>>[emoji=subscription update size=1] [size=2][u][i]User AARUNE is subscribed to this thread. [/i][/u][/size]
[center]Hello, all! Thank you for loving this subspecies for so many years. I cherish every guardian I have created lore for, and am grateful to see so many still on-duty in their lairs.
As of April 8th, 2024 - on the day of the solar eclipse in Eastern NA - they are functionally retired. Orlaith and Niamh have gifted many carvings to the world, and will now take a long rest.
Please see [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/baz/3025795#post_48021406]here[/url] for a list of every guardian.
Thank you, dearly.[/center]
[font=Herculanum][color=sienna][size=4]Statues, previously frozen in place, begin shifting in the Sunbeam Ruins…[/color]
[font=Engravers MT][size=5]Sunbeam Guardians - An Obelisk Species[/size][/font]
Pure G2, Light Obelisks
[font=Herculanum][color=sienna][size=4]A local researcher of the Sunbeam Ruins, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/2918955]Kinnat[/url], tells the tale of the guardians... [/color]
[center]"[i]Niamh[/i]"[/center][nextcol]"Legend alleges that these species of Obelisk were brought unto the world to warn and protect… The [b]Lightweaver[/b], unable to reverse the creation of Her imperials She so regretted, sought, instead, to gift her dragons with their own protectors, risen from the land itself…
She sought the aid of the [b]Earthshaker [/b]to breathe life into these beings. Two was all she would need, she pleaded. And thus it was so…
Sculpted from stone by the hand of the Earthshaker, and born beneath the rays of the Lightweaver’s sun came their joint creations. Two statues, fierce in their visage, and dominating in stature. One, with a glowing orb beneath its claws, representing the[b] ruthless, inescapable power of the natural world.[/b] The other, with a writhing hatchling beneath its claws, representing the [b]vigor, resilience, and beauty of all living things.[/b][/columns]
And from these statues came life. Under the watch of the two deities, the statues shifted. They parted their mouths for air. Their eyes opened wide to reflect the glory of the sky. Their manes aflame with the heat of life, their bellies glimmering in the light of the world. And, most importantly, their hides, covered in the watchful mark of the Weaver’s Eye. So they could see [b]always[/b], and see [b]all.[/b]
[columns]And the deities departed, exhausted, leaving their gifts unto the Ruins to watch over their posts for the centuries to come. And for so long, the two guarded, standing still until they were needed by the world. Only in recent history has it been reported that they have begun to carve [b]their own.[/b] From these original two legends— dubbed Órlaith and Niamh— came more statues, created by Their hand, in Their image.
One may think this a blessing, but the activity of these two brings [i]naught but encroaching fear. [/i]With more guardians brings further protection. But, the question arises: [b]what are they being birthed to protect us from?
There is something shifting in the Sunbeam Ruins…[i]perhaps all of Sorneith. [/i]Something that only those connected to the earth itself know. We must take this not only as a gift, but as a warning…
We must protect these lands we call home."[nextcol][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/32641057][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZmX1b1v.png[/img][/url]
[size=2]>Since these guardians can only be crafted so many times within a year, they do come at somewhat of a hefty cost. This is for a multitude of reasons. Whatever cost is not used on travel expenses, will be donated to The Two as holy offerings for their work and protection.
[b][Hatchlings will be 100kt-200kt, depending on whether or not they are an XYY or XYX.
[u]Eye type may also change this price.[/u]][/b]
>The new guardians are created in the same image as The Two.
Their light-tanned hides will [i]always[/i] be covered by the Eyes of the Weaver. Their bellies will [i]always[/i] glitter in the sun. Their wings, however, may wear one of two natural marks: the mark of the Butterfly- like Niamh- or the mark of the Bee- like Órlaith.
[b][100% Jaguar | 50/50 Butterfly/Bee | 100% Glimmer][/b]
Primary: [img]https://i.imgur.com/cflqtq4.png[/img] | Secondary: [img]https://i.imgur.com/vxXlr05.png[/img] | Tertiary: [img]https://i.imgur.com/WQVyu5j.png[/img]
>Guardians are created by the hands of the Two, without external influence or pressure.
