

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | BNHA: Next Generation (OOC/closed)
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] (Click Banner for IC)[/center] [color=goldenrod][size=7][i][b]The Setting:[/b][/i][/size][/color] [center]UA High School, the school that every kid for the last 50 years has dreamed of attending. It's been 10 years since the fateful day 1-A had their world turned upside down. The school and the nation, have been through a lot in the past years... with UA having to shut down it's hero course to restructure, and increase the security on the rest of the campus... Construction of new, more secure dorms, and practice areas, state of the art, constantly updated security systems and of course the Heroes that make up the faculty all make UA one of the safest schools to attend in Japan. With the hero course reopening just a few years ago, students from all over have been clamoring to join the ranks of the Pros created by this nigh-legendary school, but now, more than ever, the curriculum and the entrance tests, are there to weed out the weak and refine the gems that manage to fight their way through. Even with the refined process, there has never been another event like the Golden Year. This year the newest students will see a great challenge rise to meet them. They had better be ready to fight, tooth and nail, to survive... let alone make it the three years to their graduation.[/center] [color=goldenrod][size=7][i][b]Further Information:[/b][/i][/size][/color] [center][b]A:[/b] All Might died about 8 years ago. There is a statue of him in front of the school in his silver-age costume. [b]B:[/b] UA had to shut down it's Hero department for a few years due to high demand of restructuring and litigation after the Golden Year. That many villain attacks, parents were DEFINITELY not okay with their kids being made into targets. This does not, however, mean UA itself shut down... just it's hero department, and only temporarily. [b]C:[/b] Course adjustments were made, taking into account the fact that BAD THINGS HAPPENED. That means that students in the hero course are now expected to get their provisional licenses ASAP so they can defend themselves should the need arise. It also means that students that NEED specialized tutoring... will get it. Cases like Izuku and his paper maiche arms will be dealt with far more strictly, but also with a LOT more understanding. [b]D:[/b] We'll be functioning in a world where it's now 5th and 6th generation quirks, rather than 3rd and 4th. That means the quirks will, undoubtedly, be stronger, kids without quirks will be even rarer, and kids with them will be expected to have a good understanding of how their quirk works. Late development quirks are extremely rare. [b]E:[/b] The principal has retired, and Aizawa stepped into the position (under pressure from the other teachers and certain former students.) As such class structuring will be different, with "new" teachers. [b]F:[/b] The Entrance Exam has become slightly more standardized. Due to the sheer amount of applicants, the entrance exam now takes up to 2 weeks, during which potentials are interviewed regarding their quirks and their general problem solving skills. Those found wanting are eliminated here. The written exam eliminated more, and is held the day before the Practical exam. Those that do not pass the Written exam are told immediately. The Practical exam involves potential students going up against current low-level pro-heroes and sidekicks in a mock-battle situation where groups of students are encouraged to problem-solve together while still displaying their own independent ability.[/center] [color=goldenrod][size=7][i][b]Rule Sheet:[/b][/i][/size][/color] 1: I am almost always available at least once a day (usually more). There are some days where I wont be, but I'll warn you ahead of time. If you need me, ping me. 2: I expect literacy. Spell things correctly, use proper grammar. I can understand a typo every now and then, but for pity's sake, spell-check. 