
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [LEAP] Water & Ice Foddart - Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 48 49
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=7][color=#DC7F9B]Levels Exchanged for Art, Prompted[/size][/b][/color][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#2F2F2F][emoji=four leaf clover size=1] Open 3rd March - 9th March [emoji=treefrog size=1][/size][/b][/color][/center] [indent][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][emoji=palette size=1]Artists[/size][/b][/color][/indent] [columns][center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Crescentstar711 [emoji=water rune size=2] [/b][/color][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Ogord[/b] [emoji=water rune size=2] [/url][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]lizzytiki[/b] [emoji=water rune size=2] [/url][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]zambam[/b] [emoji=water rune size=2] [/url][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]oreides[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=2] [/url][/columns] [columns][center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]BurittoKimasan [emoji=water rune size=2] [/b][/color][/url][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Rashakiro[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=2] [/url][nextcol][center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]AchromaticPossum[/b] [emoji=water rune size=2] [/url][nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]ComplainingCat[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=2] [/url][nextcol] [center][url=][img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]winterbright[/b] [emoji=ice rune size=2] [/url][nextcol] [/columns] [columns][nextcol] [center]"Being the sister of someone more successful was never easy for Asteraces. After Astoragon hatched, she became bitter. Reclusive. Her sister outshone the sun. Asteraces retreated to her den in the clan they grew up in, her mouth setting a hard line over the years, her jealousy twisting her mind..." [url=]Read More[/url] [url=][color=#2F2F2F][b]MHeptoxide[/b] [emoji=water rune size=2] [/url][nextcol][/columns] [indent][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][emoji=water rune size=1] Rules[/size][/b][/color][/indent] [center][color=#0b0429][b]New to Foddart?[/b][/color] This event works similarly to a regular art shop, except instead of paying with money you pay with levelled dragons! Each piece will cost a certain number of "levels" - the total number of levels of all the dragons you send in as "payment". How you choose to split these levels between your dragons is up to you, although some shops may have restrictions on lower level dragons. [emoji=treefrog size=1] Each shop has their own individual prices set - if you're unsure about prices, don't hesitate to ask for a quote! To commission an artist fill out their order form and send a PM or ping them in this market thread. [emoji=four leaf clover size=1] Once you get confirmation from the artist, send trained dragons to either the artist or one of our lovely attendants - you can check who is online or accepting offline payments in the spreadsheet below. [b]Attendants will only accept dragons for their own flight.[/b] [emoji=gust size=1] Unless otherwise specified, artists will only start work after all levels have been sent. Please be patient! The artists are very busy and some art may not be finished until after the push. [emoji=water rune size=1] Unless otherwise specified, artists accept in-flight orders![/center] [indent][url=][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][emoji=gust size=1] Spreadsheet[/size][/b][/color][/indent] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Click the header above to go to the spreadsheet and see which attendants are online! If you are partway through paying for an order, you can also check how many levels you have left to pay. If you notice an issue with the spreadsheet, please ping or message willowlight. [indent][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][emoji=four leaf clover size=1] Credits[/size][/b][/color][/indent] [b][color=#063A45]Artists:[/color][/b] Oreides, Rashakiro, winterbright, ComplainingCat, Ogord, MHeptoxide, meowchirp, lizzytiki, BurittoKimasan, Crescentstar711, Solune, Sheebit, zambam, AchromaticPossum [b][color=#063A45]Attendants:[/color][/b] theresilence, [b][color=#063A45]Spreadsheet Wrangling:[/color][/b] Jousama, willowlight [b][color=#063A45]Graphics:[/color][/b] brit, moonthegoon, Elfydragon [center][img][/img][/center] [code][center][size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B]ARTIST NAME[/color][/font][/b][/size][/center] Add information about your shop here (e.g. rules, likely turnover, etc.) [center][size=6][i][b][font=century gothic][color=#2F2F2F]Slots:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size] 1. 2. 3. [/center] [columns][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 1 || Price: ? kT/g[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] Replace the placeholder with an example of your art, with a link to the full size image [*] Include details of the style here [*] Copy and paste this code chunk for more styles! [/list] [nextcol][color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=Link full size image][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. [url=Full Piece][color=#324b96]Read More[/color][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_________________________________________[/color] [b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 2 || Price: ? kT/g[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] Replace the placeholder with an example of your writing, with a link to the full piece if desired [*] Include details of the style here [*] Copy and paste this code chunk for more styles! [/list][/columns] [center][size=6][font=century gothic][i][b][color=#2F2F2F]Order Form:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size][/center] [code *** Remove asterisks to activate code!]@ Your Username [b]Dragon / OC:[/b] (post or link to your dragon or OC refs) [b]Details:[/b] (add more sections to the order form if needed) [b]Type of Commission:[/b] Type 1 / Type 2 / Type 3 [b]Payment method:[/b] (treasure or gems) [b]Add or remove options as needed![/b][/code ***][/code]
Levels Exchanged for Art, Prompted
Open 3rd March - 9th March


"Being the sister of someone more successful was never easy for Asteraces. After Astoragon hatched, she became bitter. Reclusive. Her sister outshone the sun. Asteraces retreated to her den in the clan they grew up in, her mouth setting a hard line over the years, her jealousy twisting her mind..." Read More

New to Foddart? This event works similarly to a regular art shop, except instead of paying with money you pay with levelled dragons! Each piece will cost a certain number of "levels" - the total number of levels of all the dragons you send in as "payment". How you choose to split these levels between your dragons is up to you, although some shops may have restrictions on lower level dragons.

Each shop has their own individual prices set - if you're unsure about prices, don't hesitate to ask for a quote! To commission an artist fill out their order form and send a PM or ping them in this market thread.

Once you get confirmation from the artist, send trained dragons to either the artist or one of our lovely attendants - you can check who is online or accepting offline payments in the spreadsheet below. Attendants will only accept dragons for their own flight.

Unless otherwise specified, artists will only start work after all levels have been sent. Please be patient! The artists are very busy and some art may not be finished until after the push.

Unless otherwise specified, artists accept in-flight orders!


Click the header above to go to the spreadsheet and see which attendants are online! If you are partway through paying for an order, you can also check how many levels you have left to pay. If you notice an issue with the spreadsheet, please ping or message willowlight.

Artists: Oreides, Rashakiro, winterbright, ComplainingCat, Ogord, MHeptoxide, meowchirp, lizzytiki, BurittoKimasan, Crescentstar711, Solune, Sheebit, zambam, AchromaticPossum
Attendants: theresilence,
Spreadsheet Wrangling: Jousama, willowlight
Graphics: brit, moonthegoon, Elfydragon

[center][size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B]ARTIST NAME[/color][/font][/b][/size][/center] Add information about your shop here (e.g. rules, likely turnover, etc.) [center][size=6][i][b][font=century gothic][color=#2F2F2F]Slots:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size] 1. 2. 3. [/center] [columns][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 1 || Price: ? kT/g[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] Replace the placeholder with an example of your art, with a link to the full size image [*] Include details of the style here [*] Copy and paste this code chunk for more styles! [/list] [nextcol][color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=Link full size image][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. [url=Full Piece][color=#324b96]Read More[/color][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_________________________________________[/color] [b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 2 || Price: ? kT/g[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] Replace the placeholder with an example of your writing, with a link to the full piece if desired [*] Include details of the style here [*] Copy and paste this code chunk for more styles! [/list][/columns] [center][size=6][font=century gothic][i][b][color=#2F2F2F]Order Form:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size][/center] [code *** Remove asterisks to activate code!]@ Your Username [b]Dragon / OC:[/b] (post or link to your dragon or OC refs) [b]Details:[/b] (add more sections to the order form if needed) [b]Type of Commission:[/b] Type 1 / Type 2 / Type 3 [b]Payment method:[/b] (treasure or gems) [b]Add or remove options as needed![/b][/code ***]
aa May/Willow
aa he/she/they
aa FR + 3
aa Accents
[center][item=river warden][size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B]Crescentstar711[/color][/font][/b][/size][item=reedhopper][/center] I am willing to draw dragons and ferals, while humans/gijinkas are possible (trying my hand at them but not as good). No restrictions on genes/apparel/accent for the inked pieces, but I will let you know if it is too difficult for me to include everything and work with you to make something more manageable (but I like challenges!). Pieces will be sketched then inked - no color! I will also try my hand at digital busts. Apparel and accents/skins may be simplified depending on difficulty. Levels are preferred. If you want to order with gems or treasure, please visit my art shop (link in signature). Priority will be given to levels. [center][size=6][i][b][font=century gothic][color=#2F2F2F]Slots:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size] 1. [s][url=]Dogfish - half body[/url][/s] 2. [s][url=]MistyGold - headshot[/url][/s] 3. [s][url=]RunTooLong - headshot[/url][/s] 4. [s][url=]RosaleenDhu - headshot [/url][/s] 5. [s][url=]glacevoleur - full body[/url][/s] 6. [s][url=]DarkInfernape - full body[/url][/s] 7. [s][url=]IndigoStarshine - headshot[/url][/s] [/center] [columns][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 1 | Headshot | Price: 50 levels[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list] [*] Will only draw from the neck up [*] Can include parts of the apparel not connected to the body here (or animal familiars) depending on complexity [*] Click on image for full-size piece [/list] [nextcol][color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_________________________________________[/color] [b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 2 | Halfbody | Price: 100 levels[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] Will include forward appendages depending on layout (wings/forearms) [*] Can include apparel pieces not connected to the body (depending on complexity) [*] Click on image for full-size piece [/list][/columns] [center] [b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 3 | Full Body | Price: 200 levels[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] Ultimate all-inclusive unless level of detail is excessive (will work with if that is the case) [img][/img][/center] [columns][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 4 | Digital Headshot | Price: 100 levels[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] Will only draw from the neck up [*] Can include parts of the apparel not connected to the body here (or animal familiars) depending on complexity [/list] [nextcol][color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol] [img][/img][/columns] [center] [b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 5 | UT Adopt Signatures | Price: 150 levels[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [LIST] [*] Some genes are already finished and are crossed out in the list [*] Genes not crossed out need sponsoring and have a price in parentheses near it [*] You can request the bubble background (lmk what color if you want it specific) or have it as a fully transparent background [/LIST] [img][/img] [quote] [columns][size=4][b]Primary:[/b] Bar (50) [s]Basic[/s] Boa (60) Boulder (50) Checkers (50) Cherub (50) Crystal (60) Fade (40) Falcon (50) Giraffe (50) Lionfish (60) Octopus (60) Pharaoh (50) Pinstripe (50) Poison (60) [s]Ribbon[/s] Ripple (50) [s]Savannah[/s] Speckle (50) Swirl (50) Tide (60) Wasp (60) Wolf (50)[/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol][size=4][b]Secondary:[/b] [s]Basic[/s] Bee (60) Blend (40) Chess (50) Current (50) Daub (50) [s]Eel [/s] Facet (60) Foam (60) Freckle (50) Hex (50) Marbled (50) Myrid (50) [s]Noxtide[/s] Pack (50) Peregrine (50) Rings (60) Saddle (60) Safari (50) Sarcophagus (50) Seraph (50) Toxin (60) Trail (60) [/size] [nextcol][color=transparent]_________[/color] [nextcol][size=4][b]Tertiary:[/b] [s]Basic[/s] Capsule (60) Crackle (60) Featherbeard (50) Filigree (60) Flecks (50) Gembond (50) Ghost (50) Nudibranch (50) Okapi (50) Plating (60) Pufferfish (50) [s]Remora[/s] Ringlets (50) Runes (50) Sailfin (60) Soap (50) Sparkle (40) [s]Stained[/s] Tentacles (60) [s]Underbelly[/s] Veined (50)[/size] [/quote] [/center] [center][item=dreamwaker][size=6][font=century gothic][i][b][color=#2F2F2F]Order Form:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size][item=puddlehopper][/center] [code]@crescentstar711 [b]Dragon / OC:[/b] (post or link to your dragon or OC refs) [b]Details:[/b] (add more sections to the order form if needed) [b]Type of Commission:[/b] Type 1 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 [b]Payment method:[/b] (levels or treasure or gems)[/code] [center] [img][/img][/center]
River Warden Crescentstar711 Reedhopper

I am willing to draw dragons and ferals, while humans/gijinkas are possible (trying my hand at them but not as good). No restrictions on genes/apparel/accent for the inked pieces, but I will let you know if it is too difficult for me to include everything and work with you to make something more manageable (but I like challenges!). Pieces will be sketched then inked - no color! I will also try my hand at digital busts. Apparel and accents/skins may be simplified depending on difficulty.

