
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | [R] Concluded - Prizes Being Awarded
[right][url=][b]Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/right] [center][size=7]Star Lighting Raffle![/size] [size=5][b]Status: Concluded. Did you miss out? I will probably run this again at the end of the year until Feb 2025, so sign up for the pinglist if you like: [pinglist=16294] [b]This pinglist will be reused next year.[/b] Get a ping for the [b]start[/b], every time I add a [b]new dragon[/b] during a raffle for your viewing and starring pleasure. Also [b]last day reminder[/b]. [br] [b][u]TLDR: Light the star on a participating dragon, get a ticket[/u].[/b][/center] [center][url=][size=7][b]> Prize List <[/b][/size][/url] [size=5]43 prizes with over 15kg in total value![/size] (more unlocked via total raffle ticket goals across all participants) [br] -------- [center][b](Raffle end date: Jan 31st at rollover into February 1st)[/b][/center] [br] [columns][url=][img alt="Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find."][/img][/url] [nextcol][size=5][b]Some dragons even award collectible badges purely for giving them a like![/b] You can read all about which ones at [url=]Ylli's Star Collection[/url] (there are a lot - too many for this thread).[/size][/center][/columns] -------- [center]Skippable Blurb[/center] [size=2]About a year ago now I had fun running a raffle to get my permadragons some attention and lucky participants some prizes. I decided to do it again for this year's Yule leading into my birthday in late January next year. A joint Yule-birthday raffle. I put a lot of work into most of my dragons, even though only 7 have finished/polished bios. I [i]also[/i] really like to collect piles of happy little stars for all my perma-dragons. I do prefer genuine stars, though this raffle is probably going to encourage all the stars regardless. I ran a similar raffle last year and it was a lot of fun, so thought I'd do it again running through Yule until about a week after my birthday (Raffle end date: Jan 31st at rollover into February 1st).[/size] -------- [size=2][b]CW:[/b] Some dragons have multi-gaze and there are a few eye-burners as well as one with tentacles, a few might also trigger people with trypophobia or entomophobia (I don't think I have any spiders). Be aware I may be forgetting something you'd have preferred be labeled. Most of my dragons fall under a fancy/gala fashion fey and fantasy aesthetic. [b]You will [u]not[/u] find:[/b] Gross-out horror elements in my collection of perma-dragons (examples: no primal plague gaze, blisters, bloody bandages, etc - I don't even have anything like "Jewels" for aberrations or the goopy slime/sludge genes). One dragon on pg3 (row 2 - Shemyaza) of the subspecies tab does have an accent that mimics primal shadow eyes.[/size] -------- [size=7][b]Rules:[/b][/size] [b]TLDR earn a ticket for each dragon you like[/b], tell me how many/which full tab you gave stars to. [b]5 tickets for compliments of at least 3 sentences[/b]. Participants may currently only win one prize. [b]You may also participate privately[/b] through PMs. Additionally, this year there are a few [b]extra ways to earn tickets[/b]! More information at the end of this post. [center][size=5][b]How This Works[/b] [/size] [size=2][b](for those who like detailed rules)[/b][/size] [/center] [LIST=1] [*]1 raffle ticket per dragon starred from the following tabs (all pages): [emoji=rainbow star 1 size=1] [url=][b]Show Case[/b][/url] (all 3 pages count) [size=2](These are not necessarily my favourites, they're just new dragons making their debut, currently active for the coli, breeding, or on hibden CD)[/size] [emoji=flowering tree size=1] [url=][b]Center Grove[/b][/url] (all 3 pages count) [size=2](These dragons all have special/personal meanings/themes, or are part of my elders of each flight collection. Some dragons with special/personal meanings may be in other categories though too.)[/size] [emoji=dna size=1] [url=][b]Subspecies [/b][/url](all 4 pages count) [emoji=achievement size=1] [url=][b]Limited Edition[/b][/url] [emoji=butterfly 2 size=1] [url=][b]Miscellaneous [/b][/url](both pages count) [emoji=ancient size=1] [url=][b]Ancients [/b][/url] [size=2](This is not the only tab with ancients, just the ancients who would otherwise be in Miscellaneous)[/size] [emoji=book 2 size=1] [url=][b]Fan Dragons[/b][/url] [br] [*]While you certainly [b]can star all 467[/b] (including 12 new dragons since the raffle's start) +any other new dragons, you may also [b]just hit a single tab ,[/b] [b]OR[/b] even just [b]one dragon[/b] (and getting just one ticket). [*][b]If you previously starred a dragon of mine, you may still count that star. [/b] [size=2]However, you also have to drop a line in here to let me know. I talk to a [i]lot[/i] of people over the years who have starred one of my dragons. I still need everyone who wants ticket credits to put their name down in this thread with what they're claiming tickets for.[/size] [*][b]Last year's participants[/b] and even winners may enter again, but [u]you are [b]not [/b]automatically entered[/u]. You still have to reply to this new thread with updated information. Maybe revisit some faves and see what's new ;) [*][b]Participants do [u]not[/u] have to tell me what number[/b] you were [b]nor name the dragons[/b], you can [b]just count the stars[/b] as you go through. [b]Or star most of a whole tab[/b] and [b]let me know which tab[/b]. [*][b]I'm allowing everyone to skip a few dragons in each tab[/b] they really don't want to star [b]and still get full credit[/b] for the whole tab. Please do [b]not [/b]tell me who you didn't like, I don't wanna know. [size=2]Example: You starred 90-98 of the 99 dragons in the Show Case tab. You still get tickets for all 99 dragons. Or you starred 6-7 of the 8 dragons in Limited Edition tab. You still get tickets for all 8 Limited edition dragons. As you can see the no-star grace number is loosely based on how many dragons are in the tab you want full credit for).[/size] [*][b]Please be aware that you only get tickets for dragons listed in the linked tabs[/b] of Rule 1 (do not count dragons found elsewhere like fodder, projects, auctions, or nursery). [b]Rule of thumb: No scene = No ticket.[/b] [size=2](I pick scenes according to the faded out view so the dragon stands out from it. Though not a requirement, in my opinion the default faded scene view is also the best way to look at my dragons.)[/size] [*][b]No cheating![/b] Please be honest about how many dragons you starred or tabs of starred dragons you completed. I know I have a [i]lot[/i] of dragons but I'm not asking you to go through or star them all unless you [i]want[/i] to. Each ticket only costs seconds to earn and each new star makes me happy for my dragons. [*][b]You may post multiple times in an effort to break up your posts/progress[/b], such as by tabs, pages, or different days visited (rather than visiting/replying all at once). [b]Please do [u]not[/u] edit additional ticket claims/compliments into your posts, [u]just make a new post[/u].[/b] Once I record tickets earned in a post, I do not double check that specific post for new content. [*][b](Optional)[/b] Pick a/some favourite(s) from each tab and newly compliment them for an extra 5 tickets per dragon complimented (while all compliments are appreciated, [u]these particular compliments [b]must be at least 3 sentences to count[/b][/u]). Please tell me if you do not wish to be quoted in the bio (and if not, whether I may quote you as an anonymous source). Also, the number of compliments you wish to leave for tickets is only limited by the number of dragons available to compliment. [/LIST] [br] [center][size=7]Optional[/size] [size=5][b]Additional ways to earn tickets:[/b][/size] (none of these are required for participation)[/center] [br] [b]Important clarification and update:[/b] You only get credit for these tickets if you give out stars to at least 25 dragons. Dragon attention should remain the main method for earning tickets <3 [LIST=1] [*]You may also buy tickets for 10g/kt per ticket [size=2]Admittedly priced high to encourage the free methods instead.[/size] [*][b]10 tickets (up to 110 extra tickets total) just for visiting my other threads, FR tumblr, and/or FR YouTube channel[/b] long enough to find the raffle [b]key phrase[/b] and [b]PM me the answer.[/b] [size=2]([b]That's 10 tickets [i]per thread/key phrase[/i].[/b] Please have a sincere look, browse a little. That being said, you get these tickets regardless of whether or not you were interested enough to revisit, sign up for any related pinglists, or follow the thread/tumblr. I just want to share all my re-occuring Flight Rising projects too lol.)[/size] [br] [indent][b]My Flight Rising threads, tumblr, and YouTube channel[/b] [LIST] [*][url=]Ylli's Star Collection[/url] [size=2]Collectible badges for liking dragons with 100+ stars or completed bios.[/size] [*][url=]Dragon Kaleidoscope Ornaments![/url] [size=2]Art shop where I take your dragon's image as-is and turn them into a multi-layered kaleidoscope ornament.[/size] [*][url=]Saronai's Biolocke[/url] [size=2]Just a little quest to help me slowly fill in all these bios over time.[/size] [*][url=]Astaroth's Curiosities[/url] [size=2]My free to use bio assets thread.[/size] [*][url=]Diem's Daily Dragons[/url] [size=2]Starting Jan 1st I will pick a dragon from my favourites on site list, spotlight them, and give them a compliment.[/size] [*][url=]Saronai's Accent Shop[/url] [size=2]My accent shop.[/size] [*][url=][STP Journal] Welcome to the Willow Pond[/url] [size=2]A journal of my Stock the Pond quest pairs and activities.[/size] [*][url=]Ylli's Star Quests[/url] [size=2]This is delayed until June 2024 to debut for the anniversary celebration that month. It will basically be a self-tracked set of quests and badges encouraging people to star the dragons they see doing various activities around FR.[/size] [*][url=]Delari Sylvae (DS) Hatchery[/url] [size=2]This thread is due for a major overhaul where I will eventually be listing all of my available pairs and providing pinglists to follow specific categories.[/size] [*][url=]Muse Rising[/url] [size=2]My Flight Rising tumblr[/size] [*][url=]Muse Rising[/url] (YouTube channel) [size=2]There aren't any videos here yet and you have to expand the description, but I've been trying to work up the courage to do various Flight Rising videos the way some youtubers interact with games like MTG and DnD. Or maybe just some videos reading my lore aloud. I haven't really decided.[/size] [/LIST] [/indent] [*]25 tickets for advertising this raffle in your signature. [indent][img alt="Over 14kg in prizes. Ends February 1st."][/img] [b] Important Note:[/b] You must have claimed credit for these tickets by the end of January 28. [code][url=][img alt="Over 14kg in prizes. Ends February 1st."][/img][/url][/code] Horizontal version: [center][url=][img alt="Over 14kg in prizes. Ends February 1st."][/img][/url][/center] [code][url=][img alt="Over 14kg in prizes. Ends February 1st."][/img][/url][/code][/indent] [br] [*]25 tickets for reblogging my tumblr raffle ad to your tumblr (PM me the link in FR to get credit). [indent][b] Important Note:[/b] Only reblogs claimed before January 30th will get credit.[/indent] [/LIST] [br] I will increase the prizes according to participation. [b]All participants who earn at least 250 tickets will receive a return visit from me where I star every dragon that I like (I like a lot of dragons) and compliment my favourite(s). [/b] Archives: [url=]2022-2023 Raffle[/url]
Star Lighting Raffle!

