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Personal Style


Copper Steampunk Gloves
Copper Steampunk Scarf
Journeyman Satchels
Copper Steampunk Goggles
Golden Deepsea Bulb
Copper Steampunk Wings
Copper Steampunk Vest
Copper Steampunk Spats
Copper Steampunk Tail Bauble



Scene: Armory


7.71 m
5.19 m
659.92 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 30, 2017
(6 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Bogsneak
Max Level
Obsidian Hybrid Fragment
Obsidian Hybrid Fragment
Obsidian Hybrid Fragment


To Code Snippets
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A horizontal vine, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune. In the center the vine wraps around a golden symbol in shape of a fire rune.

A horizontal vine, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flower puds.

Blacksmith, Engineer

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune.


Tapio hatched in a rather typical fire clan residing somewhat near the water domain. Like the clan Tapio himself was rather typical fire dragon feeling like being blacksmith was what he was meant to be. As soon as he was able to lift and hold tools he asked to be taught by clan’s older blacksmiths.

He studied with the masters dreaming of the day he would be master himself. One day he saw his chance when two dragons, a mirror and his guardian, arrived to his clan and they were offered a place to rest. Tapio and few others were curious about the visitors and asked them a lot of question as they were offered some food. The mirror, Alfa, explained their clan was in need of a blacksmith and they had come to find one the previous clans having not have free blacksmiths.

Tapio thought about the possibility he having already enough experience to act as blacksmith and the clan in question was small so he could probably handle it. He said he could come with the two his clan mates nearby asking if his mentor allowed it. Alfa agreed with the resident and Tapio escorted him to meet his mentor Alfa’s guardian Obsidius following them. Alfa explained their situation to Tapio’s mentor who then asked Tapio if he was sure about the decision he was about to make. Tapio was sure and his mentor allowed him to go.

Tapio got to keep the tools he had used during his training and his mentor gave him few extra tools to get his smithy running and with everything packed Tapio left his clan Obsidius carrying him and his tools. The clan lived in the arcane domain having just moved to the Focal Point and upon arriving Tapio couldn’t tell if he had estimated the distance wrong or if Obsidius was just very fast flier. They though arrived fast and Tapio was welcomed warmly the residents helping him to organize his items till they’d built smithy for him and making him nest to sleep in.

The clan was nocturnal and Tapio realized he was not sure how fast he would get used to that. The following evening, about when the Sun was about to set, the clan held a conference deciding who would help with building the smithy followed by clan name voting. Tapio was still too new to know the customs and just memorized the dragons who would work with him the following evenings and nights. As the clan was trying to decide the name for itself a spiral introducing herself as Azul flew to Tapio. She asked how he was in small talk -way after which she asked if he wanted her to introduce the clan to him. Tapio saw nothing wrong with that and left as soon as the clan was named and dragons scattered to do their thing.

Azul showed Tapio clan’s areas most having just been finished or were about to be finished and introduced the residents to Tapio showing him the leaders, healers and the ones he should avoid or ignore. As they were walking the borders of the lair Tapio saw a small building that looked like a smithy on a floating piece of earth and asked Azul what it was. Azul explained that their current or previous blacksmith, depending who he asked, lived there. No one had told Tapio that the clan already had a blacksmith and asked for details Azul being cut short by Morgana who told her to not talk about the dragon she called Rusty.

Tapio was bothered by the fact that the clan had a blacksmith but they had still come to get him. He tried to talk about that with dragons working with him but none of them was willing to talk about ”Rusty”. The smithy was finished in no time it having been carved into rock to avoid building walls the clan having no access to bricks and Tapio started his work. His work was rather easy mostly just fixing worn out armor pieces or fixing stuff stolen from the beastclans.

There though was one rather annoying issue and it was that Tapio’s tools seemed to have gained mind of their own and walked away when he was not looking. They usually weren’t that far away from where he had left them but it was annoying needing to always look for them. Wanting to avoid that he decided he’d carry his tools with him and made sure they remained in the satchels he put them in.

