[i]An All-Flight Subspecies[/i]
[center]introduction | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179290]requirements[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179291]registry[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179293]breeding pairs[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179294]sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179295]badges[/url] [/center]
[i]Whenever these dragons sense sadness, they rush to help the upset one. Radiant Friends do not talk, but they offer a comforting aura and warm hugs. Nobody knows where they come from or where they live—they might be in one lair for a moment, then move on to the next. But whenever someone is sad and upset, a Radiant Friend will soon be there.[/i][/center]
Radiant Friends have a light primary color and darker Facet + Okapi combo in the same color range. Each color is best at healing a different kind of hurt! This subspecies was designed to be cute dragons with a happy backstory.
[center][i]Is there something you would want a Radiant Friend for that isn't listed here? Let me know and I will work out which Radiant Friend type would be best to take that on! No matter what you need them for, Radiant Friends want to help [emoji=familiar heart size=1][/i][/center]
[center][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MOfDBOFeyHZ0llkShzHxTYUXvPolto-3YNg73uO3ChE/edit?usp=sharing][size=4][b][emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] Lore Document [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1][/b][/size][/url]
[url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12T2s74rbcCOM_BTem4N_s6RzgRQHk3ZJpIFy-ZNVOL0/edit?usp=sharing][size=4][b][emoji=familiar heart size=1] Self-editing Pinglist [emoji=familiar heart size=1][/b][/size][/url][/center]
The Radiant Friends subspecies was first created by Kationi/Kharya, then looked after by CaityJay, and is now in the care of briar.
An All-Flight Subspecies
Whenever these dragons sense sadness, they rush to help the upset one. Radiant Friends do not talk, but they offer a comforting aura and warm hugs. Nobody knows where they come from or where they live—they might be in one lair for a moment, then move on to the next. But whenever someone is sad and upset, a Radiant Friend will soon be there.
Radiant Friends have a light primary color and darker Facet + Okapi combo in the same color range. Each color is best at healing a different kind of hurt! This subspecies was designed to be cute dragons with a happy backstory.
Is there something you would want a Radiant Friend for that isn't listed here? Let me know and I will work out which Radiant Friend type would be best to take that on! No matter what you need them for, Radiant Friends want to help
The Radiant Friends subspecies was first created by Kationi/Kharya, then looked after by CaityJay, and is now in the care of briar.
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_3031549]introduction[/url] | requirements | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179291]registry[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179293]breeding pairs[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179294]sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179295]badges[/url] [/center]
Any Modern breed can be a Radiant Friend!
[b]Genes and Colors[/b]
Radiant Friends will always have a Primary color that is lighter than their Secondary and Tertiary colors. This Primary color can be either a lighter color within the same color family, or a white/neutral color.
Eyes don’t need to match, but it’s nice! Best matches are in [b]bold[/b].
[b]Radiant Friends[/b]
[columns][color=#C1272D][b]Red[/b][/color] Radiant Friends comfort those who are heartbroken, and encourage those searching for love and affection.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Plague[/b], Earth, Fire[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/NMFoQ0U.png[/img][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/Smkf0sn.png[/img][nextcol][color=#D5602B][b]Orange[/b][/color] Radiant Friends help with feeling lost and unable to attain your dreams. They reignite passion and motivation, and cheer on those who are taking their first steps towards their goals.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Fire[/b], Earth, Light[/columns]
[columns][color=#D1B300][b]Yellow[/b][/color] Radiant Friends comfort those who are ill or injured. They are caring assistants to those with chronic or intermittent diseases or injuries, a shoulder to cry on when things are hard, and provide encouraging support to those battling any kind of illness or injury.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Light[/b], Wind, Fire[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/icA1raU.png[/img][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/YNx6cTZ.png[/img][nextcol][color=#A9A032][b]Peridot[/b][/color] Radiant Friends protect those who have an identity that is marginalized. They lend support to anyone who feels rejected, unloved or afraid because of who they are, and do their best to remind them that they are valid and important.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Wind[/b], Light, Nature[/columns]
