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Personal Style


Charming Sage Lantern
Gossamer Flame Headpiece
Gossamer Flame Collar
Gossamer Flame Wing Ribbon
Gossamer Flame Cloak
Gossamer Flame Tail Jewel
Gossamer Flame Tail Ribbon
Feathery Fallout


Skin: Queen of Cinders



3.94 m
3.26 m
463.32 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 29, 2018
(6 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Skydancer
Max Level


A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune. In the center the vine wraps around a runestone in shape of an arcane rune.

A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flower puds.

Shade Scholar, Outlaw

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Shadow was the youngest of her siblings and also the only one to be a skydancer. Her older sister Midnight got much more attention than what Shadow did but she didn’t mind that she enjoying reading energies around her in peace. She felt strong arcane energies, hints of other energies emitting from dragons in the lair and something dark among them. They all interested Shadow and as she left the hatchery she went to look for Nova who Kaamos had told knew a lot about magic.

Shadow found Nova in his observatory and she asked if he could teach her. She almost flew through the ceiling when he said to be happy to do so and the two became mentor and student. Shadow met Nova once an evening he teaching her all kinds of things about magic and Shadow was more than happy to absorb all the information given to her. One evening he mentioned the Shade and Shadow, feeling like it was the dark force she felt, got excited and told Nova she had sensed the entity. To Shadow’s surprise Nova didn’t seem to like the news and immediately told her to never say that again.

Shadow was confused. No one knew anything about the Shade and because of that they should study it, to understand it better. Nova disagreed saying trying to do anything with the entity was death to all life and should never be thought let alone done. Shadow didn’t back down with her stance insisting they should study the Shade. Nova though had enough and he ordered Shadow to leave and not get back as long as she though dealing with the Shade was a good idea.

Shadow was sad that their relationship had ended so soon she having been his student for mere week. She though was not ready to give up and went to library to find if there were any books about the Shade. She didn’t find any but she found some magic and spell books and started to study them hoping they would have something about the dark entity. As she was studying she noticed a slightly older orphan nocturne Sapny mimicking her. Shadow didn’t really see what she was doing when she had book on her nose and when it was not she saw her staring at her like a mirror.

Shadow had no issues with Sapny mimicking her assuming she would get bored sooner or later and move to mimic someone else. However, the following night Sapny sneaked behind Shadow as she was reading and asked what she was doing. Shadow explained that she was studying the Shade and the nocturne said she was doing the same though Shadow was not sure if she was just mimicking. Sapny asked what she had learned and Shadow had to admit having found nothing the clan having no books about the entity. Sapny watched her for a moment after which she left without a word Shadow having no idea why.

The Sun had already risen when Sapny returned Shadow still studying in the library. She had brought some books and upon taking a closer look at them Shadow noticed they were Nova’s books. Sapny had sneaked into his observatory and stolen, or borrowed as she said, some of his books. Shadow wasn’t willing to touch the books stealing them being wrong but Sapny said Nova had gone to the Observatory and wouldn’t be home for some time. The two decided to hide the books to read them the following night and return them before Nova would come back.

The two studied the books that were mostly just more advanced versions of books Shadow had already read. Sapny returned the books and brought new ones, this time they were more about the history. The information in them wasn’t that interesting but they managed to find some information about how the Shade had destroyed the Pillar of the World. That though did not help them at the moment and they ignored it.

For weeks Shadow and Sapny kept going through books and scrolls to find any information about the Shade but all the information was either well hidden or destroyed. Feeling like not finding anything the two decided they needed to gather the information by themselves and started to wonder how they were going to do that. Shadow thought that the best way to gather the information was to contact the entity directly. They though didn’t know how. Sapny though remembered that the Shade had hit the Pillar when it entered the world and they had found a spell to summon entities by using items. Shadow didn’t quite understood what she was trying to say and Sapny explained they should travel to the Pillar to gather some Pillar shards to use them to summon the Shade.

Shadow thought that was a good idea but how they were going to sneak into the heart of the Dragonhome without being caught was a problem. They were sure the earth dragons would not allow them to use the shards to summon Shade and they didn’t believe being able to lie about what they were doing. Luckily for them Pernis and Rosalin were going to travel to the earth domain and the two could sneak in with them.

