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TOPIC | [Subspecies]The Amalgamates
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]REGISTRATION THREAD:[/b][center][b][url=]HERE[/url][/b][/center] [/center] [center][b]WE HAVE A DISCORD. JOIN THE AMALGAMATION:[/b] [url][/url] [/center] [center][b][size=5]GENERAL INFO:[/size][/b][/center] [center][center][b][size=4]WHAT IS THEIR ORIGIN STORY?[/size][/b] [/center] [center][font=optima]The history of the amalgamation begins a long time ago. Once, there was a benevolent god named Tox, who... despite being elusive and disinterested in mortal affairs... wanted to create a solution to the growing threat of plagues and illnesses. With this goal in mind, he took an abandoned egg in order to transform it into what he called “the ultimate panacea”. He hoped that the hatchling that would emerge from it would be able to help those in need, as well as be able to battle against any subspecies that would disturb the balance of Sornieth. After many years of research and experimentation, it was time for the child to finally hatch. Tox watched the egg with baited breath as a first crack appeared on the smooth surface, and then a second.... a third... A small chip from the egg flew across the table, meaning that the hatchling was finally beginning to crack their way out. Except... out of that small hole came an unearthly sludge, one that, in the god’s lifetime, hasn’t been seen before. He immediately panicked, figuring that this had ultimately failed and that the hatchling had died, turning into a blob of muck due to his experiments and efforts. But that wasn’t the case, for as the last remaining bit of slime oozed out of the tiny section, it began to mutate into the form of a hatchling. Spores were latched onto the wings of this creature, and many eyes and mouths plagued the body of this unholy creation. When it yawned, Tox began to back away... this was the exact opposite of what he had in mind. This wasn’t going to help. This was just going to make things worst. Sure enough, when the hatchling sneezed, the spores attached to its wings dislodged and began to float out the window... and this was how the first amalgamates were created.[/font][/center] [center][b][size=4]HOW ARE AMALGAMATES CREATED?[/size][/b] [/center] [font=optima]There are one in two ways. The first way is that, when spores are released from another amalgamate's wings, they land on the ground. A few hours later, fully grown mushrooms will appear near where the spore was, and will seem pretty normal. Except it isn't. This is actually a trap, and the mushrooms have actually caved the ground below, making it into a soupy mess of gunk. Once a dragon makes contact with it, they will be sucked into the ground, before slowly beginning to melt. After they have become a complete puddle of muck, they will reform into Amalgamates, usually similar to how a zombie climbs out of the ground, but in a more... slimy fashion. The other way is that a spore latches onto a dragon. That spore will meld into the dragon's skin, before sending chemicals into the inners of them, melting them from the inside out. This is a slower and more tragic process than the first option. Eventually, that dragon will become an amalgamate. Unlike the first option, dragons who go through this DO retain their memories... which, in all honesty, can be really sad.[/font] [center][b][size=4]BEHAVIOR[/size][/b][/center] [font=optima]Amalgamates tend to act pretty aggressively, and are extremely mobile when chasing after prey (anything that moves, basically), which they surround and dissolve using their muck-like body. Not all are aggressive, and they seem to be really intelligent, enough so to communicate with voices that sound like a mix between hissing and bubbling, although what they say is often pretty cryptic. Unlike what many would normally think, they are not apart of a hivemind, and actually are lone wolves who tend to keep to themselves. Since amalgamates usually have more than one dragon that makes up their bodies, they tend to be extremely large... the more dragons, the larger they will be. Some amalgamates will absorb more dragons so that they'd become part of the amalgamate, which is possible do to their bodily compounds. Some do this out of hunger, or for power... maybe even both. You could say that each amalgamate is its own hivemind, and that's why there's the common misconception that all amalgamates are all apart of the same hivemind. However, only dragons become part of the "hivemind" of the amalgamate, due to... well... dragons being part of the same genus. They tend to have multiple eyes and mouths, as well. It's various on where those features are placed. Amalgamates also glow, and their glows can soften or intensify depending on what is going on with them currently. [/font] [center][b][size=4]FEATURES[/size][/b][/center] [font=optima]They can squeeze through any space, and are generally really fast, since they can become any form they wish to be. They can also absorb radioactivity, causing some strange things to happen. They can control their solidness, yet some don't pay attention and can absorb somethings by accident... such as their own apparel. They have a skeleton that is like hardened cartilage, so “ghost amalgamates" are pretty much see through. However, they can manipulate this skeleton like the rest of their body. Minds can also split off from an amalgamation if they are unstable enough, creating a whole entire new amalgamation. More stable amalgamations can split and reform on will for multiple purposes. Their multiple mouths and eyes can transform into the other at any moment, and the reason they have mouths is for fear factor, and for speech.[/font] [center][b][size=4]FLUFFY AMALGAMATES[/size][/b][/center] [center][font=optima]There can be fluffy amalgamates. Similar to a sea bunny, they are actually covered in sensory organs or tiny rods that are fluffy and soft to the touch. These are very sensitive and can sense the slightest change in something. When these amalgamates snuggle you... they REALLY like you. They also have extremely long antennas that are very flowy, and they can have more than one pair. As for their tail, it’s also very long and fluffy, and if they have more than one, it can be similar to that of a kitsune. They are empaths, and can sense the emotions of others and also give others a certain emotion. They are also usually friendlier than average amalgamates.[/font][/center] [center][font=optima]Socially wise, fluff amalgs are EXTREMELY sociable, and absolutely love to chat and be friends with others. There are theories that some amalgamates are developing to be fluffy and likable so that they could be accepted more into draconic society, and so that more amalgamates could be created, for fluffy amalgamates' tendency to snuggle sometimes causes spores to latch onto their loved ones and friends if they aren't careful. Dragons also tend to hug them, which they can be a bit sensitive about, but if they like the dragon or know that the dragon just tends to do it out of affection... they tend to actually like it.[/font][/center] [center][b][size=4]SANITIZED AMALGAMATES[/size][/b][/center] [font=optima]These dragons were brought to a lab, where they purposely were inflicted with special spores that made them mindless and act very similar to robots that need something to control them. In fact... dragons are killed, and then their remains are turned into an icky sludge, where these horrific amalgamates are born. There have been cases where these amalgamates have turned against their creator, due to magic or something else giving them sentience... and they end up some of the deadliest Amalgamates in the world, for they become the new consciousness of whatever other sanitized amalgamates their creator had made.[/font] [center][b][size=4]BREEDING:[/size][/b][/center] [font=optima]When it comes to breeding, they are only able to breed amongst themselves. However, some amalgamates are trying to find ways to breed with normal dragons, as strange as this may seem.[/font] [center][b][size=4]ROYALS:[/size][/b][/center] [font=optima]Royals are powerful versions of this subspecies... they are some of the most ancient, and they completely understand how to use their abilities. Royals have the ability to control other amalgamates, but they can't control other royals. The queen, Rosa, can control any amalgamate... even if they are royals, for she was the original one. Royals are created after years of stabling oneself even with multiple minds, or simply devouring enough things to become stronger with a single mind.