
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Top 5 Above You - Write More Edition
[center]@Kalistys So many lovely dragons to pick from! [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] First up, this lass! I'm a big sucker for brown color palettes combined with blues, and Zenobia's no exception! The color matching between her genes, apparel, and skin blend seamlessly together to make for one very coherent dragon that's very pleasing to look at! And, in my personal opinion, the Sanddune Rags is the cherry on top; the skull-mask it gives her really completes the look! (and her spats compliment it very well too hehe) [/columns] [columns]Wow, Danae is stunning! Such lovely and rich greens accented with bright gold (definitely not a color palette I'm biased towards <<')! The brighter yellows/whites of the Sage apparel The silk sashes go wonderfully with the gold peacock feathers of her skin, and the dark green of her Eldritch colors really give her that refined, pensive poet aura that you have going for her :> I can envision her ruminating deep within a grove or somesuch! [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] hrnggh I tried to steer away from picking another brown-blue dragon, but I couldn't resist with this guy! The cool tones of the wispy smoke with the bright reds and oranges of the leaves and copper apparel is so -chef's kiss- I also thought it was rather endearing for a architect such as he to be wearing a blindfold! BUt, I trust in him, he knows what he's doing [emoji=spiral laughing size=1] [/columns] [columns]Briza here may have less apparel than the former dragons, but I found her just as interesting! Her genes hard carry her overall stitcher's aesthetic, but I have to give props to the skin as well for making her design come together; it kind of looks like clouds of stuffing in a way ^^ And the matching familiar is a cute added bonus to this adorable dragon :>[nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] Last, but definitely not least, Evelyna! What an Aether! Such striking blues all around, yet nowhere near an eyesore ^^ The silver lace of the accent combined with the whites of her Monarch tert, as well as the teal gems matching with the teal of the Skink gene, really bring it all together! I also love how her eyes match her fur color :> [/columns][/center]
So many lovely dragons to pick from!
55738907_350.png First up, this lass! I'm a big sucker for brown color palettes combined with blues, and Zenobia's no exception! The color matching between her genes, apparel, and skin blend seamlessly together to make for one very coherent dragon that's very pleasing to look at! And, in my personal opinion, the Sanddune Rags is the cherry on top; the skull-mask it gives her really completes the look! (and her spats compliment it very well too hehe)
Wow, Danae is stunning! Such lovely and rich greens accented with bright gold (definitely not a color palette I'm biased towards <<')! The brighter yellows/whites of the Sage apparel The silk sashes go wonderfully with the gold peacock feathers of her skin, and the dark green of her Eldritch colors really give her that refined, pensive poet aura that you have going for her :> I can envision her ruminating deep within a grove or somesuch! 26113594_350.png
24532766_350.png hrnggh I tried to steer away from picking another brown-blue dragon, but I couldn't resist with this guy! The cool tones of the wispy smoke with the bright reds and oranges of the leaves and copper apparel is so -chef's kiss- I also thought it was rather endearing for a architect such as he to be wearing a blindfold! BUt, I trust in him, he knows what he's doing
Briza here may have less apparel than the former dragons, but I found her just as interesting! Her genes hard carry her overall stitcher's aesthetic, but I have to give props to the skin as well for making her design come together; it kind of looks like clouds of stuffing in a way ^^ And the matching familiar is a cute added bonus to this adorable dragon :> 94681466_350.png
580009_350.png Last, but definitely not least, Evelyna! What an Aether! Such striking blues all around, yet nowhere near an eyesore ^^ The silver lace of the accent combined with the whites of her Monarch tert, as well as the teal gems matching with the teal of the Skink gene, really bring it all together! I also love how her eyes match her fur color :>

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@Kamgigari [url=][img][/img][/url] I know it says this dragon is a work in progress but wow! I didn't know these colors could go so well together. Everything just works so nicely for this dragon. I like the gene choices you have so far. [url=][img][/img][/url] You know, I am not a big fan of Breakup. But, it works here on this lovely Auraboa. The mix of colors and genes works so well here. I honestly wouldn't have guessed the colors at all, but as I said the do match with the genes chosen. Very nice. [url=][img][/img][/url] What a lovely Shadow rep! The gold of the skin adds some nice contrast to the other colors. He has an overall spooky feel that is just perfect for a Shadow dragon. [url=][img][/img][/url] And after boasting about your Shadow rep, I can't forget your Nature rep. Perfect colors! Perfect genes! Love the apparel and the accent. He just screams Nature, and that isn't a bad thing. I really do love him. [url=][img][/img][/url] You know what? I like Illusen. The Kelpie mane goes with her colors so well. The other apparel choices are pretty spot on themselves. She's dressed, but it doesn't feel like it is too much. I also appreciate her matching eye. She is just a very nice dragon.