After that the tools stopped walking but Tapio was still bothered by why they had done that. He assumed the walking tools had been the reason the clan had decided to get new blacksmith and decided to visit his predecessor to ask if that had been the case. He had some issues reaching the island where Rusty’s smithy was but he eventually managed to reach it. He was about to knock when an angry fae rushed out hissing to him and trying to hit him with something made out of metal. It was too small for Tapio to tell what it was. Tapio was surprised by the attack and tried to back down to avoid being hit only to fall from the island to the trees below him.

The clan came to help Tapio down from the tree he hearing how they talked about Rusty like she was a nuisance and suggested Tapio to never visit her again. After how the first meeting went Tapio was very willing to do that but at the same time he was curious of why the fae had been so hostile towards him and tried to visit her few more time being driven away every single time.

After fifth attempt Tapio decided to give up with trying to talk with his predecessor and focused on his work. He though was either too good with his job or the clan didn’t break anything metallic fast enough but soon enough Tapio noticed he was bored most of the time. His most common visitors were Tempest and Parcha working with weird machines and inspired by them Tapio decided to study some engineering to help the pair. Fixing machines was harder than the job he had used to but he eventually got a hang of it with a little bit help from Parcha.

Few weeks later when Tapio was fixing a sword that had been stolen from a longneck clan Witchi came to visit him. Azul had told that she paying a visit usually meant something secret was to be revealed and Tapio listened what the unlikely visitor had to say. The fae asked if he knew Rusty followed by question of if he knew that one of her machines was broken. She gave some details of what machine and where but left without telling why she had told him that. As Tapio wondered that he happened to glance the machine he had repaired for Tempest and understood what Witchi wanted him to do.

After having been driven away total of five times Tapio realized he could not just walk to Rusty and ask her to give the machine for him to be fixed. Instead he decided to do something he did not like which was steal. He waited till midday assuming Rusty would sleep during that time and sneaked to the smithy it looking dark. He stepped through the door trying to not make too much noise he being way too big for the fae sized smithy, took the machine and sneaked out seemingly having been able to do all that without waking up Rusty.

In his own smithy Tapio took a closer look at the machine he had just stolen it looking like having been made to compensate fae’s smaller size. It had marks that indicated that it had been hit like in anger which was why it had broken. He fixed it the best he could the machine being otherwise foreign for him and it was ready before evening. After being ready Tapio, feeling very tired, took a nap as the clan started to wake up. He saw messy dreams where he or someone else, maybe both at the same time, were stealing or moving items that were not theirs and upon waking up Tapio’s sleepy head realized Rusty had probably been the one to move his tools.

Tapio kept napping throughout the night realizing near the morning that he should probably return the machine somehow. He felt bad for having stolen it and as the day approached its midpoint he sneaked back to Rusty’s smithy and put the machine back leaving some fine steel for her as apology. He got out and feeling tired he decided to sneak back to his own nest being woken up by Megan who asked him to not sleep in front of his own door. Upon waking up actually in his nest Tapio decided to sneak to see if Rusty had noticed his gifts and made his way to the smithy. Rusty was awake and upon hearing him land on the step opened the door but instead of attacking she just gave Tapio a hard to read look and closed the door.

Tapio felt like having achieved something and having survived encounter with Rusty without being attacked he believed he could actually talk with the older fae. Few nights later Tapio decided to pay Rusty a second visit bringing some copper this time. Rusty opened the door before Tapio was able to knock giving him a cold look. The situation was rather awkward Tapio greeting Rusty she looking like trying to turn him into glass with her eyes.

Rusty’s name had bothered Tapio for a long time and he asked how that could not be her real name. She did not reply. Tapio then asked what her real name was she still staring him without a word. After a long silence Tapio asked if he could call her Brass if she didn’t want to give her real name realizing she was looking at the clumps of copper he had with him and told they were for her. The arcane fae lifted them with magic telling Tapio to do what he pleased before closing the door taking the copper with her.

