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TOPIC | BBCode Fonts
[color=green]I hadn't found a good fully-comprehensive list of BBCode fonts, so why not make one? Other people can use and contribute to this too, please. Some information on fonts and how they work on computers: [quote=Twilightflower]As far as I am aware, the rule of thumb is that any font you have installed on your computer will show up for you in code. If you don't have it installed, it should default to something like Times New Roman, a neutral font that most everyone should have. In the case of cursive, I'm not sure that's a real font. It's a default name used in some codes, but I don't think BBCode is one of them, so it would default to something else (Comic Sans in this case). If you download and install a new font and apply it to a dragon bio or the like in an existing internet page, the font won't display for you. You have to open a completely new window before the new font will display for you. It will work, but your browser needs to close and reopen to be able to recognize the new material. To check which fonts you have, you can go directly to your computer's font folder, or you can open a word processing program like Word and scroll through the fonts in there. To find new fonts to donwload and install, I recommend, which has a ton of free fonts to choose from.[/quote] [color=green]Fonts are blown up to size 7* to better display their individual characteristics.* You can use this site for text colours or check out this forum thread for font color help [url=]BBcode Font Color Picker Guide[/url] 7 is the "maximum" font size, but you can nest size tags to make font even bigger, e.g. [size=7][size=7]here[/size][/size][/color] [code][size=7][size=7]here[/size][/size][/code] [/color][size=7] [font=Agency FB]Agency FB[/font] [FONT=Arial]Arial[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black]Arial Black[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow]Arial Narrow[/FONT] [FONT=Book Antiqua]Book Antiqua[/FONT] [font=Calibri]Calibri[/font] [font=cambria]Cambria[/font] [font=Candara]Candara[/font] [font=Century]Century[/font] [FONT=Century Gothic]Century Gothic[/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Comic Sans MS[/FONT] [FONT=Consolas]Consolas[/font] [FONT=Constantia]Constantia[/font] [font=Copperplate]Copperplate[/font] [font=Corbel]Corbel[/font] [FONT=Courier New]Courier New[/FONT] [font=Curlz MT]Curlz MT[/font] [font=Cursive]Cursive[/font] [font=Engravers MT]Engravers MT[/font] [font=Fantasy]Fantasy[/font] [FONT=Fixedsys]Fixedsys[/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Franklin Gothic Medium[/FONT] [font=Gabriola]Gabriola[/font] [FONT=Garamond]Garamond[/FONT] [font=Garton]Garton[/font] [FONT=Georgia]Georgia[/FONT] [font=Herculanum]Herculanum[/font] [FONT=Impact]Impact[/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Console]Lucida Console[/FONT] [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Lucida Sans Unicode[/FONT] [FONT=Microsoft Sans Serif]Microsoft Sans Serif[/FONT] [font=Mistral]Mistral[/font] [font=Monospace]Monospace[/font] [font=Monotype Corsiva]Monotype Corsiva[/font] [font=ocr a std]OCR A STD[/font] [font=Optima]Optima[/font] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Palatino Linotype[/FONT] [font=Papyrus]Papyrus[/font] [font=Showcard Gothic]Showcard Gothic[/font] [font=sylfaen]Sylfaen[/font] [font=Symbol]Symbol[/font] [FONT=System]System[/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]Tahoma[/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman]Times New Roman[/FONT] [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Trebuchet MS[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]Verdana[/FONT] [font=vivaldi]Vivaldi[/font] [font=Webdings]Webdings[/font] [font=Wingdings]Wingdings[/font] [font=Wingdings 2]Wingdings 2[/font] [font=Wingdings 3]Wingdings 3[/font]
I hadn't found a good fully-comprehensive list of BBCode fonts, so why not make one? Other people can use and contribute to this too, please.

Some information on fonts and how they work on computers:
Twilightflower wrote:
As far as I am aware, the rule of thumb is that any font you have installed on your computer will show up for you in code. If you don't have it installed, it should default to something like Times New Roman, a neutral font that most everyone should have. In the case of cursive, I'm not sure that's a real font. It's a default name used in some codes, but I don't think BBCode is one of them, so it would default to something else (Comic Sans in this case).

If you download and install a new font and apply it to a dragon bio or the like in an existing internet page, the font won't display for you. You have to open a completely new window before the new font will display for you. It will work, but your browser needs to close and reopen to be able to recognize the new material.

To check which fonts you have, you can go directly to your computer's font folder, or you can open a word processing program like Word and scroll through the fonts in there. To find new fonts to donwload and install, I recommend, which has a ton of free fonts to choose from.

