
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Closed GALA - Sornieth Winter Games '22
[center][img][/img] [size=5][color=teal][b]Day 6[/b] [I]Luge[/I][/size][color=teal] Doubles [img][/img] [url=][img],2501,2560,2464,12911,13855,13775,13783,13815,13831,13847,13855,13839,13807,13791,29000&xt=dressing.png[/img] [url=][img],12932,12925,13775,13815,13783,13791,13839,13847,13855,13831&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [img][/img] They rushed to get to the competition, other small life hassles had made them so late that the rest of their clan couldn't make it. But Ulatl was insistent and her pretty icy blue eyes had filled with tears at the thought of not playing. They had practiced so hard for this! She pouted. Chip couldn't say no, even though there was so much to do at home. "How can we miss this chance fly while reclining?" Ulatl asked dreamily. Chirp laughed with enjoyment. Still loving how Ulatl looked at the world. "Of course we can't." She quickly pulled on her outfit. "I forgot the touches of purple." "Next time!" Ulatl promised adjusting hers. Chirp smile "Let's go." They were sort of in time. At least their names were still being called. Chirp sighed. This time it was mostly her fault that they were late. Ulatl's giggles echoed as they hurried to the starting point. Ulatl sat on the the thin sled first and Chirp settled against her. They pushed off and laid down at the same time. Picking up speed. "Whoopee!" Ulatl voice followed them away! [img][/img]

Day 6






They rushed to get to the competition, other small life hassles had made them so late that the rest of their clan couldn't make it.
But Ulatl was insistent and her pretty icy blue eyes had filled with tears at the thought of not playing.
They had practiced so hard for this! She pouted.
Chip couldn't say no, even though there was so much to do at home.
"How can we miss this chance fly while reclining?" Ulatl asked dreamily.
Chirp laughed with enjoyment. Still loving how Ulatl looked at the world. "Of course we can't." She quickly pulled on her outfit. "I forgot the touches of purple."
"Next time!" Ulatl promised adjusting hers.
Chirp smile "Let's go."

They were sort of in time. At least their names were still being called. Chirp sighed. This time it was mostly her fault that they were late.
Ulatl's giggles echoed as they hurried to the starting point.

Ulatl sat on the the thin sled first and Chirp settled against her.
They pushed off and laid down at the same time.
Picking up speed.

"Whoopee!" Ulatl voice followed them away!


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[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=red gem size=1] *.~ [b]Speed Skating[/b] ~.* [emoji=red gem size=1][/center] [i]Pensive, Knock Out watches the competing menagerie as they whip around the track, all too aware that he, amongst others, will soon be in their place. He has not kept himself in the best shape these past few months, and has been unable to muster up much hope for his coming performance. Even still, Knock Out is nothing if not persistent, and if he must unbury his competitive streak by watching his fellow speed demons compete, then so be it.[/i]

*.~ Speed Skating ~.*

Pensive, Knock Out watches the competing menagerie as they whip around the track, all too aware that he, amongst others, will soon be in their place. He has not kept himself in the best shape these past few months, and has been unable to muster up much hope for his coming performance. Even still, Knock Out is nothing if not persistent, and if he must unbury his competitive streak by watching his fellow speed demons compete, then so be it.
[i][ Log 5 | Ice hockey ][/i] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center] [i]WHACK! CRACK! WHAZZAM![/i][/center] The group looked at Maiya, the blue veilspun, in a smidge of confusion. No hockey stick makes a whazzam noise when it’s hit against another like a sword, the veilspun shrugged like she was saying ‘I unno’, maybe cause that’s exactly what she was saying. The group was up next for their first match in hockey, so in an attempt to keep moral (this team was VERY new to hockey as a whole), Kira had proposed using the sticks like swords. The sticks weren’t even theirs, they were borrowing them from the Winter Games staff, but they were still whacking them off eachother like they were pirates. The team on the ice cheered, the match was over; the group looked at eachother nervously and made their way towards the entrance. [right][i][ End of Log ]
[ Log 5 | Ice hockey ]

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The group looked at Maiya, the blue veilspun, in a smidge of confusion. No hockey stick makes a whazzam noise when it’s hit against another like a sword, the veilspun shrugged like she was saying ‘I unno’, maybe cause that’s exactly what she was saying.