Levels are preferred. If you want to order with gems or treasure, please visit my art shop (link in signature). Priority will be given to levels.
Style 1 | Headshot | Price: 50 levels

  • Will only draw from the neck up
  • Can include parts of the apparel not connected to the body here (or animal familiars) depending on complexity
  • Click on image for full-size piece
_ QdY8g5S.jpg

___ _________________________________________

Style 2 | Halfbody | Price: 100 levels

  • Will include forward appendages depending on layout (wings/forearms)
  • Can include apparel pieces not connected to the body (depending on complexity)
  • Click on image for full-size piece

Style 3 | Full Body | Price: 200 levels

Ultimate all-inclusive unless level of detail is excessive
(will work with if that is the case)


Style 4 | Digital Headshot | Price: 100 levels

  • Will only draw from the neck up
  • Can include parts of the apparel not connected to the body here (or animal familiars) depending on complexity
_ VAYr6BG.png

Style 5 | UT Adopt Signatures | Price: 150 levels

  • Some genes are already finished and are crossed out in the list
  • Genes not crossed out need sponsoring and have a price in parentheses near it
  • You can request the bubble background (lmk what color if you want it specific) or have it as a fully transparent background

Bar (50)
Boa (60)
Boulder (50)
Checkers (50)
Cherub (50)
Crystal (60)
Fade (40)
Falcon (50)
Giraffe (50)
Lionfish (60)
Octopus (60)
Pharaoh (50)
Pinstripe (50)
Poison (60)
Ripple (50)
Speckle (50)
Swirl (50)
Tide (60)
Wasp (60)
Wolf (50)
_________ Secondary:
Bee (60)
Blend (40)
Chess (50)
Current (50)
Daub (50)
Facet (60)
Foam (60)
Freckle (50)
Hex (50)
Marbled (50)
Myrid (50)
Pack (50)
Peregrine (50)
Rings (60)
Saddle (60)
Safari (50)
Sarcophagus (50)
Seraph (50)
Toxin (60)
Trail (60)
_________ Tertiary:
Capsule (60)
Crackle (60)
Featherbeard (50)
Filigree (60)
Flecks (50)
Gembond (50)
Ghost (50)
Nudibranch (50)
Okapi (50)
Plating (60)
Pufferfish (50)
Ringlets (50)
Runes (50)
Sailfin (60)
Soap (50)
Sparkle (40)
Tentacles (60)
Veined (50)

Dreamwaker Order Form: Puddlehopper
@crescentstar711 [b]Dragon / OC:[/b] (post or link to your dragon or OC refs) [b]Details:[/b] (add more sections to the order form if needed) [b]Type of Commission:[/b] Type 1 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 [b]Payment method:[/b] (levels or treasure or gems)

yXHULpF.png Wishlist
FR+3 time
Dragons for Sale

Art Shop
[center][size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B]OGORD[/color][/font][/b][/size][/center] Hello hello! First time Foddartist here! This push I'm offering original art and also my adopts for levels. I estimate a 3-6 day turnaround, but often work quicker. If it will take longer than that to complete your work, I will contact you! Adopts will turn around faster than headshots. Your piece will be delivered via PM, as well as the link being added to the foddart spreadsheet. [center][size=6][i][b][font=century gothic][color=#2F2F2F]Slots:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size] [u]Headshots:[/u] Closed / [u]Adopts:[/u] Open 1. [s][url=]LeafJadey[/url][/s] 2. [s][url=]KursedCurtain[/url][/s] 3. [s][url=]Teletraan[/url][/s] 4. [s][url=]Rifter[/url][/s] 5. [s][url=]Rifter[/url][/s] 6. [s][url=]Yellllowstar[/url][/s] 7. [s][url=]Blazestorm22[/url][/s] 8. [s][url=]Blazestorm22[/url][/s] 9. [s][url=]Delibird[/url][/s] 10. [s][url=]BarbaraFett[/url][/s] 11. [s][url=]tkrb[/url][/s][/center] [img][/img] [columns][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 1 || Watercolor Headshots || Price: 300 Levels[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] These will be neck up! [*] I can do apparel and skins/accents on these, but skins/accents will be stylized, especially if they're complex. [*] Maximum of one dragon per order. [*] Headshots will have transparent backgrounds unless requested. [/list] [nextcol][color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_________________________________________[/color] [b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Style 2 || Adopts || Price: 65 Levels[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] [u]Modern Breeds[/u]: Bogsneak, Coatl, Fae, Imperial, Obelisk, Pearlcatcher, Ridgeback, Spiral, Tundra, Wildclaw. [u]Ancient Breeds[/u]: Gaoler. [*] Locked Genes are + 20 levels, you can see what genes are unlocked for each base [url=]here[/url], or you can ask me! c: [*] To see a gallery of completed adopts, go [url=]here![/url] You can also click on the image to the side to go to my thread! [*] No skins/accents available during Foddart. [*] Maximum of 2 dragons per order. [/list][/columns] [img][/img] [center][size=6][font=century gothic][i][b][color=#2F2F2F]Order Form:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size][/center] [code]@Ogord [b]Dragon:[/b] (post or link to your dragon/dragon scry) [b]Details:[/b] (anything you would like me to take note of for your piece) [b]Type of Commission:[/b] Headshot / Adopt [/code]

Hello hello! First time Foddartist here! This push I'm offering original art and also my adopts for levels.

I estimate a 3-6 day turnaround, but often work quicker. If it will take longer than that to complete your work, I will contact you! Adopts will turn around faster than headshots.

Your piece will be delivered via PM, as well as the link being added to the foddart spreadsheet.

Headshots: Closed / Adopts: Open

1. LeafJadey
2. KursedCurtain
3. Teletraan
4. Rifter
5. Rifter
6. Yellllowstar
7. Blazestorm22
8. Blazestorm22
9. Delibird
10. BarbaraFett
11. tkrb

Style 1 || Watercolor Headshots || Price: 300 Levels

  • These will be neck up!
  • I can do apparel and skins/accents on these, but skins/accents will be stylized, especially if they're complex.
  • Maximum of one dragon per order.
  • Headshots will have transparent backgrounds unless requested.
_ KM6qKzM.png


___ _________________________________________

Style 2 || Adopts || Price: 65 Levels

  • Modern Breeds: Bogsneak, Coatl, Fae, Imperial, Obelisk, Pearlcatcher, Ridgeback, Spiral, Tundra, Wildclaw. Ancient Breeds: Gaoler.
  • Locked Genes are + 20 levels, you can see what genes are unlocked for each base here, or you can ask me! c:
  • To see a gallery of completed adopts, go here! You can also click on the image to the side to go to my thread!
  • No skins/accents available during Foddart.
  • Maximum of 2 dragons per order.