The two had found a spell that allowed them to shrink and using that they were able to hide in the architect duo’s bags as they made their way to the Pillar. Once there the two looked for shards small enough to be carried home Sapny pretending to be new around there having come to learn some spells so that Shadow could gather the shards. They somehow managed to get some shards and Sapny managed to copy some books in there by the time the duo returned back to the lair and the two sneaked back into their bags using some spells to decrease the weight.

Shadow and Sapny dropped out of the bags before they arrived to the lair sneaking to bring their stuff to Sapny’s nest. They rested before starting to study what they had gathered Shadow thinking she sensed something dark as they went over the shards. At first the two decided to study the books they had copied in the Library of the Pillar. Sapny had been able to find some well hidden information and the two spent much time going through all of it and comparing it to what they had gathered earlier.

After the temple the clan had been building was finished both Shadow and Sapny agreed they should move there they being able to do some experiments in its rooms. They decided they should try to summon the Shade now that they had room to do so. They started to prepare for it by calculating what the best night would be and practiced magic to be strong enough to pull such a spell when the time was right.

The night was perfect the clan being worried about a wounded dragon and no one was asking after the two. They drew the spell circle, placed the shards in there and started the summoning. Everything seemed to go right the amount of magic around the shards getting stronger. It started to seem that it was forming a small star and Shadow had feeling that was not supposed to happen. Soon after that the mini-star exploded and last thing Shadow felt was a massive amount of magic hitting her to the wall her eyes being blinded by flash of light.

Shadow was not sure how long it had been when she started to hear her clan mates calling her. She opened her eyes and barely saw anything her body feeling like it had just been burnt. Nova was in the room looking for their research as far as she was able to tell. He noticed what they had done and was not happy revealing their plan to the rest in the room causing a lot fear. Shadow tried to defend her research feeling very weak but Nova, or anybody else, didn’t listen. Shadow’s sight had recovered enough for her to see how he destroyed her research for what she had worked hard ignoring her pleas to stop. Shadow and Sapny were then left in the room the clan’s healers being busy with their work.

Small pile of pink petals.

Shadow and Sapny had crawled to Sapny’s nest after getting strong enough the entire clan seemingly thinking they were infected by the Shade. In the nest they rested for a week during which Shadow noticed becoming blind but also somehow seeing more than what she had seen her entire life. She could no longer sleep, or close her eyes for that matter, and seemed to see what stars were able to see. She didn’t see Sapny but she told that she didn’t see anything but at the same time saw everything that was on earth.

The two were confused by what had happened and spent the following weeks trying to get their real sight back. Moving without seeing was a real pain in Sapny's nest, at least for Shadow. She didn’t get her sight back but she was able to see through the arcane magic Sapny learning similar skill with earth magic. As they looked around themselves using those energies they noticed their eyes having changed drastically they now having what were known as primal eyes.

With her new eyes Shadow was able to see again how Nova destroyed her research and even felt the disgust he had felt. That made Shadow sad but being able to see how Nova was blamed for the explosion made for it, partly. Both Shadow and Sapny, sure that the eyes were a sign, agreed that they should continue studying the Shade. The research may had been destroyed but Shadow, being able to see into the past, was able to copy back what they had gathered before the explosion. They created a small time loop to be able to do that without a fear of unexpected events. As Shadow was gathering information Sapny used her new gift to spy world around them and had an idea of sending someone to the Observatory to steal them information about the Shade. Shadow thought that was a good idea and promised to get to that later. They needed a spy in there as Arcanist’s power blocked her sight in the Observatory.

The two kept gathering information as the magic inside them got stronger and Shadow started to feel like the Cosmos itself was teaching her new spells. The two used the Biwizard tournament as opportunity to send some dragons into the Observatory. Shadow had told her children that their job was to trade information between the clan and Deity’s lair but do it in secret as the higher-ups were corrupted. That worked and both Alruuna and Banshee delivered a lot of information for them having ended up in right house while Silverberry delivered other information from another house.

