
I love not dragon the less but nature more.
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Nature.
Male Bogsneak
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Personal Style


Forest's Edge Vines
Magician's Herb Pouch
Magician's Staff
Witch's Cloak
Witch's Hat
Witch's Cobwebs
Tawny Antlers


Accent: Bogsmog


Scene: Woodland Path


8.17 m
8.78 m
700.13 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 29, 2018
(5 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Bogsneak
Max Level
Shale Hybrid Fragment
Shale Hybrid Fragment
Shale Hybrid Fragment





A horizontal vine, green with somewhat palm leaf-shaped leaves and green, light purple and light blue flowers in shape of a nature rune. In the center the vine wraps around seeds and flowers in shape of a nature rune.

A horizontal vine, green with somewhat palm leaf-shaped leaves and green and light purple flower puds.


Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, green with somewhat palm leaf-shaped leaves and green, light purple and light blue flowers in shape of a nature rune.


Vatta hatched in a relatively young nature clan and soon started studying different kinds of forests across the dragon realm. There were the most famous ones, some less know but that had some information about them and then there were the ones that were said to be myths. When reading about the Starwood in Starwood Strand in arcane domain Vatta found an old note in a book he had bought. It wasn’t long but is was worn out and Vatta was barely able to make out word "Dream Wood” with mostly eaten leaf that was not what starwood leaves looked like.

Vatta was curious about that wood and started to look for more information about it the lack of it making him more and more curious. He was not able to find any information and no one seemed to have ever heard of the wood and being sure it existed, at lest it had existed, he decided to travel to the Starfall Isles to find the wood or at least more information about it. He took his stuff his parents giving him farewell gifts he not being sure when he would return if he were to return.

The ship stopped in Crystalspine Reaches and Vatta was offered a place to rest in by a young clan that, like everyone else with who Vatta had talked to, did not know anything about the Dream Wood. While resting there he wondered where he should continue in order to find the place he was looking for not wanting to go to the Observatory in case the place was secret. He decided he should probably start by checking the back side of the Focal Point it being mostly unknown to dragons it not facing the center of their world.

Vatta managed to find a sailor that was willing to help him circle around the center of the arcane domain. Its backside had way less details in every map than the front side and soon enough Vatta saw a mist covered landmass that was not marked in any of the maps they had. They came closer and found an old wood in the mist. Vatta was very sure that was the wood he was looking for and they stepped ashore Vatta taking closer look at the trees their leaves looking like the leaf he had found. He had found his destination and after paying for the sailor he stepped into the wood.

The wood was truly old and there were very little signs of dragons or other sentient creatures living in there. He though kept going the plants in there leading his way avoiding more alien like flora at least one of them emitting suspicious looking spores. It was late afternoon and Vatta was deep in the wood when the plants showed him a path hiding under the understory it having old centaur and dragon footprints, the breed seemed like a mirror.

He decided to trace the dragon footprints backwards not wanting to walk in the middle of a possible hunt. After some time the path got wider and trails got fresher until he heard dragons nearby and soon walked into a dragon settlement. The clan was friendly and open allowing Vatta to stay in once he told he had come to study the wood they lived in. The clan itself was rather young not having lived in there long enough to know its ins and outs but their ecologist Fen had done some studies and Vatta soon became friends with the quirky fae.

Another one with who Vatta ended up coming along nicely was clan’s plague ambassador Tahna who also worked as clan's ranger. He was very chill despite the war that was going on between their flights and Vatta usually joined him as he made sure the wood’s weird fauna didn’t threaten the clan. Someone who was not chill was clan’s nature ambassador Glade, who seemed to be so prideful that it bloomed toxic roses on his scales. He disapproved Vatta’s friendship with Tahna saying that the plague dragons were stains of the world but Vatta, being a son of one, did not agree with him.

Life was pretty peaceful for Vatta he spending his time in the wood either with Fen or Tahna, sometimes both, and studied the local flora and even fauna if given a chance. In truth he spent way more time outside the lair than what he did in it minimizing his interactions with Glade who stayed in clan like he feared the nature just outside. Vatta, Fen and rangers Tahna and Julius all agreed that the wood was dangerous but if someone was suited to keep it as safe as possible it was Glade with his knowledge of nature magic yet he seemed to be too prideful to do that.

