
Forum Games

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TOPIC | [The Doll Factory] Reps = <3
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When you enter, you find a short man waiting for you. Once all of the people have arrived, he starts his introductory speech. "Welcome to the Brookshire Doll Factory. Here, we specialize in the manufacturing of porcelain dolls. We are so glad to have you on our staff. Please kindly disregard the rumors of the previous workers quitting because the factory was haunted..."

"Along with your $20,000 a year salary, you receive your very own bedroom at the factory. All of your meals are also provided by the management. You have no reason to leave the factory, really, but if you do, be sure to do it on your time off. Any questions?"

Someone raises their hand.

"Excuse me? I left my suitcase in my car. Could I run out and grab it?"

"Sure, go ahead. You can catch up with the group while we're touring the facilities."

The man leads you into the factory, to a conveyor belt with doll torsos on it. Obviously it's the beginning of the manufacturing process.

The person who had left earlier to get their suitcase rejoins the group, obviously flustered.

"Um, mister? The door is locked."

"What? That's weird. Ah, well." He detaches a ring of keys from his belt. "Here's the key to-"

Before he can finish his sentence, the light goes off. Someone screams. They flicker on a moment later. The factory manager is on the floor, his throat slit, blood seeping out into a pool.

Before anyone can even react, you swear you hear a soft whisper. "Welcome to the Doll Factory."


This is a mafia-inspired game. If you have played "Shattered Remnants" or "Danganropa" by Reynutocx, then this game is similar. The aspect of finding and using objects to help win the game is present here.

Like a regular mafia game, the roles are divided into Town and Mafia. (No comment on whether or not there are third party roles.) However, unlike a normal mafia game, there is no town lynch or Vigilante. In order to get rid of the spirits haunting the factory, you must do the killing. All town players are the Vigilante.

It is possible to win the game without exploring the factory. However, not doing so will make the game harder to win and far less interesting to play (and moderate!).

This is a role-madness game. I will not tell you what roles there are, but I will not lie to the players.
When you enter, you find a short man waiting for you. Once all of the people have arrived, he starts his introductory speech. "Welcome to the Brookshire Doll Factory. Here, we specialize in the manufacturing of porcelain dolls. We are so glad to have you on our staff. Please kindly disregard the rumors of the previous workers quitting because the factory was haunted..."

"Along with your $20,000 a year salary, you receive your very own bedroom at the factory. All of your meals are also provided by the management. You have no reason to leave the factory, really, but if you do, be sure to do it on your time off. Any questions?"

Someone raises their hand.

"Excuse me? I left my suitcase in my car. Could I run out and grab it?"

"Sure, go ahead. You can catch up with the group while we're touring the facilities."

The man leads you into the factory, to a conveyor belt with doll torsos on it. Obviously it's the beginning of the manufacturing process.

The person who had left earlier to get their suitcase rejoins the group, obviously flustered.

"Um, mister? The door is locked."

"What? That's weird. Ah, well." He detaches a ring of keys from his belt. "Here's the key to-"

Before he can finish his sentence, the light goes off. Someone screams. They flicker on a moment later. The factory manager is on the floor, his throat slit, blood seeping out into a pool.

Before anyone can even react, you swear you hear a soft whisper. "Welcome to the Doll Factory."


This is a mafia-inspired game. If you have played "Shattered Remnants" or "Danganropa" by Reynutocx, then this game is similar. The aspect of finding and using objects to help win the game is present here.

Like a regular mafia game, the roles are divided into Town and Mafia. (No comment on whether or not there are third party roles.) However, unlike a normal mafia game, there is no town lynch or Vigilante. In order to get rid of the spirits haunting the factory, you must do the killing. All town players are the Vigilante.

It is possible to win the game without exploring the factory. However, not doing so will make the game harder to win and far less interesting to play (and moderate!).

This is a role-madness game. I will not tell you what roles there are, but I will not lie to the players.

1.) No directly quoting what mods tell you in private messages. Paraphrasing is acceptable.
2.) No screenshotting.
3.) Do not delete or edit your posts.
4.) In order to kill somebody, you must submit a kill plan 1 " time cycle" ahead of time. For instance, if you wish to try to kill someone on Night 3, you must submit a kill plan by Day 3. Only one person may be killed each time cycle. The successful plan will be chosen randomly, with more chances given to those submitted earlier. For instance, if there are 4 different kill plans submitted for the same cycle:

First plan submitted receives 4 tickets
Second plan submitted receives 3 tickets
Third plan submitted receives 2 tickets
Fourth plan submitted receives 1 ticket

As a result, there are chances for all kill plans to be attempted, but the ones sent first are more likely to be selected.

