
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
TOPIC | Dusthide Dragon Release Gene Errors
Please check the known issues and working-as-intended sections before making a report!

This thread is to track any gene errors that occur with the Dusthide dragon breed release This thread is for the newly released Dusthide genes only, and does not encompass previously released genes.

In this thread, players may report any errors they encounter with the new genes. These can be technical errors, or consistency issues. This thread is intended to focus on these potential errors so that they can be addressed swiftly

We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.

We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.

Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on June 1, 2024. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Modern Gene Error Backlog Thread, or the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.

Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.

Corrected Issues
  • Eyes: Arcane Primal for all Dusthide - The inner white part of the runic marking had its size increased. Consistency Issue.
  • Eye: Lightning Primal for Dusthide H - The outer cyan color was missing from the lightning. Technical issue.
  • Eyes: Nature Primal for Dusthide H - The hatchling pose was given the increased flower size that modern hatchlings have. Consistency Issue.
  • P Arc: Dusthide F - The facial markings were expanded to spill over the lower jaw a bit more. Consistency Issue.
  • P Arc: Dusthide H - A light fade on the knee marking was removed. Technical Errror.
  • P Harlequin: Dusthide M - The markings on the belly near the tail received additional offset to avoid pattern tangents with the overlap. Consistency Issue.
  • P Piebald: all Dusthide - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • P Petrified: Dusthide H, M - More noticible color transitions were added to the veins of color to better match those of the F pose. Consistency issue.
  • P Sailfish: Dusthide F - The highlights on this gene overlaid the gradient in such a way that it looked like a hard edged cutout on the tail cutting into the pattern. Technical issue (sorta. More like an optical illusion, but one that it's better to just remove.)
  • P Strike: Dusthide F - The gradient in the stomach hard hard edges in places where it should not. Technical issue.
  • P Varnish: Dusthide F - Additional markings were added to the back of the head to better match the other Dusthides with Varnish. Technical Issue. Corrected.
  • P Wasp: all Dusthide - The claws layering structure was corrected. Technical Error.
  • S Butterfly: Dusthide F, H - The second accent color was overlapping the primary accent color on the wings. Technical issue.
  • S Marlin: Dusthide H - The line around the edges of the wings has been added in. Technical Error.
  • S Loop: all Dusthide - Additional accent color was added to the wings. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • S Paint: all Dusthide - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • T Angler: all Dusthide - The gradient transition within the bulb was given more contrast to be closer to existing Angler genes. Consistency issue.
  • T Carnivore: All Dusthide - The mist shaping was reworked to be closer to the other versions of the gene. Consistency issue.
  • T Carnivore: Dusthide F - The mist color closest to the mouth had incorrect colors applied. Technical issue.
  • T Ghost: Dusthide F - The line across the wing thumb claw has been corrected. Technical issue.
  • T Ghost: Dusthide H - The missing spot of color on the front wing thumb pad has been painted in. Technical issue.
  • T Glowtail: all Dusthide - The spinal glow in Umber was made to be lighter than the base color. Technical issue.
  • T Polkadot: all Dusthide - Marking Cleanup. The final claw on the tail had the dark coloring on it removed on F, M. There was a partially transparent pixel on the tail marking that was corrected. The H pose was missing the some of the belly markings on the tail. The M pose had a stray pixel near the tip of the tail. Technical issue.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide F - The tip of the tail plate is now fully opaque. The wing claws were briefly colored in after the fix, which was corrected as well! Technical Error.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide H, F, M - The missing neck patterning was restored on the H pose. The neck stripes were redone to better match the modern version of the gene. Some transparency was cleaned up. Technical Error.
  • T Ringlets: All Dusthide - The pattern bleed onto the claws was cleaned up. Technical Error.
  • T Spores: Dusthide H - The H pose was missing the cheek spike present in the adults. Technical issue.
  • T Stained: Dusthide M - The staining was removed from the teeth. Technical Error.
  • T Stained: All Dusthide - The staining was expanded to cover the claws to match with other Ancients. Consistency Issue.
  • T Topcoat: Dusthide F, H - The pattern bleed onto the thumb wing claw has been removed. Technical issue.