I know it says this dragon is a work in progress but wow! I didn't know these colors could go so well together. Everything just works so nicely for this dragon. I like the gene choices you have so far.


You know, I am not a big fan of Breakup. But, it works here on this lovely Auraboa. The mix of colors and genes works so well here. I honestly wouldn't have guessed the colors at all, but as I said the do match with the genes chosen. Very nice.


What a lovely Shadow rep! The gold of the skin adds some nice contrast to the other colors. He has an overall spooky feel that is just perfect for a Shadow dragon.


And after boasting about your Shadow rep, I can't forget your Nature rep. Perfect colors! Perfect genes! Love the apparel and the accent. He just screams Nature, and that isn't a bad thing. I really do love him.


You know what? I like Illusen. The Kelpie mane goes with her colors so well. The other apparel choices are pretty spot on themselves. She's dressed, but it doesn't feel like it is too much. I also appreciate her matching eye. She is just a very nice dragon.
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[center]@MoonGazer [i]This was definitely hard, you have so many INCREDIBLE dragons!![/i] [columns]Deep in my heart of hearts, I will always be a male pearlcatcher lover and everytime I see a pretty like Liridon, I feel more justified in my love. He's simplistic and a little bit "retro" with his cerub/butterfly/glimmer gene combo! Timeless and classic for a reason! Oilslick gives a great dark base for those pretty reds and yellow trim to bounce off, and wow I [i]love[/i] the strawberry mane he's got! A very pretty mage he is for sure![nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Wildclaw UMAs are always on another level, and Serafina's is no exception!It definitely takes center stage, but I adore how her genes lean in to her aesthetic. Opening her colors I was shocked to find she was XXX metals! It's so easy for triples to look bland and metals is not one of my favorite colors but wow does she navigate it well, she's so gorgeous![/columns] [columns]Ah the classic simple dragon with complex UMA, but there's nothing wrong with that, Destruction looks awesome! You've color-matched him to the skin like it was made for him specifically! That stained is really putting in the work! And his color/genes keep him dark so those shining gold jewelry and trim pieces only pop out all the more! What a graceful and ancient-looking imperial, amazing derg![nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]I just [i]had[/i] to pick one of your babies and Zephyra ticks all the boxes in things I enjoy: baby skydancer, black and red color scheme, flair. She's got a great mix of complex and simple genes, and those scales are so subtle but add a nice variance to her look! She's such a cutie and those fire eyes are so vibrant! She looks like she belongs in a volcano-ash coated sky with all those black, reds, and orange eyes![/columns] [columns]Cinder and blaze were a game-changer in terms of spicing up colors with their accents! And as an ace person, black is one of my new favorites to scry with that combo! But regardless if that was the intention or not, that black and purple combo is just so appealing, and I love the lighter purple stinger that Mayes has! Male aethers are so cute too, overall a 10/10 dragon![nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- [center]Next: Anyone who's not in a tab labeled "Sales" is free to pick! I have lots of very pretty dragons in my hibernal den for you to look through as well![/center]

