

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | [Guide] BBCode
[font=Candara][size=4][color=#000000]C[/color][color=#040404]o[/color][color=#080808]l[/color][color=#0C0C0C]o[/color][color=#111111]r[/color][color=#151515]f[/color][color=#191919]u[/color][color=#1D1D1D]l[/color][color=#222222]![/color][color=#262626] [/color][color=#2A2A2A]a[/color][color=#2E2E2E]n[/color][color=#333333]d[/color][color=#373737] [/color][color=#3B3B3B]S[/color][color=#3F3F3F]h[/color][color=#444444]i[/color][color=#484848]n[/color][color=#4C4C4C]y[/color][color=#505050]![/color][/size][/font] [font=Candara][size=6][size=6][color=#000000]B[/color] [color=#151515]B[/color] [color=#2A2A2A]C[/color] [color=#404040]O[/color] [color=#555555]D[/color] [color=#6A6A6A]E[/color] [color=#808080] [/color][color=white]xx[/color][color=#6A6A6A]G[/color] [color=#555555]U[/color] [color=#404040]I[/color] [color=#2A2A2A]D[/color] [color=#151515]E[/color][/size][/size][/font] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][font=Candara][size=4]I noticed the old BBCode guide disappeared some time ago, so have this new one! I'll basically just be giving an example of what everything does with the code below it, because I'm lazy and am not good at writing humorous & entertaining filler text. Also, most/all of these can be combined to make things look [b]new![/b] and [s]improved![/s][b]exciting![/b] I've updated it so that you can now use the find function (Ctrl + F or Apple + F for most people) to search for specific terms so that you don't have to scroll through the whole thing all the time. I don't think I've anticipated [i]everybody's[/i] searches, but I've tried. I am way too inactive to keep this up to date (it's definitely massively out of date), but I did just stealth update with some of the codes in the last few pages of this thread (as of the last time this was edited). If you find something I don't have listed, send me a dm or ping and I will,,,,,maybe get around to checking in on this again before another 7 years passes. [b]The first bunch of codes are non-FR-specific, meaning that you'd be able to use them on most websites. After these, there will be some FR-specific codes. These are only available for use on FR.[/b] **If anybody sees a question they know the answer to, feel free to respond, especially if I don't. Shoutout to all of you for being insanely helpful because I'm [s]a lazy butt[/s] very much no longer active.[/size] [size=5][url=]Click here[/url] for EldritchCrowe's BBCode Compendium, which is more comprehensive and in depth than this guide![/size][/font][/columns] ----- [size=6] • • • [font=Candara]the basics[/font][/size] [u]UNDERLINE[/u] [code size=250 name=Underline][u]INSERT TEXT HERE[/u][/code] [i]ITALICS[/i] [code=Italics][i]INSERT TEXT HERE[/i][/code] [b]BOLD[/b] [code=Bold Text][b]INSERT TEXT HERE[/b][/code] [s]strikethrough, strike out, cross[/s] [code=Strike Through][s]INSERT TEXT HERE[/s][/code] [color=transparent]change color, change colour[/color] [size=5] • • color[/size] [color=red]This text is red![/color] [color=B84874]This text is color B84874![/color] [code=Color Change][color=INSERT COLOR OR HEX NUMBER HERE]INSERT TEXT HERE[/color][/code] It is possible to make text transparent by putting the word transparent where the color you want would normally go. You can find a handy list of the available colors [url=]here[/url] (list compiled by Satellitee), and you can use [url=][/url] to find the hex number of a color. If you'd like to know the hex numbers for specific colors on the FR color wheel, [url=]click here[/url] (disclaimer: I haven't checked myself whether or not these hex numbers are correct. I'm just assuming they are.). [color=transparent]font, change text font[/color] [size=5] • • font[/size] [font=century gothic]You can use Century Gothic![/font] [font=papyrus]YOU CAN ALSO ATTEMPT TO BECOME THE GREAT PAPYRUS![/font] [font=comic sans]or y'know sans. cause sans.[/font] [font=meow blegh blargh]This text is in the default font that appears when the font you've inputted is not available! It appears when the font that you've decided to use either doesn't exist, or the person who is viewing the font does not have that font available on their own computer! (Thank you Ev4 for clarifying this.)[/font] [url=]Here[/url] exists a fairly comprehensive list of fonts available for use. [code=Font][font=INSERT NAME OF FONT HERE (include spaces)]INSERT TEXT HERE[/font][/code] [color=transparent]change text size, change size, size[/color] [size=5] • • size[/size] [size=1]This text is the smallest available on FR![/size] [size=2]This text is small.[/size] [size=3]This text is normal size.