
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Cave of Lost Souls Biolocke
#12 [url=] [img][/img][/url] Ametrine [item=Clever Jester's Tail Bell] app 4) write a poem/letter/song from the perspective of the dragon's lover/admirer describing their beauty in the most melodramatic way possible. You're welcome. "Dear Ame I guess I'm supposed to write you a love letter or something. Whatever. It's...what? What am I supposed to say to you here on paper that I haven't already said to your face? Ugh. Remember when we were kids together? We were so dumb. We actually thought we had crushes on that newcomer [url=]Onyx[/url] even though [url=]Bloodsun[/url] clearly had already made his move. Onyx would have never looked at us that way anyway. We were so in denial. Actually, let's not think about that. I'm still not over how cringe that whole affair was. I don't know if it was worse or better that we then asked those two to help us surrogate to have kids later. No one knows whose kids are whose anymore. I think they just all have at least four parents and no one really knows where they belong or where they came from and I hope that's okay. That has to be better than how we grew up, right? They said your parent left your egg here, foretold their death, and ditched so you wouldn't die too or some tragic nonsense. As for me, I have nothing to complain about. I have two loving fathers and have had them all my life except that brief decade when I thought [url=]Tan-Dad[/url] was dead but he came back. [url=]Paz-Dad[/url] and I left to find this girl he thought he was supposed to love and he tried and then they broke up just in time for Tan-Dad to return from the dead looking for us and we all lived happily ever after and we definitely don't have any leftover trauma from it at all, yeah? See, we're all [i]fine[/i]. Love [url=]Mal[/url]" [rule] #33 [url=][img][/img][/url] Diamondbloom [item=Earthen Might Fragment] bat 2) How would you react to unexpected wealth? Honestly, I think he'd just send it to where it came from or give it away. I don't think he has any interest in material goods. Or if someone could convince him to buy medicine or something with it he'd invest it and just get better at healing or something. I don't know. It's late and I need to already be in bed but I'm not because tonight sucked and I need something to not suck for five minutes. [rule] #14 [url=][img][/img][/url] Atoll [item=Zephyr Might Fragment] bat 14) While traveling, you notice another individual under attack. You could easily walk on by without being noticed, or you could help them. What do you do? Atoll would thoughtlessly rush in to help the underdog whether or not it was a lost cause. He's impulsive that way and always pities the loser because he himself secretly feels like a loser. Not even hindsight would force him to regret his actions.
Clever Jester's Tail Bell app
4) write a poem/letter/song from the perspective of the dragon's lover/admirer describing their beauty in the most melodramatic way possible. You're welcome.
"Dear Ame
I guess I'm supposed to write you a love letter or something. Whatever. It's...what? What am I supposed to say to you here on paper that I haven't already said to your face? Ugh. Remember when we were kids together? We were so dumb. We actually thought we had crushes on that newcomer Onyx even though Bloodsun clearly had already made his move. Onyx would have never looked at us that way anyway. We were so in denial.

Actually, let's not think about that. I'm still not over how cringe that whole affair was. I don't know if it was worse or better that we then asked those two to help us surrogate to have kids later. No one knows whose kids are whose anymore. I think they just all have at least four parents and no one really knows where they belong or where they came from and I hope that's okay. That has to be better than how we grew up, right? They said your parent left your egg here, foretold their death, and ditched so you wouldn't die too or some tragic nonsense. As for me, I have nothing to complain about. I have two loving fathers and have had them all my life except that brief decade when I thought Tan-Dad was dead but he came back. Paz-Dad and I left to find this girl he thought he was supposed to love and he tried and then they broke up just in time for Tan-Dad to return from the dead looking for us and we all lived happily ever after and we definitely don't have any leftover trauma from it at all, yeah?
See, we're all fine.
Love Mal"

#33 37420719p.png Diamondbloom
Earthen Might Fragment bat
2) How would you react to unexpected wealth?
Honestly, I think he'd just send it to where it came from or give it away. I don't think he has any interest in material goods. Or if someone could convince him to buy medicine or something with it he'd invest it and just get better at healing or something. I don't know. It's late and I need to already be in bed but I'm not because tonight sucked and I need something to not suck for five minutes.