Status: Concluded.

Did you miss out? I will probably run this again at the end of the year until Feb 2025, so sign up for the pinglist if you like:

This pinglist will be reused next year.
Get a ping for the start, every time I add a new dragon during a raffle for your viewing and starring pleasure. Also last day reminder.

TLDR: Light the star on a participating dragon, get a ticket.
> Prize List <
43 prizes with over 15kg in total value!
(more unlocked via total raffle ticket goals across all participants)

(Raffle end date: Jan 31st at rollover into February 1st)

Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find. Some dragons even award collectible badges purely for giving them a like! You can read all about which ones at Ylli's Star Collection (there are a lot - too many for this thread).

Skippable Blurb

About a year ago now I had fun running a raffle to get my permadragons some attention and lucky participants some prizes. I decided to do it again for this year's Yule leading into my birthday in late January next year. A joint Yule-birthday raffle.

I put a lot of work into most of my dragons, even though only 7 have finished/polished bios.

I also really like to collect piles of happy little stars for all my perma-dragons. I do prefer genuine stars, though this raffle is probably going to encourage all the stars regardless. I ran a similar raffle last year and it was a lot of fun, so thought I'd do it again running through Yule until about a week after my birthday (Raffle end date: Jan 31st at rollover into February 1st).

CW: Some dragons have multi-gaze and there are a few eye-burners as well as one with tentacles, a few might also trigger people with trypophobia or entomophobia (I don't think I have any spiders). Be aware I may be forgetting something you'd have preferred be labeled. Most of my dragons fall under a fancy/gala fashion fey and fantasy aesthetic.

You will not find: Gross-out horror elements in my collection of perma-dragons (examples: no primal plague gaze, blisters, bloody bandages, etc - I don't even have anything like "Jewels" for aberrations or the goopy slime/sludge genes). One dragon on pg3 (row 2 - Shemyaza) of the subspecies tab does have an accent that mimics primal shadow eyes.

Rules: TLDR earn a ticket for each dragon you like, tell me how many/which full tab you gave stars to. 5 tickets for compliments of at least 3 sentences. Participants may currently only win one prize. You may also participate privately through PMs.

Additionally, this year there are a few extra ways to earn tickets! More information at the end of this post.
How This Works
(for those who like detailed rules)
  1. 1 raffle ticket per dragon starred from the following tabs (all pages):

    Show Case (all 3 pages count)
    (These are not necessarily my favourites, they're just new dragons making their debut, currently active for the coli, breeding, or on hibden CD)

    Center Grove (all 3 pages count)
    (These dragons all have special/personal meanings/themes, or are part of my elders of each flight collection. Some dragons with special/personal meanings may be in other categories though too.)

    Subspecies (all 4 pages count)

    Limited Edition

    Miscellaneous (both pages count)

    (This is not the only tab with ancients, just the ancients who would otherwise be in Miscellaneous)

    Fan Dragons

  2. While you certainly can star all 467 (including 12 new dragons since the raffle's start) +any other new dragons, you may also just hit a single tab , OR even just one dragon (and getting just one ticket).
  3. If you previously starred a dragon of mine, you may still count that star.
    However, you also have to drop a line in here to let me know. I talk to a lot of people over the years who have starred one of my dragons. I still need everyone who wants ticket credits to put their name down in this thread with what they're claiming tickets for.
  4. Last year's participants and even winners may enter again, but you are not automatically entered. You still have to reply to this new thread with updated information. Maybe revisit some faves and see what's new ;)
  5. Participants do not have to tell me what number you were nor name the dragons, you can just count the stars as you go through. Or star most of a whole tab and let me know which tab.
  6. I'm allowing everyone to skip a few dragons in each tab they really don't want to star and still get full credit for the whole tab. Please do not tell me who you didn't like, I don't wanna know.
    Example: You starred 90-98 of the 99 dragons in the Show Case tab. You still get tickets for all 99 dragons. Or you starred 6-7 of the 8 dragons in Limited Edition tab. You still get tickets for all 8 Limited edition dragons. As you can see the no-star grace number is loosely based on how many dragons are in the tab you want full credit for).
  7. Please be aware that you only get tickets for dragons listed in the linked tabs of Rule 1 (do not count dragons found elsewhere like fodder, projects, auctions, or nursery).
    Rule of thumb: No scene = No ticket.
    (I pick scenes according to the faded out view so the dragon stands out from it. Though not a requirement, in my opinion the default faded scene view is also the best way to look at my dragons.)
  8. No cheating! Please be honest about how many dragons you starred or tabs of starred dragons you completed. I know I have a lot of dragons but I'm not asking you to go through or star them all unless you want to. Each ticket only costs seconds to earn and each new star makes me happy for my dragons.
  9. You may post multiple times in an effort to break up your posts/progress, such as by tabs, pages, or different days visited (rather than visiting/replying all at once). Please do not edit additional ticket claims/compliments into your posts, just make a new post. Once I record tickets earned in a post, I do not double check that specific post for new content.
  10. (Optional) Pick a/some favourite(s) from each tab and newly compliment them for an extra 5 tickets per dragon complimented (while all compliments are appreciated, these particular compliments must be at least 3 sentences to count). Please tell me if you do not wish to be quoted in the bio (and if not, whether I may quote you as an anonymous source). Also, the number of compliments you wish to leave for tickets is only limited by the number of dragons available to compliment.

Additional ways to earn tickets:
(none of these are required for participation)

Important clarification and update: You only get credit for these tickets if you give out stars to at least 25 dragons. Dragon attention should remain the main method for earning tickets <3
  1. You may also buy tickets for 10g/kt per ticket
    Admittedly priced high to encourage the free methods instead.
  2. 10 tickets (up to 110 extra tickets total) just for visiting my other threads, FR tumblr, and/or FR YouTube channel long enough to find the raffle key phrase and PM me the answer.
    (That's 10 tickets per thread/key phrase. Please have a sincere look, browse a little. That being said, you get these tickets regardless of whether or not you were interested enough to revisit, sign up for any related pinglists, or follow the thread/tumblr. I just want to share all my re-occuring Flight Rising projects too lol.)

    My Flight Rising threads, tumblr, and YouTube channel
    • Ylli's Star Collection
      Collectible badges for liking dragons with 100+ stars or completed bios.
    • Dragon Kaleidoscope Ornaments!
      Art shop where I take your dragon's image as-is and turn them into a multi-layered kaleidoscope ornament.
    • Saronai's Biolocke
      Just a little quest to help me slowly fill in all these bios over time.
    • Astaroth's Curiosities
      My free to use bio assets thread.
    • Diem's Daily Dragons
      Starting Jan 1st I will pick a dragon from my favourites on site list, spotlight them, and give them a compliment.
    • Saronai's Accent Shop
      My accent shop.
    • [STP Journal] Welcome to the Willow Pond
      A journal of my Stock the Pond quest pairs and activities.
    • Ylli's Star Quests
      This is delayed until June 2024 to debut for the anniversary celebration that month. It will basically be a self-tracked set of quests and badges encouraging people to star the dragons they see doing various activities around FR.
    • Delari Sylvae (DS) Hatchery
      This thread is due for a major overhaul where I will eventually be listing all of my available pairs and providing pinglists to follow specific categories.
    • Muse Rising
      My Flight Rising tumblr
    • Muse Rising (YouTube channel)
      There aren't any videos here yet and you have to expand the description, but I've been trying to work up the courage to do various Flight Rising videos the way some youtubers interact with games like MTG and DnD. Or maybe just some videos reading my lore aloud. I haven't really decided.
  3. 25 tickets for advertising this raffle in your signature.
    Over 14kg in prizes. Ends February 1st.