Fonts are blown up to size 7* to better display their individual characteristics.*
You can use this site for text colours
or check out this forum thread for font color help BBcode Font Color Picker Guide

7 is the "maximum" font size, but you can nest size tags to make font even bigger, e.g. here

Agency FB
Arial Black
Arial Narrow
Book Antiqua
Century Gothic
Comic Sans MS
Courier New
Curlz MT
Engravers MT
Franklin Gothic Medium
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Microsoft Sans Serif
Monotype Corsiva
Palatino Linotype
Showcard Gothic
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
Wingdings 2
Wingdings 3
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
[font=cambria][size=7]Cambria[/size][/font] [code][font=cambria][size=7]Cambria[/size][/font][/code] [font=century][size=7]Century[/size][/font] [code][font=century][size=7]Century[/size][/font][/code] Is the style you wanna use?? idk what I'm doing but here are some more!


Is the style you wanna use?? idk what I'm doing but here are some more!
+19 FR time | She/Her| Nest Network
@Deeproar Anything works! Though if the name of the font is given, the code doesn't need to be.

@Deeproar Anything works! Though if the name of the font is given, the code doesn't need to be.

Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway



Monotype Corsiva


Symbol (that says Symbol. Special font, I guess)

Webdings (Webdings)


Cursive (looks like Comic Sans but it says its different?)

Curlz MT


That's about all I can find so far.



Monotype Corsiva


Symbol (that says Symbol. Special font, I guess)

Webdings (Webdings)


Cursive (looks like Comic Sans but it says its different?)

Curlz MT


That's about all I can find so far.

@Kyrati I think what fonts you can see depends on your computer(? idk computer stuff) so sometimes different fonts will appear the same, if your computer doesn't have one or the other.
@Kyrati I think what fonts you can see depends on your computer(? idk computer stuff) so sometimes different fonts will appear the same, if your computer doesn't have one or the other.
Selling old UMAs/giveaway
Giving away everything
G2 imperial giveaway
@Rhea As far as I am aware, the rule of thumb is that any font you have installed on your computer will show up for you in code. If you don't have it installed, it should default to something like Times New Roman, a neutral font that most everyone should have. In the case of cursive, I'm not sure that's a real font. It's a default name used in some codes, but I don't think BBCode is one of them, so it would default to something else (Comic Sans in this case).

Also, just something I've noticed today while playing around with fonts:

If you download and install a new font and apply it to a dragon bio or the like in an existing internet page, the font won't display for you. You have to open a completely new window before the new font will display for you. It will work, but your browser needs to close and reopen to be able to recognize the new material.

To check which fonts you have, you can go directly to your computer's font folder, or you can open a word processing program like Word and scroll through the fonts in there. To find new fonts to donwload and install, I recommend, which has a ton of free fonts to choose from.
@Rhea As far as I am aware, the rule of thumb is that any font you have installed on your computer will show up for you in code. If you don't have it installed, it should default to something like Times New Roman, a neutral font that most everyone should have. In the case of cursive, I'm not sure that's a real font. It's a default name used in some codes, but I don't think BBCode is one of them, so it would default to something else (Comic Sans in this case).

Also, just something I've noticed today while playing around with fonts:

If you download and install a new font and apply it to a dragon bio or the like in an existing internet page, the font won't display for you. You have to open a completely new window before the new font will display for you. It will work, but your browser needs to close and reopen to be able to recognize the new material.

To check which fonts you have, you can go directly to your computer's font folder, or you can open a word processing program like Word and scroll through the fonts in there. To find new fonts to donwload and install, I recommend, which has a ton of free fonts to choose from.
Yeah it pretty much depends on if you have them installed or not on your computer! If you don't it just shows up as the typical default FR font
Like for example, on my (crappy) chromebook I have a very restricted amount of fonts, so a lot of different fonts just show up as the plain old default font( like Curlz MT, Fantasy, webdings, and Symbol in @Kyrati example)
Maybe FR should come up with their own set of universal fonts that work for everybody on the site? Until then sticking with my times new roman which is pretty common.

Yeah it pretty much depends on if you have them installed or not on your computer! If you don't it just shows up as the typical default FR font
Like for example, on my (crappy) chromebook I have a very restricted amount of fonts, so a lot of different fonts just show up as the plain old default font( like Curlz MT, Fantasy, webdings, and Symbol in @Kyrati example)
Maybe FR should come up with their own set of universal fonts that work for everybody on the site? Until then sticking with my times new roman which is pretty common.

Just posting so I could remember this c:
Just posting so I could remember this c:
Cursive shows up as a nice, understated serif font on my computer:

I don't know, it may well be something that works on Mac vs Windows? I also have probably thousands of fonts installed (but "Cursive" isn't one of them), so there's that, I guess.

Great idea bringing this together, Rhea!
Cursive shows up as a nice, understated serif font on my computer:

I don't know, it may well be something that works on Mac vs Windows? I also have probably thousands of fonts installed (but "Cursive" isn't one of them), so there's that, I guess.

Great idea bringing this together, Rhea!
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