[b][Every Obelisk is a pure G2][/b]
>I know weather conditions can be rough. The new carvings may remain in the Ruins for however long it may take for them to be delivered to their clan.
[b][I will hold hatchlings in case you need time to procure funds.
Please just let me know the estimated wait time.][/b]
>Offerings of currency are most greatly appreciated. Either treasure or gems are equally valued, as it helps fund our transportation of these guardians across lands.
[b][Gems accepted 1:1000][/b][/size]
[size=4][b]Alternate Payment[/b]
[size=2]Our top priority is getting guardians to those who need them. That being the case, if you cannot afford one with currency alone, we will accept other contributions, to my discretion. At times, we may need currency more than items, and will have to consider those offers beforehand. Desired items can be seen [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/69905113]here.[/url]
Please do keep in mind that the value for certain items put to auction can fluctuate. Value of auctioned items will be taken at the lowest available price.
However- if it currently appears in the market- the value of an item will be calculated on its wholesale price.
[b][Items calculated by LAH [i]or[/i] Marketplace [i]Dominance[/i] value (15% off)][/b][/size]
User AARUNE is subscribed to this thread.
Hello, all! Thank you for loving this subspecies for so many years. I cherish every guardian I have created lore for, and am grateful to see so many still on-duty in their lairs.
As of April 8th, 2024 - on the day of the solar eclipse in Eastern NA - they are functionally retired. Orlaith and Niamh have gifted many carvings to the world, and will now take a long rest.
Please see
here for a list of every guardian.
Thank you, dearly.
Statues, previously frozen in place, begin shifting in the Sunbeam Ruins…
Sunbeam Guardians - An Obelisk Species
Pure G2, Light Obelisks
A local researcher of the Sunbeam Ruins, Kinnat, tells the tale of the guardians...

"Legend alleges that these species of Obelisk were brought unto the world to warn and protect… The Lightweaver, unable to reverse the creation of Her imperials She so regretted, sought, instead, to gift her dragons with their own protectors, risen from the land itself…
She sought the aid of the Earthshaker to breathe life into these beings. Two was all she would need, she pleaded. And thus it was so…
Sculpted from stone by the hand of the Earthshaker, and born beneath the rays of the Lightweaver’s sun came their joint creations. Two statues, fierce in their visage, and dominating in stature. One, with a glowing orb beneath its claws, representing the ruthless, inescapable power of the natural world. The other, with a writhing hatchling beneath its claws, representing the vigor, resilience, and beauty of all living things.
And from these statues came life. Under the watch of the two deities, the statues shifted. They parted their mouths for air. Their eyes opened wide to reflect the glory of the sky. Their manes aflame with the heat of life, their bellies glimmering in the light of the world. And, most importantly, their hides, covered in the watchful mark of the Weaver’s Eye. So they could see
always, and see
And the deities departed, exhausted, leaving their gifts unto the Ruins to watch over their posts for the centuries to come. And for so long, the two guarded, standing still until they were needed by the world. Only in recent history has it been reported that they have begun to carve their own. From these original two legends— dubbed Órlaith and Niamh— came more statues, created by Their hand, in Their image.
One may think this a blessing, but the activity of these two brings naught but encroaching fear. With more guardians brings further protection. But, the question arises: what are they being birthed to protect us from?
There is something shifting in the Sunbeam Ruins…perhaps all of Sorneith. Something that only those connected to the earth itself know. We must take this not only as a gift, but as a warning…
We must protect these lands we call home."
>Since these guardians can only be crafted so many times within a year, they do come at somewhat of a hefty cost. This is for a multitude of reasons. Whatever cost is not used on travel expenses, will be donated to The Two as holy offerings for their work and protection.
[Hatchlings will be 100kt-200kt, depending on whether or not they are an XYY or XYX.
Eye type may also change this price.]
>The new guardians are created in the same image as The Two.
Their light-tanned hides will always be covered by the Eyes of the Weaver. Their bellies will always glitter in the sun. Their wings, however, may wear one of two natural marks: the mark of the Butterfly- like Niamh- or the mark of the Bee- like Órlaith.