[/size] [size=4]This text is kinda big![/size] [size=5]This text is even bigger![/size] [size=6]This text is super big![/size] [size=7]This text is the largest available on FR![/size] Note: Sizes may be different on different sites (for example, Gaia Online uses the font sizes you'd find in a word document). 1-7 is just the numbering for sizes that FR uses. ***New information from Xairathan;; it's possible to stack sizes to vary font size even more! [code=Size][size=INSERT # HERE]INSERT TEXT HERE[/size][/code] [size=5] • • link[/size] [url=]link (to my profile), clickable[/url] [code=Links][url=URL TO THE PAGE HERE]INSERT TEXT OR IMAGE TO BE CLICKED HERE[/url][/code] [color=transparent]image, picture, embed image, embed picture[/color] [size=5] • • image[/size] [img][/img] [code=Image][img]INSERT LINK TO IMAGE HERE[/img][/code] [size=5] • • [/size][font=candara][size=5]alignment[/size][/font] [center]This text is centered![/center] [code=Align Center][center]INSERT TEXT HERE[/center][/code] [right]This text is aligned to the right![/right] [code=Align Right][right]INSERT TEXT HERE[/right][/code] [left]I don't get why this is special, but this text is aligned to the left![/left] [code=Align Left][left]If for some reason you want/need to use this...INSERT TEXT HERE[/left][/code] [size=5] • • • [/size][font=candara][size=5]a little more complicated[/size][/font] [color=transparent]list, number, bullet[/color] [LIST=1] [*]This is a numbered list. [*]Need a new number/bullet? Add a new bracket asterisk bracket [*]If you need more than one numbered list in a post, just close the old list tag and open a new one. [*]To use different types of numberings (is that even a word?), change the 1 to different things. [*]'1' would be normal numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, ...) [*]'a' would be lower case letters (a, b, c, d, ...) [*]'A' would be capital letters (A, B, C, D, ...) [*]'i' would be small roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, ...) [*]'I' (capital i, not small L) would be capital roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, ...) [*]Not including an equal sign would give one a bullet point list. [*]Thank you to Ev4 for the additions to these list guidelines. [/LIST] [code=Lists][list=1][*]INSERT TEXT HERE [*]INSERT TEXT HERE [*]INSERT TEXT HERE[/list][/code] [color=transparent]indent without using columns[/color] [indent]This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. (Note: to indent only the first line, press the space bar multiple times.)[/indent] [code=Indent][indent]INSERT TEXT HERE[/indent][/code] [color=transparent]line break, break bar, boring break, dashes[/color] TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT ----- Thank you to Ev4, Julia and Fara for this one! C: [code=Line Break]-----[/code] (5 dashes) Alternatively, [code=Line Break (alternative)][rule][/code] If you ever need to add a line break that doesn't include a line, you can use the one below (thanks to Latigirl, and probably others). [code=Line Break (alternative to pressing enter)[br][/code] [color=transparent]superscript, subscript, little text, squared[/color] Thank you to darkomen for telling me I was missing the [sup]superscript[/sup] and [sub]subscript[/sub] [code][sup]INSERT SUPERSCRIPT TEXT HERE[/sup][/code] [code][sub]INSERT SUBSCRIPT TEXT HERE[/sub][/code] [color=transparent]columns, column, text next to picture, text next to image[/color] There also exists columns! (Note: I got lazy and literally copy pasted from mirrordescent's post, so thanks, mirrordescent! Also thanks to Mort for some extra information.) [code][columns]first column text here[nextcol]second column text here[/columns][/code] [columns]first column text here[nextcol]second column text here[/columns] [b]And if you increase the amount of text:[/b] [columns]first column text here first column text here first column text here first column text here first column text here first column text here first column text here [nextcol] second column text here second column text here second column text here second column text here second column text here second column text here[columns]whooo columns within columns[nextcol]lookit me i'm special![/columns] [/columns] [b]This works with images placed in the columns as well.