Shadow and Sapny did all the research they could not wanting to repeat the same mistake they had done last time. They had moved their new hideout outside the lair to avoid being seen by curious who still though they were Shade touched. Shadow knew who believed that and she knew her magical abilities had passed Nova’s and rivaled clan’s most powerful mage who had ran away to return to the clan more powerful.

As Shadow and Sapny were studying the Shade they were approached by an ancient spirit wyvern. Shadow had not been able to see Them beforehand and sensed Them to be very powerful. The spirit had been freed thanks to the spell that had caused the two's eyes to transform and offered them a chance to contact the Shade as a thank you for what they had done. Shadow accepted the offer and they started preparing following the spirit's introductions.

They started by stealing Nemo's, clan's most powerful mage, notebook which had been hidden in library when she had been arrested it having many old and powerful spells in it. They studied the spells in it for a bit over a month followed by setting an eclipse to happen in the future before moving to their plan's next phase. After a little battle between nature and fire, which was won by the latter, they approached Glade, a fired nature ambassador having been turned into a king parda who was not happy with the results. They turned him back to dragon offering him a deal: they would help him get his status back if he helped them to get the clan ready for sacrifice. Shadow knew he would not turn the offer down.

The two taught Glade how to use plants and nature magic to see things he could not see otherwise and in return he used his ability to control animals for their benefit. They used that to get Megabrain's familiars out of the way to allow them to talk with the alchemist himself. He wanted the title of the smartest dragon in the clan for himself, which currently belonged to Nova, and he was more than willing to help them especially since Nova had gotten status boost for discovering a constellation. Shadow suggested him to befriend Alma, a nature fae that was very excited about Megabrain's studies. Their "friendship" would be used to get Glade's status back later.

The mages then decided to join the Observatory researchers as they opened a long forgotten Forbidden Portal and tamed creatures that came from the other side. Soon after that Glade used his magic to drive every familiar in the lair against the dragons they assuming it was because of the new creatures. The unexpected event led Witchi to investigate. Everyone knew that if someone was to ruins their plan it was she with her good secret hunting skills. To prevent that Shadow and Sapny confronted her blocking her telepathy before turning her into a butterfly to leave her flutter across the lair without any idea of anything.

Once she was taken care of the duo turned their attention to gaoler spirits in the wood taking a control over them followed by Skeleton and Silence who they drove to attack a random plague clan. Once the clan in question took contact with the clan Shadow and Sapny went to meet Nemo, who had made Silence nicely primal allowing them an easy way to take control of her. They asked the old fae to either help them or give them her magic. The eclipse was approaching and they needed to start eliminating dragons that could threaten them.

Nemo refused and attempted to escape Shadow redirecting her teleportation spells. They tried to catch the old fae with the mysterious wyvern helping but she managed to hide in ruins that were hidden from their sight and also protected from all the spells they tried to cast on them. They decided to let her be for time being they having no time to waste on her. Back in the lair they told Megabrain to give Alma the potion that made her look like she was infected with a plague which, with the threat from attacked plague clan, gave the Behemoth the reasons to rehire Glade as their ambassador he now being their shield against the ones that would try to take them down.

The things happening in the lair made everyone nervous many believing Nemo was behind all of it. Clan's leaders Tinker and Alfa with their guardians Morgana and Obsidius went to look for her Shadow with her coworkers using that to take them out of the picture. They petrified them all in a hidden place walled by massive trees and with the leaders gone the clan started to reach a state of chaos.

While they were dealing with the leaders Shadow saw how her mother Afrodite helped Itameri and Milla escape both of them being needed for their plan. They confronted the older skydancer Shadow turning her mother to a dove while Sapny ordered Silence to get Milla back Shadow knowing that Itameri with his prophet skills would follow. After that was done the foursome split to take the ambassadors out of the picture Glade taking down the plague ambassador, Shadow stealing magic from Nova and his new student Astral, Sapny dealing with earth ambassadors, Halti dealt with fire ambassador he being willing to help the four due to his hate towards the ambassador and Megabrain dealt with the lightning family.

