
Dev Tracker

A chronological record of developer forum posts and site updates.
no warning page for external link
Jun 19, 2024, 00:03:58
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thanks again @eyeguy

This is now fixed.
Status Update
Jun 17, 2024, 14:35:46
Site Status | By Aequorin
Dragon Share Theme Week: Fathom Dragons!
Status Update
Jun 16, 2024, 22:47:16
Site Status | By Undel
Any unwanted event turn in supplies can now sold from your hoard. This includes: Teak Planks, Rigging, Sailcloth, and Sour Kelp
Fathom Release Gene Error Thread
Jun 16, 2024, 22:42:03
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
The following changes went in this weekend:
  • Eyes: Multigaze - All Fathom - The eye in the head was incorrectly colored to be earth for all elements. Fixed.
  • Primary: Tide - Fathom M - The basic ear fill color was present in this gene when it should not have been. Fixed.
  • Secondary: Bee - The accent color of wasp was displaying on the wrists of the M & H wings was displaying on the secondary of Bee. F pose had transparent wing shadow softened. Fixed.
  • Secondary: Constellation - Constellation was briefly uploaded to the incorrect directory, resulting in it not displaying. Fixed.
  • Secondary: Shimmer - Robin Fathom F - The hand-colored robin color for Fathom F had a corrupted file that resulted in it not showing up. Fixed.
  • Tertiary: Capsule - All Fathom - The chin coverage was removed, and the doubled-up shadow layer removed. Fixed.
  • Tertiary: Flecks - Fathom F, M - One of the gradients was set to an incorrect blend mode. Fixed.
  • Tertiary: Smoke - All Fathom - The smoke pattern was clipping into the ear color. Fixed.
  • Tertiary: Soap - Fathom H - The ear was tinted differently than the adults. Fixed.
came back after two years!
Jun 14, 2024, 17:10:29
Welcome back!
The Fathoms Return!
Jun 14, 2024, 12:57:19
TheSmartFlavor wrote on 2024-06-14 12:39:25:
hey uh, your announcement says theyre an uncommon breed with a 25-day breeding timer, but the scroll text calls them a limited breed with a 30-day timer

@TheSmartFlavor, that's an artifact from the incorrect designation earlier today. To be clear, Fathom dragons are an uncommon breed with a 25-day breeding cooldown. We'll get on fixing that, thank you for bringing this to our attention!
Status Update
Jun 14, 2024, 10:57:34
Site Status | By Undel
The Fathom breed was incorrectly listed as a limited breed with a 30 day cooldown. It has been changed to Uncommon with a 25 day cooldown, and all dragons that have been bred prior to this have had their cooldown corrected to 25 days.
The Fathoms Return!
Jun 14, 2024, 10:04:37

Happy Anniversary! Have fun with your new modern dragons!
The Fathoms Return!
Jun 14, 2024, 10:03:04
Forum Post | Announcements & News | By Romion
Happy Anniversary, all! Thank you for sharing in all the joy and storytelling.
The Fathoms Return!
Jun 14, 2024, 10:00:42
Happy Anniversary - thank you for playing!

The Fathoms Return!
Jun 14, 2024, 09:58:57
Forum Post | Announcements & News | By Undel
The overlaid text reads - Fathoms Return! The Unfathomable Odyssey rekindles old alliances. The banner has an orange and blue patterned dragon with a long snout, webbed ears, and display fins under its chin. Behind the dragon is a kelp forest background.

After the search for the Tidelord dredges up a bubble of dire portent, many Fathoms return from their oceanic journeys to assist the efforts of the dragon clans of the continent.

Unfathomable Odyssey
The Unfathomable Odyssey has concluded after the dive expedition uncovered the scattered remains of a prophecy bubble from the Tidelord! With many mysteries left to solve, some pods of Fathom dragons have chosen to cease their voyaging for now and continue to help investigate. Thank you to everyone who participated in what we felt was a really exciting and collaborative experience.

New Modern Breed: Fathom
All participants of the Unfathomable Odyssey event can collect a Voyager's Map (Clanbound) and Voyager's Chart (Clanbound) from the Unfathomable Odyssey event page. These account-bound items will spawn one male and female dragon respectively.

An image of two adult and one hatchling fathom dragon. These dragons have a sleek body with webbed hands and feet. Their wings are composed of multiple fanned segments, and their finned tail is split bilaterally. These dragons have a long snout, a display frill along their chin, and webbed ears. They do not have horns on their head, but do have a series of short spikes running down the length of their spine.