#14 36452288p.png Atoll
Zephyr Might Fragment bat
14) While traveling, you notice another individual under attack. You could easily walk on by without being noticed, or you could help them. What do you do?
Atoll would thoughtlessly rush in to help the underdog whether or not it was a lost cause. He's impulsive that way and always pities the loser because he himself secretly feels like a loser. Not even hindsight would force him to regret his actions.
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))
#79 [url=][img][/img][/url] Luna [item=Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet] trink 9) What scares you? (or who) Luna’s story just got more interesting recently. Luna doesn’t scare easy, and even when she gets a little nervous she’d never show it. It would take years of observation to identify the bare minimum of fear from her. She’s crafty and thinks on her feet, so she hates to have the rug yanked out from under her. She’s used to deception and finding the loopholes hidden in her crossroads deals. To her, there is always another way out. When all her exits are blocked, however, she will panic. It will take a long time for her to realize all hope is lost, because to her there is still always something else she can do to escape. There it is. She’s afraid of being trapped. [rule] #63 [url=][img][/img][/url] Lily [item=Ash Twigs] mat 7) Dragons are hoarders. What do you collect? Lily collects clothing, specifically dark clothing. You can't see the inside of her closet even in the light. That's a shame because it's rather stylish. [rule] #41 [url=][img][/img][/url] Tanner [item=Bonewood Branch] mat 13) What's the first thing others notice about you? ((What do others actually notice about them?)) Tanner has the most enviable smile. [rule] #21 [url=][img][/img][/url] Bramble [item=Canopic Jar] trink 13) There is an elephant in the room. Let us address them: hey, do you have any irrational fears that make it hard to function in specific instances of everyday life? Okay, but tell me what and how. Stop giving me one-word answers. "What, you mean like the infinite fear that my deep-seated desire to see romances play out positively among my friends is actually hindering more than it is helping anyone and that maybe I should practice what I preach and it's weird that I have no romantic aspirations for myself at all? Yeah no, I don't lay awake thinking about that AT ALL. Thanks for reminding me." [rule] #94 [url=][img][/img][/url] Kirea [item=Moldy Leather] mat 7) Dragons are hoarders. What do you collect? "...don't laugh. I collect shed scales. It doesn't matter who they come from. I know it's gross. I just...can't help it. It's an addiction. I see a fallen scale and I just need to pick it up and keep it in a box somewhere secret. Don't look at me. Don't tell anyone I told you or I'll make it so you can never repeat it." [rule] #158 [url=][img][/img][/url] Prince Momo [item=Rat Tangle] [emoji=meat size=1] use [url=]this[/url]. It's a family tree maker from [url=]PoisonedPepper[/url] ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while)) Momo and his sister have been family treed [rule] #35 [url=][img][/img][/url] Killer [item=Cursed Batling] [emoji=meat size=1] use [url=]this[/url]. It's a family tree maker from [url=]PoisonedPepper[/url] ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while)) it breaks the family tree maker to delete all that code so I put in a placeholder dragon for the ancestors who don't exist by the way Killer is a fully gened g2 progen offspring cross and absolutely NO ONE would care if I wanted to sell her not that I do I just have no thoughts for her and the only reason I can't get rid of her is because she's got my favorite color as a prim and she's a lore child for a ship I still can't justify vent over --redacted-- out peace siblings added
#79 4622296p.png Luna
Smoldering Flamecaller Puppet trink
9) What scares you? (or who)
Luna’s story just got more interesting recently.
Luna doesn’t scare easy, and even when she gets a little nervous she’d never show it. It would take years of observation to identify the bare minimum of fear from her. She’s crafty and thinks on her feet, so she hates to have the rug yanked out from under her. She’s used to deception and finding the loopholes hidden in her crossroads deals. To her, there is always another way out. When all her exits are blocked, however, she will panic. It will take a long time for her to realize all hope is lost, because to her there is still always something else she can do to escape.
There it is. She’s afraid of being trapped.

#63 78846205p.png Lily
Ash Twigs mat
7) Dragons are hoarders. What do you collect?
Lily collects clothing, specifically dark clothing. You can't see the inside of her closet even in the light. That's a shame because it's rather stylish.

#41 61884970p.png Tanner
Bonewood Branch mat
13) What's the first thing others notice about you? ((What do others actually notice about them?))
Tanner has the most enviable smile.

#21 36565313p.png Bramble
Canopic Jar trink
13) There is an elephant in the room. Let us address them: hey, do you have any irrational fears that make it hard to function in specific instances of everyday life? Okay, but tell me what and how. Stop giving me one-word answers.
"What, you mean like the infinite fear that my deep-seated desire to see romances play out positively among my friends is actually hindering more than it is helping anyone and that maybe I should practice what I preach and it's weird that I have no romantic aspirations for myself at all? Yeah no, I don't lay awake thinking about that AT ALL. Thanks for reminding me."

#94 89079182p.png Kirea
Moldy Leather mat
7) Dragons are hoarders. What do you collect?
"...don't laugh. I collect shed scales. It doesn't matter who they come from. I know it's gross. I just...can't help it. It's an addiction. I see a fallen scale and I just need to pick it up and keep it in a box somewhere secret. Don't look at me. Don't tell anyone I told you or I'll make it so you can never repeat it."

#158 87203348p.png Prince Momo
Rat Tangle
this. It's a family tree maker from PoisonedPepper ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while))
Momo and his sister have been family treed

#35 37001363p.png Killer
Cursed Batling
this. It's a family tree maker from PoisonedPepper ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while))
it breaks the family tree maker to delete all that code so I put in a placeholder dragon for the ancestors who don't exist
by the way Killer is a fully gened g2 progen offspring cross and absolutely NO ONE would care if I wanted to sell her not that I do I just have no thoughts for her and the only reason I can't get rid of her is because she's got my favorite color as a prim and she's a lore child for a ship I still can't justify
vent over
--redacted-- out
siblings added
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))
#33 [url=][img][/img][/url] Diamondbloom [item=Tail Poof] mat 9) We’ve all got a complicated relationship with identity, right? Spill. Diamondbloom spent a fair amount of time in unnamed hell before he came into his own, so he should probably have a story about that. ... ... it's late 'o clock I should be sleeping It’s wake up hour so umm... Diamondblood like his sister Ruby, is reserved and quiet. Oh screw it if you ask me EVERYBODY is non-binary because gender is a construct and it’s dumb and arbitrary and genderqueer is the true default and the rest of the world will figure it out someday with luck Diamondblood is a demiboy and uses he/they--deal with it For the record, I'm gonna go out and say it's canon that Diamondbloom and Diamondblood are interchangeable and not because I can't keep it straight but because I physically have written both and I don't NOTICE and I think Diamond would be like 'yeah, it's whatever and I really don't care?' so like...yeah. They super chill about such things. You could call him anything that isn't clearly an insult and they'd answer to it. [rule] #64 [url=][img][/img][/url] Pax [item=Crystalplate Stinger] 20. an individual who is not related to you by blood but who may as well be for one reason or another [url=]Tanner[/url], or Tan-Dad as cousin [url=]Malachite[/url] calls him. He’s not related by blood but he was around (in canon) while Pax was just a baby so he’d have heard him being called ‘Tan-Dad’ by his older cousin so Pax and [url=]Eri[/url] and hey probably [url=]Rosette[/url] all grew up referring to Tanner as ‘Tan-Dad’ and he couldn’t stop it if he wanted to (but he definitely wouldn’t want them not to call him that--he legitimately finds it adorable) [rule] #138 [url=][img][/img][/url] The Harvest Queen [item=Dragon Coral] mat 18) What's your favorite game/pastime? Goldie likes relaxing and playing card games with her inner circle. [rule] #166 [url=][img][/img][/url] Cardboard [item=Fairy Octopus] fam 13. non-dragon companion WELL recent developments being what they are, Cardy’s non-dragon companion is their caster, --redacted--. There may or may not ever be more on him later but Cardy is actually a witch’s familiar for a humanoid from another...time period. Yeah, let’s go with that. I’m not writing a godlocke isekai BUT IF I WAS... [rule] #108 [url=][img][/img][/url] Lobelia [item=spinach] [emoji=plant size=1] title/role in clan She's a recluse, so if anything she's the clan loner. When she [i]can[/i] be found, she's usually mistaken for the librarian so there's that. [rule] #79 [url=][img][/img][/url] Luna [item=Birch Logs] 19) What's your favorite weather? Luna is partial to storms, especially ones that end in haze and happen at night. [rule] #128 [url=][img][/img][/url] Sunrise [item=Red Frosted Canary] [url=]this[/url]. It's a family tree maker from [url=]PoisonedPepper[/url] ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while)) I could have sworn her blood mother was clothed and had a bio and was also an assassin... [rule] #134 [url=][img][/img][/url] Junco [item=Berserker] 17) If you were given the opportunity to switch elements from the one you hatched with, what would you choose and why? Or would you never change? Plague all the way. I shouldn't have to tell you why. [rule] #149 [url=][img][/img][/url] Mystic [item=Granite Fragment] 15) What's the first thing you notice about others? "You want the honest answer or the one that doesn't sound unhinged and paranoid? Because the first thing I notice is whether or not they look like they're going to kill me."
#33 37420719p.png Diamondbloom
Tail Poof mat
9) We’ve all got a complicated relationship with identity, right? Spill.
Diamondbloom spent a fair amount of time in unnamed hell before he came into his own, so he should probably have a story about that.
it's late 'o clock
I should be sleeping