    Important Note:
    You must have claimed credit for these tickets by the end of January 28.
    [url=][img alt="Over 14kg in prizes. Ends February 1st."][/img][/url]

    Horizontal version:
    Over 14kg in prizes. Ends February 1st.
    [url=][img alt="Over 14kg in prizes. Ends February 1st."][/img][/url]

  4. 25 tickets for reblogging my tumblr raffle ad to your tumblr (PM me the link in FR to get credit).

    Important Note:
    Only reblogs claimed before January 30th will get credit.

I will increase the prizes according to participation. All participants who earn at least 250 tickets will receive a return visit from me where I star every dragon that I like (I like a lot of dragons) and compliment my favourite(s).

Archives: 2022-2023 Raffle
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][size=7][b]Little extras for the curious:[/b][/size][/center] [br] [columns][url=][img alt="Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find."][/img][/url] [nextcol][size=5][b]Some dragons even award collectible badges purely for giving them a like![/b] You can read all about which ones at [url=]Ylli's Star Collection[/url] (there are a lot - too many for this thread).[/size][/columns] -------- Only 7 dragons have a finished/polished bio, you can find them linked to each of these butterflies: [left][b]You are not required to look at these bios, but I do appreciate that kind of attention too <3 Many have art and most of the unfinished bios have a dump of possible lore to be organized later as well.[/b][/left] [center][size=7][color=034433][b][i]~ Finished Bios ~[/i][/b][/color][/size][/center] After I finish/update each dragon's bio and lore in my lair, I color them in a matching butterfly. So for this particular post, I'm gonna use their butterflies as the linked images instead of the dragon :D [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [left]They function like [b]badges[/b] as well! You can earn each one by [b]giving a star to the dragon linked[/b] to each individual, custom butterflies above, you may use that butterfly anywhere on Flight Rising so long as you [b]keep it directly linked to the dragon I created it for [/b](and do not claim credit):[/left] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [br][br][br] [left]Finished bios w/placeholder butterflies (customs unfinished):[/left] [center][url=][img][/img] [/url][url=][img][/img] [/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [left][size=2]f2u Placeholder butterflies can be found [url=]here[/url].[/size][/left] -------- [left]Someone in another thread had me realizing participants here who gave [url=]Astaroth [/url]a star, might like to claim their related, linked bio asset/badge as well, same rules as the custom butterflies - have to give them a star and keep their orb recolour linked to them or their "shop" (the free asset thread). [url=]Astaroth is also one of my dragons with a star badge[/url]. Astaroth asset shop badge codes:[/left] [center][img][/img] Emoji-sized [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] Badge-sized [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] Apparel-sized [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]
Little extras for the curious:

Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find. Some dragons even award collectible badges purely for giving them a like! You can read all about which ones at Ylli's Star Collection (there are a lot - too many for this thread).

Only 7 dragons have a finished/polished bio, you can find them linked to each of these butterflies:
You are not required to look at these bios, but I do appreciate that kind of attention too <3 Many have art and most of the unfinished bios have a dump of possible lore to be organized later as well.
~ Finished Bios ~

After I finish/update each dragon's bio and lore in my lair, I color them in a matching butterfly. So for this particular post, I'm gonna use their butterflies as the linked images instead of the dragon :D
They function like badges as well! You can earn each one by giving a star to the dragon linked to each individual, custom butterflies above, you may use that butterfly anywhere on Flight Rising so long as you keep it directly linked to the dragon I created it for (and do not claim credit):

Finished bios w/placeholder butterflies (customs unfinished):
f2u Placeholder butterflies can be found here.

Someone in another thread had me realizing participants here who gave Astaroth a star, might like to claim their related, linked bio asset/badge as well, same rules as the custom butterflies - have to give them a star and keep their orb recolour linked to them or their "shop" (the free asset thread).

Astaroth is also one of my dragons with a star badge.

Astaroth asset shop badge codes:
astaroths-crystal-ball-emoji.png Emoji-sized

astaroths-crystal-ball-badge.png Badge-sized

astaroths-crystal-ball.png Apparel-sized
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][size=5]New Dragons Added After the Start[/size][/center] The total amount of dragons is updated with each one. So counting these twelve, there are 467 tickets available just for liking dragons. They are listed in reverse order (most recent on top). -------- [center]Added 1/31[/center] Transgender pride surprise finished the last minute (you can earn tickets for giving her a star until the end of February 1st). [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] -------- [center]Added 1/30[/center] My 2024 birthday hatch was completed today. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Also obtained and finished another gen1 stp mate (this time for Nikola): [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] -------- [center]Added 1/27[/center] Needed a dragon to represent the clan name and spirit of the clan. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] -------- [center]Added 1/26[/center] And I actually completed a challenge I gave myself for a gen 1 stock the pond pair sooner than expected. So here's Luscinia's StP mate: [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] -------- [center]Added 1/17[/center] Fin has actually been in my den projects for years now, I finally decided to finish Fin up as a keeper to end my active lair with Fin's punny name (Fin means "End" in French). [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Then these two, my newest stock the pond pair: [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] -------- [center]Added 1/7[/center] My first two hatches and first two finished permadragons of 2024, hatched and finished within seconds of each other: [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] -------- [center]Added 12/31[/center] My last two permadragons of 2023, finished within seconds of each other: [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
New Dragons Added After the Start

The total amount of dragons is updated with each one. So counting these twelve, there are 467 tickets available just for liking dragons. They are listed in reverse order (most recent on top).

Added 1/31

Transgender pride surprise finished the last minute (you can earn tickets for giving her a star until the end of February 1st).

Added 1/30

My 2024 birthday hatch was completed today.

Also obtained and finished another gen1 stp mate (this time for Nikola):

Added 1/27

Needed a dragon to represent the clan name and spirit of the clan.

Added 1/26

And I actually completed a challenge I gave myself for a gen 1 stock the pond pair sooner than expected. So here's Luscinia's StP mate:

Added 1/17

Fin has actually been in my den projects for years now, I finally decided to finish Fin up as a keeper to end my active lair with Fin's punny name (Fin means "End" in French).