The meeting had been mentally draining for Tapio and to refresh himself he worked preparing to meet Brass again now that she had talked to him. As he was sharpening an axe yet again having been obtained from the longnecks Azul came to bring Obsidius’ helmet to be fixed. Before she left, however, she told having heard he had tried to approach Brass who she called ”she”. Tapio verified that to be the case and Azul told that Brass was bitter towards other dragons because they had called her Rusty either because of her look or because she was seen as useless which is why she also acted hostile towards everyone. Tapio thanked Azul for the information and she asked him to not tell about any of what he just heard to Brass she probably driving him away as soon as he did that. Tapio promised to keep his mouth shut.

Small pile of orange petals.

After the meeting with Azul Tapio visited Brass about once a week she actually starting to talk to him and even let him inside of her smithy. The conversations were nothing interesting Brass having very negative way of looking everything and she was very unwilling to talk about her past or emotions when Tapio asked about them. She had not much to do or use to do something and Tapio usually brought her some metals from which she usually made weapons for no use.

With time Tapio started to notice his metal storage getting rather empty and he decided to travel to the Ashfall Waste to buy some from fire clans. He managed to find one clan at the Blacksand Annex that was willing to sell him some metals and while he was waiting them to pack his order a young coatl came to talk with him. The coatl, Tina, was curious about the outside world and asked all kinds of questions Tapio being willing to answer. After his order was ready he said goodbye to the young coatl and started to make his way back to the Starfall Isles.

When Tapio was able to see the wind domain he happened to glance behind himself and noticed someone following him. He stopped to wait and soon enough Tina, tired of having tried to keep up the same pace as Tapio, caught up with him. Tapio was confused of why she had followed him and offered to take her back to her clan but she denied saying she wanted to come with him and see more than just volcanoes and smoke. Tapio asked if her parents were alright with that and Tina said having told her siblings to tell her parents that she decided to start her own life. Tapio still wasn’t sure and waited using Tina’s exhaustion as excuse but no one came after them and he decided to take Tina with him.

Back in the clan Tapio introduced Tina to the rest of the clan and she became his student he letting her to join gatherings if she so wanted. He had his claws full of work with teaching Tina and doing his two other jobs and dealing with his work pile he totally forgot about Brass. It wasn’t until Tina had issues with a pale coatl hatchling Luna, who she treated like she was a monster, that he remembered having not visited Brass in ages. He asked if Tina, who was now fully trained blacksmith, could run the smithy for some time he leaving before she could actually answer.

Brass was unwilling to open her door when Tapio arrived she ignoring him until he said having brought some iron she liking that metal. She was not hostile the way she had been when they first met but she was clearly offended by how Tapio had forgotten her. Tapio tried to apologize saying he didn’t meant to leave her alone that long but all he got for reply was she asking him to leave. Tapio was feeling disappointed towards himself and upon arriving to his own smithy he went straight to bed ignoring Tina’s questions.

Tapio spent the following night wondering how he’d get Brass speak with him again she probably being jealous of Tina. Tina herself was very at the edge the same night the smithy being very hard to breath in and the two ended up spending more time under the sky. While there Tina pointed out that they would both benefit from having close ties with the Great Furnace. Tapio thought that was rather random thing to say until she explained she could get there and create those ties Tapio understanding she wanted to get away from Luna. Tapio approved her suggestion seeing his opportunity get closer with Brass while Tina was gone.

Tina said she would study in the Furnace not coming back until she graduated which meant she could be gone for weeks or even months. He wished Tina luck on her studies as she was leaving after which he went to beat the work pile that had made its nest into his smithy letting Brass notice that Tina had left before approaching her. Few nights later, when the pile had finally been beaten, Tapio took some steel and went to see Brass.

Brass had the door open when Tapio arrived her smithy being filled with smoke with Brass trying to clear that. Tapio asked what happened Brass telling with very vitriolic voice, for a fae, that it had been one of Breeze’s pranks again. Tapio helped her to clean out the smoke after which Brass asked if Tina had left. Tapio explained what she was doing Brass giving an uninterested reply. After that Tapio asked how Brass had been she not being that interested in answering giving very vague explanation which Tapio had expected from her.