[/font] [center][b][size=4]WEAKNESSES[/size][/b][/center] [font=optima]If amalgamations avoid eating for too long, they become feral... and the only way to become sane again is to devour something. To avoid growing, they can throw up some sort of gunk on the ground after eating, which grows into a mushroom trap. They are generally immortal, but can only be killed with water magic or extreme heat (unless they are royals, then they are truly immortal, but both still hurt them unless they have evolved otherwise) Thus, some tend to angst over their immortality... which explains why they don't like getting attached to anyone or anything. [/font] [center][b][size=4]CLAN REACTIONS[/size][/b][/center] [font=optima]If a clan were to see an amalgamation, they would most likely become horrified. Amalgamations are relatively new, so many don't even know that they exist.[/font] [center][b][size=4]RISE OF THE ANCIENTS[/size][/b][/center] [center]What... what is this. I saw a shade touched royal amalgamate... dead... flat out dead. I thought they couldn't die. Nearby, I saw a gailor eyeing me suspiciously. They had what appeared to be the same substance as what the amalgamate had dripping from their talons. Despite myself, and realization slowly dawning on me, I slowly began to speak. "Are... Did... Did you kill him?" "Yes." Was all the gailor had said, blinking slowly at me. As an amalgamate myself, I could only approach this situation with a feeling of shock and absolute dread. "But... Why...?" "They were shade-touched. What started as a simple attempt to imprison them transformed into a full-on battle. I had no choice but to kill them." Upon hearing those words, my non-existent heart froze. Nothing can be truly immortal. Something can be killed, one way or another. And, in our case, it was the ancients.[/center] [center][b][size=4]AMALGALINGS[/size][/b][/center] [font=optima]Baby amalgamates are called "Amalgalings". When spores attach to eggs, strange things tend to happen... especially regarding the environment around the amalgamating egg. For example, if the area around them happens to be frigid... expect an icy amalgamation to be born, the type of icy depending, once again, on the surroundings. If an egg with a spore gets lodged into a radioactive environment... expect a radioactive Amalgaling to run around. A spore, when attached to a dragon's or egg's body for long enough, is able to handle even the most extreme conditions... which is how the above environmental factors can happen.[/font] [center][b][size=4]ABILITIES[/size][/b][/center] [b][size=3]TELEPATHY:[/size][/b] [font=optima]Amalgamates have the ability to communicate telepathically, which is sometimes a preference... as it is much clearer than if they used their actual hissing, bubbling voice. [/font] [b][size=3]STICKING FLUID[/size][/b]: [font=optima]They as well have a sticky fluid they can cover themselves in any time; which allows them to latch onto ceilings and walls, letting them walk on them as if they were only on the ground. They can also shoot out gooey "strings" and swing from things similar to Spiderman. [/font] [b][size=3]BUBBLES:[/size][/b][font=optima]They can blow bubbles out of their body, and they sometimes use this to entertain hatchlings. They also can surround themselves in a very counteractive bubble as a shield (that can bound back magic instead of the amalgamate absorbing it, because too much magic at once can make an amalg sick). They may also use this ability to trap prey, Because some of the bubbles they make are filled with sticky fluid incredibly large. It may seem like a harmless bubble at first, and then...POP... and now you are stuck in a sticky substance. Bubbles can surround prey, and the amalgs can control them telekinetically, so they sometimes port prey around using them. They can control if their bubbles have a sticky substance or not. When it comes to younger amalgamates, Some Amalgalings sometimes trap themselves in their own bubbles. They don't float very far, but it's cute and amusing to watch. They can as well as accidentally blow out bubbles from their mouths while they speak.[/font] [b][size=3]AMALGAMATE ARTS:[/size][/b] [font=optima]Different Amalgamates are able to take advantage of their abilities and powers in many different ways... because there are so many possibilities. For example, an amalgamate can perhaps transform their limbs into different weapons, or they may become a spiderman (abilities wise, you get what I'm saying). There are so many ways they can develop their own skills with experimentation and practice, so feel free to get creative! [/font] [/center] [center][b][size=4]EYE LORE[/size][/b][/center] [columns][center][font=optima][b]COMMON - RARE:[/b] These amalgamations have an easier time hiding their features that usually set them apart from average dragons. As amalgamates can make themselves solid, you won't know that these dragons are even monsters until it is too late... or they somehow slip up their disguise, perhaps even telling you the truth. [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][font=optima][b]FACETED:[/b] These amalgamations are an odd case. They are said to be blessed by Rosa herself, for she has faceted eyes... others say that they are cursed, forced to have the eyes of DRONES for all of eternity. When it comes to how they behave, these are the amalgamates that have the easiest time hijacking into DRONE hives, and so they normally are the reason for an entire HIVE's disappearance. They also have the best eyesight of all of the amalgamations.[/font] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][font=optima][b]MULTI-GAZE:[/b]These amalgamations have some of their extra eyes revealed, for one of two reasons. One could be that they are physically unstable and have a difficult time trying to appear like a normal dragon. The other reason is that they genuinely don't care about appearing "average", and just let their amalgamate traits shine through.[/font][nextcol] [img][/img][/columns] [columns][font=optima][b]PRIMAL:[/b] These amalgamations are some of the most deadly. Finely in tune with their element, they could perfectly implement that magic into their amalgamation arts. Plague primal is especially coveted amongst the most power hungry of amalgamates, as it allows them to become almost one with the very thing that made them who they are in the first place...[/font] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][font=optima][b]GLOWING:[/b] These amalgamations are usually more in-tune with the minds inside of their head. They are more likely to refer to themselves as "multiple beings in one body", rather than just being a single consciousness with a few voices bickering with one another. They are generally the oldest, and wisest, and are often approached by scholarly dragons for knowledge and advice. They are very valuable historians.[/font] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [columns][font=optima][b]BLACK SCLERA:[/b] These amalgamations are confused for being shade-touched, although that isn't the case. Rather, they are just nocturnal and prefer to hunt at night. They are great stealth hunters, prefering to live in the tangled wood.[/font] [nextcol][img][/img][/font][/center][/columns]
The history of the amalgamation begins a long time ago.
Once, there was a benevolent god named Tox, who... despite being elusive and disinterested in mortal affairs... wanted to create a solution to the growing threat of plagues and illnesses.
With this goal in mind, he took an abandoned egg in order to transform it into what he called “the ultimate panacea”. He hoped that the hatchling that would emerge from it would be able to help those in need, as well as be able to battle against any subspecies that would disturb the balance of Sornieth.
After many years of research and experimentation, it was time for the child to finally hatch. Tox watched the egg with baited breath as a first crack appeared on the smooth surface, and then a second.... a third...
A small chip from the egg flew across the table, meaning that the hatchling was finally beginning to crack their way out.
out of that small hole came an unearthly sludge, one that, in the god’s lifetime, hasn’t been seen before. He immediately panicked, figuring that this had ultimately failed and that the hatchling had died, turning into a blob of muck due to his experiments and efforts.