[columns][color=#629C3F][b]Green[/b][/color] Radiant Friends help those with depression. They do their best to cheer them up and reassure them that they're worthy, important, and loved, and that life is worth living.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Nature[/b], Wind, Light[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/0AvCMvE.png[/img][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/JmdCwbx.png[/img][nextcol][color=#3CA2A4][b]Turquoise[/b][/color] Radiant Friends help dragons with anxiety and suppressed self-expression. If someone's mind is cloudy with worries and fears, these Radiant Friends will help them think more clearly.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Lightning[/b], Ice, Water[/columns]
[columns][color=#4866D5][b]Blue[/b][/color] Radiant Friends help anyone feeling angry or upset to calm down, offering healthy ways of dealing with negative emotions. They also like to come up with ways to get past frustrations and roadblocks.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Water[/b], Ice, Lightning[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZV9xkyO.png[/img][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/7k53jfg.png[/img][nextcol][color=#A261CF][b]Purple[/b][/color] Radiant Friends help those who have sleeping disorders or are scared of the dark. They soothe and comfort anyone struggling with nightmares or night terrors, those who sleep too much and those who can't seem to sleep enough. They sing beautiful lullabies to help the hours of darkness pass more gently.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Shadow[/b], Ice[/columns]
[columns][color=#E7008B][b]Pink[/b][/color] Radiant Friends cheer up those who are lonely and keep them company. They also do their best to support parents who feel they are incapable of taking care of their children, children who have had to act like parents, or anyone who needs a warm, loving family.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Arcane[/b], Plague[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/uNPxVn8.png[/img][/columns]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/5CVTOP6.png[/img][nextcol][color=#57372C][b]Brown[/b][/color] Radiant Friends help the homesick adjust to their new homes, or to find a way to carry their home forever in their heart.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Earth[/b], Light, Fire[/columns]
[columns][color=#808080][b]Grey[/b][/color] Radiant Friends comfort those who have lost someone or something important in their lives.
Preferred Eyes: [b]Ice[/b], Shadow, Light[nextcol][img]https://i.imgur.com/lCrs9aO.png[/img][/columns]
[center][i]Is there something you would want a Radiant Friend for that isn't listed here? Let me know and I will work out which Radiant Friend type would be best to take that on! No matter what you need them for, Radiant Friends want to help [emoji=familiar heart size=1][/i][/center]
[b]Glowing Friends[/b]
Glowing Friends are dragons who spread happiness around them. They would be Radiant Friends if just one thing about them was different. Their wings might not be glittering and their colors not technically perfect, but that doesn't stop them from being important. These dragons have a warm heart and lots of dedication. They are highly respected by Radiant Friends.
Glowing Friends are almost, but not quite, Radiant Friends - they may have a different Secondary gene, a darker Primary, or have one color in the wrong range.
[i]Three Glowing Friends: the Obelisk has a Bee secondary, the Spiral has one color in a different range, the Bogsneak's primary and secondary are the same color[/i][/center]
[b]Kindled Friends[/b]
Many dragons who bring comfort to others don't fit in the Radiant Friends subspecies. These dragons are still recognized as special and important, and on request are given the title of Kindled Friends because they kindle warmth, joy and hope in the hearts of those they comfort. Kindled Friends have no gene, color or species requirements - their outside doesn't matter, only the strength that they carry within.
Any Modern breed can be a Radiant Friend!
Genes and Colors
Radiant Friends will always have a Primary color that is lighter than their Secondary and Tertiary colors. This Primary color can be either a lighter color within the same color family, or a white/neutral color.
Eyes don’t need to match, but it’s nice! Best matches are in
Radiant Friends
Red Radiant Friends comfort those who are heartbroken, and encourage those searching for love and affection.
Preferred Eyes: Plague, Earth, Fire
Orange Radiant Friends help with feeling lost and unable to attain your dreams. They reignite passion and motivation, and cheer on those who are taking their first steps towards their goals.
Preferred Eyes: Fire, Earth, Light
Yellow Radiant Friends comfort those who are ill or injured. They are caring assistants to those with chronic or intermittent diseases or injuries, a shoulder to cry on when things are hard, and provide encouraging support to those battling any kind of illness or injury.
Preferred Eyes: Light, Wind, Fire
Peridot Radiant Friends protect those who have an identity that is marginalized. They lend support to anyone who feels rejected, unloved or afraid because of who they are, and do their best to remind them that they are valid and important.
Preferred Eyes: Wind, Light, Nature
Green Radiant Friends help those with depression. They do their best to cheer them up and reassure them that they're worthy, important, and loved, and that life is worth living.
Preferred Eyes: Nature, Wind, Light
Turquoise Radiant Friends help dragons with anxiety and suppressed self-expression. If someone's mind is cloudy with worries and fears, these Radiant Friends will help them think more clearly.
