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TOPIC | [The Doll Factory] Assembly Line 2
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From the previous part of the assembly line, the doll parts flow through a conveyer belt in a metal tube, from which they emerged painted in the proper skin tone. The parts are then diverted into bins. It then seems like the bins, each sorted by part, are wheeled off to worktables, where the workers glue the body parts together. There is a separate station with paint bottles, and a small vehicle that seems to lift up barrels of paint to pour into the machine above the assembly line. An open can of brown paint sits by the machine.

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From the previous part of the assembly line, the doll parts flow through a conveyer belt in a metal tube, from which they emerged painted in the proper skin tone. The parts are then diverted into bins. It then seems like the bins, each sorted by part, are wheeled off to worktables, where the workers glue the body parts together. There is a separate station with paint bottles, and a small vehicle that seems to lift up barrels of paint to pour into the machine above the assembly line. An open can of brown paint sits by the machine.

In order to interact with objects in this part of the assembly line and explore this part of the assembly line, please use your private QuickTopic or ping the mods on this thread.

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@anika I walk towards the worktables and examine their surfaces (the tops). I also look underneath them (the bottoms).
@anika I walk towards the worktables and examine their surfaces (the tops). I also look underneath them (the bottoms).

The tabletops have hot glue guns atop them. The station with the paint has traces of paint on the table and paintbrushes. You find nothing beneath the tables.

The tabletops have hot glue guns atop them. The station with the paint has traces of paint on the table and paintbrushes. You find nothing beneath the tables.
Hey there! :o Could you please help me climb up the contraption to get to the machines above the assembly line?
Hey there! :o Could you please help me climb up the contraption to get to the machines above the assembly line?
@luxmold Oh, sure thing! I'm not exactly sure how we should go about that, though...maybe we can move a work table next to it and that will help you reach?

@luxmold Oh, sure thing! I'm not exactly sure how we should go about that, though...maybe we can move a work table next to it and that will help you reach?

Thank you! <3 I was thing that you could give me a boost up there, but a table works too!

I'd like to move a table over to the assembly line with the help of Demo so I can climb up the machines.
Thank you! <3 I was thing that you could give me a boost up there, but a table works too!

I'd like to move a table over to the assembly line with the help of Demo so I can climb up the machines.
@luxmold @demoliceros

A table is now by the assembly line. If someone stands on it, they could probably heavy themselves up into the machine.
@luxmold @demoliceros

A table is now by the assembly line. If someone stands on it, they could probably heavy themselves up into the machine.
I'm gonna climb up there then.
I'm gonna climb up there then.

You climb into the machine. The metal is crusted with dried paint. It is shadowy and hard to see in it.

You climb into the machine. The metal is crusted with dried paint. It is shadowy and hard to see in it.
Can I feel around in it? Like, touch my hands to every surface and see if there's anything that I can move/ take? If I find anything unsavory please pm about it.
Can I feel around in it? Like, touch my hands to every surface and see if there's anything that I can move/ take? If I find anything unsavory please pm about it.
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