The following night they revealed themselves to the clan after Sapny and Glade sealed the clan with their magic making escaping near impossible. They told the scared clan that everyone who helped them to reveal the ones that were threat to their master plan would have their wishes granted before moving to deal with few more things. They turned Hanako into a wolf and threatened to turn the in-stone wolf into a mindless beast if her brother Blacksnake did not slow down the outsiders when the leaders about to be freed by Nemo would go get them. They made similar deal with Kronk threatening to drain Ayla's magic if he did not obey. After that they made their way to the hatchery.

In the hatchery Kaamos was expecting the mages he not allowing what they were doing. The wyvern wanted as many dragons to be present when the Sun was to be eclipsed and to do that Shadow and Sapny planned to hatch the eggs Kaamos and Pilkku were guarding. Kaamos refused to let the eggs be touched even after they turned Pilkku into a dodo and sent him to attack the old tundra. They ended up turning him into a nochnyr and were about to start hatching the eggs clan was keeping in the egg vault when the wyvern told them to save their magic even though Shadow felt like being able to move the Cosmos itself after draining both Nova's and Astral's magic.

The following night the clan was still confused and with Silence bringing Milla back Shadow showed what they would do to those who opposed them turning the spiral into the same monster Nemo had turned her into long ago. While they did that both Shadow and Sapny felt Nemo freeing the leaders and they sent Silence to eliminate them feeling Nemo crystallize her some time later. Shadow though did not care about that feeling Itameri coming and prepared to steal his magic once he got to the wood thus eliminating the last ambassador in the clan they taking his companions to the clan as prisoners.

The leaders and Nemo had gotten help from outside forces and both Blacksnake and Kronk had joined them. The wyvern though said not worry about that and asked them to be let in without a battle the moment being just hours away. They would soon contact the Shade. The "army" got past the clan's wall just in time for the eclipse to be at its deepest. The wyvern made Their entrance taking control of everyone in the area forcing them to bow and asking them to submit to Them so they could be in contact with the dark entity itself. Shadow was willing to do that but the rest of the dragons were not and not pleased by that the wyvern made them battle with each other until they changed their minds. Shadow herself was able to avoid the battle.

Before They though managed to make others bow to Them a gaoler spirit that Shadow and Sapny had not been able to catch attacked the wyvern followed by another wyvern freeing everyone from Their control. Shadow seeing the Moons moving away from their position attempted to go help Them not wanting the chance of meeting the Shade go to waste but before she could join the battle she had to deal with the dragon attacking her. The group attempting to take her down consisted lair residents and mages from wind, ice and nature domains Shadow having not much problem with redirecting their attacks and turning them into less threatening creatures.

However, she was not able to get rid of them in time barely having been able to immobilize half of them when she saw the wyvern being sealed underground by Nemo. Seeing her chance of meeting the Shade vanish before her eyes was soon followed by almost ungodly pain in her head she not being sure if it was the Cosmos or the Arcanist releasing their anger towards her. However, when the pain started to release its hold Shadow got a feeling that she had been lied to about the chance of meeting the Shade.

Shadow was loosing in her own battle and knowing having lost when it came to goals she pulled out trying to find Sapny in the chaos. She was battling her own battle having seemingly felt the same pain Shadow had felt. She called for her using teleportation spells to prevent attacks from their enemy from hitting her. Sapny heard her and Shadow told they had to go Sapny using her earth magic to get out of the situation. They had still a lot of magic left and thanks to that they were able to escape to the wood leaving their chasers behind.

Small pile of pink petals.

Shadow knew they would not be safe in the dragon world after what they had done and tried to do. They needed to hide and only place they could go was the Portal to where they rushed before news would reach the dragons around it. When they reached the old structure she and Sapny went through and after finding a good enough hide on the other side the two stopped to rest for a moment.

While there the two had chance to reflect on what they had done Sapny saying the wyvern might have tricked them. Shadow too came to that conclusion after thinking about what had happened. With hindsight They didn’t seem to have powers relating to the Shade but instead were other kind of malicious force. Upon realizing her mistrust and harm she had caused Shadow was overflowed with shame Sapny comforting her. They could not come back and the two decided to stay in the desolated land which was the other side of the portal.