5.) Be respectful to the other players. I will not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind.
6.) HAVE FUN. >:C
7.) Each day cycle lasts 48 hours. Each night cycle lasts 24 hours.
8.) In the game, you must eat, hydrate and sleep or you will die.
9.) You cannot lynch the mod(s).
10.) You may perform actions or ask questions either in secret or publicly. In order to do so in secret, use your personal QuickTopic thread. Please do not PM the mods unless you are notifying them about an impending absence.
11.) Please let the mods know if you will be absent for an extended period of time (1 day or longer). You will be provided a 3 foot tall clay golem to protect you during your absences, as you will be unable to fight back against any attacks during your absence. This golem is weaker than you yourself fighting, but will still offer some protection.
12.) Once you have submitted a night (power role) action or a kill plan, you cannot unsubmit it or change your target. Choose carefully.
13.) The rules are constantly subject to change. I may alter them as I see fit.

1.) No directly quoting what mods tell you in private messages. Paraphrasing is acceptable.
2.) No screenshotting.
3.) Do not delete or edit your posts.
4.) In order to kill somebody, you must submit a kill plan 1 " time cycle" ahead of time. For instance, if you wish to try to kill someone on Night 3, you must submit a kill plan by Day 3. Only one person may be killed each time cycle. The successful plan will be chosen randomly, with more chances given to those submitted earlier. For instance, if there are 4 different kill plans submitted for the same cycle:

First plan submitted receives 4 tickets
Second plan submitted receives 3 tickets
Third plan submitted receives 2 tickets
Fourth plan submitted receives 1 ticket

As a result, there are chances for all kill plans to be attempted, but the ones sent first are more likely to be selected.

5.) Be respectful to the other players. I will not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind.
6.) HAVE FUN. >:C
7.) Each day cycle lasts 48 hours. Each night cycle lasts 24 hours.
8.) In the game, you must eat, hydrate and sleep or you will die.
9.) You cannot lynch the mod(s).
10.) You may perform actions or ask questions either in secret or publicly. In order to do so in secret, use your personal QuickTopic thread. Please do not PM the mods unless you are notifying them about an impending absence.
11.) Please let the mods know if you will be absent for an extended period of time (1 day or longer). You will be provided a 3 foot tall clay golem to protect you during your absences, as you will be unable to fight back against any attacks during your absence. This golem is weaker than you yourself fighting, but will still offer some protection.
12.) Once you have submitted a night (power role) action or a kill plan, you cannot unsubmit it or change your target. Choose carefully.
13.) The rules are constantly subject to change. I may alter them as I see fit.

I am testing the exploration/item finding feature of this game to see how it goes. As a result, this is a smaller game.

Ideally, this game will begin this Saturday, October 15.

1.) Moonwater
2.) ClockworkEclipse SeaGodling
3.) DuskyChangeling
4.) KawaiiFlyer
5.) DiamondNoodles Lyxla
6.) demoliceros
7.) RavenWolf Cognitive
8.) StormDreamer KanayaChopin
9.) luckgandor CinnabarCobra
10.) mfncool Nerasis
11.) nsts
12.) luxmold
13.) VivaFariy
14.) Jinkiez Rosetta248
15.) Raya36 LightGodling

1.) BlueAlphyn885
2.) Winterreise
3.) LeopardMask
4.) KathiraNarae
5.) Craneoflores
6.) NightRising
7.) Shigeo
8.) Agrina

1.) Leremis

Action Assistants:
1.) BlueAlphyn885
2.) Beheaded
3.) Kapara
NO MORE NEEDED, thank you!

I am testing the exploration/item finding feature of this game to see how it goes. As a result, this is a smaller game.

Ideally, this game will begin this Saturday, October 15.

1.) Moonwater
2.) ClockworkEclipse SeaGodling
3.) DuskyChangeling
4.) KawaiiFlyer
5.) DiamondNoodles Lyxla
6.) demoliceros
7.) RavenWolf Cognitive
8.) StormDreamer KanayaChopin
9.) luckgandor CinnabarCobra
10.) mfncool Nerasis
11.) nsts
12.) luxmold
13.) VivaFariy
14.) Jinkiez Rosetta248
15.) Raya36 LightGodling

1.) BlueAlphyn885
2.) Winterreise
3.) LeopardMask
4.) KathiraNarae
5.) Craneoflores
6.) NightRising
7.) Shigeo
8.) Agrina

1.) Leremis

Action Assistants:
1.) BlueAlphyn885
2.) Beheaded
3.) Kapara
NO MORE NEEDED, thank you!

