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TOPIC | what's your irrational fear?
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I'm honestly really afraid of leaving my windows open? I'm terrified someone will watch me through my windows. I have a curtain that blocks out light and a pride flag in the other so I feel pretty chill right now
I've had this fear for a while and I still have no clue what even provoked it. I'm just scared of one day, I'll see someone just watching me through my own window. Just staring. Ech
I'm honestly really afraid of leaving my windows open? I'm terrified someone will watch me through my windows. I have a curtain that blocks out light and a pride flag in the other so I feel pretty chill right now
I've had this fear for a while and I still have no clue what even provoked it. I'm just scared of one day, I'll see someone just watching me through my own window. Just staring. Ech
Okay I legit cannot relate to you more when it comes to the "what if someone out there can read my mind" thing. It's insane, like what if someone can actually do that?

My irrational fear would probably be my fear of sharp drops in rides. It's not the heights that scare me - it's the sharp, gut-wrenching drops that incline sharply downwards and make you feel all gooey and tickly inside - I can't stand it that feeling, even in my dreams. xD
Okay I legit cannot relate to you more when it comes to the "what if someone out there can read my mind" thing. It's insane, like what if someone can actually do that?

My irrational fear would probably be my fear of sharp drops in rides. It's not the heights that scare me - it's the sharp, gut-wrenching drops that incline sharply downwards and make you feel all gooey and tickly inside - I can't stand it that feeling, even in my dreams. xD
any prns, writer/artist and an eldritch abomination
"don't bring a splayd to a knork fight."

Heights, the dark, rollercoaster rides, and... yeah
Heights, the dark, rollercoaster rides, and... yeah
mire hates me:(
FR +15, +16 during DST
Gray Aroace
English 1st Language
Mandarin Chinese 2nd Language
French 3rd Language
AR60, 100% all released regions
It's... quite a disproportionate number
zia my beloved
I spent 2.4mil t on her, I think she counts
it hasn't been updated in a while but STILL
sweet holds the clan directory
kobi holds the lore directory
I'm slightly anxious of stairs turning into ramps when I'm on them, so I usually try to go across them quickly. I think that came from Harry Potter.

I'm terrified of touching roots. Period. When I was a kid, I played this video game, and it showed a scene of a dead girl with flowers growing all over her. Roots are fine if I'm looking at pictures of them and stuff, but when I'm touching them, that's when the fear kicks in.
I'm slightly anxious of stairs turning into ramps when I'm on them, so I usually try to go across them quickly. I think that came from Harry Potter.

I'm terrified of touching roots. Period. When I was a kid, I played this video game, and it showed a scene of a dead girl with flowers growing all over her. Roots are fine if I'm looking at pictures of them and stuff, but when I'm touching them, that's when the fear kicks in.
KvxzF3W.pngJcdyE1n.png opcExsG.png

Dead silence, or near dead silence. (Like... maybe accompanied by a ticking clock or electrical hum)

Dead silence, or near dead silence. (Like... maybe accompanied by a ticking clock or electrical hum)

21571.png Call me Meido! (any pronouns)
Neurodivergent, I do use tone indicators at times!
Don't be afraid to ping me! (+3 FR Time)
Wishlist - Gene Plans
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Being conpletely alone in a room, place, etc.

I might suddenly get trapped in an infinite time loop, or accidentally walk into another plane of existance of fluff knows where.
Being conpletely alone in a room, place, etc.

I might suddenly get trapped in an infinite time loop, or accidentally walk into another plane of existance of fluff knows where.
ckoudy.png -
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Not being able to see, which, consequently, makes me afraid of the dark.
I need glasses and I wouldn't be able to live without them lmao.
I think my brain assumes that, since my eyes are open, I'm supposed to be able to see everything around me and it gets confused/overwhelmed when that's not the case.
Not being able to see, which, consequently, makes me afraid of the dark.
I need glasses and I wouldn't be able to live without them lmao.
I think my brain assumes that, since my eyes are open, I'm supposed to be able to see everything around me and it gets confused/overwhelmed when that's not the case.
Spiders or bugs in general jumping onto me from a great distance. I KNOW that those little legs can't make them jump that far but idk I just gotta stay far away.
Spiders or bugs in general jumping onto me from a great distance. I KNOW that those little legs can't make them jump that far but idk I just gotta stay far away.
Cypress trees. Too tall and dark and thin. Nope.
Cypress trees. Too tall and dark and thin. Nope.
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