3: No Mary Sues or Gary Stus. Pretty simple, honestly. No one enjoys playing with super-awesome-mega-powerful-you-cant-beat-me characters. They're boring. Please, be creative, and use your brain to figure out ways around things like quirks designed specifically to negate you... IF you can't handle it... someone else probably can. 4: You are permitted 1 hero slot. We'll be primarily focusing on 1-A. Things like the Tournaments will be handled via players NPCing each other's fights. You can have minor side-characters if you want, but they wont be the primary focus. 5: You are allowed to make as MANY VILLAINS AS YOU WANT. Be creative, have fun with it. They're going to be throw away characters that only appear for 1 arc anyway. I'll be giving you "Themes" to work around, or you can make stand-alone villains that may be recurring, depending on how things go for them. 6: Remember, more than anything, I want this thing to last. I would like to see at least one IC post per week. I will be keeping a running recap on the front page, so anyone who gets lost in the sea of posts can keep up. If you can't manage to post, tell us so we can work together to prevent the RP from stalling out. [color=goldenrod][size=7][i][b]Roster:[/b][/i][/size][/color] [size=5][b]Class 1-A[/b][/size] (6 slots left) Teacher: [i]Bakugo Katsuki[/i] Students: [url=](Seating List)[/url] [i][url=]Nuru Furiyoshi[/url][/i] - 15 - Female - Kinetic Reversal [i][url=]Aure[/url][/i] - 15 - Male - Draconic Lineage (WIP) [s][i][url=]Elizabeth Smith[/url][/i] - 15 - Female - Fruit Bat[/s] [s][i][url=]Motowari Yasurumi[/url][/i] - 15 - Female - Hydrokinesis[/s] [i][url=]Nao Kurata[/url][/i] - 15 - Non-binary - Silence [i][url=]Arashi[/url][/i] - 15 - Male - Electrokinesis [i][url=]Kawa[/url][/i] - 15 - Male - Skin Shape [i][url=]Kurai[/url][/i] - 15 - Female - Fear Field [i][url=]Yumi Mochizuki[/url][/i] - 15 - female - Esoteric Mist [i][url=]Kiyuri[/url][/i] - 15 - Female - Chaos Orbs [i][url=]Dominique Becks[/url][/i] - 15 - Female - Hellfire [i][url=]Grant Redwood[/url][/i] - 15 - Male - Teru-sama [size=5][b]Villains:[/b][/size] [b]Independent:[/b] [url=]Haze[/url] - Unknown - Female - Mist [url=]Arch Angel[/url] - 16 - Female - Transference [b]First-Arc Villain Group: "Dark Carnival":[/b] [url=]The Ringmaster[/url] - Unknown - Unknown - Noppera-bo [url=]Voodoo[/url] - 22 - Male - Puppeteer [url=]Chuckle[/url] - 25 - Female - Hideous Laughter [url=]Contort[/url] - 32 - Male - Stretch [color=goldenrod][size=7][i][b]Class Schedule:[/b][/i][/size][/color] [b]Homeroom[/b]: 8:25a-8:35a (Bakugo Katsuki) [b]1st period[/b]: Japanese (Literature) 8:40-9:30 (Ken Ishiyama: Cementoss) [b]2nd period[/b]: Science 9:40-10:30 (Momo Yaoyorozu) [b]3rd period[/b]: Mathematics 10:40-11:30 (Snipe) [b]4th period[/b]: English (Foreign Languages) 11:40-12:30 (Hizashi Yamada: Present Mic) [b]Lunch[/b]: 12:40-13:20 [b]5th/6th[/b]: Hero-block 13:20-15:10 (Bakugo Katsuki) [color=goldenrod][size=7][i][b]Recaps:[/b][/i][/size][/color] Each student, having achieved their goal of entering into UA's hero course, has found themselves in the extended homeroom class of the first day. Meeting their teacher Bakugou-sensei for the first time, several were punished for speaking out of turn and being disrespectful of both their teacher, and their classroom. Once the three who were punished came back from their laps around the school, the whole class was given their gym uniforms and told to meet out on the track field for a quirk acquisition test. The first test was a 100 meter sprint. [color=goldenrod][size=7][i][b]Profile Skeleton:[/b][/i][/size][/color] [code][img]picture url[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight:[/b] [b]Bloodtype:[/b] [b]Physical Description:[/b] (If you don't have a picture) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] (Is your character an open book? Or is very little known about them. Do they enjoy talking about themselves?) [b]Quirk:[/b] (What it's called and a brief description of what it can do NOW. Growth is an option.) [b]Stats:[/b] (Rank your character's power levels. 1= average person - 6 = Beyond superhuman. 6s should be exceptionally uncommon in first year... but growth is an option.) [indent][i]Power:[/i] /6 [i]Speed:[/i] /6 [i]Technique:[/i] /6 [i]Intelligence:[/i] /6 [i]Cooperation:[/i] /6[/indent] [b]Trivia:[/b][/code]
(Click Banner for IC)