This was definitely hard, you have so many INCREDIBLE dragons!!
Deep in my heart of hearts, I will always be a male pearlcatcher lover and everytime I see a pretty like Liridon, I feel more justified in my love. He's simplistic and a little bit "retro" with his cerub/butterfly/glimmer gene combo! Timeless and classic for a reason! Oilslick gives a great dark base for those pretty reds and yellow trim to bounce off, and wow I love the strawberry mane he's got! A very pretty mage he is for sure! 27256965_350.png
79882271_350.png Wildclaw UMAs are always on another level, and Serafina's is no exception!It definitely takes center stage, but I adore how her genes lean in to her aesthetic. Opening her colors I was shocked to find she was XXX metals! It's so easy for triples to look bland and metals is not one of my favorite colors but wow does she navigate it well, she's so gorgeous!
Ah the classic simple dragon with complex UMA, but there's nothing wrong with that, Destruction looks awesome! You've color-matched him to the skin like it was made for him specifically! That stained is really putting in the work! And his color/genes keep him dark so those shining gold jewelry and trim pieces only pop out all the more! What a graceful and ancient-looking imperial, amazing derg! 81901556_350.png
85172204_350.png I just had to pick one of your babies and Zephyra ticks all the boxes in things I enjoy: baby skydancer, black and red color scheme, flair. She's got a great mix of complex and simple genes, and those scales are so subtle but add a nice variance to her look! She's such a cutie and those fire eyes are so vibrant! She looks like she belongs in a volcano-ash coated sky with all those black, reds, and orange eyes!
Cinder and blaze were a game-changer in terms of spicing up colors with their accents! And as an ace person, black is one of my new favorites to scry with that combo! But regardless if that was the intention or not, that black and purple combo is just so appealing, and I love the lighter purple stinger that Mayes has! Male aethers are so cute too, overall a 10/10 dragon! 89100243_350.png

Next: Anyone who's not in a tab labeled "Sales" is free to pick! I have lots of very pretty dragons in my hibernal den for you to look through as well!
xxxArt of a black and grey wildclaw with green capsule leaping in the air with a big grin. They/Them with non-binary pride flag
Aroace with pride flag
FR Time +3
Lore Info
Art of a red wildclaw from the neck up with pink feathers. Art Shop
Art Dump
Avatar Dragon
Art of a green mirror plushie with brown button eyes.
@DragonJade Your lair is stunning! I love how much variety you have and how each dragon has a perfectly curated outfit. [url=][img][/img][/url] i love this girl's spooky aesthetic and perfectly paired familiar. The tatters in the parasol, tatters, and wispy clawrings all play together so nicely! The little pops of color you've added with her clawtips, raven, and of course her eyes, provide a vivid contrast that keep her from looking monotone. [url=][img][/img][/url] I'm not normally drawn to earth and yellow/orange-toned dragons but something about Earth drew me. I think it's the way the the grasps fade in color perfectly from her secondary to her primary color along their length, and her tatters and roses make me think of a wordly goddess. [url=][img][/img][/url] In another departure from my typical preferences, I LOVE Svarog's look - the pops of vibrant color from her accent and apparel are so intense on her muted colors, and the outfit you've put together is really well-balanced and not overwhelming. I also love that she's deaf and you gave her the screaming bird, she's probably the only one that can stand them! [url=][img][/img][/url] I have to give a shout-out to a first-gen Gaoler with Blossom. I know how much of your blood sweat and tears when into getting all of those pretty pink mums, but it was well worth it on her! Her blood flowers are a similar color to the slashes in her accent, which makes a very cool effect. I also love that she is rocking the more 'ancient' genes like leopard, it makes her seem more brutal. I loved her backstory and feel sorry for her. [url=][img][/img][/url] Telltale is literally glowing from the inside and also sitting in front of that glowy scene, it's a really cool effect. I like how you've layered different apparel pieces with a variety of gold and black to blue tones, it all works together in a really intriguing way. She is also perfectly matched with her familiar! Clearly one of your more recent dragons so I was happy to give her some love :) Shoutouts to Amaya, Cain, and Andromeda, I had their tabs open too!
Your lair is stunning! I love how much variety you have and how each dragon has a perfectly curated outfit.

i love this girl's spooky aesthetic and perfectly paired familiar. The tatters in the parasol, tatters, and wispy clawrings all play together so nicely! The little pops of color you've added with her clawtips, raven, and of course her eyes, provide a vivid contrast that keep her from looking monotone.

I'm not normally drawn to earth and yellow/orange-toned dragons but something about Earth drew me. I think it's the way the the grasps fade in color perfectly from her secondary to her primary color along their length, and her tatters and roses make me think of a wordly goddess.

In another departure from my typical preferences, I LOVE Svarog's look - the pops of vibrant color from her accent and apparel are so intense on her muted colors, and the outfit you've put together is really well-balanced and not overwhelming. I also love that she's deaf and you gave her the screaming bird, she's probably the only one that can stand them!

