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TOPIC | [The Doll Factory] Lounge
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From the looks of things, this is the place where the workers hang out on their off time. There is a leather couch set up so that it faces a TV mounted on the wall, as well as a table with 6 chairs around it. There is a bookshelf, which has a few books on it, as well as boxes of board games. It appears that the clicker to the TV is missing. How annoying.

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From the looks of things, this is the place where the workers hang out on their off time. There is a leather couch set up so that it faces a TV mounted on the wall, as well as a table with 6 chairs around it. There is a bookshelf, which has a few books on it, as well as boxes of board games. It appears that the clicker to the TV is missing. How annoying.

In order to interact with objects in the lounge and explore the lounge, please use your private QuickTopic or ping the mods on this thread.

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May I check around the room? I'd like to look for anything useful and specify on the games there and check what types of books there.
May I check around the room? I'd like to look for anything useful and specify on the games there and check what types of books there.
+2 Hours FR Time

You find the boxes for Clue and Monopoly, as well as a chess set in a wooden box.

The books are mainly comic books and books by Stephen King.

A hint: You must be specific when searching. Asking to search a whole room will not yield results. I will only tell you what is obviously seen. If there were an object hidden in the vase, for instance, I wouldn't tell you about it. I'd just tell you that you see a vase. Prepositions are also important. You may find different things when looking inside the vase, behind the vase, under the vase, etc.

You find the boxes for Clue and Monopoly, as well as a chess set in a wooden box.

The books are mainly comic books and books by Stephen King.

A hint: You must be specific when searching. Asking to search a whole room will not yield results. I will only tell you what is obviously seen. If there were an object hidden in the vase, for instance, I wouldn't tell you about it. I'd just tell you that you see a vase. Prepositions are also important. You may find different things when looking inside the vase, behind the vase, under the vase, etc.
Thank you for specifying about the search thing. I would like to take clue and chess up to my room and then continue to investigate by examining the tv's and their channels then check under the table and chairs :)
Thank you for specifying about the search thing. I would like to take clue and chess up to my room and then continue to investigate by examining the tv's and their channels then check under the table and chairs :)
+2 Hours FR Time

You can't turn on the TV. There is no remote.

The Clue and Chess games are now in Bedroom #4.

You find a key with the number 13 on it taped beneath the table.

You can't turn on the TV. There is no remote.

The Clue and Chess games are now in Bedroom #4.

You find a key with the number 13 on it taped beneath the table.
May I inspect the coach next? If I don't find anything than i'd like to take a coach cusion if that's allowed. In case it wasn't done automatically, i'd like to put the key in my pocket.
May I inspect the coach next? If I don't find anything than i'd like to take a coach cusion if that's allowed. In case it wasn't done automatically, i'd like to put the key in my pocket.
+2 Hours FR Time

You prod the couch. It's kind of lumpy, but doesn't seem that odd.

You remove the couch cushion and find a handgun with 7 bullets in it, as well as the remote to the TV.

You now have Key 13 in your pocket and are holding a very bulky couch cushion. Perhaps you should drop the cushion off somewhere.

You prod the couch. It's kind of lumpy, but doesn't seem that odd.

You remove the couch cushion and find a handgun with 7 bullets in it, as well as the remote to the TV.

You now have Key 13 in your pocket and are holding a very bulky couch cushion. Perhaps you should drop the cushion off somewhere.
I put the gun, cusion, and remote in my room so I may use the remote later, but right now i'm hungry, I head to the kitchen.
I put the gun, cusion, and remote in my room so I may use the remote later, but right now i'm hungry, I head to the kitchen.
+2 Hours FR Time

The gun, cushion, and remote are now in Bedroom 4. Keep in mind that the bedroom doors are not locked and that anyone could get into them.

You're in the kitchen. Be sure to use the kitchen thread to explore the kitchen.

The gun, cushion, and remote are now in Bedroom 4. Keep in mind that the bedroom doors are not locked and that anyone could get into them.

You're in the kitchen. Be sure to use the kitchen thread to explore the kitchen.
@anika Could I inspect the bookshelf closer? Maybe there's an unusual book or something hidden in, behind, or between the books?
@anika Could I inspect the bookshelf closer? Maybe there's an unusual book or something hidden in, behind, or between the books?
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