During the following weeks Tapio and Brass started to fix the hole in their relationship Tina’s arrival had created and even going beyond that. Brass was still unwilling to talk about her childhood or to tell her name but she started to talk about events in the clan showing some interest towards them. One morning, when Tapio was about to leave, Brass said that if he was feeling lonely she would not mind to sleep with him Tapio deciding to stay with her. She slept pressing herself against Tapio’s warm body Tapio being able to tell the suggestion had not been about his loneliness but hers he hearing her cry in her sleep.

Weeks later Tapio found himself with three girls to look after Brass not feeling comfortable enough to do that herself. She though took the oldest one, Sisi, under her wing when she came to see her mother while the youngest, Tavi, wanted to become blacksmith like Tapio. The third one, Skycarrot, left to serve the Observatory relatively soon.

Tavi was enthusiastic student, maybe too much, she wanting to try everything but never caring about safety even when Tapio warned her about what could happen. She managed to burn her fingers once but she just didn’t seem to learn doing that few more times. Brass told him to be more demanding to not let Tavi tarnish their profession’s reputation but Tapio didn’t want to be rude to his own daughter.

One night Tapio was teaching basics for Tavi, which she didn’t seem to learn, and she was hammering a simple spear. She was fae like her mother and used magic to hold the hot iron peace in place they not having Brass’ machines. However, as it was frozen in space it built up momentum which got released when she released the spell causing the spear to ricochet from the table with enormous force hitting cave’s roof causing it to start crumpling down.

Tapio had barely time to react or tell what was going on the cave collapsing, he hearing Brass’ scream and finding himself outside the smithy in matter of seconds. Other residents came to check if he was alright he not really knowing. He turned to watch as others lifted the rocks where the smithy had been just moments ago slowly piecing events together. He heard someone ask if they had seen Brass fly in there with Sisi’s cries at the rock pile proving that having been the case.

Tapio’s head started to recover from the shock as he was waiting outside the temple. Two faes had been found under the rocks but he did not know how they were they having brought to the healer and he was asked to stay outside. While waiting Breeze, Brass’ father, flew next to Tapio pointing out the unfortunate event. Tapio did not reply and Breeze mentioned name ”Koppar” saying that was Brass’ real name. He left as soon as he had said that and Malvadust stepped out of the temple. Tapio rushed to ask how the faes were the healer saying that Tavi was no more while Koppar was barely alive. After that the tundra let Tapio to go in.

Tapio stepped into the dark room Koppar’s weak voice asking if others cared. Other than Sisi Tapio had not heard anyone really asking how she would be and assumed they did not. That broke Koppar who started to cry explaining how others had felt about her Tapio lifting her fragile body against his chest. After she stopped he asked why she had done what she had done she telling she had not meant to do that but he had been the only dragon to ever been kind for her. She begged him to stay and he promised to stay with her calling her by her real for the first time Koppar breaking back into tears upon hearing it.

Tapio was still holding Koppar when Tina stepped in despite she having been totally silent for a very long time. Tina came to sit next to him paying respect Tapio barely noticing her newly obtained searing emblem, symbol of ambassadors. After a long silence she said that in her clan they burned the dead blacksmiths in their own forges Tapio understanding what she was trying to say. He nodded to her she leaving to prepare Koppar’s smithy while Tapio stayed with the faes way over midday.

Small pile of orange petals.

Tapio watched silently as Tina burned the two bodies she being higher ranking and more suitable to do that. After that Tapio’s life felt like a constant downhill with both he and Sisi blaming him for death of the faes and few days later Tapio’s older daughter Minttuviini also left the realm of the living but for different reason. Tapio was not feeling well and he took a break from his job leaving Tina, with her ambassador duties, to deal with them.

At first Tina was understanding but soon she started to demand Tapio to move on and get back to work. Tapio though was not sure if he could he having not taken smithy security seriously enough and he could not risk accidentally causing any harm for Tina it potentially leading to war between their clan and the Great Furnace if it was to happen. Tina thought that was very unlike of him to think like that and tried to order Tapio to help maintain their new smithy. Tapio did that unwillingly.