But that wasn’t the case, for as the last remaining bit of slime oozed out of the tiny section, it began to mutate into the form of a hatchling. Spores were latched onto the wings of this creature, and many eyes and mouths plagued the body of this unholy creation.
When it yawned, Tox began to back away... this was the exact opposite of what he had in mind. This wasn’t going to help.
This was just going to make things worst.
Sure enough, when the hatchling sneezed, the spores attached to its wings dislodged and began to float out the window...
and this was how the first amalgamates were created.
There are one in two ways.
The first way is that, when spores are released from another amalgamate's wings, they land on the ground. A few hours later, fully grown mushrooms will appear near where the spore was, and will seem pretty normal.
Except it isn't.
This is actually a trap, and the mushrooms have actually caved the ground below, making it into a soupy mess of gunk. Once a dragon makes contact with it, they will be sucked into the ground, before slowly beginning to melt. After they have become a complete puddle of muck, they will reform into Amalgamates, usually similar to how a zombie climbs out of the ground, but in a more... slimy fashion.
The other way is that a spore latches onto a dragon. That spore will meld into the dragon's skin, before sending chemicals into the inners of them, melting them from the inside out. This is a slower and more tragic process than the first option. Eventually, that dragon will become an amalgamate. Unlike the first option, dragons who go through this DO retain their memories... which, in all honesty, can be really sad.

Amalgamates tend to act pretty aggressively, and are extremely mobile when chasing after prey (anything that moves, basically), which they surround and dissolve using their muck-like body. Not all are aggressive, and they seem to be really intelligent, enough so to communicate with voices that sound like a mix between hissing and bubbling, although what they say is often pretty cryptic.
Unlike what many would normally think, they are not apart of a hivemind, and actually are lone wolves who tend to keep to themselves.
Since amalgamates usually have more than one dragon that makes up their bodies, they tend to be extremely large... the more dragons, the larger they will be. Some amalgamates will absorb more dragons so that they'd become part of the amalgamate, which is possible do to their bodily compounds. Some do this out of hunger, or for power... maybe even both. You could say that each amalgamate is its own hivemind, and that's why there's the common misconception that all amalgamates are all apart of the same hivemind. However, only dragons become part of the "hivemind" of the amalgamate, due to... well... dragons being part of the same genus. They tend to have multiple eyes and mouths, as well. It's various on where those features are placed.
Amalgamates also glow, and their glows can soften or intensify depending on what is going on with them currently.

They can squeeze through any space, and are generally really fast, since they can become any form they wish to be. They can also absorb radioactivity, causing some strange things to happen.
They can control their solidness, yet some don't pay attention and can absorb somethings by accident... such as their own apparel.
They have a skeleton that is like hardened cartilage, so “ghost amalgamates" are pretty much see through. However, they can manipulate this skeleton like the rest of their body. Minds can also split off from an amalgamation if they are unstable enough, creating a whole entire new amalgamation. More stable amalgamations can split and reform on will for multiple purposes. Their multiple mouths and eyes can transform into the other at any moment, and the reason they have mouths is for fear factor, and for speech.

There can be fluffy amalgamates. Similar to a sea bunny, they are actually covered in sensory organs or tiny rods that are fluffy and soft to the touch. These are very sensitive and can sense the slightest change in something. When these amalgamates snuggle you... they REALLY like you.
They also have extremely long antennas that are very flowy, and they can have more than one pair. As for their tail, it’s also very long and fluffy, and if they have more than one, it can be similar to that of a kitsune. They are empaths, and can sense the emotions of others and also give others a certain emotion.
They are also usually friendlier than average amalgamates.
Socially wise, fluff amalgs are EXTREMELY sociable, and absolutely love to chat and be friends with others. There are theories that some amalgamates are developing to be fluffy and likable so that they could be accepted more into draconic society, and so that more amalgamates could be created, for fluffy amalgamates' tendency to snuggle sometimes causes spores to latch onto their loved ones and friends if they aren't careful. Dragons also tend to hug them, which they can be a bit sensitive about, but if they like the dragon or know that the dragon just tends to do it out of affection... they tend to actually like it.
These dragons were brought to a lab, where they purposely were inflicted with special spores that made them mindless and act very similar to robots that need something to control them.
In fact... dragons are killed, and then their remains are turned into an icky sludge, where these horrific amalgamates are born.
There have been cases where these amalgamates have turned against their creator, due to magic or something else giving them sentience... and they end up some of the deadliest Amalgamates in the world, for they become the new consciousness of whatever other sanitized amalgamates their creator had made.

When it comes to breeding, they are only able to breed amongst themselves. However, some amalgamates are trying to find ways to breed with normal dragons, as strange as this may seem.
Royals are powerful versions of this subspecies... they are some of the most ancient, and they completely understand how to use their abilities. Royals have the ability to control other amalgamates, but they can't control other royals. The queen, Rosa, can control any amalgamate... even if they are royals, for she was the original one. Royals are created after years of stabling oneself even with multiple minds, or simply devouring enough things to become stronger with a single mind.
If amalgamations avoid eating for too long, they become feral... and the only way to become sane again is to devour something. To avoid growing, they can throw up some sort of gunk on the ground after eating, which grows into a mushroom trap.
They are generally immortal, but can only be killed with water magic or extreme heat (unless they are royals, then they are truly immortal, but both still hurt them unless they have evolved otherwise) Thus, some tend to angst over their immortality... which explains why they don't like getting attached to anyone or anything.

If a clan were to see an amalgamation, they would most likely become horrified. Amalgamations are relatively new, so many don't even know that they exist.
What... what is this.
I saw a shade touched royal amalgamate... dead... flat out dead.
I thought they couldn't die.
Nearby, I saw a gailor eyeing me suspiciously. They had what appeared to be the same substance as what the amalgamate had dripping from their talons.
Despite myself, and realization slowly dawning on me, I slowly began to speak.
"Are... Did... Did you kill him?"
"Yes." Was all the gailor had said, blinking slowly at me. As an amalgamate myself, I could only approach this situation with a feeling of shock and absolute dread.
"But... Why...?"
"They were shade-touched. What started as a simple attempt to imprison them transformed into a full-on battle. I had no choice but to kill them."
Upon hearing those words, my non-existent heart froze.
Nothing can be truly immortal.
Something can be killed, one way or another.
And, in our case, it was the ancients.
Baby amalgamates are called "Amalgalings".
When spores attach to eggs, strange things tend to happen... especially regarding the environment around the amalgamating egg. For example, if the area around them happens to be frigid... expect an icy amalgamation to be born, the type of icy depending, once again, on the surroundings. If an egg with a spore gets lodged into a radioactive environment... expect a radioactive Amalgaling to run around.
A spore, when attached to a dragon's or egg's body for long enough, is able to handle even the most extreme conditions... which is how the above environmental factors can happen.

TELEPATHY: Amalgamates have the ability to communicate telepathically, which is sometimes a preference... as it is much clearer than if they used their actual hissing, bubbling voice.