It’s wake up hour so umm...

Diamondblood like his sister Ruby, is reserved and quiet.

Oh screw it if you ask me EVERYBODY is non-binary because gender is a construct and it’s dumb and arbitrary and genderqueer is the true default and the rest of the world will figure it out someday with luck
Diamondblood is a demiboy and uses he/they--deal with it

For the record, I'm gonna go out and say it's canon that Diamondbloom and Diamondblood are interchangeable and not because I can't keep it straight but because I physically have written both and I don't NOTICE and I think Diamond would be like 'yeah, it's whatever and I really don't care?' so like...yeah. They super chill about such things. You could call him anything that isn't clearly an insult and they'd answer to it.
#64 36700983p.png Pax
Crystalplate Stinger
20. an individual who is not related to you by blood but who may as well be for one reason or another
Tanner, or Tan-Dad as cousin Malachite calls him. He’s not related by blood but he was around (in canon) while Pax was just a baby so he’d have heard him being called ‘Tan-Dad’ by his older cousin so Pax and Eri and hey probably Rosette all grew up referring to Tanner as ‘Tan-Dad’ and he couldn’t stop it if he wanted to (but he definitely wouldn’t want them not to call him that--he legitimately finds it adorable)
#138 84106597p.png The Harvest Queen
Dragon Coral mat
18) What's your favorite game/pastime?
Goldie likes relaxing and playing card games with her inner circle.
#166 93637560p.png Cardboard
Fairy Octopus fam
13. non-dragon companion
WELL recent developments being what they are, Cardy’s non-dragon companion is their caster, --redacted--. There may or may not ever be more on him later but Cardy is actually a witch’s familiar for a humanoid from another...time period. Yeah, let’s go with that. I’m not writing a godlocke isekai BUT IF I WAS...
#108 78903658p.png Lobelia
title/role in clan
She's a recluse, so if anything she's the clan loner. When she can be found, she's usually mistaken for the librarian so there's that.

#79 4622296p.png Luna
Birch Logs
19) What's your favorite weather?
Luna is partial to storms, especially ones that end in haze and happen at night.

#128 31011876p.png Sunrise
Red Frosted Canary this. It's a family tree maker from PoisonedPepper ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while))
I could have sworn her blood mother was clothed and had a bio and was also an assassin...

#134 36888881p.png Junco
17) If you were given the opportunity to switch elements from the one you hatched with, what would you choose and why? Or would you never change?
Plague all the way. I shouldn't have to tell you why.

#149 94371858p.png Mystic
Granite Fragment
15) What's the first thing you notice about others?
"You want the honest answer or the one that doesn't sound unhinged and paranoid? Because the first thing I notice is whether or not they look like they're going to kill me."
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))
#77 [url=][img][/img][/url] Sapphire [item=Dry Confusing Note] trink 12) What’s your alignment? hrm...true neutral [rule] #71 [url=][img][/img][/url] Verbena [item=Aquatic Acuity Fragment] bat 1) Which sense would you be most distressed to lose? Sight by a landslide. How could she read all her lists if she couldn't see? [rule] #111 [url=][img][/img][/url] Fenemei [item=Engineered Superberry] [emoji=plant size=1] title/role in clan Fenemei was an explorer until she got lost. So...I guess she's doing her job really well! [rule] #12 [url=] [img][/img][/url] Ametrine [item=Glass Shards] mat 18) What's your favorite game/pastime? She and her two best friends like to spar together or fight monsters as a team. [rule] #23 [url=][img][/img][/url] Glace [item=Rusted Iron Belt Buckle] mat 4) What if I told you there was a whole world outside the Cave? Would you visit if you could? What kind of place would you like to see? Glace vaguely knows about the world outside and it both intrigues and frightens him. He thinks there's something out there, but he's not ready to venture Outside yet. [rule] #119 [url=][img][/img][/url] Riptide [item=Common Minnow] [emoji=seafood size=1] 2 traits Rippy is attentive but a little overzealous. She can sense when someone's about to die by drowning and gets hyper anxious about preventing their death and fretting about it until she's sure they're out of danger. That can't possibly be a bad thing. She's trying to help and if anyone has a problem with it they can just...see what happens when they don't let her help. [rule] #48 [url=][img][/img][/url] Tourmaline [item=Venomblade Hilt] trink 16) What do you splurge on? Toys and treats for her fur children. She doesn't have a problem. [rule] #181 [url=][img][/img][/url] Razor [item=Silt Sifter] [emoji=insect size=1] choose three items to suit the dragon’s aesthetic [item=Strange Chest] [item=Trickster's Magic Cards] [item=frigid emblem] [rule] #20 [url=] [img][/img][/url] Varis [item=Seaweed Silk] mat 7) Dragons are hoarders. What do you collect? Jewelry. Varis has an alarming jewelry collection. He gets bored of his old stuff every few years and always wants NEW so just imagine how much he's stockpiled. He's fine with giving away what he won't wear anymore, however, especially if he can see something of his looking better on someone else. It has to be his choice, though.
#77 39158435p.png Sapphire
Dry Confusing Note trink
12) What’s your alignment?
hrm...true neutral