During the Flameforger’s Festival Tina spent a lot of time in the fire domain and when she eventually returned she had a fire egg with her. She explained it was gifted to them and by ”them” she meant them two. Tapio though was not willing to have another child to look after he having let the previous one be killed and he was hated by another. Tina gave up for that time and gave the egg for Pilkku for safekeeping. However, when the clan decided to hatch the blessed egg everyone demanded Tapio to join and he was allowed to name the wildclaw girl. He named her Kupari in memory of Koppar and tried to stay as far away from her as possible after naming her.

Kupari though turned out be stubborn girl refusing to stay away from Tapio and if he didn’t knew he would have guessed Tina had something to do with that. He tried to explain to her that the smithy, especially the new somewhat hastily built, was not safe for her. Kupari though did not seem to understand and kept coming back asking Tapio to be with her or just tell why he was so angry all the time, which Tapio was very sure he was not.

Tapio had felt very unmotivated to work for months he rather visiting Koppar’s now abandoned smithy feeling bad that his lack of discipline had taken her life before she had been able to live life with someone to care about her fully. That frustrated Tina who had no time to run both their smithy and errands with the Furnace and she had no time to keep pushing Tapio to work. Probably following her adopted mother Kupari too started to get frustrated with Tapio ignoring and pushing her away, and she had time to make that clear.

One night Tapio had once again brought flower to Koppar’s smithy when Kupari arrived to remind him that Tahna’s cleaver required sharpening. Tapio was not in the mood and didn’t pay attention to the wildclaw but heard her saying mourning did not bring them back but made them annoyed. That was rather odd thing to say and Tapio turned to ask if he had heard right. Kupari repeated that his constant mourning annoyed souls of the deceased and Tapio could not understand how she dared to say something like that. She had never met the two that had died, she did not know them.

Kupari was offended by that saying she did hear them and the two started arguing Tapio not believing what she said. Kupari seemed to be so fed up by Tapio’s neglect that she released her magic in a shock wave. The wave was not hot, barely warm, Tapio being sure the attempt of summoning the Shade had created more powerful wave but this one was still miles scarier.

The sudden burst of magic had silenced Tapio and as he looked confused at tired Kupari he heard familiar voice behind him. He turned around and the energy of the blast still in the air he was able to see Koppar appearing in a wavy form, like ground on desert, her echoing voice complaining that she wanted to rest in peace already. The soul went silent after it noticed Tapio having seen it looking confused and vanished as Kupari’s magic faded and the air turned normal.

Kupari fell to the ground tired while Tapio’s legs gave in as he felt like his internal fire froze. Tina rushed to meet them the effect having been felt across the lair. Kupari lifted her head saying she was alright, just a little tired, while Tapio feeling like being fully frozen was only able to nod. They both were helped to the smithy to rest fear lifting its claws off Tapio by morning while Kupari recovered faster.

Tina had been like an ice tundra having been trapped in sauna for the rest of the night she telling her fire companions that the clan expected her to explain yet she was as confused as everyone else. The following night Tina’s assumption was proven correct the clan having a conference to figure out what had happened the previous night. All Kupari was able to tell was that she was able to hear and communicate with spirits and souls and the clan turned their attention to Tina who had brought the egg. She though knew nothing.

Tapio had sat next to Kupari during the conference and after it ended he asked to talk with Kupari. He apologized his behavior but was still sure that smithy was dangerous place for her. Kupari understood that and told she would not have tried to get his attention this long if Koppar would not have asked her to push him back to work. Tapio then asked if she really could hear Koppar’s spirit after which she explained that he coming to visit Koppar’s smithy woke her spirit up a bit too often and she had asked Kupari to tell that to Tapio and tell him to stop. After that Tapio paid one last visit to Koppar apologizing having bothered her rest and returned to work after that. Kupari in turn left him alone taking a job as priestess.

Small pile of orange petals.

After that life returned mostly normal excluding the battle Tina had with Halti, a grey coatl. Tapio was aware of how bad relationship the two had and upon one night hearing battle noises with Tina nowhere to be seen he knew what was going on the orange glow behind the trees proving his fear. Upon arriving the battle was in full blaze Tina being literally on fire and being the only one to stop her without burning himself Tapio was forced to tackle her while others took Halti away. Tina took her time to cool down after which she was scolded before being let go.

