Nest Network 3.5
LordYato's Clan
May our fates intertwine~
Clan Info
lil sister's lair: NishinoyaLou
Misfit Toys Subspecies
+ Odama's Deals! Bookmarking a Hatchery.
+ Flight Rising Scene Guide
+ Resizing Image.
+ Vista Pixels
+ Drytil's Art
+ FR Fonts
+ Blue Dragon Art Freebies
+ Dreaming City Pixel
+ Moving Pixel Sprites
+ Osiem Flight Art
+ Poisonedpaper's Art
+ Cloudsong Corgis
+ Santal's Assets and Free Bio Resources
Maki's Coliseum Builds
Duke's Levelling Guide
Eevee's Levelling Guide
Coliseum Builds 2.0
Weapon Apparel
Exalting Pay
Coli Crusaders
Train to Rep!
Roulette 7-10
Tiassale 4-10
Vikal 4-10
Philip 4-10
Queue Training!
+ TimHortons (Wind) 4-10
+ Rebel (Shadow) 4-10
Retired Mentors!
+ Bishamon (Arcane) 25
+ Sonic (Ice) 18
+ Yato!!! (Lightning) 17
+ Kazuma (Wind) 10
+ Kashima (Wind) 8
+ Hori (Earth) 8
+ Kofuku (Shadow) 9
+ Yukine (Fire) 7
+ Daikoku (Earth) 5
Wish List!
1) Accent: Pastel Locks
2) Accent: Orion's Wings
Plot-of-Land Nesting Services!
** Will breed for you for
** Housekeeping services provided by a fellow familiar.
Currently rooming: VACANCY
Served: (Evlon)(SilverChilver)(Solitae)(Banished)(NishinoyaLou)(QueenCheetah93)(Eskarine)(dragonNMR)(EmoAngel99)
Archived Forum Bookmarks
+ Noragami Hub: Yato Club! Closed.
+ Drytil's Accents/Skins
+ BBCode
+ Letters from Hatchlings
+ How to Train Your Dragon
+ Visual Elemental Chart
'Baldwin's Bubbling Brew Visual Guide 2.0'
Recent Comments
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Sweet babs ! I don't think I'll grab another one, I'll keep taking care of Grace :D btw I found her a husband ! He melted my treasure like ice in sunlight and that's just the start, but I think it worth it :D
If you don't mind, I'm keeping an eye on Roulette and Ruse, I'd love to grab one of their babs >:}