#71 78313101p.png Verbena
Aquatic Acuity Fragment bat
1) Which sense would you be most distressed to lose?
Sight by a landslide. How could she read all her lists if she couldn't see?

#111 86858025p.png Fenemei
Engineered Superberry
title/role in clan
Fenemei was an explorer until she got lost. So...I guess she's doing her job really well!
Glass Shards mat
18) What's your favorite game/pastime?
She and her two best friends like to spar together or fight monsters as a team.
#23 36545274p.png Glace
Rusted Iron Belt Buckle mat
4) What if I told you there was a whole world outside the Cave? Would you visit if you could? What kind of place would you like to see?
Glace vaguely knows about the world outside and it both intrigues and frightens him. He thinks there's something out there, but he's not ready to venture Outside yet.
#119 93579225p.png Riptide
Common Minnow
2 traits
Rippy is attentive but a little overzealous. She can sense when someone's about to die by drowning and gets hyper anxious about preventing their death and fretting about it until she's sure they're out of danger. That can't possibly be a bad thing. She's trying to help and if anyone has a problem with it they can just...see what happens when they don't let her help.

#48 34106683p.png Tourmaline
Venomblade Hilt trink
16) What do you splurge on?
Toys and treats for her fur children. She doesn't have a problem.

#181 79321217p.png Razor
Silt Sifter
choose three items to suit the dragon’s aesthetic
Strange Chest Trickster's Magic Cards Frigid Emblem

Seaweed Silk mat
7) Dragons are hoarders. What do you collect?
Jewelry. Varis has an alarming jewelry collection. He gets bored of his old stuff every few years and always wants NEW so just imagine how much he's stockpiled. He's fine with giving away what he won't wear anymore, however, especially if he can see something of his looking better on someone else. It has to be his choice, though.
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))
#111 [url=][img][/img][/url] Fenemei [item=White-Eared Hummingbird] [emoji=meat size=1] use [url=]this[/url]. It's a family tree maker from [url=]PoisonedPepper[/url] ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while)) like I suspected, she comes from a long line of pretty blue birbs [rule] #127 [url=][img][/img][/url] Tempest [item=Roan Mouse] [emoji=meat size=1] use [url=]this[/url]. It's a family tree maker from [url=]PoisonedPepper[/url] ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while)) [url=]Smokescreen[/url], while canonically not her brother anymore, has been treed too [rule] #147 [url=][img][/img][/url] Baku Dreameater [item=Dark Acuity Fragment] 4) What if you were the one caught cheating? HAHAHAHAHAHA as if BAKU has the social intelligence to tell when someone's flirting with him in the first place without explicit proof. If anyone were to be dumb enough to accuse him of cheating, he'd swing back and remind them that 1) were they even dating in the first place and 2) "YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WE'RE IN A CLOSED RELATIONSHIP OR I ASSUME YOU HATE ME". That being said Baku has only ever had [url=]one true girlfriend[/url] and she legitimately wouldn't care what he did with other dragons. [rule] #30 [url=][img][/img][/url] Shade [item=Envenom] 15) Imagine you are aiding a healer. There isn't enough medicine for all your patients. At last it comes down to an elderly dragon and four younger and otherwise fit dragons. For the younger ones, you can ration out the last of the medicine and possibly save all four of them. The elderly one will require the full dose. The healer should have been the one to make the decision but has overworked themself and now lies exhausted on the floor, unable to give any advice. Now it's up to you. There are more than two ways to answer the question. "Rake this--I [i]can[/i] save ALL of them. I shake my mother awake by any means necessary and she and I save all of them. Final answer." [rule] #145 [url=][img][/img][/url] Mist [item=Jade] mat 17) What's your favorite genre in regards to music? [s]I swear if you're a lightning dragon and you don't say electronica you are dead to me[/s] As a manager of a punk group, she's probably required to say punk. That being said, I think she's...she loves her some punk music but her true jam is classical. There I said it.
#111 86858025p.png Fenemei
White-Eared Hummingbird
this. It's a family tree maker from PoisonedPepper ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while))
like I suspected, she comes from a long line of pretty blue birbs

#127 57415364p.png Tempest
Roan Mouse
this. It's a family tree maker from PoisonedPepper ((if randomized dragon already has this done, randomize another until all dragons have it. That should take you a while))
Smokescreen, while canonically not her brother anymore, has been treed too

#147 60076132p.png Baku Dreameater
Dark Acuity Fragment
4) What if you were the one caught cheating?
HAHAHAHAHAHA as if BAKU has the social intelligence to tell when someone's flirting with him in the first place without explicit proof. If anyone were to be dumb enough to accuse him of cheating, he'd swing back and remind them that 1) were they even dating in the first place and 2) "YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WE'RE IN A CLOSED RELATIONSHIP OR I ASSUME YOU HATE ME".
That being said Baku has only ever had one true girlfriend and she legitimately wouldn't care what he did with other dragons.