Preferred Eyes: Lightning, Ice, Water
Blue Radiant Friends help anyone feeling angry or upset to calm down, offering healthy ways of dealing with negative emotions. They also like to come up with ways to get past frustrations and roadblocks.
Preferred Eyes: Water, Ice, Lightning
Purple Radiant Friends help those who have sleeping disorders or are scared of the dark. They soothe and comfort anyone struggling with nightmares or night terrors, those who sleep too much and those who can't seem to sleep enough. They sing beautiful lullabies to help the hours of darkness pass more gently.
Preferred Eyes: Shadow, Ice
Pink Radiant Friends cheer up those who are lonely and keep them company. They also do their best to support parents who feel they are incapable of taking care of their children, children who have had to act like parents, or anyone who needs a warm, loving family.
Preferred Eyes: Arcane, Plague
Brown Radiant Friends help the homesick adjust to their new homes, or to find a way to carry their home forever in their heart.
Preferred Eyes: Earth, Light, Fire
Grey Radiant Friends comfort those who have lost someone or something important in their lives.
Preferred Eyes: Ice, Shadow, Light
Is there something you would want a Radiant Friend for that isn't listed here? Let me know and I will work out which Radiant Friend type would be best to take that on! No matter what you need them for, Radiant Friends want to help
Glowing Friends
Glowing Friends are dragons who spread happiness around them. They would be Radiant Friends if just one thing about them was different. Their wings might not be glittering and their colors not technically perfect, but that doesn't stop them from being important. These dragons have a warm heart and lots of dedication. They are highly respected by Radiant Friends.
Glowing Friends are almost, but not quite, Radiant Friends - they may have a different Secondary gene, a darker Primary, or have one color in the wrong range.

Three Glowing Friends: the Obelisk has a Bee secondary, the Spiral has one color in a different range, the Bogsneak's primary and secondary are the same color
Kindled Friends
Many dragons who bring comfort to others don't fit in the Radiant Friends subspecies. These dragons are still recognized as special and important, and on request are given the title of Kindled Friends because they kindle warmth, joy and hope in the hearts of those they comfort. Kindled Friends have no gene, color or species requirements - their outside doesn't matter, only the strength that they carry within.
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_3031549]introduction[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179290]requirements[/url] | registry | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179293]breeding pairs[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179294]sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179295]badges[/url] [/center]
Do you have a Radiant Friend? Register them here!
[code]Hey @briar, I have a Radiant Friend!
[b]Dragon:[/b] (link or widget here)
[b]Color range:[/b] (Red, Orange, Yellow, etc)[/code]
[center][img alt="red"]https://i.imgur.com/W67dzJm.png[/img]
[img alt="orange"]https://i.imgur.com/2sZa7xv.png[/img]
[img alt="yellow"]https://i.imgur.com/hnS17yf.png[/img]
[img alt="peridot"]https://i.imgur.com/xCoRYZS.png[/img]
[img alt="green"]https://i.imgur.com/2jl5tNt.png[/img]
[img alt="turquoise"]https://i.imgur.com/MnUv9cV.png[/img]
[img alt="blue"]https://i.imgur.com/1sKq5Lf.png[/img]
[img alt="purple"]https://i.imgur.com/K4dkbsA.png[/img]
[img alt="pink"]https://i.imgur.com/1LZilah.png[/img]
[img alt="grey"]https://i.imgur.com/MV4SVun.png[/img]
[img alt="brown"]https://i.imgur.com/YbpVcFC.png[/img]
Do you have a Radiant Friend? Register them here!
Hey @
briar, I have a Radiant Friend!
[b]Dragon:[/b] (link or widget here)
[b]Color range:[/b] (Red, Orange, Yellow, etc)







[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_3031549]introduction[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179290]requirements[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179291]registry[/url] | breeding pairs
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179294]sales[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179295]badges[/url] [/center]
Are you looking for a Radiant Friend of your very own? Ask one of the breeders listed here, or ask me and I'll arrange a nest for you!
New breeding pairs are always welcome! Please use this code to submit your pair or for updates to an existing pair:
[code]Hey @briar, I have a new breeding pair!
Dragon 1:
Dragon 2:
Are you open to breeding requests?
