SillyFilly's Clan
The lights are on but no one's home (so welcome home)
Clan Info

by lgbtqtext on tumblr!
DRAGONOMICS!!! food - treasure - gems - rate
doodle art thread (linking 4 myself so I can work on stuff later!!!)
i like to buy up apparel from the TMP and resell them for higher in gems. if you see a listing of mine and want to buy it for the OG treasure price, lmk <3
PM if interested in selling the above UMS!
I offer 800 gems, but can go higher :-D
pretend the gif below says whatever day of the week it is you're reading it ok vvv

I will redo my bio to look good. one day! pinkie promise I swear!
PM if interested in selling the above UMS!
I offer 800 gems, but can go higher :-D
![]() |
vsauce! monty here and i have never had a single coherent thought in my brain other than a rotating image of whatever my current hyperfixation is current hyperfixation: um take a look below |
pretend the gif below says whatever day of the week it is you're reading it ok vvv

I will redo my bio to look good. one day! pinkie promise I swear!

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get boolean free wit this One weir d trick the eleven don't want to tell u bout
1) hold yuor breath for 5 secs
2) clos youe eyes 5 times
3) clap your hands 5 times
5) copy & paste this and post it under this thread
If yuo go to trading post and go to pinkerton, yuo'll get a free boolean!! enyoj!
(Disclaimer: This post is satire, based on copypastas. This will not grant you a Boolean. Do not actually follow the directions. Unless ya want to, I don't judge)