[B] 8000g @ 1:990t (ONLINE)

Gem4567's Clan
0 means having the opportunity to grow! - Churyu 2k17
Clan Info
PSA to all Artists: If you do not see your art piece in my dragon's bio, I'm in the middle of organizing

Art Shop (under renovation) | Wishlist | Clan Lore and History

"This is like some episode of a soap opera, just with dragons." - MadaraRising 2k17

Lair Art by totem
During the creation of this world, life sprang from the Eleven's very bodies, giving rise to new lands and territories each with distinct characteristics that segregated them from one another.
The blood of the Tidelord became a vast sea which boasted armored behemoths and plentiful food sources. The hide of the Icewarden became a crystalline and fragile foundation that gave rise to heavily furred packs of hardened species, and the fur of the Gladekeeper created a jungle of prospering organisms, masters of camouflage constantly evolving. At the time of the conception, the Flamecaller shed her blood and body to give rise to the first born children that would rule the land while she and her brethren would be in deep slumber. The land blackened with the smoldering flesh, and gave way to molten magma that bubbled up from below the cracked earth. Her blood morphed into various shapes and gradually gave way to life upon the land. It was in this way that the first dragons graced the world. From one of these many scattered droplets sprang a bloody red giant, dubbed a Guardian by the Tidelord in later times. He looked down at his claws as he rose from his slumbering position in an almost curious manner.
'What am I?'
'Why am I here?'
As the simple sentences danced in his mind repeatedly, a voice echoed from within.
'You are one of the firsts, my child. Go. Bring glory to your parent. Find what it is you seek.'
He was calm as he spoke to the gentle elder,
'What is my name?'
'Diablo. Ruler of the Evil that may befall our Flight, and the one who brings justice to them.'
The blood of the Tidelord became a vast sea which boasted armored behemoths and plentiful food sources. The hide of the Icewarden became a crystalline and fragile foundation that gave rise to heavily furred packs of hardened species, and the fur of the Gladekeeper created a jungle of prospering organisms, masters of camouflage constantly evolving. At the time of the conception, the Flamecaller shed her blood and body to give rise to the first born children that would rule the land while she and her brethren would be in deep slumber. The land blackened with the smoldering flesh, and gave way to molten magma that bubbled up from below the cracked earth. Her blood morphed into various shapes and gradually gave way to life upon the land. It was in this way that the first dragons graced the world. From one of these many scattered droplets sprang a bloody red giant, dubbed a Guardian by the Tidelord in later times. He looked down at his claws as he rose from his slumbering position in an almost curious manner.
'What am I?'
'Why am I here?'
As the simple sentences danced in his mind repeatedly, a voice echoed from within.
'You are one of the firsts, my child. Go. Bring glory to your parent. Find what it is you seek.'
He was calm as he spoke to the gentle elder,
'What is my name?'
'Diablo. Ruler of the Evil that may befall our Flight, and the one who brings justice to them.'

Turkeysona by Pocketss
Hi everyone! I'm Gem~ You can call me Gemmie or anything you want that I remind you of. I'm a very old...old player (I joined on FlightRising's opening day!) who takes multiple hiatuses so excuse my lack of presence at times. The lovely turkey above is my Turkeysona lovingly made by pocketss for me, so to make your day a little brighter, if I message you or you message me, just imagine you're talking to a turkey. A magical sorceress turkey with a pointy knife at the end of her staff. Or a potato either one works for me.
A little about me: I am a recent Biomed Engineering graduate and hopeful medical school candidate so I'm more than a little bit busy. I've adored pet sites since I was very young but now have pretty much settled on here! As for hobbies I am an avid lore writer as well as artist of practically everything, and greatly enjoy worldbuilding, gardening, and reading all sorts of fantastical things. I am Fire Flight Forever, and while I don't think I'll be thinking of vacationing anytime soon if I do it'll have to be in Light.
After 6 years of being on here, I am proud to have kept a rather small lair of very important dragons, the center of which are my progens Diablo and Whirlpool, who could never be replaced.

Visit my FR Family!
FR has become so much a part of my life that I’ve managed to forge lifelong friendships with some wonderful people. I consider them my blood family even though some of us are whole oceans away~ I love you guys!!!

Visit one of my old dragons, Hallow! He loves visitors!
After 3 years of his company, I sold my very first egg hatch I had on here on 5-28-2016. It was a difficult decision but I felt that he should go to someone who would feel happiest with him. I loved and still love him and he will never leave my heart. Stop by to visit him and his owner Razzles!


~x~ Obtain everything on my wishlist apparel, familiar, and gene wise
~x~ [24/100] Have Onis reach 100 pieces of quality art, not including adopts
~x~ [14/43] Complete all my front dragons’ biographies including coding and lore
~x~ [0/6] Complete all my Specialty dragons’ biographies including coding and lore
~x~ [24/100] Have Onis reach 100 pieces of quality art, not including adopts
~x~ [14/43] Complete all my front dragons’ biographies including coding and lore
~x~ [0/6] Complete all my Specialty dragons’ biographies including coding and lore

Personal Goals Completed

Earned 3124 Embers as of 9/1/2017 Flameforger's


Reminders And Links

Art IOU-
-Baelfin ~ Fon
-ghostmarch ~ Tarralin and Caulindra
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My discord is roυveιn#5805 now if you wanted to ever chat, I’m sorry I’ve been so inactive and unable to reach out.