Known Issues

Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)

Working as intended
  • Multi-Gaze & Line-Breaking Tertiaries: Sadly, the multi gaze and line breaking tertiary issue is a technical limitation. Eyes must always layer over the primary, secondary, and tertiary genes, and they are not contextually aware of what is below them and able to alter their shape to accommodate. This is a limitation with all of our dragons that have line breaking tertiaries.
  • Dusthide Wings: Primary/Secondary Coverage: It is intended that the secondary gene cover the interior of the wings, while the primary will cover the back of the wings and the plating that runs continuously from head to tail!
  • Display and Parade: Like Harlequin and Jester, these genes were designed to be dimorphic and be different for each pose.
  • Pachy: is intended to display the belly color of the basic genes across the hexagon shapes and fade on the dome of the helmet.
  • Bee: is not intended to show translucent shapes through the wings due to the plating in the primary color being present on the backs of the dragon's wings as the logic.
  • The line next to the thumb claw in the wing is indicating the round shape of the "pad" of the wing finger and is part of the line art.
  • Augment: The wide accent/glow panel on the Dusthide tail tip is intended to accommodate their larger tails.
  • Speckle and Freckle: The size and clustering of speckle and freckle varies quite a bit among moderns and ancients both. The smaller speckle size is considered within the (admittedly wide) range of this gene.
  • Shadows: The opacity of the shadow layer is considered working as intended.
  • Petrified/Lode: The color choices on this were intended to be variable and I have confirmed with the gene designer that these colors are working as intended.
  • Blossom: The sizing on the blossoms is intended.
  • Fishbone: The placement of the fishbone on Dusthide M is considered correct.
  • Spores: The storm color having blue inner vents and pink spores is considered correct by the gene designer, who had picked the colors used for this gene.
  • Veil: The opaque diamond shapes are a feature of the gene and are intended, confirmed by the gene designer.
  • Skink/Spinner: The spots on skink and spinner are considered within the acceptable range of variance for the gene.
  • Harlequin Black: While incredibly dark black, this is consistent with all modern and ancient versions of the gene.
  • Savannah Black: While incredibly dark black, this is consistent with all modern and ancient versions of the gene.
  • Falcon/Savannah Tails: The patterns on these cut off above (savannah) or just below the base of the tail (falcon) like the modern dragons do.
  • Primary Gene markings that go on the back of the wings of dusthide is intentional, as the plating is part of the primary. This extends to patterns that go on the back wing - they will align with the primary pattern. By "back wing" we are referring to the outside of the wing that contains plating and is most visible on the F pose.
  • Cinder: The end of the tail being a flat color is considered intentional and consistent with modern dragons. The tails all go to a solid color (with gradiants in the belly portion) on modern and aethers. Because the Dusthide tail is so wide and there's none of the belly portion shown near the tip, they look a bit more blank than thin tails that have belly details present to break up the solid color.
  • Swirl on Dusthide H: There are two eye shine highlights along the left side of the eye orb. There being two with a space between them is considered working as intended.

I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the Dusthide gene expansion new release, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
Please check the known issues and working-as-intended sections before making a report!

This thread is to track any gene errors that occur with the Dusthide dragon breed release This thread is for the newly released Dusthide genes only, and does not encompass previously released genes.

In this thread, players may report any errors they encounter with the new genes. These can be technical errors, or consistency issues. This thread is intended to focus on these potential errors so that they can be addressed swiftly

We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.

We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.

Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on June 1, 2024. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Modern Gene Error Backlog Thread, or the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.

Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.