The Fathom is an uncommon breed (possessing a 25 day breeding cooldown) that eats plants and seafood. It can breed with all other modern breeds and wear all existing apparel. Dragon clans may learn about the characteristics of this modern breed in the Encyclopedia.
Fathom Dragons Encyclopedia Entry

Breed Change: Fathom are a rare drop from the Coliseum. Those who collect from Pinkerton's Plundered Pile and answer questions correctly from Tomo's Trivia Tablet also have a rare chance of turning up breed change scrolls. These acquisition methods are the permanent, long-term way to earn new Fathom breed change scrolls that will continuously trickle a steady stream of scrolls into players' hoards and allow them a new item to barter with in the Auction House.

Breed Change: Fathom

If you encounter any errors in the Fathom breed, please report them in this thread and we will address them in a timely manner. This thread is for the new Fathom breed genes only.

Fathom Forum Vista
You can show off your Fathom appreciation by sporting the following forum vista, now available in the Treasure Marketplace:
Vista: Fathom Dragons

New Emojis
A set of Fathom emojis are now available!

New Achievements
A new achievement Fathomless Appreciation is now available! To unlock this achievement, obtain a Fathom dragon through hatching, Crossroads, or the Auction House.

Baldwin's Limited Brews
Dragon clans with alchemy level 2+ have from now until Friday, June 21st at 12:00 server time to craft additional copies of the following event rewards. After this time, these rewards will retire and new copies of these items will no longer be created.
Dreadtooth Ravager Deepsea Anchor Vista: Unfathomable Odyssey Scene: Unfathomable Odyssey

For this same one week duration, Baldwin will temporarily allow players of alchemy level 2+ to craft Fathom breed change scrolls. It will take time for the trickle of Fathom breed change scrolls from the Coliseum, Pinkerton, and Tomo to build a reliable auction house supply. Baldwin is stepping in to help provide an initial influx of scrolls so that all dragon clans who want to have additional Fathoms will not have to wait long to add them to their numbers!
Breed Change: Fathom

Brightshine Jubilee Contest
The twelth annual Brightshine Jubilee will begin on June 23, 2024, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!
Brightshine Jubilee graphic text logo on a parchment background.
Fathom Release Gene Error Thread
Jun 14, 2024, 09:26:51
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Undel
Please check the known issues and working-as-intended sections before making a report!

This thread is to track any gene errors that occur with the Fathom dragon breed release This thread is for the newly released Fathom genes only, and does not encompass previously released genes.

In this thread, players may report any errors they encounter with the new genes. These can be technical errors, or consistency issues. This thread is intended to focus on these potential errors so that they can be addressed swiftly

We define technical errors as things such as: pattern bleed, pixellation, halo effects, inconsistencies within the same breed, color swatch errors, genes being uploaded in place of other genes, misaligned templates, missing artwork, gaps, missing pixels along a seam, missing line art, stray pixels, patterns that bleed outside the silouette, etc.

We define consistency/style differences as differences between an existing gene and its counterparts on other breeds that may differ. Sometimes this is intentional, sometimes it's an oversight. If a style difference is brought up, we will confirm it as working as intended, or report it as an error and complete the change within a 45-day time limit.

Please report any errors you encounter and we will do our best to correct them in a timely manner. This thread will close out 45 days after release, on July 29, 2024. After this time, players may report technical issues with these and other gene errors in the Modern Gene Error Backlog Thread, or the Ancient Gene Error Backlog Thread, but further consistency issues will not be accepted for review and will be considered working as intended.

Note that it may take a short while for the site's internal image cache to reflect the corrected image assets.