The group was up next for their first match in hockey, so in an attempt to keep moral (this team was VERY new to hockey as a whole), Kira had proposed using the sticks like swords. The sticks weren’t even theirs, they were borrowing them from the Winter Games staff, but they were still whacking them off eachother like they were pirates.

The team on the ice cheered, the match was over; the group looked at eachother nervously and made their way towards the entrance.

[ End of Log ]
+8 FRT
My username is RBG, not RGB
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[i][ Log 6 | Curling ][/i] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [i]Curling.[/i] Bog thought with distaste, [i]We sweep the ice so a rock goes a specific distance, how fun[/i]. The spiral watched the other two dragons goof off, DoomBringer holding Tamal like a ferret, Tamal angrily calling him names, their equipment left forgotten on the floor. To be absolutely honest, Bog did want to join in, but Tamal and Doombringer were a pair that had to be together with nothing in between. Well that’s what he thought, eventually the antics spread to Tamal and Doombringer dragging Bog along the floor by his tail, Bog’s bright orange curling brush still clutched to his chest. [i]Maybe this won’t be so bad after all[/i] [right][i][ End of Log ]
[ Log 6 | Curling ]
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Curling. Bog thought with distaste, We sweep the ice so a rock goes a specific distance, how fun.

The spiral watched the other two dragons goof off, DoomBringer holding Tamal like a ferret, Tamal angrily calling him names, their equipment left forgotten on the floor. To be absolutely honest, Bog did want to join in, but Tamal and Doombringer were a pair that had to be together with nothing in between.

Well that’s what he thought, eventually the antics spread to Tamal and Doombringer dragging Bog along the floor by his tail, Bog’s bright orange curling brush still clutched to his chest.

Maybe this won’t be so bad after all

[ End of Log ]
+8 FRT
My username is RBG, not RGB
HotnSpicy’s Beauty Tips and Tricks
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[i][ Log 7 | Ski jumping ][/i] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Avo, once again, had Winter sports equipment duct taped to his feet. His meager few days back at home, tending to his robots, were cut abruptly short by an emergency notice sent out by Tamal about Luminax’s disqualification, the hatchling had to join to act in some sports, where Bog couldn’t. The hatchling sighed and waddled to the starting point, looking even funnier walking than an adult skier. He took a deep breath, spread his wings for stability (he’d close them later at the actual jump), and started his quick descent towards the ramp. [right][i][ End of Log ]
[ Log 7 | Ski jumping ]


Avo, once again, had Winter sports equipment duct taped to his feet. His meager few days back at home, tending to his robots, were cut abruptly short by an emergency notice sent out by Tamal about Luminax’s disqualification, the hatchling had to join to act in some sports, where Bog couldn’t.

The hatchling sighed and waddled to the starting point, looking even funnier walking than an adult skier. He took a deep breath, spread his wings for stability (he’d close them later at the actual jump), and started his quick descent towards the ramp.

[ End of Log ]
+8 FRT
My username is RBG, not RGB
HotnSpicy’s Beauty Tips and Tricks
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[i][ Log 8 | Speed skating ][/i] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Maiya hid behind her friends, the group who had played with her during the Ice Hockey. Avo was throwing a tantrum about a broken Borer, Kira was being your average dad and drinking coffee while looking annoyed, DoomBringer was trying to calm Avo down and Solanance was laughing at the lot. The veilspun was the best choice for speed skating; she was small, agile and quick, even by veilspun standards, but she barely knew how to skate. The notice for the winter games came in so abruptly they only had 3 days to prepare, and 3 days to train. Even so, the Veilspun looked at Solanance for strength, she’d always looked up to her (Solanance) as a sort of figure of confidence. The wildclaw smiled, gave a boyish smile and a friendly thumbs up. She mightn’t be ready, but she’s as ready as she’ll ever be. [right][i][ End of Log ]
[ Log 8 | Speed skating ]

Maiya hid behind her friends, the group who had played with her during the Ice Hockey. Avo was throwing a tantrum about a broken Borer, Kira was being your average dad and drinking coffee while looking annoyed, DoomBringer was trying to calm Avo down and Solanance was laughing at the lot.

