to place an order.
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 08:48:25
hatesprit wrote on 2024-04-29 08:40:08:
small visual error - on the skin templates page, it seems the 'default' is that the eyes of all the icons should be the same style of neutral grey as the rest of the template [...]

Thank you @hatesprit. I've checked with the team and this is intentional. It's possible that the page may be revised in the future, but the current artwork is not a bug.
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 08:37:29
BatCrooks wrote on 2024-04-29 08:07:28:
Just so you guys know, in the legacy reprint delivery email, "eligible" is misspelled as "eligbile"! I'm sure that message will be going out a lot so hopefully you can edit it early!

Thank you for catching that @BatCrooks. It should now be fixed for future orders.
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 08:03:03
Question!! Is there any workaround or fix for skins and accents with the same name?

@Fehn - Unfortunately the forum preview is already in a popup window and we don't have a good way to display a preview popup within another popup.

You're right that [ skin = itemid ] is the best way to display a skin item in a post because we don't prevent players from reusing skin names.
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 07:46:34
Forum Post | Announcements & News | By Mutron
AstralCrescent wrote on 2024-04-29 07:05:12:
While making anything automated through algorhythms is an instant "-2" and required suspension of disbelief from me, I hope that you take player feedback to heart and stay on-top of hammering out the imperfections inherent to an automated system within a timely manner so that it can be brought up to creator standards within a reasonable amount of time or else you are looking at an extreme swamp of backlog and discontent from your community.

Hi @AstralCrescent,

Just to provide some more background on what has now been automated, there are three major areas that have changed:
  • The coverage percentage for accents is now calculated by the skin system, by comparing the alpha channels of the skin and the dragon silhouette. This used to be done by the Skin & Accent Moderation Team loading the artwork into Photoshop and doing a repetitive process.
  • The skin system now detects whether there are stray pixels in the skin/accent artwork that go outside the boundary of the dragon silhouette, again by comparing alpha channels. This used to be checked manually by the Skin & Accent Moderation Team.
  • Skins that have been approved for instant reprint can be reprinted without the intervention of the Skin & Accent Moderation Team.

All of this is to say, we are not automating the element of human judgment in moderating skins and accent submissions. There is not a machine learning element to this system, only relatively basic pixel by pixel comparisons. I understand the concern as there have been some high profile instances of social media sites automating image moderation in recent memory, but Flight Rising isn't social media and that sort of thing is not part of the new skin system.
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 07:34:23
PixelSpiral wrote on 2024-04-29 07:32:43:
SakraKaine wrote on 2024-04-29 07:27:22:
Also, compared to the Gaoler hatchling file size, the Veilspun hatchling file is huge! It's like, three times the size!
oh yeah i didnt even notice that, skin_veilspun_h_unclipped_layers.psd is 5.98 mb and skin_undertide_h_unclipped_layers.psd is only 892 kb

im curious how the broken skin template looks like actually? id like a link to an image of it maybe

@PixelSpiral, @SakraKaine, I've alerted the team to this report. Thank you!
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 07:32:41
PixelSpiral wrote on 2024-04-29 07:21:06:
the baby veilspun skin template (all the three psds) doesnt seem to work??? i even redownloaded it and nothing

@PixelSpiral, the PSD files aren't optimized for Paint.NET, that's why they aren't working. If you need a free program for PSD editing, our files work in GIMP.

edit: Not going to strikethrough the above, as our files aren't optimized for Paint.NET, but I want to confirm we are now going through that Veilspun hatchling PSD layer by layer as there is an issue here that needs fixing.
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 06:14:04
FAQ & Info


My skin artwork looks like it’s within the bounds of the dragon sprite I’m designing it for, but the evaluation phase keeps telling me there’s an error!


Yeah, it’s not going to be perfect. While we feel like we’ve done a pretty good job accounting for edge cases (pun intended), we already anticipate that the coverage checker is going to likely need tweaks as time goes on. Thanks for bearing with us while we test and refine it.

If you can’t seem to get past this step and need guidance, please feel free to post a thread in our Skins & Accent Problems thread. If you feel like there is a bug preventing the order from moving forward, please search our Bug Reports forum and see if the issue has been reported there.


Why does my hatchling have to be Eternally Youthful to wear a skin?


In examining the various options, as a team we ultimately felt it didn’t make much sense for hatchlings without an eternal youth ("permababy") status to be able to equip skins when they will automatically age into adult dragons five (or fewer) days later. That being said, we will make sure that you can still preview skins on all of your eligible hatchlings, regardless of their youthful status.
Skin & Accent System Revamp
Apr 29, 2024, 06:11:57
The overlaid text reads - Skin and Accent System Revamp - Better Tools, Faster Orders, Instant Reprints. There is a skin thumbnail depicting a design peeling back from the icon, with a ruler and a pencil in the foreground. In the background is a screenshot of the skin system interface that is faded over a red gradient.