The Setting:
UA High School, the school that every kid for the last 50 years has dreamed of attending. It's been 10 years since the fateful day 1-A had their world turned upside down. The school and the nation, have been through a lot in the past years... with UA having to shut down it's hero course to restructure, and increase the security on the rest of the campus... Construction of new, more secure dorms, and practice areas, state of the art, constantly updated security systems and of course the Heroes that make up the faculty all make UA one of the safest schools to attend in Japan.

With the hero course reopening just a few years ago, students from all over have been clamoring to join the ranks of the Pros created by this nigh-legendary school, but now, more than ever, the curriculum and the entrance tests, are there to weed out the weak and refine the gems that manage to fight their way through. Even with the refined process, there has never been another event like the Golden Year.

This year the newest students will see a great challenge rise to meet them. They had better be ready to fight, tooth and nail, to survive... let alone make it the three years to their graduation.

Further Information:
A: All Might died about 8 years ago. There is a statue of him in front of the school in his silver-age costume.

B: UA had to shut down it's Hero department for a few years due to high demand of restructuring and litigation after the Golden Year. That many villain attacks, parents were DEFINITELY not okay with their kids being made into targets. This does not, however, mean UA itself shut down... just it's hero department, and only temporarily.

C: Course adjustments were made, taking into account the fact that BAD THINGS HAPPENED. That means that students in the hero course are now expected to get their provisional licenses ASAP so they can defend themselves should the need arise. It also means that students that NEED specialized tutoring... will get it. Cases like Izuku and his paper maiche arms will be dealt with far more strictly, but also with a LOT more understanding.

D: We'll be functioning in a world where it's now 5th and 6th generation quirks, rather than 3rd and 4th. That means the quirks will, undoubtedly, be stronger, kids without quirks will be even rarer, and kids with them will be expected to have a good understanding of how their quirk works. Late development quirks are extremely rare.

E: The principal has retired, and Aizawa stepped into the position (under pressure from the other teachers and certain former students.) As such class structuring will be different, with "new" teachers.

F: The Entrance Exam has become slightly more standardized. Due to the sheer amount of applicants, the entrance exam now takes up to 2 weeks, during which potentials are interviewed regarding their quirks and their general problem solving skills. Those found wanting are eliminated here. The written exam eliminated more, and is held the day before the Practical exam. Those that do not pass the Written exam are told immediately. The Practical exam involves potential students going up against current low-level pro-heroes and sidekicks in a mock-battle situation where groups of students are encouraged to problem-solve together while still displaying their own independent ability.

Rule Sheet:

1: I am almost always available at least once a day (usually more). There are some days where I wont be, but I'll warn you ahead of time. If you need me, ping me.

2: I expect literacy. Spell things correctly, use proper grammar. I can understand a typo every now and then, but for pity's sake, spell-check.

3: No Mary Sues or Gary Stus. Pretty simple, honestly. No one enjoys playing with super-awesome-mega-powerful-you-cant-beat-me characters. They're boring. Please, be creative, and use your brain to figure out ways around things like quirks designed specifically to negate you... IF you can't handle it... someone else probably can.

4: You are permitted 1 hero slot. We'll be primarily focusing on 1-A. Things like the Tournaments will be handled via players NPCing each other's fights. You can have minor side-characters if you want, but they wont be the primary focus.

5: You are allowed to make as MANY VILLAINS AS YOU WANT. Be creative, have fun with it. They're going to be throw away characters that only appear for 1 arc anyway. I'll be giving you "Themes" to work around, or you can make stand-alone villains that may be recurring, depending on how things go for them.

6: Remember, more than anything, I want this thing to last. I would like to see at least one IC post per week. I will be keeping a running recap on the front page, so anyone who gets lost in the sea of posts can keep up. If you can't manage to post, tell us so we can work together to prevent the RP from stalling out.


Class 1-A (6 slots left)
Teacher: Bakugo Katsuki

Students: (Seating List)
Nuru Furiyoshi - 15 - Female - Kinetic Reversal
Aure - 15 - Male - Draconic Lineage (WIP)
Elizabeth Smith - 15 - Female - Fruit Bat
Motowari Yasurumi - 15 - Female - Hydrokinesis
Nao Kurata - 15 - Non-binary - Silence
Arashi - 15 - Male - Electrokinesis
Kawa - 15 - Male - Skin Shape
Kurai - 15 - Female - Fear Field
Yumi Mochizuki - 15 - female - Esoteric Mist
Kiyuri - 15 - Female - Chaos Orbs
Dominique Becks - 15 - Female - Hellfire
Grant Redwood - 15 - Male - Teru-sama



Haze - Unknown - Female - Mist
Arch Angel - 16 - Female - Transference

First-Arc Villain Group: "Dark Carnival":

The Ringmaster - Unknown - Unknown - Noppera-bo
Voodoo - 22 - Male - Puppeteer
Chuckle - 25 - Female - Hideous Laughter
Contort - 32 - Male - Stretch