Order Form:
@Ogord [b]Dragon:[/b] (post or link to your dragon/dragon scry) [b]Details:[/b] (anything you would like me to take note of for your piece) [b]Type of Commission:[/b] Headshot / Adopt
[center][emoji=gust size=1] [size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B]LIZZYTIKI[/color][/font][/b][/size] [emoji=seashell size=1][/center] [center][img][/img] [size=5]Limited-time Accent: Lilypad Lover[/size] [size=4]Available for 300 levels or 500 gems[/size] Please read notes below! [pinglist=11679] [img][/img] [quote=Important Infomation]This accent will be available for levels until the [b]9th of March[/b] (aka before the end of this weeks dom) and available for gems until the [b]17th of March[/b] Ping me on this forum to reserve a slot PLEASE include if you are buying with levels or gems All levels must be sent by 23:00 FR time on the 9/3/24 Accent will be sent out to buyers via a 1t PA once successfully submitted to FR Accent may be subject to slight changes during the submitting process to FR Please wait until prompted by me to send levels/gems! If there is exceedingly high interest for the skin, its limited window may be extended Runs will go ahead no matter number of slots filled - any excess accents to be sold on AH[/quote] [img][/img] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=4][b]Accent: Lilypad Lover [/size] OPEN: Limited Preorder (9/3/24 levels - 17/3/24 gems)[/b] Auraboa M 300lvl - 500g [skin=55261][/center] [/columns] [code]@lizzytiki [b]Accent:[/b] lilypad lover [b]Payment method:[/b] (levels / gems) [/code] [img][/img] [b]Slots[/b] [size=2][i]Run 1: Sent out (9/9) - Run 2: Sent out (10/10) - Run 3: Sent out 10/10 - Run 4: sent out (10/10) - Run 5:Sending out [/i][/size] [quote] [columns] Run 1 1. KneeThief (G) (PAID) 2. Gravitaxis (G) (PAID) 3. Fukii (G) (PAID) 4. EternallySacred (G) (PAID) 5. zambam (G) (PAID)[nextcol][indent] 6. sunfishe (G) (PAID) 7. squiddysquid (G) (PAID) 8. sublimevoide (L) (PAID) 9. Teletraan (G) (PAID) 10. lizzytiki [nextcol]Run 2 - ALL PAID 1. hayum (G) (PAID) 2. SilentWanderer (G) (PAID) 3. deulirium (G) (PAID) 4. spxcesoul (G) (PAID) 5. Ianthe69(G) (PAID)[nextcol][indent] 6. Myrtana (L) (PAID) 7. Banhana (G) (PAID) 8. Judas789 (L) (PAID) 9. Pawnmgers (G) (PAID) 10. ReiFukai (G) (PAID) [/columns][/indent] [/quote] [quote] [columns] Run 3 1. OriGalaxii (G) 2. Lunalatic (L) (PAID) 3. Draugwen (G) (PAID) 4. bullfrog (G) (PAID) 5. seamists (G) (PAID)[nextcol][indent] 6. Rosemund (G) 7. WhisperingThief (G) (PAID) 8. Lionsong (G) 9. superfuzzygoat (L) (PAID) 10. moonthegoon (G) (PAID) [nextcol]Run 4 1. Catfeather (G) (PAID) 2. Puggles (G) (PAID) 3. InkCorvid (L) (PAID) 4. nekrateholic (L) (PAID) 5. Arwen (L) (PAID)[nextcol][indent] 6. Emmerololth (G) (PAID) 7. Petrichord (L) ((PAID) 8. Corvidophile (G) (PAID) 9. PawnsVictory (L) (PAID) 10. tkrb (G) (PAID) [/columns][/indent] [/quote] [quote] [columns] Run 5 1. Ideamutt (G) 2. Neoo (G) 3. DrakeSpino (G) 4. Norkia (G) 5. Aradan (G)[nextcol][indent] 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. [nextcol]Run 6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. [nextcol][indent] 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. [/columns][/indent] [/quote] @pinglist-11679 @pinglist-22858 [center][url=]Click here for the GASP thread![/url][br][br]Auraboa M, Accent, limited, apparel, bright/over-saturated colors/rainbow, chains, cute, flowers/floral, gold, jewelry/silks, nature, nature flight, pastels, piercings, pink, warm colors, water flight, markings[/center][br][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@IAmStillATestAccount @jbapple @caelumdeity @velvetpaws @anrei @wildewinged @Soupy @starsystems @reliquiaen @ofendlessstars @Trickilicky @Roam @Redsparrow @hayum @Oriel @Reven @Faileas @Jazz @annadandelion @Velsim @Argonaut @ThirtyOne @OverlordFreya @Darlnim @Athexreh @Emordnilap @Stasha @sorai @necrophades @kaaoqi @rubyredtan @Godspeed @Maila @veevi @IndigoCat @Lynchly @LionMagnus @heiheidamowang @Geowlett @anhbon921 @Runi @Arrakis @BlackMistress @Maye @MollyMerula @qew23 @Cuddleh @Lonin @Raydioactive @VolatileMatter @senpai @Gem4567 @HighFives @Hemospect @Ixnyeltha @Shougoney @vely @Veevi @Niklia @Twiggies @Sharkbutt @selenomancy @Zerobotic @Prelude @greyyourwarden @synnful @chocomonster @cutinstincts @hawwah @artillerychick @kumoko @Xemriss @Ebrietas @Dior @ilimati @Physik @Tiriea @Exaltier @Calixita @Prey @snowpea @jd1620 @Apothecaria @Featherly @grr @Wrath @Peisinoe @Pseudoscience @Sonora @Lycoteuthis @Veracity @Moonlace @MechWyrms @Necrovatai @Fukii @Nardaviel @Rangiku @PeonydKingpin @Duskflame @Deana @Cethosia @Valolaire @Ashirene @Sagittarium @astroprojection @widmo @Pigeonpanhandle @Beltaguise @WheatleyScience @brdey @pretend @ruirea @londoner @Alstroemeria @ToxicE @Sirenia @BlazeWolf @Icefire55 @Shadowlugia711 @Steamplonk @loststarship @Apotheca @Tuatara @Hawkbeckfire @Blightwyrm @Saphirosa @Starrlight @songify @Xirei @pikachan412 @Apfelobst @Meebo @cloverly @Lauros @MadaMada @ffgrape @kbb @Illuminary @Ivypooll @Valeguard @uniquelykenn @Zedling @murmur21 @DoctorJekyll @professorpig @perifinite @oly @TalaTari @DocMulligan @Acacia @limeypie @EmbarksFate @SterlingKat @Exhalted @haylxx @Goolix @Shadowangel @RyukaTheDragon @strfox @Croissants @bioglitch @00Riku00 @nonaline @micchikureshima @Alive @Oodie @Snowkitsu @Jenkow @gemino @Fervanus @AntivirusAndroid @TxTiger @luckless @zeguk @bryna @ideunatty @Holi @Dangeroux @Sophiellum @elfmoss @SparkleOfGold @Goldenstorm @roiben @lynxedlight @Yagine @Felisaries @bitmap @caedis @Raptora @koujakward @Peyp @vainqueurs @Withoutbounds @foxpaaws @Fereyik @Lunox @Finne @Artichoke @deep @Ravenhearst @wintercovers @PunchingSolas @SteampunkLlama @DrowsyPanda @GryphonSong @batcrooks @HermaMora @Mickie @Karanja @Convexity @rosevoids @CrazyBat @Silverwulf @skin @Dragonfire27 @Mupfel @OliveBoat @Sinai @SquidneyTsu @TheMeatloafQueen @DevilFlower @Cognitive @Guest @cosmicConundrum @Addmon @Jabberwocky09 @SquidMage @Darkrait @angsthound @firtarian @TwilightStars @STRHKR @AqunAthlok @NorthernLiights @terato @pyr0 @Humboldt @Cascarones @RaptorQueen @mildlyanxiousdoe @necromancing @literallyacat @Amenen @WickedJayla @Morvudd @amberrosalie @Ilesvia @Rafaru @antiserum @Malachite @Artorias @X3X @ETVermin @1Sash1 @Nettlebird @alatefeline @Bumblesweet @Starstalker @andersbegabt @tytonidae @Loyalties @ninjanuary @PhoenixFire36 @DragonDraws @celastrea @Whymsical @louse @Nightflyer8909 @Maliha @Eiyora @Sienne @Xypnise @tnwl090 @TextbookHumor @LucidDreams @FallingStar275 @briar @Ky0n @keyy @SDSPAGE @Gratlanty @NightmareJudge @schnauze @Kryptica @Cyrya @VioletChachki @techmess @Bluwingskitty @hiei @Limitless @chatoyant @WhisperSpirit @Vialheart @macrobiiology @starskynadder @Hardycat @Cryfie @deerfawn @Fukase @snberry @ThatOneSandWing @ribbonz @MildChameleon @solariaa @SoullessWendigo @Quickpaint @WarriorSong @PikaChan412 @ShadowPiper @Li3los @Osmodeus @Drakkainen @Pandonkey @Harana @Psi @TAOGTMI @Drachenhort @shot @LavenderAmethyst @Twye @LLev @viktowl @StarliteInfinite @Naahva @RinyshkaS @klee @Maiafay @stovokor @LittleDoctor @Eidos @VoidedMortal @Fawniti @precilla @XxBlueExorcistxX @Cherrytree1222 @manylimbs @Eleventh @serron @ThePlasticTree @gefrorenerzahn @Anticx @Ebby172 @inn @Spark @Ticklesmack @RoyalLudroth @choimango @leeedea @elthemar @ChaosSama @Nakitra @Tremble @BillyRuffian @cobwebs @Mintso @Realms @bedfordblack @concept @EmotionalTree @sicksip @Drastalblight @SimFeetUnder @dinaurian @StealthNerd @hemotypewriter @RetroJackal @Kaldwin @DeltaDragon246 @Bufftuffandfluff @silverishness @gracegraceplant @girlgirlDragon @Hakary @Kerneleq @Tala2121 @Ikora @apricotstarship @Melova @Scarheart99789 @Zoruna @Kipuka @FeatherFace @Hmm @Irmingard @Banhi @greenpotion @Techmox @aschers @cyborb @pwllhalen @Saeliras @CHUUNIBYOU @zerolynx @Grovey @Sunline @techne @Munancho @Juleatic @Riptidee @pilotbites @Zivo @Allychan @GoldStar @GalacticWicke @Banguela @Crumpet @Reverent @Liliun @Ravaarian @draaviinrays @CorvidKnight @LordDragonWubbs @Sadiegreen @Oxy @Maeva @Dreadnoughtus @PearlOfSeduction @QueenofRedLions @shugenja @HoodieCat @Ahi @foxshapedshadows @squishypeachy @big @silverwintersnow @Xarina @mikaeia @Crim @moosesushi @Cerion @Vulpen @lemecrazy @Lichtdrache @Icystorm @SilverQuark @Juni @ToxieToxie @iaqo @Endyr @faraway @Koneko @Trachynhawb @Aava @Zyanith @Dragonlaird @InkedMyths @mangoeclipse @fitz @FlareSolaire @DeltaNegative @sunnyVista @TornadoTorrie @Rayzor @Magnanimous @Arka @Danizaurs @Maikatze @Suspended @Heliolisk @TehuMertt @desiher @Madhouse @Norion @Mysthla @CoffeeCaat @Njerro @underwater @Alamire @moyaofthemist @Anduins @Starfire0 @amimari @Visceryl @Watercolour @lightly @Sylvanlady @Thoroughbred @Aeriel @IromotNemem @Nemalu @Verosa @despairpods @xjsx @Joywing @EternalBlaze @BurntCookies @Vanq @Lurkingbullfox @Rookery @LynterriaHatake @pinkkittens @Saerino @Doxiunoia @ProbablyNotYou @sakanapanda @bugbrain @Gxcci @neonhorns @ky0nky @razzamatazz @Kelpoyo @lorri12 @TenderVulture @Katigura @HPPJWoF @cvthedral @Brewstoid @FluffleDuffel @kdozu @minervamaga @seylon @Briarfox13 @Bystander @chetungwan @TamneSenke @varjopeura @sophycat @LittleRain @Pecha @Spooky @Namarie @Skeletiano @ashenraven @onemessyperson @coconuthead @Sitten1115 @chibiboru @RandomPurple @Nuclearloop @Fossillayer @bonesdarling @Winterelle @VeryMuchATest @batnap @astereia @serpents @LunaBun @Pez @ShahDalamadur @sassyatta @chuuyas @ladymoon2886 @CandyKacktus @summerwar @notamused @Gaston @XSoldierAntX @Jaypaw @Nirwana @RaspyBone @raikaryuujin @ThistleProse @CryptidPossum @Aushi @JotaroCujoh @Frency @Aerites @Bloodwyrm @Ponscha @Resorant @Iralla @GlaxusPlaxus @Northland @AcretoSorien @tambadabam @Luunai @Saeldryn @Kisk @Aisuryu @RuinousOmen @xxxx @Taarnfalk @Rosabelle @mrgbmommy @Kimmeh @Solinary @FrostNiskare @LittleLuckyLucy @orangesunrise @ForsakenAngel @User9125 @tinkabelle @daisiology @Natron @Paranatural @Denyzia @hydde @Tofubear @venvi @sallow @CPFG44 @5H4D0WDU57 @mistygold @WHDE @Voronok @drool @Atavistic @Atsumi @mistystep @KishHuzrin @kuta @Blubell @PepperClove @CrowleyGhost @eternatus @hat17 @sensitivepigeon @Byggden @Pumpcat @cloudfilledskies @Lunyra @Mikada @caution @KittyAoba @Avifors @SilverBelle @hannibals @fleurderat @shozurei @hobihobi @MinnowFox @Rainbowlight @Vyrelord @caathedral @Marrigan @DiamondNoodles @Contaminate @robinchan33 @strawyerberry @Yilara @BunnySox @eldrvtch @Skystalker @connortheknight @Kuratabells @CaptainSpaulding @kiwis @FoxyPlant @Riddance @Somaville @Tinble @Druzy @NamelessNekomata @torch @KariThorne @pouchipouchi @Saraceaser @jennycatmystique @JamSandwich @sabel @sheppo @Grox @zeeboot @TypeFull @GreenAtlas @Lethia @kitten1774 @haxure @QuirkyTea @zerys @Farron @smolelf @Alfamangle @brevityis @Neons @Nuthatch @ezlu @plaguesdevil @ScaleyRedSi @Snoringhyena @Hydrixz404 @OblivionStriker @smilefires @Kael1030 @137 @scarecrane @Bunnymif @fraulien @WhisperingThief @Raskies @Saerel @Catgirl742 @DawnBreak77 @sickreaps @Butcherbaby @noxeyes @Wizardry @Vinyamar @DashieDoesThings @seaofspace @IcyGlaceon471 @Urza @Cirrostratus @SolarSam @Makomo @Xenokiin @SpecialDragon12 @yik @World @JulyAphelion @CrabRave @Phay @Pufferheart @Wintaclu @ladywindgrace @Gaze @CandyPrincess @Lomon @Ambulocetus @chaisiren @Golurk @tombstones @ProbablySkeletor @Impavid @kyaniite @Hawkfeather @softsylveon @Jorybear @BlueCitrine @Xaraxal @KiteM @thegracefuldeer @r0t @Kazure @crogge @Nukleer @Mozzy @Dabble @Astraya @Blushunt @Primrosefortune @FuzzyMelon @Aphantasia @a030095275 @Are @Windowz @Sigmaglow @SnowFrost620 @InkyBrush @valerakki @Fenixinka @redleader @ShallowAbyss @tanujagtap @Swageus @mithrail @Casethrace @kschaef @Sarcoline @copiouscrawdadz @Trinkets @craftbaobao2 @arsenicxx @Airaly @SolitarySphynx @Rengoku @Zerohour @Miasmas @Panicat @Rabbitspirit @Dewberry @silversouledcat @Sushimonsterr @archons @JustUneven @Euthymia @FRONA @MidnightGarden @queenhelixxia @Tomoko10 @ulvesang @Mishra @Elidibus @Epiphora @Viscount @Pecularity @Kiryo @sassibirb @liturgies @Aletsan @Parnasse @plaguenurse @Reksy @Shizuku @mintychip @Karitoriki @alleyes007 @muto @dolohova @StarSpeckledInk @ttaikapapu @Sanzuwu @ReeBear @Vesperupus @Vivarium @QuirkyJunimo @Parad0xxy @Mysthia @WindChimes @Lightwarden @NaoNao @ShallWeDance @Reithya @RetroCatalyst @Shyia @Industry @OriginGiratina @Risse @IamNoHere @DementedDracon @RainyCerdae @Searen @HellsGate @Dianounais @Lokey @MediaeLycan @Meniph410 @evereden @marchpanes @CurrentFlight @Blackeyed @thefluffypuppy @Glum @frosmoth @ProHomo57 @aghast @Lemonsinasoup @Spookio @Lupen @Grune @Flyteofheart @Closetcreep @thefrogg @maybels @kyruiz @Emothy @InTheDarke @beastsniperemmy8 @ikunoche @Horrifying @Eryel @SanctumAngelus @Glitterbottom @SatansAppendix @Saffirre @Beegirl @lostplanetvoltia @Beruga @RheoTastic @Yashura @Yelloweye @Suntouched @theobear @seamists @Fruitling @Morifinde @meandering @Realcottoncat @atalaeai @Badendmusical @morrigne @Saharawrites @CorneliaR @Yeechen @isuzu @prettylizards @Hazardoush @TheDEV1L @SouthernPansy @Flamed @sprixyn @HoIIow @Barok @Susurrar @NimStratus @AquaEmperor @jinu @nineofsin @Gavix @AstralEventide @VermilionVasili @Gulo @Azureus @Sterlingstars @BellumInvictus @prefiringfort @antmimic @GreatValueCereal @Ecruteak @Csejte @ScrampledEgg @Avair @Nihilus @Ichthyovenator @Valmue @ghostingskies @Mortca @whour @nonbearnary @Xuanxuan @Businessman @Dessy @sowilo @nebulaxie @Moirne @Jaguarthecat @LavaKitto @Zelai @paladinpass @periwinkleclouds @Snekboop @Pestilential @swordblush @BWAPPI @faunprince @satanism @mungmungbean @AmelieMasterCPU @Ducknuckle @Subdued @Scripps @Chickles13 @Werepunk @AlchemistG @Interest @VolcanicThunder @slaytheist @Pripyat @RahgolDok @planetbefall @HarleyChaos @lappland @calamityProphet @NowViewing @HurricaneWinds @Texere @elysifish @Iminox @CrownOfStars @inthedusk @vortexbreakdown @cotardsolution @GrumpyNoodle @SarynTheHuntress @Novrre @Accismus @CrystallizedMoon @SuzyChi @BurittoKimasan @serpentofmoe @meep5109 @eggstve @Enkue @teetotaled @Airazon @Zosimos @NotHereToPerch @Greili @Doodlepede @ancestral @endies @Hippotang @Drake7 @opalineteardrops @PtolemyII @Lafite @Innive @soaringmoon @Helixstorm @Dragoneko @nekopallet @Mudy @harmonywish @saltmarsh @Sheanor @Benuyka @Gladiolusa @Britty @Strome @Hyenalope @Jinxls @AirplaneMode @Bleed @wonderswan @ceravanne @Twylla @Phlegethos @Nimrook @Curoi @wolfpeach @zleepydelights @Person @Accal1a @ShiftingFoxx @kespecial @Arsenet5 @draconispletora @Verdice @Zelrune @cartel @Winter0sun @samatoki @Pouchipouchi @MoonChyld @Kardi @Raan @KCDragons @StaticSeraph @Archaic @Verdes @Sealterbloind @ElectricBorelis @AsylumBat @NightmareGiraffe @Zhombi @komi @Falgardien @ERabbit @delightfuliza @Zytorian @FreyaShadow @mothrave @SugaywaraKoushi @SilentWanderer @Rowdy @IssuesMayExist @caprisunaddict @Boundary @Yesod @Silis @agheful @Rohana @TheDutchieLoki @fisherboyman @averymoistcrayon @Abovesummers @Phisans @SirenSerenade @JinxxYouOweMe @yukublack @Nephtys @RobotMothPie @558575 @BlackandTan @adamska @mothshake @wormfilledman @Raveyna @tundraluvr @Airplanefoxx @aurumus @FloofFeather @chrysopeleia @Allaprima @Mayasacha @hexcel @Toyhouse @XanTheGayCat @Rodeo @Torrie @Astereae @sleepyrat @TheWildThings @Fayo @Nytragen @orangeDeciple @Thunderbird21 @femmeorpheus @vra02 @Rifter @541614 @doremy @aalien @Akal @MadamKittykins @mousewife @Quetzy @0Lullaby0 @forcedcoma @kylonaberrie @Arcticpearl @Seviper @lanseax @Usoris @Goldy86 @V0idBird @Manifesting @astora @yascherritsa @KayJay @Fireball628 @bigfriedegg @AzaRein @dataghosts @aeons @MysteryGyn @punkzbunnie @DaFlameDFZ @ENDragon6 @Woohoorandom @takatsuki @Flannerie @ahoy @penantiomers @AvaniRubezahl @Peachbug @Barrdwing @Bnemesis @ReedRose @Cattleya @Outlook @Luluwi @allegoon @FWD @fumarate @Alkali @0hzarks @Royalties @Desiderium @seen @hornfell @Tighnari @hyddenchyld @SakraKaine @Samelf @Rohi @mousekinn @REDWARE @Seventheo @dems @Havic @colieflower @Sabyrin @Culebre @aprilraven @Inofaro @clowning @doniider @delonix @xullre @MystTheNerd @Redwinterafr @FlareFighters @Pipsqueak2413 @sav101w @Myndris @Basileia @MisterHeavenly @fearlord @Isis @Kauria @Puffin25 @findingpears @Serpenta @eieru @AnacronicCobra @hypnotheque @SeraphWren @walleye @NoShrimp @Suspiciouscleric @MonoMagpie @JessyMetal @zophronia @Argalia @sockmonkeygerald @reunion @bluepercy @xenonentity @Glimmers @Lemontarte @deadpunk @Ezevic @NightlyDoodling @Gryffon @Banhana @ofMontreal @angemagica @EldritchRabbit @pawnmgers @ChocolateKittens @Kiseikune @Haftlinger @foggypines @CascadingJade @shyghostkid @opoponax @Elachu @Birdsofwax @SnowFawn666 @saerene @Kristi @fleshislaw @4Jen @FadedDaydream @Galaxius @Spartezda @Yomiya @AlaskanSnow @MarinaQuakenbush @GarbagePal @callizinc @cerberusnoise @Hymlocke @Kkami @Finnamony @kiiblade @Xievos @Moristian @Driadhe @morn @Squeak @fuwafuwa @Beatoriche @Kael @Valanice @Empyreal @theEndsinger @eggod @Kni @wanderingworlds @Suu @Kenopsian @paddington2 @Selain @Musvete38 @sucrose @Fin72 @TaroQueen @floweafy @Terrorform @Autumnus @RileythePlagueDr @quilliper @Cherryfleck @TrivialArmor @corvix @DaMooshie @terrify @Devildog @decomposedcarrot @Petchimal @xenofaun @fay @Heemi @Phrauge @Spooce @kniife @Odvokun @sempere @HoraDusk @vestiges @Bunnu @Doki @OriGalaxii @indivinity @Crassula @Lumenwood @Zandik @nothingtown @phosphenes @LamiaSage @hypernodance @spxcesoul @kuzuri @Linza @Leaful @argylion @spacepunk @Lazyshake @Pawnmgers @Himmel @garun @W0lfBait @ananad @Tjally @souls @countbugula @Artifacts @SinTriangle @Lino @CushionySleet90 @MandiblesInferno @Awaby @Sidya @despoinai @XxCalypsoxX @luddu @Violence @Viscernable @crystalleaf @JadedSerpent62 @Aoroen @ToucandaToucan @Fluoroantimonic @Fox0war @TarbaYelemel @racketeer @gremlinn @Vixodium @silvershadowcat @incant @HappyLittleSnek @cogito @Solarpunk @knoggelvi @GaleGecko @Nozaria @Askesis @makani @marropo @frootii @chaoticpeace @Natsukachan @Mima @elv @Cocolatia @illuso @TheClassCalico @Ruskavelle @Perelandria @Zonai @ideally @Peeta @Etymology @guqinsye @carnwennhau @Sols @WindSongGrove @Skyleidge @Miggy123 @StormJunes @mercsydaisy @carnosaur @mirs @Bloomed @CreatorsDilemma @Shirleyz @MoonzzZ @Bodhii @drakha @CRT @TapestryTenant @bayojeanne @Raeliana @Lionsong @Exlann @Dinomatika @Alphrussia @Sinnouk @DayOwl @inteztinez @Halihope @SillyFilly @firenyx45 @hounding @Zodiacs @aminoodle @Kaveh @Hiltain @Emeryciel @Lindenshield @PrP @Libroamante @tnecho @TheTypingDragon @Denryu @atlas12 @1rebis1 @TheCicadas @CosmicStardust @cantrip @Frostbite1370 @FernCoyote @Myrtana @Rainbeetle @Novaria @Azurepocalypse @ffxiv @BarkBreath @valerianroot @Youcal @Ambitious @Maybels @Renkai @Mayali @TyrianJade @Kaichoukai @ghastimafrix @gunmute @moonzi @undertones @yongseung @Devonix @JavaMP @Shiver @Opals @kirmon64 @Sinsentido @felinekind @wnd @pokemoncha @Thysiria @612 @RogueHazel @GFRlEND @Sorsciana @Artificiary @Xcscientist @shoveachair @Flora @SharkOutofWater @VioletKatGrove @Smolfroglesbian @Ianthe69 @Zeco5000 @romeow @DEVOTE @Kazna @sinodyc @pawnsvictory @WATERPARKS @QueenGorgon @Amibellis @foreverrain @Moons @REVALATOR @celestialelysium @maranimh @silks @W1F1N1GHTM4R3 @OnceInABlueMoon @noddddd @Hiii @509664 @witchofthewilds @converseburden @Draugwen @rheuum @invert @CoveFoxy @DocKranken @QuebeNats @Kaykao @plutou @veilmochi @hyrulehero @dauntingleaves @evilpassing @Nitewings @Zukohere @Wrio @kilorechoy @sublimevoide @abzoro @berrybox @profligate @Laccaria @Syrnaxi @Beliel @TheUltimateOwl @Lilyvian @gardener @Dreamfoxii @kikokekuka @tthheeoo @PrinceAlbert @c0nfused @Heartslabyul @Gryphire @Radiations @piinemartens @Kettei @Abundance @CosmicHusky @ferspnai @peeledfruit @Sootsprite @Littlepotato711 @Asterodea @Etherea @Pudgykookaburra @ElvenAcidFire @cyclical @Drayna @Windows95 @jwiimy @Deebot @olliefaun @Osteoderm @ezelia @Vanaheimr @AngelicAvian @battlecity @SolarBear @SakuraAngel @Tamazusa @saudpunk @almondandapple @Azurine @frogletfern @acherontian @KnightNight @Prevalence @Bisons @macintalk @venatore @Sabaari[/size][/size][/size][/size][/size]