Then these two, my newest stock the pond pair:


Added 1/7

My first two hatches and first two finished permadragons of 2024, hatched and finished within seconds of each other:


Added 12/31

My last two permadragons of 2023, finished within seconds of each other:

pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][size=7]Prizes[/size][/center] [center][b]Current Ticket Total: 43914 All Prizes Unlocked 43 prizes worth at least 15.5kg total 134 participants [size=2][url=]Claimed Prizes (detailed)[/url][/size][/b][/center] All participants who earn at least 250 tickets will receive a return visit in which I star every dragon I like and compliment my favourite(s). Return visits start only after the raffle concludes. [size=5][b]Each quote box below is a single prize, regardless of how many items are inside.[/b][/size] Note: For prizes that obviously take time after selection such as return visits, art, and leveled dragons, please allow 1-3 months for completion. If it is a dragon the winner provides to be leveled, I will put a rush on it so that you are without your dragon for no more than 2 weeks (hopefully only 1) barring some unforseen emergency. I will try to have most done within a month and hopefully none will take 3 [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [center][size=3]Gems 1 awarded to zirk[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Gems 2 awarded to CosmicHusky[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Gems 3 awarded to AWB[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Treasure awarded to Enko[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Padparadscha Finery awarded to fysiikka[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Kaleidoscope 1 awarded to Doozie[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Kaleidoscope 2 awarded to AcceptableTarget[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Kaleidoscope 3 awarded to Asterodea[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Noc Noc awarded to AquamarineNaga[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Who's There? awarded to nymphias[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Makin' a Scene awarded to Silverazura[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Star Badge 1 awarded to ClockworkEclipse[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Star Badge 2 awarded to HawkMartian[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Star Badge 3 awarded to Wolfspeaker[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Nocturne on the Horizon awarded to DragonCloudBurst[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Nocturne Paradise awarded to AlvildaBright[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Verdant Nocturnes awarded to Draconequis[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Nebula of Nocturnes awarded to ravbitleeks[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Starsilks Aplenty awarded to Swiftstrike5[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Supply Box awarded to Sonoch[/size][/center] [br][br][br] [center][b] [size=7]Participation Tiers[/size][/b][/center] [br] [center][size=3]Tier 1 awarded to marcywu[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 2 awarded to FireBattle[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 3 awarded to SilentWanderer[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 4 awarded to cinderrain[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 5 awarded to NotAtAllNight[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 6 awarded to Regxlia[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 7 awarded to Fehn[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 8 awarded to Allegedly[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 9 awarded to bakaneko[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 10 awarded to SeaGodling[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 11 awarded to quietsea[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 12 awarded to Lofaquibulatur[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 13 awarded to bubbaberriboo[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 14 awarded to StellaCat[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 15 awarded to KneeThief[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 16 awarded to Juxta13[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 17 awarded to ymjules[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 18 awarded to zophronia[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 19 awarded to Self[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 20 awarded to CANTDANCEFLYNN[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 21 awarded to Golden[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 22 awarded to SpookySnails[/size][/center] [center][size=3]Tier 23 awarded to BrutusCourt[/size][/center]
Current Ticket Total: 43914
All Prizes Unlocked
43 prizes worth at least 15.5kg total
134 participants
Claimed Prizes (detailed)

All participants who earn at least 250 tickets will receive a return visit in which I star every dragon I like and compliment my favourite(s).

Return visits start only after the raffle concludes.

Each quote box below is a single prize, regardless of how many items are inside.

Note: For prizes that obviously take time after selection such as return visits, art, and leveled dragons, please allow 1-3 months for completion. If it is a dragon the winner provides to be leveled, I will put a rush on it so that you are without your dragon for no more than 2 weeks (hopefully only 1) barring some unforseen emergency.

I will try to have most done within a month and hopefully none will take 3
Gems 1 awarded to zirk
Gems 2 awarded to CosmicHusky
Gems 3 awarded to AWB
Treasure awarded to Enko
Padparadscha Finery awarded to fysiikka
Kaleidoscope 1 awarded to Doozie
Kaleidoscope 2 awarded to AcceptableTarget
Kaleidoscope 3 awarded to Asterodea
Noc Noc awarded to AquamarineNaga
Who's There? awarded to nymphias
Makin' a Scene awarded to Silverazura
Star Badge 1 awarded to ClockworkEclipse
Star Badge 2 awarded to HawkMartian
Star Badge 3 awarded to Wolfspeaker
Nocturne on the Horizon awarded to DragonCloudBurst
Nocturne Paradise awarded to AlvildaBright
Verdant Nocturnes awarded to Draconequis
Nebula of Nocturnes awarded to ravbitleeks
Starsilks Aplenty awarded to Swiftstrike5
Supply Box awarded to Sonoch