Shadow or Sapny had never been on the other side of the portal and both had expected it to look more mystical and less like post-apocalyptic wasteland. What had led the realm to such a state intrigued the two deportees and they decided to try bond with their exotic companions to see if they knew anything. They were from the realm and theoretically they should know, which their wyverns did. They told the state of the realm was caused by the Shade that was once summoned there the entity now ruling over the land and all the creatures in it. The sight scared Shadow even though she was unable to see it due to lack of visible stars and arcane energy but she was still able to imagine it. Still, she sensed her chance to study the dark entity she had been obsessed with so long and she decided to take the opportunity.

Shadow was not sure how long they had been on the other side of the portal but she was sure it was at least few weeks. She and Sapny had seen few researchers enter and exit the realm the two having avoided interacting with them in case they knew who they were. Sapny had done some spying on them though and she had heard someone note that time flowed differently in the realm and the dragon world and that time was much slower in the Shade ruled world. That meant it might have already been years, or at least months, since their summoning attempt and Shadow got a bit hopeful to be able to return to the dragon world and at least apologize the clan, or at least try that. She didn’t mind the other side of the portal but Shade had done a lot to it and there was barely anything there. She also missed the stars and magic of the dragon world.

Shadow and Sapny had moved near the portal thinking about going through but they had gotten anxious, at least Shadow had. They had just recently seen one young wildclaw return to the dragon world when they already came back. The young wildclaw spent a lot of time in the realm studying alone which made them a good target to ask how the dragon world was. Sapny was the braver one and went to meet the wildclaw named Walter Shadow following her. Walter didn’t seem to recognize them and didn’t really seem to pay attention to their looks he seeming most confused about meeting other dragons. He didn’t seem to see them as threat and Shadow thought it was safe to chat.

It was rather funny coincidence that Walter was from their old clan Shadow wondering who his parents were. They asked what was going in the clan Sapny explaining their interest as “having once visited the clan” Walter saying it was almost a year since the “unfortunate event”. The clan though recovered from that and it was almost done with its building projects, the ones that started when Shadow and Sapny made Glade drive clan’s familiars mad. They talked about other things too, like Walter’s parents who were Kupari, clan’s priestess who most certainly would know them, and Glade’s replacement Pix, how even the dragons hatched after the event knew about that and how the older dragons painted the two Shade mages. Walter tried to get some info on the two mages but they said it was time for them to go and left to go through the Portal while Walter went to opposite direction.

Magic felt so weird yet refreshing as Shadow stepped back to dragon side it soon reviving her sight she seeing everything once again. Sapny was also happy to be back and the two walked away from the portal like anyone else not wanting to attract attention. Neither of them considered walking straight back to the clan that being a very stupid idea, Shadow didn’t need her foresight gift to tell that. The two found a peaceful place where they got used to the magic, even though they had not been gone that long for their time. Sapny spied the world to see what had happened and what was happening while Shadow glanced to the future. She saw Glade trying to take over the clan followed by a group of young dragons wanting to overthrow the leaders. Glade was going to go down first and the two started to make their way towards the light domain where the showdown was going to take place.

While the two were making their way towards the Ruins, slowly as there was no rush, Shadow spied more info from past and future. Clan’s young bounty hunter Yannis had been hunting down the imperial for some time now while Soili would want a piece of the same dragon once Glade was to kill her brother and curse her to be half skeleton, and Silence would join to pay back for having been used as tool about a year ago. The trigger had yet to happen but it would soon Sapny seeing Glade make his way towards the Dragonhome where he would meet with Soili and her brother.

The confrontation between Glade and Soili happened the young bogsneak making her way to the clan to get her bow, she being an archer, and her two mirror companions. Shadow and Sapny kept an eye on the events, including Glade’s journey to Emperor’s Wake, while they were making their way to east side of the light domain. Both of them knew the arcane dragons could not win the nature imperial, especially after what they had taught him, and wanting to fix what they had caused they could not let the imperial win.

