
Level 1 Spiral
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Energy: 50
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Nature icon
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Female Spiral
Female Spiral
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Personal Style


Aged Book Collection
Advisor Overcoat
Advisor Waist Wrap
Advisor Tail Sleeve
Purple Bandana
Frosted Woodwing




Scene: Enchanted Library


3.83 m
1.56 m
55.12 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 04, 2021
(3 years)


Spiral icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245


Head Librarian of Idle Hour Archives

{Child of the Gardens}

Friend and Mentor

Every movement Tarma makes is full of happiness and cheer, from talking to baking, or even just reading a book. She loves providing a helping claw to those that need it, a trait that often comes into use when someone gets lost in the Archives. Tarma doesn’t mind talking in the library unlike most librarians, even actively socializing with the various visitors. She’ll back off quickly if a particular visitor would just like some quiet, not at all bothered. It is in small groups Tarma thrives, managing to keep various conversations going at once.
Of course there is a limit to how much friendliness Tarma can offer. Anyone who dares to disrespect the Idle Hour Archives or its contents earns a grudge that can last a surprising amount of time. The worst offense against Tarma though is causing harm to those she cares about, something intolerable to this Spiral. While Tarma herself cannot do much more than petty revenge, those that test her patience and graciousness will quickly learn just who exactly is her mate.


Since she was young Tarma has been full of curiosity. She could often be found studying the various small curiosities that attracted her attention. Tarma brought many of these curiosities to her parents, peppering them with questions on what they were. It didn’t take Tarma long to realize that there were better sources of knowledge and it was then that she turned to books.
The books Tarma hoarded were anything from educational to fictional, supernatural to history. She’d spend hours pouring over these books, switching between reading stories to figuring out what the various small curiosities she found were.
Eventually Tarma decided to leave her birth home, wanting to find new interesting things and sights to fill her curiosity. A small pouch of treasure and rucksack of necessities (and books) was all she took. While Tarma would miss the warmth of her family she was determined to make her own place in the world, somewhere where she would have better access to books.
The Sanctuary of Diversity was really the perfect place for a dragon like Tarma. The dragons and creatures within it constantly drifted in and out of the Sanctuary, bringing back things that Tarma wouldn’t normally find. When she had arrived the Sanctuary only just set up a dedicated library and had openings for librarians that Tarma happily applied for.


Tarma holds the opinion that life in the Sanctuary is never boring, one mainly enforced by Aster appearing in her life. Tarma had been enjoying a cup of tea while reading a book when the boisterous fey stumbled into Idle Hour Archives. Not far behind him was an incensed Guardian, who apparently had their treasure pouch nabbed by Aster. The Guardian chased the fey through the library carelessly, knocking over shelves and visitors alike. The sight of the precious writings being ripped and torn as they were flung off the shelves enraged not only Tarma, but the other library personnel as well. The Guardian was thrown out without ceremony (Tarma lobbing their treasure into their face) and banned from ever stepping foot into the Archives again but Aster was another story. Simply paying for the damaged property wasn’t enough for Tarma. No, that would be too kind of a fate for the destroyer of so many invaluable texts. Instead Aster was forced to by claw repair or replace each and every writing that was damaged as well as the shelves that were cracked when they fell.
Tarma offered no help in this process beyond moderating how Aster did it all. It would take months before he was able to get even half of what was destroyed repaired and replaced, nearly a full year to finish the job. Throughout this the young fey gained an increasing respect for Tarma as after all, it isn’t just anyone who was willing to order a fey around. Especially one that quite literally glowed with power. Despite this Tarma held no worries that Aster would harm her and went about with her normal routine while he worked. It was laughable how she ignored him during this and how much it maddened Aster. He would be working on repairing a writing while attempting conversation with Tarma and she would pointedly focus on anything else.
After a few months of Aster’s presence being constantly in the library Tarma grew curious about his home. The fey world was something new and unstudied by dragons, making it something Tarma could not learn about normally. She acknowledged that talking to Aster would fill this new curiosity and eventually started engaging him in conversation. During these conversations Tarma’s natural friendliness would overtake her grudge against Aster, allowing for an uneasy fellowship. This fellowship evolved into a friendship (though Aster still didn’t get out of his punishment no matter what he tried). Near the end of his yearlong punishment Aster finally announced what he intended to Tarma, a decision that surprised her but she soon allowed.


Nowadays Tarma can be mainly found in the Idle Hour Archives, managing books or helping those that get lost find their way out. She spends most of her time chatting with those around her or curled up with a book, a cup of tea, and her mate.


Coding made by Disillusionist | Dividers made by Vertigris

After receiving a single mystery whistle, your dragon Tarma gives it a quick blow, summoning a new Arthropodic Pony! If you would like for this creature to be available for all other owners, please let @GlowStorm know. If you want to ask about anything, please check the FAQ before posting your question.

Arthropodic Pony

These slender creatures are expert tunnelers, using the limbs along their bodies to push the excavated dirt out from under them. Their long, sensitive whiskers lie against the tunnel walls to sense the vibrations of their prey. Their vision is very poor, so they rely on their excellent senses of touch and smell.
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Exalting Tarma to the service of the Lightweaver will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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