I have to give a shout-out to a first-gen Gaoler with Blossom. I know how much of your blood sweat and tears when into getting all of those pretty pink mums, but it was well worth it on her! Her blood flowers are a similar color to the slashes in her accent, which makes a very cool effect. I also love that she is rocking the more 'ancient' genes like leopard, it makes her seem more brutal. I loved her backstory and feel sorry for her.

Telltale is literally glowing from the inside and also sitting in front of that glowy scene, it's a really cool effect. I like how you've layered different apparel pieces with a variety of gold and black to blue tones, it all works together in a really intriguing way. She is also perfectly matched with her familiar! Clearly one of your more recent dragons so I was happy to give her some love :)

Shoutouts to Amaya, Cain, and Andromeda, I had their tabs open too!
@Kalistys [url=][img][/img][/url] A stunning combination of golds and blue! He completely rocks that accent. The water aura, flowerfall, and star silks also compliment the whole look very nicely. He fits his namesake quite well, and looks like he's a very good ambassador. [url=][img][/img][/url] Always love a good black and red look. He looks so imposing, and I definitely wouldn't want to mess with him! I really dig the sanguine plumage and incense mantle combo here. The cleaver is a really nice touch as well. Perfect weapon for him. [url=][img][/img][/url] Tyrimnus looks awesome! The obsidian flameforger with steel sarcoph work super good together. It gives his whole wing a sort of flame-like look. That skin he's got gives for a nice little pop of color as well. Very cool that his face is minted on the local coin too! [url=][img][/img][/url] Such a fiery little lady here! To me, she's reminiscent of a wildfire. I can't help but wonder if the heat of her flames assists with her blacksmithing abilities at all. On top of that, she's got some really lovely artwork. [url=][img][/img][/url] Another fine warrior I've found in your lair! And one who's a shadehunter at that. The skin he's got is super cool and works exceptionally well with his coloration. Also, I can't quite put my finger on it, but the black wooly coat in particular is really nice touch to his look.

A stunning combination of golds and blue! He completely rocks that accent. The water aura, flowerfall, and star silks also compliment the whole look very nicely. He fits his namesake quite well, and looks like he's a very good ambassador.

Always love a good black and red look. He looks so imposing, and I definitely wouldn't want to mess with him! I really dig the sanguine plumage and incense mantle combo here. The cleaver is a really nice touch as well. Perfect weapon for him.

Tyrimnus looks awesome! The obsidian flameforger with steel sarcoph work super good together. It gives his whole wing a sort of flame-like look. That skin he's got gives for a nice little pop of color as well. Very cool that his face is minted on the local coin too!

Such a fiery little lady here! To me, she's reminiscent of a wildfire. I can't help but wonder if the heat of her flames assists with her blacksmithing abilities at all. On top of that, she's got some really lovely artwork.

Another fine warrior I've found in your lair! And one who's a shadehunter at that. The skin he's got is super cool and works exceptionally well with his coloration. Also, I can't quite put my finger on it, but the black wooly coat in particular is really nice touch to his look.
aDfZQhN.png xxxxxxxxxxxxx Blade
He/him || FR+2
@Kuroda [url=][img][/img][/url] What a gorgeous, gorgeous girl! That accent stands out so well against her dark background, and the few apparel pieces just serve to highlight it all the more. Also really love the contrast between the obsidian primary/secondary and the tertiary. It looks so good on her. [url=][img][/img][/url] That’s a really intriguing lore tidbit in her bio! Makes me curious as to what her story is now. The paler accents bought out by Sailfish/Marlin help to highlight the accent slightly. And that augmented almost looks as if it could be part of the accent! [url=][img][/img][/url] Eastern-dragon themed skin? Love it! Just like how the sailfin blends into the skin and looks like a continuation of the mane. Xin’s colours are lovely and work together really well. She looks so ethereal. [url=][img][/img][/url] Another fantastic skin. The contrast between Prologue’s darker colours and yellow eyes is nice. The vibes she gives off, coupled with the skin, just make her look so sinister and malevolent. The Crystal apparel is a really nice touch - gives off a spooky fortune teller feeling. [url=][img][/img][/url] Can definitely see Viper being fascinated by vampires! Love the contrast between the red accent in his primary with the rest of his otherwise monochrome palette. Like the way his eyes stand out just enough to be seen.


What a gorgeous, gorgeous girl! That accent stands out so well against her dark background, and the few apparel pieces just serve to highlight it all the more. Also really love the contrast between the obsidian primary/secondary and the tertiary. It looks so good on her.