[/b] You can have as many columns as you like! It is possible to put columns within columns, and if you want a column centered, add some text to the column before the first column and color it transparent using the color tag. [color=transparent]spoiler, hide text, black highlight[/color] Spoiler Tag (highlight below) [spoiler]Thanks to Matrices for telling me of this one![/spoiler] [code][spoiler]INSERT SPOILER HERE (you horrible person you)[/spoiler][/code] [color=transparent]quote, quotation[/color] [quote name="name"]This is a quote using the name tag![/quote] [quote]This is a quote not using the name tag![/quote] [code][quote name="TITLE THE QUOTE HERE (or put the name of who you're quoting, or something like that. or you could leave the whole name part out.) Leave the quotation marks in if the title includes more than one word"]INSERT QUOTE HERE[/quote][/code] [color=transparent]code, how to share codes[/color] The obvious code tag I've been using throughout the guide. [code]Thank you to Ev4 for reminding me to add this![/code] [code][code]INSERT CODE TEXT HERE. Don't forget to remove the space between the e in the last code and the right bracket![/code ][/code] ----- [size=7][font=Candara]Flight Rising Specific Codes[/font][/size] [color=transparent]linking items, link items, item info box[/color] [item=Playful Windsinger Puppet] [item=Breed Change: Snapper] Works for just about any item (including apparel, vistas, battle items, breed changes, skins, accents, and miscellaneous things). Thanks to siuyiu for catching that I was missing this, and to Eclipsa for extra information about its usage! [code=Item Icon][item=INSERT ITEM NAME HERE][/code] Example: [item=Poet's Tam] [item=Whisperer's Cowl] [code][item=Poet's Tam] [item=Whisperer's Cowl][/code] [color=transparent]widgit, link database[/color] [gamedb item=2] You can list an item using a widgit like the example above if you know the item number. Just use the below code. Alternatively, if you press the share button on an item's database page, the game will show you the code to copy/paste. This information directly from Pendragyn's post [url=]here[/url]. [code][gamedb item=####][/code] [color=transparent]user icon, link to user profile, clickable user icon[/color] [user=Aisumoka] [code=User Icon][user=INSERT USER'S NAME HERE][/code] [color=transparent]link accent, link skin, linking accent, linking skin[/color] [skin=7308][skin=7319] Accents and skins can now be linked! You can use the same code for either. [code][skin=INSERT ITEM NUMBER HERE][/code] [s]If you don't know how to find a skin's item number, simply mouse over the skin or accent. The ID number will be written in the bottom corner of the info box![/s] Apparently that's no longer an available feature, so now you can just right click on the image of the skin or accent and click "copy image url" (or whichever variant of it shows up for you, like possibly "copy image address"). If you paste that somewhere, it should get you a link that looks very much like this: The number at the end (right before the .png) is the skin or accent's item number. For the above, it would be 7308, so the code to display that skin (which happens to be Skin: Dioptase) would be [code][skin=7308][/code] Alternatively and more simply, you can now link skins and accents in the same way you would any other item (see above for instructions). The only downside to this is the fact that it does not allow you (or other users) to click on the skin/accent and preview how it would look on your own dragons. Example: [item=Skin: Kitedancer] [item=Accent: Lightburst Flora] [code][item=Skin: Kitedancer] [item=Accent: Lightburst Flora][/code] [color=transparent]ping, alert when mentioned, mention, notification[/color] @aisumoka This is a ping! It'll alert people that you've mentioned them in a post. However, sometimes it glitches and doesn't actually give them an alert (though it normally does and you should expect it to). If you want somebody to notice that you're talking to them, use this. If you click on the name of a ping, it should lead you to that person's profile page. [code=ping]@INSERT USERNAME OF PERSON HERE[/code] To link a dragon, go to the dragon's profile page and click on the generate code button (below the energy bar and next to the tweet button). Copy and paste the BBCode wherever you want to show your dragon off in FR! Thank you to agonius for the suggestion of this addition. If anybody catches any mistakes I've made or has something to add that's not on this list already, please ping me and tell me so I can fix it. ovo;; [size=2]*Some BBCode tags that may work on other sites might not work on FR, and vice versa.[/size] ----- [size=7][font=Candara]Defunct Codes[/font][/size] Because apparently they take codes out as well as put them in.....please contact me if you find out that there's a different tag for these or if they've been reinstated! [acronym=Boo! I'm hover text]hover here[/acronym] [code][acronym=INSERT THE HOVER TEXT HERE]INSERT THE TEXT YOU WANT TO SHOW HERE[/acronym][/code] NOTE: Do not use this for inserting movie scripts. Please.
Colorful! and Shiny!
B B C O D E xxG U I D E
frv2.png I noticed the old BBCode guide disappeared some time ago, so have this new one! I'll basically just be giving an example of what everything does with the code below it, because I'm lazy and am not good at writing humorous & entertaining filler text. Also, most/all of these can be combined to make things look new! and improved!exciting!