The veilspun was the best choice for speed skating; she was small, agile and quick, even by veilspun standards, but she barely knew how to skate. The notice for the winter games came in so abruptly they only had 3 days to prepare, and 3 days to train.

Even so, the Veilspun looked at Solanance for strength, she’d always looked up to her (Solanance) as a sort of figure of confidence. The wildclaw smiled, gave a boyish smile and a friendly thumbs up.

She mightn’t be ready, but she’s as ready as she’ll ever be.
[ End of Log ]
+8 FRT
My username is RBG, not RGB
HotnSpicy’s Beauty Tips and Tricks
[nextcol]Blank blank blank[nextcol]blank blank blank[nextcol]
[center][img][/img] [color=#135cad][b]Saturday - Day 7 - Curling[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] Admon held his wings closer, peering down the sheet at their competition. Three nervous Veilspun stood as their First, Second, and Third, with the smallest of them clearly the Vice-Skip, and a Fae standing as their Skip and Fourth. A mirror to his own team, with Noema standing as his own Vice-Skip and First. He could see them shuffling, whispering to each other as they waited to see what they would manage for the final Round. He could see Eternal and Asphodel consulting with Noema, clearly worried. If they didn't manage to get this stone past the other team's, they'd lose. If they made it... "Why're we fretting?" The three Fae turned to look at their Skip, who was holding the stone close as he gave them all a blank stare. Fae may be known for their lack of emotion, but this Veilspun was closer to the stereotype than all of them combined. He nodded to the house, carefully sweeping one of his fallen flowers aside as he did so. "They're the closest, but we still have a shot. If I curl this just right, I can knock them aside and give [i]us[/i] three points instead." As the three older generations nodded their heads, Admon gave his best smile. It was really more of an impersonation of one. He may as well have been an empty shell, a new soul with no purpose or motivation, but he was still a drake, still their kin. "When we win this, we can go to the [b]Harvest[/b] Feast those drakes with the wands helped make to celebrate." Noema, his second, let out a chuckle at that, nudging her Skip towards the starting line. She dutifully plucked one of the flowers off the track, frowning at his branching horns. "You know only you can eat plants out of the lot of us, right?" Admon just tilted his head at her, then gave another smile. It seems he had an idea already as to what they could all eat at the feast. He tied his mane back as he finally spoke up again. "Perhaps, but all those new growths will be a bountiful [b]harvest[/b] for pests, won't they?" Was that a mischievous glint in his eye, or a malicious one? Noema wondered if somehow this unstable husk of a drake was joking or not as he slid down the track. From what her cousins could tell... it could go either way. [img][/img][/center]
Saturday - Day 7 - Curling

Admon held his wings closer, peering down the sheet at their competition. Three nervous Veilspun stood as their First, Second, and Third, with the smallest of them clearly the Vice-Skip, and a Fae standing as their Skip and Fourth. A mirror to his own team, with Noema standing as his own Vice-Skip and First. He could see them shuffling, whispering to each other as they waited to see what they would manage for the final Round. He could see Eternal and Asphodel consulting with Noema, clearly worried. If they didn't manage to get this stone past the other team's, they'd lose. If they made it...

"Why're we fretting?"

The three Fae turned to look at their Skip, who was holding the stone close as he gave them all a blank stare. Fae may be known for their lack of emotion, but this Veilspun was closer to the stereotype than all of them combined. He nodded to the house, carefully sweeping one of his fallen flowers aside as he did so.

"They're the closest, but we still have a shot. If I curl this just right, I can knock them aside and give us three points instead."

As the three older generations nodded their heads, Admon gave his best smile. It was really more of an impersonation of one. He may as well have been an empty shell, a new soul with no purpose or motivation, but he was still a drake, still their kin.

"When we win this, we can go to the Harvest Feast those drakes with the wands helped make to celebrate."

Noema, his second, let out a chuckle at that, nudging her Skip towards the starting line. She dutifully plucked one of the flowers off the track, frowning at his branching horns.

"You know only you can eat plants out of the lot of us, right?"

Admon just tilted his head at her, then gave another smile. It seems he had an idea already as to what they could all eat at the feast. He tied his mane back as he finally spoke up again.

"Perhaps, but all those new growths will be a bountiful harvest for pests, won't they?"