Participation Tiers

Tier 1 awarded to marcywu
Tier 2 awarded to FireBattle
Tier 3 awarded to SilentWanderer
Tier 4 awarded to cinderrain
Tier 5 awarded to NotAtAllNight
Tier 6 awarded to Regxlia
Tier 7 awarded to Fehn
Tier 8 awarded to Allegedly
Tier 9 awarded to bakaneko
Tier 10 awarded to SeaGodling
Tier 11 awarded to quietsea
Tier 12 awarded to Lofaquibulatur
Tier 13 awarded to bubbaberriboo
Tier 14 awarded to StellaCat
Tier 15 awarded to KneeThief
Tier 16 awarded to Juxta13
Tier 17 awarded to ymjules
Tier 18 awarded to zophronia
Tier 19 awarded to Self
Tier 20 awarded to CANTDANCEFLYNN
Tier 21 awarded to Golden
Tier 22 awarded to SpookySnails
Tier 23 awarded to BrutusCourt
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
[center][size=7][b]Claimed Prizes[/b][/size][/center] [br] [quote="Tier 6 Unlocked"][center][size=7]Variety Pack![/size][/center] [LIST] [*][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg] [*] 1 dragon from the [url=]Prize tab[/url] (Chose [url=]91754643[/url]) [*] Prize tab dragon or one provided by the winner leveled to 25 (no stones) (leveled [url=]67018103[/url]) [*] An outfit arranged for any dragon of your choice using pieces from my own "closet" or affordable ones I'm willing to buy (will be at least 6 pieces of apparel). [*] A scene I will select to match the above dragon. [*] A kaleidoscope ornament for any dragon of the winner's choice. You can read more about how this works at [url=]my kaleidoscope shop[/url]. [center][img alt="Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)"][/img][/center] [*] A dragon of the winner's choice turned into a custom star badge they can hand out to other players for lighting their dragon's star. [center][url=][img alt="Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find."][/img][/url][/center] [*] A full stack of each 4pt food type: [center][item=Inky Baby][item=Lion's Mane Emu][item=Vilevenom Barb][item=Dandelion Puffs] [/center] [*] 250 [emoji=gem size=1] [*] 250k [emoji=treasure size=1] [/LIST][/quote] Chosen by Regxlia [br] [quote="Tier 2 Unlocked"][center][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] Chosen by FireBattle [br] [quote="Tier 5 Unlocked"]I turn [b]THREE [/b]dragons of your choice into a kaleidoscope ornament. You can read more about how this works at [url=]my kaleidoscope shop[/url]. [center][img alt="Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)"][/img][size=7][b]x3[/b][/size][/center] [br] [center][b]AND[/b][/center] [br] [LIST] [*]1 dragon of the winner's choice from the [url=]Prize tab[/url]. [*]That dragon or one provided by the winner will be leveled to 25 (no stones) [/LIST][/quote] Chosen by NotAtAllNight [br] [quote="Tier 3 Unlocked"][center][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] Chosen by SilentWanderer [br] [quote="Who's There?"][center][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] Chosen by nymphias [br] [quote=Tier 16 Unlocked][center]All 10 silky rings [item=Advisor Rings][item=Chancellor Rings][item=Counselor Rings][item=Psion Rings][item=Tutor Rings] [item=Supplicant Rings][item=Attendant Rings][item=Magister Rings][item=Courtier Rings][item=Adjudicator Rings][/center][/quote] Chosen by Juxta13 [br] [quote="Gems 1"][center][emoji=gem size=1] 500 gems[/center][/quote] Chosen by zirk [br] [quote="Nebula of Nocturnes"][center][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Nebula Starsilk Circlet][item=Nebula Starsilk Shawl][item=Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes][item=Nebula Starsilk Cloak][item=Nebula Starsilk Scarf][item=Nebula Starsilk Socks][item=Nebula Starsilk Sleeves][item=Nebula Starsilk Tailwrap][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] Chosen by ravbitleeks [br] [quote="Noc Noc"][center][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] Chosen by AquamarineNaga [br] [quote="Gems 2"][center][emoji=gem size=1] 500 gems[/center][/quote] Chosen by CosmicHusky [br] [quote="Tier 4 Unlocked"][LIST] [*][item=Unearthly Onyx Trunk] [*]1 dragon from the [url=]prize tab[/url] [indent](dragons will be added before the end of the raffle)[/indent] [*]Prize dragon or one provided by winner leveled to 25 (no stones) [*]1 outfit compiled from what I have on hand for one of the winner's dragons [indent](will be at least 6 pieces)[/indent] [*]An accent that may or may not be intended for that same dragon. [indent](If I can't find an accent that matches the outfit and looks good, I will simply provide an accent I like.)[/indent] [/LIST][/quote] Chosen by cinderrain [br] [quote=Tier 20 Unlocked][center][item=Druidic Sash][item=Nature Aura][item=Bloomback Slink][/center][/quote] Chosen by CANTDANCEFLYNN [br] [quote="Gems 3"][center][emoji=gem size=1] 500 gems[/center][/quote] Chosen by AWB [br] [quote="Treasure"][center][emoji=treasure size=1] 500kt[/center][/quote] Chosen by Enko [br] [quote="Star Badge 1"]I turn your dragon into a star badge that you can hand out to other players for lighting that dragon's star. [center][url=][img alt="Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find."][/img][/url][/center][/quote] Chosen by ClockworkEclipse [br] [quote="Makin' a Scene"][center][item=Scene: Lightweaver's Domain][item=Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain][item=Scene: Flamecaller's Domain][item=Scene: Arcanist's Domain][item=Scene: Plaguebringer's Domain][item=Scene: Earthshaker's Domain][item=Scene: Enchanted Library][item=Scene: Icewarden's Domain][item=Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain][item=Scene: Windsinger's Domain][item=Scene: Tidelord's Domain][item=Scene: Gladekeeper's Domain][/center][/quote] Chosen by Silverazura [br] [quote="Starsilks Aplenty"][center][item=Ruby Starsilks][item=Bloodsong Starsilks][item=Nightfall Starsilks][item=Lagoon Starsilks][item=Teal Starsilks][/center][/quote] Chosen by Swiftstrike5 [br] [quote="Nocturne Paradise"][center][item=Paradise Starsilks][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] Chosen by AlvildaBright [br] [quote="Kaleidoscope 1"]I turn your dragon into a kaleidoscope ornament. You can read more about how this works at [url=]my kaleidoscope shop[/url]. [center][img alt="Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)"][/img][/center][/quote] Chosen by Doozie [br] [quote=Tier 10 Unlocked][center]3 accents I use and had copies of [skin=45781][skin=45785][skin=46740][/center][/quote] Chosen by SeaGodling [br] [quote=Tier 23 Unlocked][center][img][/img] [skin=48830][/center][/quote] Chosen by BrutusCourt [br] [quote="Nocturne on the Horizon"][center][item=Horizon Starsilks][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] Chosen by DragonCloudBurst [br] [quote="Verdant Nocturnes"][center][item=Verdant Starsilks][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] Chosen by Draconequis [br] [quote="Tier 1 Unlocked"][center]Winner selects their choice of dragon from the [url=]Prize tab[/url]. This dragon, or a dragon provided by the winner will be raised to level 25 (stones not included). More dragons will be added before the raffle ends.[/center][/quote] Chosen by marcywu [br] [quote=Tier 8 Unlocked][center][item=Glowing Blue Clawtips][item=Glowing Gold Clawtips][item=Glowing Green Clawtips] [item=Glowing Purple Clawtips][item=Glowing Red Clawtips][item=Glowing Orange Clawtips][/center][/quote] Chosen by Allegedly [br] [quote=Tier 11 Unlocked][center][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][/center][/quote] Chosen by quietsea [br] [quote="Kaleidoscope 2"]I turn your dragon into a kaleidoscope ornament. You can read more about how this works at [url=]my kaleidoscope shop[/url]. [center][img alt="Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)"][/img][/center][/quote] Chosen by AcceptableTarget [br] [quote=Tier 17 Unlocked][center][emoji=gem size=1] 150 gems[/center][/quote] Chosen by ymjules [br] [quote=Tier 21 Unlocked][center][img][/img] [skin=47449][/center][/quote] Chosen by Golden [br] [quote=Tier 14 Unlocked][center][item=Twilight Faerie Kit][/center][/quote] Chosen by StellaCat [br] [quote=Tier 22 Unlocked][center][img][/img] [skin=47513][/center][/quote] Chosen by SpookySnails [br] [quote=Tier 9 Unlocked][center]Twilight Rose Thorn Coli Set [item=Twilight Rose Thorn Banner][item=Twilight Rose Thorn Collar][item=Twilight Rose Thorn Crown][item=Twilight Rose Thorn Gloves][item=Twilight Rose Thorn Tail Tangle][item=Twilight Rose Thorn Leg Tangle][item=Twilight Rose Thorn Wing Tangle][item=Twilight Rose Thorn Stockings][item=Twilight Rose Thorn Arm Tangle][/center][/quote] Chosen by bakaneko [br] [quote=Tier 13 Unlocked][center][item=Siren Faerie Kit][/center][/quote] Chosen by bubbaberriboo [br] [quote="Padparadscha Finery"][center][img][/img] [skin=53571][/center][/quote] Chosen by fysiikka [br] [quote=Tier 19 Unlocked][center][item=Tertiary Aberration Gene: Flameforger][item=Scene: Flamecaller's Domain][item=Tertiary Banescale Gene: Flameforger][/center][/quote] Chosen by Self [br] [quote=Tier 15 Unlocked][center][item=Grove Faerie Kit][/center][/quote] Chosen by KneeThief [br] [quote="Supply Box"][center][b]A Full Stack[/b] of: [item=Fire Flower][item=Marsh Stalker][item=Bluetipped Shellbug][item=Blackwing Croaker Leg] [item=Bloody Snapdragon][item=Almandine Goby][item=Flurry Flyer][item=Jade Peacock] [item=Dragon Fruit][item=Regal Firefish][item=Flying Butter][item=Hornworm Viper][/center][/quote] Chosen by Sonoch [br] [quote="Kaleidoscope 3"]I turn your dragon into a kaleidoscope ornament. You can read more about how this works at [url=]my kaleidoscope shop[/url]. [center][img alt="Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)"][/img][/center][/quote] Chosen by Asterodea [br] [quote=Tier 7 Unlocked][center][b]A full stack[/b] of each food listed (4pt quality): [item=aer sprite][item=pronghorn haunch][item=Humpback Anglerfish][item=Bloated Maggot][/center][/quote] Chosen by Fehn [br] [quote="Star Badge 2"]I turn your dragon into a star badge that you can hand out to other players for lighting that dragon's star. [center][url=][img alt="Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find."][/img][/url][/center][/quote] Chosen by HawkMartian [br] [quote="Star Badge 3"]I turn your dragon into a star badge that you can hand out to other players for lighting that dragon's star. [center][url=][img alt="Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find."][/img][/url][/center][/quote] Chosen by Wolfspeaker [br] [quote=Tier 12 Unlocked][center][item=Scarlet Faerie Kit][/center][/quote] Chosen by Lofaquibulatur [br] [quote=Tier 18 Unlocked][center][item=Corsair's Rusty Cutlass][/center][/quote] Chosen by zophronia [br]
Claimed Prizes