That’s a really intriguing lore tidbit in her bio! Makes me curious as to what her story is now. The paler accents bought out by Sailfish/Marlin help to highlight the accent slightly. And that augmented almost looks as if it could be part of the accent!


Eastern-dragon themed skin? Love it! Just like how the sailfin blends into the skin and looks like a continuation of the mane. Xin’s colours are lovely and work together really well. She looks so ethereal.


Another fantastic skin. The contrast between Prologue’s darker colours and yellow eyes is nice. The vibes she gives off, coupled with the skin, just make her look so sinister and malevolent. The Crystal apparel is a really nice touch - gives off a spooky fortune teller feeling.


Can definitely see Viper being fascinated by vampires! Love the contrast between the red accent in his primary with the rest of his otherwise monochrome palette. Like the way his eyes stand out just enough to be seen.
(I'll write in a moment - there's been an irl issue.)
(I'll write in a moment - there's been an irl issue.)
@minosphrime Let me start off by saying how much I LOVE earthy and muted tones even though they can be quite difficult to work with. I was thrilled to be browsing a small, cohesive earth lair like yours! [url=][img][/img][/url] First up, I can't look over a good spooky female skydancer. There's just something about them that seems so otherworldly. Ardent absolutely KILLS that skin, and the way you've worked in her apparel had me questioning where apparel ended and skin began, in the very best way possible. She's so detailed but so cohesive, and the way those gold accents contrast the rest of her darker colors is so eye-catching. And of course, the rotted mane is always a win. I was surprised to see she's only wearing two pieces of apparel and still has so much going on! [url=][img][/img][/url] Forget what I said about muted colors, Bakar is INCREDIBLE. He looks exactly like some sort of fabled desert dragon. Sailfish and Malachite were such an interesting choice and work so beautifully to create a really remarkable color pallete. I love the light sandy primary colors against that electric shock of light blue. It's something I would usually associate with the beach, but on this guy, it's pure desert magic. I love him a lot. [url=][img][/img][/url] So I'm not familiar with the media he's a fandragon of, but Talas is so pretty! I absolutely love the mulberry fade, I had no idea the accent color was so pleasant. The skin was a great choice to really emphasize those beautiful earthy tones. Also the glasses? So much personality I couldn't resist putting him on the list even if I'm not familiar with his origin. What a great spiral. [url=][img][/img][/url] Nebesa has my entire heart, and completely unrelated, I love the scene she's got. It's so peaceful and cute and so unlike where you might expect an aberration to dwell. Can we please speak for a minute about how the colors are desaturated yet so bold? That accent absolutely makes this girl and I don't think you could have possibly found a better dragon to put it on. Her light eyes just really set everything off in exactly the right way. [url=][img][/img][/url] Balthazar is WITHOUT a DOUBT my absolute favorite dragon in your lair. I'd absolutely shove him in my backpack and make off with him if I ever came to visit. All those rich browns just kind of cascading down his body make him look like some sort of desert angel. That obsidian underbelly is just so striking as are his eyes, and he honestly gives me ball python energy, which is fantastic because they're my favorite kind of snake. And the scene is perfect for him, I viewed him in scenic mode out of curiosity and *wheeze* he's so gorgeous. You have a great lair!

Let me start off by saying how much I LOVE earthy and muted tones even though they can be quite difficult to work with. I was thrilled to be browsing a small, cohesive earth lair like yours!


First up, I can't look over a good spooky female skydancer. There's just something about them that seems so otherworldly. Ardent absolutely KILLS that skin, and the way you've worked in her apparel had me questioning where apparel ended and skin began, in the very best way possible. She's so detailed but so cohesive, and the way those gold accents contrast the rest of her darker colors is so eye-catching. And of course, the rotted mane is always a win. I was surprised to see she's only wearing two pieces of apparel and still has so much going on!


Forget what I said about muted colors, Bakar is INCREDIBLE. He looks exactly like some sort of fabled desert dragon. Sailfish and Malachite were such an interesting choice and work so beautifully to create a really remarkable color pallete. I love the light sandy primary colors against that electric shock of light blue. It's something I would usually associate with the beach, but on this guy, it's pure desert magic. I love him a lot.