Please note that in addition to just Players, Spectators, and Replacements, I am also seeking Action Assistants. Action Assistants will be co-mods with my who will help respond to exploration questions. For instance: If someone wants to look under a rug, you would just have to go to a Google Document, check to see if anything is noted as being hidden under the rug, and then return the answer to the player(s). This helps ensure that the game can proceed while I am still able to manage my own life.

Of course, I don't expect for any co-mods to always be able to respond immediately. However, I do hope that having more people help run this game will keep things running smoothly and efficiently.

IMH Announcement/Hybrid Style Mafia: @Lukra, @TyrianFlame, @Moonwater, @Nanosaur, @Parrot, @ClockworkEclipse, @Mirrorface, @Caliver, @After, @shamwow, @tigressRising, @CrystalClaw, @Cynderbark, @Cyberstrike, @DraconicDolphin, @Agrina, @obiwan, @cosmicpoppies, @4th, @Elbow, @Leopardmask, @LunarParadox, @Daedraphel, @demoliceros, @IgnisFlamel, @DiamondNoodles, @MathGirl277, @Chaoticreactions, @passingavery, @FunwithaPorpoise, @Tsaiah, @Firo, @Leucoss, @Varikset, @kirkfan2255, @IndigoPi, @ashestoashes, @Stanari, @AureaImperatrix, @Chuck, @wbq, @InuKimi, @OblitusBellum, @WolfSong, @earendils, @DJFeather, @Geoff, @RedDragonD, @FloatingInSpace, @Shadowlugia711, @LordAlois, @Detroness, @Fallencrow, @Mithent, @KathiraNarae, @marchhare, @NekoNikki, @Valheru, @ChaoticKagura, @Nightlock, @Bequerel, @Peroxides, @Imraldera, @Kalideoscope, @ChibiKittens, @Nerasis, @GrimMistress, @Jinkiez, @TanakaTheWarlock, @Blizzardwing, @yogsloth, @ExoticBacoe, @Ravenwolf, @SmolPeridot, @Gwendolyn, @Raya36, @nsts, @FretfulSardines, @JackalJames, @Silverfrost, @polygone, @Ninjacatblue, @keraunic, @ZolfJKimbleeXME, @Narumitsu, @Elroking, @Kahvinporo, @ophician, @Casiope, @Vipera, @WaterWolf600, @TheSpine, @Shengrila, @WilltayC, @amapup, @MurasakiSama, @Wolfpack1216r, @SmashedFish, @FunFilledWTFery, @Corial, @JohnWatsGoingOn, @WolfSong, @DreamAlex, @CrazyRedFire, @Wintrymix, @MystRunner, @kalhalla, @Holi, @Werelynx, @WynterDragen, @ThisOneIsBlue, @CakeOn, @EccentricElf23, @PandaMimi, @marchhare, @Ambrose, @Beheaded, @tinydobes, @CinnabarCobra, @starseer, @BlueAlphyn885, @Valgami, @clarax, @AnonEclipse, @crateshya, @Percifrax, @TheMemeTeam, @Cacogen, @chiono, @Fortuna, @Duracraft27, @SilverWinter, @Cosmopoeia, @Leremis, @StormDreamer, @Epioth, @Rosetta248, @PaintingWithFire, @Rocnix, @anika, @LittleFirefly, @Craneoflores, @KanayaChopin, @VivaFariy, @Frayxing, @Kapara, @Winterreise, @8uny, @DerpKing52
Please use the IMH Spreadsheet for the most up-to-date pinglists.