One evening Vatta was having lunch with Julius after they had gone through their ally centaur clan’s sightings when Glade came to have a word with Vatta and he being basically his trustee he could not decline. The nature ambassador said he did not approve nature dragon’s friendship with plague ambassador out of all things which was nothing new. Vatta believed that dragons should be treated based on how they treated others and not by what color their eyes ended up being. Glade though did not hear that and described plague dragons so rudely that Vatta was sure even the leader of hostile beastclan union used nicer words to describe dragons. He asked Vatta to help him with his plans to eliminate the red flight which Vatta declined after which Glade had nerve to call him a disgrace of the Gladekeeper which Vatta spit right back at him. Glade did not like how Vatta denied his status and Vatta not caring to fight just turned around and walked away.

Vatta believed Glade was not fitting for the job he was supposed to do. Ambassadors were supposed to maintain ties to Deities and make sure dragons of certain element were not treated poorly but Vatta had feeling that Glade used his status to drive arcane and plague into war. He got some proof he did not want when Skugga came to show him a thing she had won from Glade in a game. She was not sure what it was and neither was Vatta but it looked like a biological weapon and Vatta had no difficulties in guessing what it was for.

Vatta reported about the thing for Tahna and the two had few words to change with the imparial. He clearly was abusing his status which was against the law but he being an ambassador they could not do much other than warn him about what he was doing. The air felt extremely toxic when Tahna came that close to Glade and despite he too being an ambassador for Vatta it was clear that the wildclaw could not use his status to speak Glade out of his because the war between their regions.

Vatta was worried about Glade’s behavior it negatively impacting how he was seen in the clan if he kept being the prideful dragon that he was. The imperial though had no concerns over that he capturing one of clan’s plague dragons to use in his experiments and even having nerve to attack the leader Alfa when he came to release the dragon. Vatta heard that from leader’s son Julius after he came from doing some research and found the clan in nervous state. Vatta made his way to the healing offices where he found Tahna doing his best to keep plants from taking over the arcane mirror. Vatta came to help him and together they were able to remove the plants and their roots from elderly mirror.

Vatta kept an eye on the mirror while his guardian Obsidius kept an eye on the imperial. Tahna too visited often but he had to make sure clan’s plague dragons were alright with that irresponsible imperial running around. After few nights Alfa finally woke up when both Vatta and Tahna were visiting and all three agreed they needed to do something for Glade now before things got out of hand. They made their way to the Behemoth once Alfa had recovered enough Vatta being the one to assure his kind that Tahna was a friend. They managed to talk with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Behemoth who decided who was ambassador and who was not and after explaining the situation they promised to see what they could do.

Vatta was not too optimistic about anything being done and was positively surprised when a messenger arrived from the Labyrinth with a message that made Glade clearly upset. He was hopeful that problems with the imperial would be over but the rotten tree decided to do something extreme not long after receiving the message. Vatta had been doing some ranger stuff when he had felt plants’ distress and heard fighting somewhere faraway. When he arrived to the battle arena it was empty except for a green crystal statue that was clearly Glade and the area looking like there had been a battle Vatta made his way to the lair hoping someone in there knew more than he did.

In the lair Tahna explained that Glade had attacked him while he was tracing a creature having moved near the clan and he and Skeleton, his adopted daughter having turned into walking bones by Glade, had had to defend themselves. They would have lost if not for an arcane mage who came in and turned Glade into crystal and who was now recovering in healing offices. Vatta was happy to hear Tahna was alright but he was not happy to hear what Glade had tried to do and wrote a letter to the Behemoth asking Storm to deliver it while he went to carry the crystal imperial into the lair.

Glade was eventually freed from his crystal state and wanting to avoid him as much as possible Vatta volunteered to help with clan’s new defense plans. While the clan was preparing their new walls Glade had been asked to join Gladekeeper’s Public Hearing and when he came back he no longer carried symbols of the ambassador. He looked very upset by that and Vatta was worried he would do something extreme yet again not being bound by his status anymore but someone else seemed to have the same worry and turned him into a king parda. With Glade out of power and in familiar form Vatta was hopeful that the future would go on peacefully and focused on his job without thinking about the toxic dragon.

Small pile of green, purple and pale blue petals.

Life was peaceful when Glade was a parda and Vatta was expecting that to go on for some time. It did continue for a very long time but not long enough for Vatta Shadow and Sapny eventually turning him back to normal. Vatta was very concerned by that the two having once tried to summon the Shade that being reason for their creepy eyes and Vatta found himself hoping they or at least Glade had learned from the past to not cause problems to anyone.