Class Schedule:

Homeroom: 8:25a-8:35a (Bakugo Katsuki)

1st period: Japanese (Literature) 8:40-9:30 (Ken Ishiyama: Cementoss)

2nd period: Science 9:40-10:30 (Momo Yaoyorozu)

3rd period: Mathematics 10:40-11:30 (Snipe)

4th period: English (Foreign Languages) 11:40-12:30 (Hizashi Yamada: Present Mic)

Lunch: 12:40-13:20

5th/6th: Hero-block 13:20-15:10 (Bakugo Katsuki)


Each student, having achieved their goal of entering into UA's hero course, has found themselves in the extended homeroom class of the first day. Meeting their teacher Bakugou-sensei for the first time, several were punished for speaking out of turn and being disrespectful of both their teacher, and their classroom. Once the three who were punished came back from their laps around the school, the whole class was given their gym uniforms and told to meet out on the track field for a quirk acquisition test.
The first test was a 100 meter sprint.

Profile Skeleton:

[img]picture url[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight:[/b] [b]Bloodtype:[/b] [b]Physical Description:[/b] (If you don't have a picture) [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b] (Is your character an open book? Or is very little known about them. Do they enjoy talking about themselves?) [b]Quirk:[/b] (What it's called and a brief description of what it can do NOW. Growth is an option.) [b]Stats:[/b] (Rank your character's power levels. 1= average person - 6 = Beyond superhuman. 6s should be exceptionally uncommon in first year... but growth is an option.) [indent][i]Power:[/i] /6 [i]Speed:[/i] /6 [i]Technique:[/i] /6 [i]Intelligence:[/i] /6 [i]Cooperation:[/i] /6[/indent] [b]Trivia:[/b]
Count me in!
Count me in!



• We make art!
Oh, hi Tweets

Oh, hi Tweets

as you are in..
as you are in..
I like to RP
If ya see any of my dragons you like! hit me up!



• We make art!
[img][/img] (Art not mine) [b]Name:[/b] Nuru Furiyoshi [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Protector[/url] [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Height:[/b] 5'4" (163 cm) [b]Weight:[/b] 110 lbs (50 kg) [b]Bloodtype:[/b] AB [b]Physical Description:[/b] Nuru has reasonable curves for a girl her age, and a love of her bright pink comfy hoodie. When not in class, that is usually what she's wearing. It's long enough to fall past her mid-thighs. [b]Personality:[/b] Nuru is a bright, cheerful, creative girl who enjoys spending time with her family and friends more than anything. She's the type who would jump in front of a car to save a child... [b]Biography:[/b] Growing up in an extremely rare occurrence in this day and age, a household with NO known quirks, Nuru was raised with love and affection by her family. As an only child, she received all the best things her admittedly low-income family could afford. New clothes for the start of the new school year, a fresh set of shoes every time the old ones were outgrown or wore out, and the best public education money couldn't buy. She was happy, and for all intents and purposes, didn't need a quirk to be that way. Sure, she always felt a little sad that she "didn't" have one... but that was to be expected coming from a quirkless family, and her parents had never pushed her to be anything other than smart, selfless, and kind. Her mother worked as a secretary at one of the larger hero agencies, answering phones and pointing people in the right direction. A relatively safe job that shouldn't have come with any risks... her father worked in construction. Less safe, but with the sheer amount of Quirked individuals on staff, he always felt that way. Take your daughter to work day changed a LOT of this. Nuru had gone with her father to work, and was happily enjoying her lunch sitting in the shadow of one of the scaffolding sets, when a girder slipped it's chains and fell 6 stories to land squarely on the child's head. The impact would have killed anyone else. Instead she was left, sitting there in confused silence as she stared at the large, metal beam that had bent over her skull like it was made of rubber. Her father, upon seeing this, rushed to the family physician with his newly Quirked daughter, and was informed that she had, in fact, developed a quirk, and they simply never bothered to check. This was when she was 8. Now, six years later she's developed into the strangely bubbly nigh-indestructible girly-girl who wants to become a hero because "It looks like FUN." [b]Quirk:[/b] Kinetic reversal - Her quirk allows her to absorb the kinetic energy in her opponent's attacks, and return it with her own attacks, giving herself a form of "super strength". She is also capable of storing kinetic energy for a short amount of time before needing to expend it, allowing her to collect large sums to deliver devastating attacks. Currently her limit is about equivalent to a car-crash. However, her storage time is only about a minute. If she does not expel the collected energy, she will take damage equivalent to it's original force. [b]Stats:[/b] [indent][i]Power:[/i] 4/6 [i]Speed:[/i] 2/6 - 4/6 (When charged) [i]Technique:[/i] 2/6 [i]Intelligence:[/i] 3/6 [i]Cooperation:[/i] 4/6[/indent] [b]Trivia:[/b] 1: She LOVES Cats, well, really anything fluffy. 2: Pink is love, pink is LIFE... 3: She acts way less intelligent than she is. She can actually be calculating at times. 4: Has a MASSIVE fangirl crush on Hitoshi Shinso, collecting all of his hero memorabilia including several body pillows that on occasion she can be caught dragging around like teddybears.
IMG_0884.jpg (Art not mine)

