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TOPIC | what's your irrational fear?
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I'm t e r r i f i e d of earthquakes even though the worst earthquake that can happen where I live is a small rumble that lasts for a few seconds. Let's just say a documentary scared me enough and then a movie completley traumatized me.
I'm t e r r i f i e d of earthquakes even though the worst earthquake that can happen where I live is a small rumble that lasts for a few seconds. Let's just say a documentary scared me enough and then a movie completley traumatized me.
No-life that lives on Touhou and osu
Formerly Ice, now Light
Female - female pronouns lol
3 hours ahead of FR time
Way too little time on her hands
Plays Touhou
Likes Touhou
I have a fear of ladybugs (also known as ladybirds) just thinking about them gives me shivers..
I have a fear of ladybugs (also known as ladybirds) just thinking about them gives me shivers..
I have a big fear of being in cruise ships/in the middle of an ocean. I get so uneasy thinking about being somewhere where there's no land in sight, and if something were to happen on the cruise ship, there's no way to flee the situation lol.
I have a big fear of being in cruise ships/in the middle of an ocean. I get so uneasy thinking about being somewhere where there's no land in sight, and if something were to happen on the cruise ship, there's no way to flee the situation lol.
My fears are... odd. I don't seem to have a lot of the common fears (i largely enjoy a lot of things people are often afraid of, oddly enough) but... fears exist

Silence is the biggest one when I'm alone. I'm perfectly fine in silence when it's with another person... as long as they're awake.
Silence is just super unnerving.

Spiders, minus tarantulas.
Everything else can burn.

Looking people in the eyes... I cannot bring myself to do it.

(Grown) men, things I see on a daily basis... make me incredibly uncomfortable. Even being surrounded by males my age freaks me out. (Throwback to the time in 6th-grade math where I almost had a panic attack because I was stuck in a seat surrounded by males)

Error/Warning/Service messages freak me out.
Especially the emergency broadcast system for my city. You can be listening to music on the radio, everything is ok, then you just hear this awful, grating beeping sound.
It sounds 3 times, then an extended one that lasts 5 seconds, then you're subject to the message itself, which is usually super fuzzy/garbled, almost impossible to understand.
Don't even get me started on error messages of any type. Just... no.
My fears are... odd. I don't seem to have a lot of the common fears (i largely enjoy a lot of things people are often afraid of, oddly enough) but... fears exist

Silence is the biggest one when I'm alone. I'm perfectly fine in silence when it's with another person... as long as they're awake.
Silence is just super unnerving.

Spiders, minus tarantulas.
Everything else can burn.

Looking people in the eyes... I cannot bring myself to do it.

(Grown) men, things I see on a daily basis... make me incredibly uncomfortable. Even being surrounded by males my age freaks me out. (Throwback to the time in 6th-grade math where I almost had a panic attack because I was stuck in a seat surrounded by males)

Error/Warning/Service messages freak me out.
Especially the emergency broadcast system for my city. You can be listening to music on the radio, everything is ok, then you just hear this awful, grating beeping sound.
It sounds 3 times, then an extended one that lasts 5 seconds, then you're subject to the message itself, which is usually super fuzzy/garbled, almost impossible to understand.
Don't even get me started on error messages of any type. Just... no.
21571.png Call me Meido! (any pronouns)
Neurodivergent, I do use tone indicators at times!
Don't be afraid to ping me! (+3 FR Time)
Wishlist - Gene Plans
Current Avatar
Rabies. Never encountered it, read Cujo and it didn't scare me, then a couple years later just hit me out of nowhere that rabies is absolutely terrifying. Can't think about it without my anxiety goin haywire.
Rabies. Never encountered it, read Cujo and it didn't scare me, then a couple years later just hit me out of nowhere that rabies is absolutely terrifying. Can't think about it without my anxiety goin haywire.
I always have a nagging fear that the buss i'm on will be the wrong buss, even though i checked twice if it was the right one before boarding, and take me to the middle of nowhere
I always have a nagging fear that the buss i'm on will be the wrong buss, even though i checked twice if it was the right one before boarding, and take me to the middle of nowhere
Happy pride-month y'all
  • I have to act like a completely different person on every website I post on, or 4chan/Encyclopedia Dramatica/KiwiFarms will connect the dots in interests and speech patterns, find my more cringey behavior, and try to make me into the next Chris-Chan.
  • I can't be the first person to kudos/comment on a new fanfic or chapter, or the author will think I've been stalking them and their work.
  • Don't go on Tumblr as a naive, impressionable, easily guilted 14-year-old. Just don't, unless you want to end up hiding behind a tree when a group of men pass by and distrusting your own father because you were convinced that heterosexual white men are literally animals who want nothing more than to get you alone and have their way with you.
  • I have to act like a completely different person on every website I post on, or 4chan/Encyclopedia Dramatica/KiwiFarms will connect the dots in interests and speech patterns, find my more cringey behavior, and try to make me into the next Chris-Chan.
  • I can't be the first person to kudos/comment on a new fanfic or chapter, or the author will think I've been stalking them and their work.
  • Don't go on Tumblr as a naive, impressionable, easily guilted 14-year-old. Just don't, unless you want to end up hiding behind a tree when a group of men pass by and distrusting your own father because you were convinced that heterosexual white men are literally animals who want nothing more than to get you alone and have their way with you.

I have trypanophobia - which is the fear of needles. Also simply known as needlephobia.

I never liked needles, but when I needed dental surgery when I was in middle school, when I had a traumatic experience involving an iv.

Heck I never even put it together until a few weeks ago when an anesthesiologist noticed my severe anxiety concerning my anesthesia for a very minor surgery. He asked my grandparents a few questions and kind of figured it out for all of us.

Either way, now I can't even force myself to recieve simple injections. I understand it's fine rationally, but if I didn't it wouldn't be as much of a 'phobia' I guess.

I have trypanophobia - which is the fear of needles. Also simply known as needlephobia.

I never liked needles, but when I needed dental surgery when I was in middle school, when I had a traumatic experience involving an iv.

Heck I never even put it together until a few weeks ago when an anesthesiologist noticed my severe anxiety concerning my anesthesia for a very minor surgery. He asked my grandparents a few questions and kind of figured it out for all of us.

Either way, now I can't even force myself to recieve simple injections. I understand it's fine rationally, but if I didn't it wouldn't be as much of a 'phobia' I guess.
I'm terrified of the thought of infinity. Of anything going on forever at all.
For example:
  • Living on forever.
  • Dying forever.
  • Space going on forever with no possible end.

Even the simple thought of the fact the numbers go on forever scares me.
I'm terrified of the thought of infinity. Of anything going on forever at all.
For example:
  • Living on forever.
  • Dying forever.
  • Space going on forever with no possible end.

Even the simple thought of the fact the numbers go on forever scares me.
Balloons. Mostly afraid of them popping but even just the rubbery sound? I don't get it, I'm not that afraid of much louder sounds but balloons for some reason
Balloons. Mostly afraid of them popping but even just the rubbery sound? I don't get it, I'm not that afraid of much louder sounds but balloons for some reason
this sig is under construction | they/she
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