Limited-time Accent: Lilypad Lover
Available for 300 levels or 500 gems
Please read notes below!

Important Infomation wrote:
This accent will be available for levels until the 9th of March (aka before the end of this weeks dom) and available for gems until the 17th of March

Ping me on this forum to reserve a slot PLEASE include if you are buying with levels or gems

All levels must be sent by 23:00 FR time on the 9/3/24

Accent will be sent out to buyers via a 1t PA once successfully submitted to FR

Accent may be subject to slight changes during the submitting process to FR

Please wait until prompted by me to send levels/gems!

If there is exceedingly high interest for the skin, its limited window may be extended

Runs will go ahead no matter number of slots filled - any excess accents to be sold on AH

Accent: Lilypad Lover

OPEN: Limited Preorder
(9/3/24 levels - 17/3/24 gems)
Auraboa M
300lvl - 500g
@lizzytiki [b]Accent:[/b] lilypad lover [b]Payment method:[/b] (levels / gems)


Run 1: Sent out (9/9) - Run 2: Sent out (10/10) - Run 3: Sent out 10/10 - Run 4: sent out (10/10) - Run 5:Sending out
Run 1
1. KneeThief (G) (PAID)
2. Gravitaxis (G) (PAID)
3. Fukii (G) (PAID)
4. EternallySacred (G) (PAID)
5. zambam (G) (PAID)

6. sunfishe (G) (PAID)
7. squiddysquid (G) (PAID)
8. sublimevoide (L) (PAID)
9. Teletraan (G) (PAID)
10. lizzytiki
Run 2 - ALL PAID
1. hayum (G) (PAID)
2. SilentWanderer (G) (PAID)
3. deulirium (G) (PAID)
4. spxcesoul (G) (PAID)
5. Ianthe69(G) (PAID)

6. Myrtana (L) (PAID)
7. Banhana (G) (PAID)
8. Judas789 (L) (PAID)
9. Pawnmgers (G) (PAID)
10. ReiFukai (G) (PAID)
Run 3
1. OriGalaxii (G)
2. Lunalatic (L) (PAID)
3. Draugwen (G) (PAID)
4. bullfrog (G) (PAID)
5. seamists (G) (PAID)

6. Rosemund (G)
7. WhisperingThief (G) (PAID)
8. Lionsong (G)
9. superfuzzygoat (L) (PAID)
10. moonthegoon (G) (PAID)
Run 4
1. Catfeather (G) (PAID)
2. Puggles (G) (PAID)
3. InkCorvid (L) (PAID)
4. nekrateholic (L) (PAID)
5. Arwen (L) (PAID)

6. Emmerololth (G) (PAID)
7. Petrichord (L) ((PAID)
8. Corvidophile (G) (PAID)
9. PawnsVictory (L) (PAID)
10. tkrb (G) (PAID)
Run 5
1. Ideamutt (G)
2. Neoo (G)
3. DrakeSpino (G)
4. Norkia (G)
5. Aradan (G)

Run 6


@Lizard Creek Accents @Lilypad Lover interest check
Click here for the GASP thread!

Auraboa M, Accent, limited, apparel, bright/over-saturated colors/rainbow, chains, cute, flowers/floral, gold, jewelry/silks, nature, nature flight, pastels, piercings, pink, warm colors, water flight, markings