At first things seemed to go fine Glade having not tried to kill Tahna or Vatta yet but as the time went on Vatta was able to hear fear from plants until they all fell silent all of sudden. Not long after that arcane dragons somewhere opened a space portal that releasing space creatures to the world that being followed by clan's familiars turning hostile among them Vatta's mentor dryad. Like that wasn't bad enough already Silence attacked a plague clan and Skeleton became very hostile she attacking Vatta when he went to see her. That was all within Glade's capabilities and Vatta was sure he was behind the chaos that took over the lair. He though was busy to help with hostile familiars and when he was not the said familiars swarmed him if he tried to talk about his suspicions to anyone.

Due to the hostile familiars Vatta had to hide in the wood when plague dragons arrived to investigate the attack he, as nature dragon, being their primary candidate to blame for hostile familiars. Vatta did not know the spell to do that but he spent his time studying potential spells he wanting to revert the spell to be able to tell others about his fears. He did find few potential spells but either they were the wrong ones or the spell used on clan's familiars was stronger than what he could potentially counter he starting to get desperate.

It had been weeks since the familiars had turned hostile and about a week since the situation with the plague clan was solved the clan spending the annual House Cup to rest while Vatta kept working. He was sure he had found the right spell and he just needed to train to be able to overthrow Glade's spell and get the imperial captured before he could cast it again. He though was not able to do that, not even on one familiar, he starting to wonder if Glade got some help from someone or if he somehow hindered his magical abilities. The spell had remained for weeks and Vatta started to wonder what the imperial, and whoever were working with him, were trying to accomplish.

The House Cup had just ended and Vatta was still in the wood resting to try his spell again later when he heard Skeleton scream. He had not heard that noise in some time and assuming Tahna was trying to approach her he went to see what the situation was. In Skeleton's area he was able to avoid both her and her dogs and after finding Tahna's fresh trail followed it he eventually hearing Tahna and Glade just ahead. He arrived just in time to see Tahna fall to the ground Glade standing in front of him wearing ambassador's symbols.

Vatta had not seen even a hint of Glade since having moved to the wood and was confused of why he had the symbols but more importantly he wanted to know what he did to Tahna. He had his idea and Glade seemingly noticing that told him to answer his own questions as Vatta tried to clear his head from confusion. He could not let Glade get away with all he had done and took his staff but the battle of druids was over as fast as it had started Vatta having not enough strength to counter Glade who drained energy from plants around him like a parasite Vatta being unable to avoid that fate. The imperial, probably with some dark magic, drained Vatta's magic he falling to the ground too weak to stay awake.

Vatta later woke up in somewhere that for sure was not in arcane domain. At first he thought he had ended up in nature afterlife but after waking up a bit more he was able to tell that he was in the Behemoth. The healers in there told that he and Tahna had been found weak but alive and they had been brought to the ancient lairs to recover their magic. Glade had been working with the Shade maniacs to summon the Shade, or in his case it could have been to get his status back, and he was now outlaw with a bounty. Vatta could not have wished for better news and returned home upon having recovered enough continuing his job hoping to never hear about Glade ever again.

Small pile of green, purple and pale blue petals.

Vatta ended up hearing about Glade after getting back home from the Behemoth but that was long after that, and the news were very pleasant. After having tried to cause some harm to the clan, not much to affect Vatta personally, Glade had apparently fallen to a bounty hunter and his soul was now trapped in the Fortress of Ends. At first Vatta was not to believe what he heard but clan’s ice ambassador Kronk was able to verify Glade’s soul was in fact stored in the heart of the cold.

For a moment Vatta believed he could look to the future without fearing past coming to ruin it. However, Shadow and Sapny decided to return out of the blue. Apparently, they had helped with trapping Glade, and asked to be let back in. The clan wasn’t willing to do so. In fact, they kicked the two mages out and they moved to live in the ruins because of that. That made Vatta a little nervous as his job involved moving around the ruins to make sure nothing threatened the lair. Luckily, his nature magic allowed him to check the area from afar and, by the looks of it, the two summoners weren’t planning anything harmful.

It was some time after aberration dragons had been discovered in the plague land. The small competition between plague and nature had ended and the clan was resting after the stressful six weeks. That was when Julius came to meet Vatta telling he and Tahna would go explore supposedly overgrown part of the wood soon enough and he asked Vatta to come with them. Vatta and his familiar were interested and promised join the two veteran rangers as well as young explorer Pascal who had found the overgrown wood. Fen and his young apprentice Lemmikki were also coming to do some research.

