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TOPIC | [The Doll Factory] Storage Room 2
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Thankfully, this storage room isn't even half as creepy as the other one. It contains metal barrels of glue and what seems to be powdered clay. Two barrels of glue are open and four barrels of the powdered clay are open.

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Thankfully, this storage room isn't even half as creepy as the other one. It contains metal barrels of glue and what seems to be powdered clay. Two barrels of glue are open and four barrels of the powdered clay are open.

In order to interact with objects in this storage room and explore this storage room, please use your private QuickTopic or ping the mods on this thread.

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Entry Hall
Manager's Office
Laundry Room
Storage Room 1
Assembly Line 1
Assembly Line 2
Conspiracy Room
Trapdoor Room
I'd like to search those barrels too.
I'd like to search those barrels too.

You find nothing but powdered clay inside them. Some of the powdered clay seems slightly damp.

You find nothing but powdered clay inside them. Some of the powdered clay seems slightly damp.

What about glue barrels?

What about glue barrels?

The glue has a reddish tint, but nothing is inside the barrels other than glue. Your arm is now covered in glue.

The glue has a reddish tint, but nothing is inside the barrels other than glue. Your arm is now covered in glue.
@anika Could I check to see if there is anything hidden behind or around the barrels?
@anika Could I check to see if there is anything hidden behind or around the barrels?

You find nothing out of place.

You find nothing out of place.
@anika How about the ceiling? Maybe theirs a leak causing the clay to be damp.
@anika How about the ceiling? Maybe theirs a leak causing the clay to be damp.

You squint at the ceiling. It looks fine, but maybe there's a small crack you can't see from down here.

You squint at the ceiling. It looks fine, but maybe there's a small crack you can't see from down here.
@anika Can I push over a couple of the closed barrels to stand on for a closer look at the ceiling?
@anika Can I push over a couple of the closed barrels to stand on for a closer look at the ceiling?
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