The night sky was full of stars and Shadow was able to see the battle between Glade and arcane dragons. The smaller dragons were able to hold against the nature dragon and actually managed to get upper hand. Shadow though knew Glade had an ace up in his sleeve ready to be revealed. The two had been within the fighters’ field of vision for some time but they were all too busy to notice. They just walked closer without rush Glade eventually revealing his ace. He separated his soul from his body and attempted to possess it basically making him undead. He though was no match to Sapny who used her magic to trap the soul within a skull on the ground which were abundant due to Glade’s magic having turned ground upside down. Silence was the first to notice the two she being clearly hostile towards them. Shadow though was not worried she knowing the mirror was too afraid to attack. Shadow and Sapny just turned around without a word and left the scene before locals arrived.

Shadow and Sapny looked to the clan with their gifts. The clan had a protective barrier but it was not strong enough to block their vision, unlike Glade’s weaker version. They saw Silence report about Glade’s fall to Tinker but she did not mention either of the mages Shadow assuming it would have caused panic within the lair. Shadow was not sure what entering the lair would cause, probably full on chaos, but they had to do that to stop Pahatar and her gang the young wildclaw wanting to take over the clan by manipulating dreams. They would cast the clan into a deep sleep all the ones avoiding the spell being unable to revert it. Shadow could and she thought that was the best opportunity for them to try ask forgiveness, though it was barely better than just walking in.

Pahatar would not act just yet and Shadow and Sapny made their way to the Starfall Isles without hurry. In the arcane domain the two had to be careful as they were wanted criminals around there and even more so within clan’s area. They made their way to the wood and hid in the ruins of Sarvva, the same ruins within which the leaders had hid a bit over a year ago. While there, waiting events to transpire, Shadow was able contact the old guardians of the ruins, the ones the clan now worshiped. They did not say anything and Shadow wasn’t sure if they heard her but she was able to sense their power over the wood while Sapny tried to understand all the ancient signs left by the now dead clan.

The ruins were protected by a powerful magic barrier, even stronger than on the modern lair, but it did not hinder Shadow from seeing into the lair. She and Sapny saw Pahatar cast a spell and when the four survivors launched their counter attack Shadow and Sapny decided it was their time to lend a hand. When the two walked to the clan there were three small fights going on, compared to the four battles from a year ago these ones weren’t even worth mentioning. With telepathy Shadow and Sapny shared the battles evenly Shadow getting Pahatar and Lydia she draining the wildclws' magic to solve the battles. She didn’t drain them fully the two still having energy to run away when the four elders noticed the two primal-eyed. None of them was happy to see them.

Shadow reverted the sleep spell while staring towards the older dragons Tinker asking what they were doing there. Both Shadow and Sapny agreed there was no point answering until more dragons arrived. Otherwise they would need to reply twice. The clan started to wake up Shadow feeling their anger and fear and felt like they would not be forgiven. Tinker waited until more dragons arrived to the scene before repeating her question Sapny being the one to say they wanted to atone everyone immediately denying that. They asked what good the two had done when compared to all the bad they had caused Shadow being painfully aware of the magnitude of their summoning attempt when compared to the two small tasks they had done recently.

Sapny was not as bothered by the situation and mentioned they had helped to seal Glade Shadow turning her eyes from Nova to Silence who feared they would take control over her again. Silence feared barely anything and having caused such a trauma hurt Shadow. The clan shouted it wasn't enough for them to forgive them Shadow finally saying something. She asked for chance to prove they had changed that being denied without hesitation and Shadow’s pleads were sang to deaf ears. She tried few more times listening the clan scream for their death, demanded they left or be captured Shadow eventually deciding the situation was going nowhere. She said she and Sapny would be in the ruins if the clan changed its opinion they walking out without issues. No one had dared to block their escape route.

Shadow and Sapny made their way back to the ruins no one rushing them. They waited the clan to act against them now that they knew where they were hiding but they decided not to Shadow believing they did not want to take risks with them. Unsure what to do Shadow and Sapny decided to try uncover the secrets of the Nemo’s original home, where the constellations they worshiped came from and what was the wyvern’s deal. The clan, though tense, didn’t seem to mind and the two mages stayed there using their overpowered skills to try and unearth the secrets all the while keeping an eye on the clan. They would come to help them if needed they being too powerful for that world.

Small pile of pink petals.