Corrected Issues
  • Eyes: Multigaze - All Fathom - The eye in the head was incorrectly colored to be earth for all elements. Fixed.
  • Primary: Flaunt - Fathom M, F - The jagged pattern was drawn further into the belly on M-Pose. Additional gradient color was applied to the chin on the Fathom F, M pose.
  • Primary Jupiter - All Fathom - The darker gradient coverage was adjusted.
  • Primary Petals - All Fathom - The markings on this gene were adjusted.
  • Primary: Skink - Fathom M, H - The belly accent color gradient was extended.
  • Primary: Tide - Fathom M - The basic ear fill color was present in this gene when it should not have been. Fixed.
  • Secondary: Bee - The accent color of wasp was displaying on the wrists of the M & H wings was displaying on the secondary of Bee. F pose had transparent wing shadow softened. Fixed.
  • Secondary Butterfly - All Fathom - The markings on this gene were adjusted.
  • Secondary: Constellation - Constellation was briefly uploaded to the incorrect directory, resulting in it not displaying. Fixed.
  • Secondary: Eel - All Fathom - The pattern should be present on the chin and tail.
  • Secondary Saturn - All Fathom - The darker gradient coverage was adjusted.
  • Secondary: Shimmer - Robin Fathom F - The hand-colored robin color for Fathom F had a corrupted file that resulted in it not showing up. Fixed.
  • Secondary Spinner - Fathom F - Stray pattern was cleaned up near the table and the front wing gradient was adjusted.
  • Tertiary: Capsule - All Fathom - The chin coverage was removed, and the doubled-up shadow layer removed. Fixed.
  • Tertiary: Circuit- Fathom M - The circuit markings missing from the tail were restored.
  • Tertiary: Ghost - All Fathom - Fathom should had the nostril markings removed, as they have no nostrils. Fathom H pose had the gradient intensity on the head reduced.
  • Tertiary: Firefly - All Fathom - The glow around the fireflies was intensified.
  • Tertiary: Flecks - Fathom F, M - One of the gradients was set to an incorrect blend mode. Fixed.
  • Tertiary: Koi - Fathom H - The scale highlights were made larger.
  • Tertiary: Smoke - All Fathom - The smoke pattern was clipping into the ear color. Fixed.
  • Tertiary: Soap - Fathom H - The ear was tinted differently than the adults. Fixed.
  • Tertiary: Stained - Fathom F - Color bleed near the lower jaw of the F pose was corrected.

Known Issues
  • Secondaries on Fathom F - Fathom F pose does not have the outside "wrist/hand" of the wing colored in the secondary colored and faded like the M and H pose do. This will be corrected last, as being able to batch action the templates to a new secondary base after all pattern issues have been corrected would be the most efficient way to handle this.
  • Secondary: Eye Spots - All Fathom - The pattern should be present on the chin and tail. Arm fins are considered working as intended.
  • Tertiary: Okapi - All Fathom - The Okapi markings go too far up the tail.
  • Tertiary: Peacock - Fathom F - The Eye Spots on the wings could benefit from being reduced in size.

Investigating (Not sure if issue or not)

Working as intended
  • Iridescent and Shimmer - These genes are hand colored and will have varying hues depending on breed. The shininess is considered working as intended.
  • Wingtip Colors - The colors of the "fingers" and tips of the wing are the primary color, and will carry the corresponding primary gene pattern.
  • Thylacine - The stripes following the wing segments/tips is considered working as intended and was a choice for the breed.
  • Hatchling pose - The back rear leg being behind the tail is considered working as intended.
  • Foam - The wing gradient on foam is considered working as intended.
  • Fern - The swirl shaping is considered working as intended.
  • Glimmer - The sparkles on Glimmer vary from breed to breed. The markings on Fathom are considered within the acceptable degree of variance for this rather varied gene!
  • Speckle/Freckle - The spot size and groupings for this gene have always been incredibly varied from breed to breed. Like Dusthide, the smaller spots used are considered working as intended.
  • Crystal/Ground - the inner ear color on this differs from the basic gene and many other patterns, but having the different inner ear color is consistent with other modern dragons with these genes, and the ear colors being what they are is considered a feature of the genes.
  • Underbelly/Glimmer - This gene affecting the chin is considered correct, as Underbelly duplicates the belly area, but in a different color. Obelisks have their chins colored in fully with their belly and underbelly, and Bogsneak have a fade in their belly that is also faded in underbelly. Underbelly being faded on the chin is considered working as intended for this breed. (capsule couldn't appropriately fade on the chin. It's either there as "glass" filled with liquid or not there.)

I will be deleting reports that are not relevant to the Fathom gene expansion new release, reports that have been corrected, reports are not considered an issue, duplicate reports, and discussion or chatter as I encounter/investigate them to keep the thread current with gene reports only.
I think Water flight will get different-
Jun 13, 2024, 16:26:37
CrumbledCandy wrote on 2024-06-13 15:31:24:
Yes this is what I was referencing! :D

Okay. Here is the key part of the quote I wanted to share (emphasis is mine):
everyone will receive the good stuff"

We don't want to spoil anything, but as the announcement said:
We encourage all players to participate in at least one (1) milestone, because the event reward is very special!