So I'm not familiar with the media he's a fandragon of, but Talas is so pretty! I absolutely love the mulberry fade, I had no idea the accent color was so pleasant. The skin was a great choice to really emphasize those beautiful earthy tones. Also the glasses? So much personality I couldn't resist putting him on the list even if I'm not familiar with his origin. What a great spiral.


Nebesa has my entire heart, and completely unrelated, I love the scene she's got. It's so peaceful and cute and so unlike where you might expect an aberration to dwell. Can we please speak for a minute about how the colors are desaturated yet so bold? That accent absolutely makes this girl and I don't think you could have possibly found a better dragon to put it on. Her light eyes just really set everything off in exactly the right way.


Balthazar is WITHOUT a DOUBT my absolute favorite dragon in your lair. I'd absolutely shove him in my backpack and make off with him if I ever came to visit. All those rich browns just kind of cascading down his body make him look like some sort of desert angel. That obsidian underbelly is just so striking as are his eyes, and he honestly gives me ball python energy, which is fantastic because they're my favorite kind of snake. And the scene is perfect for him, I viewed him in scenic mode out of curiosity and *wheeze* he's so gorgeous.

You have a great lair!

Call me Max!


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@HappyAccidents You have a beautiful lair, and I absolutely love how you organized it <3 [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]The first one that caught my eye is this gal. The [i]elegance[/i] she has just blows my mind!! She doesn't have enough likes if you ask me, like what?? Everything about her outfit is so coherent, and her neutral prim with Gold koi is just *chefs kiss* I find it so satisfying how her apparel is really thought out but not too busy, everything merges together perfecly, she's [i]such [/i]a beauty <3 (and PCs are my favorite breed, so that's a bonus!)[/columns] ----- [columns]Oh he looks [i]dangerous[/i], I love that! He looks like a harbringer of death with the rotted mane, it's so so cool (and I love that his name is Karma, with a look like this, I bet anyone would be on their best behavious if he's the one to come for them lmao) The miasma crystal is the cherry on top too, idk everything about him is so intimidating, he's a really interesting dragon!! [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]So cool, so mysterious, I love her! The F pose for bogsneaks is extra sassy for some reason, and that makes her absolutely lovely. Her being a secluded mortician fits her so well too, she [i]does [/i]look like someone who frequents death quite often! I like that you seem to name most of your familiars too, it's a really sweet touch, and that hers is helping her with her job is cute! I live for the candle apparels, it's always great when making ominous dragons!![/columns] ----- [columns]MY GOD!!! Ridgeback is a great breed for this guy!! The icecycle chains are matching really well with his tert, it's really cool! It looks like there's ice cracking out around his eyes!! Also he looks really strong and dangerous, so him being a jailkeeper makes so much sense, I love it! I just know you shouldn't mess with him, you make it work really well <3 [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]YES perfect, in case you didn't notice with Sybil, I love light themed dragons! The primal of this guy adds a glorious spark to Raiden that I can't get enough of (he charmed me too it seems) The black of his colors mixed with the gold of his outfit and primal is so so lovely, it's incredible!! I really like the vines you gave him as well, it's a really nice touch too[/columns] -----

You have a beautiful lair, and I absolutely love how you organized it <3
90945594_350.png The first one that caught my eye is this gal. The elegance she has just blows my mind!! She doesn't have enough likes if you ask me, like what?? Everything about her outfit is so coherent, and her neutral prim with Gold koi is just *chefs kiss* I find it so satisfying how her apparel is really thought out but not too busy, everything merges together perfecly, she's such a beauty <3 (and PCs are my favorite breed, so that's a bonus!)

Oh he looks dangerous, I love that! He looks like a harbringer of death with the rotted mane, it's so so cool (and I love that his name is Karma, with a look like this, I bet anyone would be on their best behavious if he's the one to come for them lmao) The miasma crystal is the cherry on top too, idk everything about him is so intimidating, he's a really interesting dragon!! 94625193_350.png

75983487_350.png So cool, so mysterious, I love her! The F pose for bogsneaks is extra sassy for some reason, and that makes her absolutely lovely. Her being a secluded mortician fits her so well too, she does look like someone who frequents death quite often! I like that you seem to name most of your familiars too, it's a really sweet touch, and that hers is helping her with her job is cute! I live for the candle apparels, it's always great when making ominous dragons!!

