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TOPIC | [The Doll Factory] Laundry Room
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There is a washing machine and a dryer in the laundry room. Bottles of bleach and detergent sit on top of a cabinet, and a basket of hangers sits right by it. There is a fan plugged into the wall facing a laundry rack.

In order to interact with objects in the laundry room or explore the laundry room, please use your private QuickTopic or ping the mods on this thread.

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Entry Hall
Manager's Office
Storage Room 1
Storage Room 2
Assembly Line 1
Assembly Line 2
Conspiracy Room
Trapdoor Room
There is a washing machine and a dryer in the laundry room. Bottles of bleach and detergent sit on top of a cabinet, and a basket of hangers sits right by it. There is a fan plugged into the wall facing a laundry rack.

In order to interact with objects in the laundry room or explore the laundry room, please use your private QuickTopic or ping the mods on this thread.

Signup Thread
Discussion Thread
Entry Hall
Manager's Office
Storage Room 1
Storage Room 2
Assembly Line 1
Assembly Line 2
Conspiracy Room
Trapdoor Room
@anika Could I look inside the cabinet?
@anika Could I look inside the cabinet?

You find a roll of paper towels, rolls of foil, and two hand grenades.

You find a roll of paper towels, rolls of foil, and two hand grenades.
@anika I take the two hand grenades to my room and put them in my nightstand.
@anika I take the two hand grenades to my room and put them in my nightstand.

You take the hand grenades to Bedroom 15 and put them in the nightstand. Please note that the door to Room 15 is unlocked and anyone can get in.

You take the hand grenades to Bedroom 15 and put them in the nightstand. Please note that the door to Room 15 is unlocked and anyone can get in.
ehhhh I'm tempted to drink the detergent but I don't want to die by paint/glue/detergent poisoning.

Can I explore the laundry rack please?
ehhhh I'm tempted to drink the detergent but I don't want to die by paint/glue/detergent poisoning.

Can I explore the laundry rack please?
I would like to look inside the washer and dryer to see if anything is in there.
I would like to look inside the washer and dryer to see if anything is in there.
+2 Hours FR Time

You find nothing on the laundry rack.


The Washer and Dryer is open. It seems someone has been here.

You find nothing on the laundry rack.


The Washer and Dryer is open. It seems someone has been here.
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I'd like to further examine the washer and check if there are any hidden doors in the walls inside it (Unlikely but worth a shot)
I'd like to further examine the washer and check if there are any hidden doors in the walls inside it (Unlikely but worth a shot)
+2 Hours FR Time

You examine the washer a few times over. There doesn't seem to be any hidden compartments, unfortunately.

You examine the washer a few times over. There doesn't seem to be any hidden compartments, unfortunately.
98e84dd092d654a6a6195dcee5a9d14a69600c52.png ePOliyb.png
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