
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Unfathomable Odyssey Text Error [Fixed]
It's working on my end now as well!
It's working on my end now as well!
I can see it now. Yay!
I can see it now. Yay!
[quote name="HenryTheArcher" date="2024-06-13 10:51:14" ] It looks like this on Firefox. [img][/img] [/quote] I'm guessing it is fixed? This is what I see now.
HenryTheArcher wrote on 2024-06-13 10:51:14:
It looks like this on Firefox.

I'm guessing it is fixed? This is what I see now.
Update: on checking Firefox on my windows PC the runic text shows up exactly as intended, unlike chrome on my phone where none of it showed up
Update: on checking Firefox on my windows PC the runic text shows up exactly as intended, unlike chrome on my phone where none of it showed up
Though thankfully it seems they found the problem and fixed it cause it's visible on both as of now! Hooray!
Though thankfully it seems they found the problem and fixed it cause it's visible on both as of now! Hooray!
Thank you for the report @Septica and all!

This issue should now be fixed. However, the specific way it's fixed will depend on your flight element :)
Thank you for the report @Septica and all!

This issue should now be fixed. However, the specific way it's fixed will depend on your flight element :)
~ Flight Rising Engineering Team ~
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I am seeing the weird angular symbols as well, in between words like blip / bloop
I am on mobile (Android phone, and Opera browser). I am in Shadow flight, if that makes a difference.

I am seeing the weird angular symbols as well, in between words like blip / bloop
I am on mobile (Android phone, and Opera browser). I am in Shadow flight, if that makes a difference.