MY GOD!!! Ridgeback is a great breed for this guy!! The icecycle chains are matching really well with his tert, it's really cool! It looks like there's ice cracking out around his eyes!! Also he looks really strong and dangerous, so him being a jailkeeper makes so much sense, I love it! I just know you shouldn't mess with him, you make it work really well <3 76796335_350.png

62885776_350.png YES perfect, in case you didn't notice with Sybil, I love light themed dragons! The primal of this guy adds a glorious spark to Raiden that I can't get enough of (he charmed me too it seems) The black of his colors mixed with the gold of his outfit and primal is so so lovely, it's incredible!! I really like the vines you gave him as well, it's a really nice touch too

853d899612de96ce4f11ed0dfc7ccb2091569ad5.png 137a6eb04c295beb8c0296c2088517f6e56c55cd.pngboop UC0DduS.png ebvHLqD.png
@Dianounais Oh man so many amazing dragons to pick from, don't mind if I do >:) First one who jumped out at me is is this lovely pal Stormfall! I loooove his vibes, from the stormy scene to the leave apparel swirling around him. Aside from his name ofc, the primal lightning eyes look so powerful on such a small dragon its incredible! He may not have a tert at the moment, but he's certainly bursting with potential if ever considered for one. [url=][img][/img][/url] Next up is Museum. I'm a personal all time fan of the dino background from arlo, honestly there should be more like them. The name's quite funny too so that stood out, at first I thought this was where she worked or smth. Though I suppose being an archeologist/paleontogist that still applies. Love that Dustcarve Dig was written into her backstory as well, makes a lotta sense for someone like her! [url=][img][/img][/url] Next up is Marbre, the living(?) statue! An amazing idea for the ground and fissure genes, especially on an XXY like this. Her colors are perfect, so I do wonder if you specifically bought her for this idea or just got an amazing one after recieving her, whichever way that was. Plus I might be just a little jelaous of the apparel XD [url=][img][/img][/url] I mean, I'm a gravity falls fan so how can I not include Stanley. How much can one even say about him, It's Stanley!! I love him XD A very fun fandragon and it fits the grunkle just amazingly, no doubt about that! [url=][img][/img][/url] Looking through your hibden Im in love with Lumiere! Aside from wonderful colors as per usual, and the glowing eyes being perfect for him, I love how powerful and aetherial he looks. Him being planned to be the leader of a research team is also very, very intresting. On the one hand, him being so cool and powerful looking is making sense for him to go and find missing dragons. On the other, maybe he is a flashflight for the rescue team when they go into dark places XD [url=][img][/img][/url] All in all wonderful lair and hibden and 5 dragons is not enough to pick for all the faves to go into

Oh man so many amazing dragons to pick from, don't mind if I do >:)

First one who jumped out at me is is this lovely pal Stormfall! I loooove his vibes, from the stormy scene to the leave apparel swirling around him. Aside from his name ofc, the primal lightning eyes look so powerful on such a small dragon its incredible! He may not have a tert at the moment, but he's certainly bursting with potential if ever considered for one.


Next up is Museum. I'm a personal all time fan of the dino background from arlo, honestly there should be more like them. The name's quite funny too so that stood out, at first I thought this was where she worked or smth. Though I suppose being an archeologist/paleontogist that still applies. Love that Dustcarve Dig was written into her backstory as well, makes a lotta sense for someone like her!


Next up is Marbre, the living(?) statue! An amazing idea for the ground and fissure genes, especially on an XXY like this. Her colors are perfect, so I do wonder if you specifically bought her for this idea or just got an amazing one after recieving her, whichever way that was. Plus I might be just a little jelaous of the apparel XD


I mean, I'm a gravity falls fan so how can I not include Stanley. How much can one even say about him, It's Stanley!! I love him XD A very fun fandragon and it fits the grunkle just amazingly, no doubt about that!


Looking through your hibden Im in love with Lumiere! Aside from wonderful colors as per usual, and the glowing eyes being perfect for him, I love how powerful and aetherial he looks. Him being planned to be the leader of a research team is also very, very intresting. On the one hand, him being so cool and powerful looking is making sense for him to go and find missing dragons. On the other, maybe he is a flashflight for the rescue team when they go into dark places XD


All in all wonderful lair and hibden and 5 dragons is not enough to pick for all the faves to go into