STICKING FLUID: They as well have a sticky fluid they can cover themselves in any time; which allows them to latch onto ceilings and walls, letting them walk on them as if they were only on the ground. They can also shoot out gooey "strings" and swing from things similar to Spiderman.
BUBBLES:They can blow bubbles out of their body, and they sometimes use this to entertain hatchlings. They also can surround themselves in a very counteractive bubble as a shield (that can bound back magic instead of the amalgamate absorbing it, because too much magic at once can make an amalg sick). They may also use this ability to trap prey, Because some of the bubbles they make are filled with sticky fluid incredibly large. It may seem like a harmless bubble at first, and then...POP... and now you are stuck in a sticky substance. Bubbles can surround prey, and the amalgs can control them telekinetically, so they sometimes port prey around using them. They can control if their bubbles have a sticky substance or not. When it comes to younger amalgamates, Some Amalgalings sometimes trap themselves in their own bubbles. They don't float very far, but it's cute and amusing to watch. They can as well as accidentally blow out bubbles from their mouths while they speak.
AMALGAMATE ARTS: Different Amalgamates are able to take advantage of their abilities and powers in many different ways... because there are so many possibilities. For example, an amalgamate can perhaps transform their limbs into different weapons, or they may become a spiderman (abilities wise, you get what I'm saying). There are so many ways they can develop their own skills with experimentation and practice, so feel free to get creative!
COMMON - RARE: These amalgamations have an easier time hiding their features that usually set them apart from average dragons. As amalgamates can make themselves solid, you won't know that these dragons are even monsters until it is too late... or they somehow slip up their disguise, perhaps even telling you the truth.
FACETED: These amalgamations are an odd case. They are said to be blessed by Rosa herself, for she has faceted eyes... others say that they are cursed, forced to have the eyes of DRONES for all of eternity.
When it comes to how they behave, these are the amalgamates that have the easiest time hijacking into DRONE hives, and so they normally are the reason for an entire HIVE's disappearance. They also have the best eyesight of all of the amalgamations.
MULTI-GAZE:These amalgamations have some of their extra eyes revealed, for one of two reasons. One could be that they are physically unstable and have a difficult time trying to appear like a normal dragon. The other reason is that they genuinely don't care about appearing "average", and just let their amalgamate traits shine through. dragon?age=0&body=4&bodygene=11&breed=7&element=2&eyetype=5&gender=0&tert=86&tertgene=18&winggene=12&wings=4&auth=b0edb33119b3e89d57d8b83c2994d95e3a13724e&dummyext=prev.png
PRIMAL: These amalgamations are some of the most deadly. Finely in tune with their element, they could perfectly implement that magic into their amalgamation arts. Plague primal is especially coveted amongst the most power hungry of amalgamates, as it allows them to become almost one with the very thing that made them who they are in the first place... dragon?age=0&body=4&bodygene=11&breed=7&element=2&eyetype=6&gender=0&tert=86&tertgene=18&winggene=12&wings=4&auth=f0d927674ed465148ca9b4100b0101e9f30b4a18&dummyext=prev.png
GLOWING: These amalgamations are usually more in-tune with the minds inside of their head. They are more likely to refer to themselves as "multiple beings in one body", rather than just being a single consciousness with a few voices bickering with one another. They are generally the oldest, and wisest, and are often approached by scholarly dragons for knowledge and advice. They are very valuable historians. dragon?age=0&body=4&bodygene=11&breed=7&element=2&eyetype=7&gender=0&tert=86&tertgene=18&winggene=12&wings=4&auth=a25333444781eb4fbcec973fa88d3f317d3643b1&dummyext=prev.png
BLACK SCLERA: These amalgamations are confused for being shade-touched, although that isn't the case. Rather, they are just nocturnal and prefer to hunt at night. They are great stealth hunters, prefering to live in the tangled wood. dragon?age=0&body=4&bodygene=11&breed=7&element=2&eyetype=8&gender=0&tert=86&tertgene=18&winggene=12&wings=4&auth=bdfff5e19501b53ec37a456512fb724e867a1605&dummyext=prev.png
looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!
[center][b][size=5]RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER SUBSPECIES:[/size][/b] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=] [center][b]Drones/The Hivemind[/b]:They hunt them, and tend to not want a cure for the DRONES... for many reasons. If one would happen across the other, the amalgamate wouldn't be able to be assimilated, because their body would just absorb the liquid and null it, essentially, but drones can become amalgamates. Amalgamated DRONES are usually eliminated. However, if a drone got sucked in into an amalgamate, that drone's connection to the hive would be eliminated. The amalgamate would just see the drone as "a freebie without having to worry about an extra mind". Thus, Amalgamates are extremely dangerous to drones. You could say that they are a major predator to them. Some have even developed evolutionary tactics to hijack a hive to lure drones to them. When it comes to "irregularities", the semi-sentient drone wouldn't become a mind. The consciousness, however, would... and that consciousness would completely change in the amalgamate. It's almost like a prize for amalgamates, because they can attract multitudes of drones to themselves. A defective would become another mind, and hijacker would have the same case as a consciousness, except less powerful. Sometimes, a hive of drones will surround an amalgamate in order to trap it in building fluid, which allows them enough time to flee. This is a very rare occurence. However... since amalgamates can squeeze through anything, the ground can cave beneath them because of their acidic fluid, which then they could squeeze underneath and escape. Some drones will stay behind to ensure that they don't escape, usually by piling on the building fluid... but that ends up not working, as Amalgamates can escape swiftly and devour them on the spot. Thus, it's usually a good idea to flee... There are many cases where subspecies either get effected by a spore, or by an amalgamation trap... which, in many cases, results in cases of which we call "Hybrids". For example, DRONES gain free will upon falling into a trap or being affected by a spore. These we call Amalgdronemates, and they are more insectoid in appearance unlike other amalgamations are. If a DRONE falls into a trap, it acts like a reset for them... they don't remember their former life as part of the hivemind, and their drone instincts are replaced by the more dragon-like amalgamation instincts. Spore amalgamations are a much sadder story, for they slowly begin to become insane as everything starts to conflict into one another, and are usually thought to be extremely dangerous due to their erratic, unpredictable nature. [/center] [img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]PRIONS:[/b] Royals have a rivalry with Encephs. The reason for this is that encephs are jealous of royals for having control over near-immortal creatures, while encephs are stuck with frail dragons that can barely even fight. Royals return this rivalry in an amused, pitied manner. They never take them seriously. On the other claw, thios are known to be close allies to amalgamates, mostly stemming from the strange dragons wanting to fight against the threat of prions. Thus, thios will attempt to befriend amalgamates in hopes that they could keep encephs at bay. In some cases, amalgamations will purposely join in the fight against the prions due to the close relationship they have with these creatures. Some thios will affect themselves with a spore to turn themselves into an amalgamation, while the more morally ambiguous ones may try to create sanitized amalgamations as a weapon against the encephs (which usually ends up getting out of control). [url=][img][/img][/url] The dark circle (to be written!)[/center] [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]The Sickly:[/b]Darker amalgamates that toy with dark magic have a fierce rivalry with The Sickly. Magical duels are extremely common between the two subs, and it often ends up with the loser dying to one of their inevitable weaknesses. In some cases, amalgamates devour the sickly, or the sickly drowns the amalgamate in water. It depends on who had lost. These battles are not filled with honor, and they often throw tricks at each other as an excuse to be able to gather another soul for their dark use. Stay away from these duels if you ever see one. Both will turn on you, as they are currently enthralled by their dark magic.[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Jewelry Box Fae[/b]:amalgamates absolutely adore Jewelry box fae, to the point where the amalgaqueen, Rosa, has one herself. This includes someone who might be related to her... Since Amalgs are lonely creatures, having any sort of companionship is extremely coveted by them. Thus, the ageless, jewelry born jewelry box fae are the perfect companions for our lovable (or not lovable) slime balls. Very much with how irl people treat their pets, they spoil and cherish their fae friend. Often, if you see an amalgamate who owns a jewelry box fae, they let them perch on their head in a way that almost looks like a crown. Whenever they need someone to talk to, the fae is their number one choice. Just owning one is therapedic to an amalgamate, and the amalgamate will also defend the fae, so it’s a symbiotic relationship.[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Homunculi[/b]: To be written!! However, Homunculi will be preyed upon by amalgamates for magical energy. Especially coveted by the being related to Rosa.[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Toxikoi[/b]: to be worked on![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Luminous Reapers:[/b] to be worked on![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Blood Moon Dancers:[/b] to be worked on![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Elves:[/b] to be written![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]Blooming Grove Sickness: [/b] to be written![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][b]FL/GHT:[/b][/center] [center]To be worked on![/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] To be worked on!