#30 37001366p.png Shade
15) Imagine you are aiding a healer. There isn't enough medicine for all your patients. At last it comes down to an elderly dragon and four younger and otherwise fit dragons. For the younger ones, you can ration out the last of the medicine and possibly save all four of them. The elderly one will require the full dose. The healer should have been the one to make the decision but has overworked themself and now lies exhausted on the floor, unable to give any advice. Now it's up to you. There are more than two ways to answer the question.

"Rake this--I can save ALL of them. I shake my mother awake by any means necessary and she and I save all of them. Final answer."

#145 77720359p.png Mist
Jade mat
17) What's your favorite genre in regards to music? I swear if you're a lightning dragon and you don't say electronica you are dead to me
As a manager of a punk group, she's probably required to say punk. That being said, I think she's...she loves her some punk music but her true jam is classical. There I said it.
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))
#118 [url=] [img][/img][/url] Thrashing Whirlpool [item=Greenpod Bloom] [emoji=plant size=1] title/role in clan chief of security for his clan [rule] #137 [url=][url=][img][/img][/url][/url]Cliff [item=Stonewatch Scrub] [emoji=plant size=1] title/role in clan Cliff's part of a vigilante team, one of the founders even. [rule] #171 [url=][img][/img][/url] Ash [item=Bewitching Ruby Forejewels] 2) make a gene or outfit plan, even if it's just for the imaginary undertide monolair (but recognize that this is the bare minimum and has and always will be a joke) [img][/img] this isn't happening she looks great in underbelly also her outfit looks great she's one of my few perfect babies no notes [rule] #52 [url=][img][/img][/url] Aoi [item=Dark Might Fragment] [emoji=d20 size=1] crit fail 1) Which sense would you be most distressed to lose? Hearing. Aoi's a leader and he relies on speaking and listening and being able to hear would greatly hinder his ability to communicate. That being said, if he lost his hearing, he'd adapt by showing what he wanted his friends to do rather than telling them. He'd be this strong, silent type and he'd be soooo cool. And his boyfriend would probably talk more out of necessity. Just sayin that'd be an interesting character arc for him to go through, maybe something causes him to temporarily for a long time lose his hearing. [rule] #38 [url=][img][/img][/url] Beryl [item=Spade Tail] mat 9) We’ve all got a complicated relationship with identity, right? Spill. Beryl spent a long time without a name, so she's a little anxious about not knowing who she is. This part hasn't been written yet. [rule] #147 [url=][img][/img][/url] Baku Dreameater [item=Empathetic Regeneration] 17) If you were given the opportunity to switch elements from the one you hatched with, what would you choose and why? Or would you never change? His element is time, but what would he give to have literally any other element? Time is a major inconvenience. If given the choice, he'd choose anything else. He'd totally go for nature, honestly. It's too bad that's not his element. Oh well.
Thrashing Whirlpool
Greenpod Bloom
title/role in clan
chief of security for his clan

#137 44374557p.pngCliff
Stonewatch Scrub
title/role in clan
Cliff's part of a vigilante team, one of the founders even.

#171 80258725p.png Ash
Bewitching Ruby Forejewels
2) make a gene or outfit plan, even if it's just for the imaginary undertide monolair (but recognize that this is the bare minimum and has and always will be a joke)
this isn't happening
she looks great in underbelly
also her outfit looks great
she's one of my few perfect babies
no notes

#52 89266603p.png Aoi
Dark Might Fragment
crit fail
1) Which sense would you be most distressed to lose?
Hearing. Aoi's a leader and he relies on speaking and listening and being able to hear would greatly hinder his ability to communicate. That being said, if he lost his hearing, he'd adapt by showing what he wanted his friends to do rather than telling them. He'd be this strong, silent type and he'd be soooo cool. And his boyfriend would probably talk more out of necessity. Just sayin that'd be an interesting character arc for him to go through, maybe something causes him to temporarily for a long time lose his hearing.

#38 36586878p.png Beryl
Spade Tail mat
9) We’ve all got a complicated relationship with identity, right? Spill.
Beryl spent a long time without a name, so she's a little anxious about not knowing who she is. This part hasn't been written yet.

