[center][color=17590b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3037125#post_3037125][b]This Thread Has Now Moved![/b][/url][/color]
I rarely venture into this part of the forums, but I see folks making threads here for lineage record keeping which looks pretty neat! and useful, as I'm just starting to seriously make a family for my progens, Conch and Basic!
Of course I was excited to breed them when I first started, but the babies were bland mirrors, and I couldn't hope to afford making projects from them. Instead, this morphed into lore - that these first children were too weak to survive long after hatching, which scared Conch and Basic away from having any more eggs. They put their efforts into adopting instead, then building a hatchery and then, eventually, they tried again for their own child (now that they had primary and secondary genes).
They had a single egg, which continued their story well, and Asche hatched from it to continue the saga. (If you care to read their story in a little more detail, check Conch, Basic and Asche's bios, which can be found by clicking on their family tree images).
I recently bred them again and they were much more successful (3 eggs! clearly getting more confident) and I beautified all of those children, finding mates for them too to really get this thing going.
[i]Stamp graphic courtesy of @PreuxChevalier[/i]
[quote=In lineage so far]
[quote=Primary Genes]
[Quote=Secondary Genes]
[Quote=Tertiary Genes]
This Thread Has Now Moved!
I rarely venture into this part of the forums, but I see folks making threads here for lineage record keeping which looks pretty neat! and useful, as I'm just starting to seriously make a family for my progens, Conch and Basic!
Of course I was excited to breed them when I first started, but the babies were bland mirrors, and I couldn't hope to afford making projects from them. Instead, this morphed into lore - that these first children were too weak to survive long after hatching, which scared Conch and Basic away from having any more eggs. They put their efforts into adopting instead, then building a hatchery and then, eventually, they tried again for their own child (now that they had primary and secondary genes).
They had a single egg, which continued their story well, and Asche hatched from it to continue the saga. (If you care to read their story in a little more detail, check Conch, Basic and Asche's bios, which can be found by clicking on their family tree images).
I recently bred them again and they were much more successful (3 eggs! clearly getting more confident) and I beautified all of those children, finding mates for them too to really get this thing going.
Stamp graphic courtesy of @PreuxChevalier
Breeds wrote:
Primary Genes wrote:
Secondary Genes wrote:
Tertiary Genes wrote:
[center][color=17590b][b]Family Tree[/b][/color]
[color=17590b][b]Gen 2[/b][/color]
[color=17590b][b]Gen 3[/b][/color]
[color=17590b][b]Gen 4[/b][/color]
[center][color=17590b][b]Up For Adoption[/b][/color]
[center]All dragons are free and come with formatted bios that contain the official lineage stamp! (and a message from Conch). You're welcome to edit the bios however you like, but please keep the stamp!
Just let me know a name, and the dragon is yours!
Any gene and breed changes you wish to give your new babies are fine by me - it's an honour that you would want to invest in them! You're very welcome to share any progress and ideas here, as well as any updates on their own children so I can expand the family tree ^^[/center]
[columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/68734218][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/687343/68734218.png[/img][/url][nextcol]Ratcha has an affinty will all manner of small creatures, and she knows how important it can be for a dragon to bond with a familiar, especially one so young and travelling far from home.
[b]She will make sure all dragons sent from her clan are occompanied by a familiar[/b] and she will try her best to pair them with something that matches them and is not found in your bestiary. If she has no familiars new to you, she will send the young ones along with a food parcel.[/columns]
[center][color=17590b][b]Gen 2[/b][/color]
[center][color=17590b][b]Gen 3[/b][/color]
[center][color=17590b][b]Gen 4[/b][/color]
[center][color=17590b][b]Post-Adoption Services[/b][/color]
I'll do what I can to help these guys settle into their new homes. As is standard in my Hatchery adoption process, they'll arrive with a familiar to keep them company (one not in your bestiary that I can best match to their aesthetic. If I have no familiars you need, I will send food they require). I've decided to offer further services that you can claim any time after adopting!
Need design inspiration? Kashan will be more than happy to help! She outfits all dragons who come to live in the clan, so take a look around the lair and if you like her style, ask for your adoptee to be dressed! She will work with any restrictions of apparel slots/expense/rarity. (Note that apparel is not supplied, just a dressing room link, but she might have apparel in her hoard that she's willing to give you!)[/columns]
Maybe you love the colours of one of these babies, but would want to change it to a bogsneak except... well, some of the genes don't look so good after that. Never fear! Opaline can help your dragon become its best self, just ask her to scry with any stipulations you might have. Visit her to see her current project scries.
Want to give your adoptee a makeover but money is tight? Speak to Arano, treasurer of the clan.[b] I can only offer assistance in buying treasure genes and breed changes[/b], and I might not be able to buy the item outright for you, but I will try my best to pitch in and help you cover your costs! [/columns]
Thanks to the amazing generousity of folks interested in this thread, we have a number of people willing to lend their cauldrons. Any brewable genes or apparel you need for your lineage dragon, we can help![b] Please message me first[/b], and Dendra will source an appropriate cauldron and help you with ingredients!
Do you have a mate for your adoptee? Great! These services can also be used for them!