Today, we’re excited to launch our upgraded skin & accent submission system, now with accelerated order processing and the debut of a highly-requested instant reprint feature. Rebuilt from the ground up, the submission process puts more control into artists' hands!

Skin & Accent System Revamp

Today we have implemented our new skin & accent submission system, which has been broken down into clear, player-driven steps that provide skin creators with critical feedback earlier. With this implementation, artists who complete a new skin or accent submission will already feel very confident that their art meets our image size, coverage, and formatting requirements before they reach the final step. With new tools to create your own icons and instantly reprint orders, the wait for skins will be shorter than ever!

More Feedback Up Front

Prior to this revamp, the time spent waiting order fulfillment (or rejection feedback) could take upwards of a few days. Because art now move through smart, automated review passes before orders can even be made, you’ll have a chance to make any necessary fixes and alterations before it reaches us at all. This should improve the fulfillment time for skin item creation.

The systemic checks we have integrated directly into the submission process will check that your artwork:
  • Is the proper size in pixels (350 x 350).
  • Is of the correct document format (.png).
  • Whether your art extends beyond permitted sections on the selected dragon sprite. If it does, a preview will prominently highlight all the locations where it’s out of bounds.
  • In the case of accents specifically: a coverage check will analyze the percentage of the official dragon sprite your art is covering. If the coverage percentage is too high for an accent (>30%), an error will provide you information for how much.

These player-facing changes will hopefully mitigate many of the most common reasons that submissions are rejected and sent back—barring rule-violating content drawn directly into the artwork (remember, there are still humans reviewing it).

On the back end, we have improved the tools for our skin moderation team, which we’re confident will further improve turnaround time, reduce player confusion, and make the skin and accent submission system experience more pleasant and streamlined for everyone.

Below is a shot of the automated evaluation system in action:

An animated gif depicting a player using the coverage checker to see if their skin is out of bounds. It is in fact out of bounds; the uploaded art is for a fae female pose dragon, layered over a male fae pose dragon. Bright monochrome pixels have been generated in the negative space where the art errors exist, notifying the player what issues to fix before the order ever has a chance to go through.

Your Item, Your Icon
Another improvement we're including is allowing the author of a skin submission to design their own item icon, directly in the order flow. This concept bears fruit in two major ways:
  • Artists get to choose which part of their skin they want to highlight in the actual item's icon, which is what all other players see.
  • It entirely removes an external, time-consuming process from our skin moderation team.

Once your artwork makes it through the evaluation checks (mentioned in the section above this), you're presented with an interface where your skin art is layered beneath the skin or accent icon template. This template has a transparent cut-out that reflects how the final item icon will display.

Easy-to-use controls on this page enable you to pan and zoom the uploaded artwork, giving you full control for showing off which section of it will best represent your design to other players.

Below is a shot of the icon editor in action:

An animated gif of the icon editor interface. There is a small icon with a window, and arrow keys that allow the player to move their skin behind the window to adjust position, as well as to zoom in.

Oh, We've Got Receipts

Forgot when a specific skin order of yours was fulfilled? Want to check on the status of all your orders waiting in the queue? You’ll now be able to view a complete list of all orders you’ve ever made in the new system.

Orders can be searched, sorted, and filtered by:
  • Order number
  • Order type (new order, reprint, legacy reprint)
  • Quantity (in # of copies)
  • Skin/Accent Name
  • Existing skin and accent item IDs
  • Item type (skin or accent)
  • Breed
  • Pose

You can even see orders that you started filling out, but haven’t yet finished and can easily pick up where you left off in the submission flow.

If an order you've submitted has not been fulfilled yet, you have up until that time to cancel it yourself. Canceling an order while it's in the queue will wipe the order itself away and refund the associated blueprint by way of your private messages.

A screenshot of the order status page. All of the players are listed and color coded, with blue representing reprinted items, yellow representing skins that need to be reviewed by the team or skin submissions that have not gone through, and grey representing completed orders.

Instant Reprints are Here

We're thrilled to announce dedicated reprint support to the skin and accent artist community.

Here's how it works:
  • You submit a skin or an accent order and have it fulfilled by our team.
  • Skins produced from that fulfillment (because they've passed evaluation and have been created as site items) are immediately flagged as eligible for reprints.
  • The Reprint Past Orders page displays every skin you’ve submitted that now exists as an on-site item. As long as you have the appropriate blueprint(s) in your inventory, you can initiate an automated reprint on the skin of your choosing. The truly exciting part? This process is practically instant.

Now, there are some caveats and limitations:

While we would have loved for the reprint flagging to work retroactively, eligibility has been granted to many (but not all) player-created skins, and we’ll go into why:
  • With thousands of skin and accent items, making any sort of global data change to all of them is complex and carries data-related risks.
  • Over Flight Rising's 10-year history, there have been changes to player conduct rules and the skin system itself. A skin ordered and fulfilled seven years ago may not meet today's system qualifications.