#147 60076132p.png Baku Dreameater
Empathetic Regeneration
17) If you were given the opportunity to switch elements from the one you hatched with, what would you choose and why? Or would you never change?
His element is time, but what would he give to have literally any other element? Time is a major inconvenience. If given the choice, he'd choose anything else. He'd totally go for nature, honestly. It's too bad that's not his element. Oh well.
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))
[img][/img] Lightning spotlight [url=][img][/img][/url] Princess Nightwing [item=Wolftail] [emoji=plant size=1] title/role in clan Oh, what a great starting point^^ Nightwing is a spoiled princess who was always told she could have anything she wanted and be anything she wanted. This misguided worldview was impressed upon her by her doting older [url=]brother[/url], who was just a kid and had no idea what he was creating. He indulged her wild ideas and she ran with them like a little chaos demon. Then she grew up and was left the kingdom when their [url=]mother[/url] decided she was done with politics and being told she wasn't doing it right. 'Let the world see what I was doing right', she thought, leaving her daughter in charge. Oh and how they learned. Nightwing is untouchable because of the powerful dragons she's allied with: her mother, the powerful business demon Luna; her older brother, the charismatic fortune teller and natural leader Aoi; and last of all, and possibly the most compelling in any argument against Nightwing stands the mother goddess herself [url=]Calla[/url]. And if that isn't enough, her [url=]father[/url] was a major villain. If anything bad happens to her, he sends the offending party terrible nightmares from the dead. No one wants that, so let's all play nice with the dreameater's precious daughter. Princess Nightwing runs an inherited kingdom with the help of a merman named Kidlat who might actually be the one pulling all the strings. Her other advisors, former harpy royal Duke and a serthis she pulled off the street named Azura, are also presumably involved in helping Nightwing run her corner of the sky, but as to how much power they have once a siren's compelling song is a factor is questionable. Since coming to power, the princess has started several wars just to get a pretty girl's attention, but they have all been cold wars full of intrigue and will they won't they. At some point, the opposing powers figured out what the real problem was and stopped taking her threats seriously and just tried to get the object of Nightwing's affection to go talk some sense into her. Nightwing, still oblivious, just dueled all her crushes and literally crushed them. They were making her feel weird, uncomfortable emotions, after all, so they were definitely in the wrong, right? Her crushes all limped back home, completely confused and disgusted with the whole affair, but they backed down on all threats. Despite that, Nightwing has also strengthened the economy by investing wisely with her brother's advice and giving aid to her ally The Harvest Queen, bolstering trade between the two nations. did...did I answer the question or not? she's a princess--that's her role thank you good night [rule] [item=Diamond Ring] trink 11) What’s your greatest material treasure? This is your favorite thing but you tell me what and where it came from and why it would be the first thing you’d save in a fire. She has a pretty purple cape that she likes to wear. It might be made of a baby blanket. Mother Calla wrapped her in it when she was little so Nightwing has a primal, violent attachment to it. No one's allowed to take it away from her, even to wash it. She needs to just bathe with it on. Azura's working on it because she's usually the one who's laying on it all day so she does her best to clean it for Nightwing, who allows it because she doesn't particularly want her cape to be dirty. She just freaks out if you take it away from her. It's not a conscious reaction and it's not something she can control. [rule] [item=obsidian hybrid fragment] bat 6) You have learned that the neighbors have crossed your border. It may or may not be your job, but you're the one who found out about it. What do you do about it? Nightwing's first impulse is to attack, but her advisors (Lat) talk her down from it. They all agree to go down and have a little chat with the intruder and see if they...are trying to sell something! [rule] [item=Common Locust] [emoji=insect size=1] choose three items to suit the dragon’s aesthetic [item=Blueband Duelist] [item=Waveswell Sorcerer] [item=Mesacliff Noble] Her three advisors of course [rule] [item=Corven Cape] trink 19) Whose side are you on? Nightwing is on her own side. She lives for herself and her loved ones and everyone else is trash and should feed bad unless they're a cute girl and then she'll think about it. Nah, she's trash too because she doesn't understand how Nightwing feels about her. [rule] [item=Illegible Glyphscroll] trink 4) What are you fighting for? Or have you lost the will to fight? Though she isn't always aware of it, Nightwing is fighting to have her way all the time. Her advisor's are constantly trying to guide her to a healthier place, but her mind is still so immature. She has a permanent negative modifier on her wisdom score while the rest of her stats increased with experience.
Lightning spotlight
91370889p.png Princess Nightwing

title/role in clan
Oh, what a great starting point^^
Nightwing is a spoiled princess who was always told she could have anything she wanted and be anything she wanted. This misguided worldview was impressed upon her by her doting older brother, who was just a kid and had no idea what he was creating. He indulged her wild ideas and she ran with them like a little chaos demon. Then she grew up and was left the kingdom when their mother decided she was done with politics and being told she wasn't doing it right. 'Let the world see what I was doing right', she thought, leaving her daughter in charge.
Oh and how they learned.
Nightwing is untouchable because of the powerful dragons she's allied with: her mother, the powerful business demon Luna; her older brother, the charismatic fortune teller and natural leader Aoi; and last of all, and possibly the most compelling in any argument against Nightwing stands the mother goddess herself Calla. And if that isn't enough, her father was a major villain. If anything bad happens to her, he sends the offending party terrible nightmares from the dead. No one wants that, so let's all play nice with the dreameater's precious daughter.

Princess Nightwing runs an inherited kingdom with the help of a merman named Kidlat who might actually be the one pulling all the strings. Her other advisors, former harpy royal Duke and a serthis she pulled off the street named Azura, are also presumably involved in helping Nightwing run her corner of the sky, but as to how much power they have once a siren's compelling song is a factor is questionable. Since coming to power, the princess has started several wars just to get a pretty girl's attention, but they have all been cold wars full of intrigue and will they won't they. At some point, the opposing powers figured out what the real problem was and stopped taking her threats seriously and just tried to get the object of Nightwing's affection to go talk some sense into her. Nightwing, still oblivious, just dueled all her crushes and literally crushed them. They were making her feel weird, uncomfortable emotions, after all, so they were definitely in the wrong, right? Her crushes all limped back home, completely confused and disgusted with the whole affair, but they backed down on all threats. Despite that, Nightwing has also strengthened the economy by investing wisely with her brother's advice and giving aid to her ally The Harvest Queen, bolstering trade between the two nations.

did...did I answer the question or not?
she's a princess--that's her role thank you good night

Diamond Ring trink
11) What’s your greatest material treasure? This is your favorite thing but you tell me what and where it came from and why it would be the first thing you’d save in a fire.
She has a pretty purple cape that she likes to wear. It might be made of a baby blanket. Mother Calla wrapped her in it when she was little so Nightwing has a primal, violent attachment to it. No one's allowed to take it away from her, even to wash it. She needs to just bathe with it on. Azura's working on it because she's usually the one who's laying on it all day so she does her best to clean it for Nightwing, who allows it because she doesn't particularly want her cape to be dirty. She just freaks out if you take it away from her. It's not a conscious reaction and it's not something she can control.

Obsidian Hybrid Fragment bat
6) You have learned that the neighbors have crossed your border. It may or may not be your job, but you're the one who found out about it. What do you do about it?
Nightwing's first impulse is to attack, but her advisors (Lat) talk her down from it. They all agree to go down and have a little chat with the intruder and see if they...are trying to sell something!