[100% Jaguar | 50/50 Butterfly/Bee | 100% Glimmer]
| Secondary:
| Tertiary: 
>Guardians are created by the hands of the Two, without external influence or pressure.
[Every Obelisk is a pure G2]
>I know weather conditions can be rough. The new carvings may remain in the Ruins for however long it may take for them to be delivered to their clan.
[I will hold hatchlings in case you need time to procure funds.
Please just let me know the estimated wait time.]
>Offerings of currency are most greatly appreciated. Either treasure or gems are equally valued, as it helps fund our transportation of these guardians across lands.
[Gems accepted 1:1000]
Alternate Payment
Our top priority is getting guardians to those who need them. That being the case, if you cannot afford one with currency alone, we will accept other contributions, to my discretion. At times, we may need currency more than items, and will have to consider those offers beforehand. Desired items can be seen here.
Please do keep in mind that the value for certain items put to auction can fluctuate. Value of auctioned items will be taken at the lowest available price.
However- if it currently appears in the market- the value of an item will be calculated on its wholesale price.
[Items calculated by LAH or Marketplace Dominance value (15% off)]
The Two guardians of legend can only carve [i]so[/i] many creations to life before their energy is expended, [b]and they must rest.[/b]
[size=5][font=Herculanum][color=Sienna][b]Órlaith and Niamh, depleted of strength, are resting after bringing new carvings into the world:[/b][/size]
[size=1]Worth noting: As far as my lore-writing is concerned, the 'gender' of the carving does not matter; I give each carving a unique backstory, and choose pronouns for them that may not always "align" with binary convention. Their identities vary in multitudinous, beautiful ways! These can always be changed, if you wish.[/size]
[font=herculanum][size=6][b]Desire protection from a Sunbeam Guardian?[/size][/color]
[size=4]Please do let me know, and I will jot you down on the list of clans to call upon once The Two have finished their newest carvings...
[i]Dragonaxew, briar, CelestialWolf92, ReverentDeath, isuzu, mintea00, LadyDiscord, Boughkeeper, Thalassarche, makani, Azuroru, Evermagical, Rivaxorus, CaptainCrumbcake, handfulofbees, Thriftybits, LapisWings, vineal, MiniPandaBuns, empanada, CaptainSneet, Forestwolf, Sapphirefly, mungmungbean, Cawfee, MittensTheKitten, awaicu, Darkness352,Beliel [f bee][/i]
The Two guardians of legend can only carve
so many creations to life before their energy is expended,
and they must rest.
Órlaith and Niamh, depleted of strength, are resting after bringing new carvings into the world:
Worth noting: As far as my lore-writing is concerned, the 'gender' of the carving does not matter; I give each carving a unique backstory, and choose pronouns for them that may not always "align" with binary convention. Their identities vary in multitudinous, beautiful ways! These can always be changed, if you wish.
Desire protection from a Sunbeam Guardian?
Please do let me know, and I will jot you down on the list of clans to call upon once The Two have finished their newest carvings...
Dragonaxew, briar, CelestialWolf92, ReverentDeath, isuzu, mintea00, LadyDiscord, Boughkeeper, Thalassarche, makani, Azuroru, Evermagical, Rivaxorus, CaptainCrumbcake, handfulofbees, Thriftybits, LapisWings, vineal, MiniPandaBuns, empanada, CaptainSneet, Forestwolf, Sapphirefly, mungmungbean, Cawfee, MittensTheKitten, awaicu, Darkness352,Beliel [f bee]
[emoji=glimmer tile size=1]
I'd like to be added to the pinglist please!
I'd like to be added to the pinglist please!
Aarune Wow, the lore for these is delightful and the dragons are gorgeous! I'm interested in being on the pinglist, please!
Aarune Wow, the lore for these is delightful and the dragons are gorgeous! I'm interested in being on the pinglist, please!
Thank you [b]so[/b] much; that means an incredible amount to me; I've put a lot of effort into this project! I've added you! [emoji=sun size=1]
Thank you
so much; that means an incredible amount to me; I've put a lot of effort into this project! I've added you!
add me to the pinglist, please. shikari needs some friends
add me to the pinglist, please. shikari needs some friends