Pascal led the group to the part of the wood he had discovered. As the wood got denser the trees started to talk to Vatta mostly just being confused to be remembered by dragons and warning there was something bad ahead. They though didn’t explain it further. Eventually the group reached the dense part of the wood the trees growing so near each other that walking past them was impossible, except for Fen who as fae was small enough to fly in. As the group waited him to return Vatta contacted the trees who were clearly very old. They were not hostile and once Fen came back they made way for the dragons as Vatta asked so.

The wood was indeed very overgrown and the group had to walk in queue due to how narrow the way was. Even when Vatta asked the plants to make way for them the steps and islands made moving through the wood feel like moving through a cave that went up and down like mountain ridge. Eventually the group reached group of old trees that seemed to guard something. Vatta, as the first in the queue, asked others to stop as he asked the trees what they were guarding. The trees said they were not allowed to tell. The thing though didn’t seem that secret as the trees let the dragons see behind them and even step to the other side.

Behind the old trees was an old broken structure. As the dragons examined it Vatta noticed the shame the trees around them emitted. They apologized for something but Vatta had feeling they had nothing to do with whatever it was. Pascal thought the structure was some kind of seal and Fen found some fresh footsteps walking away from it. It seemed the seal had been broken, by the looks of it because of time, and whatever had been sealed away was now free. The rangers thought they should check what the sealed thing was and Fen followed the trail Vatta and rest of the group following. As they followed the trail Vatta felt the trees say how “it” was a weapon and that they had been unable to stop it.

Once outside the dense forest the group kept following the trail until it suddenly ended. Everyone started to look around in order to figure out where the thing had gone Vatta asking the plants for information. They seemed scared and weren’t that willing to answer, but eventually a bush told the thing was there. Vatta turned to that direction he seeing at least ten glowing eyes staring at them. He had barely been able to process what he saw when the thing attacked Lemmikki, who was closest of them, two of its five head taking a hold of the pearlcatcher while the remaining three stared at the rest of the group.

Unlike the trees in the overgrown wood, the trees in there seemed to have no idea what the thing was and were scared. Vatta tried to calm them down and asked them to help him when Julius shot an arrow to the thing. It was unbothered and shot an earth spell towards the mirror followed by a fire breath meant to keep the dragons away. Pascal rushed to help the young dragon and after he managed to free Lemmikki Vatta asked nearby plants to tie the fire breathing mouth and the legs. Julius, Tahna and Pascal kept the other four heads busy and though it seemed to be trapped the thing eventually managed to pull itself free from the vines and roots holding it in place.

The five-headed weapon flied around the group it eventually diving to attack Vatta. Vatta was about to jump away when he heard plants and Pascal telling him to go down. Vatta almost slammed his jaw to a ground and he dived to let the obelisk jump over him. Pascal stood between Vatta and the thing the bogsneak getting back up as the weapon evaluated the situation. That was when they heard Monsoon approaching and the thing calling itself Demoni flew away saying it would try again when the time was right.

The dragons hid from the virulent spirit and after it left Tahna asked if everyone was alright. Vatta was but sadly Lemmikki had not survived the attack. Vatta took a look at her wound and even if they had been able to treat her right away, they could not have done anything. Pascal offered to carry the body back to the lair while Vatta took the pearl. Once they reached the lair everyone went their separate ways Vatta taking the pearl to the Hoard. After that he decided to return to the overgrown wood to ask few questions from the plants in there.

They didn’t know exactly what the five-headed thing had been but they knew it had been made to be a weapon and it was supposed to stay sealed. They didn’t know when it had been sealed away as the trees had been planted there after it had been sealed away with mission to keep everyone out and it in. That told Vatta that the overgrown part had been created on purpose and judging by the age of the trees it had been awhile. He delivered that information to Kupari so she could learn more about the thing and returned to the wood to do his job.

Small pile of green, purple and pale blue petals.

Fen had taken a break from his studies to mourn Lemmikki and while the fae processed his feelings Vatta kept on working. Along with the runetrees, the dominant tree of the forest, he also kept an eye out for runeflowers, odd flowers that seemed to resemble runes of each flight. Arcane one had been the first they had found years ago followed by water and throughout the years they had found others from other regions. The only ones missing were the runeflowers for ice and fire and Vatta finally managed to find them while Fen was taking a break. The druid shared his discoveries with the ecologist once he returned to work and the small dragon was quite excited about having the full set.

