gijinka a dragon above you

ShiftingFoxx's Clan
`` You'll never get anywhere if you never open a door ``
Clan Info

My EXALT name is BOINK (spelled Boink)
The Great Alphys Caper:
An Undertale Fanderg Quest
An Undertale Fanderg Quest
Greetings, and welcome to the clan of Bane. A clan of hunters and huntresses, veterans of hardship and war, and skilled craftsdragons of the like. Situated in the dense forests of the Grove, Bane is one with the landscape and generally prefers to blend in with the natural surroundings. The Clan of Bane is led by Midnight, a hardworking and perpetually grumpy Fae that has a predjuce twoards specifically the Mirror breed and has a love for children. Her closest members include mostly those of smaller breeds like Nocturne, or larger breeds like Imperials and Coatls. Such members are found in Sapphire, an orphan with the ability to control powerful shadow-mist that was adopted and trained by Midnight, Lester,a mutated Nocturne dragon whose face most of his wings was birnt off by acid, and newly a dragon that carries a disease from the Wyrmwound and has been through hardships for far too long, Xenea. Some of Xenea's children have been reunited with him at long last, among these are his son Stormcloud, his daughter Unique, and his adopted daughter Amesse.
Hello, It is dream derg time I will kill for these dragons OC wise because none of them exist yet

Skydancer Female |Beige Jupiter| Garnet Safari | Avocado Veined | Nature Faceted

Nocturne Female | Coal Falcon | Emerald Bee | Swamp Koi | Earth Unusual

Imperial Male | Tan Cherub | Flaxen Bee | Copper Veined | Plague Rare
I am a Roleplayer, Feel free to invite to roleplays! I'm +2 FR Time! And Remember: I HoArD aLl ThE bRuShY bOiS!
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Tysm again!