Tier 6 Unlocked wrote:
Variety Pack!
  • Unhatched Nocturne Egg
  • 1 dragon from the Prize tab (Chose 91754643)
  • Prize tab dragon or one provided by the winner leveled to 25 (no stones) (leveled 67018103)
  • An outfit arranged for any dragon of your choice using pieces from my own "closet" or affordable ones I'm willing to buy (will be at least 6 pieces of apparel).
  • A scene I will select to match the above dragon.
  • A kaleidoscope ornament for any dragon of the winner's choice. You can read more about how this works at my kaleidoscope shop.
    Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)
  • A dragon of the winner's choice turned into a custom star badge they can hand out to other players for lighting their dragon's star.
    Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.
  • A full stack of each 4pt food type:
    Inky Baby Lion's Mane Emu Vilevenom Barb Dandelion Puffs
  • 250
  • 250k
Chosen by Regxlia

Tier 2 Unlocked wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Chosen by FireBattle

Tier 5 Unlocked wrote:
I turn THREE dragons of your choice into a kaleidoscope ornament. You can read more about how this works at my kaleidoscope shop.
Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)x3


  • 1 dragon of the winner's choice from the Prize tab.
  • That dragon or one provided by the winner will be leveled to 25 (no stones)
Chosen by NotAtAllNight

Tier 3 Unlocked wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Chosen by SilentWanderer

Who's There? wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Chosen by nymphias

Tier 16 Unlocked wrote:
All 10 silky rings

Advisor Rings Chancellor Rings Counselor Rings Psion Rings Tutor Rings

Supplicant Rings Attendant Rings Magister Rings Courtier Rings Adjudicator Rings
Chosen by Juxta13

Gems 1 wrote:
500 gems
Chosen by zirk

Nebula of Nocturnes wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg Nebula Starsilk Circlet Nebula Starsilk Shawl Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes Nebula Starsilk Cloak Nebula Starsilk Scarf Nebula Starsilk Socks Nebula Starsilk Sleeves Nebula Starsilk Tailwrap Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Chosen by ravbitleeks

Noc Noc wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Chosen by AquamarineNaga

Gems 2 wrote:
500 gems
Chosen by CosmicHusky

Tier 4 Unlocked wrote:
  • Unearthly Onyx Trunk
  • 1 dragon from the prize tab
    (dragons will be added before the end of the raffle)
  • Prize dragon or one provided by winner leveled to 25 (no stones)
  • 1 outfit compiled from what I have on hand for one of the winner's dragons
    (will be at least 6 pieces)
  • An accent that may or may not be intended for that same dragon.
    (If I can't find an accent that matches the outfit and looks good, I will simply provide an accent I like.)
Chosen by cinderrain