Would you like a hatchery linked? If so, please link it here: [/code]
Please note each required gene should have at least a 50% chance of appearing on hatchlings - so you could submit a pair with Iridescent and Metallic (each have a 50% chance of appearing) but not a pair with Iridescent and Fade (Iridescent would only have a 1% chance of appearing). If you're not sure, [url=http://keelanrosa.com/fr/]check with this breeding stat card link![/url]
[center][img alt="red"]https://i.imgur.com/W67dzJm.png[/img]
[img alt="orange"]https://i.imgur.com/2sZa7xv.png[/img]
owned by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=16862]briar[/url]
[img alt="yellow"]https://i.imgur.com/hnS17yf.png[/img]
owned by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=100277]perfectoranges[/url]
[img alt="peridot"]https://i.imgur.com/xCoRYZS.png[/img]
[img alt="green"]https://i.imgur.com/2jl5tNt.png[/img]
owned by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=16862]briar[/url]
owned by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=16862]briar[/url]
[img alt="turquoise"]https://i.imgur.com/MnUv9cV.png[/img]
[img alt="blue"]https://i.imgur.com/1sKq5Lf.png[/img]
owned by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=16862]briar[/url]
[img alt="purple"]https://i.imgur.com/K4dkbsA.png[/img]
owned by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=16862]briar[/url]
[img alt="pink"]https://i.imgur.com/1LZilah.png[/img]
owned by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=16862]briar[/url]
[img alt="grey"]https://i.imgur.com/MV4SVun.png[/img]
owned by [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=100277]perfectoranges[/url]
[img alt="brown"]https://i.imgur.com/YbpVcFC.png[/img]
Are you looking for a Radiant Friend of your very own? Ask one of the breeders listed here, or ask me and I'll arrange a nest for you!
New breeding pairs are always welcome! Please use this code to submit your pair or for updates to an existing pair:
Hey @
briar, I have a new breeding pair!
Dragon 1:
Dragon 2:
Are you open to breeding requests?
Would you like a hatchery linked? If so, please link it here:
Please note each required gene should have at least a 50% chance of appearing on hatchlings - so you could submit a pair with Iridescent and Metallic (each have a 50% chance of appearing) but not a pair with Iridescent and Fade (Iridescent would only have a 1% chance of appearing). If you're not sure,
check with this breeding stat card link!
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_3031549]introduction[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179290]requirements[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179291]registry[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179293]breeding pairs[/url]
sales | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179295]badges[/url] [/center]
Here you can find Radiant Friends searching for new homes!
All Radiant Friends bred by perfectoranges or me are currently [b]free[/b] to anyone who does not yet have a Radiant Friend [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Comment if you'd like to adopt one!
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=71856096][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/preview/dragon?age=1&body=3&bodygene=1&breed=8&element=6&eyetype=1&gender=0&tert=5&tertgene=9&winggene=8&wings=91&auth=878ce16a43ab00522847c60a95961e1a3d5a19a3&dummyext=prev.png[/img][/url][br][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=71856096][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/718561/71856096.png[/img][/url][br]ID# - 71856096[br][emoji=ice rune size=1] Uncommon Eyes[br][img]http://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_male.png[/img][br][br]Ice | Iridescent[br]Smoke | Facet[br]Silver | Okapi[br]
contact perfectoranges to adopt!
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=73857644][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/738577/73857644_350.png[/img][/url][br][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=73857644][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/738577/73857644.png[/img][/url][br]ID# - 73857644[br][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Rare Eyes[br][img]http://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_female.png[/img][br][br]White | Iridescent[br]Fuchsia | Facet[br]Fuchsia | Okapi[br]
contact briar to adopt!
[center][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][/center]
Here you can find Radiant Friends searching for new homes!
All Radiant Friends bred by perfectoranges or me are currently
free to anyone who does not yet have a Radiant Friend

Comment if you'd like to adopt one!


ID# - 71856096
 Uncommon Eyes
Ice | Iridescent
Smoke | Facet
Silver | Okapi
contact perfectoranges to adopt!


ID# - 73857644
 Rare Eyes
White | Iridescent
Fuchsia | Facet
Fuchsia | Okapi
contact briar to adopt!
[center][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_3031549]introduction[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179290]requirements[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179291]registry[/url] | [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179293]breeding pairs[/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/3031549/1#post_48179294]sales[/url] | badges [/center]
Got a Radiant Friend and want a badge for their bio? Or perhaps you'd like to spread the word in your signature? Choose a badge here!
Badges for Glowing and Kindled Friends will be available soon [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
[b]Classic Badges[/b]
[i]made by CaityJay[/i]
Got a Radiant Friend and want a badge for their bio? Or perhaps you'd like to spread the word in your signature? Choose a badge here!
Badges for Glowing and Kindled Friends will be available soon
Classic Badges
made by CaityJay