Non-RP Style Mafia: @MathGirl277, @Chaoticreactions, @passingavery, @FunwithaPorpoise, @Tsaiah, @Firo, @Leucoss, @Varikset, @kirkfan2255, @IndigoPi, @ashestoashes, @Stanari, @AureaImperatrix, @Chuck, @wbq, @InuKimi, @OblitusBellum, @WolfSong, @earendils, @DJFeather, @Geoff, @RedDragonD, @FloatingInSpace, @Shadowlugia711, @LordAlois, @Detroness, @Fallencrow, @Mithent, @KathiraNarae, @marchhare, @NekoNikki, @Valheru, @ChaoticKagura, @Nightlock, @Bequerel, @Peroxides, @Imraldera, @Kalideoscope, @ChibiKittens, @Nerasis, @GrimMistress, @Jinkiez, @TanakaTheWarlock, @Blizzardwing, @yogsloth, @ExoticBacoe, @Ravenwolf, @SmolPeridot, @Gwendolyn, @Raya36, @nsts, @FretfulSardines, @JackalJames, @Silverfrost, @polygone, @Ninjacatblue, @keraunic, @ZolfJKimbleeXME, @Narumitsu, @Elroking, @Kahvinporo, @ophician, @Casiope, @Vipera, @WaterWolf600, @TheSpine, @Shengrila, @WilltayC, @amapup, @MurasakiSama, @Wolfpack1216r, @SmashedFish, @FunFilledWTFery, @Corial, @JohnWatsGoingOn, @WolfSong, @DreamAlex, @CrazyRedFire, @Wintrymix, @MystRunner, @kalhalla, @Holi, @Werelynx, @WynterDragen, @ThisOneIsBlue, @CakeOn, @EccentricElf23, @PandaMimi, @marchhare, @Ambrose, @Beheaded, @tinydobes, @CinnabarCobra, @starseer, @BlueAlphyn885, @Valgami, @clarax, @AnonEclipse, @crateshya, @Percifrax, @TheMemeTeam, @Cacogen, @chiono, @Fortuna, @Duracraft27, @SilverWinter, @Cosmopoeia, @Leremis, @StormDreamer, @Epioth, @Rosetta248, @PaintingWithFire, @Rocnix, @LittleFirefly, @Craneoflores, @KanayaChopin, @VivaFariy, @Frayxing, @Kapara, @Winterreise, @8uny, @DerpKing52
Please use the IMH Spreadsheet for the most up-to-date pinglists.

Please note that in addition to just Players, Spectators, and Replacements, I am also seeking Action Assistants. Action Assistants will be co-mods with my who will help respond to exploration questions. For instance: If someone wants to look under a rug, you would just have to go to a Google Document, check to see if anything is noted as being hidden under the rug, and then return the answer to the player(s). This helps ensure that the game can proceed while I am still able to manage my own life.

Of course, I don't expect for any co-mods to always be able to respond immediately. However, I do hope that having more people help run this game will keep things running smoothly and efficiently.

IMH Announcement/Hybrid Style Mafia: @Lukra, @TyrianFlame, @Moonwater, @Nanosaur, @Parrot, @ClockworkEclipse, @Mirrorface, @Caliver, @After, @shamwow, @tigressRising, @CrystalClaw, @Cynderbark, @Cyberstrike, @DraconicDolphin, @Agrina, @obiwan, @cosmicpoppies, @4th, @Elbow, @Leopardmask, @LunarParadox, @Daedraphel, @demoliceros, @IgnisFlamel, @DiamondNoodles, @MathGirl277, @Chaoticreactions, @passingavery, @FunwithaPorpoise, @Tsaiah, @Firo, @Leucoss, @Varikset, @kirkfan2255, @IndigoPi, @ashestoashes, @Stanari, @AureaImperatrix, @Chuck, @wbq, @InuKimi, @OblitusBellum, @WolfSong, @earendils, @DJFeather, @Geoff, @RedDragonD, @FloatingInSpace, @Shadowlugia711, @LordAlois, @Detroness, @Fallencrow, @Mithent, @KathiraNarae, @marchhare, @NekoNikki, @Valheru, @ChaoticKagura, @Nightlock, @Bequerel, @Peroxides, @Imraldera, @Kalideoscope, @ChibiKittens, @Nerasis, @GrimMistress, @Jinkiez, @TanakaTheWarlock, @Blizzardwing, @yogsloth, @ExoticBacoe, @Ravenwolf, @SmolPeridot, @Gwendolyn, @Raya36, @nsts, @FretfulSardines, @JackalJames, @Silverfrost, @polygone, @Ninjacatblue, @keraunic, @ZolfJKimbleeXME, @Narumitsu, @Elroking, @Kahvinporo, @ophician, @Casiope, @Vipera, @WaterWolf600, @TheSpine, @Shengrila, @WilltayC, @amapup, @MurasakiSama, @Wolfpack1216r, @SmashedFish, @FunFilledWTFery, @Corial, @JohnWatsGoingOn, @WolfSong, @DreamAlex, @CrazyRedFire, @Wintrymix, @MystRunner, @kalhalla, @Holi, @Werelynx, @WynterDragen, @ThisOneIsBlue, @CakeOn, @EccentricElf23, @PandaMimi, @marchhare, @Ambrose, @Beheaded, @tinydobes, @CinnabarCobra, @starseer, @BlueAlphyn885, @Valgami, @clarax, @AnonEclipse, @crateshya, @Percifrax, @TheMemeTeam, @Cacogen, @chiono, @Fortuna, @Duracraft27, @SilverWinter, @Cosmopoeia, @Leremis, @StormDreamer, @Epioth, @Rosetta248, @PaintingWithFire, @Rocnix, @anika, @LittleFirefly, @Craneoflores, @KanayaChopin, @VivaFariy, @Frayxing, @Kapara, @Winterreise, @8uny, @DerpKing52
Please use the IMH Spreadsheet for the most up-to-date pinglists.