Common Locust
choose three items to suit the dragon’s aesthetic
Blueband Duelist Waveswell Sorcerer Mesacliff Noble
Her three advisors of course

Corven Cape trink
19) Whose side are you on?
Nightwing is on her own side. She lives for herself and her loved ones and everyone else is trash and should feed bad unless they're a cute girl and then she'll think about it. Nah, she's trash too because she doesn't understand how Nightwing feels about her.

Illegible Glyphscroll trink
4) What are you fighting for? Or have you lost the will to fight?
Though she isn't always aware of it, Nightwing is fighting to have her way all the time. Her advisor's are constantly trying to guide her to a healthier place, but her mind is still so immature. She has a permanent negative modifier on her wisdom score while the rest of her stats increased with experience.
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))
[img][/img] Lightning spotlight [url=][img][/img][/url] Scarlet [item=Salt-Marsh Mosquito] [emoji=insect size=1] choose three items to suit the dragon’s aesthetic [item=Five-toed Pilco] [item=Ebony Filigree Boots] [item=Bleak Birdskull Necklace] Her blood parents sent her off with a pilco and a pair of boots, and while on her own she made her necklace out of her first kill. [rule] [item=Noxious Colony] 1) Do an art of the dragon or at least like start one [s]and never finish it[/s]. YOU WANT IT? FINE [img][/img] I JUST DREW MY LEAST FAVORITE TO DRAW DRAGON--PRAISE ME [rule] [item=Petal Bat Spoon] 20) Hey! A natural 20! Give the dragon a lyric they can identify with. "I'm an addict for dramatics I confuse the two for love." --Taking Back Sunday [Liar (It Takes One to Know One) this was chosen quickly and I stand by it [rule] [item=Iridescent Cloth] 1) Is there a story behind your name? Okay, but now answer the question. Her wings...are red... ((this isn't nearly as helpful as it was last night...might need to fudge some rolls)) [rule] [item=Glamorous Scarlet Ovalcrown] 4) write a poem/letter/song from the perspective of the dragon's lover/admirer describing their beauty in the most melodramatic way possible. You're welcome. "Dear Scarlet, Ummm... I love you I guess? Please don't hurt me? [url=]Rosette[/url]" [rule] [item=Armadillo Leather] 11) What's your favorite beverage? Oh...umm...Scarlet, you hydrate, right? With...what? No, don't say the blood of your enemies. You're better than that. Apple juice. Final answer. Yikes I wanted to dive deeper than this.
Lightning spotlight
35419785p.png Scarlet

Salt-Marsh Mosquito
choose three items to suit the dragon’s aesthetic
Five-toed Pilco Ebony Filigree Boots Bleak Birdskull Necklace
Her blood parents sent her off with a pilco and a pair of boots, and while on her own she made her necklace out of her first kill.

Noxious Colony
1) Do an art of the dragon or at least like start one and never finish it.


Petal Bat Spoon
20) Hey! A natural 20! Give the dragon a lyric they can identify with.

"I'm an addict for dramatics
I confuse the two for love."
--Taking Back Sunday [Liar (It Takes One to Know One)

this was chosen quickly and I stand by it

Iridescent Cloth
1) Is there a story behind your name? Okay, but now answer the question.
Her wings...are red...

((this isn't nearly as helpful as it was last night...might need to fudge some rolls))

Glamorous Scarlet Ovalcrown
4) write a poem/letter/song from the perspective of the dragon's lover/admirer describing their beauty in the most melodramatic way possible. You're welcome.

"Dear Scarlet,

I love you I guess? Please don't hurt me?


Armadillo Leather
11) What's your favorite beverage?
Oh...umm...Scarlet, you hydrate, right? With...what? No, don't say the blood of your enemies. You're better than that.

Apple juice. Final answer.
Yikes I wanted to dive deeper than this.
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))
[img][/img] Lightning spotlight [url=][img][/img][/url] Mwindaji [item=Faded Blue Fabric] mat 3) your favorite color? We're gonna go with pink but not because pink's for girls or anything stupid and arbitrary like that. Mwindaji just looks really good in pink like wow girl you look amazing and everyone should be jealous of you [rule] [item=Tolbunt Rooster] [emoji=meat size=1] use [url=]this[/url]. It's a family tree maker from [url=]PoisonedPepper[/url] She comes from a bunch of edgelords and I shouldn't have been at all surprised [rule] [item=Burrow Bear Hide] mat 19) What's your favorite weather? She likes overcast days. If it's storming, she's happy to hear the sound and all but she'll worry about her forest dryad Jak if it's storming. She'll go visit him to make sure he's not hiding in a tall tree or something dumb like that. [rule] [item=Confusing Tattered Narrative] trink 11) What’s your greatest material treasure? This is your favorite thing but you tell me what and where it came from and why it would be the first thing you’d save in a fire. Their gloves. They help her grip her game pieces and she feels naked without them. If she were to fall in love, it would mean a lot if she let her partner remove her gloves to hold their hands properly. [rule] [item=Dreameater Tusk] mat 17) What's your favorite genre in regards to music? [s]I swear if you're a lightning dragon and you don't say electronica you are dead to me[/s] ((it's finally happened!)) Mwindaji maintains aggressive eye contact as she affirms that her favorite genre of music is death metal and punk adjacent. 'Come at me', say her eyes. ((dead to me)) [rule] [item=Harrowing Vellum Missive] trink 10) What’s your best-kept secret? That being said, who would you tell? Mwindaji's secret...oh yeah. She totally had a crush on [url=]Sumac[/url] when she first saw her, before she knew they were cousins. Sumac still startles her sometimes and it burns her up because it's not a reaction she can control. Sumac's really cool, okay? She would never ever never forever never tell anyone about those feelings and she's pushing them back down deep where they can only hurt her in their nightmares. Right because that's healthy--MOVING ON!
Lightning spotlight
88188907p.png Mwindaji

Faded Blue Fabric mat
3) your favorite color?
We're gonna go with pink but not because pink's for girls or anything stupid and arbitrary like that. Mwindaji just looks really good in pink like wow girl you look amazing and everyone should be jealous of you

Tolbunt Rooster
this. It's a family tree maker from PoisonedPepper

She comes from a bunch of edgelords and I shouldn't have been at all surprised

Burrow Bear Hide mat
19) What's your favorite weather?
She likes overcast days. If it's storming, she's happy to hear the sound and all but she'll worry about her forest dryad Jak if it's storming. She'll go visit him to make sure he's not hiding in a tall tree or something dumb like that.