Drones/The Hivemind:They hunt them, and tend to not want a cure for the DRONES... for many reasons. If one would happen across the other, the amalgamate wouldn't be able to be assimilated, because their body would just absorb the liquid and null it, essentially, but drones can become amalgamates. Amalgamated DRONES are usually eliminated. However, if a drone got sucked in into an amalgamate, that drone's connection to the hive would be eliminated. The amalgamate would just see the drone as "a freebie without having to worry about an extra mind". Thus, Amalgamates are extremely dangerous to drones. You could say that they are a major predator to them. Some have even developed evolutionary tactics to hijack a hive to lure drones to them.
When it comes to "irregularities", the semi-sentient drone wouldn't become a mind. The consciousness, however, would... and that consciousness would completely change in the amalgamate. It's almost like a prize for amalgamates, because they can attract multitudes of drones to themselves. A defective would become another mind, and hijacker would have the same case as a consciousness, except less powerful. Sometimes, a hive of drones will surround an amalgamate in order to trap it in building fluid, which allows them enough time to flee. This is a very rare occurence. However... since amalgamates can squeeze through anything, the ground can cave beneath them because of their acidic fluid, which then they could squeeze underneath and escape. Some drones will stay behind to ensure that they don't escape, usually by piling on the building fluid... but that ends up not working, as Amalgamates can escape swiftly and devour them on the spot. Thus, it's usually a good idea to flee...
There are many cases where subspecies either get effected by a spore, or by an amalgamation trap... which, in many cases, results in cases of which we call "Hybrids". For example, DRONES gain free will upon falling into a trap or being affected by a spore. These we call Amalgdronemates, and they are more insectoid in appearance unlike other amalgamations are. If a DRONE falls into a trap, it acts like a reset for them... they don't remember their former life as part of the hivemind, and their drone instincts are replaced by the more dragon-like amalgamation instincts. Spore amalgamations are a much sadder story, for they slowly begin to become insane as everything starts to conflict into one another, and are usually thought to be extremely dangerous due to their erratic, unpredictable nature.
PRIONS: Royals have a rivalry with Encephs. The reason for this is that encephs are jealous of royals for having control over near-immortal creatures, while encephs are stuck with frail dragons that can barely even fight. Royals return this rivalry in an amused, pitied manner. They never take them seriously.
On the other claw, thios are known to be close allies to amalgamates, mostly stemming from the strange dragons wanting to fight against the threat of prions. Thus, thios will attempt to befriend amalgamates in hopes that they could keep encephs at bay. In some cases, amalgamations will purposely join in the fight against the prions due to the close relationship they have with these creatures.
Some thios will affect themselves with a spore to turn themselves into an amalgamation, while the more morally ambiguous ones may try to create sanitized amalgamations as a weapon against the encephs (which usually ends up getting out of control).
The dark circle (to be written!)
The Sickly:Darker amalgamates that toy with dark magic have a fierce rivalry with The Sickly. Magical duels are extremely common between the two subs, and it often ends up with the loser dying to one of their inevitable weaknesses. In some cases, amalgamates devour the sickly, or the sickly drowns the amalgamate in water. It depends on who had lost. These battles are not filled with honor, and they often throw tricks at each other as an excuse to be able to gather another soul for their dark use. Stay away from these duels if you ever see one. Both will turn on you, as they are currently enthralled by their dark magic.
Jewelry Box Fae:amalgamates absolutely adore Jewelry box fae, to the point where the amalgaqueen, Rosa, has one herself. This includes someone who might be related to her...
Since Amalgs are lonely creatures, having any sort of companionship is extremely coveted by them. Thus, the ageless, jewelry born jewelry box fae are the perfect companions for our lovable (or not lovable) slime balls.
Very much with how irl people treat their pets, they spoil and cherish their fae friend. Often, if you see an amalgamate who owns a jewelry box fae, they let them perch on their head in a way that almost looks like a crown. Whenever they need someone to talk to, the fae is their number one choice. Just owning one is therapedic to an amalgamate, and the amalgamate will also defend the fae, so it’s a symbiotic relationship.
Homunculi: To be written!! However, Homunculi will be preyed upon by amalgamates for magical energy. Especially coveted by the being related to Rosa.
Toxikoi: to be worked on!
Luminous Reapers: to be worked on!
Blood Moon Dancers: to be worked on!
Elves: to be written!
Blooming Grove Sickness:
to be written!
To be worked on!
To be worked on!
looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!