Everyone who participated will receive that reward, regardless of flight affiliation.
Maintenance tomorrow
Jun 13, 2024, 15:53:26
idk, probably catching up on tidelord memes while workin'
I think Water flight will get different-
Jun 13, 2024, 15:01:36
Xhaztol wrote on 2024-06-13 10:46:13:
ShwoomWoom wrote on 2024-06-13 10:42:23:
I'm gonna try to switch flights to Water to see if only Water flight people can see it! Wish me luck, guys! As of typing this, I am Plague and I see the code message.

Eyyy, pump the brakes. Please do not switch elements unless you were intending to anyway. Without unfogging the glass too much, chaos was part of the fun of this moment, but everyone will receive the good stuff one way or another!
Hey Water Flight Guys,You Good?
Jun 13, 2024, 14:59:52

It's fine, this is all fINE--
First new "canon" deity art in 11 y
Jun 13, 2024, 13:51:21
I don't think I like the implication that this isn't enough for you:

Jun 13, 2024, 13:11:10
@DoodlePoodle, the dev post about not unfogging the glass, if you click through to the post itself you'll see that Xhaztol was replying to someone about to change their Flight to test a theory about the text you quoted. In other words, don't change your Flight because you're afraid of missing out—Flight changes have a six month cooldown and we wouldn't do that you.

Plus there's the fact the Unfathomable Odyssey has yet to finish!
Unfathomable Odyssey Text Error [Fixed?]
Jun 13, 2024, 12:31:31
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thank you for the report @Septica and all!

This issue should now be fixed. However, the specific way it's fixed will depend on your flight element :)
Jun 13, 2024, 12:08:43
9th wrote on 2024-06-13 11:45:03:
@Xhaztol I'm going on a camping trip starting today, will I be able to get the final rewards when I come back on Sunday? Sometimes the time limit for these things is short.

Yeah, you're good. Have fun!
Jun 13, 2024, 11:51:00
SpicySpace wrote on 2024-06-13 11:30:42:
I bring more memes while wiaitng for the next announcement

I also enjoy Cowboy Tidelord.
Status Update
Jun 13, 2024, 11:37:55
Site Status | By Aequorin
There will be scheduled maintenance starting at 09:00 server time on Friday, June 14th. This is an open-ended, curtains down maintenance & the Flight Rising website will be unavailable to players. If you haven't contributed to the Unfathomable Odyssey yet, make sure you do before maintenance starts!
Are you sure about that-
Jun 13, 2024, 11:29:25
distressing phase
Jun 13, 2024, 11:01:16
InsanityPrelude wrote on 2024-06-13 10:47:16:
Can't wait to find out where this is going in another ten years when adventure mode comes out!

please say sike
Status Update
Jun 13, 2024, 10:49:02
Site Status | By Xhaztol
eVerybody .. .remAin ..... cALM ..!
Jun 13, 2024, 10:46:13
ShwoomWoom wrote on 2024-06-13 10:42:23:
I'm gonna try to switch flights to Water to see if only Water flight people can see it! Wish me luck, guys! As of typing this, I am Plague and I see the code message.

Eyyy, pump the brakes. Please do not switch elements unless you were intending to anyway. Without unfogging the glass too much, chaos was part of the fun of this moment, but everyone will receive the good stuff one way or another!
worries/hopes about FR's art direction
Jun 13, 2024, 07:50:59
Thank you to everyone for sharing your constructive feedback about you would like to see and hope to see in our dragon breeds going forward!

On a moderation note, after reviewing the past several pages, it does appear that the current direction of the discussion is more about the people espousing a given view than it is the view itself. For this reason, this thread is now locked, before it heads any further in that direction.
Sunparched Prowl 2024
Jun 13, 2024, 05:57:41
Forum Post | Announcements & News | By Undel
The overlaid text reads Sunparched Prowl, June 13-17, Meat Bounty, EXP Boost & Event Rewards! There is a wild-dog like creature with spotted fur and a scaled back that transitions into a tail that is a serpent's body and head. Behind it is a grasslands scene

The herds are on the move and their numbers are exploding. Novice and expert hunters alike will have an easy time taking game if they stick to tall grasses and rocky outcrops.

Sunparched Prowl
Sunparched Prowl, one of Flight Rising's quarterly "micro-holidays", is in full swing! From Thursday, June 13th (06:00 Server Time) to Monday, June 17th (06:00 Server Time), all players will experience a couple of battle-related boosts!