Tier 20 Unlocked wrote:
Druidic Sash Nature Aura Bloomback Slink

Gems 3 wrote:
500 gems
Chosen by AWB

Treasure wrote:
Chosen by Enko

Star Badge 1 wrote:
I turn your dragon into a star badge that you can hand out to other players for lighting that dragon's star.
Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.
Chosen by ClockworkEclipse

Makin' a Scene wrote:
Scene: Lightweaver's Domain Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain Scene: Flamecaller's Domain Scene: Arcanist's Domain Scene: Plaguebringer's Domain Scene: Earthshaker's Domain Scene: Enchanted Library Scene: Icewarden's Domain Scene: Shadowbinder's Domain Scene: Windsinger's Domain Scene: Tidelord's Domain Scene: Gladekeeper's Domain
Chosen by Silverazura

Starsilks Aplenty wrote:
Ruby Starsilks Bloodsong Starsilks Nightfall Starsilks Lagoon Starsilks Teal Starsilks
Chosen by Swiftstrike5

Nocturne Paradise wrote:
Paradise Starsilks Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Chosen by AlvildaBright

Kaleidoscope 1 wrote:
I turn your dragon into a kaleidoscope ornament. You can read more about how this works at my kaleidoscope shop.
Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)
Chosen by Doozie

Tier 10 Unlocked wrote:
3 accents I use and had copies of

Chosen by SeaGodling

Tier 23 Unlocked wrote:
Chosen by BrutusCourt

Nocturne on the Horizon wrote:
Horizon Starsilks Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Chosen by DragonCloudBurst

Verdant Nocturnes wrote:
Verdant Starsilks Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Chosen by Draconequis

Tier 1 Unlocked wrote:
Winner selects their choice of dragon from the Prize tab. This dragon, or a dragon provided by the winner will be raised to level 25 (stones not included). More dragons will be added before the raffle ends.
Chosen by marcywu

Tier 8 Unlocked wrote:
Glowing Blue Clawtips Glowing Gold Clawtips Glowing Green Clawtips
Glowing Purple Clawtips Glowing Red Clawtips Glowing Orange Clawtips
Chosen by Allegedly

Tier 11 Unlocked wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Chosen by quietsea

Kaleidoscope 2 wrote:
I turn your dragon into a kaleidoscope ornament. You can read more about how this works at my kaleidoscope shop.
Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)
Chosen by AcceptableTarget

Tier 17 Unlocked wrote:
150 gems
Chosen by ymjules

Tier 21 Unlocked wrote:
Chosen by Golden

Tier 14 Unlocked wrote:
Twilight Faerie Kit
Chosen by StellaCat

Tier 22 Unlocked wrote:
Chosen by SpookySnails

Tier 9 Unlocked wrote:
Twilight Rose Thorn Coli Set
Twilight Rose Thorn Banner Twilight Rose Thorn Collar Twilight Rose Thorn Crown Twilight Rose Thorn Gloves Twilight Rose Thorn Tail Tangle Twilight Rose Thorn Leg Tangle Twilight Rose Thorn Wing Tangle Twilight Rose Thorn Stockings Twilight Rose Thorn Arm Tangle
Chosen by bakaneko

Tier 13 Unlocked wrote:
Siren Faerie Kit
Chosen by bubbaberriboo

Padparadscha Finery wrote:
Chosen by fysiikka

Tier 19 Unlocked wrote:
Tertiary Aberration Gene: Flameforger Scene: Flamecaller's Domain Tertiary Banescale Gene: Flameforger
Chosen by Self

Tier 15 Unlocked wrote:
Grove Faerie Kit
Chosen by KneeThief

Supply Box wrote:
A Full Stack of:

Fire Flower Marsh Stalker Bluetipped Shellbug Blackwing Croaker Leg
Bloody Snapdragon Almandine Goby Flurry Flyer Jade Peacock
Dragon Fruit Regal Firefish Flying Butter Hornworm Viper
Chosen by Sonoch

Kaleidoscope 3 wrote:
I turn your dragon into a kaleidoscope ornament. You can read more about how this works at my kaleidoscope shop.
Theophania's Kaleidoscopes by Saronai - Examples gif (quality slightly lowered by gif conversion)
Chosen by Asterodea

Tier 7 Unlocked wrote:
A full stack of each food listed (4pt quality):

Aer Sprite Pronghorn Haunch Humpback Anglerfish Bloated Maggot
Chosen by Fehn

Star Badge 2 wrote:
I turn your dragon into a star badge that you can hand out to other players for lighting that dragon's star.
Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.
Chosen by HawkMartian

Star Badge 3 wrote:
I turn your dragon into a star badge that you can hand out to other players for lighting that dragon's star.
Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.
Chosen by Wolfspeaker

Tier 12 Unlocked wrote:
Scarlet Faerie Kit
Chosen by Lofaquibulatur

Tier 18 Unlocked wrote:
Corsair's Rusty Cutlass
Chosen by zophronia

pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
Almost ready, should be good to go tonight.
Almost ready, should be good to go tonight.
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons
The raffle is now officially open for your ticket-earning endeavors <3

@Star Lighting Raffle

The following people requested a ping for similar future events after my last birthday, star-lighting raffle:

@ModusMortis @VioletKatGrove @Nyaseoki @Islet @NotAtAllNight @Ackie @Teahl @Sonoch @Deify @IsaNaranja @mynnthia @Firebattle @Kothra

This will be the last time I use that manual pinglist. I plan to run this event yearly using the same pinglist. To get start, new dragon added during the raffle, new prizes unlocked, and final day pings for my yearly star lighting raffles, just sign up for the new FR-based pinglist:
The raffle is now officially open for your ticket-earning endeavors <3

@Star Lighting Raffle

The following people requested a ping for similar future events after my last birthday, star-lighting raffle:

@ModusMortis @VioletKatGrove @Nyaseoki @Islet @NotAtAllNight @Ackie @Teahl @Sonoch @Deify @IsaNaranja @mynnthia @Firebattle @Kothra

This will be the last time I use that manual pinglist. I plan to run this event yearly using the same pinglist. To get start, new dragon added during the raffle, new prizes unlocked, and final day pings for my yearly star lighting raffles, just sign up for the new FR-based pinglist:
pixie-pronouns-2-2.png* * *Saronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.* * * * * * * *Diem's Daily Dragons