(Financing currently not applicable to mates)
[Quote=Cauldrons]SilentWander, lv12
Raros, lv16
MewBladeXxX, lv26
Mandragorum, lv28[/quote]
Up For Adoption
All dragons are free and come with formatted bios that contain the official lineage stamp! (and a message from Conch). You're welcome to edit the bios however you like, but please keep the stamp!
Just let me know a name, and the dragon is yours!
Any gene and breed changes you wish to give your new babies are fine by me - it's an honour that you would want to invest in them! You're very welcome to share any progress and ideas here, as well as any updates on their own children so I can expand the family tree ^^
Ratcha has an affinty will all manner of small creatures, and she knows how important it can be for a dragon to bond with a familiar, especially one so young and travelling far from home.
She will make sure all dragons sent from her clan are occompanied by a familiar and she will try her best to pair them with something that matches them and is not found in your bestiary. If she has no familiars new to you, she will send the young ones along with a food parcel.
Gen 2
Gen 3
Gen 4

Post-Adoption Services
I'll do what I can to help these guys settle into their new homes. As is standard in my Hatchery adoption process, they'll arrive with a familiar to keep them company (one not in your bestiary that I can best match to their aesthetic. If I have no familiars you need, I will send food they require). I've decided to offer further services that you can claim any time after adopting!
Need design inspiration? Kashan will be more than happy to help! She outfits all dragons who come to live in the clan, so take a look around the lair and if you like her style, ask for your adoptee to be dressed! She will work with any restrictions of apparel slots/expense/rarity. (Note that apparel is not supplied, just a dressing room link, but she might have apparel in her hoard that she's willing to give you!)
Maybe you love the colours of one of these babies, but would want to change it to a bogsneak except... well, some of the genes don't look so good after that. Never fear! Opaline can help your dragon become its best self, just ask her to scry with any stipulations you might have. Visit her to see her current project scries.
Want to give your adoptee a makeover but money is tight? Speak to Arano, treasurer of the clan. I can only offer assistance in buying treasure genes and breed changes, and I might not be able to buy the item outright for you, but I will try my best to pitch in and help you cover your costs!
Thanks to the amazing generousity of folks interested in this thread, we have a number of people willing to lend their cauldrons. Any brewable genes or apparel you need for your lineage dragon, we can help! Please message me first, and Dendra will source an appropriate cauldron and help you with ingredients!
Do you have a mate for your adoptee? Great! These services can also be used for them!
(Financing currently not applicable to mates)
Cauldrons wrote:
SilentWander, lv12
Raros, lv16
MewBladeXxX, lv26
Mandragorum, lv28
[quote=All Updates]@/Woohoorandom[/quote]
[quote=New Adoptable Hatchlings]@/Hyzenthlaay @/salemcookie @/IBeeJuliana @/Raros[/quote]
[quote=G2 Only]@/Mandragorum @/Empedocles[/quote]
All Updates wrote:
New Adoptable Hatchlings wrote:
@/Hyzenthlaay @/salemcookie @/IBeeJuliana @/Raros
G2 Only wrote:
@/Mandragorum @/Empedocles
Are you fine with the children being regened? Because I'm really interested in [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/69779749][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/697798/69779749_350.png[/img][/url]
as long as I can change the sec to trail.
Also if you make a pinglist I'd like to be on it!!!
Are you fine with the children being regened? Because I'm really interested in

as long as I can change the sec to trail.
Also if you make a pinglist I'd like to be on it!!!
I’d love to adopt one of the kids! None of them strike my eye quite yet, and if I did, they’d most likely be breedchanged to a Fae, so understandable if you don’t want that for your kids! I’m doing my own progen lineage thing, mono-Fae, and I’m working on gens 3-4 currently :)
I’d love to adopt one of the kids! None of them strike my eye quite yet, and if I did, they’d most likely be breedchanged to a Fae, so understandable if you don’t want that for your kids! I’m doing my own progen lineage thing, mono-Fae, and I’m working on gens 3-4 currently :)
Woohoorandom I'd be honured if anyone wanted to invest in geneing these babies! If you can tell me what you'd like to name him, I can send him right over!
MewBladeXxX I'd love for the lineage to end up having all breeds, and a variety of genes, so if you wanted to change to a fae - great! It's not a breed I have myself. Would you like to be on a pinglist for future hatchlings?
Woohoorandom I'd be honured if anyone wanted to invest in geneing these babies! If you can tell me what you'd like to name him, I can send him right over!
MewBladeXxX I'd love for the lineage to end up having all breeds, and a variety of genes, so if you wanted to change to a fae - great! It's not a breed I have myself. Would you like to be on a pinglist for future hatchlings?
Pinglist, yes please! Thank you :)
Pinglist, yes please! Thank you :)
It might not be a permament name if thats ok, but he feels like a Scoop to me. He looks like chocmint icecream so my brain refuses him to be named something not icecream related, and I think Scoop sounds fun.
It might not be a permament name if thats ok, but he feels like a Scoop to me. He looks like chocmint icecream so my brain refuses him to be named something not icecream related, and I think Scoop sounds fun.