Bountiful Battles
For the duration of Sunparched Prowl, all Coliseum enemies will have the chance to drop meat food items in addition to their normal loot. Other site activities such as gathering, breeding, bonding, brewing, and visiting some of the trading post dragons will also yield a chance at meat! Dragon clans everywhere are taking this time to stock up on shanks, flanks, ribs, haunches, steaks, and more to keep them satisfied until the autumn.
Salted Game Bundle of Haunchmeat

Battle EXP Boost
During the event, all battles will yield 50% additional EXP, so now is a perfect time for dragons to train. Grab your newest team and head out into battle!

A Swarm of Treasures!
Dragonkind are not the only ones taking advantage of the burgeoning herds and expanding flocks. As the savannas, forests, and tundras play host to many more hooves than usual, calculating cats join the prowl. A couple species of wildcat use their expert eyes and noses to track small and large game alike, including the newly emerged Grasslands Chimera. For the duration of Sunparched Prowl, the lynxes will drop fairly commonly in the Coliseum and rarely during Hunting. Once the herds numbers have been responsibly culled, they'll go back into hiding, but there's always a chance you may run into one or two while Hunting. The chimeras will also drop from the Coliseum and rarely from all type of gathering activities.

Once the herds numbers have been responsibly culled, they'll go back into hiding, but there's always a chance you may run into one or two of the lynxes while Hunting.

A vista and scene have a chance to drop in the coliseum and many other site-related activities.
Decorated Chimera Grasslands Chimera Scorchpaw Prowler Runescar Lynx Scene: Sunparched Prowl Vista: Sunparched Prowl

Seasonal Sidekicks
Sage's Seasonal Sundries has attracted new seasonal creatures! For now, spring reigns, but beginning June 22nd, Sage will begin celebrating summer and the Plumed Summertail will join her!
Plumed Summertail

Brightshine Jubilee Contest
The twelth annual Brightshine Jubilee will begin on June 23, 2024, and we're running a skin and accent contest in celebration! Click here for more information!
Brightshine Jubilee graphic text logo on a parchment background.

Status Update
Jun 12, 2024, 16:58:41
Site Status | By Undel
The Aberration hatchling skin template had an older version of the shadow layer not used on-site. The template has been updated with the correct shadow layer.

If you are creating Aberration H skins and have previously downloaded the old template, it is recommended to download the new one.
Got Dustcarve Loot from 2024 Anniversary
Jun 12, 2024, 14:35:20
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thanks for the report @Jay250

This is functioning as intended :)

We wanted to be certain everyone who participated in Dustcarve Dig event received their due rewards. So the Unfathomable Odyssey event (and any future events) checks if you have any outstanding rewards to collect.
Unsellable Dragon
Jun 12, 2024, 14:23:29
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thank you for the report @Vaixation

The Scroll of Eternal Youth will now check if a dragon is using a modified silhouette and alert you accordingly.

We've also retroactively toggled the silhouette state for all of affected eternal youth dragons. They still have a silhouette scroll, but they will no longer be in an unsellable state.
Anniv Teaser turned Art Collab??
Jun 12, 2024, 13:59:30
Soulthreads wrote on 2024-06-12 12:05:27:
Made it so both mine and @TheTypingDragon 's dragons are now in together

AoiNoRyuu wrote on 2024-06-12 13:03:47:
How Jawlord still is the biggest dragon in there, lol
If someone glues Gustfather in there, the sky is full XD

Oh yeah, if anyone wants to join another collab, I made one here:

D.Dig turn-in items clamed Baldwin-able
Jun 12, 2024, 09:36:21
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thanks again @LuminAgricola

A temporary fix is now in place for Dustcarve Dig items. A more permanent fix for all account locked items is in the works.
no warning page for external link
Jun 12, 2024, 07:56:49
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thanks for the report @eyeguy

Bug confirmed! We are now working on a fix for this oversight.
D.Dig turn-in items clamed Baldwin-able
Jun 12, 2024, 07:55:13
Forum Post | Bug Report Forums | By Kaepora
Thank you for the report @LuminAgricola

Looks like the Game Database isn't checking if an item is account locked. We will begin working on a fix.
SO uh, should we keep some?
Jun 12, 2024, 06:45:27
@Zaelium, these items are only for this site-wide effort. They aren't and won't be used elsewhere because we want you to use them for the event. If you want to keep one of each for posterity, feel free, but otherwise...turn in those supplies!