Corrected Issues
  • Eyes: Arcane Primal for all Dusthide - The inner white part of the runic marking had its size increased. Consistency Issue.
  • Eye: Lightning Primal for Dusthide H - The outer cyan color was missing from the lightning. Technical issue.
  • Eyes: Nature Primal for Dusthide H - The hatchling pose was given the increased flower size that modern hatchlings have. Consistency Issue.
  • P Arc: Dusthide F - The facial markings were expanded to spill over the lower jaw a bit more. Consistency Issue.
  • P Arc: Dusthide H - A light fade on the knee marking was removed. Technical Errror.
  • P Harlequin: Dusthide M - The markings on the belly near the tail received additional offset to avoid pattern tangents with the overlap. Consistency Issue.
  • P Piebald: all Dusthide - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • P Petrified: Dusthide H, M - More noticible color transitions were added to the veins of color to better match those of the F pose. Consistency issue.
  • P Sailfish: Dusthide F - The highlights on this gene overlaid the gradient in such a way that it looked like a hard edged cutout on the tail cutting into the pattern. Technical issue (sorta. More like an optical illusion, but one that it's better to just remove.)
  • P Strike: Dusthide F - The gradient in the stomach hard hard edges in places where it should not. Technical issue.
  • P Varnish: Dusthide F - Additional markings were added to the back of the head to better match the other Dusthides with Varnish. Technical Issue. Corrected.
  • P Wasp: all Dusthide - The claws layering structure was corrected. Technical Error.
  • S Butterfly: Dusthide F, H - The second accent color was overlapping the primary accent color on the wings. Technical issue.
  • S Marlin: Dusthide H - The line around the edges of the wings has been added in. Technical Error.
  • S Loop: all Dusthide - Additional accent color was added to the wings. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • S Paint: all Dusthide - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • T Angler: all Dusthide - The gradient transition within the bulb was given more contrast to be closer to existing Angler genes. Consistency issue.
  • T Carnivore: All Dusthide - The mist shaping was reworked to be closer to the other versions of the gene. Consistency issue.
  • T Carnivore: Dusthide F - The mist color closest to the mouth had incorrect colors applied. Technical issue.
  • T Ghost: Dusthide F - The line across the wing thumb claw has been corrected. Technical issue.
  • T Ghost: Dusthide H - The missing spot of color on the front wing thumb pad has been painted in. Technical issue.
  • T Glowtail: all Dusthide - The spinal glow in Umber was made to be lighter than the base color. Technical issue.
  • T Polkadot: all Dusthide - Marking Cleanup. The final claw on the tail had the dark coloring on it removed on F, M. There was a partially transparent pixel on the tail marking that was corrected. The H pose was missing the some of the belly markings on the tail. The M pose had a stray pixel near the tip of the tail. Technical issue.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide F - The tip of the tail plate is now fully opaque. The wing claws were briefly colored in after the fix, which was corrected as well! Technical Error.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide H, F, M - The missing neck patterning was restored on the H pose. The neck stripes were redone to better match the modern version of the gene. Some transparency was cleaned up. Technical Error.
  • T Ringlets: All Dusthide - The pattern bleed onto the claws was cleaned up. Technical Error.
  • T Spores: Dusthide H - The H pose was missing the cheek spike present in the adults. Technical issue.
  • T Stained: Dusthide M - The staining was removed from the teeth. Technical Error.
  • T Stained: All Dusthide - The staining was expanded to cover the claws to match with other Ancients. Consistency Issue.
  • T Topcoat: Dusthide F, H - The pattern bleed onto the thumb wing claw has been removed. Technical issue.

Known Issues

Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)

Working as intended
  • Multi-Gaze & Line-Breaking Tertiaries: Sadly, the multi gaze and line breaking tertiary issue is a technical limitation. Eyes must always layer over the primary, secondary, and tertiary genes, and they are not contextually aware of what is below them and able to alter their shape to accommodate. This is a limitation with all of our dragons that have line breaking tertiaries.
  • Dusthide Wings: Primary/Secondary Coverage: It is intended that the secondary gene cover the interior of the wings, while the primary will cover the back of the wings and the plating that runs continuously from head to tail!
  • Display and Parade: Like Harlequin and Jester, these genes were designed to be dimorphic and be different for each pose.
  • Pachy: is intended to display the belly color of the basic genes across the hexagon shapes and fade on the dome of the helmet.
  • Bee: is not intended to show translucent shapes through the wings due to the plating in the primary color being present on the backs of the dragon's wings as the logic.
  • The line next to the thumb claw in the wing is indicating the round shape of the "pad" of the wing finger and is part of the line art.
  • Augment: The wide accent/glow panel on the Dusthide tail tip is intended to accommodate their larger tails.
  • Speckle and Freckle: The size and clustering of speckle and freckle varies quite a bit among moderns and ancients both. The smaller speckle size is considered within the (admittedly wide) range of this gene.
  • Shadows: The opacity of the shadow layer is considered working as intended.
  • Petrified/Lode: The color choices on this were intended to be variable and I have confirmed with the gene designer that these colors are working as intended.
  • Blossom: The sizing on the blossoms is intended.
  • Fishbone: The placement of the fishbone on Dusthide M is considered correct.
  • Spores: The storm color having blue inner vents and pink spores is considered correct by the gene designer, who had picked the colors used for this gene.
  • Veil: The opaque diamond shapes are a feature of the gene and are intended, confirmed by the gene designer.
  • Skink/Spinner: The spots on skink and spinner are considered within the acceptable range of variance for the gene.
  • Harlequin Black: While incredibly dark black, this is consistent with all modern and ancient versions of the gene.
  • Savannah Black: While incredibly dark black, this is consistent with all modern and ancient versions of the gene.
  • Falcon/Savannah Tails: The patterns on these cut off above (savannah) or just below the base of the tail (falcon) like the modern dragons do.
  • Primary Gene markings that go on the back of the wings of dusthide is intentional, as the plating is part of the primary. This extends to patterns that go on the back wing - they will align with the primary pattern. By "back wing" we are referring to the outside of the wing that contains plating and is most visible on the F pose.
  • Cinder: The end of the tail being a flat color is considered intentional and consistent with modern dragons. The tails all go to a solid color (with gradiants in the belly portion) on modern and aethers. Because the Dusthide tail is so wide and there's none of the belly portion shown near the tip, they look a bit more blank than thin tails that have belly details present to break up the solid color.
  • Swirl on Dusthide H: There are two eye shine highlights along the left side of the eye orb. There being two with a space between them is considered working as intended.