Name: Nuru Furiyoshi

Theme Song: Protector

Age: 15

Height: 5'4" (163 cm)

Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg)

Bloodtype: AB

Physical Description: Nuru has reasonable curves for a girl her age, and a love of her bright pink comfy hoodie. When not in class, that is usually what she's wearing. It's long enough to fall past her mid-thighs.

Personality: Nuru is a bright, cheerful, creative girl who enjoys spending time with her family and friends more than anything. She's the type who would jump in front of a car to save a child...

Biography: Growing up in an extremely rare occurrence in this day and age, a household with NO known quirks, Nuru was raised with love and affection by her family. As an only child, she received all the best things her admittedly low-income family could afford. New clothes for the start of the new school year, a fresh set of shoes every time the old ones were outgrown or wore out, and the best public education money couldn't buy. She was happy, and for all intents and purposes, didn't need a quirk to be that way. Sure, she always felt a little sad that she "didn't" have one... but that was to be expected coming from a quirkless family, and her parents had never pushed her to be anything other than smart, selfless, and kind.

Her mother worked as a secretary at one of the larger hero agencies, answering phones and pointing people in the right direction. A relatively safe job that shouldn't have come with any risks... her father worked in construction. Less safe, but with the sheer amount of Quirked individuals on staff, he always felt that way. Take your daughter to work day changed a LOT of this.

Nuru had gone with her father to work, and was happily enjoying her lunch sitting in the shadow of one of the scaffolding sets, when a girder slipped it's chains and fell 6 stories to land squarely on the child's head.

The impact would have killed anyone else. Instead she was left, sitting there in confused silence as she stared at the large, metal beam that had bent over her skull like it was made of rubber. Her father, upon seeing this, rushed to the family physician with his newly Quirked daughter, and was informed that she had, in fact, developed a quirk, and they simply never bothered to check.

This was when she was 8. Now, six years later she's developed into the strangely bubbly nigh-indestructible girly-girl who wants to become a hero because "It looks like FUN."

Quirk: Kinetic reversal - Her quirk allows her to absorb the kinetic energy in her opponent's attacks, and return it with her own attacks, giving herself a form of "super strength". She is also capable of storing kinetic energy for a short amount of time before needing to expend it, allowing her to collect large sums to deliver devastating attacks. Currently her limit is about equivalent to a car-crash. However, her storage time is only about a minute. If she does not expel the collected energy, she will take damage equivalent to it's original force.

Power: 4/6
Speed: 2/6 - 4/6 (When charged)
Technique: 2/6
Intelligence: 3/6
Cooperation: 4/6