That being said, we tried very hard to make even that particular flow less painful. With the above in mind, we're glad to say that as of late last year, we've been flagging recent skins submitted in the previous system, so many of you will have reprint options available to you starting right now.

For older skins (what we’re calling “legacy skins”), they will still show up on the Reprint Past Orders page, because they're real items. If you want to reprint a legacy skin order, one click will escalate it to our skin moderation team for reevaluation. Because these items already have real representation in the game's ecosystem, including names and icons, we anticipate that the vast majority of these evaluations will process very quickly.

Here’s a preview of the reprint system in action:

An animated gif that shows a player going to their eligible reprints, clicking on the button below artwork for that reprint that reads - reprint instantly - , and then placing a reorder on the next page. They are able to choose how many copies they wish to reorder.

Coming Soon to a Dragon Game Near You...

Our skin submission system has been a great way to share exciting and personalized designs for adult dragons, allowing you to share your craft with the Flight Rising community and bring even more customization to our already vibrant world.

We're not stopping there!

In the very near future, we're thrilled to announce that the custom skins system will be expanding its wings to embrace hatchling dragons under the effects of Eternal Youth, too! That's right—soon, you'll have the power to unleash your creativity on those adorable little bundles of joy. It's a feature you’ve been clamoring for, and we're ecstatic to finally make it happen.

So ecstatic, in fact, that starting today, we're giving everyone a head start. The image template files for hatchlings are now available to download, so you can dive in today and start preparing your designs before the integration is launched!

We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
An animated gif showing the skin template download page and how it now includes download options for hatchling templates.
Status Update
Apr 24, 2024, 12:47:37
Site Status | By Xhaztol
We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Monday, April 29 starting at 06:00 server time to facilitate the launch of the new Custom Skins & Accents order system. The Flight Rising website will be unavailable during this time. Thanks for your understanding!
This game is boring
Apr 24, 2024, 09:53:16
I think this thread is ready for a nap lock. Thank you to everyone who answered in good faith!
Status Update
Apr 24, 2024, 00:12:46
Site Status | By Kaepora
The form to submit Custom Skin orders has been disabled to prepare for the launch of the new system on Monday, April 29th.

Any orders already in the system will still be fulfilled.
Officially at undiscovered 0!
Apr 23, 2024, 13:36:46
For now...

But seriously, congratulations!
Dusthide cheevo not counting breed chang
Apr 23, 2024, 12:47:00
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Aequorin
Thank you everyone for helping @Kalia! I'm going to go ahead and lock this now as this isn't a bug.
Status Update
Apr 23, 2024, 08:01:14
Site Status | By Aequorin
Dragon Share Theme Week: Wavecrest Saturnalia!
Mobile Runestones Seizure Risk
Apr 22, 2024, 10:44:33
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Mutron
Hello @Tserin,
We have deployed a change to Runestones that we hope may fix the blue overlay that is occurring when you tap on the game. Let me know if it improves things for you. Thanks!
No free Dusthide Dragon egg
Apr 22, 2024, 10:40:13
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Aequorin
@Fledhyris, I've already confirmed a bug hasn't happened, but thank you!
Lightweaver is weirdly pixelated?
Apr 22, 2024, 10:37:02
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Aequorin
Not a bug, just art from before 2013.

We're aware, but thank you for your report!
coliseum flickering [epilepsy concern?]
Apr 22, 2024, 10:26:01
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Mutron
Hello all,

This has the hallmarks of a graphics-related browser issue. After investigation and review, it looks like this is something we're unable to directly control, unfortunately. Additionally, there have not been any changes to the Coliseum client code in the timeframe in which this started, and of the reports above experiencing the issue @Zosonils described, we have 3 reported Firefox/Win11 and 1 unspecified, which makes me suspect there may be something going on particularly on Firefox/Win11.

Here are our best workaround suggestions at the moment:
First, if you have a condition such as photosensitive epilepsy and you encounter this black flickering issue, please discontinue playing Coliseum on that browser/device combination immediately. Do not test workarounds if it would put you in any kind of risk.
  1. Play on a different browser.
  2. Play on a different device.
  3. Ensure your browser is updated (if not already up-to-date.)
  4. Ensure your graphics driver is updated (if not already up-to-date.)
  5. Toggle hardware acceleration in your browser; if it is on, turn it off, or vice versa. Instructions for changing this setting in Firefox are available here.

I am sorry this issue is occurring, but I am hopeful we can narrow in on an effective workaround for the people it is affecting.
No free Dusthide Dragon egg
Apr 22, 2024, 09:08:54
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Aequorin
@Catwyrm, check the very last page of your 'Other' tab in your Hoard.