I've updated it so that you can now use the find function (Ctrl + F or Apple + F for most people) to search for specific terms so that you don't have to scroll through the whole thing all the time. I don't think I've anticipated everybody's searches, but I've tried.

I am way too inactive to keep this up to date (it's definitely massively out of date), but I did just stealth update with some of the codes in the last few pages of this thread (as of the last time this was edited). If you find something I don't have listed, send me a dm or ping and I will,,,,,maybe get around to checking in on this again before another 7 years passes.

The first bunch of codes are non-FR-specific, meaning that you'd be able to use them on most websites. After these, there will be some FR-specific codes. These are only available for use on FR.

**If anybody sees a question they know the answer to, feel free to respond, especially if I don't. Shoutout to all of you for being insanely helpful because I'm a lazy butt very much no longer active.

Click here for EldritchCrowe's BBCode Compendium, which is more comprehensive and in depth than this guide!

• • • the basics




strikethrough, strike out, cross
change color, change colour
• • color
This text is red!
This text is color B84874!
It is possible to make text transparent by putting the word transparent where the color you want would normally go.
You can find a handy list of the available colors here (list compiled by Satellitee), and you can use to find the hex number of a color.
If you'd like to know the hex numbers for specific colors on the FR color wheel, click here (disclaimer: I haven't checked myself whether or not these hex numbers are correct. I'm just assuming they are.).

font, change text font
• • font
You can use Century Gothic!
or y'know sans. cause sans.
This text is in the default font that appears when the font you've inputted is not available! It appears when the font that you've decided to use either doesn't exist, or the person who is viewing the font does not have that font available on their own computer! (Thank you Ev4 for clarifying this.)
Here exists a fairly comprehensive list of fonts available for use.
[font=INSERT NAME OF FONT HERE (include spaces)]INSERT TEXT HERE[/font]
change text size, change size, size
• • size
This text is the smallest available on FR!
This text is small.
This text is normal size.
This text is kinda big!
This text is even bigger!
This text is super big!
This text is the largest available on FR!
Note: Sizes may be different on different sites (for example, Gaia Online uses the font sizes you'd find in a word document). 1-7 is just the numbering for sizes that FR uses.
***New information from Xairathan;; it's possible to stack sizes to vary font size even more!