[center][b][size=5]GENE REQUIREMENTS:[/size][/b][/center] [center][b]italics mean royals only![/b] [size=4]PRIMARY: iridescent, metallic, python, jupiter, poison, pinstripe, lionfish, leopard, slime, [i]skink[/i] SECONDARY:shimmer, alloy, morph, saturn, toxin, trail, noxtide, clouded, sludge [i]spinner[/i] TERTIARY:capsule, smirch, crackle, ghost, stained, peacock[/size][/center] [center]Any colors acceptable Must be either XXY, XYX, XYY, or all the same color, or at least close enough to an XXY, XYX, or XYY[/center] [center]Eye preferences: Multigaze or Plague primal, but any are acceptable[/center] [center][b][size=5]EXAMPLES:[/size] [/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=3]ROYAL EXAMPLE:[/size][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]VARIANTS[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=4][i]AMALGEMATES[/i][/size][/center] [center][size=4]PRIMARY: Metallic, Crystal, Poison, pinstripe, lionfish, skink SECONDARY: Alloy, facet, Toxin, trail, noxtide, spinner TERTIARY: Gembond, Opal, Filigree [/size][/center] [center]Sometimes, instead of dragons, magical gems get affected (which are said to have come from outer space), turning them into amalgamates that strangely act just like a dragon, if they were turned into an amalgamation... but there are plenty of differences, as well. how this happens is unknown, but this has just been discovered recently. These new variants, it seems, are made from the spirits of universal beings sealed within the proximities of these gemstones (gems appear to be the easiest to seal specters in, although that is just a theory). When a gemstone that falls into Sornieth’s orbit lands in a pile of Amalgamation fungi, the ground doesn’t cave in. Rather, the mushrooms explode into a pool of muck and completely surround it, before eventually forming into a body reminiscent of a dragon, the gemstone now placed on a certain point of the body. This is the only way that this could happen... spores could not possibly be able to transform these strange gemstones into amalgamates. We have decided to call these phenomenons “Almalgemates”. Crazy Lace, who we had witnessed the transformation happen to beforehand, is the very first documented Amalgemate. It also seems that all Amalgemates start out as hatchlings, and don’t remember a thing about their past life (if they even had one at all).[/center] [center][b][size=4]EXAMPLES:[/size][/b] [/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center][size=4][i]LEGENDARY AMALGAMATES[/i][/size][/center] [center][size=4]PRIMARY: Metallic, Poison, Skink, Iridescent, Python, Jupiter, pinstripe, lionfish, leopard, slime SECONDARY: Alloy, Toxin, Spinner, Shimmer, Morph, Saturn, trail, noxtide, clouded, sludge TERTIARY: Runes[/size][/center] [center]Something remarkable just happened today... while walking through some ancient ruins, I came across a wall whose runes appeared to be... moving. It was so odd, I just had to approach the scene and investigate. When I got close, they suddenly stopped, which made me even more puzzled. I decided to pause for a moment and read what the runes said, and I came to realize it was the name of a storybook character... "Kerberos, the god slayer." I don't know much about the stories, but it was about a skydancer who... well... slayed gods. She had come from many realms, a demon, triumphant, but was eventually put to rest by an unnamed hero. Upon realizing this, I began to wonder why such a word was moving. It wasn't enchanted, was it? No, it couldn't be. Who would enchant a mere story? I was proven quite wrong when, as the next moment came, a brown blob burst out of the wall, the lettering that had been moving earlier plastered onto its sides. I scrambled backwards, trying to process the current situation at hand, before witnessing its transformation into what appeared to be an amalgamation. I was brought back, and extremely shocked. I looked at her for a while, and she looked at me. When I questioned what had happened, she sneered, and told me she was "Kerberos", and she will continue on her inevitable slaying of the gods. Needless to say, she has sort of adopted me as her "servant." But that part isn't really important. What IS important is that I found a new variant of Amalgamation! After studying Kerberus (who was very resistive about it), I figured out what had just been going on. A spore had lodged itself into magical runes, before absorbing the magic inscribed within the lettering and using it to gain form. Eventually, that transforms into an amalgamation with runes glowing on their sides, telling the story of hence they came. Kerberos is an example of this. When born, she assumed that she was the actual character, although I'm slowly beginning to make her realize that she is a completely different individual (and that she should NOT try to slay the gods. Really. Please don't). I'm assuming that other amalgamates born this way will be the exact same way, thinking that they are the character from the storybook, going as far as having the same personality. After thinking of a name, I finally came up with one: "Legendary Amalgamates", based off of the fact they are essentially a character made... somewhat reality from a legend.[/center] [center][b][size=4]EXAMPLES:[/size][/b] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][i]AMALGAM INTELLIGENCES[/i][/size][/center] [center][size=4]PRIMARY: Metallic, Poison, Skink, Python, Iridescent, Jupiter, pinstripe, lionfish, leopard, slime SECONDARY: Alloy, Toxin, Spinner, Morph, Shimmer, Saturn, trail, noxtide, clouded, sludge TERTIARY: Circuit[/size][/center] [center]I... I can't believe it! I hadn't expected my personally made computer to become an amalgamate! I must have let the jar holding some spores open... oh, dear me, I did. How clumsy could I possibly get? Well, now I have a screeching amalgaling in my lair that is causing my computers and technology to glitch out. She appears to be upset, and is almost treating me like her father... how do I react to this!? Is she hungry? Scared?! W-well... other than that... I at least know how she came to be. Believe it or not, a spore had latched itself onto my main computer, before acidicly melting it into amalgamation goop, which then reformed into the amalgaling that sits before me now. Her eyes spark of intelligence, and she appears to have wire-like appendages attached in certain places of her body, and the circuit-like pattern she boasts is literally pulsating similar to that an actual computer screen... She kind of scares me. I hope that I can get her under control... for now, I've decided to call her an Amalgam Intelligence, or A.I for short.[/center] [center][b][size=4]EXAMPLES:[/size][/b][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [img][/img] [/center] [center][size=4][i]AMALGAFAES[/i][/size][/center] [center][size=4]PRIMARY: Metallic, Poison, Skink, Iridescent, Python, Jupiter, pinstripe, lionfish, leopard, slime SECONDARY: Alloy, Toxin, Spinner, Shimmer, Morph, Saturn, Bee, Butterfly, trail, noxtide, clouded, sludge TERTIARY: Firefly[/size][/center] A recent breakthrough has been discovered, in where very peculiar mushroom traps have begun to take form. They eerily represent a fairy circle... or a ringlet of fungi, if you may. We aren’t sure if it’s magic or some sort of evolutionary phenomenon, but a voice of a hatchling crying for help comes from the trap. Those who have the heart to head towards its direction are met with their ultimate transformation into an amalgamate... a type of which hasn’t been discovered until now. We are calling these Amalgafaes. Sparks of magic that take the form of fairies and small creatures fly around them at all times, and their wings can sometimes even represent that of a fae’s (the fairy kind), a butterfly/moth’s, or a dragonfly’s. They are much more elegant, rarer, and elusive than their normal counterparts, preferring to hone their magical abilities rather than devouring everything on sight. When they do want to eat, they don’t focus on a victim’s body... They focus on their memories and emotions. Using a special, magical appendage (or multiple of them), they trick the host into following them like a will-o-wisp, before slowly beginning to devour their memories and emotions. They seem relatively emotionless themselves... although this is uncertain of why this is the case. Perhaps it’s an evolutionary tactic, or maybe it’s voluntary. [img][/img] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center][size=4][i]Magimalgs[/i][/size][/center] [center][size=4]PRIMARY: Starmap SECONDARY: Constellation TERTIARY: Any normal amalgamate