The clan didn’t like Shadow and Sapny settling into the ruins but they let them be simply because they could not do anything. Shadow was aware that they did spy them, or at least tried, but she was unbothered by that. She thought that was fair considering how she saw everything in the clan, even the events no one else saw or even knew about, like the namesake incident. It was a close call but the parties were able to deal with the issue without Shadow and Sapny’s interference, not that they had appreciated it.

The two summoners, like the clan called them, spent their time exploring the ruins where they now lived. They figured out that the five guardian constellations the clan had adapted were from the Second Age and thanks to being able to see through time the two were able to contact them. All they had to do was use some old mantras to form a connection after which contacting was very easy. Clan’s priestess Kupari had no access to said mantras, and even if she had she would not had been able to read them, and Shadow saw how she struggled to form meaningful connection between the clan and its new protectors.

The clan had come in contact with Demoni, a dangerous weapon older than Retsbiert, the wyvern that had used Shadow and Sapny. It had mission to destroy and Kupari was getting desperate to connect with the guardians. Shadow and Sapny were both aware of that and Shadow asked if they should help because they had managed to form the connections. Sapny was onboard but pointed out the priestess would not accept their help. Shadow though decided to ask, even if she too knew the answer beforehand.

To surprise to no one, Kupari denied Shadow’s offer and informed the leaders about it. They decided to do nothing, because that was all they could do, and Shadow kept on asking Kupari to let them help her. She didn’t want help and was so afraid of Shadow taking control over her that she barely slept. Sapny, who had made a Dragonian version of Ruoigu’s mantra, saw that and suggested that they just teleported the priestess there. The nocturne knew Kupari’s fear bothered Shadow and she didn’t want to torture the priestess like that. Shadow agreed that was the best they could do in that situation and teleported the priestess to them when she had dozed off for a moment.

Kupari had not meant to fall asleep and woke up fast. It didn’t take long for her to notice she was no longer in her sanctuary and started to panic. She backed against a corner away from the two summoners Shadow asking her to calm down while Sapny was rather amused by the situation. Sapny did most of the talking Shadow just asking Kupari to follow when she had come to realize panicking didn’t help. They had been in an underground room with only one remaining hallway that leading to Ruoigu’s altar. Shadow led Kupari there and after they reached the altar and the open ceiling under which it was she explained what they knew about the five spirits and ways to contact them.

Sapny offered the priestess the tablet she had made to allow Kupari read the needed mantra. The priestess was untrusting towards the two assuming they wanted to use her to open gates to demon realm and Shadow told they didn’t need Kupari to do that even if they wanted to do what she assumed. That seemed to convince the priestess and after asking for other needed things she contacted Ruoigu who looked down to them through the broken ceiling. They felt the connection being formed and how happy that made the priestess. After recovering from the small ritual, or rather her lack of sleep, Kupari asked if she could take the tablet with her. It was made for her and neither summoner had anything against that. After that the priestess asked to be sent back home which Shadow did without a word. She saw the priestess safely back home with none having noticed she being missing. With that done Shadow and Sapny returned to dig through history of the ruins.

Small pile of pink petals.

Greyish purple stone frame filled with pink glowing runes. Inside it a shooting star, pale pink on dark pink background.

A pink curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is a pink glass arcane rune.
Name origin:
She had shadow like colors with
a lot of purple and her tertiary color
happened to be "shadow".
She has same naming inspiration
as her sister Midnight.

A pink curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.


Shadow is an arcane skydancer with purple body with pale stripes and darker purple wings with darker stripes at its edge. Her mane is pale purple. She also had dark purple gems growing on her and dropping occasionally but most of them got blasted off during the explosion and the few remaining are frozen on her. During the said explosion her wings got slightly signed and have dark lines going across them. To make them stand out less Shadow has modified her look a little bit with a spell that turns her wings, head feathers and her tail tuft black and gives them orange edges. The same spell also created similar feathers on her back and made a mask on her face. After exile the spell on her wings mutated to create long black feather with eyes hiding among them. Her face has went through the biggest change since the explosion. Her smooth and oval forehead jewel has turned from pale purple to glowing red, her antennae are unnaturally long reaching her shoulders, her eyes are unblinking with starts blinking in them, the eyes have glowing markings around them and the arcane magic she uses to see things has crystallized into an orb floating on her forehead as an aftermath to the battle that drove her to exile. She also has creepily long fingers.