@IAmStillATestAccount @jbapple @caelumdeity @velvetpaws @anrei @wildewinged @Soupy @starsystems @reliquiaen @ofendlessstars @Trickilicky @Roam @Redsparrow @hayum @Oriel @Reven @Faileas @Jazz @annadandelion @Velsim @Argonaut @ThirtyOne @OverlordFreya @Darlnim @Athexreh @Emordnilap @Stasha @sorai @necrophades @kaaoqi @rubyredtan @Godspeed @Maila @veevi @IndigoCat @Lynchly @LionMagnus @heiheidamowang @Geowlett @anhbon921 @Runi @Arrakis @BlackMistress @Maye @MollyMerula @qew23 @Cuddleh @Lonin @Raydioactive @VolatileMatter @senpai @Gem4567 @HighFives @Hemospect @Ixnyeltha @Shougoney @vely @Veevi @Niklia @Twiggies @Sharkbutt @selenomancy @Zerobotic @Prelude @greyyourwarden @synnful @chocomonster @cutinstincts @hawwah @artillerychick @kumoko @Xemriss @Ebrietas @Dior @ilimati @Physik @Tiriea @Exaltier @Calixita @Prey @snowpea @jd1620 @Apothecaria @Featherly @grr @Wrath @Peisinoe @Pseudoscience @Sonora @Lycoteuthis @Veracity @Moonlace @MechWyrms @Necrovatai @Fukii @Nardaviel @Rangiku @PeonydKingpin @Duskflame @Deana @Cethosia @Valolaire @Ashirene @Sagittarium @astroprojection @widmo @Pigeonpanhandle @Beltaguise @WheatleyScience @brdey @pretend @ruirea @londoner @Alstroemeria @ToxicE @Sirenia @BlazeWolf @Icefire55 @Shadowlugia711 @Steamplonk @loststarship @Apotheca @Tuatara @Hawkbeckfire @Blightwyrm @Saphirosa @Starrlight @songify @Xirei @pikachan412 @Apfelobst @Meebo @cloverly @Lauros @MadaMada @ffgrape @kbb @Illuminary @Ivypooll @Valeguard @uniquelykenn @Zedling @murmur21 @DoctorJekyll @professorpig @perifinite @oly @TalaTari @DocMulligan @Acacia @limeypie @EmbarksFate @SterlingKat @Exhalted @haylxx @Goolix @Shadowangel @RyukaTheDragon @strfox @Croissants @bioglitch @00Riku00 @nonaline @micchikureshima @Alive @Oodie @Snowkitsu @Jenkow @gemino @Fervanus @AntivirusAndroid @TxTiger @luckless @zeguk @bryna @ideunatty @Holi @Dangeroux @Sophiellum @elfmoss @SparkleOfGold @Goldenstorm @roiben @lynxedlight @Yagine @Felisaries @bitmap @caedis @Raptora @koujakward @Peyp @vainqueurs @Withoutbounds @foxpaaws @Fereyik @Lunox @Finne @Artichoke @deep @Ravenhearst @wintercovers @PunchingSolas @SteampunkLlama @DrowsyPanda @GryphonSong @batcrooks @HermaMora @Mickie @Karanja @Convexity @rosevoids @CrazyBat @Silverwulf @skin @Dragonfire27 @Mupfel @OliveBoat @Sinai @SquidneyTsu @TheMeatloafQueen @DevilFlower @Cognitive @Guest @cosmicConundrum @Addmon @Jabberwocky09 @SquidMage @Darkrait @angsthound @firtarian @TwilightStars @STRHKR @AqunAthlok @NorthernLiights @terato @pyr0 @Humboldt @Cascarones @RaptorQueen @mildlyanxiousdoe @necromancing @literallyacat @Amenen @WickedJayla @Morvudd @amberrosalie @Ilesvia @Rafaru @antiserum @Malachite @Artorias @X3X @ETVermin @1Sash1 @Nettlebird @alatefeline @Bumblesweet @Starstalker @andersbegabt @tytonidae @Loyalties @ninjanuary @PhoenixFire36 @DragonDraws @celastrea @Whymsical @louse @Nightflyer8909 @Maliha @Eiyora @Sienne @Xypnise @tnwl090 @TextbookHumor @LucidDreams @FallingStar275 @briar @Ky0n @keyy @SDSPAGE @Gratlanty @NightmareJudge @schnauze @Kryptica @Cyrya @VioletChachki @techmess @Bluwingskitty @hiei @Limitless @chatoyant @WhisperSpirit @Vialheart @macrobiiology @starskynadder @Hardycat @Cryfie @deerfawn @Fukase @snberry @ThatOneSandWing @ribbonz @MildChameleon @solariaa @SoullessWendigo @Quickpaint @WarriorSong @PikaChan412 @ShadowPiper @Li3los @Osmodeus @Drakkainen @Pandonkey @Harana @Psi @TAOGTMI @Drachenhort @shot @LavenderAmethyst @Twye @LLev @viktowl @StarliteInfinite @Naahva @RinyshkaS @klee @Maiafay @stovokor @LittleDoctor @Eidos @VoidedMortal @Fawniti @precilla @XxBlueExorcistxX @Cherrytree1222 @manylimbs @Eleventh @serron @ThePlasticTree @gefrorenerzahn @Anticx @Ebby172 @inn @Spark @Ticklesmack @RoyalLudroth @choimango @leeedea @elthemar @ChaosSama @Nakitra @Tremble @BillyRuffian @cobwebs @Mintso @Realms @bedfordblack @concept @EmotionalTree @sicksip @Drastalblight @SimFeetUnder @dinaurian @StealthNerd @hemotypewriter @RetroJackal @Kaldwin @DeltaDragon246 @Bufftuffandfluff @silverishness @gracegraceplant @girlgirlDragon @Hakary @Kerneleq @Tala2121 @Ikora @apricotstarship @Melova @Scarheart99789 @Zoruna @Kipuka @FeatherFace @Hmm @Irmingard @Banhi @greenpotion @Techmox @aschers @cyborb @pwllhalen @Saeliras @CHUUNIBYOU @zerolynx @Grovey @Sunline @techne @Munancho @Juleatic @Riptidee @pilotbites @Zivo @Allychan @GoldStar @GalacticWicke @Banguela @Crumpet @Reverent @Liliun @Ravaarian @draaviinrays @CorvidKnight @LordDragonWubbs @Sadiegreen @*** @Maeva @Dreadnoughtus @PearlOfSeduction @QueenofRedLions @shugenja @HoodieCat @Ahi @foxshapedshadows @squishypeachy @big @silverwintersnow @Xarina @mikaeia @Crim @moosesushi @Cerion @Vulpen @lemecrazy @Lichtdrache @Icystorm @SilverQuark @Juni @ToxieToxie @iaqo @Endyr @faraway @Koneko @Trachynhawb @Aava @Zyanith @Dragonlaird @InkedMyths @mangoeclipse @fitz @FlareSolaire @DeltaNegative @sunnyVista @TornadoTorrie @Rayzor @Magnanimous @Arka @Danizaurs @Maikatze @Suspended @Heliolisk @TehuMertt @desiher @Madhouse @Norion @Mysthla @CoffeeCaat @Njerro @underwater @Alamire @moyaofthemist @Anduins @Starfire0 @amimari @Visceryl @Watercolour @lightly @Sylvanlady @Thoroughbred @Aeriel @IromotNemem @Nemalu @Verosa @despairpods @xjsx @Joywing @EternalBlaze @BurntCookies @Vanq @Lurkingbullfox @Rookery @LynterriaHatake @pinkkittens @Saerino @Doxiunoia @ProbablyNotYou @sakanapanda @bugbrain @Gxcci @neonhorns @ky0nky @razzamatazz @Kelpoyo @lorri12 @TenderVulture @Katigura @HPPJWoF @cvthedral @Brewstoid @FluffleDuffel @kdozu @minervamaga @seylon @Briarfox13 @Bystander @chetungwan @TamneSenke @varjopeura @sophycat @LittleRain @Pecha @Spooky @Namarie @Skeletiano @ashenraven @onemessyperson @coconuthead @Sitten1115 @chibiboru @RandomPurple @Nuclearloop @Fossillayer @bonesdarling @Winterelle @VeryMuchATest @batnap @astereia @serpents @LunaBun @Pez @ShahDalamadur @sassyatta @chuuyas @ladymoon2886 @CandyKacktus @summerwar @notamused @Gaston @XSoldierAntX @Jaypaw @Nirwana @RaspyBone @raikaryuujin @ThistleProse @CryptidPossum @Aushi @JotaroCujoh @Frency @Aerites @Bloodwyrm @Ponscha @Resorant @Iralla @GlaxusPlaxus @Northland @AcretoSorien @tambadabam @Luunai @Saeldryn @Kisk @Aisuryu @RuinousOmen @xxxx @Taarnfalk @Rosabelle @mrgbmommy @Kimmeh @Solinary @FrostNiskare @LittleLuckyLucy @orangesunrise @ForsakenAngel @User9125 @tinkabelle @daisiology @Natron @Paranatural @Denyzia @hydde @Tofubear @venvi @sallow @CPFG44 @5H4D0WDU57 @mistygold @WHDE @Voronok @drool @Atavistic @Atsumi @mistystep @KishHuzrin @kuta @Blubell @PepperClove @CrowleyGhost @eternatus @hat17 @sensitivepigeon @Byggden @Pumpcat @cloudfilledskies @Lunyra @Mikada @caution @KittyAoba @Avifors @SilverBelle @hannibals @fleurderat @shozurei @hobihobi @MinnowFox @Rainbowlight @Vyrelord @caathedral @Marrigan @DiamondNoodles @Contaminate @robinchan33 @strawyerberry @Yilara @BunnySox @eldrvtch @Skystalker @connortheknight @Kuratabells @CaptainSpaulding @kiwis @FoxyPlant @Riddance @Somaville @Tinble @Druzy @NamelessNekomata @torch @KariThorne @pouchipouchi @Saraceaser @jennycatmystique @JamSandwich @sabel @sheppo @Grox @zeeboot @TypeFull @GreenAtlas @Lethia @kitten1774 @haxure @QuirkyTea @zerys @Farron @smolelf @Alfamangle @brevityis @Neons @Nuthatch @ezlu @plaguesdevil @ScaleyRedSi @Snoringhyena @Hydrixz404 @OblivionStriker @smilefires @Kael1030 @137 @scarecrane @Bunnymif @fraulien @WhisperingThief @Raskies @Saerel @Catgirl742 @DawnBreak77 @sickreaps @Butcherbaby @noxeyes @Wizardry @Vinyamar @DashieDoesThings @seaofspace @IcyGlaceon471 @Urza @Cirrostratus @SolarSam @Makomo @Xenokiin @SpecialDragon12 @yik @World @JulyAphelion @CrabRave @Phay @Pufferheart @Wintaclu @ladywindgrace @Gaze @CandyPrincess @Lomon @Ambulocetus @chaisiren @Golurk @tombstones @ProbablySkeletor @Impavid @kyaniite @Hawkfeather @softsylveon @Jorybear @BlueCitrine @Xaraxal @KiteM @thegracefuldeer @r0t @Kazure @crogge @Nukleer @Mozzy @Dabble @Astraya @Blushunt @Primrosefortune @FuzzyMelon @Aphantasia @a030095275 @Are @Windowz @Sigmaglow @SnowFrost620 @InkyBrush @valerakki @Fenixinka @redleader @ShallowAbyss @tanujagtap @Swageus @mithrail @Casethrace @kschaef @Sarcoline @copiouscrawdadz @Trinkets @craftbaobao2 @arsenicxx @Airaly @SolitarySphynx @Rengoku @Zerohour @Miasmas @Panicat @Rabbitspirit @Dewberry @silversouledcat @Sushimonsterr @archons @JustUneven @Euthymia @FRONA @MidnightGarden @queenhelixxia @Tomoko10 @ulvesang @Mishra @Elidibus @Epiphora @Viscount @Pecularity @Kiryo @sassibirb @liturgies @Aletsan @Parnasse @plaguenurse @Reksy @Shizuku @mintychip @Karitoriki @alleyes007 @muto @dolohova @StarSpeckledInk @ttaikapapu @Sanzuwu @ReeBear @Vesperupus @Vivarium @QuirkyJunimo @Parad0xxy @Mysthia @WindChimes @Lightwarden @NaoNao @ShallWeDance @Reithya @RetroCatalyst @Shyia @Industry @OriginGiratina @Risse @IamNoHere @DementedDracon @RainyCerdae @Searen @HellsGate @Dianounais @Lokey @MediaeLycan @Meniph410 @evereden @marchpanes @CurrentFlight @Blackeyed @thefluffypuppy @Glum @frosmoth @ProHomo57 @aghast @Lemonsinasoup @Spookio @Lupen @Grune @Flyteofheart @Closetcreep @thefrogg @maybels @kyruiz @Emothy @InTheDarke @beastsniperemmy8 @ikunoche @Horrifying @Eryel @SanctumAngelus @Glitterbottom @SatansAppendix @Saffirre @Beegirl @lostplanetvoltia @Beruga @RheoTastic @Yashura @Yelloweye @Suntouched @theobear @seamists @Fruitling @Morifinde @meandering @Realcottoncat @atalaeai @Badendmusical @morrigne @Saharawrites @CorneliaR @Yeechen @isuzu @prettylizards @Hazardoush @TheDEV1L @SouthernPansy @Flamed @sprixyn @HoIIow @Barok @Susurrar @NimStratus @AquaEmperor @jinu @nineofsin @Gavix @AstralEventide @VermilionVasili @Gulo @Azureus @Sterlingstars @BellumInvictus @prefiringfort @antmimic @GreatValueCereal @Ecruteak @Csejte @ScrampledEgg @Avair @Nihilus @Ichthyovenator @Valmue @ghostingskies @Mortca @whour @nonbearnary @Xuanxuan @Businessman @Dessy @sowilo @nebulaxie @Moirne @Jaguarthecat @LavaKitto @Zelai @paladinpass @periwinkleclouds @Snekboop @Pestilential @swordblush @BWAPPI @faunprince @satanism @mungmungbean @AmelieMasterCPU @Ducknuckle @Subdued @Scripps @Chickles13 @Werepunk @AlchemistG @Interest @VolcanicThunder @slaytheist @Pripyat @RahgolDok @planetbefall @HarleyChaos @lappland @calamityProphet @NowViewing @HurricaneWinds @Texere @elysifish @Iminox @CrownOfStars @inthedusk @vortexbreakdown @cotardsolution @GrumpyNoodle @SarynTheHuntress @Novrre @Accismus @CrystallizedMoon @SuzyChi @BurittoKimasan @serpentofmoe @meep5109 @eggstve @Enkue @teetotaled @Airazon @Zosimos @NotHereToPerch @Greili @Doodlepede @ancestral @endies @Hippotang @Drake7 @opalineteardrops @PtolemyII @Lafite @Innive @soaringmoon @Helixstorm @Dragoneko @nekopallet @Mudy @harmonywish @saltmarsh @Sheanor @Benuyka @Gladiolusa @Britty @Strome @Hyenalope @Jinxls @AirplaneMode @Bleed @wonderswan @ceravanne @Twylla @Phlegethos @Nimrook @Curoi @wolfpeach @zleepydelights @Person @Accal1a @ShiftingFoxx @kespecial @Arsenet5 @draconispletora @Verdice @Zelrune @cartel @Winter0sun @samatoki @Pouchipouchi @MoonChyld @Kardi @Raan @KCDragons @StaticSeraph @Archaic @Verdes @Sealterbloind @ElectricBorelis @AsylumBat @NightmareGiraffe @Zhombi @komi @Falgardien @ERabbit @delightfuliza @Zytorian @FreyaShadow @mothrave @SugaywaraKoushi @SilentWanderer @Rowdy @IssuesMayExist @caprisunaddict @Boundary @Yesod @Silis @agheful @Rohana @TheDutchieLoki @fisherboyman @averymoistcrayon @Abovesummers @Phisans @SirenSerenade @JinxxYouOweMe @yukublack @Nephtys @RobotMothPie @558575 @BlackandTan @adamska @mothshake @wormfilledman @Raveyna @tundraluvr @Airplanefoxx @aurumus @FloofFeather @chrysopeleia @Allaprima @Mayasacha @hexcel @Toyhouse @XanTheGayCat @Rodeo @Torrie @Astereae @sleepyrat @TheWildThings @Fayo @Nytragen @orangeDeciple @Thunderbird21 @femmeorpheus @vra02 @Rifter @541614 @doremy @aalien @Akal @MadamKittykins @mousewife @Quetzy @0Lullaby0 @forcedcoma @kylonaberrie @Arcticpearl @Seviper @lanseax @Usoris @Goldy86 @V0idBird @Manifesting @astora @yascherritsa @KayJay @Fireball628 @bigfriedegg @AzaRein @dataghosts @aeons @MysteryGyn @punkzbunnie @DaFlameDFZ @ENDragon6 @Woohoorandom @takatsuki @Flannerie @ahoy @penantiomers @AvaniRubezahl @Peachbug @Barrdwing @Bnemesis @ReedRose @Cattleya @Outlook @Luluwi @allegoon @FWD @fumarate @Alkali @0hzarks @Royalties @Desiderium @seen @hornfell @Tighnari @hyddenchyld @SakraKaine @Samelf @Rohi @mousekinn @REDWARE @Seventheo @dems @Havic @colieflower @Sabyrin @Culebre @aprilraven @Inofaro @clowning @doniider @delonix @xullre @MystTheNerd @Redwinterafr @FlareFighters @Pipsqueak2413 @sav101w @Myndris @Basileia @MisterHeavenly @fearlord @Isis @Kauria @Puffin25 @findingpears @Serpenta @eieru @AnacronicCobra @hypnotheque @SeraphWren @walleye @NoShrimp @Suspiciouscleric @MonoMagpie @JessyMetal @zophronia @Argalia @sockmonkeygerald @reunion @bluepercy @xenonentity @Glimmers @Lemontarte @deadpunk @Ezevic @NightlyDoodling @Gryffon @Banhana @ofMontreal @angemagica @EldritchRabbit @pawnmgers @ChocolateKittens @Kiseikune @Haftlinger @foggypines @CascadingJade @shyghostkid @opoponax @Elachu @Birdsofwax @SnowFawn666 @saerene @Kristi @fleshislaw @4Jen @FadedDaydream @Galaxius @Spartezda @Yomiya @AlaskanSnow @MarinaQuakenbush @GarbagePal @callizinc @cerberusnoise @Hymlocke @Kkami @Finnamony @kiiblade @Xievos @Moristian @Driadhe @morn @Squeak @fuwafuwa @Beatoriche @Kael @Valanice @Empyreal @theEndsinger @eggod @Kni @wanderingworlds @Suu @Kenopsian @paddington2 @Selain @Musvete38 @sucrose @Fin72 @TaroQueen @floweafy @Terrorform @Autumnus @RileythePlagueDr @quilliper @Cherryfleck @TrivialArmor @corvix @DaMooshie @terrify @Devildog @decomposedcarrot @Petchimal @xenofaun @fay @Heemi @Phrauge @Spooce @kniife @Odvokun @sempere @HoraDusk @vestiges @Bunnu @Doki @OriGalaxii @indivinity @Crassula @Lumenwood @Zandik @nothingtown @phosphenes @LamiaSage @hypernodance @spxcesoul @kuzuri @Linza @Leaful @argylion @spacepunk @Lazyshake @Pawnmgers @Himmel @garun @W0lfBait @ananad @Tjally @souls @countbugula @Artifacts @SinTriangle @Lino @CushionySleet90 @MandiblesInferno @Awaby @Sidya @despoinai @XxCalypsoxX @luddu @Violence @Viscernable @crystalleaf @JadedSerpent62 @Aoroen @ToucandaToucan @Fluoroantimonic @Fox0war @TarbaYelemel @racketeer @gremlinn @Vixodium @silvershadowcat @incant @HappyLittleSnek @cogito @Solarpunk @knoggelvi @GaleGecko @Nozaria @Askesis @makani @marropo @frootii @chaoticpeace @Natsukachan @Mima @elv @Cocolatia @illuso @TheClassCalico @Ruskavelle @Perelandria @Zonai @ideally @Peeta @Etymology @guqinsye @carnwennhau @Sols @WindSongGrove @Skyleidge @Miggy123 @StormJunes @mercsydaisy @carnosaur @mirs @Bloomed @CreatorsDilemma @Shirleyz @MoonzzZ @Bodhii @drakha @CRT @TapestryTenant @bayojeanne @Raeliana @Lionsong @Exlann @Dinomatika @Alphrussia @Sinnouk @DayOwl @inteztinez @Halihope @SillyFilly @firenyx45 @hounding @Zodiacs @aminoodle @Kaveh @Hiltain @Emeryciel @Lindenshield @PrP @Libroamante @tnecho @TheTypingDragon @Denryu @atlas12 @1rebis1 @TheCicadas @CosmicStardust @cantrip @Frostbite1370 @FernCoyote @Myrtana @Rainbeetle @Novaria @Azurepocalypse @ffxiv @BarkBreath @valerianroot @Youcal @Ambitious @Maybels @Renkai @Mayali @TyrianJade @Kaichoukai @ghastimafrix @gunmute @moonzi @undertones @yongseung @Devonix @JavaMP @Shiver @Opals @kirmon64 @Sinsentido @felinekind @wnd @pokemoncha @Thysiria @612 @RogueHazel @GFRlEND @Sorsciana @Artificiary @Xcscientist @shoveachair @Flora @SharkOutofWater @VioletKatGrove @Smolfroglesbian @Ianthe69 @Zeco5000 @romeow @DEVOTE @Kazna @sinodyc @pawnsvictory @WATERPARKS @QueenGorgon @Amibellis @foreverrain @Moons @REVALATOR @celestialelysium @maranimh @silks @W1F1N1GHTM4R3 @OnceInABlueMoon @noddddd @Hiii @509664 @witchofthewilds @converseburden @Draugwen @rheuum @invert @CoveFoxy @DocKranken @QuebeNats @Kaykao @plutou @veilmochi @hyrulehero @dauntingleaves @evilpassing @Nitewings @Zukohere @Wrio @kilorechoy @sublimevoide @abzoro @berrybox @profligate @Laccaria @Syrnaxi @Beliel @TheUltimateOwl @Lilyvian @gardener @Dreamfoxii @kikokekuka @tthheeoo @PrinceAlbert @c0nfused @Heartslabyul @Gryphire @Radiations @piinemartens @Kettei @Abundance @CosmicHusky @ferspnai @peeledfruit @Sootsprite @Littlepotato711 @Asterodea @Etherea @Pudgykookaburra @ElvenAcidFire @cyclical @Drayna @Windows95 @jwiimy @Deebot @olliefaun @Osteoderm @ezelia @Vanaheimr @AngelicAvian @battlecity @SolarBear @SakuraAngel @Tamazusa @saudpunk @almondandapple @Azurine @frogletfern @acherontian @KnightNight @Prevalence @Bisons @macintalk @venatore @Sabaari
Adopt Shop | Accent Shop
[center][size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B]. || CLOSED || .[/color][/font][/b][/size][img alt = a lilypad divider][/img][/center] [columns][img alt = "a stylized drawing of a round South African Rain Frog"][/img][nextcol] [b][font = century gothic][size =4]Frog Adoptables[/b][/size][/font] The Legendary, Extraordinary Amphibian Prom (L.E.A.P.) is here and your dragons are invited! Let's transform them into frogs to get them prepped for the occasion. [/columns] [center][img alt = a lilypad divider][/img][/center] [columns][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Basic Frog || Price: 25 levels[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] 400 x 400 size (feel free to resize) [*] Drawn and detailed with your dragon's colors and primary gene [*] Includes most tertiary genes. Some line-breaking terts unavailable [/list] [nextcol][color=transparent]_[/color] [nextcol] [url=][img alt = "an animated gif with examples of the frog adoptables offered in this shop"][/img][/url][/columns] [columns]Want something a little more custom? Try the fancy frog add-ons! [b]Completed Eyes:[/b] [url=]Light Primal[/url] [b]Completed Breeds[/b]: [url =]Pearlcatcher[/url], [url=]Mirror[/url], [url=]Coatl[/url], [url=]Snapper[/url], [url=]Fae[/url] [b]Available Accessories[/b]: [url=]Prom sign[/url], [url=]simple crown[/url], [url=]garden hat[/url] [b]Sponsored/Pending Add-Ons[/b]: Bogsneak, simple tiara [nextcol][color=transparent]___[/color] [nextcol][color=transparent]_________________________________________[/color] [b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Fancy Frog Add-Ons[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list] [*] +5 levels - primal eyes add-on for completed primal eyes. [*] +5 levels - breed add-on for completed breed. May not be compatible with accessory add-ons. [*] +5 levels - accessories add-on. May not be compatible with breed add-ons. [*] +10 levels - eyes add-on for new primal eyes [*] +15 levels - breed add-on for new breeds. Some breeds may be unavailable. May not be compatible with accessory add-ons. [*] Skins, accents, and other special requests on a case-by-case basis, depending on difficulty and my availability. [/list] [/columns] [img alt = a lilypad divider][/img] [center][size=6][font=century gothic][i][b][color=#2F2F2F]Ordering[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size][/center] [font=century gothic]Notes[LIST] [*] New orders are closed [*] Turnaround time should be about a week except for more complex requests. If I anticipate it will take longer than a week, I will tell you when you make your request. [*] If you're not completely satisfied with your frog please let me know and I'll do my best to remedy it! [*] You can check the status of your order on the spreadsheet in the first post of this thread and [url=][b]at this link[/b][/url].
. || CLOSED || .a
a stylized drawing of a round South African Rain Frog Frog Adoptables