The two studied the flowers and though different they were able to prove the flowers seemed to be related, and they seemed to be unnatural in origin. That interested both Vatta and Fen and as they studied the plants more the memories of how the druid had found the forest came back. He had found a note in a book and he started to wonder if the author, or their friend, colleague or someone totally unrelated, was the creator of the flowers. As he wondered that he decided to pay his old home a visit to relocate the book and hopefully learn more about who had written it and who had created the flowers. If he was lucky the two were the same and if not he might have a long trip ahead of him. Fen hoped him luck and Mosaic got him to the nature domain.

Vatta travelled to where he had hatched the plants helping him to find the way. He was able to locate his original home but sadly his parents were no longer there and now lived in Dragonhome. Vatta would have wanted to see his parents again but he could bear not sharing what had happened since he had left. He had other things to do and he got to work. He managed to find the book from where he had found it years ago and he read it to refresh himself. The book was solely about the Starwood Strand and there was no mention about Dream Wood or the runeflowers. There also were no more books written by the author in the library and Vatta and his dryad decided to continue their search elsewhere.

The dryad guessed that the Behemoth library for sure had books from the author but getting access to them would be difficult, they were meant for Behemoth workers only. While the dryad had worked for a dragon working in Behemoth but Vatta was not one of them and it was unlikely they were given access to the library, at least that easily. Instead the duo decided to check the Wild Sanctum first and try Behemoth if the Sanctum yielded no or barely any results.

In the sanctum the duo found another copy of the book they had already found as well as few more books from the author. Sadly they covered other well known environments around Sornieth with no mention towards Dream Wood or runeflowers. The workers in the Sanctum though were able to tell more about the writer and they told they had been part of an exploration group ages ago and someone had written a biography of them. According to the workers it was stored in Behemoth’s library and Vatta and his dryad had no choice but to beg entrance to that.

Getting to the library would have been rather easy if Pix had been in the Behemoth but sadly the ambassador was in the clan, most likely. Because of that the dryad had to use her ties to get the two in the library, and after they were granted access the work didn’t get any easier. The library was massive and though the two mainly had to focus on two sections, the biographies and the researches, they still had to go through hundreds if not thousands of books and other papers. The two kept going through all the relevant looking ones taking notes and doing cross-referencing and though they made some progress they felt like they were getting nowhere closer answering the original question.

Vatta and his dryad had spent at least one week in the Behemoth library, maybe even two, and they had gone through all or at least most of the relevant books and papers. They had found some mentions about Dream Wood and artificial flowers in few biographies but it didn’t seem like any of members of the mentioned exploration group had visited the Dream Wood themselves. They might have just heard of it by someone but it remained unclear who that someone had been. Vatta’s guesses were that they were either a local the group had met while in Starfall Isles or they were some kind of lesser member of the group.

Best piece of the information Vatta and his dryad were able to gather was the time period during which the flowers were most likely created. There were not that many mentions of artificial flowers, and if there were they were too recent or from wrong area. The mentions from older era and right area were all very old, older than most modern breeds, which meant that the exploration group and the creator of the flowers were most likely of ancient breed. The breed had not been mentioned in any of the biographies, most likely because no one had thought that to be important to specify. If the breed was mentioned it was a breed from another region meaning the group had most likely been made out of one breed. Vatta felt that he was not going to get out more information if he kept on going, assuming he didn’t start theorizing like madman, and he and the dryad decided to return back home.

While Vatta had been away the clan had decided to organize its own little festival. The preparations were in full swing and the druid was happy that he had not missed the festival though he didn’t really care about the theme itself. That was not the only thing that had happened across the continent as yet another ancient breed had reappeared, or fallen, to the Sornieth and Fen told about his encounter with the member of the aether breed, Renigra. Once Vatta was caught up with what he had missed the bogsneak shared what he had learned during his journey, and though the mystery had remained unsolved Fen was excited regardless.

The fae talked about how the creation of the flowers could have been one of the first peaceful interactions between flights and how the flowers could have been created as a symbol of unity. He was also excited to potentially meet the creator one night. Renigra was an old aether and had actually lived in the Dream Wood before it had started to rise up which meant the mystery creator could also be out there somewhere being kept alive by some kind of spell. It was also possible that their ghost was still lingering and could reappear at later date. Vatta was used to Fen’s vivid mind but he still struggled to follow as the fae explained his ideas. He though thought he got what the smaller dragon was thinking and he agreed the potential of hearing about before and after traits of environment from an ancient being sounded enticing. He just wished the potential old being was more cooperative than what Renigra was. Judging by what Vatta had heard they were rather mean and old fashioned.

Small pile of green, purple and pale blue petals.

A frame made out of red and green fruits and green, light purple and light blue flowers. Inside it a lone broadleaf tree on a green background.