I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the Dusthide gene expansion new release, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
The following fixes went in yesterday:
  • Eyes: Arcane Primal for all Dusthide - The inner white part of the runic marking had its size increased. Consistency Issue.
  • Eyes: Nature Primal for Dusthide H - The hatchling pose was given the increased flower size that modern hatchlings have. Consistency Issue.
  • P Arc: Dusthide F - The facial markings were expanded to spill over the lower jaw a bit more. Consistency Issue.
  • P Arc: Dusthide H - A light fade on the knee marking was removed. Technical Errror.
  • P Wasp: all Dusthide - The claws layering structure was corrected. Technical Error.
  • S Marlin: Dusthide H - The line around the edges of the wings has been added in. Technical Error.
  • T Ghost: Dusthide F - The line across the wing thumb claw has been corrected. Technical issue.
  • T Ghost: Dusthide H - The missing spot of color on the front wing thumb pad has been painted in. Technical issue.
  • T Polkadot: Dusthide F, M - The final claw on the tail had the dark coloring on it removed.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide F - The tip of the tail plate is now fully opaque. Technical Error.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide H - The missing neck patterning was restored. Technical Error.
  • T Ringlets: All Dusthide - The pattern bleed onto the claws was cleaned up. Technical Error.
  • T Stained: Dusthide M - The staining was removed from the teeth. Technical Error.
  • T Stained: All Dusthide - The staining was expanded to cover the claws to match with other Ancients. Consistency Issue.
  • T Topcoat: Dusthide F, H - The pattern bleed onto the thumb wing claw has been removed. Technical issue.

The following fixes went in tonight:
  • T Polkadot: Dusthide M - There was a partially transparent pixel on the tail marking that was corrected. Technical issue.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide F, M - The neck stripes were redone to better match the modern version of the gene. Some transparency was cleaned up. Consistency issue.
  • T Glowtail: all Dusthide - The spinal glow in Umber was made to be lighter than the base color. Technical issue.
  • P Petrified: Dusthide H, M - More noticible color transitions were added to the veins of color to better match those of the F pose. Consistency issue.
  • S Lode: Dusthide H, M - More noticible color transitions were added to the veins of color to better match those of the F pose. Consistency issue.
  • T Mandibles: Dusthide H - The eye socket of Mandibles now sits on top of the eye. Technical issue.
  • T Carnivore: All Dusthide - The mist shaping was reworked to be closer to the other versions of the gene. Consistency issue.
The following fixes went in yesterday:
  • Eyes: Arcane Primal for all Dusthide - The inner white part of the runic marking had its size increased. Consistency Issue.
  • Eyes: Nature Primal for Dusthide H - The hatchling pose was given the increased flower size that modern hatchlings have. Consistency Issue.
  • P Arc: Dusthide F - The facial markings were expanded to spill over the lower jaw a bit more. Consistency Issue.
  • P Arc: Dusthide H - A light fade on the knee marking was removed. Technical Errror.
  • P Wasp: all Dusthide - The claws layering structure was corrected. Technical Error.
  • S Marlin: Dusthide H - The line around the edges of the wings has been added in. Technical Error.
  • T Ghost: Dusthide F - The line across the wing thumb claw has been corrected. Technical issue.
  • T Ghost: Dusthide H - The missing spot of color on the front wing thumb pad has been painted in. Technical issue.
  • T Polkadot: Dusthide F, M - The final claw on the tail had the dark coloring on it removed.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide F - The tip of the tail plate is now fully opaque. Technical Error.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide H - The missing neck patterning was restored. Technical Error.
  • T Ringlets: All Dusthide - The pattern bleed onto the claws was cleaned up. Technical Error.
  • T Stained: Dusthide M - The staining was removed from the teeth. Technical Error.
  • T Stained: All Dusthide - The staining was expanded to cover the claws to match with other Ancients. Consistency Issue.
  • T Topcoat: Dusthide F, H - The pattern bleed onto the thumb wing claw has been removed. Technical issue.