1: She LOVES Cats, well, really anything fluffy.
2: Pink is love, pink is LIFE...
3: She acts way less intelligent than she is. She can actually be calculating at times.
4: Has a MASSIVE fangirl crush on Hitoshi Shinso, collecting all of his hero memorabilia including several body pillows that on occasion she can be caught dragging around like teddybears.
[img][/img] [b]Name:[/b]Aure [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=]Indila - Dernière Danse[/url] [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Height:[/b]6'5" (198 cm) [b]Weight:[/b]143 LBS [b]Bloodtype:[/b] Unknown for Family Reasons [b]Physical Description:[/b] A tall and almost obnoxiously beautifully Built Boy, Aure typically wears a mixture of rings and necklaces that he seems to refuse to part with even for School [b]Personality:[/b] Aure carries himself Like the highborn he thinks he is, The Results of quirk Marriage and an aristocratic upbringing in France made him unnaturally condescending however he very rarely intends harm with the crass words he puts out, Graceful as he is, he hates to lose. [b]Biography:[/b] Aure was born to an aristocratic family in France, his childhood was filled to the Brim with quirk competition and small challenges forced upon him by his family, this caused his distain for losing as failure to put adequite results out was usually punished harshly, After a spectacular failure at the entrance exam to the school he wanted to enter, his parents sent him to the home country for the symbol of peace in hopes of making him stronger and better, so he one day can take over the managers position his father Now Carries. He does enjoy talking about his home, but very rarely about himself in any honest fashion, simply leaving people to make their own assumptions, after all... this is a competition. [b]Quirk:[/b] Aure's quirk manifested With Scales like his Father, Hearing like his mother, and manipulation of fire, He can at this point produce sparks and small Orbs of fire for himself, but for now he relies on external sources and his manipulation is limited, his Blood also makes him a bit stronger than the average persion, with a much higher potential Growth thanks to his heritage. [b]Stats:[/b] [indent][i]Power:[/i] 2/6 [i]Speed:[/i]2 /6 [i]Technique:[/i] 2/6 [i]Intelligence:[/i] 4/6 [i]Cooperation:[/i] 1/6[/indent] [b]Trivia:[/b] 1. Aure Loves Dressing up, his build allows him to pull off dresses and suits alike 2. His horns have made him HATE wearing hats or anything on his head 3. Aure has Odd patches of white Fur that travel his body, he finds this annoying. 4. Aure's Scales seem to Harden when he manipulates Fires, Causing his arms to seem at points like they grow spikes if Aure really gets into it.


Theme Song: Indila - Dernière Danse


Height:6'5" (198 cm)

Weight:143 LBS

Bloodtype: Unknown for Family Reasons

Physical Description: A tall and almost obnoxiously beautifully Built Boy, Aure typically wears a mixture of rings and necklaces that he seems to refuse to part with even for School

Personality: Aure carries himself Like the highborn he thinks he is, The Results of quirk Marriage and an aristocratic upbringing in France made him unnaturally condescending however he very rarely intends harm with the crass words he puts out, Graceful as he is, he hates to lose.

Biography: Aure was born to an aristocratic family in France, his childhood was filled to the Brim with quirk competition and small challenges forced upon him by his family, this caused his distain for losing as failure to put adequite results out was usually punished harshly, After a spectacular failure at the entrance exam to the school he wanted to enter, his parents sent him to the home country for the symbol of peace in hopes of making him stronger and better, so he one day can take over the managers position his father Now Carries. He does enjoy talking about his home, but very rarely about himself in any honest fashion, simply leaving people to make their own assumptions, after all... this is a competition.

Quirk: Aure's quirk manifested With Scales like his Father, Hearing like his mother, and manipulation of fire, He can at this point produce sparks and small Orbs of fire for himself, but for now he relies on external sources and his manipulation is limited, his Blood also makes him a bit stronger than the average persion, with a much higher potential Growth thanks to his heritage.

Power: 2/6
Speed:2 /6
Technique: 2/6
Intelligence: 4/6
Cooperation: 1/6

1. Aure Loves Dressing up, his build allows him to pull off dresses and suits alike
2. His horns have made him HATE wearing hats or anything on his head
3. Aure has Odd patches of white Fur that travel his body, he finds this annoying.
4. Aure's Scales seem to Harden when he manipulates Fires, Causing his arms to seem at points like they grow spikes if Aure really gets into it.
I like to RP
If ya see any of my dragons you like! hit me up!
Why not add another RP to the belt? Please wait a moment whilst I write a character (Please?)
Why not add another RP to the belt? Please wait a moment whilst I write a character (Please?)
xCQDmTE.png Big fan of RP and mafia games, also super hyped for ArtFight this year

Oh and I also used to be Dragonclaw101

Clayton Academy
You go right ahead dear. ^^

... only reason I'm doing this is because I'm fairly certain DG has lost interest in her own... and even if I took over, losing her characters would gut the RP...
You go right ahead dear. ^^

... only reason I'm doing this is because I'm fairly certain DG has lost interest in her own... and even if I took over, losing her characters would gut the RP...
Ya. It's stalled a bit, and I was super excited. I still keep it's tabs open though, just in case.
Ya. It's stalled a bit, and I was super excited. I still keep it's tabs open though, just in case.
xCQDmTE.png Big fan of RP and mafia games, also super hyped for ArtFight this year

Oh and I also used to be Dragonclaw101

Clayton Academy