The Legendary, Extraordinary Amphibian Prom (L.E.A.P.) is here and your dragons are invited! Let's transform them into frogs to get them prepped for the occasion.
Basic Frog || Price: 25 levels

  • 400 x 400 size (feel free to resize)
  • Drawn and detailed with your dragon's colors and primary gene
  • Includes most tertiary genes. Some line-breaking terts unavailable
_ an animated gif with examples of the frog adoptables offered in this shop
Want something a little more custom? Try the fancy frog add-ons!

Completed Eyes: Light Primal

Completed Breeds: Pearlcatcher, Mirror, Coatl, Snapper, Fae

Available Accessories: Prom sign, simple crown, garden hat

Sponsored/Pending Add-Ons: Bogsneak, simple tiara
___ _________________________________________

Fancy Frog Add-Ons


  • +5 levels - primal eyes add-on for completed primal eyes.
  • +5 levels - breed add-on for completed breed. May not be compatible with accessory add-ons.
  • +5 levels - accessories add-on. May not be compatible with breed add-ons.
  • +10 levels - eyes add-on for new primal eyes
  • +15 levels - breed add-on for new breeds. Some breeds may be unavailable. May not be compatible with accessory add-ons.
  • Skins, accents, and other special requests on a case-by-case basis, depending on difficulty and my availability.


  • New orders are closed
  • Turnaround time should be about a week except for more complex requests. If I anticipate it will take longer than a week, I will tell you when you make your request.
  • If you're not completely satisfied with your frog please let me know and I'll do my best to remedy it!
  • You can check the status of your order on the spreadsheet in the first post of this thread and at this link.
A badge from Water Flight 2022 Soup-bowl. Tortilla soup in a green bowl with a design of an imperial dragon face on the frontXjQwdJY.gifHA8DM8L.gifPGfmmbA.gifxuhxqR0.png
[center][size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B]oreides[/size][img][/img][/center] [b]HELLO[/b] everyone! this is my first time doing foddart, let's goooo! i enjoy drawing just about anything, so long as it meets FR TOS: dragons, ferals, anthro, gijinkas, oc's... just please no fanart requests. if you have any questions at all, you're welcome to ping me! [b]i'll only be taking levels for this push! [/b] projected turnaround for [b]character sketches [/b]should be quite fast, ~1-2 days after an [b]ice[/b] attendant has received your levels [u]paid in full[/u], depending on the complexity of the request. a more detailed and [b]polished drawing[/b](Type C) could take up to 2-4 weeks to finish. i won't be offering rendered color at this time, in order to speed up art delivery. [center]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[emoji=deer skull size=1]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/center] [center][size=6][i][b][font=century gothic][color=#2F2F2F]Slots:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size] [size=4] 1. [s]pikammd[/s] [color=#DC7F9B][b]FINISHED[/b][/color] - PM'd 2. [s]AppleSentry[/s] [color=#DC7F9B][b]FINISHED[/b][/color] -[url=] link[/url] 3. [s]SilkWoods[/s] [color=#DC7F9B][b]FINISHED[/b][/color] - [url=]link[/url] 4. [s]Blazestorm22[/s] [color=#DC7F9B][b]FINISHED[/b][/color] - [url=]link[/url] 5. [s]MewOvO[/s] [color=#DC7F9B][b]FINISHED[/b][/color] - [url=]link[/url] 6. [b]Blazestorm22[/b] 7. [b]pikammd[/b] 8. [ OPEN ] 9. [ OPEN ] [s][b]Type C:[/b] [OPEN][/s] [b](CLOSED)[/b][/size] [/center] [center][size=4][b]extended slots are open! [url=]see the post [/url](no type C)[/b][/size][/center] ------------------------- [center][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Type A || Rough Sketch || Price: 350 levels [/font][/color][/b][/center] [img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [indent]+ loose sketchy style + if a gijinka/oc, [b]must have previously made visual reference for the character[/b] (no designing) + headshot/bust, focused on expression of character + apparel/skins may be simplified [/indent] ------------------------- [center][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Type B || Headshot Drawing || Price: 500 levels[/font][/color][/b][/center] [img][/img] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [indent]+ more refined drawing of character + if a gijinka/oc, [b]must have previously made visual reference for the character[/b] (no designing) + headshot/bust, focused on expression of character & upper apparel / accessories / skin[/indent] ------------------------ [center][b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][s][font=century gothic]Type C || Detailed Render || Price: 1400 levels[/font][/s][/color][/b][/center] [img][/img] [center][s][b]ONLY ONE TYPE C SLOT AVAILABLE[/b][/s][/center] [color=#2F2F2F][s][b]Details:[/b][/s][/color] [indent][s]+ fully rendered monochromatic drawing of character + if gijinka of a dragon, i [b]can design[/b] it for you based on text description + bust, no background + i can PM you a sketch for approval upon request[/s] [/indent] ------------------- [center][size=6][font=century gothic][i][b][color=#2F2F2F]Order Form:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size][/center] [code]@oreides [b]I WANT ART![/b] [b]Dragon / OC:[/b] (post or link to your dragon / OC refs) [b]Type of Commission:[/b] Type A/B [b]Details:[/b] (character's personality, expression, requests, etc) [b]Levels on hand?[/b] (let me know if you’ll need time to get fodder in order) [/code] Thank you! [center]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[emoji=deer skull size=1]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -[/center] [center]i'm currently working on a new art shop, if you'd like to join the pinglist(s) ahead of time: [pinglist=21854] [pinglist=21850][pinglist=21846][/center]