After that things were more or less peaceful though Halti occasionally visited the smithy to provoke Tina Tapio needing to make sure they didn't actually start fighting starting to get sick of their immature behavior. They still used the smithy that had been hastily built after the previous one collapsed and this one was way more likely to do so if they decided to brawl. Pernis and Rosalin were planning to make new, way better one but getting that ready would take a long time and they needed smithy to make the part needed for that and the other projects the clan was about to start once the architects got their plan accepted. They could not risk to lose this one before that one was done, and preferable not after when it was either.

Tapio was rather excited for the total revamp of the lair which was supposed to start soon after the clan changed its name. However, there were some complications clan's familiars turning hostile out of the blue both blacksmiths needing to escape to avoid loosing their workplace when that happened not even Tina's ambassador assistants being spared by the curse. Tina was fast to blame Halti and Luna which was rather normal at that point and Tapio needed to make sure she didn't attack the two coatls as the atmosphere in the lair got worse and worse the clan finding itself almost at war with a plague clan.

Due to the situation the blacksmiths mostly just worked to keep clan prepared to potential war Tina occasionally visiting the fire domain to report their current status but she too spent more time in the lair. The situation was more or less stagnant for weeks arcane House Cup eventually giving them short rest after the war had been avoided but there were still things to be solved. The familiars were still hostile and no one knew why the clan had almost ended up in the war with the plague clan in the first place.

One night the blacksmiths were working in the smithy like they had done for weeks by then. The clan had been very tense since the leaders had been reported missing few hours ago and Halti was the last dragon Tapio wanted to see arrive to smithy. He did and like usual Tina prepared to defend herself Tapio in turn was preparing to stop the two he putting his work down and started to make his way to the coatls noticing Tina being unusually silent. She looked like wobbling and Tapio rushed to see what was wrong Halti looking at her calmly. As Tapio got closer he noticed Sapny arriving to the smithy at glace.

Tapio was not sure what happened but all of sudden he was surrounded by unfamiliar earth dragons with none of the previous dragons to be seen anywhere. He was told that he had been turned to stone for over a week, no doubt Sapny's doing, and Tina had been taken to the Great Furnace she having had her magic stolen. While he had been out there had been an attempt to summon the Shade which had been prevented. That was a lot to take in and Tapio took his time to process everything. Despite having been in stone for so long he was otherwise alright though feeling a little frail at first. After no longer feeling like almost burnt campfire he joined the clan in their attempt to get the lair back in order while he waited Tina to return.

Tina eventually returned she not being happy to see Halti alive especially when Luna had died. He had enchanted her into sleep and having had to suffers days worth of nightmares she wanted the dreamwalker to suffer the clan not wanting to deal with another conflict since the last one it too having involved an ambassador attacking other residents. Tapio had to work alone for some time Tina being placed into a crystal to cool down she being eventually freed though she was too afraid to sleep. The lack of sleep made her even more dangerous than what she would have been otherwise and Tapio had to leave his work for time being to make sure Tina got to sleep they getting her a dreamcatcher to keep the dreamwalker away.

Few months later Tina had moved from hating Halti enough to burn the entire Sornieth to being like the other dragon didn't even exist. Due to what had happened back in July the clan was behind with their lair project and nearing the Rockbreaker's Ceremony Tina decided to get the clan some help from the fire domain. With the amount of help arriving Tapio had to lend a hand which he did willingly that being nice change of pace. Thanks to the help clan's new temple and inn were finished by the time Night of the Nocturne arrived with the smithy being also started. Once it was finished Tapio and Tina moved in to make themselves home in there Tapio reminding himself to keep an eye on Tina. Glade's, the previous nature ambassador, hate for plague had led him to help with summoning the Shade and Tina could plan something like that too.

Small pile of orange petals.

Iron frame that is melting hot at the bottom. Inside it a bust of a fire bogsneak. He is green with two muted green crests, the genes are skink, spinner and scales. On his forehead he has a yellow light buld and green goggles, he is wearing green gloves, green vest and brown leather satchel. He is facing left with a smile on his face and he has lowered his head to adjust his goggles. The background is orange.