Shadow wanting to be seen as respected scholar and mage wears clothes not fitting her actual status. She has red gems decorating her wings, tail, bracelets and gaiters on her arms and legs. Along with those she has purple and golden headpiece covering her gem but letting antennae pass, cloak and ribbons decorating her tail and wings all having pink gems on them. The cloak’s tips are burning as reaction to her great arcane power. She also has three floating lanterns, one pink and two blue, which she can control with her mind. As she can’t see right in front of her Shadow uses the lanterns to absorb arcane energy around them so she can read and move using them as her eyes. As they are powered by the energy she channels through them she can turn them off by stopping channeling power to them.

Shadow’s voice ranges from mildly timid and quiet to excited and curious and even cold and emotionless. How she sounds depends a lot of to who she is talking to and why and also when. She has naturally timid and sweet but naive and curious voice but as she has gained new powers following the explosion it has slowly turned into more dark and manipulative that seems to know more than others would want it to know. Her accent is mix between Inari Sami and Catalan.

Small pile of pink petals.

Shadow is a curious dragon who used to lack sense of danger or consequences. She was obsessed with learning to know the Shade and ignored all the warnings and setback she encountered. She could have totally turned herself into a cactus by accident and still keep trying the exact same thing as cactus. As long as she was able to study she was going to reach her goal. It didn’t really help that when her attempt of summoning the Shade blew to her face, literally, it gave her power to outclass most of clan’s mages and she slowly got corrupted by that. After having had time to reflect on what she caused she though has grown to be more careful and she tries to use her powers for good instead of selfish gain.

Shadow had been shun out by the rest of the clan for her dangerous goals and lack of common sense and she was barely ever seen with other dragon outside of Sapny. At first it was minor but got worse after the first summoning incident and while Shadow was, at first, upset by that she grew to no longer care about it. She got to know way more than what others could ever wish for and she started to see herself higher than them because of that. She was a little sad that others were not as interested about the Shade as she was but she understood that fear was a powerful force. After the second summoning Shadow was cast out of dragon society altogether and she has grown to realize how much she hurt others for her own gain. She now uses her powers to help others as apology and as an attempt to not be seen as a monster by others. If she is seen with another dragon it is always with Sapny. Though originally a spawn for her Shadow has learned to appreciate her as a friend after she became a monster to everyone else.

Shadow has a lot of familiars all of them being co-owned by Sapny. She though is mainly taking care of Sombra the somber spirit, Void the void wyvern and Cosmos the starspawn flyer. Sombra is Shadow's oldest companion having been created to guard them when the two were visiting the Pillar and it has been their mindless servant since then. Void and Cosmos were both tamed when the two opened the Forbidden Portal and they are used as messenger and predator respectively Void delivering duo’s messages if neither of them dares to go and Cosmos brings them what they want it to bring it usually being something living. Shadow didn’t really care for her familiars having seen them just as replaceable servants though she started to see them more as companions after being forced to live outlaw.

Small pile of pink petals.

Originally a novice mage lacking skills, focus and overall power Shadow has changed a lot of since then. She is not considered a mage by anyone her clan mates seeing it too high of a status for her while Shadow sees it too low her skills outshining clan’s actual mages. Since the explosion that caused a huge change in her Shadow has gained a lot new skills almost like granted. She can the basic levitation and size altering spells but way stronger than others. She is able to see past, future and present either through stars or arcane energy scattered across the continent and she is able to read minds. She has also learned to redirect teleportation spells, teleport herself and others, block telepathy and outright steal others’ magic or skills. Along with those she can mind-control, alter the way others think or behave and turn creatures into others or just crystallize them, contact major spirits with ease and her skills seems to grew as time goes on.

As skydancer Shadow used to have gift to read energies around her she being specialized to magic of all sorts. That gift though was broken during the explosion and has been replaced by her ability to see through magic around her. She has also lost her ability to sleep.
A horizontal vine, pale purple with oval-shaped leaves and pink flowers in shape of an arcane rune.

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