The following fixes went in tonight:
  • T Polkadot: Dusthide M - There was a partially transparent pixel on the tail marking that was corrected. Technical issue.
  • T Okapi: Dusthide F, M - The neck stripes were redone to better match the modern version of the gene. Some transparency was cleaned up. Consistency issue.
  • T Glowtail: all Dusthide - The spinal glow in Umber was made to be lighter than the base color. Technical issue.
  • P Petrified: Dusthide H, M - More noticible color transitions were added to the veins of color to better match those of the F pose. Consistency issue.
  • S Lode: Dusthide H, M - More noticible color transitions were added to the veins of color to better match those of the F pose. Consistency issue.
  • T Mandibles: Dusthide H - The eye socket of Mandibles now sits on top of the eye. Technical issue.
  • T Carnivore: All Dusthide - The mist shaping was reworked to be closer to the other versions of the gene. Consistency issue.
[b]The following corrections were applied over the weekend:[/b] [list][*][b]Eye Primal: (Lightning) Dusthide H[/b] - The outer cyan color was missing from the lightning. Technical issue. Corrected. [*][b]P Harlequin: Dusthide M[/b] - The markings on the belly near the tail received additional offset to avoid pattern tangents with the overlap. Consistency Issue. Corrected. [*][b]P Piebald: all Dusthide[/b] - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected. [*][b]P Sailfish: Dusthide F[/b] - The highlights on this gene overlaid the gradient in such a way that it looked like a hard edged cutout on the tail cutting into the pattern. Technical issue (sorta. More like an optical illusion, but one that it's better to just remove.) Corrected. [*][b]P Strike: Dusthide F[/b] - The gradient in the stomach hard hard edges in places where it should not. Technical issue. Corrected. [*][b]P Varnish: Dusthide F[/b] - Additional markings were added to the back of the head to better match the other Dusthides with Varnish. Technical Issue. Corrected. [*][b]S Butterfly: Dusthide F, H[/b] - The second accent color was overlapping the primary accent color on the wings. Technical issue. Corrected. [*][b]S Loop: all Dusthide[/b] - Additional accent color was added to the wings. Consistency Issue. Corrected. [*][b]S Paint: all Dusthide[/b] - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected. [*][b]T Angler: all Dusthide[/b] - The gradient transition within the bulb was given more contrast to be closer to existing Angler genes. Consistency issue. Corrected. [*][b]T Carnivore: Dusthide F[/b] - The mist color closest to the mouth had incorrect colors applied. Technical issue. Corrected. [*][b]T Polkadot: Dusthide H, M[/b] - The H pose was missing the some of the belly markings on the tail. The M pose had a stray pixel near the tip of the tail. Technical issue. Corrected. [*][b]T Spores: Dusthide H[/b] - The H pose was missing the cheek spike present in the adults. Technical issue. Corrected. [/list]
The following corrections were applied over the weekend:
  • Eye Primal: (Lightning) Dusthide H - The outer cyan color was missing from the lightning. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • P Harlequin: Dusthide M - The markings on the belly near the tail received additional offset to avoid pattern tangents with the overlap. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • P Piebald: all Dusthide - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • P Sailfish: Dusthide F - The highlights on this gene overlaid the gradient in such a way that it looked like a hard edged cutout on the tail cutting into the pattern. Technical issue (sorta. More like an optical illusion, but one that it's better to just remove.) Corrected.
  • P Strike: Dusthide F - The gradient in the stomach hard hard edges in places where it should not. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • P Varnish: Dusthide F - Additional markings were added to the back of the head to better match the other Dusthides with Varnish. Technical Issue. Corrected.
  • S Butterfly: Dusthide F, H - The second accent color was overlapping the primary accent color on the wings. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • S Loop: all Dusthide - Additional accent color was added to the wings. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • S Paint: all Dusthide - Additional small spots were added to better match the modern version of the gene. Consistency Issue. Corrected.
  • T Angler: all Dusthide - The gradient transition within the bulb was given more contrast to be closer to existing Angler genes. Consistency issue. Corrected.
  • T Carnivore: Dusthide F - The mist color closest to the mouth had incorrect colors applied. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • T Polkadot: Dusthide H, M - The H pose was missing the some of the belly markings on the tail. The M pose had a stray pixel near the tip of the tail. Technical issue. Corrected.
  • T Spores: Dusthide H - The H pose was missing the cheek spike present in the adults. Technical issue. Corrected.
This thread is now closed for consistency issues. If you run into technical issues with the Dusthide breed release slate of genes, please report them to the Backlog - Ancient Gene Errors thread.
This thread is now closed for consistency issues. If you run into technical issues with the Dusthide breed release slate of genes, please report them to the Backlog - Ancient Gene Errors thread.