Confusing Tattered Narrative trink
11) What’s your greatest material treasure? This is your favorite thing but you tell me what and where it came from and why it would be the first thing you’d save in a fire.
Their gloves. They help her grip her game pieces and she feels naked without them. If she were to fall in love, it would mean a lot if she let her partner remove her gloves to hold their hands properly.

Dreameater Tusk mat
17) What's your favorite genre in regards to music? I swear if you're a lightning dragon and you don't say electronica you are dead to me
((it's finally happened!))

Mwindaji maintains aggressive eye contact as she affirms that her favorite genre of music is death metal and punk adjacent. 'Come at me', say her eyes.

((dead to me))

Harrowing Vellum Missive trink
10) What’s your best-kept secret? That being said, who would you tell?
Mwindaji's secret...oh yeah. She totally had a crush on Sumac when she first saw her, before she knew they were cousins. Sumac still startles her sometimes and it burns her up because it's not a reaction she can control. Sumac's really cool, okay?
She would never ever never forever never tell anyone about those feelings and she's pushing them back down deep where they can only hurt her in their nightmares.
Right because that's healthy--MOVING ON!
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))
[img][/img] Go, wildcard! It's Garnet! GAR GAR [url=][img][/img][/url] Garnet [s]you've been watching too much Pokemon[/s] I don't know a thing about Garnet! Let's fix that! He's been here for so long! [item=Sentinel Fish] [emoji=seafood size=1] 2 traits Garnet is sensitive and refined. He's mature and rational but if you make his fox cry he will annihilate you with a lightning strike. [rule] [item=Teeming Loghive] [emoji=insect size=1] choose three items to suit the dragon’s aesthetic [item=Crimson Silk Veil] [item=Trick of the Light] [item=A Flourish of Garnet] [rule] [item=Strangling Vine] mat 14) What's your preferred terrain? (air counts as a terrain in this question) Final answer. [rule] [item=Scarlet Sylvan Twist] I'm fudging this roll because it's late and I do not want to draw him tonight screw it I make the rules 4) write a poem/letter/song from the perspective of the dragon's lover/admirer describing their beauty in the most melodramatic way possible. You're welcome. "Dear Gar Gar, It's your precious Nighty-poo~ I've got a show tonight! Come see me, baby! Smooches^^ Love [url=]Nightdancer[/url]~" yikes I thought she'd try harder than that Garnet left her such a [url=]pretty letter[/url]. He'll be crushed. [rule] [item=Dark Might Fragment] bat 17) If you were given the opportunity to switch elements from the one you hatched with, what would you choose and why? Or would you never change? Garnet might prefer to be earth or wind. Earth to be closer to his precious gems and wind to be more graceful, like his beloved. Lightning is fine. It's just not the center of his universe. [rule] [item=Shale Hybrid Fragment] bat 13) What constitutes a bad day? The day Trick died was a bad day...but then he came back as a ghost and they've been inseparable ever since. It might be a bad day when Garnet reads that letter Nightdancer left him,'s so...short. He put his soul into hers and hers sounds like she'd write it for any of her fans. Isn't Garnet...special? Hey. I still don't know a thing about Garnet! HAHAHAHAHAHA--bedtime.
Go, wildcard!
It's Garnet!
41028868p.png Garnet
you've been watching too much Pokemon
I don't know a thing about Garnet! Let's fix that! He's been here for so long!

Sentinel Fish
2 traits
Garnet is sensitive and refined. He's mature and rational but if you make his fox cry he will annihilate you with a lightning strike.

Teeming Loghive
choose three items to suit the dragon’s aesthetic
Crimson Silk Veil Trick of the Light A Flourish of Garnet

Strangling Vine mat
14) What's your preferred terrain? (air counts as a terrain in this question) Final answer.

Scarlet Sylvan Twist
I'm fudging this roll because it's late and I do not want to draw him tonight screw it I make the rules
4) write a poem/letter/song from the perspective of the dragon's lover/admirer describing their beauty in the most melodramatic way possible. You're welcome.
"Dear Gar Gar,
It's your precious Nighty-poo~
I've got a show tonight! Come see me, baby!
Love Nightdancer~"

yikes I thought she'd try harder than that
Garnet left her such a pretty letter. He'll be crushed.

Dark Might Fragment bat
17) If you were given the opportunity to switch elements from the one you hatched with, what would you choose and why? Or would you never change?
Garnet might prefer to be earth or wind. Earth to be closer to his precious gems and wind to be more graceful, like his beloved. Lightning is fine. It's just not the center of his universe.

Shale Hybrid Fragment bat
13) What constitutes a bad day?
The day Trick died was a bad day...but then he came back as a ghost and they've been inseparable ever since. It might be a bad day when Garnet reads that letter Nightdancer left him,'s so...short. He put his soul into hers and hers sounds like she'd write it for any of her fans. Isn't Garnet...special?

I still don't know a thing about Garnet! HAHAHAHAHAHA--bedtime.
nb5YUNX.png BPco0tZ.png HQsa6bD.png advAsr3.png XVZ1THB.png he/they
Tiny pride flags
XdKddgH.png Biolocke

Avatar dragon
((about me))