tertiaries[/size][/center] [center]A new type of amalgamation has been discovered! They are categorized of being completely made of pure magic, with glittery, transparent bodies that has swirls of of combined magical substances constantly flowing around within. This type was accidentally discovered when we managed to stumble into a highly magic active area (which happened to be where some newer mages came to practice their spells), and the uncontrollable stray magic in the air (made by said mages) clumped around an amalgamation spore that happened to be within the proximity of the magical space. We saw this process for ourselves, piquing our curiosity to a great extent. For one thing, these weren't pure elemental magical energies... they are combined energies. These magical amalgalings... which were frolicking around the area... didn't seem to be associated with any element. Could combined elements create new ones? Could we potentially combine elemental magic that already exists? Who knows. These amalgalings could potentially be the answer. In the meantime, we just decided to observe their behavior. Turns out, they don't eat any living things... they only absorb magic from their surroundings, similar to that of a sponge. We tried to cast a minor spell on one of the amalgalings, but it just ended up absorbing the magic (and looked less hungry). One would think they could absorb each other, as for some reason they are made of magical energy, but we think they can only absorb magic that isn't contained within something... such as a slimy body. When presented with a small bundle of shade in a bottle, the amalgalings immediately scattered, seeming to be terrified. As the Shade is known to devour magic and nullify it, this would absolutely make sense. Apparently, if it gets in contact with the shade, these magical amalgamates will most likely disintegrate. They also seem to have the normal weaknesses that amalgamates have... water, extreme heat, and ancients. A trade off for having such strong magical potential. Unlike the amalgafaes, who are also magically inclined, their magic comes naturally rather than from absorbing knowledge and memories of magic. These magical amalgamates seem to be extremely friendly, and are much more sociable than normal amalgamates. We even had a cutie follow us home, I guess that we grew on her. As for fluffy variants... well, it appears that they are honestly just adorable. That's all we can say on that manner. They also seem to be more sensitive to magical energies, and even have the added benefit of being able to sense auras. However, they will have a seizure if the aura they feel is extremely strong.[/center] [center] [center][b][size=4]EXAMPLES:[/size][/b][/center] [img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][i]Ectoplasmalgs[/i][/size][/center] [center][size=4]PRIMARY: Slime, Skink, Poison SECONDARY: Sludge, Toxin TERTIARY: Ghost, Glowtail[/size][/center] [center]As of recent discovery, amalgamations made of souls of the damned and ectoplasm have been reportedly drifting around Sornieth. Nobody knows where they come from... or how undead amalgamates could even exist. Alas, it has been proven to be especially dangerous. Rather than devouring a dragon's whole body, they instead focus on the vital part of our existence... the soul. The drain it similar to how you would a sickly fluid, before leaving the husk behind to magically rot. However, they don't have to be in a body in order to be eaten. Wandering spirits can also suffer a very similar fate, assimilated into the ghostly amalg's consciousness. This has gotten the attention of necromancers and dark mages, who have been attempting to find a way to control these undead monstrosities. This is to no avail. Instead, most end up dead... or even shattered into insanity. The best hope for combating against such threats is through a skilled exorcist or two. Even then, they are so restless, it would be considered difficult. As with all kinds of ghosts, they could phase through walls, possess organic beings and items, and travel through specific spirit gates to arrive at different destinations. [/center] [center] [center][b][size=4]EXAMPLES:[/size][/b][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [/center]
italics mean royals only!
PRIMARY: iridescent, metallic, python, jupiter, poison, pinstripe, lionfish, leopard, slime, skink
SECONDARY:shimmer, alloy, morph, saturn, toxin, trail, noxtide, clouded, sludge spinner
TERTIARY:capsule, smirch, crackle, ghost, stained, peacock
Any colors acceptable
Must be either XXY, XYX, XYY, or all the same color, or at least close enough to an XXY, XYX, or XYY
Eye preferences: Multigaze or Plague primal, but any are acceptable
PRIMARY: Metallic, Crystal, Poison, pinstripe, lionfish, skink
SECONDARY: Alloy, facet, Toxin, trail, noxtide, spinner
TERTIARY: Gembond, Opal, Filigree
Sometimes, instead of dragons, magical gems get affected (which are said to have come from outer space), turning them into amalgamates that strangely act just like a dragon, if they were turned into an amalgamation... but there are plenty of differences, as well. how this happens is unknown, but this has just been discovered recently. These new variants, it seems, are made from the spirits of universal beings sealed within the proximities of these gemstones (gems appear to be the easiest to seal specters in, although that is just a theory).
When a gemstone that falls into Sornieth’s orbit lands in a pile of Amalgamation fungi, the ground doesn’t cave in. Rather, the mushrooms explode into a pool of muck and completely surround it, before eventually forming into a body reminiscent of a dragon, the gemstone now placed on a certain point of the body. This is the only way that this could happen... spores could not possibly be able to transform these strange gemstones into amalgamates. We have decided to call these phenomenons “Almalgemates”. Crazy Lace, who we had witnessed the transformation happen to beforehand, is the very first documented Amalgemate. It also seems that all Amalgemates start out as hatchlings, and don’t remember a thing about their past life (if they even had one at all).
PRIMARY: Metallic, Poison, Skink, Iridescent, Python, Jupiter, pinstripe, lionfish, leopard, slime
SECONDARY: Alloy, Toxin, Spinner, Shimmer, Morph, Saturn, trail, noxtide, clouded, sludge
Something remarkable just happened today... while walking through some ancient ruins, I came across a wall whose runes appeared to be... moving. It was so odd, I just had to approach the scene and investigate. When I got close, they suddenly stopped, which made me even more puzzled. I decided to pause for a moment and read what the runes said, and I came to realize it was the name of a storybook character... "Kerberos, the god slayer." I don't know much about the stories, but it was about a skydancer who... well... slayed gods. She had come from many realms, a demon, triumphant, but was eventually put to rest by an unnamed hero.
Upon realizing this, I began to wonder why such a word was moving. It wasn't enchanted, was it? No, it couldn't be. Who would enchant a mere story?
I was proven quite wrong when, as the next moment came, a brown blob burst out of the wall, the lettering that had been moving earlier plastered onto its sides. I scrambled backwards, trying to process the current situation at hand, before witnessing its transformation into what appeared to be an amalgamation.
I was brought back, and extremely shocked. I looked at her for a while, and she looked at me. When I questioned what had happened, she sneered, and told me she was "Kerberos", and she will continue on her inevitable slaying of the gods.
Needless to say, she has sort of adopted me as her "servant." But that part isn't really important.
What IS important is that I found a new variant of Amalgamation!
After studying Kerberus (who was very resistive about it), I figured out what had just been going on.
A spore had lodged itself into magical runes, before absorbing the magic inscribed within the lettering and using it to gain form. Eventually, that transforms into an amalgamation with runes glowing on their sides, telling the story of hence they came.
Kerberos is an example of this. When born, she assumed that she was the actual character, although I'm slowly beginning to make her realize that she is a completely different individual (and that she should NOT try to slay the gods. Really. Please don't). I'm assuming that other amalgamates born this way will be the exact same way, thinking that they are the character from the storybook, going as far as having the same personality.
