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TOPIC | [The Doll Factory] Conspiracy Room
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When you first step into the room, you’re struck by just how clean it is. The cement floors don't have a speck of dust on them and the white plaster walls don't have even a single stain.

When you shut the door, you realize that someone has taped countless protective wards on the door to the point that you couldn't see the wood anymore. They are in a plethora of languages, all having roots in different religious traditions. Whoever set up this room REALLY didn't want someone to be able to get in.

Along the wall is an empty tool rack. In the corner there is a desk covered in newspaper clippings. A cabinet has been pushed against the wall. It was locked, but someone has smashed it open.

Signup Thread
Discussion Thread
Entry Hall
Manager's Office
Laundry Room
Storage Room 1
Storage Room 2
Assembly Line 1
Assembly Line 2
Trapdoor Room
When you first step into the room, you’re struck by just how clean it is. The cement floors don't have a speck of dust on them and the white plaster walls don't have even a single stain.

When you shut the door, you realize that someone has taped countless protective wards on the door to the point that you couldn't see the wood anymore. They are in a plethora of languages, all having roots in different religious traditions. Whoever set up this room REALLY didn't want someone to be able to get in.

Along the wall is an empty tool rack. In the corner there is a desk covered in newspaper clippings. A cabinet has been pushed against the wall. It was locked, but someone has smashed it open.

Signup Thread
Discussion Thread
Entry Hall
Manager's Office
Laundry Room
Storage Room 1
Storage Room 2
Assembly Line 1
Assembly Line 2
Trapdoor Room
@Moonwater @ClockworkEclipse @DuskyChangeling @KawaiiFlyer @DiamondNoodles @demoliceros @RavenWolf @StormDreamer @luckgandor @mfncool @nsts @luxmold @VivaFariy @Jinkiez @Raya36

demoliceros and Raya36 move the bookshelf in the manager's office, revealing the conspiracy room.
@Moonwater @ClockworkEclipse @DuskyChangeling @KawaiiFlyer @DiamondNoodles @demoliceros @RavenWolf @StormDreamer @luckgandor @mfncool @nsts @luxmold @VivaFariy @Jinkiez @Raya36

demoliceros and Raya36 move the bookshelf in the manager's office, revealing the conspiracy room.
@anika I look into the smashed cabinet then search through the newpaper clippings.
@anika I look into the smashed cabinet then search through the newpaper clippings.

You find nothing inside the cabinet.

The articles have the following titles: "3 murdered in local doll factory," "Freak accident kills 8," "Murderer or ghost on loose in doll factory?"

You find nothing inside the cabinet.

The articles have the following titles: "3 murdered in local doll factory," "Freak accident kills 8," "Murderer or ghost on loose in doll factory?"
@anika Well, that's not unsettling of anything...

Could I take a closer look at the tool rack?
@anika Well, that's not unsettling of anything...

Could I take a closer look at the tool rack?

The tool rack is unremarkable.

The tool rack is unremarkable.
@anika Alright. Maybe there's something hidden in the layers of protective wards?
@anika Alright. Maybe there's something hidden in the layers of protective wards?

You remove some of the protective wards from the door. You find something etched in a language you don't recognize etched on the door.

You remove some of the protective wards from the door. You find something etched in a language you don't recognize etched on the door.
@anika Is there a pencil some sort of paper? Even one of the newspaper clippings. That way I can copy the etchings to the paper?
@anika Is there a pencil some sort of paper? Even one of the newspaper clippings. That way I can copy the etchings to the paper?

You have no writing utensils.

You have no writing utensils.
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