Non-RP Style Mafia: @MathGirl277, @Chaoticreactions, @passingavery, @FunwithaPorpoise, @Tsaiah, @Firo, @Leucoss, @Varikset, @kirkfan2255, @IndigoPi, @ashestoashes, @Stanari, @AureaImperatrix, @Chuck, @wbq, @InuKimi, @OblitusBellum, @WolfSong, @earendils, @DJFeather, @Geoff, @RedDragonD, @FloatingInSpace, @Shadowlugia711, @LordAlois, @Detroness, @Fallencrow, @Mithent, @KathiraNarae, @marchhare, @NekoNikki, @Valheru, @ChaoticKagura, @Nightlock, @Bequerel, @Peroxides, @Imraldera, @Kalideoscope, @ChibiKittens, @Nerasis, @GrimMistress, @Jinkiez, @TanakaTheWarlock, @Blizzardwing, @yogsloth, @ExoticBacoe, @Ravenwolf, @SmolPeridot, @Gwendolyn, @Raya36, @nsts, @FretfulSardines, @JackalJames, @Silverfrost, @polygone, @Ninjacatblue, @keraunic, @ZolfJKimbleeXME, @Narumitsu, @Elroking, @Kahvinporo, @ophician, @Casiope, @Vipera, @WaterWolf600, @TheSpine, @Shengrila, @WilltayC, @amapup, @MurasakiSama, @Wolfpack1216r, @SmashedFish, @FunFilledWTFery, @Corial, @JohnWatsGoingOn, @WolfSong, @DreamAlex, @CrazyRedFire, @Wintrymix, @MystRunner, @kalhalla, @Holi, @Werelynx, @WynterDragen, @ThisOneIsBlue, @CakeOn, @EccentricElf23, @PandaMimi, @marchhare, @Ambrose, @Beheaded, @tinydobes, @CinnabarCobra, @starseer, @BlueAlphyn885, @Valgami, @clarax, @AnonEclipse, @crateshya, @Percifrax, @TheMemeTeam, @Cacogen, @chiono, @Fortuna, @Duracraft27, @SilverWinter, @Cosmopoeia, @Leremis, @StormDreamer, @Epioth, @Rosetta248, @PaintingWithFire, @Rocnix, @LittleFirefly, @Craneoflores, @KanayaChopin, @VivaFariy, @Frayxing, @Kapara, @Winterreise, @8uny, @DerpKing52
Please use the IMH Spreadsheet for the most up-to-date pinglists.

I'd love to play! How do I sign up?

I'd love to play! How do I sign up?
@anika As a fan of Danganronpa (who managed to miss the game in the forums), I'd love to sign up~! Count me in~!
@anika As a fan of Danganronpa (who managed to miss the game in the forums), I'd love to sign up~! Count me in~!

FXwV0CB.pngFObX7rS.pngSaronai's Free Star Lighting Raffle. Over 3kg in prizes. Ends February 1st. Click to learn more!

Former First Column Spacer ^^^^^^^^^

-Crashes though the wall-

A spot, please~

-Crashes though the wall-

A spot, please~
98e84dd092d654a6a6195dcee5a9d14a69600c52.png ePOliyb.png
Mafia round two! Did ya miss me cause i'm back from the dead! A spot as a player please
Mafia round two! Did ya miss me cause i'm back from the dead! A spot as a player please
+2 Hours FR Time
I'll help you run it.
I'll help you run it.

I'll grab a spot!

Edit: as a player!

I'll grab a spot!

Edit: as a player!
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