A light orange curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is an orange glass fire rune.
Name origin:
Upon seeing him for the first time
Finlandia's first though was
"his name has to be Tapio".
Tapio is an old Finnish god of forest
and also a male given name.

A light orange curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune.


Tapio is green fire bogsneak with skink like patterns on his main body, wings and crests. His body is bright green while his wings and crest have a bit more grayish tint and a bit of pale orange on them. He has two crests both having two fingers holding them up and they unite just before his shoulders and he has small cheek fins with three fingers each. He also has thick green scales masking his face, protecting his legs and covering his back from shoulders to tail. He also has thin scale line decorating his sides. His eyes are common orange in color.

Tapio wears mostly green clothes and the amount of them depends on what work he is doing. He has green vest and tail guard which he wears all the time and gloves and spats of same shades also always on him but they have some spear gears attached to them when doing engineer job while they are absent when working as blacksmith and same goes for the green scarf he wears. Pieces he wears when doing blacksmith work and not engineer work include green goggles to protect eyes and artificial wing he got as gift from the science duo. He can combine the halves that are under his wings after which the wings turn Tapio into a walking fan which is useful for clearing out smoke. He also always had two light sources with him: a yellow lightbulb on his forehead and a green lantern near his tail tip. He also always carries dark grayish brown satchels in where he keeps some of his tools. That is a memorial from the time when Koppar used to steal them.

Tapio has energetic, kind and encouraging voice that is almost always full of optimism. However, due to working in smoky environment it can be a bit smoky and rough at times. He also tends to be rather loud due to his hearing that has gotten worse with age. He has clear Finnish accent.

Small pile of orange petals.

Tapio is energetic, gentle and kind dragon always willing to help. He moved to the clan to help them with their lack of metalworkers and managed to befriend one of the clan’s most hostile dragons thanks to his kindness. On the flip side, however, he can be too kind and forgiving to others or not forgiving enough for himself. He avoids demanding too much from others which usually leads to not demanding enough and takes the blame when something eventually goes wrong because of that. For him it is good that he has coworkers that slap him into face if that is about to happen and keep him from being used.

Tapio, being a hardworking dragon, is rarely seen with other dragons but he is very social dragon and is always willing to make friends. He believes that everyone has good in them and if he thinks a hard to come along dragons are worth to get to know he is ready to put effort to get on their better side. If he has set himself a goal he is determined to achieve it no matter how long it takes or how many times he needs to try. What usually ends up helping him is his natural kindness and gentle attitude despite his vigorous working attitude and he is understanding despite seeming a bit naive and easy to fool time to time.

In his smithy Tapio is accompanied by his bouncy broiler Sauna that accidentally arrived to his smithy among the broken items he was asked to repair. It sparked into life when fire was put into its oven and has been jumping around ever since feeding its own fire. Sauna can’t speak it communicating through various whistles and clatters and acts mostly like a simple dog loving to play fetch when its master has time. If not then its just carries stuff, usually into a pile, or goes to get something its master asked for it understanding speech enough. Tapio loves his tiny energy filled dog-not-dog but Sauna is quite disliked by other smithy residents.

Small pile of orange petals.

Tapio is a fire dragon and naturally can breath fire his flames reaching up to 1 100 degree Celsius and he being able to spit fire almost his own body length. He also has very thick skin that protects him from both extreme hot and extreme cold but it has its limits. Being a very generic fire dragon Tapio has taken job as blacksmith and having both elemental upper hand and a lot of experience he is very good with working with metals. He also works as engineer and though not as good with little tinkering as he is with working metals he gets his work done without problems.

Tapio isn’t very good flier being barely able to get enough height to get his tail off the ground before running out of steam and he can’t get far with straight flight either. He though can glide though it is rather fast and won’t get as far as most other dragons would. He though tends to use his wings if he needs to get to lower level of the lair not minding needing walk back up once business is done. He has strong legs.
A horizontal vine, dark brown with somewhat flame-shaped leaves and orange flowers in shape of a fire rune.

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Exalting Tapio to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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