After thinking of a name, I finally came up with one: "Legendary Amalgamates", based off of the fact they are essentially a character made... somewhat reality from a legend.
PRIMARY: Metallic, Poison, Skink, Python, Iridescent, Jupiter, pinstripe, lionfish, leopard, slime
SECONDARY: Alloy, Toxin, Spinner, Morph, Shimmer, Saturn, trail, noxtide, clouded, sludge
I... I can't believe it! I hadn't expected my personally made computer to become an amalgamate! I must have let the jar holding some spores open... oh, dear me, I did. How clumsy could I possibly get? Well, now I have a screeching amalgaling in my lair that is causing my computers and technology to glitch out. She appears to be upset, and is almost treating me like her father... how do I react to this!? Is she hungry? Scared?!
W-well... other than that... I at least know how she came to be. Believe it or not, a spore had latched itself onto my main computer, before acidicly melting it into amalgamation goop, which then reformed into the amalgaling that sits before me now.
Her eyes spark of intelligence, and she appears to have wire-like appendages attached in certain places of her body, and the circuit-like pattern she boasts is literally pulsating similar to that an actual computer screen... She kind of scares me. I hope that I can get her under control... for now, I've decided to call her an Amalgam Intelligence, or A.I for short.
PRIMARY: Metallic, Poison, Skink, Iridescent, Python, Jupiter, pinstripe, lionfish, leopard, slime
SECONDARY: Alloy, Toxin, Spinner, Shimmer, Morph, Saturn, Bee, Butterfly, trail, noxtide, clouded, sludge
A recent breakthrough has been discovered, in where very peculiar mushroom traps have begun to take form.
They eerily represent a fairy circle... or a ringlet of fungi, if you may.
We aren’t sure if it’s magic or some sort of evolutionary phenomenon, but a voice of a hatchling crying for help comes from the trap.
Those who have the heart to head towards its direction are met with their ultimate transformation into an amalgamate... a type of which hasn’t been discovered until now.
We are calling these Amalgafaes.
Sparks of magic that take the form of fairies and small creatures fly around them at all times, and their wings can sometimes even represent that of a fae’s (the fairy kind), a butterfly/moth’s, or a dragonfly’s.
They are much more elegant, rarer, and elusive than their normal counterparts, preferring to hone their magical abilities rather than devouring everything on sight. When they do want to eat, they don’t focus on a victim’s body...
They focus on their memories and emotions.
Using a special, magical appendage (or multiple of them), they trick the host into following them like a will-o-wisp, before slowly beginning to devour their memories and emotions.
They seem relatively emotionless themselves... although this is uncertain of why this is the case. Perhaps it’s an evolutionary tactic, or maybe it’s voluntary.


PRIMARY: Starmap
SECONDARY: Constellation
TERTIARY: Any normal amalgamate tertiaries
A new type of amalgamation has been discovered!
They are categorized of being completely made of pure magic, with glittery, transparent bodies that has swirls of of combined magical substances constantly flowing around within.
This type was accidentally discovered when we managed to stumble into a highly magic active area (which happened to be where some newer mages came to practice their spells), and the uncontrollable stray magic in the air (made by said mages) clumped around an amalgamation spore that happened to be within the proximity of the magical space. We saw this process for ourselves, piquing our curiosity to a great extent.
For one thing, these weren't pure elemental magical energies... they are combined energies. These magical amalgalings... which were frolicking around the area... didn't seem to be associated with any element.
Could combined elements create new ones? Could we potentially combine elemental magic that already exists?
Who knows. These amalgalings could potentially be the answer.
In the meantime, we just decided to observe their behavior.
Turns out, they don't eat any living things... they only absorb magic from their surroundings, similar to that of a sponge. We tried to cast a minor spell on one of the amalgalings, but it just ended up absorbing the magic (and looked less hungry). One would think they could absorb each other, as for some reason they are made of magical energy, but we think they can only absorb magic that isn't contained within something... such as a slimy body.
When presented with a small bundle of shade in a bottle, the amalgalings immediately scattered, seeming to be terrified. As the Shade is known to devour magic and nullify it, this would absolutely make sense. Apparently, if it gets in contact with the shade, these magical amalgamates will most likely disintegrate.
They also seem to have the normal weaknesses that amalgamates have... water, extreme heat, and ancients.
A trade off for having such strong magical potential. Unlike the amalgafaes, who are also magically inclined, their magic comes naturally rather than from absorbing knowledge and memories of magic.
These magical amalgamates seem to be extremely friendly, and are much more sociable than normal amalgamates. We even had a cutie follow us home, I guess that we grew on her.
As for fluffy variants... well, it appears that they are honestly just adorable. That's all we can say on that manner. They also seem to be more sensitive to magical energies, and even have the added benefit of being able to sense auras. However, they will have a seizure if the aura they feel is extremely strong.

PRIMARY: Slime, Skink, Poison
SECONDARY: Sludge, Toxin
TERTIARY: Ghost, Glowtail
As of recent discovery, amalgamations made of souls of the damned and ectoplasm have been reportedly drifting around Sornieth.
Nobody knows where they come from... or how undead amalgamates could even exist.
Alas, it has been proven to be especially dangerous. Rather than devouring a dragon's whole body, they instead focus on the vital part of our existence...
the soul.
The drain it similar to how you would a sickly fluid, before leaving the husk behind to magically rot.
However, they don't have to be in a body in order to be eaten. Wandering spirits can also suffer a very similar fate, assimilated into the ghostly amalg's consciousness. This has gotten the attention of necromancers and dark mages, who have been attempting to find a way to control these undead monstrosities.
This is to no avail. Instead, most end up dead... or even shattered into insanity.
The best hope for combating against such threats is through a skilled exorcist or two. Even then, they are so restless, it would be considered difficult.

As with all kinds of ghosts, they could phase through walls, possess organic beings and items, and travel through specific spirit gates to arrive at different destinations.
looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!
[center][b][size=6]AFFILIATES:[/size][/b][/center] [center][center][b]THE AMALGAMATE'S BANNERS![/b][/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [code][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/code][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [center][code][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/code][/center] [center][b]MADE BY @CANDYNAGISA![/b][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [code][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/code][/center] [center][b]MADE BY @BIRDCOOKIES![/b][/center] [center][b]A button![/b] (Made by Ellolove) [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]

[url=] [img][/img] [/url]
[url=] [img][/img] [/url]

[url=] [img][/img] [/url]
A button!
(Made by Ellolove)
looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!
[center][b][size=6]PINGLIST:[/size][/b][/center] [code]@M42 @eaglerider @Mnkn10 @Dragonaxew @Toastythief @Saucyhorse @V88 @squidspeaker @witchhunt @rosesinger @sadiegreen @littlecornerOTU @jadedmagi @alfamangle[/code]
looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!
None so far...

None so far...

looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!
looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!
looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!
looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!
looking for someone to make me a rainbow themed sig!