HELLO everyone! this is my first time doing foddart, let's goooo!

i enjoy drawing just about anything, so long as it meets FR TOS: dragons, ferals, anthro, gijinkas, oc's... just please no fanart requests. if you have any questions at all, you're welcome to ping me!

i'll only be taking levels for this push!

projected turnaround for character sketches should be quite fast, ~1-2 days after an ice attendant has received your levels paid in full, depending on the complexity of the request.
a more detailed and polished drawing(Type C) could take up to 2-4 weeks to finish. i won't be offering rendered color at this time, in order to speed up art delivery.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1. pikammd FINISHED - PM'd
2. AppleSentry FINISHED - link
3. SilkWoods FINISHED - link
4. Blazestorm22 FINISHED - link
5. MewOvO FINISHED - link

6. Blazestorm22
7. pikammd
8. [ OPEN ]
9. [ OPEN ]


extended slots are open! see the post (no type C)

Type A || Rough Sketch || Price: 350 levels

+ loose sketchy style
+ if a gijinka/oc, must have previously made visual reference for the character
(no designing)
+ headshot/bust, focused on expression of character
+ apparel/skins may be simplified

Type B || Headshot Drawing || Price: 500 levels

+ more refined drawing of character
+ if a gijinka/oc, must have previously made visual reference for the character
(no designing)
+ headshot/bust, focused on expression of character & upper apparel / accessories / skin

Type C || Detailed Render || Price: 1400 levels
+ fully rendered monochromatic drawing of character
+ if gijinka of a dragon, i can design it for you based on text description
+ bust, no background
+ i can PM you a sketch for approval upon request

Order Form:
@oreides [b]I WANT ART![/b] [b]Dragon / OC:[/b] (post or link to your dragon / OC refs) [b]Type of Commission:[/b] Type A/B [b]Details:[/b] (character's personality, expression, requests, etc) [b]Levels on hand?[/b] (let me know if you’ll need time to get fodder in order)

Thank you!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

i'm currently working on a new art shop,
if you'd like to join the pinglist(s) ahead of time:

_______B4E8l.gif _____
[center][size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B][emoji=planet size=1][emoji=pink star size=1] BurittoKimasan [emoji=pink star size=1][emoji=planet size=1][/color][/font][/b][/size] Hey everyone! I'm back with my Undertide adopts, with 10 slots! [might open more if demand allows!] Turnaround time will be about 2 weeks, projected to finish by 17 March! For OOF folks, please note that levels are preferred (but not required, i won't reject your order if you're paying with currency!) Please send dragons to [b]me (BurittoKimasan)[/b] through [b]1t PAs[/b] as soon as I've acknowledged your order, or latest by 2300, 9 March (FR time). Feel free to send them batch by batch, in case your lair doesn't have enough space! [img][/img] Available for Flight Rising [u]Undertides[/u] only. Max [u][b]two[/b] (2)[/u] dragons per slot! [emoji=glimmer tile size=1] [b]Style:[/b] Lined, Flat colour; YCH style [emoji=gloom tile size=1] [b]Size:[/b] 5" by 6", resize for dragon bios/signature also available (just ask!) [emoji=glimmer tile size=1] [b]Price:[/b] [emoji=glimmer tile size=1] [b]Base price[/b]: 250 levels / 400g/kt [b]Sponsoring[/b]: General: 20 levels / 30g/kt Line-breaking Tert: 30 levels / 50g/kt [b]Skin/Accent[/b] (depending on complexity): 65-130 levels / 100-200g/kt [b]Apparel[/b] (up to 3, please specify with exact apparel item name and location, e.g. [gamedb item=27350] on head): 30 levels / 50g/kt [emoji=gloom tile size=1][b]Slots[/b] (Push week) [emoji=gloom tile size=1] 1. [url=]CrazyBat[/url] 2. [url=]DismasYves[/url] 3. [url=]PinyonKit[/url] 4. [url=]WhisperingThief[/url] 5. [url=]LunaraGK[/url] 6. [url=]Ianthe69[/url] (x2) 7. [url=]Dragonsmom[/url] (x2) 8. [url=]Marchwarden[/url] 9. [url=]Ideamutt[/url] 10. [columns][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][quote=Available Primaries][center]Basic Boa Checkers Crystal Fade Lionfish Metallic Octopus Pharoah Pinstripe Poison Ribbon Speckle Tide[/quote] [nextcol][quote=Available Secondaries][center]Basic Blend Chess Eel Facet Freckle Hex Noxtide Pack Saddle Sarcophagus Toxin Trail[/quote] [nextcol][quote=Available Tertiaries][center]Basic Capsule Ghost Nudibranch* Octopus* Okapi Runes Sailfin* Soap Sparkle Stained[/quote][/columns] [quote=Adopts][center]@BurittoKimasan [b]What:[/b] Undertide Noodle Bowl [b]Payment:[/b] Levels/Treasure/Gems/Mixed (be specific^^) [b]Dragon (Undertide only!):[/b] (insert widget/link) [b]Skin/Accent?[/b] Yes/No [b]Apparel? (up to 3)[/b] No/Yes (specify: e.g. [gamedb item=27350] on head) [b]Bowl Colour/Pattern:[/b] (If none specified, I will choose from the dragon's colours!) [b]Special requests:[/b] (e.g. Flip the adopt to face the right)[/quote] [size=6]Thank you for stopping by![/size]

Hey everyone! I'm back with my Undertide adopts, with 10 slots! [might open more if demand allows!]

Turnaround time will be about 2 weeks, projected to finish by 17 March!

For OOF folks, please note that levels are preferred (but not required, i won't reject your order if you're paying with currency!)

Please send dragons to me (BurittoKimasan) through 1t PAs as soon as I've acknowledged your order, or latest by 2300, 9 March (FR time). Feel free to send them batch by batch, in case your lair doesn't have enough space!


Available for Flight Rising Undertides only. Max two (2) dragons per slot!

Style: Lined, Flat colour; YCH style

Size: 5" by 6", resize for dragon bios/signature also available (just ask!)

Base price: 250 levels / 400g/kt

General: 20 levels / 30g/kt
Line-breaking Tert: 30 levels / 50g/kt

Skin/Accent (depending on complexity): 65-130 levels / 100-200g/kt

Apparel (up to 3, please specify with exact apparel item name and location, e.g. Black Head Bow on head): 30 levels / 50g/kt

Slots (Push week)
1. CrazyBat
2. DismasYves
3. PinyonKit
4. WhisperingThief
5. LunaraGK
6. Ianthe69 (x2)
7. Dragonsmom (x2)
8. Marchwarden
9. Ideamutt
Available Primaries wrote:
Available Secondaries wrote:
Available Tertiaries wrote:
Adopts wrote:

What: Undertide Noodle Bowl

Payment: Levels/Treasure/Gems/Mixed (be specific^^)

Dragon (Undertide only!): (insert widget/link)

Skin/Accent? Yes/No

Apparel? (up to 3) No/Yes (specify: e.g. Black Head Bow on head)

Bowl Colour/Pattern: (If none specified, I will choose from the dragon's colours!)

Special requests: (e.g. Flip the adopt to face the right)

Thank you for stopping by!
I have 200 dragons
to write lore for

[center][size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B]Rashakiro[/color][/font][/b][/size][/center] [center][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic][size=5][b]Pixel adopts[/b][/size][/color][/font] [center]Open![/center] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center][center][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [br][b]Prices:[/b] Base – 90 levels Apparel – ~5-20 lvls/piece Skins/accents – ~15-50 lvls [br][b]Info: [/b] • You can send the levels to me or an attendant! • No limit on dragons per order • Please give me up to two weeks to complete your adopt, can be longer if there are a lot of orders • Flipping the pics and resizing to fit the sig can be done at request • While most normal adopts have eyes closed, you can request them drawn open, with no charge • Link back to [url=]my shop[/url] is appreciated! [center][size=6][i][b][font=century gothic][color=#2F2F2F]Slots: [/color][/font][/b][/i][/size] Unlimited! Will add more slots as they are filled 1. Neptunelycan 2. Elwine 3. Kirmon64 4. SomaJean 5. bubbaberriboo 6. Ianthe69 7. nekrateholic 8. WangGae 9. winterbright 10. Emmahaa 11. Yellllowstar 12. tkrb 13. [/center] [center][size=6][font=century gothic][i][b][color=#2F2F2F]Order Form:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size][/center] [code]@Rashakiro [b]Dragon/s:[/b] [b]Apparel/skins:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [/code]
Pixel adopts

0CC0CvP.png3iY3n2c.png QwYnUvC.png JPGZIHm.png
wJujbT6.png 8iDo4PQ.pngUt5l0tq.png UZx9ncy.png
M7Xi3ql.pngvjEyZeP.png ABzD8Ql.pngJ4KqTUp.png yrVxL2S.png

Base – 90 levels
Apparel – ~5-20 lvls/piece
Skins/accents – ~15-50 lvls

• You can send the levels to me or an attendant!
• No limit on dragons per order
• Please give me up to two weeks to complete your adopt, can be longer if there are a lot of orders
• Flipping the pics and resizing to fit the sig can be done at request
• While most normal adopts have eyes closed, you can request them drawn open, with no charge
• Link back to my shop is appreciated!


Unlimited! Will add more slots as they are filled

1. Neptunelycan
2. Elwine
3. Kirmon64
4. SomaJean
5. bubbaberriboo
6. Ianthe69
7. nekrateholic
8. WangGae
9. winterbright
10. Emmahaa
11. Yellllowstar
12. tkrb
Order Form:
@Rashakiro [b]Dragon/s:[/b] [b]Apparel/skins:[/b] [b]Other:[/b]
[center][size=7][b][font=century gothic][color=#DC7F9B]AchromaticPossum[/color][/font][/b][/size][/center] FR+15 | SLOTS ONLY hello! first time doing foddart - please send all fodder to a water attendant! [center][size=6][i][b][font=century gothic][color=#2F2F2F]Slots:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size] 1. PtolemyII 2. Saskia 3. sm06sm [/center] [b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Flats || Price: 500 levels [/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] Flat shading [*] Turnover time: ~1 day [/list] [img][/img] [b][size=5][color=#DC7F9B][font=century gothic]Fully rendered || Price: 1k levels[/font][/color][/b] [color=#2F2F2F][b]Details:[/b][/color] [list][*] Turnover time 2-4 days [/list] [img][/img] [center][size=6][font=century gothic][i][b][color=#2F2F2F]Order Form:[/color][/font][/b][/i][/size][/center] [code]@AchromaticPossum [b]Dragon / OC:[/b] (post or link to your dragon or OC refs) [b]Details:[/b] [b]Type of Commission:[/b] [/code]

hello! first time doing foddart - please send all fodder to a water attendant!

1. PtolemyII
2. Saskia
3. sm06sm

Flats || Price: 500 levels

  • Flat shading
  • Turnover time: ~1 day


Fully rendered || Price: 1k levels

  • Turnover time 2-4 days


Order Form:
@AchromaticPossum [b]Dragon / OC:[/b] (post or link to your dragon or OC refs) [b]Details:[/b] [b]Type of Commission:[/b]
nAMgJOV.png camilo | they/it
.about me
.skin shop
(If I'm not supposed to submit this yet, LMK and I'll delete comment.)

Accent: lilypad lover
Payment method: Gems ^^
(If I'm not supposed to submit this yet, LMK and I'll delete comment.)

Accent: lilypad lover
Payment method: Gems ^^
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 48 49