• • link
link (to my profile), clickable
image, picture, embed image, embed picture
• • image

• • alignment
This text is centered!
[center]INSERT TEXT HERE[/center]

This text is aligned to the right!
[right]INSERT TEXT HERE[/right]

I don't get why this is special, but this text is aligned to the left!
[left]If for some reason you want/need to use this...INSERT TEXT HERE[/left]

• • • a little more complicated
list, number, bullet
  1. This is a numbered list.
  2. Need a new number/bullet? Add a new bracket asterisk bracket
  3. If you need more than one numbered list in a post, just close the old list tag and open a new one.
  4. To use different types of numberings (is that even a word?), change the 1 to different things.
  5. '1' would be normal numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, ...)
  6. 'a' would be lower case letters (a, b, c, d, ...)
  7. 'A' would be capital letters (A, B, C, D, ...)
  8. 'i' would be small roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, ...)
  9. 'I' (capital i, not small L) would be capital roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, ...)
  10. Not including an equal sign would give one a bullet point list.
  11. Thank you to Ev4 for the additions to these list guidelines.

indent without using columns
This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. This paragraph has been indented. (Note: to indent only the first line, press the space bar multiple times.)
[indent]INSERT TEXT HERE[/indent]

line break, break bar, boring break, dashes
Thank you to Ev4, Julia and Fara for this one! C:
(5 dashes)
If you ever need to add a line break that doesn't include a line, you can use the one below (thanks to Latigirl, and probably others).
[code=Line Break (alternative to pressing enter)

superscript, subscript, little text, squared
Thank you to darkomen for telling me I was missing the superscript and subscript

columns, column, text next to picture, text next to image
There also exists columns! (Note: I got lazy and literally copy pasted from mirrordescent's post, so thanks, mirrordescent! Also thanks to Mort for some extra information.)
[columns]first column text here[nextcol]second column text here[/columns]
first column text here second column text here

And if you increase the amount of text:
first column text here first column text here first column text here first column text here first column text here first column text here first column text here second column text here second column text here second column text here second column text here second column text here second column text here
whooo columns within columns lookit me i'm special!

This works with images placed in the columns as well.
You can have as many columns as you like!

It is possible to put columns within columns, and if you want a column centered, add some text to the column before the first column and color it transparent using the color tag.
spoiler, hide text, black highlight
Spoiler Tag (highlight below)
Thanks to Matrices for telling me of this one!
[spoiler]INSERT SPOILER HERE (you horrible person you)[/spoiler]

quote, quotation
name wrote:
This is a quote using the name tag!
This is a quote not using the name tag!
[quote name="TITLE THE QUOTE HERE (or put the name of who you're quoting, or something like that. or you could leave the whole name part out.) Leave the quotation marks in if the title includes more than one word"]INSERT QUOTE HERE[/quote]

code, how to share codes
The obvious code tag I've been using throughout the guide.
Thank you to Ev4 for reminding me to add this!
[code]INSERT CODE TEXT HERE. Don't forget to remove the space between the e in the last code and the right bracket![/code ]

Flight Rising Specific Codes
linking items, link items, item info box
Playful Windsinger Puppet Breed Change: Snapper
Works for just about any item (including apparel, vistas, battle items, breed changes, skins, accents, and miscellaneous things).
Thanks to siuyiu for catching that I was missing this, and to Eclipsa for extra information about its usage!
Poet's Tam Whisperer's Cowl
[item=Poet's Tam] [item=Whisperer's Cowl]
widgit, link database
Nebula Floaters
You can list an item using a widgit like the example above if you know the item number. Just use the below code. Alternatively, if you press the share button on an item's database page, the game will show you the code to copy/paste. This information directly from Pendragyn's post here.
[gamedb item=####]