A light green curly bracket opening down. In the top center there is a green glass nature rune.
Name origin:
Named by previous owner.

A light green curly bracket opening up.

Two horizontal vines wrapping around each other, green with somewhat palm leaf-shaped leaves and green, light purple and light blue flowers in shape of a nature rune.


Vatta is a nature bogsneak of dark green color the body having swirly plant pattern and wings are shimmering while his underbelly is glimmering silver. His wings and two five fingered crests are similar color to his main body but because of an amulet he got from his mother before leaving his home they appear as hot smoke with cinders in it. Though not nearly as hot as it would be if he was a fire dragon it still stings a little bit when he uses them to defend himself if needed. The heat though isn’t high enough to cause fires or hurt him. Along with fiery wings Vatta has tawny druid antlers similar to deer’s and like deer’s antlers they shed once a year growing in slightly different angle and shape every year. He also has slightly darker eyes than what nature dragons usually have.

Vatta is very nature mage looking dragon wearing a green witch hat and cloak both somewhat poorly patched them having been ripped by the woods creatures or rogue plants. Unlike nature mages, however, they have both been decorated by small bones the skull on his chest housing the amulet that powers up his burning wings. Though being basically fire the cinders on his wings do not burn the webs that decorate them being made by Vatta’s spider friend. Like most druids Vatta carries a pouch of herbs and a wooden staff made out of oak with him along with some vines he can control freely. The vines are not rooted to anything but they remain alive by simply being in contact with Vatta.

Vatta has gentle and honeyed voice that can be rough at the times. He is usually direct with what he wants to say but being sarcastic isn’t out of picture for him. He has clear Polish accent.

Small pile of green, purple and pale blue petals.

Vatta is determined and overall kind dragon who does not accept mistreatment of others for any reason. He though does make it very clear when he does not approve someone’s behavior and not being passive dragon is ready to act if need to be. He especially hates dragons who define others based on their element or breed which for Vatta only define their basic abilities. He judges everyone based on how they act and treat others and is usually open minded when meeting with new faces. However, he is very unwilling to forgive if someone had made a bad impression even if that someone was someone he used to trust. He is aware of changes that may happen in dragon and stays mindful of those changes to react if they are going to wrong direction.

Vatta likes company but prefers if the company in question is somewhat similar to him being curious about the nature around them or spends a lot of time in there. He is rarely if ever seen in the main lair hanging out with residents spending more time with rangers in the wood helping them with their job. Though a nature dragon he understands that if nature is left unbound it will eventually become a threat to the dragons. He is fine with cutting down trees and killing creatures if need to be not feeling sorry if someone were to shame him for that. He thinks things through and knows what he does is right.

Vatta has been accompanied by a gladegift ambassador Letni the elderly dryad joining him as he was leaving the nature domain for the first time. She had retired from serving the ties between the Behemoth and her home clan and meeting the young nature dragon starting a journey to find place of myths sounded like fun retirement activity. She having a lot of experience has taught a lot of nature spells for Vatta and because of that he feels a lot of respect towards the dryad who he sees either as his granny or mentor. Letni can speak fluent Dragonian but if wanting to speak with Vatta and only with Vatta she can also use telepathy. Vatta also has a spider friend making webs to his wings helping to keep annoying insects from annoying Vatta. It can't speak nor is it intelligent it being just a regular spider Vatta replacing it when the previous one reached end of its short life.

Small pile of green, purple and pale blue petals.

Vatta has a strong connection to nature around him and especially to plants. Like most druids he carries a wooden staff with him which he uses to perform magic tricks and which keeps him connected to the nature around him. He can cast spells and communicate with plants even without the staff but it is the symbol of his connection to the nature and the plants around him might not be willing to reply to him if he doesn’t have it. The staff also makes aiming magic much easier. Vatta knows wide range of spells including being able to make plants grow faster and make them move out of the way though he can’t make them walk. He can communicate with them and ask them to tell if there is something he might be interested of. He can also make plants unroot themselves and can use some basic healing spells. He can’t talk with animals but he has basic understanding of how to approach them without making them ran away or attack.

Despite the spell affecting his wings Vatta can, by turning the spell off, fly pretty decently though the distance isn’t something to write home about. He can also swim very well both with and without the fire spell active and he can dive too and breath underwater by asking water plants to create him some oxygen. He can’t use photosynthesis.
A horizontal vine, green with somewhat palm leaf-shaped leaves and green, light purple and light blue flowers in shape of a nature rune.

Wishlist/Notes to self:

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