Was that a mischievous glint in his eye, or a malicious one? Noema wondered if somehow this unstable husk of a drake was joking or not as he slid down the track. From what her cousins could tell... it could go either way.


FXwV0CB.pngFObX7rS.pngSaronai's Free Star Lighting Raffle. Over 3kg in prizes. Ends February 1st. Click to learn more!

Former First Column Spacer ^^^^^^^^^
Day 7 - ski jumping [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Create a booster seat out of ice so a ridgeback hatchling could get high enough to have a good view of the ski jumping event. A very wriggly ridgeback hatchling. Yoya was supposed to be done when the hatchling climbed in but had to hastily build all the sides higher and thicker for fear the hatchie breaking their neck tumbling out would revoke her payment. If only the father hadn't offered such a rare fish she wanted in exchange. This would be worth it, months from now, when she still had the record of the fish and the memory of the job was faded. "I wanna do that [i]too![/i]" the hatchling exclaimed with shrieking enthusiasm as a contestant hit the first jump and soared into the air. The adult ridgeback visibly eyed the sloping walls of the booster seat - because pulling ice vapor upward while freezing it in place did not lend itself to flat planes - followed by the ski jump course. "You know, would you--" "No."
Day 7 - ski jumping
Create a booster seat out of ice so a ridgeback hatchling could get high enough to have a good view of the ski jumping event. A very wriggly ridgeback hatchling. Yoya was supposed to be done when the hatchling climbed in but had to hastily build all the sides higher and thicker for fear the hatchie breaking their neck tumbling out would revoke her payment.

If only the father hadn't offered such a rare fish she wanted in exchange. This would be worth it, months from now, when she still had the record of the fish and the memory of the job was faded.

"I wanna do that too!" the hatchling exclaimed with shrieking enthusiasm as a contestant hit the first jump and soared into the air.

The adult ridgeback visibly eyed the sloping walls of the booster seat - because pulling ice vapor upward while freezing it in place did not lend itself to flat planes - followed by the ski jump course. "You know, would you--"

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[center][u][b]Saturday - Luge[/b][/u] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] This was it - the final day. Their last chance to compete and earn points towards a medal and prizes at the Sornieth Winter Games. After today, there would be nothing to do but wait to [b]harvest[/b] the results of the efforts they'd sown. It felt only fitting to Sapphire to finish off this year's Games with her favorite event and the first event she'd ever won an event in, the luge. While she readied herself at the starting line, the rest of her clanmates stood at the sidelines to cheer her on. "You can do it hon!" [url=]Obsidian[/url] cheered. "Make them eat snow!" [url=]Kacey[/url] hummed. Sapphire waved back at them with a smile, before refocusing on the course ahead of her. She still had one more event to go before they could celebrate and go home, and she was determined to do her best.
Saturday - Luge
This was it - the final day. Their last chance to compete and earn points towards a medal and prizes at the Sornieth Winter Games. After today, there would be nothing to do but wait to harvest the results of the efforts they'd sown.

It felt only fitting to Sapphire to finish off this year's Games with her favorite event and the first event she'd ever won an event in, the luge. While she readied herself at the starting line, the rest of her clanmates stood at the sidelines to cheer her on.

"You can do it hon!" Obsidian cheered.

"Make them eat snow!" Kacey hummed.

Sapphire waved back at them with a smile, before refocusing on the course ahead of her. She still had one more event to go before they could celebrate and go home, and she was determined to do her best.
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=d20 size=1] *.~ [b]Ski Jumping[/b] ~.* [emoji=d20 size=1][/center] [i]Sideswipe knows that he is once more cutting things close, but at least his lungs won't be strangling him before he even gets to compete. Nor does he anticipate nearly blacking out afterwards. Hell, he can even take some time to properly don his gear! And after he does so, Sideswipe finds himself humming a bouncy tune as he treks towards the waiting lifts.[/i]

*.~ Ski Jumping ~.*

Sideswipe knows that he is once more cutting things close, but at least his lungs won't be strangling him before he even gets to compete. Nor does he anticipate nearly blacking out afterwards. Hell, he can even take some time to properly don his gear!

And after he does so, Sideswipe finds himself humming a bouncy tune as he treks towards the waiting lifts.