user icon, link to user profile, clickable user icon

link accent, link skin, linking accent, linking skin

Accents and skins can now be linked! You can use the same code for either.
If you don't know how to find a skin's item number, simply mouse over the skin or accent. The ID number will be written in the bottom corner of the info box!
Apparently that's no longer an available feature, so now you can just right click on the image of the skin or accent and click "copy image url" (or whichever variant of it shows up for you, like possibly "copy image address"). If you paste that somewhere, it should get you a link that looks very much like this:
The number at the end (right before the .png) is the skin or accent's item number. For the above, it would be 7308, so the code to display that skin (which happens to be Skin: Dioptase) would be
Alternatively and more simply, you can now link skins and accents in the same way you would any other item (see above for instructions). The only downside to this is the fact that it does not allow you (or other users) to click on the skin/accent and preview how it would look on your own dragons.
Skin: Kitedancer Accent: Lightburst Flora
[item=Skin: Kitedancer] [item=Accent: Lightburst Flora]

ping, alert when mentioned, mention, notification
This is a ping! It'll alert people that you've mentioned them in a post. However, sometimes it glitches and doesn't actually give them an alert (though it normally does and you should expect it to). If you want somebody to notice that you're talking to them, use this. If you click on the name of a ping, it should lead you to that person's profile page.

To link a dragon, go to the dragon's profile page and click on the generate code button (below the energy bar and next to the tweet button). Copy and paste the BBCode wherever you want to show your dragon off in FR! Thank you to agonius for the suggestion of this addition.

If anybody catches any mistakes I've made or has something to add that's not on this list already, please ping me and tell me so I can fix it. ovo;;

*Some BBCode tags that may work on other sites might not work on FR, and vice versa.

Defunct Codes

Because apparently they take codes out as well as put them in.....please contact me if you find out that there's a different tag for these or if they've been reinstated!

[acronym=Boo! I'm hover text]hover here[/acronym]
NOTE: Do not use this for inserting movie scripts. Please.
Helpful for me,thank you^^!*add to bookmarks*
Helpful for me,thank you^^!*add to bookmarks*
I was looking for exactly this and wasn't really expecting to find it here and then BAM you just posted this. I'm kinda weirded out, but thanks!

Edit: I still come here often! Thanks again!
I was looking for exactly this and wasn't really expecting to find it here and then BAM you just posted this. I'm kinda weirded out, but thanks!

Edit: I still come here often! Thanks again!
Oh,is this useful? [item=Playful Windsinger Puppet] Playful Windsinger Puppet [code]item= ITEM NAME[/code]
Oh,is this useful?
Playful Windsinger Puppet
Playful Windsinger Puppet
@siuyiu That is very useful! I completely forgot about that one, thanks for the note! c:
@siuyiu That is very useful! I completely forgot about that one, thanks for the note! c:
Ah, awesome, thanks for this :D
Do you know if there's a youtube-embedding method that can be used with BBCode?
Ah, awesome, thanks for this :D
Do you know if there's a youtube-embedding method that can be used with BBCode?
As far as I know, there's no way to embed videos on FR. However, there may be a way on other sites and/or a way on FR that I just haven't tested yet. If you'd like, I can shoot you a ping/PM if I ever figure out how to do that ovo;;
As far as I know, there's no way to embed videos on FR. However, there may be a way on other sites and/or a way on FR that I just haven't tested yet. If you'd like, I can shoot you a ping/PM if I ever figure out how to do that ovo;;
Haha, alright, thaks! xD
Haha, alright, thaks! xD
@aisumoka is there a way to create a spoiler??
@aisumoka is there a way to create a spoiler??
Is there a way to resize an image? I found two ways listed for bbcode googling that function but neither of them seems to work here. One was [img=(width)x(height)]. The other was[/img][img w=(width) h=(height)].[/img]
Is there a way to resize an image? I found two ways listed for bbcode googling that function but neither of them seems to work here. One was [img=(width)x(height)]. The other was[/img][img w=(width) h=(height)].[/img]